269880 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COUi1CII §�;' ' '
CANARV - DEPARTMENT ^-_�^�>����i
Development) , ,
_ ,�l Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution No. 266179, approved on
October 9, 1975, approved guidelines and steps for the establishment of the
citizen participation process to aid the City in the development of programs
for the City and its neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Downtown Comrnunity Development Comnittee has applied for
recognition as the General District Planning Council for District 17; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the Downtown
Community Development Corrrnnnittee has complied with the City Council 's guidelines
and steps and recorrnnends that the City Council recognize their organization;
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearin�g on Thursday, September 29,
1977, for the purpose of considering the request of the organization, the
Mayor's recommendation, and to hear from all interested persons; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve
and recognize the Downtown Community Development Committee as the General
District Planning Council for District 17.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler � Commun i ty Devel op
� [n Favor
Hunt ��
Levine � __ Against BY
S ylvester � �
Tedesco OCT 6 1977
Form A roved by Cit At or '
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
QCT � � 1977 Appr ed M yor for ubmis 'on to Council
Approved y Ma o : Date
By . BY
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To: Council President Robert Sylvester
Members of the City Council
From: Mayor George Latimer
Date: September 20, 1977
Re: Recognition of the Downtown Community Development Cornrnittee
as the General District Planning Council for District 17
Attached is a report and recommendation of the Community Development
Division regarding recognition of the residents, workers, organizations
and p�rsons interested in the Downtown corr�nunity as the District 17
Planning Council .
This report should prove useful in the Council hearing on Thursday,
September 29. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. William Q.
Patton at 298-5586.
cc: Mr. Richard Broeker
Ms. Rose Mix
�=, ���
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�a���*Y o. y, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL
��� 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
George Latimer
To: Mayor George Latimer �
"�-� > �>
From: Mr. William Q. Patton /'� ,
Administrator of Community Development
Date: September 20, 1977
Re: Recognition of Downtown Community Development Committee as the
' General District Planning Council for the District 17 Neighborhood
The Downtown Corrnnunity Development Corrmittee is representative of existing
community organizations and area residents and workers in tMe Downtown
neighborhood. The Downtown Corr�nunity Development Committee began meeting
in September, 1975 for purposes of implementing the 10-step Council
. recognition process.
A public meeting was held on May 25, 1977 where by-laws and an organizational
structure w�re adopted. Membership is open to all persons and organizations
who show an interest in the Downtown corr�nunity.
Work Program
The Downtown Comnunity Development Corr�nittee, as indicated on 'the attached Work
Program, will pursue short-term planning activities (i.e. , Cormnunity Development
Block Grant program) and long-term planning activities (i .e. , General District
Planning). District 17 will also work toward comnunications that will increase
citizen participation, improve development of corr�nunity leadership, pursue
development and implementation of new programs designed to serve the District 17
comnunity and the City as a whole.
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B -y Laws
, A public meeting to approve by-laws was held on May 25, 1977. The public
meeting was publicized through the Downtowner, a newspaper widely distributed
in the Downtown comnunity. Notificat on was also sent to all persons on the
DCDC mailing list. By-laws were amended to reflect reeommended changes and
finally adopted at a regular DCOC meeting on July 20, 1977.
The DCDC requests no operating budget from CDBG funds, but instead intends to
rely on resources available from agencies, institutions, and businesses in
the Downtown comnunity. �
The Division of Community Development is satisfied that the DCDC, as proposed
in the attached documents, meets the intent and purposes of Council File No.
266179, establishing a process for citizen participation by designated
districts in the City of Saint Paul .
Therefore, we recorr�nend that the DCDC, as proposed, be recognized as the
General District Planning Council for District 17.
�-^�-.,,�:. �
�. . ��1TY o�. ' CITY Oh`�{�I��AUL
o .r.� :. a
�.. , 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
� 612-298-5586
George Latimer "
MEMORANDUM � (� �g j�
AUG - �
To: Rick Wiederhorn
From: Karen Christoffersori �(./ � �
• � •
Date: August 10, 1977
Re: �Recognition of the Downtown Eo�nunity Development-Council
to Serve District 1Z (Downtown) . .
Z have reviewed your by-laws and find them in compliance with the guidelines �
estabYished by the Saint Paul City Council. I was also pleased to note your
reference to District.Council representation on the DCDC.
The procedure to complete the recognition process for District 17 is as follows:
- 1. Submit a recognition package to my office with a cover letter requesting a
public hearing for recognition of the DCDC as the recognized organization
for District 17. Also include:
. ` .
a. �A brief narrative statement of history regarding the DCDC, how
and when by-laws were approved and adopted, and methods _used
for advertisement of that public meeting.
b. A copy of your by-laws.
c. A brief work program (one page) describing what you hope to
accomplish in the community.
2. Based on your request, I will ask the City Council to establish a public
hearing date for the DCDC. I assume you will want the public hearing
scheduled as a regular agenda item for the City Council on a Tuesday or �
Thursday morning, as we have previously discussed.
3. I will notify you of this date enough in advance to allow time for the DCDC
to advertise the public hearing. Advertisement is a primary responsibility
of the DCDC, although the City Clerk's office will place a notice in the
Legal Ledger.
4. At t�ie public hearing, three or four speakers should be prepared to
address the recognition issue.
Maved by Buth/Driscoll
W1�REAS, the Downtown Community Development Coa�aittee (DCDC) represent-
ing District 17 has been acting as the downtown citizen participation
committee since July, 1975, and, ,
WHEREAS, the DCDC desires to become recognized by the City Council of .
t�ie eity of Saint Paul as the official citizen participation committee
of District 17 and,
WHEREAS, bylaws of the DCDC have been prepared, public hearing held on
Wednesday, May� 25, and revised by the DCDC� _ �
THEREFQRE, may it be resolved that the DCDC formally requests a public
meeting held by the City Council of the city of Saint Paul to approve
the aforemeationed bylaws and of£icially recognize the DCDC as the
District 17 Planaing and Citizen Participation Cammittee consistent
with City policies and resolutions.
Unanimously approved
7/20/77 .
DCDC STAFF : HRA 298•4218 CITY PLANNING 298•4513
. -�� � :�►����.
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August 15, 1977
The Downtown Community Development of District I7 (DCDC) has been meeting regularly
sfnce September 1975. � The expressed purpose of the first meeting, and subsequent
meetings to date was to establish an organization representing all downtown intereats
under the aegis of a formal citizen's committe� recognized by the City Council �
according to the Counci].'s Citizen Participation requirements.
' . � Working with staff of the Housing and Redeve�opment puthority, City Planning . �
Department and Operation '85, DCDC has met continually since then, primarily to -
develop a "sounding board" for business and residential interests dowatown�and �
to recommend funding :proposals �.dentified by those interests as being iaportant
to downtown Saint Paul.. Accomplishments to date include:
a) estahlishcaent of a downtown area mailing list that includes
representatives of major business, resident and government
. organizations; . . .
! . . . .
b) recommendation and follow-up of CD Year II funding� proposals
totaling $1,810,000; �
c) recomca�ndation and follow-up of CD Year III funding proposals
totaling $2,325,000;
d� recommendation and follow-up o£ CD Year IV and CIB funding
proposals (total amount to be determined); �
e) review and comment on numerous plans and projects effecting
downtown planaing and development activities;
f) sponsorship of public meetings and presentations to insure �
public l�zo•�tledge and understanding of dowretown planning and
development activities;
g) mainter.ence of a continued personal liaisa�e witii the Mayor's Office,
City Council and other public decision making bodies.
In an e£fort to become formally recognized by the City Council, DCDC has
adopted formal bylaws of it's organization and operations. DCDC believes that
downtown Saint Paul is unique among the City's seventeen Districts because
of it's activities, land uses and econoaic interdependence with the entire
city. Because downtown is "everyone's second neighborhood", DCDC's bylaws .
have been uniquely organized to allow and encourage iaput from the entire cityj
whether or not one lives or works in District I7.
DCDC STAFF : HRA 298-4218 CITY PLANNING 298-4513
. � � .
�� August 15, 1977
A copy o# DCDC's bylawa is attached. DCDC was operating under ad hoc bylaws �
established in 1975 until Spring 1977, when a special subcommittee was established
to recouimend an organizational structure and permaaent bylaws that would reflect �
DCDC's concern that all interests within District 17 as well as the city at large
be represented at DCDC. The subcommi.ttee's recommendatioas and draft bylaws were
adopted at the DCDC regular meeting of April 20, 1977.
DCDC held a public meeting on May 25, 1977 for purposes of soliciting public input
to the draft organizational structure and bylaws. Notice of this public hearing
was printed in the Downtowner Newspaper and sent out on the DCDC mailing list.,
� Copies of these notices and an agenda and mi.nutes o€'the pubZic meetings are attached.
As a result of the public meetings, portions of the draft bylaKS were edited to
reflect recommended changes from those commenting on them. Final bylaws were
adopted as presented to the Community Development Division at the regular meeting
of July 20, 1977. �
A work program for 1977-78 was approved and adopted at the DCDC meeting of April 13, 1
_It is as follows: �
� , 1. Provide recommendations to the City o�f Saint� Paul from District 17,-
for the expenditure of Community Development funds within the
2. Develop a membership from District I7 that represents downtown
interests including individuals, corporation, associations and.
. governmental and social service agencies.
3. Collect and disseminate, on a regular basis, planning i.nformation,
as well as development ireformation,•about projects affecting the
� downtown community.
4. Establish priorities of projects and fssues to be addressed through
planning and funding proposals.
Current officers of DCDC are:
Ron Maddox (Downtown Council) - Chairman
Chuck �aert (Ellerbe Architects) - Vice Chairman
Todd Driscoll (Children's Museum) - Secretary/Treasurer �
' J `"✓�
Section 1.1 NA1�D3. This corporation shall be known as the Downtown
Community Development Committee (DCDC). .
� ' Section 2.1 PURPOSE. The purpose of this corporation shall be non-profit,
and the specific purpose of the Downtown Community Development Committee (DCDC)
shall be to provide an effective forum for citizen initiation, review and recom-
mendation to the City Council on all matters relating to Saint Paul's Community
Development Block Grant Program (or other fun@ing sources) as it relates to
downtown Saint Paul, described herein as District 17.� (See Exhibit A.) The
DCDC shall prepare a District 17 General District Plan. In the exercise of its
responsibility for citizen icrvolvement in the Community Developme,nt Program
process and in the General District Planning process, the DCDC will consult and
meet with other citizen organizations, gr�ups, agencies, public �bodies and public
officials as may be deemed necessary to fulfill its duties.
Section 3.1 MEMBERSHIP. Membership shall include any person interested
in the aims and purposes of this corporation. Such membership shall become effec-
tive when such person registers with the Secretary/Treasurer the day before a
regularly schedule� meeting. DCDC staff shall not be officers, Board of Directors,
or voting members of this corporation.
DCOC STAFF : HRA 298•4218 CITY PLANNING 298•4513
Section 3.2 TERM OF A'�MBERSHIP. The teria ot membership shall continue so �
• long as said member is interested in the aims and purpbses of the corporation
and registers annually with the Secretary/Treasurer of�'the corporation. An
annual che¢k will be made by the Secretary/Treasurer to reaffirai membership
" interest.
Section 3.3 VOTING RIGHTS. All members shall have the right to vote.
Section 3.4 MEETING OF 1�MBERS. The meetings of the corporation shall be
held aad conducted in accordance with the following provisiona;
p�.� Location. Meetings of the members may be held at any place as deter-
mined by the Board of Directors. � �
02. Annual MeetinRS. Members shall hold an annual meeting for the election
of officers and at-large members of the Board of Directors, all of wham
shall constitute the Board of Directors of the 'corporation; and for the
transaction of other business. The date and the time of the meeting
�. shall be determined by the Board of Directors. � -
03. Monthlv Meetins�s. Monthly meetings shall be held at times and places
established by the Board of Directors: A quorum for the transaction
� � � of business at monthly meetings shall be at least a majority of the
Board of Directors.
' 04. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called at any time by the
Chair, and in his absence, by the Vice-Chair. It shall be the duty of
the Chair, or the Vice-Chair to call such meeting whenever so requested
by five (5) or more members.
O5. Notice. Notice of the time and place of all annual and`special meet-
;ngs shall be mailed by the Secret�ry tu each of the membera at the
last known address that appears on the books of the corporation at
least seven (7) days before the date of all special meetings, ten (10)
days before the date of the annual meeting and shall be sent to the
downtown newspapers.
06. orum. A quorum for the transaction of business at any special or
annual meeting of the members shall consist of at least twenty percent
. (20%) of current members. �
Section 4.1 The Board of Directors shall consist of fifteen (IS) members.
A maximum of four (4) shall be representatives of recognized district councils �
as established by the standards of the SainC Paul City Council. The remainder
of the Board of Directors shall live or work in District 17.
�, Section 4.2 TERM. The_ term of all members of the Board of Directors shall
'' be ram t e t ase o t eir election until the next annual meeting at which their
� replacement is elected.
Section 4.3 VACANCIES. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled
� by e ect on y the B— oa�of Directors at any regular or special maeting, unless;
if requested by any member of the Board of Directors or any five (5) members of
the corporation the vacancy shall be filled by election by the members at aay
regular or special meeting.
Section 4.4 B�ARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS. Meetiags shall be held and con-
ducte n accordance w t t e o owing prwisions.
O1. �Annua2 Meeting. The Board� of Directors shall�meet 8nnually wittrin �
t irty �c�ays following the annual meeting of inembers, at a time
� and place to be established by the Board of Directors.
02. Special Meetings. The Board of Directors shall have special meetings
upon t e call cf Che Presfdent or upon petition to the President by
any five (5) members of the corporation. �
03. Notice. Notice of the time, place and purpose of all meetings of. the
- BoarcTof Directors, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be
� - � - ' telephoned or mailed to each director at least three (3) days prior
to the time set for the meeting.
� 04. Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of
tTie Board of Directors shall consist of a majority of the Board of
Section 4.5 RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL. Any director may resign at any time
by delivering a written resignation to the Chair or the Secretary/Treasurer of
the corpor�tion. The resignation shall be effective as of the date of receipt
by such officer and shall not constitute a resignation as a member of the cor-
poration. _ .
Section 4.6 CONA�IITTEES. The Board of Directors may appoint or authorize
the appointment of such coimnittees as it may from time to time deem necessary,
including a Nominations Conmaittee and a Credentials Comonittee. Such comm3ttees
. shall have the powers, duties and responsibilities and shall be organized and
function as specified in its appointment.
Section S.1 OFFICERS AND ELIGIBILITX. During the annual meeting of inem- �
bers, said members shall elect the following officers for a term of one (1)
year. All officers shall be elected from among the members of the corporation.
Section 5.2 CHAIR. The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the
corporation. The Chair shall preside over the regular monthly meetings of the
. -3-
� Board of Directora.
_ Section 5.3 VICE-CHAIR. There shall be a Vice-Chair who shall function as
chief executive officer in the absence of the Chair.
Section 5.4 SECRETARY/TREASURER. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be respon-
sible for the taking of minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and
membera and for sending out all notices required herein or by the laws of the
StaCe of Minnesota. In addition, the Secretary/Treasurer shall have the custody
of the corporate funds and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts
and disbursements in books belonging to the corporazion and shall deposit all
� �monies and other valuable effects, in the .name and to .the credit of the corpora-
tion in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors. The
Secretary/�reasurer shall disburse the funds of the corperation as ordered by
. the Pres�dent of the Board of Directors, taking proper vouchers for such •dis-
bursements, and shall render to the Board of Directors, whenever they may
require it, an account of all transactions as Treasurer of the financial condi-
tion of the corporation. In addition, the Secretary/Treasurer shall make an
annual report at the annual meeting of inembers. Copies of the Secretary/
Treasurer's aanual report shall be available to members upon reque�t.
. r .
"- � ,Section 5.5 TERM. No officer shall succeed himself or hersel� in the same
office for more than two terms nor hold any office for an aggregate of more than
five terms without being out of office for at least one year. •
Section 5.6 OT�R AUTHORITY. The Board of Directors, may in its direction,
direct any officer of the corporation to perform such actions and to have such
authority as the Board of Directors shall deem necessary, including the suthority
to perform actions delegated to another officer by the abave sections of this
�trticle V. �
Section 6.1 These Byisws may be amended by a ma�ority vote of the members
present at any annual meeting, or at any speciaZ meeting called for that purpose. �
Amendments must be proposed at previous regular meetings.
Section 7.1 At its discretion, dues for membership in this corporation may �
be established by ths Board of Directors.
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. ,�.
Section 8.1 A corporate seal shall not be adopted by this corporation.
Section 9.1 Fiscal year of this corporation shall be a calendar year unless
otherwise determined by the Board� of Directors. �
� , . � . � . AFFIRMATIVE AGTION .
Section 10.1 The DCDC affirmative action shall be that which is authorized
in the Human Rights Act, Chapter 729, Laws of Minnesota, 1973� (as amended) and
:mandated in the current City of Saint Paul Aff.irmative Action Policy.
Section 11.1 Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall.be utilized to decide
all questions of order not otherwise provided for by these Bylaws or the Articles
of Incorporation.
Adopted by the Board of Directors and its Membership on the 20th day of
July , 1977. �
C. P. Driscoll
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- DCDC is the community� councii for downtown, 'rep- --
resenting the inferests of busiResses and residents .
in the formulation of plans,and funding proposals ''
to take place downtown. tt will function as a forum
for all downtown groups to present information and
� �be informed. 'In• addition, it. will undertake-. other ,
responsibilities because�.of its::broad-based •repre- •
sentation and fiormal recognitiori by the City Council. :
. _ _ �. , . „ . s: .
. _ .
� .The Downtown �ommunity Development Committee �
(DCDC) wilt hold a public hearing on its bylaws and' -
: organizational structure on May 25 at.8:00 a.m. `at -
the Conference Room in the.American National Bank.
, WED�IESDAY, MAY 25, 8:00 A.M. � �
. - (7th Floor) °: _ , � _ -
_ � _ May 12,1977/St Paul DOWNTOWNER/9':
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MAY 25, 1977
8:00 A.M.
A G E N D A �
DCDC STAFF : HRA 298•4218 CITY PLANNING 298•4513
rlinutes of Special Public Meeting of DCDC
For Organizational Purposes
May 25, 1977
American National Bank Conference Room
Attendance; � �
A. A. Albert Ron rfaddox $art Baker �
Neal Lloyd . Bob Sylvester Tim Hilger
Mike Yilla John Rutford . Brian Obermeier � � .
Bill Buth R. Van Hoef Robert Hall, HItA
Frank rlurphy Einar Ross Barry Engen, HRA
Gene Kraut A1ton Rysdahl Rick Wiederhorn, I�tA
The meeting opened at $;08 A.M. Ron Maddox, Chairman of the DCDC, read the
Purpose Statement: . �
"It is the intention of District 17 Planning Council (the DCDC)
to encourage represenCation from all duly recogni.zed and �
. appropriate organizations in St. Paul with an interest in the
central business ,district. .
, _ . Membership will be open to any individual member of each � � .
, organization, but it is the DCDG's intent that all organizations
having a leaitiu�ate interest in downtown select an official
repres�ntative who will be authorized to speak for his
organization's mecnbers.
The other basis for membership in the DCDC is that an �
individual live downtown or be employed downtown, according�
/to all possible definitions of the word "employed". The
r/ bo�d csf directors of DCDC will apply its judgement to the
qualitative and quantative conditiores of what constitutes
employa!ent. .
Amy member may request that the DCDC consider a specific issue,
either by raising said issue through his or her official
organization representative or directly if he or she qualifies
for membership under the conditions .of living or�working downtown.". �
Ron Maddox introduced Bob Sylvester, Chairman of the Saint Paul City Council.
Mr: Sylvester reminded the audience that the DCDC District 17 is unique.� It is in
essence everyone's second neighborhood. He explained that he had been asked to
explain how DCDG fits into the downtown planning process where so many other bodies
DCDC STAFF : HRA 298•4218 CITY PLANNING 298•4513
, Minutes - DCDC Special Public Meeting page two
- May 25, 1977
� are involved in the planning and development effort. He explained that it was
- important not to thwart the energies, enthusiasms and direction taken by other
� groups like the �Chamber of Commerce and Residents Councils such as: the one at
10 tdest Exchange Street. For the DCDC to be truly effective, it a�ust iaclude .
all of these special interest groups and reflect their needs and wishes. In
the other districts in the city, each neighborhood is expected to solve its
own problems and to suggest solutions to those problems in the style that fits
� their own neighborhood. Because District 17 is everyones second neighborhood;
it has to try doubly hard to utilize the resources that are availa6le here and �
to pull them together so that there is a sense of cohesiveness to the downtown
. develo�ment process. Mr. Sylvester said that the DCDC. must not only �elate to
� other functioning organizations that haye an�interest �in downtown, but must - •
share its power with them and work on a cooperative basis. The City Council.
will listen ta the suggestions of the DCDC and the needs .that are expressed.by
• its- various members. Mr. Sylvester said that the Council listens to groups
that become effective. If the DCDC becomes effective and is in fact the District
Council's speaking for the interest groups and residents of the downtawa area,
then it� will be listened to. �
tlr. Sylveste� mentioned a book that had just been produced called Urbaa Dynamics
in Sainr Paul and recommended to everyone in attendance that this book, written
� by David Lanegran of Macalester College, is one of the most significant
documents he has read. It is a study of a viable neighborhood near downtown
Saint Paul and its effect on the center city. It also describes the ty�e� of
interaction that can and should occur between a close-in neighborhood. and the
central city. � � • , � . �
Ron Maddox reminded the audience that one-fourth of the membership of the
DCDC will come from the District Councils. This is important beca�sse we wac�t
the interaCtion between the neighborhoods and the downtown area. rir. Maddox
stated that a meeting will be held with. each organization that has an interest
in the downtown area to tell them why they should be members of the DCDC. He .
� said this will be done in the next two weeks to encourage their active partic- ,
ipation. �
Mr. Ma.ddox then read the bylaws for the DCDC by listing the caajor secCions.
He stated that he would not ask fhe group today to accegt tt�ese bylaws because
most persons in attenaance would not have had an opportunity to read them
thoroughly. They will be reviewed again at the next meeting which will be
7:30 A.M. , [Jednesday, June 8, 1977 at the HRA Conference Room on the 6th
�Floor of the Northwestern Bantc Building. Detail corrections should be
suggested to the committee at this tine so that a final copy of the bylaws can
be submitted to the city.
Mr. Maddox then proceeded to as!c mec►bers of the audience to report on the
status of the major downtown projects now underway. • •
The first to speak was Mr. Robert Van Hoef of Operation '85. Mr. Van Hoef said
there are two major projects that effect downtown Saint Paul at the present
time. One is the People Mover system and the second is the total Seventh Place
Minutes - DCDC Special Public Meeting ' Page three
- May 25, 1977 -
, development project. Z'he People Mover system will be under �inteasive study
beginning in June with $1.5 million dollars in federal, state and local
• funds. It will be the most thorough and comprehensive analysis ever made
- of downtown Saint Paul and will have ramifications far beyond the People
Mover system in terms of the types of development that can and will occur
in the downtown area.
In discussing the Seventh Place project, he wished to remind everyone that .
it is oin ahead. . "There are many people, he said, who doubt a project
. until its completed and people are walking around in the buildings or on
the streets."
� 1. � The Oxford Development Corporation is putting together '
the land and fina.ncing for its building and the Galleria.
They are finalizing the tenant commitments now.
2. Seventh StreeC wi.11 b�e closed, probably in mid-1978. A�1 of the
signal changes and street changes can be in pZace by that
time. It will be converted from vehicles to a pedestrian .
place. The target is the s.prino of 1978 but it could be de-
" � layed some months. "The City Couneil, Mr. Vad Hoef stated,
' must act immzdiately to approve the signal cha�ges because of
the lead time necessary to order equipneent and get the work
scheduled." Mr. Van Hoef closed his remarks by saything that,
"there is more going on in downtown Saint Paul noca than at �
anytime in recent history." � �
The next to speak was Gene Kraut of the St. Paul Port Authority. Gene Kraut
� said that the Port Authority, outside of its normal development areas such as
the Industrial Park, responds to the request of others. It does no`t take an
ag�resive role in development but comes to the aid of others seeking financial
and development help. With projects such as the Lowry Hotel, for example,
the Port Authority was asked to come in to develop a financing� package to
assure that the project could go ahead to create more downtown living
accomcaodations. �
The assistance of the Port Authority is being asked in several other downtown
projects. In fact they are considering $140 million in projects over the
next three years. The reason the Port Authority i.s so busy at the present
time is that the City of Saint Paul does not ��ish to fund additional projects
through tax increment for general obligation bonds. The Port Authority
bonds are based on projects ability to produce revenue. Mr. Kraut also
stated that each deal that the Port Authority completes does make some money.
The money is put into a fund called the net revenue fund. They are able
� to pledge some of the assets in the net revenue fund to bond holders so that
the bond holders are assured that the bond interest will be paid on projects .
that may have a cash flow probTem in their early years.
Mr. 1Gcaut mentioned the Steam Plant as one of the major projects underta'�en
by the Port Authority. The Port Authority help was requested by the
Minutes - DCDC Special Public i4eeting Page four
- May 25, 1977 .
Building Owners and Mana�ers Association. Not only does the plant itself
- have to be financed, but the distribution lines have to be financed;
� perhaps in conjunction with the People tiover system and its right-of-ways.
He summarized the projects that the Port Authority is involved in will be
the Lowry Hotel, The Capri, Butwinicks, the ramp under the Radisson, and .
several others that he couldn't announce at the present time.
Mr. Kraut said that it is becoming rapidly apparent that. it would be �
helpful to the development effort in downto�vn Saint Paul if the Port Authority
were to name District 17 as an'Industrial Development District'. If it were
� � declared in 'Industrial Development District! ,, the Por.t Authority would be . :
more able to spend money in the area on the types of projects which will
complement other downto�on development. Mr. Kraut said that .the Port Authority
will need the 'approval of the City Council, he would like the concurrence of � .
major downtown gYoups, including the DCDC, t�at declaririg District 17 an
Industrial Development .District is a appropriate $nd valuable designation.
Mr. Kraut continued by saying that there are safe guards built into the Port
Authority process. T�e Port Au.thority reacts to projects, it does not
. initiate projects_. Part of this procedure is not to go ahead on any deal
without public hearings which are well advertised so that the feelings of
the coIImiunity and its interest groups can be obtained. The Port Authority
has a genuine interest in giving people a chance to have a say in this
regard. One of the valuable contributions the DCDC could make in working
with the port Authority, is to help sponsor and advertise the types of
projects that the Port Authority is being asked to become involved in.
�. Mr. Robert Hall of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority reported on the �
status of the skyway developer.ent in downtown Saint Paul. � �„
1. Dayto:�s to Young-Quinlan building across Wabasha Street
(CD II funds).
2. Bremer building to Donaldsons across Seventh Street and .
. Donal�dsons to Metro, Square across Robert Street
(CD II funds).
3. Park Square Court building to Mears Park apartments , (funds -
from other Housing and Redevelopment sources). Ground
breaking expected in the summer of 1977 of 255 units in
this area.
4. Athletic Club to 2•Iinnesota Mutual to Degree of Honor building
with interior connections to Radisson Hotel and Commerce
building and possible further extensions across riinnesota
Street again to 'the Minnesota buil.ding (CD III funds). �
• , • �
� riinutes - DCDC Special Public Meeting • page five �
- May 25, 1977
' Ron Maddox then reviewed the status of Community Development programs by
going through the prepared material, available to all who attended, listing
_ CD Year I, CD Year II and CD Year III projects. (See attached list)
After going through this list, Mr. Maddox stated that, "in addition to the .
retail and office development which is needed for downtown, we must encourage
more housing units such as those in the Mears Park apartments, the Lowry
Hotel, the Capri Hotel renovation and any others". •
The present budget request for all CD Year funds is $3,525,000 and the projects
have been placed in the priority order:
- 1. Seventh Place Program Bight-of-way Site Assembly . '
Phase I - $850,000
. . . . • _ . � . .
Phase II - 650,000 � �
2. Block 25 Redevelopment Site Assembly -- $750,000
� 3. , Seventh Place Program Permanent Signal Improvements - $300,000 �
4. � Seventh Place Program Phase I Mall Development - $4Q0,000
5. YWCA Skyway Extension - $300,000
6. Core Area Public Improvement Study - $25,000
� 7. Acquisition ofShubert (FJorld) Theater - $250,000
Mr. Maddox explained that we want to ask organizations �ssociated with the
DCDC to rank these projects also. This will give us a set of group opinions.
[Jhile the deadline is Tuesday, June 1, we have an addi.tional 30-days in which
� the opinions of the various constituants of the DCDC can be requested. The•
additional evalua.tions will be sent to the city. During this same time period
a parallel process of revi�ews by the various city planning agencies will be
held. In summary, our current recommendation will be submitted to the City
by June 1, subject to change if the groups associated wi.th DCDC have strong
contrary opinions. There beino no further busi�ness, the meetina was
adjourned at 9:15 A.M.
Todd Driscoll �
Secretary ' •
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George Latimer ��r `
Mayor 'f �di
AU6 2 5 1977
To: Council President Rob rt Sylv er
From: Karen Christofferson, �tizen Participation Coordinator
- Date: August 25, 1977
Re: Pub7ic Hearing for Recognition of the Downtown Community Development
Council as the Recognized District Council for District 17
I am requesting this item be placed on the City� Council Agenda for Tuesday,
August 30, 1977.
The Dowrttowr� Cort�riun�ty Developmen� �ounCil has su�mitted �ine appropr�ate
materials for City Council approval to the Office of Community Development:
They are requesting a public hearing date as a regular part of the Tuesday
or Thursday City Council Agenda for the week of September 26.
Your cooperation in this•matter is appreciated.
_....a---� I
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