269866 — FINA CERK � �OURCII `,� � f 7EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. '"�'��"���� o OR �RETIJRN COPY TO Council Resolution VALUATIO SURFAU . , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the Independent School District No. 625 �s deeded certain surplus school sites to the City of St, Paul, and W�REAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority is responsible for the re- development of the sites; there�'ore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby autharized and directed to prep�.re and execute Quit Claim Deeds f�om the City of Sain� Paul to the Ha�using and Redevelo�pment Autharity of the City of' Sa.int Paul Minnesota on the follawing sites: � Drew Rice McClell.an Whitt ier MeKinley Gorn�n therefore, be it further RESOLVID, that the Hausing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sa.int Paul Mi.nnesota is hereby directed to return to Independent School District No. 625 the net proceeds resulting from the disposal or sale of the sub3ect School sites; sa.id school sites being legally described as follaws: Lots 11 through 20, and the vacated alley ad�oining sa.id Lots all being in Chute Bros. Division No. 12. Lots 22 thrrnzgh 30, K�..]man's Division No. l. � Except part taken for Interstate Highway No. 94 Lots 9 thraugh 15, also all of Lots 16 thraugh 22, Block 17, Mackubin and Marsha.11's Addition. Lots 10 through 13, Block 2, Eclmund Rice's 2nd Addition. Lots 6 thrrnzgh 25, i.nclusive, Block 4, Gra.y's Addition to � COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler F &rid N�.ri t Services Hozza In Favor ��� Hunt � Levine -- Against BY � �%�-� reetor Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � By Approved by Mayoc Date _ Ap o ed by Mayor fo Su is�,sion to Council By BY - CITV CLERK - ������ - FINANCE COUnC1I 7EPAi7TMENT GITY . OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ` � BL OR �� C°� T° U Council Resolution Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Lats 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 in Block � 3.n Gray's Addition to MeKe�y's Out Lots to Sai.nt Paul, All of Bloek Fifty (50)� corrtaining Twelve (12) Lots in Auerbach and Hand's Addition to the Ci�y of Saint Paul according to the map of said addition nvw on file in the Office of Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Finance nd Mana ement Services r–}}�� [n Favor Le ine � __ Against BY — Dix'eetor Roedler Sylvester Tedesco 4, 197'f Adopted by Council: Date — �C� Form Approved by City Attorney < Certified P�ss Counc l S r tar B} � 7 Approved by 17 Date f�� Ap o e by Mayor for Sub issio Council By � BY � PUBLisHED O�� 151977 �'Jhitfl — Cit•..r1Frk `L)� �I� ���� ��1�.� �i� Y�.t1.u�i Pir�k � Fi�i:e:i�:c Dept. - + . �, �ene•Y t�,:-. * ()!f'H�t G T: ��►' T tE 1: �1 A'1 O d3 `����� , � ; � rro: �-� ' _ ; A.I)1WIIN��'x�A'I'IV�. QR�3ER � i �. ,.�-- �3t`x'P"C�°'�a'F P'enti � Y�•a. Y� '���•� � r s.T , nr,,- Date: �=a�-Y..�/ . l w..s:c.:Lt , .��.a��'` �.ti`� 1, i_.....: � _C.�:.��, � �"..,��.�s . -=---r- �...�..a..,.,,,,�a�,...,�...w.......��,,..,v...._a...m.__.y.�.�...,._...�... , i -----� ---- �-- _ -- — � ADMIi�IISTRA'I'IVE ORnER, � ; i '���� '�^;E_r:.x�:r:��rxL �?�° I' ;:�:��c;� �:�a3 2��,�'1.�;era��t :�r�P3.e�s i� ��.�;?�c'��;r c��xec��� �a ��}•ei��4 �.M1 lc�Y 4•k�v'�.�.�f�l.ld�'�a� tl� ��4A.�.� tJ.:.;i��.t:A lJv4id.7 tiViat {s�14 �L'iJ.���`•AR+r.zL�iS.V L,tv:��/`�f.M .. �i.`i v�'. .:"�� �a',}�, �5�� ''L".? s.�1�': C`�"t".'�'I G C' e.~`J�'u. �:,a:III. t'�i.t° Vt�Y°�C7t1.^y �C�':�.�. u�.'[s-£.'�3 i1� �.].S'�'r�?C� r,c����::�; :>���.�� .�t'�.;y �a ��e �Z�c�a cz�,:�.er t'�� ���.�,;�dictio�t �a �L�: �ity ��;enci�s 1�:� �,.�;.Y.�..4.:�:.�YC:d.�T e . cv r �? ` � L�, r •,ic_� y /� .1.`,7 1 � ,! �4 j � p ,y.e� `.-..�, ,g s� '.,.'�7? �,.�.i.�. '.:) ��-. '��;. �.:.�. 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I '- ,'.\ r., Q , � I Q,,C� CI��-� . , �+� �1 ,�l,N Lv y'J �r + •, � � ,�. � s , L_,�� ! ` �";:i �. � ��a' 1 9 i f .� '� � � � � '�� � �(?1 � �� � �;� �'L�i�.� !i r,`T� :�I � . ��.��J�OS Ui' /�� '� �- ♦ S i i��._�..I " Y vt"I �) � � � � /nr+ - � .� _ ,A �• :� ` 1� � • . � i; ^�. -. . � � . , s + :, �r!� �' ._t6v�' 7'' � • � ' . � J>:� I � JS � I �-n f ! �~�i. f ' - i , ���{��. ; , F - � � . _ __.__ __ __._ _____ _____�.____:�- -- - --_._ _ . __----- _ � Y:37—ou�t C�a�m o�aa. Form No.31 ��5.eaoth &Son.Mi�eeapolis • Corpontlon to Corporatlon. Mlnneqf�UMfortn�pncirq B4nk�(Aw. 19�3) � ��ji� �nbenture� rYlade this......_........��.�....._..._�.day of_.L.�.u�n.e......._........__.__,�e__...�z., Z�tween ._-_.__......._._._.__...Independent. School District No. 625......_.._.G`__._N�_..._..._._..._. ' school distriet ��esota a�icnder tha lazua of the State of_.._._._..........._....._............._..._....._...__._,Pccrty of the Jtrat part,¢nd ....___........................---..._......_.......f.'.1:tY-_A.�..aS.€17d1.fe...�1?,�___.._..._...._......._.._............_...._...._.._..:............_.._......................._�.._._...._....._ a.corpnration under thc Zaws of the State oJ.._.__.__._...._._1`�?k#.�esota_._.._.�_�..._...__.._._____..._..._._..._...._.__.._ pa,rty of the sccond 7r¢rt, � >_- • �lhit$SC�j, That th,e aaid parG�/ of t3u �Erst part, in consideraEjqn of�Tu aum. of .........._....---._........_..._._..._...._................�e._Dollar..and__Other_,Valuable__Consideration...l�1.00 .DOLI,✓iRS, to it in Jr,dnd pa.id by the said party of tht aecond p¢rt, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowded�sed, d.oea hercby Grant, Bargain, Quitclv,im, and C,onuey unto the said pwrty of th.e second part, ita aw;ceasora and assi�ns, Forever, alb tTu tract.....s_..or parcel._S.._of Zand Zying and being in ttae County of_..._.......R�.el'_.._._...._...._.._._......._.___.�nd 3tate of r1£innesota,deacribed aa followa, to-wdt: i _. i All of Block Fi£ty {50), containing Twelve (12) Lots in Auerbach and Hand's Addition to the City of Saint � Paul according to the map of said addition naw on file in the Office of Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey Countye �NO�OEL�INQUENT TAXES nl rv0 TRANSFER ENTERED � AUG 9 1977 LOU McKENNA.OtRECTOR � 9:pt.ct�froqrry Tyr.ion,Rawsq Ct..YY . . � � . . . . Yy �. / /��,6�/ � State Deed Tax: F�cempt . '�8�dbt A1[a tD�OYD Kjt�ttt, 2o�ether with all th�e heredita�nenta w+d appurten¢naes tlure- unto belo�r.$ing or ia¢nywise app�ainin�, to the aaid party of the seeond part,ita aueeessors a�acesibna ForevQ: �t['Q�t�lilltOttp�CYtCf. The s¢id fcrat party has cauaed tkese preaents to bs erecuted in its corpor¢te nama by its.........�.}7�,�L............ Tre&stLrer �uscd ita_._..��,e�'�............................_...and its corporate setcl to be hereunto a�i.r,�.d the day and �eccr ftrat above untitten. . ........................_. :_....._._�____. �__�_._.__.._._.._........_......_.........._ . �.�..� -z L�-�-�; ........_...... By---_................._._.----...:...._........•--..........._.._._.._Chair , ...__........ . ._�reexare�t w._... .._.............1����-�-�--e.G-. ..._.,............... ��--..... �...�.. ...._..........._._. Ite__..__...._...._...... .... Treasurer _....---......._...._..---._. . ........._._..... ������- --__ Clerk � � �, 1 �it—Gu�t c�a�m �sae. FOPIIl NO.31 ��s•e°°tn a so�,Mir,neaoot�e corpo�ac�an to corporae�o�. M1n�NOD Un1/om�.CCnv�yM�cfnq B4nk� (Rw, 10�3) ��ji� �ln�enture, .�fade th.ia_...._.....L��.._�_._.day of._.. ....... .. . 19_._..�T...., batween _......__........_��dependent._School District No. 62��_____. ����......_...�.__, school district a�tmsttmrc under the laws of tha State of_.._.1'�L7.LUlesAtA_._._.............._._...._._ p¢rty of the�trst part,and _._.........__._._._.__...._City_of Sa int Paul._..___..r._....._........................................._._..._...._I...........__....................._....._..____.......... a earporation under the lawa of t3ze State of.._._.._...M�B.S.Q:tc1..............__._...._...._.........._.�..._._.....__._._......_..�_...._ pa.rty oj tlee second part, �ihT28g2t�j, That the a¢id parEZ/ of the �'irst parE, in eonaideration of tTee sum. of _._._....._--_....._......:..._...._9L�e._Dol7-a.r,,and...Other.Valuable.__�onside�ation...(�1.00�.--.-.-.-.--�,�OLI..3ItS, to it in.hascd paid by the said party of the au»nd p�zrt, t7u receipt wTeereof ia h.ereby acknawled�sed,. doea hereby Grant, Bargain, Qui.tcla,i,m, and C,onvey unto the aetid party of the second part, Lts tuoceasors wxd assi�ns, Forever, all tlu traet....S...nr pareel_8.._.of land lying and being in t1u County of..._..._._....BaIIZSey._.__...____.__......_�..._and State o�Minnasotd,d�esorihed as fodlowa, ta-tvEt: Lots 11 through 20, and the vacated aLtey adjoining said Lots a11 being in Chute Bros. Division No. 12 NO OEIiNQUENTTAXES AND TRANSFER ENTEREO AU G 9 1977 l0U McKEKNA,DIREC?OR o�m a/ww.m1�raun�,..Rn�.r to..rn � . . � ar //1�.CJ 9 a�. �ZC�- . . � $tAf3@ D2@d `I'$X: E7CEII1Pf. . ' . �� �0�1t dlCa tb�OID lfjt$dfit, TogeEher with all th.e T�eredittta►aents dnd appurtena�+,oes th,ere- t�ae.to belon�i.nQ or in anywiae appertaining,to the aaid partg of the aecond�rt,ita succeasors and aasiyna Forever. �li�t8tl11TOtlp��jCCtOf. 1'h.e said flrat party 3utia cauaed th.ese prese�zts to be executed in its corparate name by its....__Chair�........... TreSSUrer�E¢nd ita....._....._C�,��__.._........-----...__and ite corporate acal to be kareunto affi.xect tice day and�e¢r ftrst above zaritten. _..r.�_._�_�._. . ......___.................... . _.__.-�--��---......._. -.-.Bb.-�-��---.......�z..__w.:�-_{.,�...._....._.... Chair Ita.. ._,.._.._.:...A�......_... .....-- - - .�F� <s� C __..�2h.o`��..�;�_.._.._................................... Its._._.._ ....._.._........................__._........_._..... .__.._....... surer By � � �� Clerk ! � - . . , � . . . � � �., � � f 1 � . ` t F , 2o3t--Cuit c�aim oeed. FOIIII NO.31 ����th&$on,Minneepplf� Carporotion to Corporation. MVnawpq UMtp1n COnvaya�dnp 8lsnkf(Hw. 1973) ���� .Ln�e�tjTr�� .h7ade this_.:...........17..�._._....._..day of_�7�--.�....._........_, 19.._T.1....., ,��n .._._......._..._.__..Independent..School District._No. 625_..._.._..,.__ � school district a d4iyi�i icnder the la:vs of the State of_....._.M?:�esots___,,.__.__,__,___.,,,_,pQ,rty of Ehe ftrat part,and __.__..._......_...--••.............._�i'�.._of_S�int �au.7,_...__._.._..---..._............_.........._............__......................_...._._.._...__...__.._..._................ d carporation under tke lawa of the State of..__....._MiAnesota...................._..._._..._...._.......__.---... ._....._..............._.__. pdrty of tice second part, �llhtE�SEffj, That tha a¢id partl/ of the fcrat part, in canaider¢tion of th.e aum of i .__._..............._.......... ....One..:Ilo]1ar...ax�.d...Qthex....V.al�xab:�.�....C.onsider�tzan_.(�l.t�Q.�.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--DOL7,riRS. M to it in hand paid by th.e said party of th.e aecond part, tha receipt whereof is Tureby ctcknotuled�ed, d.oes hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, a,nd Convey unto the s¢id party of tloe aecond p¢rt, ita eucceasors ¢nd assigns, Forev�r, all the tract._5....._or ptzrcel.u.S....of land lying a,�td bein$ $n the Cou�ttJ . of._..._._._R�e.Y.....�.—__..._..._....._._._.......and BEate of Minneaota,deacribed as followa, to-utit: _- � Lots 22 through 30, Kalman's Division No. l. ' I . NO DEIINQUENT TI4XE$ � ANO TRANSFER ENTERED AUG 9 1977 LOU McKEtiNA.DIRECTQR ocn.cr►..ou+r Ta.ane..b.ap�p..un er /Z. il � ��ar✓ State Deed Ta�c: Exempt ���� �i��'��L/�v(it� � �0�bt dttb!0�G1b 1�}t�82rit, TogetJeer wi.th all the hereditarrienta dnd¢ppurtenanoes there- unLo belon�in$or in anywise apptrtaining, to the aaid party of the aecond part,its auccessars and assiyna Forever. �tT�CSt111Wftp�ETtOT. The said Jtrst party h,ae aa.used t7use preaents to be ezeeuted in,ita eo�porate namme by its....._ChaiT .. . . Treasurel�and ita._Cle�k....--°-....................._._.and its corporwte seal to be Aareurzto a�� th,e day and year flrst above urritten. Y.._....._..------° ________.._.._..-- -___......_.�....._._ . . `._ ��.��:......� L v,�� ... a�._.__._.,..--��----...._......._....�...._.__._...._.__.__ ....,.._...--- Cliair Ite/�� . .............................._� ..........__..._. �......__..-_.....�tJ'-""`'_.""""."_�°.._........................_ Its..___..._......_..... ._ Treasurer ..............._..._....__......_. .............. By - d�� � Clerk � _ � � � � � � I . , - , , f . ___ _ __.- _ -_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ __ __ :_ _.._ _ • �_i msra��e ci�im oeee. Form No.31 ''M'h"s.Boo:n a son,Minnencows Co�pontbn to Corpontlen. Mlnrwpis UMfom1 Cp+veyMxkp 84�kt(R�v.1�7� ��ji� �Snbenture� Made thi,s_.�L.,l.._�___._�__dcey of�. �,.. .�._.._. 19_T�..., �,�n _--.---••------,_Independent__School_District No�6�_.��.._��J���..�^� school district t��6 tcnder the lazva of the State of_.._...M�.zin��A� _.�..._._._.,parLy of the�lrst part, and _..._..____._..__.....-.__..�a.tY..Of.�S.aul�..PS.1��...—..._.__-•---_._._......-- -.---• -----_......_.._. ca corporatio�under the lawa of tke State of__�3e�o�._�.._...—�_.�..._....._.._. _._ party of the second part, �ihieffgttlj. That the aaid part,rj of t3u firat part i�a consideration of the sum, of �_`_._.._„_�_.,_Qpe,..pgalax...�nd.,,pther„Valuable,__Consider�ti.on.__(�1,00�_-------.-----.�OLI,r1RS, to it in hr�sad paid b,y the said party of th.c aecoa�d part, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowleciged; does lureby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaisre, and Convey unto tlu sa.i.d party of tTu aecond part, ita aueceasors and a,saiQns, Forevt.r, all the tr¢et_...S.nr pa.rcel...^S�of land lying ¢nd bein� in the County of R�.?1!.......�..._.._._.._._and Sta.ta of M£nnesota,d.teeribed aa follows, ta-utit: Except part taken for Interstate Hwy. No. 94 Lots 9 throu�h 15, also all of Lcts lb tY�rough 22, Block 17, biackubin and Marshalt's Addition. NO OELfNQUENT TAXEB � AND TRANSF@R ENTERED AU G 9 1977 COU McKEtvNA,DIRECTOR . . M:9t.<I hM<nf yTaaElo�.RMM'C0..C'1 . i7 //7-Lfi�.2�.�.ncv . State Deed Tax: Exempt ��� �9�}Rbt 8ttD t0�OID tTjt�ttt. ToQet)ua with atl tha hereditaments aacd appurterccaneea tltere- xato belong�f.n¢or i.n aaaywiae appertaining,to the aaid party of the aeeond part,ita sucoaaaars a�ad assiyna Forevar. �1[�tgtlttloitp�fjtTlGi. TJze eaid�trat party h,a�s caused th.ese preeenta to ba executed in ita eorporate ndrng by its.---_..Chair...._.._.. Treasuxer �anaL its..........�leTk_._�...._..:..._.,and it�corpardte seal to be hereun.to affi,.xed tTae day and year flrat abnve written. .._...._._.�_._,,.�.._,.....Y...... .._....._..�.............._ ��� ���� B�._.._.__ ._.___... _....... - ....... . ahair ..._ .__......`�/�""' --.___.---...._P� ._....._����''� -..........��_=c L._�__...--........... zta...._� Treasurer � �- ��.�� Clerk L � , , • - ,� " _ __----- - - _—____ ......_; _---- .._ _ _�_-�_ _ �, _. . ..,, zmi-awe ci��m r�a. Fornt No.31 ��3.eoocn &son,Minneevone Corporation to Corporotlon. .Mlnoebb UM{pn1 COnNyantJnp B4nkf(flwr. 1G73) . ��ji� .�nbettture� .Hlade thia.__........�l.....�.---�,day of_.(,,,f�.-.:_...__._�_,19..._�I...., Z�twcen ..............____.__,.,.Independent School District �yo,6.2�...___^.(/. school district d di3�c under the Zaws of th,e Sta.te of..,_...1ZinnESQta.—._...�...... ,party of tTae f'trat part, and Cit�r of Sai.nt Pau1 •–•---.._.........__...._.._........_._...__...._...._._..._._.... ._....._..__._..._._..._........._.._........__..__...._..._........._._.........._--............. n carporation under the laws of tlu Stata of__....._�Minnesota..._._.__...__._._......._.........._..........__._..._._..._...._. party of the aeeond part, ~ �fMt�gCt�j. That th,e saed part�/ of the J+Erst part, in eonsideration of the sum of �___...__._........:_._........_one..Do31ar.,and.,other...Y..aluable..GQ�sis��r�ti.san.._I.$1..Ql1�•-----.-:-.:�OLI..qRS, to it in h,dnd paid by tke aaid pccrty of the second part, t1u receipt whereof ia hereby acknowled�'ed, doea hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and C,onvey unto the aaid party of the second part, i,ts tucceaaors and aseigna, Forever, all Lhe tract__S.._...r�r parcel.,�_.af land Zying and beinQ in the County of ._�'Sey_ .._....._._..._.tsnd State of.�itinneaota,daecri,bed aa fotlowa, to-uit: Lots 10 through 13, Block 2, Edmund Rice's 2nd Addition. � NO DELINQUENTTAXc3 ' AND TRANSFEft ENTERED AUG 9 1977 l0U McKEtiNA,DIRECTOR � � oen.r�heaem t.:r.�o..R�.y ca.u.r � sr�. � .B..o�� STATE I3EED TAX: EXII��T ��� QGO�dht BtID!D�Olb 1'�t�llte, To¢ethcr with all#l�e hereditanaente and appurtenancea there- watp belon�in$or in aaayrvise appartaimin�, to the eaid paa�ty of tTr.e aeeond part,ita auccesaora¢nd a�i;na Foreuer. �tI�tSttllt0t[p�, TRe aaid fEret pdrty h,as caused tTaesa pravercte to be e.uouted iaa its eorparate name by its..._Cha3.T1.........._.. TreastiTe�cznd its........�Eeriz._.__._._._......_..�a�ed ita corparate sucL to ba Tureunto affi�ed f�e day oaed year first a.bove written. ___..._.._..__. _.____. . -� _Gv...`�... . �_..�.,.T__......_._._ .��:....... a�_..._._...__..........._.---......_.._.....�.._.__... __..... I#--.___. .----..�........ .___ ... _� �_ ...._- ...--- �����1__-�.... .. .. .... ..........�C.---�---........ IGe—.,_.-------.. w_.�...:...........:�_Treas��r � � . � Clerk ` . ! � . � ' ,� . ; . . . , � 1IXi1—Ouit Clafm Deed. . . . N4MM S.BOOth d�$on,M)nnsnpolit Corpontion to co���sioR. Form No.31 Mlnne�op UMfOrm Comwyancirq 8hnb(R�v. 1fl73i � ���.� �n��nrur�.� .kfadt this�.._._.....LZ.�... i7n.y pf .(t�.s�.�...!��....:.__•___.�19..TT......� .betwean __._...._.........�?dependent._School_District No. 6���.._.�-.._._....�... ..__.........:........ school, district Q,�mC zender the lazue of tlr.e State of___.__M7.Xtm�SC:�$......___..._.... ,parLy of tlne firat part, and ._.�.._..............._._..Cit+X--a.f...�5a7.Yl.t_Pa.UJ._ _.._..._...:._.__.._..____._.......__.....................__._........._.___..._.._............ ¢corForation uuder the laws of#,3�e State of..�.M�31.Rg�.4�....._...__......-----.._.._._..�....�....._��..___.__.... party of the second part, �thifggY�j. That the said partt/ of the firat p¢rt, in consideration of the sum, of _._.......__._....._..._..._�g..Dollar._and._Other_.Valuable.-Consideration.--(�1.00�-.-.----.---:_DOLT,.RRS, to it in. hand paid by the atcid party of t3�e secund part, ttu receipt wh,ereof is hereby acknowledycd, does 7ureby Grant, Bar$ain, Quitclai�rc, and Convey unto the said pa.rGy of �h.e second Fart, ite au�rceasors and asei�ns, Forever, all t3ce trnet_..s_....or 7varcel..5_�f lcind lyin� and bein� tn the County o f Ramse}j. _�ucd State of Minnesota,described¢a followa, to-udt: • Lots 6 through 25, inclusive, Block 4, Gray's Addition to McKenty's Out I,ots to 3aint Paul. _ NO OELINQUEPIT TAXES I xriD TRArvSFER ENTERED AU G 9 i977 � � LOU McKEtM1YA.DIREC70R o;ri d hN�r ttx�rtle�.�N�1 Ca..ttb .. � � W /�I/ lJJ.�,A�,is/ State Deed 3�c; HcemPt �0�Abt�to�olb t�t�d1Urie, Ta�etJur taitit all the lureditamenta and appurGsna�ioea there- tcnto bel,on.gin�j ar iR.anyuriae appertaining, to the said party of the aecond part,its�TS a��iana 2'orever. �ri�t�fiittqfip�jjtLtOf. Tha said�Erst party 3tass eaused th.esa presents to be executed in its corporate name by its-•--•-�ir_.,,.,.,.:._ ,. TY'eSSttreT �and its....._...:.�12TIC_....._..._..._...._.1tnd ita corporate seal.to be hereunto ajfixed the dccy a.nd year�'crst above writ�e�a. ..�.._�..�__.._.�...................._..__._....__................----....... . --�-�.�,.��.., By.... .s....�-......---.. :-------_._......_............................ CYiaiT .. ._--• ��... _._ ._....._.�immtatammc . . .... _____�`�'`���=_=•.t•'—_.'{���t'=-`-�-�.:.......................... Ita..._._---Y._..._.._..._� __...._T�easurer Hy Pilti�'7/ � C�2C� Clerk 1 . • ' " ,� � v, _ ,- . . .•, ,_. ____ ___ .. j _ __ _ ___ a IRit—Gult CH�m Deed. � N41Ur S.BOOtA 8�Son.Minneapolb � corpont�on to Curporatlon. F011lt NO.31 Mlmwpp Unllwm ComAYM�dop Bbnks(R�v. W73) ; �J �.{`f}� p}�{.**re /�/�� I9..�r.�...., � ��1A .i7{��i.i�LLl4L� .�6(1GtjELB_""""....._....._....._. rin_7fpp�lif�r/._._................ , _.. � between _..---_._.._...._.._...._ Independeat School District No�62.5...._.....__._....�..__..._....._._._..__--__._..... ....._. 1 i school district . �� f .R a,�.under the lawe of the State op_.___._...M1St,A�SS2��_.._...�._...._, o the rst part, and � City of Saint Issu1 ._.._.... .��._.._....._.--------_....._.___.___. ._..___.+...._....__..._._.......__.---.__.___.__�.---._._.._._._,._..__..�.... u.corporation under the laws of the State of...___._.S��.S.A:t�.._.___..._.___..__._____._._.—_......, ...._..__....._ �, paa�Ey of the sccond p¢rt, + �th[CS�CtIj, That the s¢id Pdrt?/ °f tke �T�ei7t'whereo �h.eren oaek wbedged, i f �.._...__._................•--�--�e._D•°-•���'._and..Qther valuab�e..�ax�a�dex�,t�.o�._L$.�,,.QS2�.....................�OLI„RItS, � to r.t in karzd paid b?/ the said PartzJ of the secnnd part, tha �P f �J doea hercby Grant, B¢r�aise, Quitcictim, and Convey unto tl►e said p¢rty of the secand par�, ita j auecesao�s ascd asai,�na, Farever, adl the tract._5.:_.nr parceL_S.�.�f land tying and bei�ag in, the County RamseY...�.._:._. ._. _._and 6f.a.te of Mannesota, ducribed os follacaa, to-uzt: of_.._..._........ I,ots 26, 2'7, 28, 29 and_ 30 in B].ock � i.n Gray�s Addi.tion to McKenty's Out Lots t6 Saint Paul. r NO DELINQUENT TAXcS aND iRANSFER ENTERED � AU G 9 1977 LOU M�KENNA,DIREGTO4 .. ' � . O�i',c1 he1'M Ta�rtla���M�iq CO.r tl7 sr�. . .D �i[:✓ Stste Deed TBX: Exempt �`;i� '�A�8bt a11D b0�K►Ia tI)C�11te, Together urith aLl t.l�Juradatamente aad appurtenanoea Lhere- t�ut,p btlon�i.ng ox in anyurise appertaiaiaa�s, to the aaid party of the second part,i.ta aueaeeam'a and a,�ai�ns Foreraer. �tt�tgtillCDttp�ijtit�� The sctid flraL party ha,e caused th.eae preesmta Eo be as.ecuted in its caryorate name by its_.......��x'.._......... Clerk ..__._��y��� TTeastu�er �a�¢d ita..._..._--�-�--.....__._...__ porate scab to be h.ereunto affc.xed the day and Jear fbrst above written. . �.r......___�..�_-_.._..__._.........._..._.__ ...._.�._....v.... By.�..__..._....�':''�.=i._..........:..._�-�`��/..._.... . Chai.r _._... .. � ._______--• - -__._.. _ . � . ..�_._........,.�ti����/..�......�.�"".-.-.-'...�...-�-....�..._........:..........:._ If,r._ ._. __ .Sreasurer BY Clerk 1 � `-^r + . S +,. ' . 1-,� (�i�. --- - ----.T � . �'f� 'Z ' • •QJ 1 �: . \ �' t o 1-� • � _ Z �� .�� . Z `�', i�'i� � �. ; r�3� vrn7� � ; �I,� � j -,: � - � �} -�� � '_ � � �: `� �' ��/ .�L Sj - r�� }z. /i" _._� �.:�" 1 ��,�i� i• 1 ' '� �'� . � � — ^_c'T'�.�c�t '1r"'�;_1��J!` "` � ��•. ��� g �_ • �.� I'�� �3/ 1. L '� , J . �. _ i�� . I. f � � ' "� � '' '" ,�; �c�..�L1 , � � 4, ` � 'oJ 1 .��.I- .�i �✓T � `� t. w � :f� t�, ti �, �v t�; r. A e L � ;�, !I �:. �.� � � t. �:, t.l� �`�' �• ` i �t ,.. , ' • , ` � t ' � •� - �-'�*.�� y t., � J _,� � �" — � -!s•t�6aii � i '$' 3J) - � e, �; �{' ,�, �;,;�4,� {('i,��, I� � , � a �.'C,�-�'].� � �� i�-il �-I"` i.i[ � �`/^� �� � �� � . + S. . �''�"�•� � � i�i_f S1L I �,+ .a'!T�. ' � ' : � ; � . . k �?, •y r.'r .•=v I� .. . • F .� t w - L . ��'� �` •'�. - ..� ' .. _ .. +' . � . � � � � �v -� � �` �l`.. �� � � er�� �w,� "�.• i ?�' ��� � •,; Zl , � � � � (rf' n v �. , � ";� .`' � b �" .-� U �� �'� ' � f.� %� �l . r 'p�� � „1 a� . �. j��i � ... � �: i�.* <�)i. � � � ��.. ' � �y `� ',S•, A�.p� ..i'-� i . � . . i.�l � ' ' i' �.�,i �\ �. �` ., 4� ,,' c� p . i � �, ,� G, _ �. �' ��:' � 1 ✓• '+ - � %! . �ti.. ' r�:� ' � r i s.•. t-- ,—E-j � ,�' �`-_"—� 9 • � 1 ' � I(-'�t / -,n r � 1 �� . � �,`„y # I `, .,wt.; � � 1 1 ,' ��� t: I i�i ` u �'�. y' ' ��` ` . � 1 . � �, �lJ � �� ��� I�• Z � � � � � ��� •�'i !� � �� � � i.� V�. ' � 4: �� ' 4 �� � ' . :i, � . , _ , 'S ��,—� i —Vr i L \.r :�-r�o •' F"` r-'.V.. �..� �. / . . ' � . n � I� ,_� • � ' i ! �: / `� �i r µ/': '' a.i .7 / :-�'1 f o_ ' { I � � > 1i ` ` ` � f j � ` �' L� s. 6� a � _ :.� C� �,�, ?� l�j fv' �*� G�^ e -n � r . S �t 1 �� •., � � . �+ . �• I E e� i c"'I ''� 1 �'`- tv ' f�� IG, ,� � { � I� • F t �. 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Wm. Donovan, Valuation b Assessment Hngineer, D�pt. of FYnance b M�n�. Sex�vicea{�5317) �E: Surplus 8chool Sit�s (as on attached plans) nrew Rice � McClellan Wh3ttier McEinley Gorman • ACTION REQUEST£D: Authorises and directs proper City Of'f'icials to preQare, execute aad record � in the l�egistrar oP �itles Of'Y`1.ce Quit Cla3.m Deedis f'ram the City of St. Paul to the IIausing and I�edevelopanent Authority. , __ _ PLIRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: . .- . � w�., Transfer would enable the Hau,sing �,nd Aled�velop�ment Author�.ty� � the De�artanent of Planaing and Ecoalo�nic Develcr,panent to make d,eterminations on the redevelopanent a�d dispasitions of the site�. Jurisdictinn of the sites � has been transferred to the D�parta�ent of Plann3ng and $conomrLc Develaponent. AT2AC�iENTS: , l. Caunci.l I�eaolution 2. Capies of Deeds 3y Aaministrative Order No. D-3'T1.4 � �+. Area Maps _ .