269926 WHI7E - GITV CLERK � i(v�.��;'.�{TJ,�_ PINK - FINANCE � TT COUIICll ���"-"" CANpRP- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA l.l L � �BLUE -MAVOR � Flle NO. wr • / �/ ' / W Z/`�/LCG Ordinance N O. ' b�YJ( � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Seetion l. Section 60.573 (a) of the Ssint Paul Legislative Code is here- by amended to read as follows: "a. The parking lot �hall be accessory to, and for use in connection withL one or more businesses, e�-��- d�tet��a�-es�al9��e�►e��e- industries, institutions, or multi-family residences containinct four (4) or -- more dwe,llincx units,` located in adjoining 79ttet�ess e�-��e�t�e���a� districts=-e�-��-een�ee��e�-w��ls-e�e e�-�e�e-ex�st�� r-�r�e��bt�tie�se. . There mav be a private drivewav or public street or � public allev between a P-1 district and the district to be served. ° Section 2. Section 60.573 (b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is here- by amended by deleting in its entirety all of Section 60.573 (b) and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "b. The parking lot shall not be used during hours when the principal use is not in operation. During such COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt . Levine Against BY ' Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ������ 2. periods the parking lot shall be inaccessible for public use. When there is a written agreement be- tween two or more buildings or uses to share a park- ing lot in a P-1 district in accordance with Sections 62.103 (e) and 62.103 (f) , then the parking lot may re- main open for all the hours of operations of the buildings or uses. " Section 3. Section 60.573 (c) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "c. The �a�3e��g parkinq lot shall be used solely for park- ing of private passenger vehicles, �e�-ge��e�s-e�-�e� �te�e-��a�-e�e--��}-e�a� and shall not be used as an off-street loading area. " Section 4. Section 61.101 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: " (a) See Sections 61.102 (a) and 61.102 (b) �e�-6��e-=da��a- ��e�- regarding flexibility allowances. " Section 5. The title of Section 61.102 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "61.102 LOT SIZE i�AR�AtP�9i�" Section 6. A new subsection is hereby added to Section 61.102 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and reads as follows: � o' , � ���.l�� —�'�1y��.�. �• "c. Division/Subdivision/Partial Conveyance: A lot or parcel shall not be divided or subdivided and part of a lot or parcel shall not be conveyed unless and until the following conditions have been met: (1) All lots or parcels created by division, by subdivision, or by conveyance of part of a lot or parcel, shall meet the requirements of SECTION 61.101-61.104 "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS" . (2) Any such division, subdivision, or conveyance of part of a lot or parcel, shall be reviewed and approved by the zoning administrator for compliance with this ordinance. (3) All lots or parcels created by division, by subdivision, or by conveyance of part of a lot or parcel, shall be registered with the County Registrar of Deeds. " Section 7. Section 62.102 (e) (3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: " (3) ��-a-'-B'--e�-='�-'-��s���e�-�� If no structural altera- tions are made, any nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and premises, may be changed to another nonconforming use of the same or a more restricted classification provided that the Bea�e�-e�-P�ggea�eT Planninq Commission, either by general rule or by making findings in a specific case, shall find that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than the existing non- conforming use. In permitting such change, the Bee�e�-e�-P���ea�s Plannincr Commission may require appropriate conditions and safeguards in accord with the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. � �:�`��,`��,:F 4. Where a nonconforming use of a structure, land, or structure and land in combinatian is hereafter changed to a more restrictive classification, it shall not thereafter be changed by the Bea�d-ef , Aggea�e Planninct Commission to a less restricted classification under this clause. Decisions of the Bea�e�-e€-A�gea�s Planninq Commission under this section shall be final, subject e���-�e-�t�e��e�a� �e*a}e6a-19�*-a-ee�t��-e€-ee�ge�e��-�t���se��e��e�-19� Ee���e�a��-a�e�-�e�-19�-�F��a�-Be-�e19e to appeal to the Board of Zoninq Appeals in accordance with Section 64.203. ° Section 8. Section 62. 103 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "a. Off-street parking for other than residential use shall be either �l� on the same zoning lot, (2) in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District, or ,�3� within the same district as the principal use and within three hundred (300) feet of the building it is intended to serve, measured from the nearest point of the build- ing to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot. Ownership shall be shown of all lots or parcels intended for use as parking by the applicant. " Section 9. Section 62.103 (b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "b. Residential off-street parking spaces shall consist of a parking strip, parking bay, driveway, garage, or combination thereof e�e�-s�a��-be-�eea�ee�-e�-�ke-p�e�- �ees-�l�e�-a�e-���e�dee�-�e-se��e, and shall be subject ���;�:,� � 5. to the provisions of Section 62. 106 Accessory Buildings of this Ordinance. Parkinq for one and two family residences shall be located on the prem- ises thev are intended to serve. Off-street parkinq for multi-family residences containinct four (4) or more dwellinct units may be located in a P-1 parkinq district. " Section 10. Section 62.103 (c) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting in its entirety all of Section 62.103 (c) , and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "c. Designated or identifiable existing off-street parking areas, accessory to one or more principal uses, struc- tures or facilities, may be changed to another use when the remaining off-street parking meets the re- quirements that this section would impose on new build- ings, for all facilities, structures or uses, including the new use, served by such off-street parking area. When the remaining off-street parking does not meet such requirements, other off-street parking shall be substituted for the parking space changed to another use, and additional off-street parking shall be pro- vided for the new use in accordance with the require- ments of this section. Applications for building permits that involve changing any parking space to another use shall include the following information: (1) All uses, structures or facilities served by such off-street parking space; (2) Tota1 number of parking spaces accessory to such uses, structures or facilities; (3) Number of parking spaces proposed to be changed to another use. " f _ - ��:� ���� i i'�: � 6. Section 11. Section 62. 103 (d) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting in its entirety all of Section 62.103 (d) , and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "d. Off-street parking shall be provided for all new build- ings in accordance with the r�quirements of this section. T�hen existing buildings are enlarged, off-street parking shall be provided for the additional usable floor space or increased intensity of use in accordance with the requirements of this section, unless the existing off- street parking, after the enlargement, meets the requirements that this section would impose on new buildings, for all facilities, structures or uses served by such off-street parking. " Section 12. Section 64.101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 64.101 DUTIES OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this Ordinance and any amendment thereto and shall have the power to certify zoning compliance, to make inspections of buildings or premises necessary to carry out his duties in the enforcement of this Ordinance. It shall be unlawful for the Zoning Administrator to approve any site plans, as required in Section 64.102, or issue any permits for any excavation or construction until he has inspected such plans in detail and found them to conform with this Ordinance. The Zoning Administrator shall record all nonconforming uses existing at the effective date of this Ordinance for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Section 62.102. WH17E — CITV CLERK COIIII�II ������ �PINK — FINANCE � s+ C� � � CAI�ARV= DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � 6LUE —MAYOR File NO. 4 � �- � -� 0 rdindnce ordinance N 0. I�.�,�, I Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 7. The Zoning Administrator shall have no authority to change or to grant variances from the terms of this Ordinance in carrying out his duties as a Zoning Administrator. Upon proper application, and a finding of compliance with the terms of this Ordinance by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator shall issue the permit applied for. Hge�-�e����ea��e�-b�-��e-E�t�-6�e��-e�-a-ge�d��se}-�ese���g, �l�e-Ser�g�e�-Pse����et�a�e�-e�a��-g�aee-ape�-��e-���e��eel-p�ext- �ees-��-a-p�em��e��-ges���e�-a-p����ee�-s�g�-bea���e�-tl�e we�e�s-�re�en�r�g-}�endt�e}-frem-------e�ese�f�eetter�-te------- e�aes���ea��e�='-a�e�.-��e-e�a�e=-���te-a�d-p�aee-e�-�ea���g,--�� �eerge-�ettera,--which-'rgr�-ai�n��-be-pe�ted-f tf teen-de�pa-be- �e�e-�l�e-da�e-e�-�ea���g=-e�e�.-e�gr�-�e-19e-at-�eas�-e�gl��ee�, ]9�-��e���-�e�t�-��8-x-�4}-��e�ee-��-e�$e: Section 13. This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COULVCILMEIV Yeas ' Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted b ouncil: Date ��� 3 1977! Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ' ied P y ounc' Secretary BY � � - Y A r by Mayor: '�� Dl� �r t9rn Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY euBE�sHEO c�ov � � �sfi� . .. � \ � � -i. . . ,. . '.. , ... .. ,, ,r�`'4 ,, ' , � . m�c'�rQ�.� . . .�r �; � , � � �� .ry�� . , , ; . , � , . ����1 , .. . � : �- . t � \ , . . - , � ' , t :� . � . , �;' � � l, \ � � , , ; . . . • � i . r � . ' � = ' . . , : . � . . . . � . ,' � , , . � 9epte�nbs� 6� 197� � , , � � � � ; f , . , , ` , - � . , . r . . , M.s. �£arriet Lansfx2g � ; . � _ , Cizr, .Atto�ney . ' ' F�oosr� fs47, 'Ci�y :�a.7.� . � . r . . SC. Pgu7., 2tftuv�sota . , � . , , � � . Dear ��a: Eaa�ing: � � � . ' j , ( # , ; � Tiie Gity Cbu.icil re7,.��ta that yau r�r�gare tfi� pro��r ord�riaac� p�ovic�in� ' � ` terc� arae�dr:�exit� �a t�h� �oning or 1iu8uce as z�ecorirnancY�d �p �2� �it�+ L�evelo�sca�aC . ; . � a�d'Txan�pnrtatiotl romr.i�rt�e. , . . �Qery C�u7.p youra, x � . _ � , _ � � � . , � • _ , � . Gtt�r �C1.e�rtc � • � � , ; . } A,tiia:d�r . , - . . ` � , �: _ cc: P1�3ng Statf , ,_ . . . . , ., ..'�. . . . .. � . . . ^ . . . � � . � ' . � � � � , � . 1 � . . �. � . � , � � . - . . . '. . , . . . � . � � .. . � . � . �.. . . , . , ' .. � 1 ' .. � � . . I. . . . .. , . , . �•:.. . . . . .� " � . ' . . . � . � �. - .. � . � �, . . � . � � ..� . � .. ' � . � � � • ' . . I, � • � � .. ' i .� � . _� � � � � " . . . . � . . . .. 'rk. � , ` ' , l - : I; . i ' ` i /, _ \ . , � � _ . ' ' � � � ` • . � • , ,. � �� , 1 J . � , , ; ` • \ .` ;:, . � � . � . , ,.. . , � . . �� - �°�i ���-�, _` � . s� �� �� ��� .�. �A �1-i1y{ A ..L L��� ' . - � . I��.�. t�:� . . !`',/• (�•;i ti' Oi F1 CE OF T cT E CIT� GO�C:�.r•,iL :.;�``` ':,_::�:},�-� . . -�._ . - . �,��� � -���_ _1�%/ �Q�ie : 9����7 .�.;::� `, ;:` � � ' -�:_:_� . � � l��; ��'� � � � � � �i � � � � � � , • . . � - _ � t� : ��i�; ���� �i�� �ou� cii� � : �#; � y� °� �fl i�3�3 t 32��ti t)t7 CITY DEVELOPMENT AND-TRANSPOfiTATION � . . _ z .. . , Leonard W. Levinea ci�airman,. rn.ukes fihe ,oiIoY�:rig - - . - .- .. �epor3 orr �.F. - . � Qrclit�anr.e� . . - _ � : • . � � �:�SQIU�tGT! . _: _ - / : . _ . : � ��t18t". - . ._ ' - - - . - � � !�..� : � Amendments to the �Zoni ng Code text - ` -= - . - - - -- . -- - _ , • .: . - - . - . --, � - _ - - - - �� : � The Committee reEOmmends approval :of�amendments to th-e - . _ - -- - . � Zoning Code text as recommended by the. Planning � � : �." ' . Commission at its June 24, 1977, meeting. - _ -. � _ � . '_ � � � (copy attached) , __ .: ._ - - ' � - f , , - . - - . .. • _ _ . . . - _ -_ _ - . . ; - . . ; . - . , . y . _ - , ,:; ,. . : , , . _ ,. .�. � , .,. , , � � � • � � �: ' .,;� `i , � ' `� `% � x . . r �� ... � . � � : ' � 'n. � . . `�� . . � .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .� .���: . . . . . , . .. �4: � � -. � . ' . `� . . . �. . • . .. . .c.� � �.:' .� . ',,. . . � , `�.�A , `,� �i: , , iI a: �t-s � . . . , : . . . . . ., \ . pk; . . . / , . . . . � . . . ' t . . . . . . � . . . � � � . .., � � �,, {,��i . . .. . � � . . ! . . . ��i . _ • . 1 , � ., , , � � � � � � �� '�* �� � , �� •� �� , . � :r :-i . - � . . . � . ' . '' . . . . � � . . � � ��.F . � .. . .. . . i . � - .� ' " . . . � .. . 1 � �� . , . . � � . . . .. . . . . . . . � . . . . '� .. ' i . . . ,\.. . . . .. � - R . , . . / � . � . ; `` , , r �: - . ' _ • ' . . . � !; ; E . ..t. . . � . . . .. .. . . 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'�� _. . � „ � � . - i . � ' � � .. ' . . �. . ' � �� � � ��� _�� ' . . �_ � ' � � '�. . ��f�� �.� ��, _ ' a,� � � , .� j i� .�. � i . . . . ' . . � f�... � . � . ' � � . 1 � ,? .� i ... . ' -,_ `. . ,. . . . ., . � .. . . . . � . � . ,�� .. . �, . r,. ;. , ' � , . , .,.� � ..: . �� ��, � . ., � � , � � . � ... : � � . �f :; . . �.. , .� . ,: .. . . . ;� . .. � ,- ��� . � � , � �� . � - _ . � l • . d i . .�. � .. . . . � . . .. . .. � . .. . . . . � ,. ... .. . . _ .. ... _ ._�... . � -� ` _, , Z� �BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP ' PLANNING COORDINATOR July 28, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Members of the City Council c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear Council Members: Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Planning Canmission recommending a series of zoning code amendments. I am transmitting this action separately to Mayor Latimer. Sincerely, ��� J mes J. Bell Acting Planning Administrator KD/gf Enc. ( , , �. � 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 �o • , . , r � � ^• r J . �� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 7-22 �te June 24, 1977 ' � :� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Planning Commission authorized the , initiation of a 40 acre study to amend chapters 60 and 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code at their regular meeting on April 8, 1977; WHEREAS, the Current Planning Committee of the Planning Conmission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendments and.has recorm�ended them to the Planning Commission for approval ; WHEREAS, pursuant to said chapter � 462.357(5) the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the requested amendments at its regular meeting on May 13, 1977; and WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission has determined: 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the 1 ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents � impractical , � 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, ` i 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this � ordinance proposed are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and � 4. That proper notice and hearing have been given pursuant to state statutes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the zoning code text amendments requested in the 40 acre study and directs the Planning Coordinator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. moved by Otto Hummer c��d � Joseph Pangal ; In faV�Or Unanimous , agalnst- � � � t _ . 60.573 REQUIRED COP�DITIONS: a. The parking lot shall be accessory to, and for use in connection with one or more businesses, e�-�w�ds���a� es�a���sk�ew�sT industries, institution or multi-familv residences containing four or more dwelling units located in ady�'o ing ex#s�#pg s€€�ee �w#��#pgs ew }pg�}�y�}gp5 districts. There may be a private driveway or public street or public alley between such P-1 districts and the district to be served. b. DELETE, SUBSTITUTE The arkin lot shall not be used durin hours when the r.inci al use is not in o erat�on. urin suc erio s.t e ar in �ot s a e inaccessi e for u ic use. en t ere is a written a reement etween two or more ui in s or uses to s are a ar in ot in a � str�ct in accor ance w t sect�on , ara ra s e an o t s or nance . then t e �ar ing ot may remain opep for.a t e ours o operat ons of tFie�uiTdings or uses. c. The parking lot shall be used so�ely for parking of private passenger 'I vehicles, €ew-qew�eds-s€-pe�-�s�e-�qap-epe-E��-day and shall not be used as an off-street loading area. I 61 .102 LOT SIZE (Delete VARIATION) � add I c. Division Subdivision Partial Conve ance: The intent of this subsection c of t is section is to erm�t t e ivision su ivision, or conveyance of parts o � ots or parce s w en t e o owing conditlons are met: (1 ) ALL lots or ar�els resu]tin from division subdivision or conve ance o arts of ots or. arce s must meet t e re uirements o SEC . - C 0 S . (2) All such divisions subdivision or conve ances of arts of lots or parce s, must e approve y t e zoninq a inistrator. (3) ALL lots or arcels resultin from division subdivision or conve ance of arts o ots or parce s, must e reg_istere with t e County Registrar of ee s. 62.102e (3) �w-a-"B-ew-�-B�s�w�E� if no structural a]terations are made, any nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and premises, may be changed to another nonconforming use of the same-or a-more restricted classification provided that the Beaw� e€ A��ea�s Planning Comnission, either by general rule or by making findings in a specific case, shall find that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the district than the existing nonconform#ng use. � i � q � In permitting such change, the Beard e# A��ea�s Plannin Commission may require appropriate conditiops and safeguards n .accor w�— the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. Where a nonconforming use of a structure, land, or structure and land in combination is . hereafter changed to a more restrictive classificatton, it shall not thereafter be changed by the Bea�l .e€ Aq�ea�s Plannin Conmission to a less restricted classification under this clause. ecis ons of the Bea�d-e#-Appea�s Planninc,�Commission under this section shall be final , subject e�y-�e ��i �e#a� rev�ew �y a seuw��s� ee�+qe�ew� 3�w�s�}e��ep-�y 6ew��ewaw� and-pe�-�y-��;a�-Be-Ple�e-appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with section 64.203. 62.103 PARKING REQUIREMENTS a. Off-street parking for other than residential use shall be either (1) on the � same zoning lot, (2) in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District, or-(3) w t�iin i the same district as the principal use and within three hundr.ed (300) feet of the building it is intended to serve, .measured from tbe nearest point , of the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot. Ownership shall be shown of all lots or parcels intended for use as parking by the applicant. b. Residential off-street parking spaces shall _consist of a parktng st�cip,�. parking bay, driveway, garage, or combination thereof ap�-ska��-�e-�esa�e� ew-�qe-pwer��ses-�Hey-a�e-��a�ew�led-�e-se��e, and subject to the provisions of S�CTION 62.106 Accessory Buildings.of this Ordinance. Parkin for one and two famil residences shall be located on the remises t e are ntended to serve. Off-street ar in or mu ti-famil resi ences contain n four or more we ing units may e oca e in a - par inq s r�ct c. DELETE, SUBSTITUTE Desi nated or identifiable existin off-street arkin areas, accessor to one or more rinci a uses structures or aci ities ma be c an e to anot er use w en t e remainin o -s ree ar �n meets t e re ulrements o th�s section for a fac� ities structures or uses inc u in t e new use, serve such o f-street ar �n area. W en t e remainin off-street ar in oes not meet t e re uirements o t is section for a faci it es structures or uses inc u in t e new use, o er o f-s reet ar n s a be su stitute for t e ar in s ace c an e to anot er use an a itional off-street ar in s a� e provi e for t e new use in accor ance wit t e requirements o t is section. A lications for buildin ermits that involve chan in a ark9n s ace to anot er use s a inc u e t e fo owinq informa on: (1 ) ALL uses, structures or facilities served b such off-street ar in s ace• (2) Tota num er of �arkin� s aces accessory to such uses, structures or facifities; (3) um er of par in� spaces proposed to be changed to another use. � _� ( d. DELETE, SUBSTITUTE Off-street arkin shall be rovided for all new buildin s in accordance with the re uirements of this section. W en existin ui din s are enlar ed off-street ar in s a e rovi e or t e a �t opa usable a floor s ace or increase intens�t of se in accor aqce wit t e � re uirements of this section un ess t e exist n of -street ar in , after the enlar ement meets t e m nir�m re uirements or a ac ties, j structures or uses serve y suc o -street par in,q_ ± 1 r • -t ' � � 1 � i 64.000 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT: 64.100 ENFORCEMENT: The Director of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement ' within the Department of Community Services shall enforce this � ordinance and is hereby designated, the Zoning Administrator. � 64.101 DUTIES OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ' i The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this OrdinancQ ' and any amendment thereto and shall have the power to .certify zoning � compliance, to make inspections of buildings or premises necessary to � carry out his duties in the enforcement of this Ordinapce. It shall � be unlawful for the Zoning Administrator to approve any site plans, .as � required in Section 64.102, or issue any permits for any excavation or � construction until he has inspected such plans in detail and found them to conform with this Ordinance. The Zoning Administrator shall record all nonconforming uses existing at the effective date of this Ordinance for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Section 62.102, i The Zoning Administrator shall have no authority to change or to grant variances from the terms of this ordinance in carrying out his duties � as a Zoning Administrator. � Upon proper application, and a finding of compliance with the terms of � this ordinance by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator ' shall issue the permit applied for. ' i dpep-pe��€�ea�}ew-�y-�qe-6��y-6�ewl�-s€-a-qewd�wg-we�e��wgs-�qe-�eg#�g 1 Adr��w�s�wa�ew-spa��-p}aee-�pep-�qe-�pMe�ved-p�e��ses-�g-a-�p9Hi�W@Mi� i �es���s�-a-q��p�ed-s�gn-bea��pg-�He-we�ds-='we�eg�pg-peg�#wg-€w�-- , e�ass�€�ea��en-�e------------e�ass}€�ea�#e�=-apd-�I�e-da�e;-��w�e-aw�-- '; p�aee-ef-I�ear�n�;-}p- a�ge- e��e�sa-wl��eh-9�§H-sha��-be-pes�ed-€}€�een ' day9-be€ere-�I�e-da�e-e�-qea��pg;-s�eq-9��R-�e-�e-a�-�eas�-e�gq�eew-�y �wep�y-€ea�-4�8-x-�4�-�nel�es-�p-s��e: I , � � . i ► lst _ �� I� 2nd ���� � 3rd ����� Adop ted % ' I i Yeas N8y$ � BUTLER HOZZA ������ HUNT � LEVINE ; � J � ROEDLER ; i TEDESCO � i PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)