269871 ^ ,.- . WHI7E - CITV CLERK � /��,�;��� PINK - FINANCE COURCSl �`� Cj �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � , _ Co ncil esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) has distributed to the Saint Paul Police Department 215 experimental garments as part of a nationwide testing program involving numerous municipal police departments; and WHEREAS, The LEAA is willing to donate all 215 garments to the Saint Paul Police Department on the term and condition that the City indemnify the United States Government, LEAA, the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, and the Aerospace Corpora- � tion; and WHEREAS, The indemnification agreement specifically provides that there is no warranty or guarantee expressed or implied as to the ballistic penetration resistance or protective features of the garments; and Wf�REAS, The current retail value of each individual gaxment is approximately $130.00, thus meaning an expenditure of approximately $47,000.00 by the City if it were to purchase such experimental garments for its officers; and WI�REAS, It is understood that the garments are intended to assist Saint Paul police officers in the performance of their official duties; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute the above-referenced indemnification agreement in return for the City' s cost-free receipt of approxi- mately $47,000.00 worth of experimental garments; and be it COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by- Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by :Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By, BY � ^�J WHITE - CITV CLERK COUt1C11 ��V�� PINK - FINANCE �7 � V� . CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA l� L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. • Council Resolution .�_, Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby acknowledges and finds as a fact that it has the legal authority to make such an in- demnification based on its express and implied powers, acting with the Mayor, to organize and maintain a municipal Police Department; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That such indemnification is regarded as for a public purpose, for the benefit of the community as a whole, and serves a meritorious governmental end. COUNCIL1�EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler �✓' (n Favor �eaaz.. Hunt Levine �" __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco OCT 4� 1977 Form pprove Ci y t ney Adopted by Council: Date a � Certified a�s y nc S cre ry BY By Approved by : av Date � � �g Appr ve y Mayor for Su i ion ho ncil By BY � - PUBLISN�D �iCT 1 5 1977 _ � � b�� � � � ..� � . ^ ; � f�� a � � . - .. . . • ' � _ . RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION . ' The S�INT PAUL Police Department hereby releases the United States Government, the Law Enforcement Assistance , : Adminis'tration, the National Institute of La�v Enforcement and Criminal � , 3ustice, The Aerospace Corporation, and the officers, employees, sub- � contractors, and agents of each from any and all liability which may now or in the future arise frorn thc use or tivear of the protective garments � provided to this Police Deparl;me.�t as part of the F3ody Armor Test Probram. It is understood that these garments �,vere provided only for the duration of �. the test progranz to assess their �,vearabilily and comfort. It is further r , <: ..understood the test pro�rar:z has bee:i coinplct�d, a:1d t:ie �;arnicnts are . released to this Police Departn:ent �vithout a:zy w�arranty or �uarantce, - .x. express or implied,. of t!:eir hallistic penetration resistance or protective features. These garments are considered to be surplus equipment �vhich has been abandoned in p?ace. The undersibncd ackno�vledges tnat the use of any such protective �arment shall be solely at the user�s risk. Furthermore, •� the undersigned indemnifies the above-named entities against all loss or � . : damage, of whatsoever kind, ho«�ever occasioned, and regardless of responsibility for fault or ne�lige:zce, resultinb from such use by this Police Department, its personnel, or any other person authorized by either. ` , , ��) ,� ayor � A roved as to Form: r -�'�-��j�"'-��^��'x�"'v'' ��) • �P Director, Department of Finance & Management Services '.-a,•..� c ��ex����x '_ SEPTEMBL:R. 29 1977 ;;- Assistan ity Atto ney