269841 WH�TE - GTV CIERK COUIICII ��l�'�. . PINK - FINANCE � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT� G I TY OF �SA I NT PAU L � BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was created to serve as an advisory body to the Mayor and the City Council on municipal planning matters as required by the Minnesota Planning and Development Act, Minne�ota Statutes, Sec- tions 462. 351 to 462. 364; and v WHEREAS, The members of the Planning Commission are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council; now, th��efore, be it RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Mayor of Liz Anderson, 993 North Grotto Street; Otto Hummer, 1887 Saunders Avenue; Nel-sene Karns, 1623 Chamber Street; Da�id McDonell, 1988 Wellesley Avenue; Jean McGinley, 1009 Lincoln Avenuej Gayle Summers, ' 2258 Goodrich Avenue; and Adolf Tobler, 915 Edmund Avenue, each for a three-year term commencing September 15, 1977, and the appoint- ment by tYis Nlayor of Jane .e. . NelsQn�,_.2�1_Telest Isa}�el 5t�ceet, to fi.11 the vacancy created by the resignation of Richard•Willits, ` to a term expirir�g on September 15, 1979, are hereby approved. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine �` __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date — SEP 2�9 �977 Form Approved by City Attorney • ������2� � Certified :se Council S etary,� BY By, L.� 1977 " Approved b , a r. Date 0 _�_7�� 3 Appro e by Mayor for Sub si to Council By BY �uB�vSN�� �G i 8 1g7�' , d� �{.:�::��� Rt��SU�'.E NE�,S�;i•.� �LICE i�ARI�S r�'riSOT��'iI� Ii'���OkI�;ATIOTv: �ddre�s : 1523 Cha�ber St. , S�. ra,zl, I�'In. 55106 Telephone : 774-426? � Born October 8, 1945 ` T�:arried, two chilciren ages 5 and 3 �;vUCA�r1or�: Billin�s Sr. Hi�?h School, Billin�;s, t�iont. , Graduated 1QO3 �astern �;ontana College, Billin;Ts, i�:ont. , 1963-1964 i�iacalester College, St. Faul , P-:n. , 1964-190'7, B.A. (Spanish/ English, Education) � University of I�linnesota , i��pls. , iin. , present - courses in legal assistant pro�ra� ��iOR�i EX:��tiI�;iv�.E: Committee Clerk, Com�ittee orl EmpZoy:�ent, �:innesota State Senate - 19'77 Session Committee Clerk, Cor��ittee on T�'�etropolitan and Urban Aifairs, T��innesota State Senate - 1975 and 1�76 Sessions Secretary, Emplo,yee Relations , Hone,ywell Inc. , 1Q6Q-1970 Secret�ry, Public Relations, Hone;rwell Inc. , 1�j67-1p69 CIVIC ACTIV"ITIES: r_e:�ber �`��.i en ?r�? �� ; r_. � � , � � _ „oT:�:,any .,., „ourc_� Ir'olu.-_�teer for r�1;;� newspaper, Tre Eastsider I`:ember, rrost Lake rTA iy:ember, rrost Lake Bcoster �lub I�:ember, S�nate District 65 �rl, Club 4tr District C�ntral Committ�e and State �entral Committee - active since 1968 in various caTpai�;ns, party offices and committees ���..c1t/�%� RESUl`�' i'u Mrs. Liz Anderson ����',;,,� 993 North Grotto Street . St. Paul, Minnesota llarried: Richaxd Anderson 2`wo children Age: 35 EDUCATION � Bachelor of Arts Degree from the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota tidORK EXPERIENCE Legislative Aide to House of Representatives - 1975 to present Reseaxch Assistant for DF'L Senate Caucus - 1973 Cierk fo-r LFL Sena�e Caucus - 1971 Teacher of English, Our Lady of Peace High School - 1966 POLITICAL EXPERIEIVCE Candidate for State Senate, 197�+ Fourth District Central Co�ni.ttee Osthoff Volunteer Conunittee, Coordinator . Numerous Volunteer Committees since 1970 ACTI'JITIES South Como Corc.munity Organization - President District 6 Planning Council North End News Policy Boa.rd Shop Pond Youth Athletic Association Coach . South Como Booster Club Consumer Affairs Advisory Cor�mittee St. Benedict Alumnae Association � RAP, Inc. RAP, OBSP Criminal Justic Task Force � :''��C�" ��'F�ILTr1TI0�JS Former member Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers, Zocal 30l Communications Workers of America, Local 721�+ �?a.r1° :1. "�P_�go;; Ho^��oz.��e._r, ?31 '�l. IU�,be1 sir.ce 19?j :��_r�� �t• pa�s'- 5510� 2�'�-193? a,� a�'�3�''Ar, DATA 2.9 yea� old. ?orn �Tuly 23, 19�8 :tar_rie�i nir.e yea�,. One son 3 years ol� . Another c?:ild due in April. y;�t?rr1Am-I��:,� �'A de��-ree ir_ n�ws editorial jo�arn�.lism fron +he Ur.iversity of ??innesota, Ju.�e 12� 1971. ?+iinors in political science and sociolo�y. Himh Schoo? diploma �'rom Johnson �;imh School� St. Pa,ul� 1965, �L"r n`i*..*,,.,;*n P��a,naTzn� e3itar. news e3itor and. reporter, ig71-19�7, for ihe So�athside `�ewspa�er, co*�rnunitq paper of 47,000 circ:�lation in South MinnPa.nolis. �e=;an with �eneral duties with the first edition. Assu�ned news editin; in 1973 an� in 197_5 undertook chief. adninist�,tive positio;� whose ma jor job was to ,pull to�ether public and private �unds, :�rants, advertisinT etc for �13�,000 budmet. �' �eelance writer, 197'� for Minneapolis Plan-�in� Depa,rtr�ent. Tech�ica? writer, 19�9-7� for R,ams�y County �•lelfare D�pa�.-t�ent. CopJ e�itin� inter_n_, �'eedstuff.s, i�Siller Publishin? Co. 1969. peportin;r intern, And.�ca. Caunty Union, 1969. Receptionist, file clerk, 19h8-59, part tins, .St. Paul �arks �Je:,artment and C?ty ��rcha.sin-. - � Asse�^bIy lzne� Peck Inc. and �a,Ic'Q�'y ;alPS, 2955-58. .`:"1T Y..-_1':�iT_:- ��r'rr�r-�T, .. . . .:� c�:_ 1....:.n:.L��✓�T�'J :��?� -1(�ar.-, -� _ . v.:1.�5 Po'^TM��B?":?0Y'2'1 ?'abysittir..~ Co op, �tennepin Cou~�ty r�._nil�t I2a;� Ca.re Assn. Twin Cities 3ourna'is� Reviec�r ^ue�t editorial �anelist on '�Tj�JG ra,dio, 5tn Con?ressional �istrict car_did�,t�s _fo���, Cct. 1972 and 197�. �'ti?P.t? �:1.?m.,�. ��tl� society for 1�?"O-'ASSIO:?�?,1 4T0^:?11 1C1 jOt22'.'1311SP.1� '��5. ?'app�, ma�� A1?�ha, ho�!o.ra.ry jou�ali�m soczety. 1^hom:�.s ?arnhar-t ?�e�orial Scholarshzn. rTir.n�sota. Hi?h School �ress Associ?tion �who�ar�hip St. pa�.�? �ispa.tc�: e�itorial con�est Frinn��r, 19^6 �'.di�or :?i7h :��hoo1. paper and yearbao`� �ui?1 ar�3 Scroll presid�nt � `Tc7.'t10Y'�.'_ ^O"IO'_" �OCI!?��j t.r�,-'a,S. St. �'a.u1 Janior Cha:�ber of Co��;�Qrce Court of Hanor Class r^-�. r��.rchir�- u:�it, �ench Cl�i?�, � � !`,:s.$f�'`°.,'�.� '�O''tr' r'S 210+7 inclu3e C�u.S'.�1.C32 ^i'cl!1Q� ^•'?.�F�i--^:""� S�E?°'.1 5�;3;i,1T?':�f ?�1C�J^.�.=..^_^'� A��.SS. I�O�'t. �'JC. a,�=,,,--a� �-�,,r,, :,..J,,.,, _��:., ,�. '!i?"��l'!13 ^.reen:�an 1�8 ''ros���t 31�. ?��_1�O��iy r'��'i10�� I::�:�t3��"i �T of "'. Schoo� of Journalism Murphy Ha.11 Minnea.polis, :'i�n�?. 7�s9-5�52 �a.,r;,� �%1?.L._''i.n '.�',O:l�'!';��_ Oi_ .'.n.^.2'2U„?t.Jr '.'.O'.y-�".i1 :TS�'.."O '..�.�_2Il'::'1.�r�� .T,�:d��'��^ .'''3`�.`�>'a��'�'� �o�it:=.s�.I.� _vew���cr .�oard of Directors 3508 ��bo?dt Av. S. Mpls. 8�5-�0� _ { ���. .,��E� .. �._��� �..� �d _ G � T�� ol�� St�l �T P��t;�. SEP 2 6 �977 •o��Qae�eie O 1''1'I(;1� O F "C I I 1: �I.11'l)12 ,�••�`°�`B COUNCtL PRESIDENT 3�.z ��rTY �3��.r. RosERr sniN� ��ni�L, •ti:v�FSOT� ��.�io� SYLVESTER (612) �9II�43'�'.3 C�iEOAGE LATIMF.A � MnYOrz September 2�, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: Herewith I am transmitting my nominations for the following persons to serve on the Planning Commission. Reappointing - for a period of three years, such terms to commence on September 15, 1977: Otto Hummer Gayle Summers 1887 Saunders 55116 2258 Goodrich 55105 Dave McDonell Adolf Tobler 1988 Wellesley 55105 915 Edmund 55104 Jean McGinley 1009 Lincoln 55105 New appointments - for a period of three years, such terms to commence on September 15, 1977: Liz Anderson Nelsene Karns 993 North Grotto 55103 1623 Chamber 55106 To the unexpired term of Richard Willits, such term to expire on September 15, 1979: Jane A. Nelson 231 West Isabel 55107 Resumes for Anderson, Karns and Nelson are attached for your information. Thank you for considering these nominations. Sincerely, G O R 55 Mayo Y � � � �� � s _ �u:�.E R'r� � N;E�,S�;i�E ?��I;E �±KI�S �-'E�SOiy�L Ii�:�,i�h.'�'i�`I'IOrJ: Address : 1523 Chamber St. , St. _�a,il , i•�in. 55106 ielephor�e : �']4-42�2 ' Born October �S, ly�'�5 ' C�:arried, t=NO cril�.ren a�es 6 ar:d 3 �LU:;ATIO"r!: Bill.ings �r. High School , Bi11in�;s, h:ont. , Graduated 1903 �:astern is:or.tana College , Billir_.,s, I�_ont. , 1963-1964 �ti�ac�lester College , ��t. Fa�al, T=:n. , z964-�96�, B.A. (Spanish/ �;n�•lish, Education) Jniversity of Niinnesota, i��pls. , i•Tn. , present - courses in legal assistant pro�ra*� ��;J� EXY�;��tZ:�iaUE: Committee C1erk, Co�:mittee or� E:��loy�ent, T�:innesota State Senate - 1a77 Session Committee Clerk, Cor�*�ittee on T�;etropolitan and Urbar Aifairs, TY�innesota State Senate - 1a75 and 19�)5 Sessions SecretarY, EmPloyee Relations , Hon�,ywell Inc. , 1Q6�-1970 SecretaTy, �ublic Relations, H�ne,ywell Inc. , 1�5�-1969 �IVI� ACI'iVITI�S: . � j�-�=�^ '�`?i . =�,�'a.1.:-?i! __�P.'� �;:7T^�t�':Z.�ir,Y' �'vO1�Y`C,.:1 � . '���ui ri�C'T' .�QS'�r`�.�'v n�WJ�;aper, Tre ' �;a�JV�1.J.P.�' i':°mb°r, rrost La_'_�e PT� ` i�;ember, Frost Lake Booster C1ub P�:°:�ber, S�nate District 65 Di'L Club, 4th District G�ntral .,amr�itt�e ar�d State �ertral Committee - active since 1�58 ir� various c��r�pai�;ns, party offices an_d committees �t���o/�C/� • RESUr�� - N,rs. Liz Anderson 993 North Grotto Street St. Paul, Minnesota Married: Richard Anderson Two children Age: 35 EDUCATION � Bachelor of Arts Degree from the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota tidORK LXPERIENCE Legislative Aide to House of Represer.tatives - 1975 to present Reseaxch Assistant for DFL Senate Caucus - 1973 Cierk fo-r DFL Sena�e Caucus - 1971 Teacher of English, Our Lac�y of Peace High School - 1966 POLITICAL EXPERIENCE Candiclate for State Senate, 197�+ Fourth District Central Cor�nittee Osthoff Volu.nteer Corrunittee, Coord.inator . Numerous Volunteer Committees since 1970 ACTIVITIES South Como Can,munity Organization - President District 6 Planning Council North End News Policy Board Shop Pond Youth Athletic Association Coach . South Como Boaster Club Consumer Affairs Advisory Committee St. Benedict Alumnae Association � RAP, Inc. RAP, OBSP Criminal Justic Task Force � . T;�li.ni_�: .L�Lri'1L1.tiTTl�i�� � .. � Former member . I,aundry, Dry Cleaning and Ilye House Workers, Loca1 361 Communications Workers of America, Local 721�+ . _ � . .Jan�= �. *.Telson ! _ 'r'o��o;aner, 23� '.•!. Isa,b�l since 197� � 5+. ��.�? 5K107 2?4-1937 ' �°y,'3C?`'AL DATA 2'� .rears old. 3orn July 23, 191�s3 r.'arrie� r.ir.e ye�.�. Qne son 3 years ald. Another c:�ild due in A�ril. ""�'�'.:�`�'T O'�� � �A de--r�e in news editorial journa�is:� from the Ur.iversity of I�:inr_esota, Ju�re 12, 19�1. Aiinors in nolitical science and sociolo;;y. � hi�h School dip]_o�. �ro:� Johnson F�iTh Cchool, St. �ul� 19b6. �,aT r�v-,*�;;,.�+ P�an�.-�n:r e3itor, news editor and reporter, 1972-197?� for The :�out'nside ?;ews�.ger, con*�unit� paper of 4�7��J00 circ�ilation in South Vin�eapol�s. �e;ran with �;ene�.l duties with the first e3ition. Assum?d news editin� in 1973 and in 1975 undertook chief adninist�tive positior. whose ma.jor jo� was to pull to�;ether pTa�lic and �ri�:�te isnds, 7x�a�ts, advertisinT etc for �136,000 bu3�et. ' Fr°°�a,Y1C@ writer, 197'� far �inneapolis Pla;nnin- Depart^��:�t. Tec'�nicaZ �rrit�.r� 19�9-70 for R,�,:�sey County ,Jelfare De�art:�ent. Co�;r e��tinT in�te�n, �eedstuffs, '�Iil�er Pub�ishin.�^� Co. 19b9. _°.e�ortins intern, Ano'�.a County Union, 19?9• '�ecept�onist, file clerkr 196°-59, pa..rt ti:�e, St. Paul Parks. �e�art*�ent ana �it;� Durc!�asin�. � Asse^�bly line' Pec� Inc. an� 'ake�y Sa.les, 1966-58. . .��n�'i , _"'T.--•� .�_5'r'�T i,-iT,J\T� ;� � . �, _ :�:1. _ .� �1_^� :iO�,C::S Powaerhorn pabysittin; Co op, ::enne�.in County �,�i2v �zJ Care Assn. Twir� :ities Journa?is:�: Revie�� ^-ue�t editor�.al nanelist on �l.�r� �.dio, j+r Con?ressiona? �istr?c� ca.ndi�_a_��s fo�+zm� Cct. 1472 an� 1974. ` �'�"'.E+� il'ri1�. pr1_1* society for L)Y'O�QSS�O�'_c�,� wo�er. 1i? j0!F?^^.3.�.LSiR� �°3.S• t'an�? Ta:� Alpha, honor_a,ry jour�.lism soc�ety. '!'ho;-�.s �a�nar-t �"e�orial Scrolarshi-�. T°*li1`!�SOf-3. ��?'fl ;�C�'?001 �T'@SS �iSSJCl�t�O'.1 SC110��.2,"S�'11L� St. �r�z� �ispa-tch e�.itori�.l CO�LVpJt wtnn��r, 1�'S y �'.ciitor cri..�•h �chooi �P°'-' an�? yearbook ��zili and Scroll pres�den� 2?a.tian�i �'o:�or �ocietf treas. St. �,.a� J�anior ���.zber of Co:�^�e�'c<� ^our� of �lon�r Class r�p. m�,rchin-- u�it, �e�c.� �l�.i�. . , I . _ ::0�"J���'� 210W in�lu�?e Clc?S.°�1G`32 TJi�.?"i0� ma-Ml_nni.`1-'� S7E',�'� u�C�3.1i,122.�t 1�}r`�nlir��r� "�.c7.S�• l'OY'1i.. �OC• �.'�-�';('.'t5 J �L�.��D:�i..,r.l�iJ i .J.L�_Y' '/ir,�i�ia ^reenn,wr� 148 '�osp�ct '1v-i. ??7_ts0�3 Arnol� Is�a:h �� o�' �'. Schoo? of Journalism Murphy Ha.11 Minnea.�o].is� :i��,, 7g9_51�? ��r?d :%��zri.n JO:A:�..1 I I,T .J`./.�L�i..L:..1TJJ, �.JV..l�1�.y.1..� � . :I�?�-.�7 �7_R.^1�117.i;;' ;r:.:-„j�y�y7�,- '�;���"W�i,Jn �o_z�:�s�.l� i'iBi�i;;�;�:�ir.t Loan3 of Directors 3jQ8 Humboldt Av. S. rlpls. 8?�-�Og � , ?- ' , � � . _ �� '� , , � .:r..,,.. . �.b�t -4'�C � � , , � : . � . , . ; . �: : , , . , , � , . � ; , . , _ � � - , � , �o�rwi�: 1,; 1g?'! . , , , #rr.. � .� . � :� . �x+�o�,01'��e ` �fpt►. d�oMr ' , . , _ 1100� 1�3, Cit�r Hii3.� . _ \ � � , , , ; t . , � , , . , • � �#�t �r ttii� in �tls o�'"2�os �e �r�E�� ol tlfi'le�e ��' t6� te3i�a�'�s �' . ; . , !1� �a�tn� IOoa�d�aioe s � � , ' � ��� , bis�Jt�ae� � � - , � J� A. 1N�1� , � , - . 9� �T To'��� , , � � � j . . . � � � . � ' ��. �, . , . • . .. . , . , . , . . � . � , � . . . �� � . . ,. . . . . - . � . � � � . . . � .. �. � ' � � .� . - . '\ . . � . 1 , . . . . N!%r . ' ' . , , � ,, r , � , �. :� , + . ;.: -, , � _ i . , c ' , � ' _ � ' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss � � CITY OF ST, PAUL ) I. Nelsene Karns do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support .the Constitutions �, _ of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as a member of the Plannin� Commission ' of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and . ability. _ , V V � /';� C�YLt � Sworn to and subscribed to before me this �� � day of�����. 19� � _ / ' L�' / City Cle � / i' ' � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss ) CITY OF ST. PAUL ) I, Liz Anderson do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as a member of the Plannin� Commission of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and ability. `�e�-� . Sworn to and subscribed to before me this r�� day of ��'��'_� 19 �7 . �.` - _.P i / � City Cle, ... . �...,.._..__�_____ _ __----_,..�...,,a-------� , � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss � CITY OF ST. PAUL ) I, Jane A. Nelson � do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as a member of the Planning Commission � of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and ' ability. � � 1 i ,.j' �� . ;,1��-,��. ; �� �-�_ , , Sworn to and subscribed to before me this �� day of /�����--y5/ 19?� � � �-C�� City C erk � k � t � .....�..--°""w�"�".++� .