269817 WHITE - CITV CLERK f T PINK - FINANCE COI1RC11 ' a CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAI�NT PAUL '�^� BLUE - MAVOR File� NO. . C01�1 � eS ZO Presented By LICENSE COl►8�lITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RF.SOLVED: That applications for Temporary On Sale Malt Beverage Licenses, applied for by the following organizations at the following addresses, be and the same are hereby granted, in compliance with Council Fule No. 266399, Ordinance No. 1592?� which mends Chapter 310 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances. Newell Park Booater Club 685 W. Minnehaha Appn. 16624 New Proaperity Booster Club, Inc. Kennard & Cottage Appn. 184?9 Ren�w . COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza In Favor Hunt —�"'--=�-°' � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Adopted ouncil: Date — S�P z�2 197T Form Approved by City Attorney rtified Passe b ouncil S`CL'�'fary BY B5� �. App ved by ;Vlayor: Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By _ BY d � 19�7 PUEL�SY�ED G�1 1