269877 WH17E - CITV CLERK (���'_ ���� C NARV - DIEP RC MENT COl1I1C1I r �` BLUE - MAVOR GITY SAINT PAUL File NO. ' Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated September 13, 1977, and marked Exhibit A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 9/13/77 42-77-H 1761 Englewood F. Michael Skweres (four units) BOARD ACTION: Granted waiver of Saint Paul Legislative Code pro- vision pertaining to basement occupancy, contingent upon approval by the Saint Paul Zoning Board of Appeals of the application for legal, non-conform- ing status of the property, and on condition that all repairs designated in 8/18/77 Survey Letter be completed as proposed. Property Description: College Place West Division, S. 125 ft. of -------------------- Lot 20, Block 5, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. COUNCIL�IEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � � In Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Cou . Date QCT 6 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie asse b• un Secretary BY �' �A Approved b ; av r: Date � �Cij � � �`9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ( By "�� BY P��BUSyE� 0 CT 151977 . , . Ex � ���� i 1� � ��'e����� � " -7- 9/].3/77 - Meeting No. I33 � I Cassette Tave No. 145 CASE ti'0, PROPERTY APPELLA.'�IT 42- 77-H 1761 Englewood (four units) Michael Skweres . SUBJECT: Request waiver of St . Paul Legislative Code requirement pertaining to occupancy� of unit more tTian 5Q% iaelor�r grade, so as to obtain Certificate of Occupancy�, because of �inancial hardship. APPEARANCE: Michael Skweres PROCEEDINGS : Be.cause the appellant was a close relative, Chairman tiYozniak stated that �he would not participate in the hearing of this case and requested Mr. Tieso tb take over the chair. Acting Chairman Tieso noted that the Code Enforcement Division's let�er o.f 8f18/77 stated that tiie property �ras in vivlation of the Zoning Cade because of Iiaving added a tfiird and fourth apartment to z,rhat was at one time a duplex. He questioned whether the Board should be hearing the case before this matter iaas cleared up . 1�1r. Skweres said he had talked to Building Inspector Richard Amey, who checked the tax records and found the property had been taxed as a fou r- plex� since 1948 . - � � Frank Staffenson explained that the property could c{ualify for legal - non-conforming status under these circumstances , but it must be applied for i�rith the Zoning Board of Appeals to get an official ruling. Air. Staffenson , � � � f J.7E�i Englewood -8- 9/13/77 - l�ieeting No. 133 Cassette Tape No. I45 PROCEEDINGS: (continued) said that h4r. Slcweres had indicated he planned to do alI the wark necessary to make the property meet code , but he would need a variance in order to cantinue to use tfie basement apartment because it was more than SO% below grade level. Mr. Staffenson suggested that if the Board so wished, a waiver of the basement occupancy provision could be gran�ed cantingent upon bir. Skweres getting an affirmative answer from the Zoning Board that the property was of legal, non-conforming status , an d on condition that all repairs be made to bring it up to code , including enlarging the window area. BOA.RD ACT ION: Actina Chairman Tieso moved that the waiver of basement occupancy requixe- ment be granted, contingent upon approval by the St. Paul Zoning Boaxd of �ppeals of the application for legal, non-conforming status of the pro�erty, and on condition tha-C all repairs designated in the Suxvey Letter of 8/18/77, including enlarging the window area of the basement unit , be c�mpleted as proposed. Mrs. Peake seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - � ' Nayes - 0 Abstentions - I (�Vozniak� -- -- - -- - -- ----- - - - - - - -- --- - - ---- - -- -- -- -- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------- - -- • 9/13/77 - �leeting No, 13�� � , ; T�IINUTES OF THE 1`�IEETII�`G ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE��F . Tuesday, September 13, 1977 City Council Cammittee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1: 30 p.m. :�IE?YIBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman LeRoy Coleman Axthur Tieso Estyr Bradley Peake James Voigt 1`dENiBERS ABSEi�rT: David Heider Ronald Glassm�n AGENCTE� PRESEi1T: Departmen�t of ,Community Services - Division of ous ing an ul ing o e n orcetnen t: Frank Staffer�son Steven R. Roy� - ' Jerry Kern City Attorney�s Office : Robert Straughn � Fire Prevention Bureau: . Jim Tucker . Arthur Hi11 James E. Smi-�h Housing � Redevelopment Authority. � Bi11 Mann OTHERS PRESENT: Larry Rantapaa � Gerald L. bieyer I�i.cfi.ael Skweres � Rofiext J. �oley Eric Hendrickson Steven C. Trir�ble STAF� PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Appeals Board Secretary Th� meeting Vras called to order at 1 : 45 p.m. The minutes of tfie meeti.ng of August 9 , 1977, t�Tere approved as mailed � out to the members. � - ,