269863 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE TT CO1111C11 BLUERV- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L File NO.2�9�8��3 . cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Faul acquired easement rights to a 60 foot strip of land over and across the North 2 of the Southwest quarter of Section 13� Township 29� Range 23 West by reason of that certain plat of right of way filed by the City of Saint Paul March 3� 1884 in the Office of the Ramsey County Register of Deeds� and WHEREAS� The land adjacent to the acquired easement right of way was platted as Rolling Green� a housing development in the City of Roseville� Ramsey County� Minnesota and in particular� Lot 3� Block 2� Rolling Green was platted subject to the easement rights acquired by the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul� and WHEREAS� The acquired easements rights do not extend onto� over or across said Lot 3� Block 2 and the easement rights as stated on the Torrence Title for this property� recorded in Book 544� page 221 of the Register of Deeds Office are not required by the Board of Water Commissioners for public purposes� and WHEREAS� The Board of Water Commissioners did adopt its resolution abandoning and releasing the said easement rights� and the said Board has requested that the City Council concur in such abandonment; now� therefore� be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the actions taken by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul� and does hereby declare that the easement for water conduit purposes heretofore acquired by the Board and City be and is hereby abandoned and released forever. CO�IVC�E Na s Requested by Department of: � Yeas .7� y �e� In Favor T Levine Rcedler � Against BY � Sylvester E ER A• HUSET-G MANAGER Tedesco President Hunt �rT 4 �977 Form Approved by ity orn Adopted by Council: Date Certified s y Cou cil ret BY By 4 Approved by Date —�� `S�� ,.00T 7 �g�� Appro by Mayor for Submi 'o to Council � By � By ;� � n�, t�� ? t, � - °'�'a' l� , e. . , ,, CITY OF ST. PAUI ��G�" •=''No._�9 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS � �• � � . RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � �,;. 19'r'i COMMISSIONER — DATE �� i��, "�11r � �[ i�11�' C��l� � t� fYt�r Yf 1i�l�pt �� �q�#,�d i�M�� l��lw R.11 �t � ��Ot #�l�1 �� �d OMM�" #� i� � � � ft� � �� +��" if��IM�I �� �� �� g� � � �► �R �� �! �a� p�t �i s��et o� w►# ��l�l lr�► I�rw► Git�� o� �t �ari lyq�� 3,� i�ii �u eLa 0lE�� ef �r �yr �t�► l�L� �►t �raely aad �t�, � t�ad �� ta � ��d aa�aa�c xi;�t a� �rs�r rwrs �las�d '� as �11� �x�a,� ��� �t��r�t !� t� tt�1�► +� �rr�rtll+�� �► ��� � M�ra�� a�d � �� �t pa��+aut+�r�, tr� 3, �� !# 1Mma�,'�i� �S �1 �rt� ta�,�at t�e � t�rr� �rr�t ��r �t� ir�r �rr ir��d � i�tt�r a�ut t� t�tt�► � �rt �s�aos �� �!! ; t��t� �w► ��rd �wra��t�r � ,i�► nat a�w�t sa�y �qr �e � �� t.at 3� �Lr�e # �+1 t� �# �i� ,�s �t+� �wwpr +t.M� ���► T�t�,s !� � �s�y �M� t� �rw�lt � p�t l�t� � t� �s�.�qr �! t�r�r� 0!�'� � ��r� 1�I e3r � �€ �1r.�s t"��� fi�r p�� �s�, �h � '� �►f�+Y'�,� !� �tir� �wr��nd �i ii�q� �ts� � 1�s�b�► �r;�a�u�l► t,hst tJwr �� sl�� ��1 t�t �» ��, � !�, �1�� � �4ot r�+�t �.t ��� t�► �► ��d �d �1�� �'�tr��r �sd � t.� �t� +�� �► cE�► s! �CC �i �r 1�►:+�r �„t�ret t�r � l��ar� �� ae��c�,t to tArE�r d�lrat�:�t� �►� +��.. State of Minnesota County of Ramsey � ss. City of Saint Paul I, Thomas D. Mogren, Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint - Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of a resolution of the said $oard as • , adopted by the Board on 1�17 7C+ '�l � 1�'7'7 , with the original thereof on file in my office and that said copy is a tnie and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. ' Witness the seal of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this �7 day of Ano�a-f , A.D. 19 OSecre ary ss Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays �t �►ll�I�l�ait � �1 19 =7? YYo� Praol�rst � In favor— � Opposed � _ SECY. ����� su d o � CHAND E AVE. ...S 9�-. � .� `' � n� �y . 'i� 90 R9 . ' 165 � ' ����5( _. 60 � � . , .� a I > ��'�� � � �� � �6 ` So 09� v _� p ��,��}- ,4 I�" ,` I y ' r -- ON _ � l25 w ���� � I �e ,� f'�{, A ' r �cWO�� �'•- CA�• � - � � � CA�� o.e N ` lri � 1 � _p. `-:.�+`�••..�'� _�.N sn � � � " - N ��S\`��/ti�\ 0 60 -.� �n � �� r `� '� �o J � � � ,r r� �I �� ^! �-- N -- Y+ 0 135_ �135 ' _ �- - i6o � � �yo J � • i ��- � - b;�38 ' • - - -- � - or� oZ: �Z�r:s�rs ,. - Rev. : 9/8/Tfi . �`XPLANATION 4�' AIJMIN�ST�'ATIVE" OF�tDERS, L��'� `RE 4LQT ONS AND fl 2 CE5 r� ��_..t .�...� �.,_....��_.._� � � �- ' � ,�� , r Ddt�: September 12� 1977 ��',�C'� ��� �"��9��O �� � 1*0: MAYO& GEORG� LATIMEI� , � �'R: Elmer A. Huset� General Manager-Saint Paul Water Utility ���i%� R£: Council Resolution for Easeip.ent Abandonment �CTION REQUESTEDr Actian will release all easement rights held by Board of Water Commissioners and City of Saint Paul on Lot 3� Block 2� Rolling Green platted in the City of Rosevi.11e. Pt3RPOSE AND RATIOi�RLE' FOR THIS- ACTION: � The easement is no longer required for conveyance of a water supply. �t .. , � f�� ' �!`� � � � ' � ,t, �"`y� ��� ii„ . � � � . , . i' , I � � �',: ATTACHMENTS: � A i 'r� 1.) Board Resolution No. 2689 and attachment ��-� . _ 2.) Proposed Council Resolution