269849 269849 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIT� FILE NO. F I N A L O R D E R �'� � , ��r: , ,'��. ,.�,,.�-� By ,; �; File Na �'�; In the Matter of $��a'�� �' �� � � �� �` ��� � �� s�' li�� t�r �o�id� Afilt., �aad I�h�e +�1i1� w� +�uC � �'�'�' !'�"�t D�x"' �'�'r+ '�iC� �� �'�i r' � I�O #�. 1'�' 11!�P� ��, � ��11� � �� ��ts� �4 Y under Administrative Order ��'' approved �°'T �f i� �6C�"��� SEP 8 197T under Preliminary.Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and � WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. OCT � 1977 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays 7 �977 ButICP� � Certif' d Passed by Council Secretary QCT � QHunt In Favor By Levine � Roedlel' Against $ylveStel: Mayor TeciesGo Pt�B�ESwEO 0 C� 151977 Vhit�' = Cit`yClcrk , vi r1� OI� SA1NT I�AUL. � J w� "i�k .��once,0ent. �+����`.�. �� JanaYy— oept. , OI'I�IGE OF TIiL MA1'UR �� No: } ���� I AUMINISTRATIVE ORDER . ' �y ( ��U•�1:0��� Date: / �=-�� - ��— � � . .. . . :... . ... ADMINISTRATIV� ORDER, i�n the matter of constructing new side��alk on both stdes of PAGE STREET from Stryker �� Ave. to Hunb4lcit Ave. � and the east side of GQRt1i�tJ AVE��UE from Baker St. to E1 izabcth St. . and do all other worl: necessary and incidental to said improvement. Also� in the matter of condemntng and taking an easem�ent in the land nccessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of Tatcral supnort from subJect land or ' remainder Lhereof occasioned by excavations ttiereof or construction of siopes in the proccss of construct(ng new sidewalk on both sicies of PAGE STREET from Stryker Ave. to Humboldt Ave. , and the eas� side of GORFIAN AVEf�JU� from Baker St. to �lizabeth St. This wortc sha11 Ge part of the F{umboidt Area� District 3. Residential Street Paving ProJect t2o. 77-p-0139• , The report of the Department� of Public �torks is ap�iroved, and the Departm�nt of Ftnance and I•tan�gement Services is tnstructed to schedule a public hearing before the City Council. . . � , : t . , _ � � - . _. '�. � . � � i . . . � . .. � . orlg, cc oq6. cc: � OJD REG I , � ! RLW WAH � , ., _ . . . . .. . . . . � � . . . � 6KS JFK � � , ' .. • � . �� ' . • � . .. � RGP UEE � . . . _ JFS C17. , � . . � � RLM AJO TJE Hv ... . .. ..' JJE � DEN • � P.S.D. R.H.A. . . . .. .. .� . � . ,. , . . .. � . APPROVED AS TO FORM ., .� , . �. . I • , . :, : .. i .. � .� �� � � . '�f ' � � t :� ,(� ��;'�'- � t Assistant City Attorney epartment Head � 1 � • � � " / , / �� � <'` � �� � "� f.,�'.. � i I)ate �,%i •"., I .-� Administrativ�Asslstant to Mayor � \„ `w` .�'`�� �--( L.��`1 ;�"L-t'� �.,-�;�``:���� \,,_ _,^. �•1 � � � t , .t• . . ° � � ������i� �V r9�V;3 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WQRKS �uly 14, 1977 DANtEL ). DUNFORD DtRECTOR Mr. Bernard J. Carlson Director of Finance Room 109 City Hall BUILDING Attention: Paul Desch Re: New Sidewalk Construction: B.S. Page Street, Stryker to Humboldt E.S. Gorman Avenue, Baker to Eiizabeth As part of the Humboldt Area, Dist. 3, Residential Street Paving Project No. 77-P-0739 Dear S i r: Attached please find copies of our recommendations to the Mayor, Admin€- strative Order D-3721, area maps and slope plans for the above referenced project. Please schedule a public hearing for this project. Bids have been accepted on the Humboldt area project and work will corrnnence shortly. We desire the public hearing on this new sidewalk as soon as possible in order that con- struction can be coordinated with Project P-0739. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the Project Engineer, James W. Stahnke at 5311 • ours very r y, �� Thomas E. Kuhfeld �--�-°� -.,_,. Acting Street Design Engineer r ; ,;,,;� � �,�;� �,,� •, -� JWS/ck ,_- �,= ` F�..�. Attachments j ��`��1r� -�`;�, >� r,,. ! J �� �f l � _�" cc: J. W i 1 1 i am Donovan `�� ,c��F�'.�-�����,� ;=' ,_ _. _ „ S� � Q ., � ,.�,,.., `��'� F �• . �`. ,o � �,J.. :t . `�� , �•.1 �"�` �� ,:r;�;��;:;,��„ 234 City HaII,.Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 �_ . . � � . �6�9'��� Memo to File Date: August 25, 1977 From: Dave H. Nelson Re: Financing of sidewalk construction for Page St. and Gorman Ave. The estimated financing for the above pro�ect indicated $5,100 to be obtained by direct assessment. Using the assessment policy the amount recoverable by assessment was determi.ned to be �900, minus �200 in damages. As a result, a difference of �+,�00 exists between the estimated and actual recoverable assessment. " I contacted Jim 5ta,hnke this date. He inclicated that the $4,�+00 clifPerence would be paid with CIB ftuzds, in addition to the $6,750 previously designated for the improvement. y Rev. : 9/8/76 . ,. , � . . ' � EXPLANt'1TION Qr P_D,�IiNISTP.���'1'IVE O�L`EF.S, „ . . � .' RESOLUTIOIJS, r`,I�1U O.r.�Ii�AVC�S UNIT ACTION INITfaL �3RTE � • Qureau T � � ,� .,-l�. Date: June 28, 1977 Division �^ � . Asst. Dir. '' .,�j TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � Director � ' � Cle�iwt FR: Daniel J. Dunford, Director of Public Works gg; Construction of new sidewalk on both sides of PAGE STREET from Stryker Ave. ta - . Humboldt Ave. and the east side of GORMAN AVENUE from Baker St. to.Elizabeth St. , to be part of the Humboldt Area Residential Street Paving Project No. 77-P-o739, � P_CTIc�V P.E�UESTED: � . Sign attached Administrative Order authorizing a public hearing. 5��.;::POS£ RND RATIONaLE FOR THIS ACTION: The subject blocks of Page and Gorman do not have a public sidewalk at the present time. For continuity and to provide a complete project, Public Works . feels it is. desirable to construct new walk here as part of the Humboldt Area Residential Street Paving Project. New walk constructiori must be assessed in part and therefore was not included in the Humboldt Final Order. Also, slope easements must be acquired. • , TEK/JWS/ck ' ATTACH�dENTS: . Administrative Order � • Engineering Recommendation • Project Location Map _ , ~ , • . ' Summary of Engineering Recommendations . . Report Prepared - June 28, 1977 2����3 Public Hearing - ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY PROJECT: ' � Construct new sidewalk on both sides of PAGE STREET from Stryker Ave. to Humboldt Ave. , and the east side of GORMAN AVENUE from Baker St. to Elizabeth St. , and do all other work necessary and incidental ta said improvement. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of rerrbval of lateral • support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations � thereof or construction of slopes in the process of constructing new. side- walk. on both sides of PAGE STREET from Stryker Ave. to Humboldt Ave. , and the east side of GORMAN AVENUE from Baker St. to Elizabeth St. This work shall be part of the Humboldt Area, District 3, Residentiat Street � Paving Praject No. 77-P-0739• INtT1ATING ACTION: Page Street and Gorman Avenue, as well as approximately 1 .2 miles of other roadways were selected for improvement under Year 1 of the Residentfal Street Paving Program in the Humboldt area. � The intent of this program is to provide assessment free improvements of neighborhood roadways. The present City Council assessment policy how- ever says that first time (new) sidewalk construction must be assessed. • Therefiore, the publ �c hearing for the Humboldt area, which was held on May 24, 1977, did not call for new walk construction on the subject blocks of Page and Gorman. ' These streets lead directly to the new Humboldt High School and the potentiai .• of a large amount af pedestrian traffic exists. Public Works feels that walk is desirable �here and is introducing a separate order. EXISTING CONDITIONS: • Page Street from Stryker to Humboldt and Gorman Avenue from Baker to Elizabeth are oiled streets with no curb or public sidewalk. Slopes extend from private lawns to the edge of the roadway, making the boulevard grade very uneven and irregular. Many children use this route to Humboldt High SchooT , and the existing conditions necessitate walking in the. roadway. � All other roadways to be improved under the Humboldt area project have existing sidewalk. . � � • , . - . -2- � � � PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: � In order to provide continuity of public sidewalks in the neighborhood and to provide a complete improvement of the pubtic right-of-way, new sidewalks are proposed. Walk on Page w111 be five feet in width. Construction will be on the property line with .the exception of the south side from Stryker to Hall. Here, severe slopes and retaining walls necessitate construction , faur feet off the property line. The Gorman walk will be six feet wide and constructed at the curb line due to slope problems. One Elm Tree will be removed. Sidewalk alignme:nt will vary to save non Elm Trees. Irregular grades will require the acquisition of a stope easement on both streets. Topsoil and sod will be placed on all dis�upted areas. ALTERNATES: . , These segments of Page and Gorman, without walk, could be left as is. Ta . do so would require many pedestrians (including school children) to walk in the roadway. � POSITIVE BENEFITS: Construction of new walk would provide continuity in the public sldewalk and � greatly Tncrease the pedestrian safety. ADVERSE EFFECTS: • • The abutting property owners may feel the acquisition of slopes and the direct assessment of construction costs may be detrimental . Also, some trees, bushes and fences will be removed due to the acquisition of slopes. � SPECiAL CONSIDERATIONS: Other than slope problems, no unusual or difficult problems are expected. � TIME SCHEDULE: t�' Construction, which will be done with Project P-o739, should commence around September, 1977. While thfs new sidewalk can be constructed in a very short time, the entire paving project should take approximately 60 days. All work is expected to be complete before the fall freeze up. CQST ESTIMATE: ' Construction Costs $10,000 Engineering S Inspection 1 850 Tota1 11 , 50 , ESTIMATED FINANCING: - Most homes face the proposed improvement and would be assessed at the sub- sidized rate for new sidewalk constructio� of $4.00 per front foot. Direct Assessment $ 5,100 1977 Capital Improvement Bonds 6 750 _ Total �1 , 50 .. _3_ . � ' - SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL (NFORMATION: The Project Engineer is James W. Stahnke� who may be contacted at 298-53it. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels this is e necessary and worthwhile • . pro,ject, and the Engineering Recommendation is for approval of the Order. Respectfully submitted� Daniel J. Dunford , Di rector of Pubi ic Works - � ,�� :.� � '� � � , . �� � �. - ��,;� �� . ����` � �� � '''" = ,,,,« .� ; -�•-�-•- . ' 'J ,� .�'�•�'�'..'�.'� � �'�'�'_'�'.� ' H,r� U ''' ; . j S �n � cr� 1 . � `�• ,%I SO C�ETM NE N CNETN 1YE .a� � 1� �� � � Y� � F� 1 �• --' � 1 . • 50 CLEVELM4 NE N. 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