269906 WH17E - CITV CLERK ���.�' ��"' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT B L U E - Mi1 V O R �l le N O. Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date G�IHEREAS, the Crime Control Act of 1976 requires tfi.e Crime Control Planning Board to make LEAA planning funds available to units of general local government or substate planning units for the purpose of participating in the formation of the annual Comprehension State Plan; BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Paul City Council adopts a recommendation supporting the distribution of FY 1978 LEAA planning funds in accord with a formula based on the relat�ve percent of population represented by each of the LEAA substate planning units in Minnesota and that this resolution be forwarded to the attention of Governor Rudy Perpich, the Ramsey County Legislative Delegation and th.e Chairperson of the Crime Control Planning Board and that beginning with FY 1979 planning funds the distribution formula should be bas:ed on the re.lative percent of population and crime represented by each of th.e substate planning units . COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler C�1 ' Hozza � [n Favor Hunt ; I . Levine lJ _ Agains�t B Rcedler Sylvester Ted QC'�' � � �sn� orm Approved y ey Adopt by Counc� : Date r rtiEied Y� ed by C nc' Secreyary Approved y May Date � Approve y yor for ubmission to C unc' j c By ` BY � �����sH�,� J�T 15 197 • �`''��'���,�'�� MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER SAIHT PAUL - RAMSEY COUHTY Co-Chairman • � rt CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COMMISSIONER WARREN SCHABER � � ' 351 City Hall Annex Co-Chairman A�� � � .- •��`,r'7 '`' 25 W. Fourth Street � ���'� �� St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND Coordinator (612) 298-5652 October 4 , 1977 M E M 0 R A N D U M T0 : Members of the City Council FROM: Kathryn Ackland, Director SUBJECT: Allocation Formula for 1978 LEAA Planning Funds The Crime Control Planning Board and its predecessor, the Governor' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control , have historically allocated LEAA planning funds in Minnesota according to a formula which utilizes a base figure for each of the substate planning jurisdictions with the balance of the available funding distribution according to relative population. In the past four years , this allocation formula has resulted in an average of 740 of the avail- able funding being distributed to the 80 non-metropolitan counties in Minnesota. For example , during this current year, Ramsey County, which represents 11. 660 of the total state population , did not receive any of the planning funds that were available and during this same period the seven-county metropolitan area, representing 500 of the state population, received only 27% of the funds . At this time , the Crime Control Planning Board is again considering the distribution of these planning funds to the LEAA substate planning units. On September 28 , 1977 the Executive Committee of the Planning Board met and considered a preliminary distribution formula the result of which would have netted 3 .90 ($19 ,000 ) of the funds available for Ramsey County and, in the aggregate , 31. 9% C$155 ,231) for the seven-county metropolitan area. The Planning Board Executive Committee tabled action on this preliminary dis- tribution formula until October 13 , 1977 , and in the interim requested recommendations for alternative distribution formulas . Representatives from the Metropolitan Council , The St. Paul/Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and Hennepin County Administratian met on September 30 , 1977 for the purpose of con- sidering a mutual response and recommendation on a distribution formula. These representatives agreed that the most equitable distribution formulas would be one based upon the relative percent population and crime represented by each of the substate planning O ... ..F'.,' + • f i'• ti�!'�:,� � City Council Members - 2 - October 4 , 1977 units -- under this formula the metropolitan area would represent 58 . 25% (net would be $283 ,704) and Ramsey County would represent 15 . 650 (net would be $76 ,092 ) of the stateraide population/crime total . The adoption of this formula in the long run should be recommended; however, an alternative formula based on relative percent of population would net $243 ,553 in funding for the metro- politan area with 56 ,692 of that net available for Ramsey County. This alternative based on the relative percent of population is recommended for adoption during the coming year as it would re- present a more equitable distribution of the funding available while at the same time providing an adequate level of funding for the 8 substate planning units in the non-metropolitan portion of Minnesota. It is recommended that the St. Paul City Council pass a resolution adopting a position in support of an LEAA planning fund distribution formula based solely on the relative percent population represented by each of the LEAA substate planning units and that this resolution be forwarded to Governor Rudy Perpich, the Ramsey County Legislative Delegation and the Chairperson of the Crime Control Planning Board.