269908 WHI7E - C�TV CLERK COl1RC11 "'" `��"'�� PINK - FINANCE (Community GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR Development) File N0. � Co nc�il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul did approve the establishment of the St. Paul Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program Concept and Guidelines on November 21 , 1974 (Council File No. 264630) ; and subsequent amendments thereto; and � WHEREAS, these guidelines contain additional administr�tive responsibiliti�s � for the "Authority" , specifically Paragraph 8, Page 15, "Caordinate with and, to ,� ` o the extent legally permissible, contract with other state public bodies as that term VJ � is defined in Minnesota Statute 462.421 (4) such as the Community Services Housing N Code Inspection Division and the City Planning Dep,�rtment concerning the delineation LL; of responsibilities and functtons in carrying out the provisions of Minnesota Laws, w .a 1974, Chapter 351 and these guidelines including but not limited to the exercise of o � powers relating to. the repair, .closing, acquisition, or demolition of hazardous, � � unsafe, unsanitary or unfit buildings; the inspection of residential housing; and ¢ the authorization and delivery of public and other related improvements;" and WHEREAS, applications for assistance under the Rehabilitation Program have been taken by the "Authority" on buildings which are in such deteriorated condition due to lack of proper maintenance, minimal original construction, and the effects of age are deemed to be structurally substandard ar�d-: infeasible to rehabilitate, be it � s RESOLVED, that the ,CounciT of the City of St. Paul does here6y adopt the � � following policy: ' a� z o The "Authority" shall have the right to refuse the processing of o �� Rehabilitation Loans and Grants on all buildings previously described. = o � All refusals shall be subject to the grievance procedure as described N o, in the Program Concept and Guidelines under Paragraph 15, Page 16, and � � must have the consent of the appropriate District Planning Council . N � � Addition to the refusal list shall not preclude the expenditure of loan ¢ � ,� and grant funds for the correction of emergency work which endangers the w �, health and safety of the occupants. � i U O Rf C Q.' C � i C � •� Op Li COUNCIL�IEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Corr�nu ' vel opment Hozza In Favor � Hunt � /lvt� C��t'h Levine _�___ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco OCT 1 3 1977 Form Approved by C'ty A rney Adopted by� Cou . Date � �_ Certified asse b� ouncil Secr tary � BY - B . Appr ve b� ;Vlayor: D Appr by Mayor for Submi i to Councii By BY PUBLISHED Q t;T 2 � 1977 i ��" OM O1 : 12/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 ,,;� EXPLANATION O.F AdMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, R S LUTI NS, ND ORDIN NCE Date: September 27, 1977 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �� � � �� E � � � ��� 2 �,,-� . . , FR: MR. WILLIAM Q. PATTON �' �Y�r�, ; RE: Refusal Policy \ ACTION �EQUESTED: Sign resolution revising City-wide Rehab Guidelines. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Previously-approved by Mayor's Rehab Advisory Committee, CI� Comnittee and City Council Finance Corr�nittee. ATTACHM�NTS: Resolution. .