01-441Council File # � � � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presencea Referred To Committee Date Green Sheet #_106837, C: RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the Internafional Association of Fire Fighters Loca1 21 to establish a Hazardous Materials premium for employees assigned to a designated Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. Requested by Depaztment of; � ��� •.. • -. �. .// ,�`/ l/ 1 ,���//1/ •— /..,, ��. � Off e of Labor Relarions By: Form App ved by ttorney $y: � �- ` `—�( Y/ Approve or for Su i sio to Council � 1 � � Adopted by Council: Date 1' \ c� � O Adoption Certified by Council Secre DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCQ._ LABOR RELATIONS CONTACT PEBSON & PHONE: JiJLIE KRAUS 266-6513 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENAA BY (DATE� m� a, aoo f TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE DATE INLTIATED o � -�y t Apri123, 2001 GREEN SHEET No.: 106837 � ATE INiTTAUDATE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMIIdT DIIL 4 CITY COUI3CII. NIIINBEg 2 CITY ATTORNEY C1TY CLII2K FOR BI]DGEI' DIIL FIN. ffi MGT. SERVICE DIR. RQUTING 3MAYOR(ORASSZ) / �/,dl.^ OitnEx ��J"�7 acrtox xEQiJxsrF,n: This resolution approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 21 to establish a Hazardous Materiai premium for employees assigned to a designated Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Re}ect {R) _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVII. SERVICE COMbIISSION _CIB COMMI'11'EE STAFF �DISIRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB3EC"ISVE? PSRSONAL SERVICE CONTitACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOW WG QUE5ITONS: I. Haz this penon/Srm ever worked under a contract for tlils deparunenY? Yes No 2. Has this pecwolfimt ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimt possess a skill not nocmally possessed by any culrent ciry Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTAI7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORIT7NI1'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Fire Department nesded to establish an Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. The tranaing and expertise required of the members is comparaUle to the Hazardous Materials Response Unit. The Advanced Training Rescue Unit was established in the Fall of 2000. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Members of the unit will receive a premium pay commensurate with the requirements of the job. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVAN'CAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Potential staffing problems in this unit. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACS'ION: $30�000 FUNDING SOURCE: OOI FINANC7AL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIt� The cost will be absorbed in the Fire Departmern Salary Budget. ��� `�� � h :} COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED: Y0S AcrrvmmmiBER: OS12O o t �wy1 � MEMORANBUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understauding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this ��ay of AP�-, i, 2001, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "Ciry"), and the Intemational Associataon of Fire Fighters, Locai 21 (hereinafter "Loca121 ") to modify section 31.4 of the 2000 - 2001 Collective Bazgaiuing Agzeement between the City and Locat 21. The parties understand and agree to the following: 1. Section 31.4 of the Collecrive Bargaining Agreement shall be modified as follows: 31.4 Premium Pay for Hazardous Materials. Any employee who is assigned to a designated hazardous materials response unit or a designated advanced technical rescue unit or who is permanently appointed as a Fire Training Assistant shall be paid a differential of eight percent (8%) of hisAier regular base rate. Effective January 1, 1994, this premiuxn pay shall be increased seven dollars and seventy-two cents ($7.72) bi-weekly. 2. Payment of this premium pay to members of a designated advanced technical rescue • unit shall be made retroactive to January 1, 2001 for those members employed as of date of the signing of this Memorandum. It is ag�-eed by all parties to this MOU that this modification to section 31.4 will be included in the next Collecfive Bazgauung Agreement between the City and Loca121. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C J �` `_'' Tez Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: �'�`�`-� ' �-1' 7ohn McCornrick Assistant City Attornep II3TERNATIONAL A5SOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 21 '�' �!� � Dick Leitner Pr 'dent _ ��� � Pairic Smith Secretary !� ��i�— J hn Wegl Ltner Treasurer 0�-��1. � • MEMORANDTJM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understauding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this ��ay of AP2�t. 2001, by and between the Ciry of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Intemafional Associarion of Fire Fighters, Local 21 (hereinafter "Loca121 ") to modify section 31.4 of the 2000 - 2001 Collective Bargaining A�eement between the City and Locai 21. The parties understand and agree to the foilowing: 1. Section 31.4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement sha11 be modified as foliows: 31.4 Premium Pay for Hazardous Materials. Any employee who is assigned to a designated hazardous materials response unit or a designated advanced technical rescue unit or who is permanently appointed as a Fire Training Assistant sha11 be paid a differential of eight percent (8%) of hislher regulaz base rate. Effective January 1, 1994, this premium pay sha11 be increased seven dollazs and seventy-two cents ($7.72) bi-weekly. 2. Payment of this prexnium pay to members of a designated advanced techrucal rescue �,n;t sha11 be made retroactive to January 1, 2001 for those members empioyed as of date of the signing of this Memorandum. It is agreed by al1 parties to this MOU that this modification to section 31.4 will be included in the next Collective Bazgaining Agreement between the City and Locai Z 1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � - ____- Te Haitiner Labor RelaYions Manager Approved as to form: J '�`-�`� ` � 7ohn McCormick Assistant City Attomey INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 21 '�..,C��� Dick Leitner Pr 'dent '� 1� t Patri Smith Secretary . G �� 7 hn Wegl rtner Treasurer � Council File # � � � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presencea Referred To Committee Date Green Sheet #_106837, C: RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the Internafional Association of Fire Fighters Loca1 21 to establish a Hazardous Materials premium for employees assigned to a designated Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. Requested by Depaztment of; � ��� •.. • -. �. .// ,�`/ l/ 1 ,���//1/ •— /..,, ��. � Off e of Labor Relarions By: Form App ved by ttorney $y: � �- ` `—�( Y/ Approve or for Su i sio to Council � 1 � � Adopted by Council: Date 1' \ c� � O Adoption Certified by Council Secre DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCQ._ LABOR RELATIONS CONTACT PEBSON & PHONE: JiJLIE KRAUS 266-6513 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENAA BY (DATE� m� a, aoo f TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE DATE INLTIATED o � -�y t Apri123, 2001 GREEN SHEET No.: 106837 � ATE INiTTAUDATE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMIIdT DIIL 4 CITY COUI3CII. NIIINBEg 2 CITY ATTORNEY C1TY CLII2K FOR BI]DGEI' DIIL FIN. ffi MGT. SERVICE DIR. RQUTING 3MAYOR(ORASSZ) / �/,dl.^ OitnEx ��J"�7 acrtox xEQiJxsrF,n: This resolution approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 21 to establish a Hazardous Materiai premium for employees assigned to a designated Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Re}ect {R) _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVII. SERVICE COMbIISSION _CIB COMMI'11'EE STAFF �DISIRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB3EC"ISVE? PSRSONAL SERVICE CONTitACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOW WG QUE5ITONS: I. Haz this penon/Srm ever worked under a contract for tlils deparunenY? Yes No 2. Has this pecwolfimt ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimt possess a skill not nocmally possessed by any culrent ciry Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTAI7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORIT7NI1'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Fire Department nesded to establish an Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. The tranaing and expertise required of the members is comparaUle to the Hazardous Materials Response Unit. The Advanced Training Rescue Unit was established in the Fall of 2000. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Members of the unit will receive a premium pay commensurate with the requirements of the job. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVAN'CAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Potential staffing problems in this unit. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACS'ION: $30�000 FUNDING SOURCE: OOI FINANC7AL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIt� The cost will be absorbed in the Fire Departmern Salary Budget. ��� `�� � h :} COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED: Y0S AcrrvmmmiBER: OS12O o t �wy1 � MEMORANBUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understauding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this ��ay of AP�-, i, 2001, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "Ciry"), and the Intemational Associataon of Fire Fighters, Locai 21 (hereinafter "Loca121 ") to modify section 31.4 of the 2000 - 2001 Collective Bazgaiuing Agzeement between the City and Locat 21. The parties understand and agree to the following: 1. Section 31.4 of the Collecrive Bargaining Agreement shall be modified as follows: 31.4 Premium Pay for Hazardous Materials. Any employee who is assigned to a designated hazardous materials response unit or a designated advanced technical rescue unit or who is permanently appointed as a Fire Training Assistant shall be paid a differential of eight percent (8%) of hisAier regular base rate. Effective January 1, 1994, this premiuxn pay shall be increased seven dollars and seventy-two cents ($7.72) bi-weekly. 2. Payment of this premium pay to members of a designated advanced technical rescue • unit shall be made retroactive to January 1, 2001 for those members employed as of date of the signing of this Memorandum. It is ag�-eed by all parties to this MOU that this modification to section 31.4 will be included in the next Collecfive Bazgauung Agreement between the City and Loca121. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C J �` `_'' Tez Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: �'�`�`-� ' �-1' 7ohn McCornrick Assistant City Attornep II3TERNATIONAL A5SOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 21 '�' �!� � Dick Leitner Pr 'dent _ ��� � Pairic Smith Secretary !� ��i�— J hn Wegl Ltner Treasurer 0�-��1. � • MEMORANDTJM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understauding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this ��ay of AP2�t. 2001, by and between the Ciry of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Intemafional Associarion of Fire Fighters, Local 21 (hereinafter "Loca121 ") to modify section 31.4 of the 2000 - 2001 Collective Bargaining A�eement between the City and Locai 21. The parties understand and agree to the foilowing: 1. Section 31.4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement sha11 be modified as foliows: 31.4 Premium Pay for Hazardous Materials. Any employee who is assigned to a designated hazardous materials response unit or a designated advanced technical rescue unit or who is permanently appointed as a Fire Training Assistant sha11 be paid a differential of eight percent (8%) of hislher regulaz base rate. Effective January 1, 1994, this premium pay sha11 be increased seven dollazs and seventy-two cents ($7.72) bi-weekly. 2. Payment of this prexnium pay to members of a designated advanced techrucal rescue �,n;t sha11 be made retroactive to January 1, 2001 for those members empioyed as of date of the signing of this Memorandum. It is agreed by al1 parties to this MOU that this modification to section 31.4 will be included in the next Collective Bazgaining Agreement between the City and Locai Z 1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � - ____- Te Haitiner Labor RelaYions Manager Approved as to form: J '�`-�`� ` � 7ohn McCormick Assistant City Attomey INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 21 '�..,C��� Dick Leitner Pr 'dent '� 1� t Patri Smith Secretary . G �� 7 hn Wegl rtner Treasurer � Council File # � � � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presencea Referred To Committee Date Green Sheet #_106837, C: RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the Internafional Association of Fire Fighters Loca1 21 to establish a Hazardous Materials premium for employees assigned to a designated Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. Requested by Depaztment of; � ��� •.. • -. �. .// ,�`/ l/ 1 ,���//1/ •— /..,, ��. � Off e of Labor Relarions By: Form App ved by ttorney $y: � �- ` `—�( Y/ Approve or for Su i sio to Council � 1 � � Adopted by Council: Date 1' \ c� � O Adoption Certified by Council Secre DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCQ._ LABOR RELATIONS CONTACT PEBSON & PHONE: JiJLIE KRAUS 266-6513 MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENAA BY (DATE� m� a, aoo f TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE DATE INLTIATED o � -�y t Apri123, 2001 GREEN SHEET No.: 106837 � ATE INiTTAUDATE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMIIdT DIIL 4 CITY COUI3CII. NIIINBEg 2 CITY ATTORNEY C1TY CLII2K FOR BI]DGEI' DIIL FIN. ffi MGT. SERVICE DIR. RQUTING 3MAYOR(ORASSZ) / �/,dl.^ OitnEx ��J"�7 acrtox xEQiJxsrF,n: This resolution approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Saint Paul and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 21 to establish a Hazardous Materiai premium for employees assigned to a designated Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Re}ect {R) _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVII. SERVICE COMbIISSION _CIB COMMI'11'EE STAFF �DISIRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB3EC"ISVE? PSRSONAL SERVICE CONTitACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOW WG QUE5ITONS: I. Haz this penon/Srm ever worked under a contract for tlils deparunenY? Yes No 2. Has this pecwolfimt ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fimt possess a skill not nocmally possessed by any culrent ciry Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTAI7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORIT7NI1'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Fire Department nesded to establish an Advanced Technical Rescue Unit. The tranaing and expertise required of the members is comparaUle to the Hazardous Materials Response Unit. The Advanced Training Rescue Unit was established in the Fall of 2000. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Members of the unit will receive a premium pay commensurate with the requirements of the job. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVAN'CAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Potential staffing problems in this unit. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACS'ION: $30�000 FUNDING SOURCE: OOI FINANC7AL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIt� The cost will be absorbed in the Fire Departmern Salary Budget. ��� `�� � h :} COSTlREVENUEBUDGETED: Y0S AcrrvmmmiBER: OS12O o t �wy1 � MEMORANBUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understauding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this ��ay of AP�-, i, 2001, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "Ciry"), and the Intemational Associataon of Fire Fighters, Locai 21 (hereinafter "Loca121 ") to modify section 31.4 of the 2000 - 2001 Collective Bazgaiuing Agzeement between the City and Locat 21. The parties understand and agree to the following: 1. Section 31.4 of the Collecrive Bargaining Agreement shall be modified as follows: 31.4 Premium Pay for Hazardous Materials. Any employee who is assigned to a designated hazardous materials response unit or a designated advanced technical rescue unit or who is permanently appointed as a Fire Training Assistant shall be paid a differential of eight percent (8%) of hisAier regular base rate. Effective January 1, 1994, this premiuxn pay shall be increased seven dollars and seventy-two cents ($7.72) bi-weekly. 2. Payment of this premium pay to members of a designated advanced technical rescue • unit shall be made retroactive to January 1, 2001 for those members employed as of date of the signing of this Memorandum. It is ag�-eed by all parties to this MOU that this modification to section 31.4 will be included in the next Collecfive Bazgauung Agreement between the City and Loca121. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C J �` `_'' Tez Haltiner Labor Relations Manager Approved as to form: �'�`�`-� ' �-1' 7ohn McCornrick Assistant City Attornep II3TERNATIONAL A5SOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 21 '�' �!� � Dick Leitner Pr 'dent _ ��� � Pairic Smith Secretary !� ��i�— J hn Wegl Ltner Treasurer 0�-��1. � • MEMORANDTJM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understauding (hereinafter "MOU") is made and entered into this ��ay of AP2�t. 2001, by and between the Ciry of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City"), and the Intemafional Associarion of Fire Fighters, Local 21 (hereinafter "Loca121 ") to modify section 31.4 of the 2000 - 2001 Collective Bargaining A�eement between the City and Locai 21. The parties understand and agree to the foilowing: 1. Section 31.4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement sha11 be modified as foliows: 31.4 Premium Pay for Hazardous Materials. Any employee who is assigned to a designated hazardous materials response unit or a designated advanced technical rescue unit or who is permanently appointed as a Fire Training Assistant sha11 be paid a differential of eight percent (8%) of hislher regulaz base rate. Effective January 1, 1994, this premium pay sha11 be increased seven dollazs and seventy-two cents ($7.72) bi-weekly. 2. Payment of this prexnium pay to members of a designated advanced techrucal rescue �,n;t sha11 be made retroactive to January 1, 2001 for those members empioyed as of date of the signing of this Memorandum. It is agreed by al1 parties to this MOU that this modification to section 31.4 will be included in the next Collective Bazgaining Agreement between the City and Locai Z 1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � - ____- Te Haitiner Labor RelaYions Manager Approved as to form: J '�`-�`� ` � 7ohn McCormick Assistant City Attomey INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 21 '�..,C��� Dick Leitner Pr 'dent '� 1� t Patri Smith Secretary . G �� 7 hn Wegl rtner Treasurer �