269829 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11. ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF �SA I NT .PALT L - 1 � � - � CANARV - OEPARTMENT � - � BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO• ; � C nci Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commiftee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, an agree- ment between t�ie City .of Saint Paul and Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. , for the preliminary design of the St. Anthony Hill Sewer Relief System, said agreement to be completed on or before February l, 1978, and a copy of said agreement to be kept on file in the Department of Finance and Management Services. � COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler _� �n Favor Hozza Hunt � Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco 7 1977 Adopted b ouncil: Date SEP 2, Form ppro ed by ty Attorney Ce ied Pass y Coun ' Secretary BY � By r.\ � ,SEP 3 0 1977 Appr y or for S issi to Council Appro�ed,by IVlayor: Date ' �,3r `� By ' BY � ��1BLISHED �CT � 1��'T `w � �'-�'�+�7,x.h V. ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIPINESOTA AND ' ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF THE ST. ANTHONY HILL SEWER RELIEF SYSTEM i t i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVIC�S SEPTEMBER 1977 � j � � , ; � t 1 , . r���{�C �;��� AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA AND ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1977, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a Municipal Corporation in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "CITY" and ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. a Minnesota Corporation, engaged in consulting engineering services with offices at 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 238, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413, hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT" , WITNESSETH: VIHEREAS, the CTTY proposes to undertake a study and the pre- liminary design of a sewer relief system in the St. Anthony Hill Area of Saint Paul, see E�ibit 1, hereinafter referred to as the "�ROJECT" ; WHEREAS , the CONSULTANT represents that he is qualified and authorized to perform such engineering services in the State of Minnesota hereinafter described, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the CITY and CONSULTANT agree as follows: ARTICLE I: SCOPE OF SERVICES This AGREEMENT shall cover professional engineering services for the study and preliminary design of a sewer relief system to relieve the sewage back up problem in the St. Anthony Hill Area. -1- '"��°-,��,�� The scope of services under this AGREEMENT includes the following: A. Determine the quantities of sewage and storm water inflow into the combined sewer system. B. Determi.ne any existing inadequate wastewater conveyance facilities in the study area by utilizing these flow quantities, mathematical modeling and city records. C. Identify and develop soluti.ons for the existing inadequate wastewater conveyance facilities within the study area which are now or which will be health hazards or are a limitation to proper area development. D. Develop alternative measures to relieve the present combined sewer system of the area. E. Develop a cost-effective and implementable plan which can be readily compatable with the combined sewer overflow plan of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. F. Prepare the preliminary design of the system plan which will include preliminary layouts, hydraulic profiles, design computations, and detailed construction cost estimates. G. All findings and recommendations shall be prepared in a final report of which 30 copies will be presented to the CTTY. -2- �����.�Q� ARTICLE II: THE CITY 'S RESPONSIBILITIES The CITY will: A. Provide full information as to its requirements for the PROJECT. B. Assist the CONSULTANT by placing at his disposal a11 available information pertinent to the PROJECT including previous reports and any other data relative to the PROJECT. C. Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the CONSULTANT to enter upon public and private property as required for the CONSULTANT to perform his services under this AGREEMENT. Provide personnel and equipment to assist the CON5ULT.ANT in entering any of the facilities for purposes of inspection or placing and maintaining measuring devices. D. Examine all studies , reports, sketches, estimates , dr�wings, and other documents presented by the CONSULTANT and render in writing decisions per�aining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services of the CONSULTANT. E. Designate in writing a person to act as CITY'S representata,ve with respect to work to be performed under this AGREEMENT; and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instruct- ions, receive information, interpret and define CITY'S policies and decisions with respect to the services covered by this A�REEMENT. F. Give prompt written notice to the CONSULTANT wlzenever the CITY observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the PROJECT. �3- ������ :�� ARTICLE III : SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONSULTANT This article describes in detail the services to be provided by the CONSULTANT. A. Phase 1 - Project Initiation In this phase the CONSULTANT'S praject team will be �sser.�bled and a preliminary meeting will be held with the Public Works and Engineering Department (PLaE) staff to outline the plan of study and problems of sewage backup in the study area. B. Phase 2 - Data Collection The CONSULTANT shall collect existing data, maps, applicable regulations, previous studies, existing geological and soils information, existing and proposed land use, other proposed street and highway improvements, and proposed industrial, commercial, recreational and residential developments which might be affected, and other avail�.ble information and data which may influence the study. The CONSULTANT shall arrange and confer with City, County, State, Federal, and other governmental representatives whose authorities may have influence on the study area to determine possible areas of cooperation and to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Reports and data collected will be used in the sewage flow and inflow analyses, and in establishing characteristics of the combined sewer system. C. Phase 3 - Preliminary Evaluation An evaluation of the combined sewers in the study area will -4- � <��,�;�� be made during this phase to determine the effects of sewage backup and the surcharging and overloading of the system sewers. Also, this evaluation will utilize the flow measurement data collected under Phase 2. A sewage flow and inflow analyses of certain segments of the system will be undertaken and completed. The analyses will determine which part or parts of the study area system experience excessive overloading. D. Phase 4 - Identification and Screening of Alternatives In Phase 4, alternative combined sewer relief inethods will be considered, in the context of input from the evaluations done in Phase 3. The methods considered will include sewer separation, overflows storage (surface and/or subsurface) and/or treatment, and combinations of all of the foregoing. Emphasis will be based on preliminary and secondary screening to obtain a workable number of alternative methods or alter- native control systems. The mathematical modeling technique will be employed in assisting in the evaluation of control methods. Alternative methods considered will include both above and below ground storage of overflows. A preliminary screening of all obviously nonapplicable methods will be screened out through a joint conference with PWE staff and by prelimi.nary cost estimates. A secondary screening process will be undertaken to result in -5- � ������� the selection of, at most, three primary relief inethods for the study area. Secondary screening will be based on the development of a comparative analysis. This will relate preliminary costs for alternative control techniques to the level of relief desired. Therefore, for a specified 1eve1 of control, it will be possible to determine which alternative control technique has the lowest cost. During this phase the alternate solutions will be reviewed for compatability with the MWCC Combined Sewer Overflow study and the Department of Transportation Interstate 94 outfall. Plans for each alternative relief inethod will be evaluated on the basis of cost, implementation, environmental impact and �inancial and 1ega1 characteristics. All of the plans will be displayed for and discussed with PWE staff. A matrix ranking system or similar approach will be developed which will be used by the CONSULTANT and PWE staff to rank all of the alternative relief plans. The three plans will be pre- sented at a public meeting. E. Phase 5 - Alternatives Evaluation and Selection After the public meeting the three plans will be reranked in a joint conference with PWE and the recommended relief plan selected. F. Phase 6 - Preliminary Engineering The preliminary engineering phase will include preparation of prela,minary layouts, hydraulic profiles, design computations, -6- ��;$�?�,�� and detailed construction cost estimates. It will also in- clude additional geophysical evaluations for subsurface contrnl facilities . ARTICLE IV: TIME SCHEDULE A. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED The CONSULTANT shall commence work on the PROJECT promptly after the execution of this AGREEMENT and written notice to proceed and shall proceed to carry through to completion without any undue delay, except as provided herein. B. COMPLETION OF FINAL SEWER RELIEF SYSTEM PLAN The CONSULTANT shall deliver to the CITY the completed Final Sewer Relief System Plan and preliminary engineering design drawings of the PROJECT no later than February 1, 1978 . C. TIME EXTENSIONS OF COMPLETION PERIODS The CITY may extend the aforesaid time completion period upon written request from the CONSULTANT because of delays encountered that are beyond his control. The extent of this time extension shall be determir�ed by the CITY. ARTICLE V: COMPENSATION A. TOTAL COMPENSATION The CTTY agrees to pay the CONSULTANT for his services described in ARTICLE III an amount not to exceed Fifty eight thousand four hundred sixty eight dollars ($58,468.00) in accordance ��_ . �����,� with the Price Summary, attached hereto as Exhibit 2 . Billings by the CONSULTANT for labor will be made at actual rates times the multiplier for personnel engaged in the PROJECT. Other direct expenses , including computer rental, travel, equipment rental, and report reproduction costs not generally included in normal overhead will be reimbursable at cost. B. ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION In the event that unforeseen or unusual conditions arise during the study that would alter the scope of services described in this AGREEMENT for which the CITY would request additional professional services the CONSULTANT must make a request for extra compensation for the additional professional services within ten (10) days of the CITY'S request. Upon AGREEMENT between the CITY and CONSULTANT as to the amount of such extra compensation when it has been determined that such an amount exceeds the maximum amount of $58,468.00 mentioned above, a supplement to this AGREEMENT will be entered into establishing the scope and extent of the additional pro- fessional services. C. METHODS OF COMPENSATION The amount of $58,468.00 will be paid to the CONSULTANT in the following manner, in every case, subject to receipt of a requisition for payment from the CONSULTANT specifying that he has performed the work under this AGREEMENT in conformance with the AGREEMENT and that he is entitled to receive the -�- • ���.:4.�t�1� W� The Consultant agrees , in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 181.59 , and in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, that in the hiring of common or skill�d labor for the performance of any work under this Agreement, Consultant shall not by reason of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, or sex discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which such employment relates; and that this agreement may be cancelled or terminated by the CITY and all money due or to become due hereunder shall be forfeited for a s�cond or any subsequent violation of the t�rms or conditions of this agreement. C. ASSIGNMENT The services of the CONSULTANT to be performed hereunder are personal and sha11 not be assigned, sublet, or transferred unless written authority to do so is granted by the CITY, except as provid�d herein. ! Personnel from the firm of Gannett Fleming Corddry & Carpenter, � � Inc. , Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and American Consulting Servic�s, Inc. , Minneapolis , Minnesota; will be engaged by the CONSULT.ANT to provide specialized assistance in 1) Computer analysis and alternatives development and 2) flow measurements and sewer system evaluation respectively. Also Dr. Charles Nelson and Dr. Donald Yardley, Underground Consultants, will be used by the CONSULTANT to provide consultation regarding geotechnical �1Q- evaluations. Services performed by these specialized consul- tants will be billed on an hourly basis according to the rates set forth in Exhibit 2. D. INSURANCE The CONSULTANT, as Principal, shall carry an Architects ' and/or Engineers ' Professional Liability Insurance Policy in the amount of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) and shall provide a copy of such professional liability insurance policy to the CITY, which policy shall be subject to approval as to form by the CITY. The policy shall provide that the CITY shall receive thirty (30) days ' written notice of cancellation thereof or notice of any material changes in said policy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed in their behalf respectively by their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed as of the day and y�ar first above written. ; i . ; Approved as to form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Assistant City Attorney Mayor Director, Finance & Management Services In presence of: ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 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ANTHONY HILL SE4dER RELIEF SYSTEM PRICE 5UM1�'tARY Consultant: Orr-Schelen-I�Zayeron & Associates, Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Niinneapolis, Minnesota 55413 LABOR CO5T5 Classification Hourly Payroll Rates Hours Estimated Cost Range Average* Project Director $20. 00 $20. 00 88 $ 1, 760. 00 Project Engineer 12. 50-19. 75 17. 00 260 4,420. 00 Design Engineer 10.50-11.50 11. 00 535 5,8$5.00 Technician 8. 50-I2. 00 9. 50 534 5,073.00 Draftsman & Non-Technical 4. 50- 9. 00 7. 00 367 2,569. 00 t $19 ,707.00 ! 1 Multiplier (G � A, Profitj X 2. 50 � Total Labor Costs $49,268.�0 ESTIMATED DIRECT EXPEN5ES Computer Rental $ 2,000.00 Travel 1,200. 00 Monitoring Equipment 4 ,000. 00 Reproduction 2,000.00 $ 9 ,200.00 ` TOTAL PROJECT COST (NOT TO EXCEED) $58 ,468 .00 *Weighted average based on anticipated personnel assignments EXHIBIT 2 . , � �,,,. amount requisitioned under the terms of the AGREEMENT. Partial payments will be made on a monthly basis based on the percent- age of the scope of tasks completed at the time of billings. Invoic�s are due and payable within thirty (30) days after date of the invoice. Such invoices shall represent the value to the CITY of the partially completed work based on the proportion which its percentage of completion bears to the total value of $58 ,468.00 . Such invoices will be checked by the CITY and payments will be made in the amount of 90 percent of such amount thereof as has been found to represent the value to the CITY of the partially completed work, less any amounts previously paid on account. ARTICLE VI: GENERAZ CONDI�IONS A. TERMZNATION This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the CITY for any reason whatsoever, at any time upon seven (7) days written notice � � to the CONSULTANT. In the event that such teranination should ' � take place at any time before the completion of the PROJECT, ' the CITY will pay the CONSULTANT the same percentage of the fee as the completed work bears percentage-wise to the total work to ' be performed under this AGREEMENT. B. NON DISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT shall be deemed a contractor for the application of all provisions hereto and laws against unlawful discri- mination on account of race, creed, color, sex, national origin. -9-