269930 WHITE — CITV CLERK � �+ s�,t�-"� PINK — FINANCE . � TT ,COUIICII '� i�.��=' � CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF �SA I NT PA V L BLUE — MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does certify that there is available for appropriation $2,200 in the General Revenue Fund in Fund Balance-Dedicated, Charter Commission and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1977 Budget: , Financing Summary Operation and Maintenance General Revenue Fund Balance-Dedicated Charter Commission $2,200 Appropriation Summary Operation and Maintenance General Government-Miscellaneous Charter Commission - Postage 09145-221-000 $ 700 Printing 09145-241-000 1,500 $2,200 Therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the Mayor's recommendation a,nd adopts the above additions to the 1977 Budget. Approved as to funding: Approved: � _ � �- ��1� f��� e o inanc & M na e d et Di tor COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested byDepartment of: Butler � In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine � __ Against BY � Roedler Sylvester Adopt y Council: Date — OCT � � 1977 Form Approved City t ney rtified Pass y Cou .il Secretary• BY • Ap by Mayor: Date � OCT .19 �g77 Approv by Mayor for b ' s' n to Council B BY �„►o�►�uFn (�G� 2% 197.7 . a; ;. �• . . ; �!'��� :c� a�.: �a/i��� , _ �v. . �/s f��: EXPLANATION O�' ADiKSNI3TRATIVE QRDERS, � ' � RESOLLITIONS, AND ORDII�IAN�E5 - Q�� . _ . , ;< D+3t@: Octobe� 4, 1977 , �'�i ; • � , .� . ` �_ � .,r� . �'��� �� � �;,.. , . .. • ti ��, . _ .TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER _ ��� � FR:, Ronald K13.n� k�E; ,Supplemental Appropriation for the Charter C�mmission �iCTI4N REQUE�TED: , . ` : � , Your. approval o� this resolut�,an �or subaaission to the City Cavneii is regu�ste@. P�R�4SE AND RATIONALE FOR TF�iS ACTZON: .�. _�____-- ____--_ .Th.e purpose �or this buc�c�et k7rans�er i,s to provide additional funds for �tnfore- seen expenses. The Citg Attorney's Offic� is: currently rewarking and� rewriting : the City Charter and several copies of �he:new do�ument will be print�id; the ' cost of "printinq this: document is corre�tly chargeable_ to the Charter Cammis$ion's • dedicated funds. Also, the adopted budget pravided no appropriation �pr postage., , yet tlie rewrite o� the Gharter Greated the need for.a mailing. . , �t is propo�ed the fui1ding for this appropriation be transferr,ed from.the ' � Cha��er Ccmrat�.ssion's dedicated fund balance; the amount in this fund balance � is currently $12,810. � , ;: � _ ATTACHMEN�S: Proposed Council Reso�i�tion