269953 WH17E - CITV CLERK � ��q..` .r '~ PINK . - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council �".�:`.r�e:1��:� - CANARV - DEPAR7MENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ,- ouncil Resolution Presented By j Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Mr. Ke�neth L. Chapdelaine, IOg13 Radisson Dr., Bu��sville Minnesota, 55337. is owner of 276 Nugent and has been assessed for refuse removal at the aforementloned address, WHEREAS, the owner did not request nor have knowledge of said service, now therefore, be it, RESOLVED, that K. L. Chapdelaine be refunded $41.84 f ran the Solid Waste Collection Fund. mkb COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Publ ic Works Hozza [n Favor Hunt ' Levine � __ Against BY � � S lvester Daniei J. Dun rd, Direct r (JFS/RRA) Y Tedesco $ ��77 Form Approved by City ttor ey Adopted b ouncil: Date �CT � Cert ed Pass oun ' SecretarY BY I ed by 17ay ate �CT `� 9 19 Appr d by Mayor for Submis ion t ouncil g By PUBUSNED OCj 22 �gT ' ' � ° OM Ol: I2�3�75 , , Rev. : 9/8/7f �, � EXPLANATION OF ADMTNTSTRATIVE OR�ERS, RE,SOLUTIONS, AND O�llti�i�TCES � ' `�, , Date: September 3Q, 1977 ' ; TO: MAYO� GE�RGE LATIMER £', .� . "', 3 � � ..I,-� FR: Roge� Anderson, Pubi ic Wbrks (298-5505) �.g+`� ,;' ,.�; y P�'rN�tl,# � RE: , Refunds of belinquent Refuse Assessment ,:� ACTI�N REQUESTED: �o approve the refund for Qelinquent Refuse Assessment � - chsrges on property statement of owner who did not request such services. _ ,; PURPOSE AND RATIONAI,E FOR THTS ACTION: Refuse col tect ion services were r�ndere to 276 Nuge�t at the request of one ~ Joseph Ketter. The cwner did not request Ror . . have knawiedge of this service and requesLs a refund. We have not been abte to iocate Mr. . Keller. ' • ATTACH�I�IJTS: ReSO1 Ut i on JFS/RRA/mkb