BLUE - MAVOR � File N0.
ouncil Resolution
Presented By '�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council allocated $237,000 in Community
Development Year III funds to the Summit-University Crime Prevention Project
on January 14, 1977, Council File No. 268395, contingent upon an acceptable
program being developed and approved; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the
City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the attached program for implementation
of the Summit-University Crime Prevention Project for Community Development
Year's III and IV; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $237,000 placed in City Contingency is
allocated as follows:
lst Program Year Allocation . . . . . . . . . . $ 96,075
2nd Program Year Allocation . . . . . . . . 100,727
Up to Two-Year Allocation to the Police
Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,198
Bernard . Carlson, Director
Dept. of Finance & Management Services ichard E. chroeder
Budget Director
COUNCIL�tEN Division
Yeas Na}�s Reqvested by De�astu�t of:
Butier "� Communi ty D ent
Hozza In Favor
Hunt � �
Levine __�__ Against BY �
Tedesco SEp �;9 �9� Form Approved by Cit Att rney
Adopted by� Council: Date
Certified P s-e b� Council Se tar BY
-� 3. 1977 APPto b Mayor for Submiss o to oun�il
Approve y , or: ate
By BY �
�UBLISHED 0 CT $ �977
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July 29, 1977 `'
�,' COUNCiL: PR��IOE�T �
Councilr�an �obert Sylvester
Cit�; Hall a.nd Cour�t House
St. Paul, '_'��innesota 55�02
Dear Councilman Sylvester:
Enclosed please �'ind a cooy o� the revised Sur�it-
Univer�ity Cri�e Prevention �rojact �ro��sal su�a-
�itted to you by the Summit-University Cr?me Preven-
tion Council. Also enclose�., please find copy of
ne�.orandum from Mayor Zatiner.
�.s of the date of th�s letter, �Tou should have received,
u�rider separate covpr,an ana.l5 sis of the Pro ject proposal
dated 7/27/77 and prepared by the staff of the Criminal
Just�ce Coordinating Council and the Police Department
wi�h �re,;aration assistar.ce fro:n the Di�ision of Community
D�velop�ent. This revised Su�.�mit-University Crime
Prevention Project proposal is the result of a combined
effort on the pa.rt of the Su.rnmit-University Crime Preven-
tion Gouncil nembers, the St. Paul Police Dep�rtr�ent,
the C .ri�inal Justice Coordinating Council, the Division
of Co:��unity Develap�ent an.d the St. Paul Hu.man. ftights
Depart�ent' s �ffirmative Act.ion oif.icer.
The process started with submission af this prop�sal through
the Dis�trict process (District 8) . ��Ie presented to ti�.�
Capitol Improvement Bud�et Co�mitteets Hu�an Ser�ices Task
Force in Decemb�r, 1976, attended a Cit�r Pl�nxiin�; meeting
as �ve11 as making a presentation to the City Council' s public
hearing or_ January �-, 1977.
SubGe�uently Su�..�it-Universitf Cri�e Prevention Council
nembers net with various agencies for the �urpose of clarify-
in� and strengthe�iin� this enclosed proposal. Su�gestic�ns
from the va.rious agency represe�tatives have been incorpor�ted
into this final d.raft of -the pr. o�osal. T�e su�gestion�, in
their ori�inal form, are ava.ilable for revieti, upan req�aest..
The follo�;ving is a recard of ineetin�s bets�reen �he Surn�it-
� � University Cri�ne Prevention Council �e�.bers and th� various
_ .
�. _ � , . - .._
_ . � ` � ��
\ � �
- 2 - Col.ancil�?�n. CSrlve:�ter (7/2}/7?}
I. 3/17/7?, 10: 30 ��, Cors�r_�zn�_tv I�evelop�ent dffice -
Terry T�ZcNelli.s (C.D. ofrice� , Ron Jor�s (s'�ffirmative
Action oft�icer) , u<�tiiy A..cklund (Cri�anal Justiee Coo�c�.
Cot�ncil) , Jo�in B�w1.es (researcr nerson,St. F'aul Police
Dept. ) , S-U ��rime P .revention �o�:�ci� ?�e�berst Tyrone
Burkette, �.rick� ::eed, FrPd. ',�rillia�►s. �ou.ise Price
(rep. .for Free�ran �e�sley) , John Sep��Ia.
II. 3/23/77, 1 000 pm, Police Chief Ro���ran� 5 C�frice -
Chief �ot�ran, �-U Crir��e Pr�e�ention Co�.=_�c�1 �e�bers:
Tyrone I�ur'_�ette, Vic'�i Reed, David t;e?�a.
TTT. 3/29/77, 7:�� p�, Dayton 4ventae Presb ter�ian Church -
Ron Jones (Affirnative AGtion Officer�, S-U Crime
P-revention Council ner�bers: Tyrone ��.�rkette, Freeman
Beasley, Vicki Reed, t�7illi� Fir��e�r� ���alter Rabinson,
John Seppala., Bert Cart�r, Dan �ostrv�.ri.
IV. ¢/1�-/77, 7:00 ��, Dayton �venue Pres'c�- terian Chureh -
Ron Jones (�?ffirmatitiTe t1c-L-ion �fficer,�, S-U Crime
Prevention Council �.e�ber. s: Tyrone �3�,:rkettP, �Ticki
V. 4/27/77, 10:00 am, P�ar�in Zuther Kin� �er_ter -
Kathy Ac'clund and Zib Hinz (Cri�ainal Just�ce Coordinat-
ing Council} , S-U Crime Preventzon Co�.�ncil members:
Fred Willia.ms, Freeman Beasley, John Seppala:�
VI. 5/4/77, 11 : j0 am, Centennial Bui2ding -
Z?b ?iinz (Criminal Justice CQO�dinatin� Cauncil) ?
Ted Pro1,m. (St. Pau.l Police �ept. ) , S-tJ Cri�.e Preven��ion
Council me�bers: Fred ?��'illiams, Fre��r�n Beasley, Jol�n
Se�pala, Vicki Reed.
VII. 5/� �/77, 1 :00 �m, Urban Co�litian. -
David fAleida and Ted Bro��m (St. Paul �'olice Dept. } ,
Zib Hinz (Criminal Justice Caordinati.ng Covncil) ,
S-U Cri�le Frevention Covncil rse�bers: Vicki Fteed, .
Freeman Beasley, Fred 7�Iilliamsr Tyror_e Burkette.
� �TIII. 5/18/77, 1 :00 pm, Urban Coalitian -
David �°�eida and Ted Bro:an (St. Paul "alice Dept. },
Zib Hinz (Crininal Justice Coorain.atirs.� Council} ,
S-U Crir�e �'_revention Ccu��.cil �.-�e�bers: Free�.an B�asley,
Tyrone I3ur'tette, Vicki Reed.
T�. 5/18/77, 3: 30 pm. , P�IaSTor' s Office -
P•Za.yor Geo-roe Zatimer 7ib Hinz (Crini��al Justice
Coordinatin; Council� , S-U CriMe Prevention Council
�;embers: Tyrone Burkette, Freeman. �isasley, Vicki Reed.
� _
_ . �
. _ . � � �' � 3
- 3 - Cour_cil�an. S��l�res��r- (7/?9��7} _
s--- � �� -�___.�
. .. ._ . . __ __---------�L-�_.��., � � � . t ; ,-t� . - \ .
I request tha� the S�it-Unzversit� Crirne Preven+ion
Cotinc�l be hear� before� �+Yre. C�.ty Council regarding the �;
Su_�mit-University Crime Preventian P.ro�ect nroposal
` on Thursday, Au�ust 4, 1�77 at 10:00 �. �'l�:se notify
`�, me im�ediately about this date for a h�aring.
���__I further request t��at tre Cit�_ Council_ rPlease ta the
- --
S`v.�:�ti�--��i�e��-z��r-C�ime grevention Cou.ncil th� Co�nunitST
Develop�en� funds pr�sentlST helct in contin�ency fo?^ t;h�
Su�it-IJniver. sity Crime Prevention Project without further
Sincerely, , _ ,
_ � ' /- .
� i 7 �;//��,�` �'" .��..i
fr.�`r.-- " .�- � �- �' C'l�,"�>'.�z'
. �l �� �
Fred B. ��;i1lia�s
Sum�i�-University Cri�e Prevention Counci.i
cc: 1 . Mayor George I,atimer
2. Council��oman Rosalie Butler
3. Cour_cil�an David H. Hozza
4. Councilt�roman Ruby Hunt
5. Council�an Leonard I,evine
6. Councilman Patrick J. Roedler
7. Councilman �rictor J. Tedesco
COTdTACT: Fred ti+Tilliams 451-1434 or
� Vicki Reed 225-4747 or
Freenan Beasley 227-7287
. ,%; <_ >-,�/•li ` 77
� C1T1' 0� SP,II;? F'Al1L �,, ; �.,�.,,c;"4 ./ �
•` ' CO'i�iU��I1Y DEVELO�'►iEI�1 ELOI,Y. GRA�tiT fP,C)GRAt'�f�, /.p� �J/,.�ll`'/:r: L.,�i/-:ti"'E ��<'-
--- — ---- ---- — ----,�`�;Y.:`�----
CDBG Project Scope of Services Form
1 . Project Name: S�mmit-Unive*sity Crime Preventi�n PrniPrt 2• CD Project No. __ ___
3. Implementing Agency: Summit-University Crime Prevention Council, Inc. __
i �
3. 1 Section (if applicable) : N/A __
4. Project Manager: Reverend Tyrone L. Burkette� Chairman 227-7 89 _._
Name, Title and Telephone Number of Contact Person
5. General Project Description: (Attach maps of project area, preliminary land use design
or cons ruction p ans as applicable. Identify location of project. For environmental
review purposes, �rovide a full description of multi-stage projects and identify which
activities will occur under this year' s funding. )
GOAI,: The Summit-University Crime Prevention Council, Inc. xill esta.blish
a program which xill reduce the incidence and fear of crime� and
assist crime victims and witnesses of -crime in the Summit-University
1. Communitv �ducation - Develop a continuing crime prevention-education
program to all residents of t4�e Summit-University community xithin
4 months after full project staffing.
2. Victims ' Assistance - Develop a pro�ram which xill give continuing
assistance to crime victims in the Summit-University community within
4 months after full project staffing.
3. Yictim/Witness - Develop a program which �ill give, continuing assistance
to xitnesses of crime in the Summit-University community within 4 months
after full project staffing.
LOCATION: The Summit-University Crime Prevention Project will be located xithin
the boundaries of the Summit-University community.
. �
�,a�E ;
. , , , ���9,��9
6. Statement of Need or Problem to be Addressed by this Project: �(T,he reason(s) for
undertaking this project should be stated. Please be specific about why this
project is needed and what information has been used to� sutistantiate this need. )
Crime conditions in the Summit-University community of St. Paul have, for a number of
years� been consistently of a high-incident nature and ha.ve pervasively affected all
population groups living xithin the area. The �scope of crimes reported to the Police
I3epartment ha.s included �the literal �,ramut of stat�tory offenses ranging from petty
misdeameanor offenses to extreme felonies such as murder and rape. The victims of
these crimes have included individuals from all ethnic and age groups such as elementary ',
school children� senior citizens� home oxners and renters and business people xho frequently
are held up and robbed and. as a result� become reluctant to continue business in the area.
Others, r+hile not direct victims of crimes, still must suffer the peripheral effects of
crimes in r�hich they are not directly involved� such as xomen in the area xho frequently
are approached by men who mistake them for prostitutes. Zn addition. the xhole economic
and social xell-being of the Summit-University community is adversely affected by these
conditions. ' � !
The individuals who commit most of the crime in the Summit-University area are also
residents of the area.. Much of the crime� especially vandalism and burglary� is
committed by youthful offenders xho may be preying on.people Whom �hey have knoKn for ,
long periods of time and who indeed may be friends and neighbors of their parents.
Nfany residents in the area. are concerned� not only that they may be victimized but also
that their own children may be at risk of falling into delinquent or criminal behavior
patterns. (See ba.ck of this pa,ge of continuation of Sta.tement of Need. )
7. Statement of Project Objectives/Impact: (How will this project meet the need?
Identify what actions will be taken and what`effect these actions arill have on the
� target population and the needs expressed in #6. Please specify quantitative
amounts so that progress and completion can be measured. ) �
Need Action Effect '
1. Community Education . Develop a continuing �
crime prevention-educa.- -
, tion program to all _
� residents of the Summit-
University community xith
in 4 months after full
project staffing� In �
coopera.tion xith the Poli e
De pt. � �
�.Zh co��ne���oy� �.-%�-h 1. Provide •publication �I'+ Community awareness
/�o/,`�E b��.r:� , �i crime;prevention� - �I
security and information • • 1
i res S-U Victims Assistanc
Iprogram services. • �
� � (In cooperation with 2. Provide home lock I,oxer crime rate.
Police Dept. ) • security program. �
,(In cooperation xith 3• �tablish list of Community awareness �
Police Dept. ) agencies qualified to
• address community groups • �
(see back of this page on crime prevention.
for �ontinuation of Need� 4. Establish list of com- Community axareness
Action, Effect.� munity persons who repre- Raise trust levels betxeen
sent special interest gro ps Police and community.
for crime prevention meet ngs. •
� 5. Procure list of topics nd
� • services for community mee�tings Organizational xork
� from Police Dept. 's Crime �Pre- I
I I �
`' , ,r ^ p r (J�R�� !
(Continuation of va�e 2. item #6.) '
Because of the conditions of victim and perpetrator living in relatively close
proximity to each other, victims .are often reluctant to report crimes to the Police !
because of' intimidation or the fear of retaliation. In addition to this� ma.r�y residents ;
are distrustful of agencies such as the Police and are therefore reluctant to report
crimes through official channels or to cooperate �'ith the authorities. There seems to �
be a consensus of skepticism among ma.ny residents of the community as to xhether the
Police care or are capable of stemming the ever rising incidence of crime. This lack �
of understanding between residents and outside service agencies contributes, in its
oxn right� to rising crime and a deteriorating qua.lity of life in the community. ',
There exists a need in the Summit-University community for a unified program sensitive !
to the needs of the community Which xill directly and systematica.11y assess these ',
problems and, in a spirit of vigorous outreach� assist citizens of the Summit-University
area in reducing the causes� risks and incidence of crime.
�Continuation of paa�e 2, item #7)
Need � Action Effect
vention Unit and Police Team
. Leader in S-U community. �
6. Hold txo community-xide Community awareness and
crime prevention meetings raising trust levels
(In cooperation with j�' during lst year of project. between community and Police.
Police Dept. ) �. Write and publish informa-
tiona.l pamphlets. referral Community axareness.
(Some to be done in cards and news articles for .
coop�ration xith community papers.
Police Dept. ) $. Assist Police Team
supervisor in training of Raising trust levels and •
Police personnel res avail- cooperation between Project
ability of S-U Crime Pre- sta.ff and Police.
vention staff.
2. Victims' Assista.nce Develop program xhich xill
give continuing .assistance
to crime victims in the S-U
community xithin 4 months after
• full project staffing.
(In cooperation xith 1. Encoura�e Victims to report crime.to Police. Loxer crime rate
Police. ) 2. Provide staff to go to scene of crime Direct aid &
„ upon request of police. -- , loxer crime rate
3. Supply emerg�ncy, overnight housing
. upon request of victim who cannot enlist Lower fear.
security help from friends or relatives. ,
4. Provide short-term, emotiona,l support Lower fear.
counseling to victims (crisis intervention).
5. Provide victims xith referrals. General.
6. Assist victims with reparation Highryrate of recovery
applications. , of losses.
7. Provide emergency repairs such as Loxer fear.
rep�cing broken locks and xindoxs. �
B. .Develop continuing effort for Accessible
assessment and listing of other com- information to
munity resources available to S-U community.
residents x�in 3 months after full project
(see continuation of page 2, item #7 on separate page desi�nated page 2A)
f 1 Y` `
Fage 2A
(Continuation of va�e 2. item �#7)
Need Action Effect �
staffing xith subsequent
quarterly revisions xhich
xill include Criminal Justice
System information and Human
Services information.
9. Provide followup to
determine usage of referrals.
10. Aid victims in court pro-
(In cooperation �ith ceedings and checking on final more prosecution.
Court Services) disposition of cases.
il . Provide transportation for more victims following
victims. through in court.
12.Provide day care for children
of victims.
3. Victim�Witness Develop a program xhich xill give
continuin� assistance to xitnesses
of crime in the Summit-University
community xithin 4 months after
full project sta.ffing.
1. Work with court services.
• 2. �kplain court procedures to more xitnesses.
3. Accompany Witnesses to court more witnesses willing
proceedings. to testify.
4. Provide transportation for ��
5. Provide day care for children "
of xitnesses.
Page 3
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8. Service Area/Target Population: (Describe the specific area and/or population
which will be affected by this project. Use maps if necessary. )
The population to be served by this project xill include all persons who live and�or
xork in the Summit-University community as defined in the guidelines utilized by '
the District 8 Planning Council. Also. those persons rrho live outside the Summit- �
University community but xho� xhile traveling ar�d�or visiting in the Summit- .
University community. become victims or xitnesses of a crime occurring in the
Summit-University community xill be serviced by the Summit-University Crime '
Frevention Project.
8. 1 Consumer or Client Eligibility Requirements: (if applicable) (Any requirements
v,�hich determine eligibility for pro�ect services should be identified. If
eligibility varies fron activity to activity, please indicate this. )
(See item #8 above)
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9. Specific Project Activities/Services: (Please list and give specific information on
each activ�ty undertaken as part of this project. Number each separate activity/
service. ) (Refer to p. 2 and supplemental pages for Ob�ectives' activities.� ,
Examples: {
1 . acquisition of 1 substandard home within th� I7A, location to be determined; or
2. contract for detailed design of a multi-service center building by a private
architectural firm; or
3. conduct 2 public meetings with community residents to determine r�use for 1
residential property acquired which is compatible with the neighborhood; or
4, provide necessary counseling services to at least 1 ,000 persons requiring
housing-related information during the program year, either over the phone or
to walk-in clients. �
. i
xb�4t#c�X�t#cits�Sd� Im eme P �� I�
1. The Project Director and Associate Director xill ecruit, screen, hire d familiarize other
project staff. All staff wil� be thoroughly fami iarized with the goal nd ob3ectives of
the Summit-University Crime Prevention Pro3ect be ore further program de elopment is begun. �
2. Liaison �ith Other Agencies - The second phase of the Project's develop nt xill be a
comprehensive effort by the Director and other st ff as assigned by him er to develop a
Working relationship with other agencies� both pu lic and private, such s Police� courts
and other segments of the criminal 3ustice system appropriat�city and c unty agencies,
agencies and groups xorking within the Summit-Uni ersity area and any ot er group, agency
or individual Whose activities have a bearing on he overall goal and ob'ectives of the
Summit-University Crime Prevention Pro�ect. A si ilar effort xill be ma e to gain the
cooperation ami confidence of the area residents.
3. At the completion of full sta.ff hiring� the evalu tion agency will begin its strategies for
gaining information xhich Will then be compiled a d correlated and used s a ba.se for the
project's monitorina and evaluation system as ael as a guide to the nee s and wishes of
the community. Er►aluation Will be a continuing e fort both in terms of eports on performance
and the accomplishment of specific project ob3ec� ves and in the overall effect and impact �
upon crime�victimization rates in the community. �
4. Action Plan Dev�lopment - The actual development f the objectives and t e strategies for ;
their implementation is a task which will be unde taken by project staff after the initial ;
. phases of the public relations effort have been 1 rgelyr completed. The taff xill work ;
together as a t:eam led by the Director and xill d velopL;comprehensive� s ep-by-step plans for !
the development and implementation of the various parts of the objective areas. The Director i
and Associate Director xill develop a time line a d monitorin� system fo the acti�ities of i
the Community Organizers in order to see that pro ect objectives are rea hed within the time �
specified in the proposal. The Kork progra.m itse f xill be divided into three areasi '
one Community Organizer xill be responsible for t e Victims' Assista.nce rogram, one
Communi�y Orga.nizer xill be responsible for the C mmunity Education pro m� and one ,
Community Organizer will be responsible for the C ime Witness program. �ee p•5-timelines)
Public information xill be published for the communit -at-large as to the pr gress of the Crime
Prevention Pro�ect. and information and su�gestions x 11 be solicited from t e coaununity-at-large. �
Once programs ha.ve been fully implemented, feedback f om the community Nill e constantly solicited
and statistical information from official agencies xi 1 be monitored in orde that the focus of the
various programs be kept relevant to the changing nee s of the community.
See p. 2 for Clbjectives' activities.
*See pages 33-38 of proposal for proposed evaluation program from
�:innesota Center for Social Research.
*Describe speci�ic tasks and provide quantitative information.
Fage 5
10. Work Program Timeline or Schedule: !
77 78
J J A S 0 N D J F M A M
U U U E C 0 E A E A P A .
Activit (refer to �9) N L G P T V C N B R R Y
1. Advertising for staff positions ' 1- ,
Resume deadline 1
2. Pro3ect Director and Associate 21 �
Director hired by:
3. Support staff hired by: 5 I��
4. Program development S '
. � i I i
� I
I I i
Paae 6
� , .
11 . Project Budqet and Personnel Breakdown: (See attached budget forms. ) �
12. Statement of Future Financial Impact on the City Budget: (Any direct long-range
financial implicat�ons of this pro�ect for the expenditure of public funds,
particularly City funds, should be identified. If CD funds are not continued,
how will the project be maintained or continued; or for construction projects--
how will the project be maintained once construction is completed?}
This project will continue to require CD funds for the folloxing yearss
Year 2 - $238�969 �
Year 3 - $262,866 calculated at a .10 inflation factor for recurring expenses. �
Year 4 - $289.153
Year 5 - $318,068
Fach �re�r. the. pro ject will also apply for LEAA funding.
When pro�ram ob�ectives are realized and the overall crime incident rate drops�
an increase in the economic xell being of the residents and businesses xithin
the Summit-University community will take place. This xill come about as a direct
result of a drop in actual property damage and an increased air of safety and
attractiveness of the area as a result of a drop in crimes against persons. A
rise in property values can be foreseen as Kell as renexed interest in the area
by busines= and investors. Nex residents xill be attracted to the area thus
broa.dening �he tax base as the atmosphere in xhich schools, churches, businesses
13. Assur�'��e�ther social institutions can function becomes safer and more secure.
The Project Agency hereby assures that it will comply with all the appropriate
Federal requirements, including :
Non-Discrimination Requirements
Acquisition and Relocation Requirements -
Labor Standards
Environmental Requirements (See Se�tion 14)
Historic Preservation Guidelines (See Section 14}
Hatch Act..(Polit�cal Activity) Restrictions �� �
Procu�°ement (Purchasing) Procedures ' -
Certification �hat Other t=ederal Funds For This Project Are Not Available
Clean Air and rederal Water Pollution Control Act (See Section 14)
Other Requirements and Standards
Copies of ti-�e above requi�°ements, standards, and restrictions are available from
the Community Development Office, 366 City Nall F+nnex, Saint Paul , t?-�r�nesota , 5510�.
Page !
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14. Environmental Review Information: �
The environmental review will be conducted by the city planning/environmental ��
planning section with assistance from the project manager. An interview will �
be arranged by the environmental review section with the project manager to '
gather information to complete the environmental review requirements.
, � i
15. Terms and Conditions '
The project agency hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions
stipulated by the City:
15. 1 Record Keeping
All project records will be kept and maintained in an easily accessible �
fashion for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date �
of the submission of the final expenditure report or until all audit j
findings have been resolved, whichever is later.
15.2 Accountability �
The project agency will be accountable to the City, generally, and to
the Community Development Coordinator, specifically, for the carrying
out of the activities herein descr-ibed and agreed to.
15.3 Regular Reporting
The project agency will submit to the Community Development Coordinator
on a quarterly basis a full account of the status of the work outlined
in the work program. This status report will record the work of the
previous quarter, as well as the cumulative work performed, and will be
submitted using such format as the Community Devleopment Coordinator
may prescribe. The project agency will also submit to the Community
Development Coordinator not less often than monthly a financial report.
At a minimum, this report will contain a summarization of expenditures
incurred and a trial balance of general ledger accounts.
15.4 Financial Audits
The City will arrange for financial audits to be performed with
reasonable frequency, us�ally annually, bu� not less frequentl.y than
once every two years.
15.5 Other Requirements
The project agency will comply �rith such other rules, regulations, and
requirements as the Community Development Coordinator may from time to
time promulgate.
Submitted by: �
Name: Reverend �rrone L� Burkette Title: Chairman --
Address: Dayton Avenue Fresb�terian Church. Dayton & N,ackubin. Phone: ���_ 89
St. Pa.ul, Minnesota 55102
, j . — L. -��,4 � �.� `j — � L--'7�
Signature (Dated)
qwl Ol : 12/1975
Rev. : 9/8/76
Date: September 27, •1977
�E '� .� Ep�
RE: Summit-University Crime Prevention
ACTION REQUESTEQ: Sign Resolution appropriating Year III funds for tMe next 24 months.
PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Previously-approved by Mayor and Council .
ATTACNMENTS: Resolution and Scope of Services.
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Oote : September 26, 1977
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TO : Soint Paul Ciiy Counci�
ROSALIE BUTLER , choirman, mc�k�s i`he �otlowinc�
� . report on - C. F. �] C)rdinan�e , �
[� Resolutian
�] O�her � �
T l T L E : A resolution approving the Summit-University :
Crime Prevention Program and I�udget _
The Committee today recommended approval of the
above resolution.
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