269823 WH�TE - CITV� CLERK COIlI1C1I F,�y����� A PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT \rV � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ` � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, federal regulations promulgated pursuant to the State and Local Assistance Act provide special hearings re- quirements for local budgets containing federal revenue sharing funds or "entitlement funds"; and WHEREAS, those regulations require a public hearing prior to adoption of a budget containing such "entitlement funds" at which citizens may -- -- provide written and oral comments on the budget, and . -- ask questions concerning the entire budget and the relationship of "entitlement funds" to the entire budget; and � WHEREAS, such hearing must be held at a place and time that encourages public attendance and participation; and WHEREAS, notice of such hearing must be published in a news- paper of general circulation, and must contain -- -- a statement of how the local government intends to use such "entitlement funds" as set forth in its budget, and -- a summary of its proposed budget; and WHEREAS, the Finance, Management & Personnel Committee is the appropriate committee of the City Council primarily responsible for considering and enacting the budget and acts hereunder as a Committee of the Whole; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY - Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form Ap ved by City tt ney Adopted by Council: Date — . � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , WHITE - C�TV CLERK , � PINK - FINAN�CE GITY OF SAINT PALiL Council � CANARV�- OEPARTMENT .�r �� BLUE - MAVOR ��� _•� File N . ` � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. WHEREAS, the Council has established October 18, 1977, at 10:00 A.M. as a public hearing date pursuant to Section 10.06 of the Charter; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby sets the date for an additional public hearing on the budget with regard to the federal regulations for October 12, 1977, at 7:30 P.M., in the City Council Chambers before the Finance, Management & Personnel Committee sitting as a Committee of the Whole; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that at such hearing citizens will be permitted to make written and oral comments, and to ask questions� concerning the budget and federal "entitlement funds" contained in the budget; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that citizens may direct written cocrnnents prior to October ]�, 1977, to the City Clerk; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to publish this resolution, together with the attached statement and summary, in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Saint Paul, no later than October 1, 1977. COUNCIL;VIEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � , Butler .� In Favor Hozza Hunt �'�� __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester TP� SfP 2,2 1977 Form App ved by City tor Adopted ouncil: Date ' . I rtified Pas d ounc�l etary BY ' B Appr�d by Mayor: Date ' SEP 2;3 �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � BY . �U6Lf�HED (j�T 1 1977 • • �' . � — No„�e � � 6 9 �.Z 3 . pl Heerinp . � Resolut{on C�.F.269823 . � WNEREAS..fedar+l requletlona _ prom�lpbled PunuaM 1p th! � . � pro�vlde dsDe�'IAheeranys��re• i � . ' qulrem�nfi !or local butlqots conteinfnq federal rbvenue ' sharin9 fu�dc or "entltler»�nt � 'funds',and, ..�. WHEREAS, those np�lefions ' ; require e.D�blic Msriny prior to •dopt�on o��• bud9�t con-� . t�fninQ iuch ^eM�f'ement � ��unds"at�✓hich cifi:ens may- =provld�Wrltten end orbl commenta o0 1M b�dpeL � •n0,.�.: . �... F..... — ask Que¢��ons Concern- in th�-ent�n buAQe1 eotl � ih�relationship ot'entitle- ment tunCs' fo tAa antire budp et;anG ��► � •��� , � - WHEREAS, svc�hoarinp m�st . � p,e held at a9�ace end time that � � encoureqes pubtic ettendanc� end particip etion;end • � WHEREAS, not{te o1 svch- . - hearinq rTUft bs PublisheC in a newspap�r of yeneral circula- tlon,end must co�tain• — a statement o1 how t�e . � Iocal qovernment. iMends. ,to ust such "MtltlemeM - 'ruAds" as set Mrfn fn ita � bodyef,bnd . ' ' .. — e summary of its prw � posed budpet;end ` WHEREAS. the Financl, Man- � � aflsmsnl L Personnel Commit- � tee Is fh�approp riate commit- 1�e of fhe Clty Council . � primerlly reaponsible 4or con- sid'erinp� an4 enactlnp tbe � � Commltt�of fhe Whole�nds, � WHEREAS,ths Counc`N basts- leblished Oeclober 'R. 7977, �at � 10�Q0 A.M. �s� puDlic Aeaciny . • date purs�int fo SscHOn 10.06 � . ��e Cbarlert now,t1l�rofore, � RESOLVEb, that�fhe Council hereby sets the date fRr+n sd•. , � ditlonal public he�0r inp.on th@ � ' � e el�rey uletioni for.O[itob.er 12' �. 1vT7, af 7:30 p.M.. In tRe Clty ,. � Council ChaAnbers betore ths � FinancC� M�nagefnenl'6•Per- - � sonnel Committee Sittinq as e � - Commlitee of ihe'�/�+ole; and, � FUkTH�R.RE50LVED,thatai , pBrrr�ited to9makm wrft eo�and � orel comments, #�d. }o ask� � � � questions, concern�ny t�e� � budp et an0-�iederal ^entitle- - meni funds"-coMai�ed.lf,ihe. � ' budy et;and,be H ���== •• FURTHER RESOLVED,, Ihat � citizens may ElreCf��✓rlften� commenis prior�o October 1'l,� 1977, to tbe Clty Glerlc;�enG, be� N . FURTHER RESOLVED, �thst � the City Gerk is directeE to� � � pubiish thia resolufion, topeth-. er with the+tt�cheC statement and summary,in a nawspaper ot yeneral circuletion i� ihe City pf Sai�t Peu1,no later ihan Odober 1.19T7.�'< ..� :� ' . - AdOPted By Council 9-Y1J7 STATEMEO�BUDGETMMARV � Dvriny caIendar yoar 197i. Gener�l Rlvenue. Sherinq Funds are proposed t0 be usetl to maintaln ufy oPerations. � Accordingly. tAe s6.u5,009 uf General Reveoue S�prinp � Funds ere proposed for Inclu- . sion io the uty's�eneral reve- nue/und budget.- � � '�� The 197! budflet also Proposes ihe exqsnditure of 579.9 mil- lion, or aPDroximriely�.5 p�f. more then-the 1977 budq et�The propo sad buCy et provl.des ior � beslc city services.but in some - areas psrsonnel and service - le�sls�re s119Af1Y modffietl. No . nrw proq rems +n Droposed. � ModNications are proposeA m � Ilbrbry F�ours, whlle personnel decreasea are proposed .�n _ most ci1y deparfinenls. Melor , � expenClturi increases occur � � for debt service,el�ctiona,and � Pensions.The proposeA budy et � s fully funded.Ma�or spendln9 ' wurce� ere stafe and federbl � � aid,th�NSP frenchiu fec and . �(ihe Droperty tax. AII sources excaPf�fAe P�oPe�1' �ax have - . � �Fp o�p�r�y tea/e�yulK ts eqh17a . IOwar than 1977. ..��. . � :_{OataO SeD�.?4�� Rose Mi:, - � � Git C1erk _ � � 1 Press 6 DiePatCh,�SeD�ember f ' 27,no.339- t ,. t' • . �. , '"„� / • � . . x �',' ✓,��� STATEMENT AND SUNIl�IARY OF BUDGET During calendar year 1978, General Revenue Sharing Funds are proposed to be used to maintain city operations. Accordingly, the $6,445,009 of General Revenue Sharing Funds are proposed for inclusion in the city' s general revenue fund budget. The 1978 budget also proposes the expenditure of $79.9 million, or approximately 4.5% more than the 1977 budget. The proposed budget provides for basic city services, but in some areas personnel and service levels are slightly modified. No new programs are proposed. Modifications are proposed in library hours, while personnel decreases are proposed in most city departments. Ma.jor expenditure increases occur for debt service, elections, and pensions. The proposed budget is fully funded. Major spending sources are state and federal aid, the NSP franchise fee and the property tax. All sources except the property tax have increased. As a result, the 1978 property tax levy is slightly lower than 1977 .