269929 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE TF' COURCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL File NO. ����1� BLUE - MAVOR � f�s � Co n il Resolution _ Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I�ESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates and hours indicated on the application, be and the same are hereby granted. St. Casimirs Ushers Club 934 E. Geranium 13ingo 48 Pds. Appn. 18414 Renew St. Paul Council 397 K. C. 408 Atain St. Bingo-2 add'1 pd�� 18904 Renew Frogtown Forum, Inc. 911 Lafond Bingo 1 Pd. 18907 New COUNCIL:NEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler }C7 In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Roedler Sylves � see Ad ed by Council: Date Q� � 8 �97 Form Approved by City Attorney i CertiEied Pa; - y Cou . Secretary BY Approv b � :Vla r: Da CT A r ed by Mayor for 'ssion to Councii By BY puB��stit� 0 G� 2 L 1977