269184 WHITE - CITV CLERK . f � PINK� . - FINANCE GITY � OF SAINT PAUL � Council �����;� CAN� �V - DEPARTMENT . FI1@ NO• BLUE -,MA�OR . " • Coun '� l io Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE .� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�REAS: Ransom & Sons Construction, Inc. made Application No. 927 for the renewal of their Building Contractor License at 1005 Daytoa Avenue on April 7� 1977, and because on July 22, 1976� the City Council urider C.F. 267584 denied the application for a re- newal of a Building Contractor License quoted as followss "Covneil File No. 26758l�, adopted by Council July 22, 1976, approved by Mayor, July 26, 1976. WHEREAS, Ransom & Sons Construction, Inc.� 1005 Dayton Avenwe, Saint Paul� by its President, Mr. Ransom Simmons� has made application P8925 for a Building Contractor's Licer�e; and WHE£{EAS, the License Inspector recorrunended denial of said application on the follow- ing grounds; l. Failure to provi.de notice of right to rescind as required by law. 2. Willfli7. abandonment of contract. 3. Delay in completing sgreed upon`contracts causing undwe hardship and concern for the home owners. � 4. Failure to provide notice of right to lien as required by law. 5. Failure to co�ly with specifications in agreed contract by not havixig workmen's co�ensation insurance; and i�REAS, the applicant, Ransom Simmons� was notified of these grounds and the License Inspector's recommendation by letters d�ted Ma� 25� 1976, and June 3, 1976, and was provided a hearing before the I�i.cense Commi.ttee on June 23, 1976 at 9=00 A.M. (which hearing was continued to and concluded on Jul,y 7, 1976); and WHEREAS� at such hearing the spplicant was represented by his attorney, Irving Shaw� and Was afforded the right of cross-exa�ination of all witnesses, the right to present COUNC,ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Appr ed by Cit t rney Adopted by Council: Date — '� - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHI7E - CITV CLERf( L���� [�A PINK - FINANCE � *T X[ CANA'RV - DEPARTMEN T C I TY OF � SA I NT PA L} L COUIICII . �,� L � ) � BLUE -,MA�YOR � File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COI�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ransom & Sons Construation, Inc. cont. test3.mony and witnesses in his own behalf� the right to argus the evidence� at which hearing all testimony was under oath and taken by a court reporter; and WI�REAS� testimony was reoeived from Mr. Joseph F. Carchedi, I.icense Inspector; Ms. Connie Green, State Consumer Affairs �f'fice; Mrs. Mary Page; Mr. Joseph Kranitz; Mr. Kenneth Younkin; Mr. genneth Gauthier and Mr. G�rtis Miiler� both of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelapment Authority; Mr. Ransom Simmons� the applicant; A�rs. Jvne Jackson; and Mrs. Eba Ward; together with documents, photographs and other exhib3ts marked A through Q; and WHEF�AS, the evidence received established tha.t the applieant in aperatirig as a building contractor in St. Paul totally fa3led to comply with M3nn. �ta.t. �� 3�5.933- .938 which requires oral and written notice of the b�er's right to cancel home solic- itation sales contracts (after August l� 1973); and that the applican� �.bandoned the contra�t with M�. Mary Page without ar�y 3ustification, takt.ng $1�000.00 from her and. doing insubstantial xork in return therefor; aud that the applicant, in del�►ing com- pletion of contracts with Mr. Joseph Kranitz and Mr. Kenneth Younkin, by failing to provide notice of rights under the lien law (Minn. Stat. � 511t.011) to them� by acc- epting ps4qraents and not paying suppliers end subcontractors� and by filing and dis- charging debts in bankruptcy in 1976, has willfuly left �is�rs. Kranitz and Younid.n with poor and incomplete work and laxge debts and/or lieris rema3ning to be satisfied; and that the applicant consistently failed to complete H.R.A. home repair contracts on time to the detriment of the homeowners, and that sai.d applicant would not be per- mitted to bid on su�ch H.R.A. rehabilitation contracts in the future; and the evidence established that although applicant Ransom Simmons is seeking to do business through a corporate entity, ani has done business in the past through a now-bankru�t corpor- ation and. a sole proprietorship� the applicant in eaeh case at�d every contraet is and xas the sole responsible party� and that the appl3cant in his own testimor�y refused to answer questions relative to his financial condition asked by courisel for the License Committee� and was unresponsive and vague in ansv�rers to questioning; and Wf�AS� the License Comm3ttee voted unanimously to der�r said application, based on COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council:- Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , Approved by Mayoc Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK � t ��.<:A `� � PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl � 3��i� ����� CANAIiy - DEPARTMENT CITY - OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � � BLUE -ir1AwOR - � � � Council Resolution Presented By LTCENSE COMMITTEE ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ransan & Sons �onstruction� Inc. cont. the demeanor and appearance of the witnesses� the evidence and testimo�y received, and on the documentary exhi.bits, finding that the evidence established a].1 f3.ve grounds urged for denial� but particularly those nwnbered,one through three; and WHEF�AS� a copy of this Resolut3on has been ma3led to Mr. Irving Sha.w and Mr. Ransom 53.mmons prior to cAnsideration by the Council; now, therefore� be it RESOZVID� that the application of Ransom and Sons Construction� Inc. by its Presi-� dent Rasisom Simmons, for a building contractor's license be and hereby is denied.", and WHEREAS: The present application was deni.ed on the basis of the same eviden�ce and conclueions as was heard. previously by the License Committee; therefore, be it RESOLVID: That Application No. 927� made on �1pri1 7, 1927 for the renewal. of the Building Con_ tractor License by Ransom�& Sons Construction� Inc. at 1005 Dayton Avenue� be and the same is hereby denied. COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler �— [n Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date �UN 7 t977 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified s by Council retar BY By � App by ;Vlavor. t �j, N���7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED JU N 1 1 �977� � -