269836 WNITE - CITV�CLERK . ��J��� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA iT L Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE -y1AYOR F1Ie NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council pursuant to Ordinance No. 15311, Council File No. 260426, adopted Jaauary 23, 1973, did hold a public hearing on Mar±�h 15, 1977 in the City Council Chambers for the purpoae of establishing the level of service of Street Maintenance to be perforn�ed in the City of Saint paul and the a�ount of service charges to be levied against benefited property; and WHEREAS, The Council of the Citq of Saint Paul did determine that the program of 3treet Maintenance Sernices to be performed within the City should be in the " manner as set forth and described in the attsched report>of the Department of Public Works; and WIiEREAS, The Department of Public .Works did perform the Street Maintenance Services in a manner as aet forth and described in the attached report of the Depart�nt of Public porks; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Ordinance No. 153I1 the Department of publia Works has submitted Co the Department of Finance and Managemert Services a report showing the total cost of Street Maintenance to be $3,675,000.00, a copy of such report haa heretofore been delivered to the City Council; naw, therefore, be it_ RESOLVED, That the City ahall pay $1,155,700.00 of ��e 'coat of Street Maintenance by uaing MunEcipal �t� Aid ($602,700.00) Trunk Hig-hwap� Aid ($206,000.00) a�d Cougty Aid ($347,OQ0.00); and be it further . R13SOLVBD, Tlztat $2,519,300�00 shall be assessed agains� benefited propestq accordiag to the follaving rates; ` . Class I - Downto+�n - $.93 per front foot Class II - Outlying Com�ercial and Arterial Streeta - - Coannercial Property - $.63 per front foot ResidenCial property - $.31 per front foot Class III - All Reaidential SCreets Sesidential Property - $.31 per front foot Co�ercial Property - $.47 per fron� foot Class IV - All Oiled and paved Alle�rs� • $.17 per front foot COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of. Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor � Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco �'orm Approved Cit Atto y Adopted by Council: D.ate Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By. Approved by 19ayor: Date _ Appr d by Mayor for u mission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COUi1C1I '}^p"�f�'�,�f'�-'fyy�. � BLUE -�.1�oR E GITY OF � SAINT PAUL File NO. � CANARY - DEPARTMENT� �- � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Qate -2- Class V - Unimproved Streets and Alleys Streets - $.15 per front foot Alleys - $.08 per front foot and be it further . RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be held in the Councfl Chambers of the City of Saint Paul at ?�0:00 a.m., on the 2Sth daq of October, 1977 for the purpose of adopting service chargea against all benefited properties to be collected in the saane manner as other real property taxes in 1978. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Dep�rtment of: Butler Publ i c rks Desch-Finance) Hozza .�— In Favor Hunt • Levine '� __ Against Roedler Sylvester t Tedesco $EP 2;9 �977 Form Appro ed by y ttor y Adopted by Council: Date -� Certified Pa: d y Council Se tary BY ss� Approved y ;Vla r. Date � T 3 19 APP��`�'ed by Mayor for Su �ss n to Council �,_ By BY ,�UBUSHfD O�� 8 1��` I 1 r �� � 7 � y,���,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + September 22, 1977 Honorable Council President ' and Members of the City Council In compliance with Ordinance 15311, Council File 260426, effective February 22, 1973, the Department of Finance and Management Services does hereby inform the City Council that the total estimated cost of services performed during 1977 for STREET MAINTENANCE, to be charged to the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund, to be $3,675,000.00 for the year 1977, as reported by the Department of Public Worka. It is proposed to assess the amount of $2,519,300.00 against benefited properties, with the total cost to be financed as follows: Municipal State Aid $ 602,700.00 Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid 206,000.00 , County Aid 347,000.00 , Total Aid $1,155,700.00 I!, Assessments 2,519,300.00 TOTAL COST AND FINANCING $3,675,000.00 j � Attached for Council consideration is a Resolution to determine the total I cost for street maintenance service, the amount and rates to be assessed, and fixing a date for public hearing, at which time the Council shall consider adopting and levying the service charge. Resp�ctfully subm �ted, �/ � ;r� % J . .�1�C� �1 ' BERNARD J. CARLSON Director, Department of Finance and Management Services BJC:PFD;jh Attachment Telephone612/298-5241 113 City Hall , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102