269898 � WHITE = CITV CLERK � ���V�J , PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF � SA I NT PAU L Council � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR - ��n � FII@ NO. � Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Leroy E. LeMay was appointed by the Ma.yor to fill the Master vacancy on the Board of Examiners for Refriger- ation, which vacancy was created by the res.ignation of Bert Holcnsten; and WHEREAS� the previous resolution c onfirming his appointment inadvertently and erroneously indicated tha.t his appointment was to the Journeyman position on said Board; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the appointment of Leroy E. LeMay, 285 W. George Street, to fill the Ma.ster vacancy on the Board of Examiners for Refrigeration. , ' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor � Hunt Levine _�___ Against BY � Roedler Sylvester Tedesc OCT 1 1 1977 Adopf y Council: , Date Form Appro d by City ne . ertified Pa•sed by C ncil Secretary BY ` y � / , � Approved b 'Vlayor: Date �/�/« ( � � 2 �9 Appr ve y Mayor for Su 's on to Council By � By � ��Bl.tS;�E� ���' 1 � 19?� / \ � � /� Whi1TE��- c�rv c�r_wK\�1✓ 1 �/ i � .��-��,1 � . , � ..,. , , ♦ �! ���--41 �INK — FIN4NCE \ /� C L`�UnCI! •��•��� � �,y\� CANARV — DLFnHTnnENT �.) I �I�Y `J r, \lA I NT PA U L - File �O. Bl_UE — MAVOR t . � Council Resolution � ������ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date , R�I,VF�, that tt�e C�mcil of the City of Saint Paul - c3oes hereby v� 3n t� a�ointment ma�e by the May�oac of Leroy E. Le�y, 285 W. Georc� StrE:et, to fill Jovr�aau�- `' vacaix.y � the Baard of bsaminers far Refric,�sation, said va�canc.y oreabed by the resignatio0a of Bert �olmsten, artid said t.�zm to e�ire in avoo�+danoe with the Saint Paul Legislativre Qoc't�. � The word "Journeyman" should be deleted and the word "Master" inserted in the above Resolution. . � R E� . ,�=-:. - �'1 � r � _ _ $EP��2 197z� . - C�1�• q�../�ORN ` . _ E� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / - Butler S C(�fiU�tITY S£RV CES - ...�. In Favor Hunt � �evint" Against By �� Roedler � Sylvester � ` ,_"—. , Adopted byCo�uncil: Date ��P � -3 j9�I7 Fo Ap rop ved by,City Atto ey ,� ; : �•�'� ` c. � � Certifie PaSS b Cou i cr ar B �''�''� , t � � ��'��� j By � t _ . • . � �p 15 j9�7{ Appr ved by Mayor for Sub � sion to Council ? Approved by iNayor. Date �Lr � � � � B - . - B �_��c:��� t i�,���� � . Y _ . . Y .: . �. _ w.�:�::�.. �