269909 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 `���� PINK - FINANCE � �" BLUERY - MAVOR�MENT (Community GITY OF SAINT PAUL � File N�. � Development) Co ncil Resolution Presented By ��- � "`'�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the addition of a new Community Development Year III project, entitled S�lective Clearance Program, and establishes the guidelines for said new project as described in the attached project description; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council does also approve the following transfer of CD Year III funds to provide the sum of $315,000 for implementation of the n�w selective clearance project: Budget as Increase Amended Project of 9/26/77 (Decrease Total Rehabilitation of Non- Owner Occupied Housing 500,000 (315,000) 185,000 Selective Clearance Program -0- 315,000 315,000 NET -0- APPROVED: APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: �- - - ' � chard E. Schroe er { �� Budget Director Bernard J. C rlson, Director Dept. of Finance & Management Services COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na}•s Butler � Comnuni ty Devel opm Hozza In Favor � Hunt � �.e%C�-�^-+�� C^�. Levine __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco ocT � 3 i977� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by uncil: Date — / Certi�d Passe ounc Secretary_ BY � g„ Approve . avoc Date � �CT 4 1977 Approv by Mayor for Submiss' t Council' _ � By BY �UBLISHED O CT Z 2 �977 • ' ����� SELECTIVE CLEARANCE A Program utilizing Code Enforcement/Relocation/Demolition to supplement the City-Wide Rehabilitation Program consistent with the Residential Improvement Strategy of the City of St. Paul. I. PURPOSE• To supplement the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program by providing an alternative to rehabilitation of buildings in loan and grant processing which are determined to be structurally sub- standard and infeasible to rehabilitate due to minimal original construction and the effects of age, deterioration and lack of proper maintenance. II. OBJECTIVES: 1. To provide relocation assistance to Rehabilitation Loan and Grant applicants when their structures are determined to be infeasible to rehabilitate and structurally substandard. 2. To demolish substandard and infeasible structures. 3. To provide immediate Iand re-use by present owners whenever possible. 4. To avoid acquisition and removing land from the tax roles. III.CONTENT AN� OPERATION: 1. EligibiliCy will be restricted to City-Wide Rehabilitation Loan and Grant applicants who meet the following criteria: a. Must be owner occupants of 1 or 2 family dwellings a minimum of 3 years prior to the date of application for rehabilitation. b. Must execute an agreement to rebuild whenever feasible or have a letter of intent from a developer ,to rebuild within one year from the date of placarding. ' ����.,� - 2 - c. Must have an annual income consistent with the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program. d. Must be credit worthy regarding financing of replacement housing. 2. EligibiliCy will be restricted to those dwellings whiCh meet the following criteria: a. Must be structurally substandard in the opinion of the City of St. PauZ Department of Community Services, Housing and Building Codes Division and therefore not suitable for the Urban Homestead Program. b. Must be infeasible to rehabilitate utilizing all available rehabilitation programs as determined by the Rehabilitation Section of the Renewal Division of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. c. Mvst be determined to be structurally substandard and infeasible to rehabilitate by an independent fee appraiser. The cost of the appraisal will be an eligible program expenditure. d. Must be located in a Planning District with refined areas identified as Conservation I and II Areas and Improvement Areas I, II, and III. e. Must be located in either Conservation I and II Areas or Improvement I and II Areas. f. Must have an appraised value of $10,000 or less (exclusive of land) . g. Must be listed on the Rehabilitation Refusal List estab�.ished by the Refusal Policy as adapted by City Council Resolution. 3. Procedures shall be as shown on APPENDIX "A"• � - 3 - IV. FUNDING: 1. Relocation benefits shall be limited only by the Uniform Relocation Act. 2. The Department of Planning and Economic Development shall disburse all funds after all of the above criteria have been met, particularly the re-use criteria. 3. The maximum number of eligible properties shall be limited to available funding, but in no event exceed 20 structures or $300,000 in any C.D. Year. V. SELECTION PROCESS: 1. All properties listed on the Refusal List will be processed through this ' program on a first come, first served basis except that priority shall be given to structures with Rehabilitation Loan and Grant applications in pro�cess in areas designated Improvement II, and I, and Conservation II and I Areas in this order. • 2. All-properties to be included in this program must have HRA Board of Com�aissioners approval. . � � ��(�J T��. � x � a � w �, ►-•�O -n r � t�'t fi� K � � t7 h! a ►d � a � ''d rs o a *e z fN.. r - �: ►�t � c�o C t�-' � t-' `d K r+ ►+ M Cn H t� H a � b x � 'tf�� F� f� C > C] r� t� Z n � � ,��p d � c�. n c�i r ,.�3 . o ►-�; ° M H G] a, �N � G � •u n C ►'' �d H rn O c, ''''n°, � r� c� r r°-� � � '� z . C� p, . p p��j ►d ('� t�n n p cJ H �i 1-� rt K �-.j K C � K n � . 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[x; a � � ' � £ ►�v v� c� ►=i � w cn �, c„ ►�d K LrJ O CJ � n � � � O t� � O O z �' �' o, •r m cn ro t7 K O � K � � � CT' ►t [-+ Q' H C�f 'd � � � a � i ;� a r� -i- o � � � o z ►�r1 Ki •t o. cn �1 9' r y y y z j � ►�i, r- ►C��t 7 � H O � o f� O Z p n r�-t � t ��-i � 7�C ~ tt f, �C C�'1 � � ' O tn H rt Cn K K H � � � � � OM Ol : 12/1975 Rev. : 9/.8 76 EXPtANATIpN OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, C- E�S �U�'��IS,��RDINANCES � � � � � � �- „ , . � �. .r` � � Date: September 27, 1977 � � � �.:, $ ....'" MAY � � � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: MR. WILLIAM Q. PATTON ��f!• � � RE: Selective Clearance ACTION RE UESTED: Sign resolution for budget revision and ir�plementation of new ear rogram of Selective Clearance. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Previously-approved by Mayor's Rehab Advisory Comnittee, CIB Corr�nittee and City Council Finance Com�nittee. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and Program Guidelines.