269807 WHITE - CITY CLERK - ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI�NT PAUL Council CANARV - OEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution amendi.ng the Salary � Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution by establishing a compensation rate for the class of Cafeteria Lu,nchroom Supervisor. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a compensation rate for the class of Cafeteria Lunchroom Supervi.sor; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution be amended in Section II B thereof, by inserting under the heading, "Special Employments", in the proper alphabetical order, the following; Cafeteria Lunchroom Supervisor 7. 66 per hour COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � ERSO FF Hozza In Favor Hunt T) � �� __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester � Tit�ascA SFP 212 �977 Form ppro ed by City Attorney Adopted b ouncil: Date — �`� /�n B � .��`^'1 �x�'w'{ Cer ed Pass y Counci ,ecretary � � Y ♦ ��� ` .S�P 2�3 �.9n Appr d by Mayor for b ission to Council App v y ;Vlavoc Dat � — By 4 � By Pt1BLiSNED 0 CT 1 19�7 . � not d�tacM thts memorandum f�m the _ ��� . . _ Do _ � . - ` reso{ution so tha#: this information wiN be . 01vY O1�.; �� available to the Gity Councity ` �e�,, ; EXPLANATION C)F ADMI�T�STRATiVE ORDERS, �� � RESD:LUTIt7N�r A�17] O�bII�1A�TCES , ,. � Date: August 3, 19�7 TO: �iAYOR GEORGE LATIMER - R E I V E FR s Personne� Office , . Li; :i ".s �� : � . RE: Resolntion-for �ubmission to the City Couacil. - AC?I�N 1�EQUEBTED: � , • �We recomm�nd yo�r apprbval and s�bmisaion of this $e5solution to the City , Council., • PURPOSE AND RATIONALF FOR THIS.ACTION: This Resolution establishes a rate qf compensation for �he.nevv clas� of - . Cafeteria Luachroom Supervisor. The ra�e of $?.6b per ho�az ia the curree.t aegotiated rate. . � ATTACHMEI�J'TS: � ' Re solution and cogy for the Gity Clerk.