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council File # 01- y �� Resolution # Green Sheet # �� �. �� a+ RESOLUTION Presented By , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA `� 4 Referred To Committee: Date 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SCATTERED SITE NO. lA, SPRUCE TREE/METZ NO. 83, AND SNELLING AND UNIVERSITY NO. 9D AND 9E); AND THE ENERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT DISTffiCT N0.12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul (the "City") has heretofore approved, at the request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"), a Redevelopment Plan (the "Housing Redevelopment Plan") far the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (the "Housing Project Area") in order to provide new housing, including housing for low and moderate income persons and families, on multiple separate, blighted sites; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has also, at the request of the Authority, heretofore approved a Redevelopment Plan ("Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan") for the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the City has heretofore established the Energy Park Development District (the "Energy Park Development District") to provide impetus for commercial development, to increase employment, to protect pedestrians from vehicle traffic and inclement weather, to provide Yhe necessary linkage between peripheral parking facilities and places of employment and shopping, to provide off-street parking to service the shoppers and employees of the Energy Pazk Development District, to provide open space relief within the Energy Park Development District, and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the development plan for the Development District; and WHEREAS, in connection therewith the City designated the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") as the administrator of the Energy Park Development District; and WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Energy Park Development District the City created the Energy Park Taac Increment Financing District (the 'Bnergy Pazk TIF Dishict") and adopted a Development Progam and Tas Incretnent Financing Plan thereof, and 12762912 o � -4 ��t 36 WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Housing Project Area and the 37 Redevelopment Project Area, the Authoriry, with the approval of the City (a) established within the Housing 38 Project Area T� Increment Financing District Nos. 12 and 27 (the "Housing TIF District"), (b) established 39 within the Redevelopment Project Area, Taac Increment Financing District No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 40 (Spnxce Tree/Metz) and No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University) (collectively, the 'Redevelopment TIF 41 Dishicts"), and (c) adopted Tas Increment Financing Plans for the respective taY increment financing dish 42 (collecrively, the "TIF Plans"); and 43 44 WHEREAS, the Authority desires to amend the TIF Plans to, among other things, (a) increase the 45 expenditures authorized by the TIF Plans for the Housing TIF District and the Redevelopment TIF Districts 46 in order to promote redevelopment and housing development in the Housing Proj ect Area and the 47 Redevelopment Project Area, (b) to increase the bonded indebtedness for the Housing TIF District and the 48 Redevelopment TIF Districts, (c) to delete certain pazcels from the Housing TIF District and Tas Increment 49 Financing Dishict No. lA (Scattered Site), (d) to authorize, to the extent pernutted by law, the expenditure of 50 tas increments on affordable housing throughout the City, and (e) to authorize, to the extent permitted by law, 51 the pooling tax increments from the Housing TIF District and Redevelopment TIF Districts to fund deficits in 52 other tas increment financing districts located in the City, all as set forth in a document presented to the City 53 Council on this date entitled "Amendment of Tas Increment Financing Plans" (the "Amendment"); and 54 55 WHEREAS, the City desires to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plan for the Energy Park TIF 56 District to delete certain parcels from the Energy Park District TIF District all as set forth in a document 57 presented to the City Council on this date entitled "Amendment of Tas Increment Financing Plan for the 58 Energy Park Development District" (the 'Bnergy Park Amendment"); and 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 WHEREAS, new private inveshnent that fully realizes the potential of the Redevelopment Project Area, Housing Project Area and Energy Pazk Development District and meets the City's goals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless fixrther public action is undertaken to prepare the Redevelopment Project Area and Housing Project Area, for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the School Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Energy Pazk Amendment consists exclusively of the deletion of parcels from the Energy Park District, the current net tax capacity of the parcels so deleted equals ar exceeds the net taac capacity of those parcels in the Energy Pazk TIF District's original net taac capacity and, as a result, the City was not required to submit the proposed Energy Park Amendment to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners or the School Board of Independent School District No. 625; and WI-IEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the TIF Plans and the Energy Park TIF Plan following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Amendment, the Energy Park Amendment, and other information auailable to the Councilmembers, that the Energy Park TIF District and Redevelopment TIF Districts are "redevelopment 12762912 o � -v�y 85 districts" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and the Housing TIF 86 District is a"housing districY' within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11. 87 The findings set forth in the prior resolurions of the City Councii approving the establishment of the Energy 88 Park TIF District, the Redevelopment TIF Districts and the Housing TIF District aze hereby ratified and 89 confirmed. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 2. That the land within the Redevelopment Project Area and Housing Project Area and the TIF Districts would not be made available for redevelopment or development, nor would the provision of new low and moderate income housing reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the TIF Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Housing Project Area and Neighborhood Project Area has not occurred nor wouid occur solely through private inveshnent within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financiai assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, therefore, the use of t� increment financing as proposed in the TIF Plans, as amended by the Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Housing Project Area and Redevelopment Project Area, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and Housing Plan. 105 4. That the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment, respectively, will afford maximum 106 opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing 107 development and other development or redevelopment of the Housing Project Area, the Redevelopment 108 Project Area and the Energy Park District by private enterprise. 109 110 5. That the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment conforms to the Saint Paul 111 Comprehensive Plan and the general plan for the development of the community as a whole. 112 113 RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment are hereby approved 114 as submitted and the Authority and the Port Authority, respectively, are directed to file copies of the 115 Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey 116 County Department of Taa�ation and Records Management. xequested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment � By: AppYOVed by FinanCial ServiCes ` By: l /� � J ' � 7'" � " ' "-��"' "� Adopted by Cossncil: Date A ��.>op� t.�cti(�-r�� Form Approved by Cvt� Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretar ,' -�' " / �' ( �F By: � By: i�X'�' Approved by Mayor: Date �/ Approved by May Submissipn�t : ouncil By: � r 0.�.Ki By: 72762912 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE IN['CIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1OZ172, �, `� �� Plauniug & Economic Dev. April 17, 2001. CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: OVI77d1✓DA7'E II'IITTN./DnTE BOB GEURS 6-6653 � 2 pED DIl2EC1'OR :!! a cirr covivcu, . os�oM MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �YCTN 3_CITY ATTORNEY /. CITY CL 5 FAIANCIAL SERV/ G 1 B. GEURS 4�25��1 FNUMBER 6 MAYOR(ORASSTJ�� ROUTING Public Hearing ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS EOR SIGNA'1'URE) ncrcox xEQUES�n: City Council Resolution amending 5 T� Increment Districts after the required public hearing at City Council. Also attached is the public hearing that is being published. RECOI��QvIENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CON1'RACI'S M[IST AIVSWER THE FOI.LOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMIvIISSION 1. Has t6is person/fum ever worked under a wntract for this departmenY? CIB COMMI7"PEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet INII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONII'P (Who, Whay When, W6ere, Why): State legislature has pending bill further restructuring the use of tax increments and future amendments to these five districts. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Redevelopment agencies will have more flexibility in undertaking plan objectives. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No future amendments to these TIF districts if the proposed law changes. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTTON: WST/REVEN[JE BUDGETED: FiJNDINGSOURCE: TTF AC'1'IVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Fund 148 K:VShazMPa]�PIJLVER�gee�IHbobg6.04.i].Ol wpd . 0�-4�-'1 AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOI3SING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12 and 2�, A1VD THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT5 NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE), AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UNIVERSIT� APPROVED BY THE" CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: APPROVED BY THE HOI7SING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: This document was drafted by: BRIGGS AND MORGAN (MNID) Professional Association 2200 West First National Bank Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 12610153 a► -�4�`� AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12and 2�, AND THE SA1NT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE), AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UNIVERSITY) SECTION 1. BACKGROUND. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority") has heretofore established the New Housing and Blighted Land Development and Redevelopment Project (the "Housing Project") and the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Project (the "Neighborhood Project") and adopted Redevelopment Plans therefor (collectively the "Redevelopment Plans") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Housing aud Redevelopment Authority Act"). Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 to 469.1791 (the "Taac Increment Act"), the Authority has heretofore established within the Housing Project, Tax Increment Financing District No. 12, and has established, within the Neighbarhood Project, T� Increment Financing Districts No. lA (Neighborhood Development Scattered Site), No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University). In order to finance certaiu public redevelopment costs within the Housing Project and Neighborhood Project areas the Authority bas adopted four sepazate Tax Increment Financing Plans for T� Increment Financing District Nos. 12 (New Housing and Blighted Lands Scattered Site), lA (Neighborhood Scattered Site), 83 (Spruce Tree) and 9D and 9C (University and Snelling) (collectively, the TaY Increment Financing Plans"). The Authority desires to amend the T� Increment Financing Plans in certain respects as more fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT This Amendment is primzrily to delete certain parcels from certain of the Tax Increment Financing Districts, to authorize additional e�:penditures, and to make certain other minor amendments to the TaY Increment Financing Plans. No new parcels are being added to the T� Increment Financing Districts by this Amendment. There is no negative fiscal or economic impact on the other taa�ing jurisdictions. The provisions of this Amendment are to supplement, not replace, the ea�isting provisions of the Tax Increment Financing Plans as they e�st prior to the adoption of this Amendment (the "Origmal T� Increment Financing Plans"). 1261015.3 ot - 4.�� SECT'ION 3. Section 3.1 Removal of Parcels from Tas Increment Financine Dastricts. A. The following pazcels listed on ExYubit A aze hereby deleted from TaY Increment Financing District No. 12 and 2J(New Housing and Blighted Lands 5cattered Site District). No pazcels aze being removed from the underlying Housing Project Area. B. All of the parcels in T� Increment Financing District No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) are hereby deleted, with the exception of the parcel or sites listed on E�ibit B which are hereby retained in Tas Increment Financing District No. lA. No parcels are being removed from the Neighborhood Project Area. C. No change to parcels with respect to TaY Increment Financing Districts No. 83 (Spruce Tree/Metz) and Tas Increment Financing Districts No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University). Additional information on the T� Increment Financing Districts as amended by this Amendment, including maps, are attached as E�ibits C and D. Section 3.2 Bonded Indebtedness The Authority reserves the right to issue bonded indebtedness to finance any eapenditures authorized an the Tas Increment Financing Plans, as amended by this Amendment. T"he following amounts of Bonded Indebtedness are in addition to any amounts authorized in the Original T� Increment Pians: Ta�c Increment District No. lA -$2,470,000 The Bonded Indebtedness may be issued by the Authority or the City of 5aint Paul and may be issued as revenue bonds, general obligation bonds or notes. This provision does not obligate the Authority to incw debt. The Authority or the City will issue bonds only upon the detennination that such action is in the best interest of the Authority and the City. The Authority may also finance the activities to be undertaken pursuant to the Amendment through loans from funds of the Authority or will reimburse the developer on a"pay-as-you-go" basis for eligible activities paid for by the developer. Section 33 Authorized Ea�enditures. The Authority has deterinined that it may be necessary to provide assistance for certain costs of certain developments undertaken in the City. The Authority has studied the feasibility 1261015.3 o.-y�y for the development or redevelopment of property in and around the Housing Project, the Neighborhood Project, and in the case of certain affordable housing projects, in other areas of the City. To facilitate each development or redevelopment this Amendment authorizes the use of taY increment financing to pay for the cost of certain eligible expenses as set forth on the following pages: 3 12610153 NEIGHBORHOO� BUSINE55 DEVELOPMENT SCATTERED SrtE YtA REDEVELOPMENT �ISINICT Ori9inal TF Plan LantlBUiltlfn9 �qWSiGan T¢xaco Unisys Fsst Unne�sily Prom/jm Hiibest 5ee9P�sG�re Payne Ave (Redev Prq¢c((veal PM1alen Center (Redev PmleclArea) ONer (anY Redev Proi Nea) SubTOGI 5(te ImprovememslPreparoOOn Cosss Tevcv Unis}s East Universiry Unrv Dale Comersione Univ antl Riw Prom/im Hillttest Seeger5quare PayneAVe (RedevROjeqArea) NewYOrk Bingo 850,p00 N �'rn1c B" d5f1000 Phalen Center (Retlav Pro�ecllvea) Lekewood Phalen Comao� Other (Retlev Pro� Area) SubTOpl Wb1ic Improvemems Texam U�isys Eart University ProM3m H�ilcrest Sce9er5quare PayneAve (Re�ev PivjectAreaj Phalen Cenler(ReEev Pro�eci/veaj Other (Retlev P�oj Area) Sub-TOtal DebtServ:r.e P81 on Sec;ion �OB Loan-New YoB BmgO(Payne Avenuej New Debt P3 I JOOtl2 Contin9�++cy Texaw Unisys Eas� wivcs�ry PmM3m Hlllcrest Seeger5quare Payne Ave (Re9ev Prqed Area) Plulen Centor (Retlev Project Area) 00er (Reduv V:o� Area) Sub Totat qdmins9aGOn Costs T¢uw Unisys East Unive�sny ProM3m Hillcrest SeegerSquare PdyneAVe (RedevPro�eGArea) PhaVen Center (Redev Projeet Arca) OUier (Retlev Froj Area) Admimstraeor.Cos[s Administrdhon - Ramsey County Sub-TOfal TOTAL SOURCES Tax Incremenis Interest Eamin�.s New Debt 2001:2002 Gfants: Texam unisys East Onivers.:v Prort✓3m Hdkrest See9er5puzre PaY�eAVe (ReCev Pro�xtArea) HUtl SfC1i0n 103 P�alen Cen;er (Redev Pro�ect Area) Ldkewoatl R�Cevelapment #t Lakevrood fteJ¢v #2 St of MN Lanc Saie La� Sale Jer j s CNer (R¢tlev ProjlvBd) qppraveC eutlget CIIRREN7 0 0 0 0 0 0 41.]W 0 41,]9] 3.000.000 1Y1.00p 5.30D.000 286.595 600.000 3�9.999 150,000 100,000 259,890 390.000 356.000 2T5.000 1,300.000 2.104.618 2,905.000 ]6,528 9,062,000 8.543,430 1750.000 130.000 5�5,000 100.000 650.000 �so,000 GHANGES AMEN�ED FROM BUOGEf CURRENT 2.6�O.pDp 2.SH,]9] 3.955.000 0 0 ]8A90 1,495,538 6,084,462 2]3,000 13,000 294,000 14,000 3T,500 5],000 686.500 T13,000 38,000 88M1.00� 25,000 112.500 171,000 1,940,500 15,646,000 Original TIF Plan 15,646,000 0 836,58] 2�.p00 863.58] 9,52],104 Approvetl BuEget CURRENT 1,]93.234 349.]5� B CHANGES FROM ORIGWAL 5,580,000 2,4]0,000 1,300,000 650,000 zso.aoo 221,000 3]9.3a] R.O10 286,595 6'�0.06� 3]9.999 259,890 356.000 215.000 1.300.000 2,t�6.4t8 2,905,000 �6,528 8,543,430 Q 1,5]4,�28 4.084.462 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 836.58] 2].000 863,58] 'I],Sl],304 AMENDEO BUOGET ],3]3,234 3a9 ]50 2,4]0,000 t,3W.000 650.OW 250.000 221.000 3]9.34] 1],010 o�-�i� Miscellaneous Sources 284.203 284.203 T2nsfers: From SpNCe Tree 2.682,0]5 2.682,0]5 From Hammond 4]2.655 d92.655 From Speuce Tree 1.128.030 1,128,03� TOTAL i5,fi46,000 9,52],306 8,050,000 1].57�,306 ��� � ����e.duA���r�.�..(5�.�'3�G) or �.�e''�`JN..�r' .Q,ti, �� t1h�.�J.��..� �� o u� i�.s.]� ta�t�' �c� �st. ts o �.ys`l Name of District: SNELLING/UNIVERSITY # 9D & 9E Type of District: Redevelopment Certification Date: tifplan2 04l18/2001 Original Current Changes Amended SOURCES OF FUNDS Plan i TIF Plan �Apri125, 2001 i TIF Plan Name of District: NEW HOUSING & BLIGHTED LANDS #12 & 2J O ,� ��� Type of District: Redevelopmet tifplan2 04/18/2001 Certi£cation Date: 06/12/1981 , Original Current Amended __..---- -- -...._.. ... ; �.� _. _ ,.. - _ � _.� ... - o i -�ta.� � Adual Through 7999 i 7,113.407 1,056,267 3,975,000 677,500 421,369 733,369 I 13,976,906I 2,171.215 361,750 675,000 4,040,836 513,563 240,749 672,775 677,500 2,682,075 12,035,463� Nplan2 . 04/18/2001 Name of District: SPRUCE TREE/METZ BAKERY AREA # 83 Type of Distrid: REDEVELOPMENT o �-�i�t Section 3.4 Acquisition of Land. The Authority may acquire, by private negotiation or eminent domain, any land located within the Housing Project or the Neighborhood Project. This authorization is effective for all of the TaY Increment Financing Plans. Section 3.5 Impact on Other Taxine Jurisdictions. No additional property is being added to any of the Tas Increment Districts by this Amendment, since several parcels are being deleted from Tax Increment Financing District No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) and T� Increment Financing District No. 12 (Scattered Site Housing), there is no negative estimated fiscal and economic impact on the other taxing jurisdictions for those taY increment districts. Section 3.6 Pooline for Deficits in Saint Paul TaY Increment Districts. To the eatent pernritted by law the Authority reserves the right to use tas increments from all of the Tas Increment Financing Districts to pay debt service on taY increment bonds issued and sold before June 2, 1997, including but not limited to the general obligation bonds issued by the City of Saint Paul to finance public redevelopment activities in the Authority's Riverfront TaY Increment Financing District. To the extent necessary in order to effectuate such purpose, the authorized ea�penditures of t� increments set forth in the TaY Increment Financing Plan for the Riverfront Tax Increment Financing District are hereby incorporated herein by reference in each of the TaY Increment Financing Plans with the same force and effect as if fully set forth therein. Section 3.7 Earoenditures Outside District The Authority hereby elects to spend taY increments on activities located outside the Tax Increment Financing Districts and Project Areas as pernutted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, Subd. 2(d) provided that the eapenditures met the following requirements: (i) they aze used exclusively to assist housing that meets the requirements for a qualified low-income building as defined in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); (2) they do not exceed the qualified basis of housing as defined under 5ection 42(c) of the Code less the amount of any credit allowed under Section 42 of the Code; and 12610153 a �-�ay (3) they are used to (i) acquire and prepaze the site for housing, (ii) acquire, construct or rehabilitate the housing or (rii) make public improvements directly related to the housing. Section 3.8 Effect ofAmendments Except as herein amended and supplemented, the Original Tas Increment Financing Plans remain in full force and effect. 12610153 o �-�l�y .�: • List of Parcels to be deleted from TaY Increment Financing District No. 12 and 2J (New Housing and Blighted Lands Scattered Site District) Remove all parcels in Sites: #8 Nevada/Arkwright #11 RailroadIsland #22 Trout Brook Phase II See attached map E�ibit A-1 A-1 1261015.3 �-i .. L � � � � � L � � � � � �� A , = 6� �� � � � � � � � �I � �• � � � L -4_ '— N � � 0 s i� = C � � d � Z �. c� C � H � r � ' V / � o ►-y�`� n z�� .� 3 - S - V E y N � u � t C .. � y Z s 0. � � m V C \ Q L y S� O 7 K._i S t� F p E y S N 9 ✓ G t F v Q Z v � 5 4 _ O �C � � F F n T � O - a u> n o C m P No=E v. u F N t d � .a+ . � C F- L � � J -1Q �if � �� a�-�+ay �.� : : List of ParceLs and/or Sites to be retained in Tas Increment Financing District No. lA See Extu�bit B-1 for amap : 1261015.3 • � .. -.�. � 4 ` (s� �X�`� �� <i5� e���� a�-Ka� Scattered Site Z'IF Distnct � 2001 Ammendments ._ �ebr-as:y2S�t181 � Seeger Square Remove all parcels except the following: 28-29-22-32-0160 28-29-22-32-0161 28-29-22-33-0032 28-29-22-33-0033 28-29-22-33-0034 28-29-22-41-0195 28-29-22-41-0196 28-29-22-41-0198 Hillcrest Shopping Center Remove all parce(s except the following: 23-29-22-22-0044 �' 9 University Avenue Remove all parcels except the followin�: 36-29-23-41-0001 36-29-23-14-0120 36-29-23-14-0125 36-29-23-14-0124 36-29-23-41-0054 36-29-23-41-0013 36-24-23-41-0015 36-29-23-41-0017 36-29-23-41-0019 36-29-23-41-0020 36-29-23-41-0022 36-29-23-41-0021 36-29-23-41-0023 36-29-23-41=0024 36-29-23-41-0025 36-29-23-41-002fi 36-29-23-41-0027 36-29-23-41-0018 36-29-23-41-0014 471 Marion St. 505 Rice St. — < 181 University 145 University — /v �. , 1S2 University _ Unassigned 166 University « 154 University 152 University 144 University 475 Rice Unassigned 461 Rice 455 Rice t3nassigned I55 Aurora Unassigned Unassigned . — -� ' � .-� ; . __ .. i ' . � i ] • _ . .� ' .. ., _ , � �•- � . . ;. . .-�� � ���7�i:i _ . -. � - � - - -,� � =- • � � �+.^.il:�;'%:.`cic _ . - . . . . . �'.. . . . ' "_ ' ' L.. :ii:1 ' ' Rice Street Remove all parcels except the following: 25-29-23-41-0001 957 Rice St 25-29-23-41-0259 945 Rice St 25-29-23-44-0001 825 Rice St 30-29-22-32-0004 954 Rice St 30-29-22-32-0005 940 Rice St Unysis Remove alt parcels. 3M/Prom site Remove all parcels � �a�.�,y� Ct.w�in l�,¢.�.� � P Tw�.a.u, �� � � � 0 � -y�`� �� o, ��� _� Q � � -�..�.� U .� -� � G'� � � � .� � � � � � s � � � U � � O O � � O .Q � . � Z N M y� R MISSISSiSSiPPt f�IVE N � a z a � O � � N s � � = � �=� �- � � ��� � � U � � � O '� � 0.. � F- �ri c� ti � � � � � N N N �;,� � t� '" L a -.� � N > +�. � , � � C N ��� U � V � _ � � W �CVI'�d' � o�- y�y EXHIBTT C Maps for before and after pazcels(site removals: TIF District #12 & 2J #lA #83 (no change) #9D and 9E (no change) C-1 12610153 .. L H— � � _ � � � J m ' = N .� � ^ � � C � � � � � � � L • � � �S O � � � � � � Z � v C � � 0 � � � � �. 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SNELLING U w L .. � � C N � N v � x H .� .` > .� � a� c N C � �I L� 01-Hay EXFIIBIT D List of parcels before and after for TIF Districts lA and District 12 and 2J and estimated increment reduction after removal D-1 12610153 amro� eno c�rrc�e 3,700 5,000 50,2IXI 156,100 78.400 2TS,400 78.400 273,400 �a.soo �zs.soo 74.800 713,900 ... <:;y:;� ��,:495.2b0� �i: »�11d9,3C0 d06.4CU 2od.100 ze3.3oo sazsoo zzas.s3oo sazeao t4.500 t1.400 25.800 34.800 186.d00 253,800 t88.400 253,H00 188.400 253.600 95.700 25.200 154.2(10 235,t00 754.200 235.t00 73.800 70,400 es.000 io.aoo 27.240 7,400 37.600 7,400 4�.BW 19,&10 42.500 77.300 si.eao s.soo 701.300 39,800 7.000 1D,BOD 8.300 t2,8W 33.700 8.000 115.1 W 15.700 as.soo tt,9ao 83.400 t2.2�1� t89.000 �,t00 �a.aoo zt eoo 47.900 8.2U0 8.300 72,BW 34.4W 18,000 37.000 4.700 110.500 23.500 52.300 11.000 BS.B00 75.600 8,500 9,000 H.700 8.700 18,4W 18,�10 41.800 td.9W 772,800 4d.20� 18.700 4,400 152,900 37,500 37d,d00 787.100 z2eo.sao toe�.zoo 70d.8W 126.000 78.900 88.:t00 713.d00 74.BW 38.200 6d,800 1.728.500 382,300 972.2fA 429,400 479.000 195,900 t73,700 82,20� 30.500 31.600 885.500 2A0,400 49,700 70,500 49.700 100 49.70D t00 31.&70 Bi.600 28.306 54.600 789.800 81.900 38.800 .54.300 37.000 188.700 73.900 73.9D0 ti.200 i77.400 21,400 75,000 5,406 16,300 2 R1429 T323.0037/Wt 3 R70282324.00MN01 4 Rtd282324.00p4A02 5 R15262324.00OS'001 8 Ri52823.2d.000510@ 7 PJ1i08000.�0010341001 S P01919479fC0103dR'61 9 R142873.13.0003I001 10 R1428 T3.23.00281001 71 R14282323.002&SA2 12 R1d2823.23.W29/00� 13 R16.28.2323.0030�001 14 R1428.23.24.0007A01 15 Rt4282324.00D3A61 i6 R14 2823.24.0009NO2 17 R14.28.2326.0009NO3 t8 R1428.2924.0010A01 19 R272823.74.0071r901 2p R21.2623.i4.W27A02 21 R25.2923.14.W93A01 22 R252929.16.009C+W5 23 R252923.74.0095N01 2d R25.4923.7dOQ98(007 25 R25.�901 15 F2Z529T31a.009&001 n azs.zs n �a.o�erooi 28 R257923.47.00OV001 Y9 R2529.2314.00871001 3p R252923.<1.0088l001 31 R25 79 23 41.0090N01 32 R2529.23.41.W�JOI002 a3 azs2s.z3.atoosvoot 3q R3$ 29 2$ 41.0091J001 3S RIS 29 23 d1.0081NO2 3g R252973.4t.0�310D1 37 R252923 41.0132L)01 38 R252923.a1.01331001 39 R25 TJ 23.41.01391001 40 R25Z923.41.0139K�01 41 R25 29 23.41.01391002 42 R25 39 23 41 0140N01 43 R25 ]9 Z3 b1.014d0(Y2 44 R257923d10/41A01 45 R252923.41.01d1/001 48 R25M.23.d1.0147l002 47 R25292341.0231A01 48 R�529.23.47 0231/W2 49 R252923�41 0240N01 50 R2529_73-05.02dN002 51 R25 29 23 41.0259/001 52 R2529.23.41.OW1/W1 53 R25297'.4d.000�/001 $6 R2529.23.44.Op0YU01 55 R252923.4d.0004/00 58 R281922.32A154N01 57 R28.]972.32.Ot58R%Jt 58 R2829 Y1.32.O18NWi 59 R28297132.0761N01 80 R28 Bt R282922.320028N�1 82 R28292233.0027N01 83 R28 29 72.33.003?A%11 Bd R2629.YL.33.0033�C01 &5 R282922.33.003<tVOt gg Ft29.I922.41.0195N01 g7 RIS29.yL41.019G/Wt 5g R2929.21.61.0197A01 bg R29Y922.41.Oi98N01 70 R3029.22.320004/D01 7t R3029.22.32.00OS�ODt 72 R3029.22320043N�� 73 R3029.71320043/i7D2 T6 R3029.TL.32�044f�0 75 R30 2921 32 0044/D72 Nw�t yo r� po� � CW1uN-r S t't" � TIF DISTRIC7IA crosny Gosby �+osbY GosbY crrq Qosby Gmsby GrosbY �i Go�br Gosby Crosby C�wby CrosbY Crwby �M Unisys Vnisys Rico Rit's Riee �tt Rice Wce Rice Rice Riee Rice Rice Rice Rke Rice Rice Rice Rke Rice Rice Rice Rica Rice R�ct Rice Rica Rice Rica Riw Rice R�ce Riee Rtr,e Rice Rica Rice --- Fxe9et --- Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger :-- See9er --- --- Rice Rice Riee Rice Riee Riw OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT our �UT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT �UT our OUT OUT OVT OUT OUT QUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 1,707 t,834 0 t.750 0 0 15,337 iZ318 8,732 0 an 4,908 0 0 3,251 3,743 0 7.768 450 328 378 974 7,UN t,23a 2,437 238 zez 794 7 988 asz 634 2,534 4d2 t �as 199 828 372 1,908 883 3t9 323 118 233 888 3,144 277 3,235 71 230 76,�7 u,i56 1,89d 3,856 7,299 3g 869 31 555 76,248 S,�b �,mn zi em 7,890 1,650 7,6'90 763 W9 2,� t,8d8 a,azv t,776 2,7�7 �w 5,30] 75,680 fi0.85d 17.458 �t.na � dt.G12 7.6li t6,94d iw.� t.183 24.793 62.386 0 65] B.S A 8.127 2,2&5 58] 451 SCO 1,200 7.5&� z,<, s,ses 387 435 801 1.973 �.esa 945 2.772 Su t.esa 307 1.238 28a 7p18 9C8 3fi0 � t52 7�0 )57 3,923 19d 3,18] 27 107 t 79,M2 3.t80 5,616 2.Sa3 8,071 3].ESd 128.570 85,3IC 2.795 �,ou s.ns 2.�] 78.3d7 BC.bO 22,]9d B,Bt1 1,312 8.�7 a.ne 2.009 2 2�5 +a� 570 g c�or� oi-yay -�� Page 1 of ja � 3.6C0 13,8� 60,954 15,7W � i�a 96 2'i,285 (a 70� 8,816 ios.�a 0 0 � 19.&93 Q3B8 0 [G � 90] 9,127 519 117 in 18M1 718 5� S03 �,tsa /29 753 8 5 2az 917 708 72 � 708 dtt h�l (d901 45 61 t+n � �87 71 ns �I (d8) g,g77 2582 ns.a�e� 3,12Q (1.31� �.702 789 97.015 57.088 (J,711) 37 nzs�n 707 16.697 6I,570 J.2Cri3 6,932 0 Q72) 6,851 $.951 235 (BS� (583) 570 z� 6.1 �.&� 6,&`b +z� 3] 16,3W zsee 6,5<1 .zsaz a6a 9,71] 21,M8 338 3.350 3,578 � Zu m 212 170 817 839 z+so 14C 170 314 773 �29 a�o t.W] pt 8d9 120 I85 703 556 336 141 12D � 782 797 1.537 78 1,249 8.27t �d.803 1,248 1.965 998 2351 1! 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UniversdyAwnue OUT 376 35l (18) 1A0 768 R3529.23.14.0191/001 UniversM1yAwnue OUT 277 7ffi ��� � 769 R352923.14.01511001 UnnersM1yAvenue �T 4 � � 770 R352923.14.01931001 UniveredyAvenue OUT d6 467 415 181 771 R352923.14.O79N001 UnirersilyAvenue OUT 336 496 780 79d 172 R35.2923.7<.0195I001 UniversdyAvenue OUl' t.387 2T26 7.337� 1.067 773 R3529.231d.0204/00t Unive6M1yAvenue OUT 0 . ilb R352973.74.0205N01 UniversilyAvenue O�T 0 " 775 R352923.740206N01 UnivereityAvenue OUT 970 1.278 176R352973.14.V2071fb5 UniveRRyAvenue OUY 2 .� 2 3.� �ayy t77 R352923.16.0207A02 UnrvereM1yAvenue OUT 0 2� �� 778 R3529.23.t4020PN01 UnrversilyAwnue OUT &52 �0� (14� 82 779 R%.29237402�i/001 UniversflyAv2nue OUT 384 t78 ]t2 180 R%.2923.74.021d001 UnrversM1yAven�e OUT A71 dt8 35 175 181 R35.2923.14.M71/001 UniversrtyAvanue OU7 4&9 598 109 � 7ffi R352923.74.0212W1 UniversilyAvenue OUT 281 536 255 210 183R35.2B23.1-0.02131001 UnrveisityAvenue �UT 38 38 0 t5 184 R35292314.0271/W7 UnrvereRyAvenue OUY 388 503 118 797 7B5 R352923.1<.0271/002 Unrve6iryAvenue OUT 2,329 3.883 1.`�`4 1,5Y1 t86 R3529.231d.0723t001 UniversdyAvenue Cl'T 2.BSd 3.160 ��) � 187 R%.292314.0227N01 UniversityAwnue OUT 804 932 t� � 188 R3529.2314.0227/002 Unrvers2yAvenue OUY 7.� Zt� � � 189 R3529231d.07281W1 Unrvet^+dyArenue OUT 3,295 8.593 9.� �.`� t90R35292354.0239NOt 11nHe¢ilyAve�we QUT 4.875 8.582 1.707� 25� 191 R%.2923.1402d0/Wt UniversdyAvenue OUT 192 R352923.160401/001 UniversMAmnuo OU7 2U.552 17.078 (J.474) 8,692 793 R35 29 23 14 0143N01 UnivereityAvenue OUT 4.723 2.BdY R. 01 /.03] 194 R35292374.024dIW1 UnivereiryAvenue OUY g� �Sz 195 R35MT!_41.0016t01 UniversM1yAvenue OU7 326 � 121 2� 796 R352923.41.0017A01 UniveesilyAvenue OUT <� � � . � 1W R3529.23.44.001&Wt UniverAyAvmue OUT `� � y�t 248 198 R%.292341.00t920t UniveSityAvmue OUY 412 � 774 �' 199 R35292341.W20201 UniversilyAvenue OUT 472 � 718 � 200R35M2341.0021N01 UniversityAwnue OUT 470 � �� 2t0 207 R%292341.0077N01 UniversityAvenue OUT � � g� 217 2(Y2 R35292341.0023/007 UnrversityAvenue OUT ' � � � 7 � 203 R35.2923.d1.002d1001 Un'rrersdyAvenue OU7 � 19� 204 R352923.6t.002SD�1 VniversilyAVanue OUT � � �� 372 205 R352923.41.002GN01 VniversilyAvenue OUT 1.015 � (� 206 R35292341.0027A01 UniversilyArenue OUT 7.073 1120 <� d'''S 207 R352923.47.003&001 UniversityAvenue OUT �7 �'` � � 208 R3529.23.47.0029/Ni UniversilyAvenue OUY �7 �` � � 209 R%�01 V�iversiryAvanua OUT �� �` � � 210 R352913.41.0037N01 UniversM1yAwnue OUT �� � � � 211 R352923.41A03NJ�i UniverSM1yAwnue OUT � " 212 R3529.23.47.W33�D01 VniversM1yAvmue OUT 5 .� 5. � Zt � 2t3 R352923a1.0034NOi UnivereityAvenue OUT � . 214 R3529.�d1.0037N01 UniversityAuenue OUT � _ 215 R35292341.003b001 Un�rsM1yAvenue OVT � " 216 R35292341.0039N01 Univei5ilyyAwnue OUT � " 217 R352923.41.0040/001 UniversM1yAwnue OUi � 2t8 R%.29234t.004tN01 UniversityAVenue OUT � � 61 � 219 R%.2923.41.00471C01 UniverSityAVenue OUT 543 7C0 �97 � 220 R35292341.00a31001 UniverSityAVenue OUT � " 221 R352923.41.W4di901 UnrveratyAVenue OUT 520 699 779 274 222 R352923.41.WCS901 Unrve�SrtyAVenue 01ST 656 68Q Z4 ?� 223R352923d7.00<N001 UniverSdyAvenue OUT � " 714 R352923.d1.00671007 Universi[yAvenue OUT � 225 R%237i.41.W4&VOI UnivetSM1yAvenue OUT `�� 5 � I �� � o�-y�y amro� ease 82,200 725,t00 774.800 46.700 t73.100 45.700 85.900 48.700 89.9C0 t5.300 4z800 58.100 50.200 50.800 48.300 38.700 38.t00 A8.200 44.W0 21.00o 27.000 723,7CA 47,OD0 44.W0 57,200 43.800 58,300 58.000 143.800 19.500 19.500 59,800 48,200 48,500 48.400 55.700 63,700 45.700 4d.200 34,400 u.eao 45.700 A9.600 A9.800 48.700 48.700 b6.2Iq 57.70� 54.300 19,900 47.800 31.100 5,200 78,000 p8.300 200 300 25,200 41.800 t07.900 N4,500 103.700 258.7AD 19.900 64.OW 18.800 40,500 8.500 18.500 46,800 207.t00 AB.OW 3+,soo Cum.�R t0,000 81,000 38J00 9,700 3],500 t�,40� 8,7Q] t9,400 78,400 20.4C0 27.500 8.000 t0,000 10,OOD 10.000 t0,000 8.000 8.000 10,000 8.000 6.500 79.400 t8,800 8,900 9,2(p 70,000 8,200 9.2(10 10.000 40.800 8,400 22.700 10,00� t0,000 H,200 t0,000 tO,OW 70,000 9.200 9.200 9.20U 70,OW 9.200 10,000 9.700 9.7IX1 10,000 10.40� t0,000 70.000 5,200 5,200 5,2IX1 5,200 7.500 3,200 72.900 3,8C0 300 8,500 4,400 18,000 60.600 26,90D 733.000 28,800 t0,0�0 26.I00 4.000 12.000 59.A06 4.000 51,000 4.100 t0,000 T1F DiSTRICT'IA Pa9e 4 ot 14 TIFDistriRPID Area OUT Ba NMCPG C rteMNMCPC GDturetlGPG %GOwrMCPC 726 R3529.23.41.0049AOt UnnersdyAvmue OUT 1.OZd 7p68 t2 t18 727 R35�b.41.01991001 Un"rversityAUmue OVT 8.753 8.<]5 27n 4,30t 228 R35.29?3.41020nN01 UniversdyA�enue OUT 4.dA3 �.836 3.39:! SAli 729 R35.29.73.41 02�8�001 Unrversiy'Avenue OUT 771 W] (��) � 230 R3529.73.47.0206T02 UniversM1YAvmue OVf 3.094 3.550 518 t.�t 231 R35-�23.6t.02081Wt UniversityAvmuE WT � 232 R35.292i.620001/001 UniversityA�enue OUT 548 396 115Z) t� 233 R%.2923.420001A@ Un'nersityAvenue OUT 1.387 4.4� 3,128 1761 234 R352923.42000?ADt Un"rversityAwnut OUT t.656 S.t82 1.528 1.2d7 235R35.29.73.420003AOt UncrcisiCfAvenue OUT 7.942 9.dd8 1.564 1,350 236 R3529.23.42.0004I001 UniversityAVmue OUT 3W 871 `� '"� 237 R3529.23.4200Qrv1701 UniversityAVmue OUT 428 432 4 169 238 R352923.62WORi001 UniversdyAvenue OVT �i �] � � 239R352923.b2000]1C0'1 UniueRityAvenu¢ DUi 502 591 89 232 240 R352913.42.0009iW1 UniversilyAvenue �T `� � � � 241 R35.2923.42.0009/NI Un'rversdyAvenue OUT � `'� � � 242 R3529.23.42W70r9D1 UniversdyAvenue OUT 387 313 O� 1 � 243 R%]9.23A20011A01 UnrrersilyAvmue OUT 381 d13 52 7 � 26d R%2923.62.0012q01 IlniversityAvmue OUT 762 8l9 117 � 265 R35.2823.420073N01 UniversRyAvenue OUT A46 528 82 p 248 R352923.42.�01bD01 UniveSilyA�enuB OUT � � (�) � 247 R35.2923.42001d002 UnrrersityAvenue OUT 0 � 2d8 R%2923.42.00151001 UniversiryAvenue OUT 7,989 4.773 1.806 1.870 2d9 R35.2923.42�18A07 UniversiryAwnue OUT `.� 4 � (t � 1 � 250 R35.29.23.42�0'A2�01 UniversdyAvenue OUT � `'� �� � 251 R35.2923<2.0021N01 UniveSityAvenue OUT 94d 1.058 t{2 <1d 252 R%192342.W27�001 Unrver'.+ryAvenue OUT 438 5� 131 717 253 R3529.7342�231001 UniversityAwnue OUT 820 E09 1&9 317 256 R%.292342.W24'901 UniversftyA�enuO OUT 824 7.OB9 165 427 255 R3529.23.d2.0041A01 UniversityAvznue OUT 3.d48 4.P3 1.32] 1.W0 258 R352913.d200d?/001 UniversRyAvenue OUT 883 310 (3M19) 125 257 R%2923.42004?NO2 UniversityAvenue OUT 0 452 0.52 177 250R352323.420043NOt UnrversilyAven�e OUT 7� �� � � 259 R352923-42.004d/001 UniveSM1yAvenue OUT � � �� � 2fi0 R352923.42�S�W1 UniveSityAvenue OUT 485 &'A 169 248 281 R352923.420048N01 UniversiryAvenue OUT 48d Sdt 57 212 282 R3579.D.d2.OW7A01 UnrversityAver�ue WT 557 �` � �� 263 R35.29.23.4200d8/001 UniversiryAvenue OUT 7.057 1.115 84 d3� 2d4 R35.2923.42�d9/001 UniversMAvenue OUT 457 587 110 � 285 R35.2923.42.00SOi001 UniversityAvenue OUT 442 528 � p7 2fi6 R35.2923.42.0051N01 UniversityAvenut OUT 4t3 � � � 267R35.292342.005?XA1 UniversM1yAwnue OUT `3d �� � 268 R35.297342.0053N01 UniversilyAvenut OUT �` � qq 219 269 R3529.23.42.00SCN01 Universil'/Avenue O�T 4 � c� 152 ]55 270 R35.2923.d2.0055/001 UnivershyAwnue WT 498 � � 277 R3529.2342.00SBiD01 VniversilyA�enue OUT � � � Ztd 272 R%29.2342.00571901 UniversityAvenue OUT �� � 7 � � 273 R352923.42.Ot9GR�01 VniversiryAvenue O�T �2 8T8 101 � 274 R3529.2342.0197I007 UniversM1yAvenue OUT � � 73 27d 275 R3629.2373.0786/ClJt UniveesityAVenue OUT `� 48 � 2]8 R382923.73.Oi6S901 UniverskyAvenue OUT 199 2<5 277 R�2971.t3At89N0t V�rversiLyA�enue OUT 4J8 � a28 1 � 278 R362923.13.0170I001 Un"rversM1yAvenue OUT 3�1 � � 279 R362923.73.0171A01 Un'rrersiryAvenu¢ OUT 5 � � � t0 280 R36.2923.t3017?N01 UniversilyAvmue OUT �� 28'1 R382923.53.01731061 UncrereRyAwnve OUT 780 270 l�% � 282 R36.2923.730t73.002 UnrversdyAvenue OUT 487 i.�8d fi7 2&3 R38.2923.73.0774/001 Un"rversiqAvenue OVT 7 179 122 51 284 R382923.t3.0175V01 UniversityAvenue OUT 5 5 0 2 285 R38.2923.t3.Ot761001 UnrveaRyAwr�ue OUT 857 711 (6'� 87 286 R3829.23.t30177/001 UniversilyAwnuc OUT 4�B 30d (174) » 2W R3829.23.130778R+01 UniversilyAVenue OUT 2,580 7,340 d,750 2878 288 R382923.130779NOt UniversilyAvenue OUT 2.7� B.� 8 •� 5 •� 3 209 R362923.130180A.''Oi UniversityAvenus OUT 2.459 5,30� 2.811 Y.On 290 R362923.73.078t/001 llnivers'M1yAvenus OUT 7.282 12.N3 d.961 �.�+ 297 R3629.23.730787Rqi UniversityAvenue OUT 677 W9 � � 292 R362923.130783iD01 UniversdYAvenus OUT &10 578 (� T� 293 R362923.73.0786�D01 UniveaM1yArenue OUT 838 89} 252 � 294 R3629.23.730785.P01 Univetz"M1yAvenua OUT 486 348 (13� 138 295 R36.2923.73078&901 UniversdyArenue OUT 289 408 719 1 � 296 R3G2923.t3.O187100t UoiversM1yAvenue OUT 444 B.500 6.056 2.Sd7 297 R3629.2373.078&901 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29 23 23 0101A01 338 R36292322.0107A01 339 R36 292323.07 W'C07 3d0 R38292323.6103�002 341 R3629.23230104A01 362 R38292323.OtOSU01 3d3 R3fi 29 23 23 Ut WN01 34d R38 29 23 23 0107A01 345 R3829.2323.07081V7 348 R382923.23.0109N01 3d7 R38.292323.0170rD01 348 R3629.23230117A01 349 R3629.2323.0174ND1 350 R3629.7323.011&001 351 R36 29.Y3.73.01171001 352 R36291323.011&001 353 R3G2973.23.@20NOt 354 R36.29Y323.0721A0/ 355 R36 29 23 23.02TIA701 356 R36 29 23 23.022�1 357 R36292323.022GC01 358 R38292323.072dV02 359 R3629.2323.@25r001 360 R382923230728A01 361 R38 29 23 23 0229�D01 362 R38 29.73 23.0230�001 363 R36292323.02311C01 364 R36292323.02372'Ot 365 R362923.23.0233�L01 3fi6 R3S292323.0234N01 367 R36292323.0237A01 368 R36292323.@dN001 389 R3629.73.23.0251A01 370 R362923.23.0251NO2 371 R36.2923.23.025��007 3]2 R36292323.0255907 3]3 R38.292323.0259A01 3]4 R36192323.0287A01 3]5 R36292323.0287/0D1 UnirersityA.enue UnrversdyAven�e UniversityMenue UniversilyAvmue Univetsiry Arenue UniversiryAvenue 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87,500 Sa.400 PB.600 7.649,30� 163.900 20i.200 13,300 71.300 178.8W d78,700 57,5W 52,000 83.800 86,800 z� CurteM 5,000 10,000 10,000 3,400 6,600 25.500 30.7(70 8.8W 19,500 BJ00 19,400 'et.CW 27.000 21.000 21.000 21.W0 5,000 18,000 t0,000 tO.OW 9.500 t9,400 19.3W t0,000 70,000 t0,000 70,000 8.700 5,700 5,700 z.+ov 6.500 S,d00 138.600 132,400 15,000 56.700 28.700 8.500 78.8W 14.000 3l,800 3,100 B,1W 70,9W 32,400 48.800 8,000 37.700 8.900 77.200 29.700 9.500 5,700 4,600 18,500 12.600 18,300 284.800 t5,2W 3�� 7.796.8W 38,d00 45.706 7ffi.900 43.700 43.700 44.50� 8z80� t74.700 5,100 10,000 70,000 10,000 ?,3.9C0 3]8 R3829232a.0080,0ot 3T7 R36.29232d.009]IW5 378 R38�2326.W96q01 379 R36.29.2324.0095q01 380 R3629.73.24.009SW1 381 R3629232a.W9BlW2 362 R3629232a.OP39q01 383 R3629232a.0700rDDt 384 R:.G2923.26.Of00NO2 385 R362971.24.OfOLD01 386 R362929.24.OlOfA02 %? R3"o 29.7J-24.0'.01!_C1 388 R36 29 2328 0103�W1 389 R3629Zd14010NW1 390 R36292324.OiQ5�V01 39t R3629.732d.0708100 392 R38.29.Z124.OtO7N0 3g3 {236.292324.OiWA02 3gq p362923.24.0708'001 395 p38242324.Ot09�LAi 396 ft36.2923 26.0116�901 397 R3fi29.2324.0110rW2 398 R38.292324.Ot71N01 399 R3829.73.24.920VW1 400 R3fi2923.2a.0iVSW 401 R382923.2a.0208iD01 402 R362975.24.0207A01 403 R38292324.0208�001 404 R38 39 2324.020Li001 405 R36 29 23 24 0216�W1 aoa aae zs za za at�iAOi 607 R38292324.021?A01 409 R382923.24.0213�007 409 R3fi 29 23 2d 0214V01 410 R38297328.0215100t at7 R36292324.027&D01 412 R382923.2<.0218�V02 413 R38292324.0219N01 414 R38292324.0727NU1 <15 R38.29232d.07201W2 416 R362923_24.022?NU1 417 R38292324.0277.W2 418 R%29232a.0728�CY11 419 R362923.2d.M28'002 420 R36 29 23 24 0727A01 421 R38292331.00OtI[A5 <22 R3829.23.31.000?A01 423 R36 39 23 31.00OA'001 424 R3829Y3.37.0009A02 425 R38 29 23 31.0016901 <26 R38 29 23 37.0070902 427 R36 v001 428 R362923.3i.0024A01 429 R3B2923.31.0025901 430 R362923.31.002@Q�01 931 R38292337.0027N07 432 R3829233t.OD28M5 a33 R3829.7331.010A'001 d3a R36292331.0116A01 435 k3829.23320003V01 438 R36 ]9 23 32 OOOAA07 437 R36292332.00GSN07 d38 R3629Y332.00C81001 439 R3G2973.32.WO1A01 440 R362923.32.0093'W1 441 R362973.32W96�001 442 R3629.7.3.32.W9b002 4d3 R362923.92.00AS'Wt 4dd R36.2923.520096001 445 R36. 446 ft3629.23.41.0007A01 447 R3629.73.41.00IXSq01 G48 R3629_73.41.000400t 649 R%29.2341.00OGN01 p$p {t362923,4t.0007NOt Uni+e +dy A+enue UniversilyA�enue UniwrsityMenue UniversdyA`ence UniversityA+mue UnrversityNenue UniversilyAvmue Uni�ersicyA.enue Universily A`enue UnnersM1yA+mue VnrversM1yA+mue Uni+eisdy A.enue Universrty Avenue UniversRy Avmue UniversM1ybenue University A�enue Uni�ersityA`enue UnrversityA.en�e UniversilyA�enue Unive�sityAwnue UniversrtyA�m�e UniversityAwnue University Avnfua UnrveisityAwnue UniversdyAwnue UniversdyAVenue UniversiryAwnue Un"rversdyAwnue UniversiLy Avenue unrreairyAvenue UnrversM1yAwnue UniversM1y Awnue 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t17 4,145 218 Y.92d 356 332 618 180 7:is 18t % � 89 4]9 209 705 ns 1.700 1,839 618 9.d0a I7.110 3,717 3,874 2082 1,735 8,588 383 404 23] 19i 452 oi-yay 327101 Base 31,�0 zsoo it.AW 7,9C0 0.S.W0 �ao 23.700 700 149.700 D.900 84.200 1TB.EW ;�9,700 99.000 78,300 40.9�0 &3.200 19.&10 273,20� 899.500 899.5� za.iao 187.500 38.700 �S,a00 78,fi00 �,� 8,100 7.700 728200' tB2,4C0 7H.000 72.000 198.900 dd.OW 780.700 1%.SOD 75,OOb 83.100 t84.800 t89.800 298.600 429.300 7.878.000 %7�4W 55.300 1.219.700 428.100 817.500 szsa�7ao Currert 24.00O 31.500 25.500 8,500 39.600 z3oo 65.600 6,290 50.000 8,500 18,7(10 2t.000 9.9W 75,000 48.000 24.000 5,800 t40.800 1�.000 t0,000 80.500 151.SW 49.500 88.900 247.300 243.300 a,soo 22.900 177,700 70,000 10,000 t0,000 10,000 5,000 26.200 t8.800 27.200 3T,&10 37,800 32.700 4,&10 188.300 t9,&10 9,800 19.800 217.500 271.500 744.900 772.BC0 /80.800 374,800 58.200 88.400 238.700 1Y3.400 27.000 22,ffi4,400 451 R3829.73.dt.OWNl001 452 R38292341.0009A01 453 R362923.41.OD13N01 454 R3629.73.d1.0014A01 455 R'Ja2923At.06t5�001 456 R362923.41.001&001 457 R382923.41.00171fA1 458 R3629.T3.4t.0018Rq1 459 R3629.73.41.0019A01 4ft7 R362923.d1.002dll01 481 R36292361.0020NO2 482 R382923.41.�021NOt 463 R382923.4t.00?TiWt 464 R3629.23.d1.0023N01 465 R362923.41.002dN01 466 R362923.41.002S�OC1 467 R362923.41.002BKY11 468 R36.1923.61.0027N01 469 R362923.4t.W50A0t 4]0 R38292341.0051A01 471 R3629.23.41.005?NOi A72 R36. d73 R362923.41.00ShcW1 4l4 R382923.d1.0O55�001 475 R3829.?3.41.0056901 A76 R36.29.23.41.WSBI002 477 R3629.23.420072XA1 478 R382923.620017�V02 4]9 R382923.42.001YV01 A80 R382923.42.00'fd1001 481 R361923.42.0O151C01 482 R36 29 23A2.00181001 483 R3819.73.420017I001 ae4 R36.292342001&VOt 485 R36.19.23.420079I001 486 R362923d2002fL001 4BT R382923.42CO20N62 488 R38.1923.42.0021N01 489 R362923.42.0021NO2 490 R36 29.23 d2.0033T01 b91 R3829.23420034N01 492 R3629.23.d2.072?IIXIt d93 R382923d2077.L001 494 R38.292342.Ot2CN01 495 R362923.42.0124NO2 498 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W.,B/CU7 32 522 490 4V R34.2922320IXi9A07 qg gdg � �7 R3a29713200a0l001 4d 557 523 4]0 R3C.2922320041/007 qp 587 523 d;0 R3a.292232.0047/001 36 587 531 d10 R3429Y2320043/001 3$ 5�7 531 4i0 R342922.32.0044/001 48 Bd8 800 53] R3429.2232.00dS�W1 32 437 399 35� R3a.2922320046/001 32 39'I 359 32a R34 29 7$ 32 0047/001 35 522 426 417 131.802 770.OW 6?.8.2i5 638.728 DISTRICT151 100.748 505.359 404.Bt3 418.Pd5 DISTRICT754 5]0 ta,319 ' 13,7<9 tiF'o7 DISTRICT 155 28.i62 231.751 202.7d9 191.E59 �ISTRICTIS'o 2.02d 19078 t7.054 1>815 TOTAL 737,802 7i.',,iA7 6:.3,2G5 Si.'�:25 8183iCG% RATE FOR AREA 0/51 7.367820 TPX INGftEMENT 0/51 5]2?`+9 RATEFORAREA0154 7.3EF830 7PXINCREMENT01:5 ta125 RATEFORAREA0156 7.3753�0 TAXINCREMCNT01:5 253.F72 RATEFORAREA0156 1.376350 TAXINCR"cMENT01;5 i'B� TPX INCR:AIENT TOTAL 67{J ORIGINAL Presented By Green Sheet # , � � I � � 1 2 3 4 q����Council File �1 # � Resolution # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date �� RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON TI-� AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TF� NEW HOUSING 5 AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 6 (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12); 7 TF� SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT 8 (TAX INCREMENT DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), 9 NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE) AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UTTIVERSITI�; l0 AND THE ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT AND TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authority") has 14 heretofore adopted Tax Increment Financing Plans for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development 15 Project (Tax Increment Financing District No. 12) and for the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Project 16 Tax Increment Financing Districts No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D and 9E 17 (Snelling and University). is 19 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the "City") has heretofore adopted a Tax Increment Financing Plan 2 0 for the Energy Pazk Development District (collectively with the Tax Increment Financing Plans referred to in 21 the preceding recital, the "TaY Increment Financing Plans") and has designated the Port Authority of the City 22 of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") as administrator of that district. 23 24 WHEREAS, the Authority, after consultation with representatives of the City and the Port Authority, 25 has detennined that it is necessary and desirable to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plans in certain 26 respects in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Secrions 469.174 to 469.179 (hereinafter 27 the "Taac Increment AcY'), and in accordance with the requirements ofthe Tas Increment Act has request the 28 City Council to hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments of the Taa� Increment Financing Plans. 29 3 0 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the 31 "City"), as follows: 32 33 1. Public Hearine. This City Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice 3 4 attached hereto as Exhibit A for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed amendments of T� 3 5 Increment Financing Plans for T� Increment Financing District No. 12 (New Housing and Blighted Lands) 36 No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D, 9E (Snelling and 1262268.2 �I--�2 � �=�3� 3 7 University) and the Energy Park Tax Increment District, all pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions 3 8 of the Taa[ Increment Act. O R I G I N A L 39 4 0 2. Notice of Aearing; Filin of Pro r�. The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a notice of the 41 hearing, in substautially the form attached hereto as E�chibit A, to be published at least 10 days prior but no 42 more than 30 days prior to the public heazing in a newspaper of general circulation as required by the Tax 4 3 Increment Act and to place a copy of the proposed amendments to the Tax Increment Financing Plans on file 44 in his office and to make such copies available for inspection by the public. 45 4 6 3. Consultation with Other Taxing Jurisdictions. The stafF of the HRA are hereby directed to mail a 4 7 notice of the public hearing to Ramsey County and Independent School District No. 625 informing those 4 8 taxing jurisdictions of the proposed amendment of the Tas Increment Financing Plans. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Adoption Certified by Council Secr V� Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: Foxm Approved by City�rney � By � � By' �/ Approved by Approved by Mayor: Date By: 1262268.2 2 By: Adopted by Council: Date ��y aoo \ � PED • ' _ - ��-�2� �� GREEN SHEET No 106967 ^� zooi ` y - '�'.� _ �.� 0 �.,,�..,,—� ❑ m.� �'�",�� � i aourra . owme . . ❑ �OOLm^�Q°� � ❑ �.Wr,.cm�eero � � MVORI�YYtfYlp � � TOTAt i Of SIGNATURE PAGES (CL]P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNANR� criaa �nuES� . Besolution calling for a pnhlic hearing on the amendment of Taa Increment financ4ng plan$ f the nev honsing and blighted lands development project(taa increment financing district no. the Saint Paul Neighborhood project (tas increment districts no.lA (scattered Ho. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Aos. 9D and'9E (Snelling and IIniversity); and the Energy Park Development tas increment district . . 1 Hn1MP��warwaladmdrtaeoN�auTOrMisdapeM�eN? _ PLANNING COMMI3310N YES Np _ GBCAMMRTEE � � 2HssWspanaMemewr6esn�oMY�9�.=,: - _ GVIL SERVICE COMMISSI.9N � �x `r:=i_� :? = -� "-::` ie : . �^� . XES . _ NO , _ - ., -- - - ' _ . . . _ - 1 Do�stlYipenaMrmD����tnam�YP�edbY�9emrentcRYemvbYee7 _ . VES NO •. - . — ___' _ . - . btlWpenaNArm�Wpehtl�xqM., -_. -. � , . ._. - . . . . ..... . . .. .. . .. . . � . � � , Has determined that it is necessary and desirable to amend the Tas increment Financing P � in certain respects in acwrdance vith the provisions of liinnesota Statutes, Sections 469.114 : �� to 469.179 (hereinafter the "Taa Zncrement Act°), and in accordance with=the requirements i of the Tag Increment Act request the City Council ta hold a public hearing on the propose " -a�endments o# the Taa Increment Pinaacing Plans. - - - - _- - � - `-....,.. - -.. -. -. ---- _ � , .. ._ _-... � . , .- .. �: _ . _ _ ,... � < __ �. _x. , _ 34DVANTAGESIFAPPROV� - - . � ��awvwY�wuwmrn,�nma�voi . . . - � _ '. . . .. , . . . , .. '� . _ . . . , . , _ ". � rovu. �rnour�r oF m�ws�c�t s NIA eost�u¢ ouooerEO �artaE a�q _-�.rES' � �' FuNCrc�caounce �clrvmwt�Ert , ., , - _ � _ . , ,--,:,,_' := �.NCUtiwFOrsx�n��owux+l - � - - - � ' :. -."-_ _ .. �,._. _. : - ��� _ "- - _ ._� � _���, , - � . ' . _ : _ - . �...,,. �_...z,_..�.�. _,:�r�......�..... - �._.�,.....__""___,._.. �._...._ � �...__ ._.�.__ .._ . .. ._ ,��...._...._ ._ _ ORIGINAL d!-�� a� CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE OF PUBIC HEARING AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TI� NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. 12); TE� SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE) AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND iJNIVERSITI� ; AND TI� ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT AND TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, beginning at appro�mately 5:30 p.m., at Saint Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to consider the proposal of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plans for (a) the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (Taa� Increment District No. 12), and (b) the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Tas Increment District No. lA (Scattered Site), Tax Increment Financing District No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 9D and 9E (Sneliing and University) and (c) the Energy Pazk Development and Tas Increment Financing District, all pursuant to and in confornuty with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1791. A copy of the documentation proposed to be considered at the hearing will be on file and available for public inspecrion at the office of the City Clerk in the Citizen Service Office at Room 170 City Aa11 at least ten days prior to the public hearing. A map showing the boundaries of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Area, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Area, the Energy Pazk Project Area, and the properry in the above mentioned Tas Increment Financing Districts is set forth below. All interested parties may appeaz at the April 25, 2001 public hearing and present their views orally or in writing. BY TFIE ORDER OF 'I`F� CITY COiJNCIL 1262268.1 1262268.2 /s/ Fred Owusu City Clerk council File # 01- y �� Resolution # Green Sheet # �� �. �� a+ RESOLUTION Presented By , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA `� 4 Referred To Committee: Date 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SCATTERED SITE NO. lA, SPRUCE TREE/METZ NO. 83, AND SNELLING AND UNIVERSITY NO. 9D AND 9E); AND THE ENERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT DISTffiCT N0.12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul (the "City") has heretofore approved, at the request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"), a Redevelopment Plan (the "Housing Redevelopment Plan") far the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (the "Housing Project Area") in order to provide new housing, including housing for low and moderate income persons and families, on multiple separate, blighted sites; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has also, at the request of the Authority, heretofore approved a Redevelopment Plan ("Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan") for the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the City has heretofore established the Energy Park Development District (the "Energy Park Development District") to provide impetus for commercial development, to increase employment, to protect pedestrians from vehicle traffic and inclement weather, to provide Yhe necessary linkage between peripheral parking facilities and places of employment and shopping, to provide off-street parking to service the shoppers and employees of the Energy Pazk Development District, to provide open space relief within the Energy Park Development District, and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the development plan for the Development District; and WHEREAS, in connection therewith the City designated the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") as the administrator of the Energy Park Development District; and WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Energy Park Development District the City created the Energy Park Taac Increment Financing District (the 'Bnergy Pazk TIF Dishict") and adopted a Development Progam and Tas Incretnent Financing Plan thereof, and 12762912 o � -4 ��t 36 WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Housing Project Area and the 37 Redevelopment Project Area, the Authoriry, with the approval of the City (a) established within the Housing 38 Project Area T� Increment Financing District Nos. 12 and 27 (the "Housing TIF District"), (b) established 39 within the Redevelopment Project Area, Taac Increment Financing District No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 40 (Spnxce Tree/Metz) and No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University) (collectively, the 'Redevelopment TIF 41 Dishicts"), and (c) adopted Tas Increment Financing Plans for the respective taY increment financing dish 42 (collecrively, the "TIF Plans"); and 43 44 WHEREAS, the Authority desires to amend the TIF Plans to, among other things, (a) increase the 45 expenditures authorized by the TIF Plans for the Housing TIF District and the Redevelopment TIF Districts 46 in order to promote redevelopment and housing development in the Housing Proj ect Area and the 47 Redevelopment Project Area, (b) to increase the bonded indebtedness for the Housing TIF District and the 48 Redevelopment TIF Districts, (c) to delete certain pazcels from the Housing TIF District and Tas Increment 49 Financing Dishict No. lA (Scattered Site), (d) to authorize, to the extent pernutted by law, the expenditure of 50 tas increments on affordable housing throughout the City, and (e) to authorize, to the extent permitted by law, 51 the pooling tax increments from the Housing TIF District and Redevelopment TIF Districts to fund deficits in 52 other tas increment financing districts located in the City, all as set forth in a document presented to the City 53 Council on this date entitled "Amendment of Tas Increment Financing Plans" (the "Amendment"); and 54 55 WHEREAS, the City desires to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plan for the Energy Park TIF 56 District to delete certain parcels from the Energy Park District TIF District all as set forth in a document 57 presented to the City Council on this date entitled "Amendment of Tas Increment Financing Plan for the 58 Energy Park Development District" (the 'Bnergy Park Amendment"); and 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 WHEREAS, new private inveshnent that fully realizes the potential of the Redevelopment Project Area, Housing Project Area and Energy Pazk Development District and meets the City's goals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless fixrther public action is undertaken to prepare the Redevelopment Project Area and Housing Project Area, for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the School Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Energy Pazk Amendment consists exclusively of the deletion of parcels from the Energy Park District, the current net tax capacity of the parcels so deleted equals ar exceeds the net taac capacity of those parcels in the Energy Pazk TIF District's original net taac capacity and, as a result, the City was not required to submit the proposed Energy Park Amendment to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners or the School Board of Independent School District No. 625; and WI-IEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the TIF Plans and the Energy Park TIF Plan following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Amendment, the Energy Park Amendment, and other information auailable to the Councilmembers, that the Energy Park TIF District and Redevelopment TIF Districts are "redevelopment 12762912 o � -v�y 85 districts" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and the Housing TIF 86 District is a"housing districY' within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11. 87 The findings set forth in the prior resolurions of the City Councii approving the establishment of the Energy 88 Park TIF District, the Redevelopment TIF Districts and the Housing TIF District aze hereby ratified and 89 confirmed. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 2. That the land within the Redevelopment Project Area and Housing Project Area and the TIF Districts would not be made available for redevelopment or development, nor would the provision of new low and moderate income housing reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the TIF Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Housing Project Area and Neighborhood Project Area has not occurred nor wouid occur solely through private inveshnent within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financiai assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, therefore, the use of t� increment financing as proposed in the TIF Plans, as amended by the Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Housing Project Area and Redevelopment Project Area, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and Housing Plan. 105 4. That the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment, respectively, will afford maximum 106 opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing 107 development and other development or redevelopment of the Housing Project Area, the Redevelopment 108 Project Area and the Energy Park District by private enterprise. 109 110 5. That the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment conforms to the Saint Paul 111 Comprehensive Plan and the general plan for the development of the community as a whole. 112 113 RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment are hereby approved 114 as submitted and the Authority and the Port Authority, respectively, are directed to file copies of the 115 Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey 116 County Department of Taa�ation and Records Management. xequested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment � By: AppYOVed by FinanCial ServiCes ` By: l /� � J ' � 7'" � " ' "-��"' "� Adopted by Cossncil: Date A ��.>op� t.�cti(�-r�� Form Approved by Cvt� Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretar ,' -�' " / �' ( �F By: � By: i�X'�' Approved by Mayor: Date �/ Approved by May Submissipn�t : ouncil By: � r 0.�.Ki By: 72762912 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE IN['CIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1OZ172, �, `� �� Plauniug & Economic Dev. April 17, 2001. CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: OVI77d1✓DA7'E II'IITTN./DnTE BOB GEURS 6-6653 � 2 pED DIl2EC1'OR :!! a cirr covivcu, . os�oM MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �YCTN 3_CITY ATTORNEY /. CITY CL 5 FAIANCIAL SERV/ G 1 B. GEURS 4�25��1 FNUMBER 6 MAYOR(ORASSTJ�� ROUTING Public Hearing ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS EOR SIGNA'1'URE) ncrcox xEQUES�n: City Council Resolution amending 5 T� Increment Districts after the required public hearing at City Council. Also attached is the public hearing that is being published. RECOI��QvIENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CON1'RACI'S M[IST AIVSWER THE FOI.LOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMIvIISSION 1. Has t6is person/fum ever worked under a wntract for this departmenY? CIB COMMI7"PEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet INII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONII'P (Who, Whay When, W6ere, Why): State legislature has pending bill further restructuring the use of tax increments and future amendments to these five districts. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Redevelopment agencies will have more flexibility in undertaking plan objectives. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No future amendments to these TIF districts if the proposed law changes. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTTON: WST/REVEN[JE BUDGETED: FiJNDINGSOURCE: TTF AC'1'IVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Fund 148 K:VShazMPa]�PIJLVER�gee�IHbobg6.04.i].Ol wpd . 0�-4�-'1 AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOI3SING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12 and 2�, A1VD THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT5 NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE), AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UNIVERSIT� APPROVED BY THE" CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: APPROVED BY THE HOI7SING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: This document was drafted by: BRIGGS AND MORGAN (MNID) Professional Association 2200 West First National Bank Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 12610153 a► -�4�`� AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12and 2�, AND THE SA1NT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE), AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UNIVERSITY) SECTION 1. BACKGROUND. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority") has heretofore established the New Housing and Blighted Land Development and Redevelopment Project (the "Housing Project") and the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Project (the "Neighborhood Project") and adopted Redevelopment Plans therefor (collectively the "Redevelopment Plans") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Housing aud Redevelopment Authority Act"). Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 to 469.1791 (the "Taac Increment Act"), the Authority has heretofore established within the Housing Project, Tax Increment Financing District No. 12, and has established, within the Neighbarhood Project, T� Increment Financing Districts No. lA (Neighborhood Development Scattered Site), No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University). In order to finance certaiu public redevelopment costs within the Housing Project and Neighborhood Project areas the Authority bas adopted four sepazate Tax Increment Financing Plans for T� Increment Financing District Nos. 12 (New Housing and Blighted Lands Scattered Site), lA (Neighborhood Scattered Site), 83 (Spruce Tree) and 9D and 9C (University and Snelling) (collectively, the TaY Increment Financing Plans"). The Authority desires to amend the T� Increment Financing Plans in certain respects as more fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT This Amendment is primzrily to delete certain parcels from certain of the Tax Increment Financing Districts, to authorize additional e�:penditures, and to make certain other minor amendments to the TaY Increment Financing Plans. No new parcels are being added to the T� Increment Financing Districts by this Amendment. There is no negative fiscal or economic impact on the other taa�ing jurisdictions. The provisions of this Amendment are to supplement, not replace, the ea�isting provisions of the Tax Increment Financing Plans as they e�st prior to the adoption of this Amendment (the "Origmal T� Increment Financing Plans"). 1261015.3 ot - 4.�� SECT'ION 3. Section 3.1 Removal of Parcels from Tas Increment Financine Dastricts. A. The following pazcels listed on ExYubit A aze hereby deleted from TaY Increment Financing District No. 12 and 2J(New Housing and Blighted Lands 5cattered Site District). No pazcels aze being removed from the underlying Housing Project Area. B. All of the parcels in T� Increment Financing District No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) are hereby deleted, with the exception of the parcel or sites listed on E�ibit B which are hereby retained in Tas Increment Financing District No. lA. No parcels are being removed from the Neighborhood Project Area. C. No change to parcels with respect to TaY Increment Financing Districts No. 83 (Spruce Tree/Metz) and Tas Increment Financing Districts No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University). Additional information on the T� Increment Financing Districts as amended by this Amendment, including maps, are attached as E�ibits C and D. Section 3.2 Bonded Indebtedness The Authority reserves the right to issue bonded indebtedness to finance any eapenditures authorized an the Tas Increment Financing Plans, as amended by this Amendment. T"he following amounts of Bonded Indebtedness are in addition to any amounts authorized in the Original T� Increment Pians: Ta�c Increment District No. lA -$2,470,000 The Bonded Indebtedness may be issued by the Authority or the City of 5aint Paul and may be issued as revenue bonds, general obligation bonds or notes. This provision does not obligate the Authority to incw debt. The Authority or the City will issue bonds only upon the detennination that such action is in the best interest of the Authority and the City. The Authority may also finance the activities to be undertaken pursuant to the Amendment through loans from funds of the Authority or will reimburse the developer on a"pay-as-you-go" basis for eligible activities paid for by the developer. Section 33 Authorized Ea�enditures. The Authority has deterinined that it may be necessary to provide assistance for certain costs of certain developments undertaken in the City. The Authority has studied the feasibility 1261015.3 o.-y�y for the development or redevelopment of property in and around the Housing Project, the Neighborhood Project, and in the case of certain affordable housing projects, in other areas of the City. To facilitate each development or redevelopment this Amendment authorizes the use of taY increment financing to pay for the cost of certain eligible expenses as set forth on the following pages: 3 12610153 NEIGHBORHOO� BUSINE55 DEVELOPMENT SCATTERED SrtE YtA REDEVELOPMENT �ISINICT Ori9inal TF Plan LantlBUiltlfn9 �qWSiGan T¢xaco Unisys Fsst Unne�sily Prom/jm Hiibest 5ee9P�sG�re Payne Ave (Redev Prq¢c((veal PM1alen Center (Redev PmleclArea) ONer (anY Redev Proi Nea) SubTOGI 5(te ImprovememslPreparoOOn Cosss Tevcv Unis}s East Universiry Unrv Dale Comersione Univ antl Riw Prom/im Hillttest Seeger5quare PayneAVe (RedevROjeqArea) NewYOrk Bingo 850,p00 N �'rn1c B" d5f1000 Phalen Center (Retlav Pro�ecllvea) Lekewood Phalen Comao� Other (Retlev Pro� Area) SubTOpl Wb1ic Improvemems Texam U�isys Eart University ProM3m H�ilcrest Sce9er5quare PayneAve (Re�ev PivjectAreaj Phalen Cenler(ReEev Pro�eci/veaj Other (Retlev P�oj Area) Sub-TOtal DebtServ:r.e P81 on Sec;ion �OB Loan-New YoB BmgO(Payne Avenuej New Debt P3 I JOOtl2 Contin9�++cy Texaw Unisys Eas� wivcs�ry PmM3m Hlllcrest Seeger5quare Payne Ave (Re9ev Prqed Area) Plulen Centor (Retlev Project Area) 00er (Reduv V:o� Area) Sub Totat qdmins9aGOn Costs T¢uw Unisys East Unive�sny ProM3m Hillcrest SeegerSquare PdyneAVe (RedevPro�eGArea) PhaVen Center (Redev Projeet Arca) OUier (Retlev Froj Area) Admimstraeor.Cos[s Administrdhon - Ramsey County Sub-TOfal TOTAL SOURCES Tax Incremenis Interest Eamin�.s New Debt 2001:2002 Gfants: Texam unisys East Onivers.:v Prort✓3m Hdkrest See9er5puzre PaY�eAVe (ReCev Pro�xtArea) HUtl SfC1i0n 103 P�alen Cen;er (Redev Pro�ect Area) Ldkewoatl R�Cevelapment #t Lakevrood fteJ¢v #2 St of MN Lanc Saie La� Sale Jer j s CNer (R¢tlev ProjlvBd) qppraveC eutlget CIIRREN7 0 0 0 0 0 0 41.]W 0 41,]9] 3.000.000 1Y1.00p 5.30D.000 286.595 600.000 3�9.999 150,000 100,000 259,890 390.000 356.000 2T5.000 1,300.000 2.104.618 2,905.000 ]6,528 9,062,000 8.543,430 1750.000 130.000 5�5,000 100.000 650.000 �so,000 GHANGES AMEN�ED FROM BUOGEf CURRENT 2.6�O.pDp 2.SH,]9] 3.955.000 0 0 ]8A90 1,495,538 6,084,462 2]3,000 13,000 294,000 14,000 3T,500 5],000 686.500 T13,000 38,000 88M1.00� 25,000 112.500 171,000 1,940,500 15,646,000 Original TIF Plan 15,646,000 0 836,58] 2�.p00 863.58] 9,52],104 Approvetl BuEget CURRENT 1,]93.234 349.]5� B CHANGES FROM ORIGWAL 5,580,000 2,4]0,000 1,300,000 650,000 zso.aoo 221,000 3]9.3a] R.O10 286,595 6'�0.06� 3]9.999 259,890 356.000 215.000 1.300.000 2,t�6.4t8 2,905,000 �6,528 8,543,430 Q 1,5]4,�28 4.084.462 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 836.58] 2].000 863,58] 'I],Sl],304 AMENDEO BUOGET ],3]3,234 3a9 ]50 2,4]0,000 t,3W.000 650.OW 250.000 221.000 3]9.34] 1],010 o�-�i� Miscellaneous Sources 284.203 284.203 T2nsfers: From SpNCe Tree 2.682,0]5 2.682,0]5 From Hammond 4]2.655 d92.655 From Speuce Tree 1.128.030 1,128,03� TOTAL i5,fi46,000 9,52],306 8,050,000 1].57�,306 ��� � ����e.duA���r�.�..(5�.�'3�G) or �.�e''�`JN..�r' .Q,ti, �� t1h�.�J.��..� �� o u� i�.s.]� ta�t�' �c� �st. ts o �.ys`l Name of District: SNELLING/UNIVERSITY # 9D & 9E Type of District: Redevelopment Certification Date: tifplan2 04l18/2001 Original Current Changes Amended SOURCES OF FUNDS Plan i TIF Plan �Apri125, 2001 i TIF Plan Name of District: NEW HOUSING & BLIGHTED LANDS #12 & 2J O ,� ��� Type of District: Redevelopmet tifplan2 04/18/2001 Certi£cation Date: 06/12/1981 , Original Current Amended __..---- -- -...._.. ... ; �.� _. _ ,.. - _ � _.� ... - o i -�ta.� � Adual Through 7999 i 7,113.407 1,056,267 3,975,000 677,500 421,369 733,369 I 13,976,906I 2,171.215 361,750 675,000 4,040,836 513,563 240,749 672,775 677,500 2,682,075 12,035,463� Nplan2 . 04/18/2001 Name of District: SPRUCE TREE/METZ BAKERY AREA # 83 Type of Distrid: REDEVELOPMENT o �-�i�t Section 3.4 Acquisition of Land. The Authority may acquire, by private negotiation or eminent domain, any land located within the Housing Project or the Neighborhood Project. This authorization is effective for all of the TaY Increment Financing Plans. Section 3.5 Impact on Other Taxine Jurisdictions. No additional property is being added to any of the Tas Increment Districts by this Amendment, since several parcels are being deleted from Tax Increment Financing District No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) and T� Increment Financing District No. 12 (Scattered Site Housing), there is no negative estimated fiscal and economic impact on the other taxing jurisdictions for those taY increment districts. Section 3.6 Pooline for Deficits in Saint Paul TaY Increment Districts. To the eatent pernritted by law the Authority reserves the right to use tas increments from all of the Tas Increment Financing Districts to pay debt service on taY increment bonds issued and sold before June 2, 1997, including but not limited to the general obligation bonds issued by the City of Saint Paul to finance public redevelopment activities in the Authority's Riverfront TaY Increment Financing District. To the extent necessary in order to effectuate such purpose, the authorized ea�penditures of t� increments set forth in the TaY Increment Financing Plan for the Riverfront Tax Increment Financing District are hereby incorporated herein by reference in each of the TaY Increment Financing Plans with the same force and effect as if fully set forth therein. Section 3.7 Earoenditures Outside District The Authority hereby elects to spend taY increments on activities located outside the Tax Increment Financing Districts and Project Areas as pernutted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, Subd. 2(d) provided that the eapenditures met the following requirements: (i) they aze used exclusively to assist housing that meets the requirements for a qualified low-income building as defined in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); (2) they do not exceed the qualified basis of housing as defined under 5ection 42(c) of the Code less the amount of any credit allowed under Section 42 of the Code; and 12610153 a �-�ay (3) they are used to (i) acquire and prepaze the site for housing, (ii) acquire, construct or rehabilitate the housing or (rii) make public improvements directly related to the housing. Section 3.8 Effect ofAmendments Except as herein amended and supplemented, the Original Tas Increment Financing Plans remain in full force and effect. 12610153 o �-�l�y .�: • List of Parcels to be deleted from TaY Increment Financing District No. 12 and 2J (New Housing and Blighted Lands Scattered Site District) Remove all parcels in Sites: #8 Nevada/Arkwright #11 RailroadIsland #22 Trout Brook Phase II See attached map E�ibit A-1 A-1 1261015.3 �-i .. L � � � � � L � � � � � �� A , = 6� �� � � � � � � � �I � �• � � � L -4_ '— N � � 0 s i� = C � � d � Z �. c� C � H � r � ' V / � o ►-y�`� n z�� .� 3 - S - V E y N � u � t C .. � y Z s 0. � � m V C \ Q L y S� O 7 K._i S t� F p E y S N 9 ✓ G t F v Q Z v � 5 4 _ O �C � � F F n T � O - a u> n o C m P No=E v. u F N t d � .a+ . � C F- L � � J -1Q �if � �� a�-�+ay �.� : : List of ParceLs and/or Sites to be retained in Tas Increment Financing District No. lA See Extu�bit B-1 for amap : 1261015.3 • � .. -.�. � 4 ` (s� �X�`� �� <i5� e���� a�-Ka� Scattered Site Z'IF Distnct � 2001 Ammendments ._ �ebr-as:y2S�t181 � Seeger Square Remove all parcels except the following: 28-29-22-32-0160 28-29-22-32-0161 28-29-22-33-0032 28-29-22-33-0033 28-29-22-33-0034 28-29-22-41-0195 28-29-22-41-0196 28-29-22-41-0198 Hillcrest Shopping Center Remove all parce(s except the following: 23-29-22-22-0044 �' 9 University Avenue Remove all parcels except the followin�: 36-29-23-41-0001 36-29-23-14-0120 36-29-23-14-0125 36-29-23-14-0124 36-29-23-41-0054 36-29-23-41-0013 36-24-23-41-0015 36-29-23-41-0017 36-29-23-41-0019 36-29-23-41-0020 36-29-23-41-0022 36-29-23-41-0021 36-29-23-41-0023 36-29-23-41=0024 36-29-23-41-0025 36-29-23-41-002fi 36-29-23-41-0027 36-29-23-41-0018 36-29-23-41-0014 471 Marion St. 505 Rice St. — < 181 University 145 University — /v �. , 1S2 University _ Unassigned 166 University « 154 University 152 University 144 University 475 Rice Unassigned 461 Rice 455 Rice t3nassigned I55 Aurora Unassigned Unassigned . — -� ' � .-� ; . __ .. i ' . � i ] • _ . .� ' .. ., _ , � �•- � . . ;. . .-�� � ���7�i:i _ . -. � - � - - -,� � =- • � � �+.^.il:�;'%:.`cic _ . - . . . . . �'.. . . . ' "_ ' ' L.. :ii:1 ' ' Rice Street Remove all parcels except the following: 25-29-23-41-0001 957 Rice St 25-29-23-41-0259 945 Rice St 25-29-23-44-0001 825 Rice St 30-29-22-32-0004 954 Rice St 30-29-22-32-0005 940 Rice St Unysis Remove alt parcels. 3M/Prom site Remove all parcels � �a�.�,y� Ct.w�in l�,¢.�.� � P Tw�.a.u, �� � � � 0 � -y�`� �� o, ��� _� Q � � -�..�.� U .� -� � G'� � � � .� � � � � � s � � � U � � O O � � O .Q � . � Z N M y� R MISSISSiSSiPPt f�IVE N � a z a � O � � N s � � = � �=� �- � � ��� � � U � � � O '� � 0.. � F- �ri c� ti � � � � � N N N �;,� � t� '" L a -.� � N > +�. � , � � C N ��� U � V � _ � � W �CVI'�d' � o�- y�y EXHIBTT C Maps for before and after pazcels(site removals: TIF District #12 & 2J #lA #83 (no change) #9D and 9E (no change) C-1 12610153 .. L H— � � _ � � � J m ' = N .� � ^ � � C � � � � � � � L • � � �S O � � � � � � Z � v C � � 0 � � � � �. G�j`Q"% � � � o►-yzy � z�� 3 � � E � £ a � o � s�o,<,E�� 8 _ g N 3 Y 4 O 0 9 '� � v P 9 i C a '� + F � v a�. 4 4 4 S F L �T � m W v. m N O K E°� LL t-- N � d a+ > � � ts. d '"" � �`\ l� �� - o,-y» _�. , Q � � -� .0 � -�.+ � � � � � � � � � .�-+ -F..r � U fI� � O 4 � L � � /� i V/ .� � �Nll'13NS � c� � J � Q Z Z Q � = a� ia — _ `� � c � ....� M � U � cn N O '� � a � �-- �ci co t` � _ ... � � i� � � � � � ^ O >+ N N � N � �"� � � � ����c � � ��� � V N U � � =��W r- N M d' y 1 RiVER MISStSSiSSiPP a -� a�, _�.� 3 M OE3 � .E-� C� .� L � � ■� � � � � N � � � i � � � � V � � i F— � ts � L � � � a� � L � .i--' �^` W U a� a� L L r Q� U 7 L Q � o�-ya�� ��r 3 • • � � . . � V .... L � � ■� � � � ^ ♦� ■� ii�/ W / ■� � V i� ■� � i.. v♦ - _ �_-_� �� ' -- _ �� , .° -, . SNELLING U w L .. � � C N � N v � x H .� .` > .� � a� c N C � �I L� 01-Hay EXFIIBIT D List of parcels before and after for TIF Districts lA and District 12 and 2J and estimated increment reduction after removal D-1 12610153 amro� eno c�rrc�e 3,700 5,000 50,2IXI 156,100 78.400 2TS,400 78.400 273,400 �a.soo �zs.soo 74.800 713,900 ... <:;y:;� ��,:495.2b0� �i: »�11d9,3C0 d06.4CU 2od.100 ze3.3oo sazsoo zzas.s3oo sazeao t4.500 t1.400 25.800 34.800 186.d00 253,800 t88.400 253,H00 188.400 253.600 95.700 25.200 154.2(10 235,t00 754.200 235.t00 73.800 70,400 es.000 io.aoo 27.240 7,400 37.600 7,400 4�.BW 19,&10 42.500 77.300 si.eao s.soo 701.300 39,800 7.000 1D,BOD 8.300 t2,8W 33.700 8.000 115.1 W 15.700 as.soo tt,9ao 83.400 t2.2�1� t89.000 �,t00 �a.aoo zt eoo 47.900 8.2U0 8.300 72,BW 34.4W 18,000 37.000 4.700 110.500 23.500 52.300 11.000 BS.B00 75.600 8,500 9,000 H.700 8.700 18,4W 18,�10 41.800 td.9W 772,800 4d.20� 18.700 4,400 152,900 37,500 37d,d00 787.100 z2eo.sao toe�.zoo 70d.8W 126.000 78.900 88.:t00 713.d00 74.BW 38.200 6d,800 1.728.500 382,300 972.2fA 429,400 479.000 195,900 t73,700 82,20� 30.500 31.600 885.500 2A0,400 49,700 70,500 49.700 100 49.70D t00 31.&70 Bi.600 28.306 54.600 789.800 81.900 38.800 .54.300 37.000 188.700 73.900 73.9D0 ti.200 i77.400 21,400 75,000 5,406 16,300 2 R1429 T323.0037/Wt 3 R70282324.00MN01 4 Rtd282324.00p4A02 5 R15262324.00OS'001 8 Ri52823.2d.000510@ 7 PJ1i08000.�0010341001 S P01919479fC0103dR'61 9 R142873.13.0003I001 10 R1428 T3.23.00281001 71 R14282323.002&SA2 12 R1d2823.23.W29/00� 13 R16.28.2323.0030�001 14 R1428.23.24.0007A01 15 Rt4282324.00D3A61 i6 R14 2823.24.0009NO2 17 R14.28.2326.0009NO3 t8 R1428.2924.0010A01 19 R272823.74.0071r901 2p R21.2623.i4.W27A02 21 R25.2923.14.W93A01 22 R252929.16.009C+W5 23 R252923.74.0095N01 2d R25.4923.7dOQ98(007 25 R25.�901 15 F2Z529T31a.009&001 n azs.zs n �a.o�erooi 28 R257923.47.00OV001 Y9 R2529.2314.00871001 3p R252923.<1.0088l001 31 R25 79 23 41.0090N01 32 R2529.23.41.W�JOI002 a3 azs2s.z3.atoosvoot 3q R3$ 29 2$ 41.0091J001 3S RIS 29 23 d1.0081NO2 3g R252973.4t.0�310D1 37 R252923 41.0132L)01 38 R252923.a1.01331001 39 R25 TJ 23.41.01391001 40 R25Z923.41.0139K�01 41 R25 29 23.41.01391002 42 R25 39 23 41 0140N01 43 R25 ]9 Z3 b1.014d0(Y2 44 R257923d10/41A01 45 R252923.41.01d1/001 48 R25M.23.d1.0147l002 47 R25292341.0231A01 48 R�529.23.47 0231/W2 49 R252923�41 0240N01 50 R2529_73-05.02dN002 51 R25 29 23 41.0259/001 52 R2529.23.41.OW1/W1 53 R25297'.4d.000�/001 $6 R2529.23.44.Op0YU01 55 R252923.4d.0004/00 58 R281922.32A154N01 57 R28.]972.32.Ot58R%Jt 58 R2829 Y1.32.O18NWi 59 R28297132.0761N01 80 R28 Bt R282922.320028N�1 82 R28292233.0027N01 83 R28 29 72.33.003?A%11 Bd R2629.YL.33.0033�C01 &5 R282922.33.003<tVOt gg Ft29.I922.41.0195N01 g7 RIS29.yL41.019G/Wt 5g R2929.21.61.0197A01 bg R29Y922.41.Oi98N01 70 R3029.22.320004/D01 7t R3029.22.32.00OS�ODt 72 R3029.22320043N�� 73 R3029.71320043/i7D2 T6 R3029.TL.32�044f�0 75 R30 2921 32 0044/D72 Nw�t yo r� po� � CW1uN-r S t't" � TIF DISTRIC7IA crosny Gosby �+osbY GosbY crrq Qosby Gmsby GrosbY �i Go�br Gosby Crosby C�wby CrosbY Crwby �M Unisys Vnisys Rico Rit's Riee �tt Rice Wce Rice Rice Riee Rice Rice Rice Rke Rice Rice Rice Rke Rice Rice Rice Rica Rice R�ct Rice Rica Rice Rica Riw Rice R�ce Riee Rtr,e Rice Rica Rice --- Fxe9et --- Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger :-- See9er --- --- Rice Rice Riee Rice Riee Riw OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT our �UT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT �UT our OUT OUT OVT OUT OUT QUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 1,707 t,834 0 t.750 0 0 15,337 iZ318 8,732 0 an 4,908 0 0 3,251 3,743 0 7.768 450 328 378 974 7,UN t,23a 2,437 238 zez 794 7 988 asz 634 2,534 4d2 t �as 199 828 372 1,908 883 3t9 323 118 233 888 3,144 277 3,235 71 230 76,�7 u,i56 1,89d 3,856 7,299 3g 869 31 555 76,248 S,�b �,mn zi em 7,890 1,650 7,6'90 763 W9 2,� t,8d8 a,azv t,776 2,7�7 �w 5,30] 75,680 fi0.85d 17.458 �t.na � dt.G12 7.6li t6,94d iw.� t.183 24.793 62.386 0 65] B.S A 8.127 2,2&5 58] 451 SCO 1,200 7.5&� z,<, s,ses 387 435 801 1.973 �.esa 945 2.772 Su t.esa 307 1.238 28a 7p18 9C8 3fi0 � t52 7�0 )57 3,923 19d 3,18] 27 107 t 79,M2 3.t80 5,616 2.Sa3 8,071 3].ESd 128.570 85,3IC 2.795 �,ou s.ns 2.�] 78.3d7 BC.bO 22,]9d B,Bt1 1,312 8.�7 a.ne 2.009 2 2�5 +a� 570 g c�or� oi-yay -�� Page 1 of ja � 3.6C0 13,8� 60,954 15,7W � i�a 96 2'i,285 (a 70� 8,816 ios.�a 0 0 � 19.&93 Q3B8 0 [G � 90] 9,127 519 117 in 18M1 718 5� S03 �,tsa /29 753 8 5 2az 917 708 72 � 708 dtt h�l (d901 45 61 t+n � �87 71 ns �I (d8) g,g77 2582 ns.a�e� 3,12Q (1.31� �.702 789 97.015 57.088 (J,711) 37 nzs�n 707 16.697 6I,570 J.2Cri3 6,932 0 Q72) 6,851 $.951 235 (BS� (583) 570 z� 6.1 �.&� 6,&`b +z� 3] 16,3W zsee 6,5<1 .zsaz a6a 9,71] 21,M8 338 3.350 3,578 � Zu m 212 170 817 839 z+so 14C 170 314 773 �29 a�o t.W] pt 8d9 120 I85 703 556 336 141 12D � 782 797 1.537 78 1,249 8.27t �d.803 1,248 1.965 998 2351 1! 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UniversdyAwnue OUT 376 35l (18) 1A0 768 R3529.23.14.0191/001 UniversM1yAwnue OUT 277 7ffi ��� � 769 R352923.14.01511001 UnnersM1yAvenue �T 4 � � 770 R352923.14.01931001 UniveredyAvenue OUT d6 467 415 181 771 R352923.14.O79N001 UnirersilyAvenue OUT 336 496 780 79d 172 R35.2923.7<.0195I001 UniversdyAvenue OUl' t.387 2T26 7.337� 1.067 773 R3529.231d.0204/00t Unive6M1yAvenue OUT 0 . ilb R352973.74.0205N01 UniversilyAvenue O�T 0 " 775 R352923.740206N01 UnivereityAvenue OUT 970 1.278 176R352973.14.V2071fb5 UniveRRyAvenue OUY 2 .� 2 3.� �ayy t77 R352923.16.0207A02 UnrvereM1yAvenue OUT 0 2� �� 778 R3529.23.t4020PN01 UnrversilyAwnue OUT &52 �0� (14� 82 779 R%.29237402�i/001 UniversflyAv2nue OUT 384 t78 ]t2 180 R%.2923.74.021d001 UnrversM1yAven�e OUT A71 dt8 35 175 181 R35.2923.14.M71/001 UniversrtyAvanue OU7 4&9 598 109 � 7ffi R352923.74.0212W1 UniversilyAvenue OUT 281 536 255 210 183R35.2B23.1-0.02131001 UnrveisityAvenue �UT 38 38 0 t5 184 R35292314.0271/W7 UnrvereRyAvenue OUY 388 503 118 797 7B5 R352923.1<.0271/002 Unrve6iryAvenue OUT 2,329 3.883 1.`�`4 1,5Y1 t86 R3529.231d.0723t001 UniversdyAvenue Cl'T 2.BSd 3.160 ��) � 187 R%.292314.0227N01 UniversityAwnue OUT 804 932 t� � 188 R3529.2314.0227/002 Unrvers2yAvenue OUY 7.� Zt� � � 189 R3529231d.07281W1 Unrvet^+dyArenue OUT 3,295 8.593 9.� �.`� t90R35292354.0239NOt 11nHe¢ilyAve�we QUT 4.875 8.582 1.707� 25� 191 R%.2923.1402d0/Wt UniversdyAvenue OUT 192 R352923.160401/001 UniversMAmnuo OU7 2U.552 17.078 (J.474) 8,692 793 R35 29 23 14 0143N01 UnivereityAvenue OUT 4.723 2.BdY R. 01 /.03] 194 R35292374.024dIW1 UnivereiryAvenue OUY g� �Sz 195 R35MT!_41.0016t01 UniversM1yAvenue OU7 326 � 121 2� 796 R352923.41.0017A01 UniveesilyAvenue OUT <� � � . � 1W R3529.23.44.001&Wt UniverAyAvmue OUT `� � y�t 248 198 R%.292341.00t920t UniveSityAvmue OUY 412 � 774 �' 199 R35292341.W20201 UniversilyAvenue OUT 472 � 718 � 200R35M2341.0021N01 UniversityAwnue OUT 470 � �� 2t0 207 R%292341.0077N01 UniversityAvenue OUT � � g� 217 2(Y2 R35292341.0023/007 UnrversityAvenue OUT ' � � � 7 � 203 R35.2923.d1.002d1001 Un'rrersdyAvenue OU7 � 19� 204 R352923.6t.002SD�1 VniversilyAVanue OUT � � �� 372 205 R352923.41.002GN01 VniversilyAvenue OUT 1.015 � (� 206 R35292341.0027A01 UniversilyArenue OUT 7.073 1120 <� d'''S 207 R352923.47.003&001 UniversityAvenue OUT �7 �'` � � 208 R3529.23.47.0029/Ni UniversilyAvenue OUY �7 �` � � 209 R%�01 V�iversiryAvanua OUT �� �` � � 210 R352913.41.0037N01 UniversM1yAwnue OUT �� � � � 211 R352923.41A03NJ�i UniverSM1yAwnue OUT � " 212 R3529.23.47.W33�D01 VniversM1yAvmue OUT 5 .� 5. � Zt � 2t3 R352923a1.0034NOi UnivereityAvenue OUT � . 214 R3529.�d1.0037N01 UniversityAuenue OUT � _ 215 R35292341.003b001 Un�rsM1yAvenue OVT � " 216 R35292341.0039N01 Univei5ilyyAwnue OUT � " 217 R352923.41.0040/001 UniversM1yAwnue OUi � 2t8 R%.29234t.004tN01 UniversityAVenue OUT � � 61 � 219 R%.2923.41.00471C01 UniverSityAVenue OUT 543 7C0 �97 � 220 R35292341.00a31001 UniverSityAVenue OUT � " 221 R352923.41.W4di901 UnrveratyAVenue OUT 520 699 779 274 222 R352923.41.WCS901 Unrve�SrtyAVenue 01ST 656 68Q Z4 ?� 223R352923d7.00<N001 UniverSdyAvenue OUT � " 714 R352923.d1.00671007 Universi[yAvenue OUT � 225 R%237i.41.W4&VOI UnivetSM1yAvenue OUT `�� 5 � I �� � o�-y�y amro� ease 82,200 725,t00 774.800 46.700 t73.100 45.700 85.900 48.700 89.9C0 t5.300 4z800 58.100 50.200 50.800 48.300 38.700 38.t00 A8.200 44.W0 21.00o 27.000 723,7CA 47,OD0 44.W0 57,200 43.800 58,300 58.000 143.800 19.500 19.500 59,800 48,200 48,500 48.400 55.700 63,700 45.700 4d.200 34,400 u.eao 45.700 A9.600 A9.800 48.700 48.700 b6.2Iq 57.70� 54.300 19,900 47.800 31.100 5,200 78,000 p8.300 200 300 25,200 41.800 t07.900 N4,500 103.700 258.7AD 19.900 64.OW 18.800 40,500 8.500 18.500 46,800 207.t00 AB.OW 3+,soo Cum.�R t0,000 81,000 38J00 9,700 3],500 t�,40� 8,7Q] t9,400 78,400 20.4C0 27.500 8.000 t0,000 10,OOD 10.000 t0,000 8.000 8.000 10,000 8.000 6.500 79.400 t8,800 8,900 9,2(p 70,000 8,200 9.2(10 10.000 40.800 8,400 22.700 10,00� t0,000 H,200 t0,000 tO,OW 70,000 9.200 9.200 9.20U 70,OW 9.200 10,000 9.700 9.7IX1 10,000 10.40� t0,000 70.000 5,200 5,200 5,2IX1 5,200 7.500 3,200 72.900 3,8C0 300 8,500 4,400 18,000 60.600 26,90D 733.000 28,800 t0,0�0 26.I00 4.000 12.000 59.A06 4.000 51,000 4.100 t0,000 T1F DiSTRICT'IA Pa9e 4 ot 14 TIFDistriRPID Area OUT Ba NMCPG C rteMNMCPC GDturetlGPG %GOwrMCPC 726 R3529.23.41.0049AOt UnnersdyAvmue OUT 1.OZd 7p68 t2 t18 727 R35�b.41.01991001 Un"rversityAUmue OVT 8.753 8.<]5 27n 4,30t 228 R35.29?3.41020nN01 UniversdyA�enue OUT 4.dA3 �.836 3.39:! SAli 729 R35.29.73.41 02�8�001 Unrversiy'Avenue OUT 771 W] (��) � 230 R3529.73.47.0206T02 UniversM1YAvmue OVf 3.094 3.550 518 t.�t 231 R35-�23.6t.02081Wt UniversityAvmuE WT � 232 R35.292i.620001/001 UniversityA�enue OUT 548 396 115Z) t� 233 R%.2923.420001A@ Un'nersityAvenue OUT 1.387 4.4� 3,128 1761 234 R352923.42000?ADt Un"rversityAwnut OUT t.656 S.t82 1.528 1.2d7 235R35.29.73.420003AOt UncrcisiCfAvenue OUT 7.942 9.dd8 1.564 1,350 236 R3529.23.42.0004I001 UniversityAVmue OUT 3W 871 `� '"� 237 R3529.23.4200Qrv1701 UniversityAVmue OUT 428 432 4 169 238 R352923.62WORi001 UniversdyAvenue OVT �i �] � � 239R352923.b2000]1C0'1 UniueRityAvenu¢ DUi 502 591 89 232 240 R352913.42.0009iW1 UniversilyAvenue �T `� � � � 241 R35.2923.42.0009/NI Un'rversdyAvenue OUT � `'� � � 242 R3529.23.42W70r9D1 UniversdyAvenue OUT 387 313 O� 1 � 243 R%]9.23A20011A01 UnrrersilyAvmue OUT 381 d13 52 7 � 26d R%2923.62.0012q01 IlniversityAvmue OUT 762 8l9 117 � 265 R35.2823.420073N01 UniversRyAvenue OUT A46 528 82 p 248 R352923.42.�01bD01 UniveSilyA�enuB OUT � � (�) � 247 R35.2923.42001d002 UnrrersityAvenue OUT 0 � 2d8 R%2923.42.00151001 UniversiryAvenue OUT 7,989 4.773 1.806 1.870 2d9 R35.2923.42�18A07 UniversiryAwnue OUT `.� 4 � (t � 1 � 250 R35.29.23.42�0'A2�01 UniversdyAvenue OUT � `'� �� � 251 R35.2923<2.0021N01 UniveSityAvenue OUT 94d 1.058 t{2 <1d 252 R%192342.W27�001 Unrver'.+ryAvenue OUT 438 5� 131 717 253 R3529.7342�231001 UniversityAwnue OUT 820 E09 1&9 317 256 R%.292342.W24'901 UniversftyA�enuO OUT 824 7.OB9 165 427 255 R3529.23.d2.0041A01 UniversityAvznue OUT 3.d48 4.P3 1.32] 1.W0 258 R352913.d200d?/001 UniversRyAvenue OUT 883 310 (3M19) 125 257 R%2923.42004?NO2 UniversityAvenue OUT 0 452 0.52 177 250R352323.420043NOt UnrversilyAven�e OUT 7� �� � � 259 R352923-42.004d/001 UniveSM1yAvenue OUT � � �� � 2fi0 R352923.42�S�W1 UniveSityAvenue OUT 485 &'A 169 248 281 R352923.420048N01 UniversiryAvenue OUT 48d Sdt 57 212 282 R3579.D.d2.OW7A01 UnrversityAver�ue WT 557 �` � �� 263 R35.29.23.4200d8/001 UniversiryAvenue OUT 7.057 1.115 84 d3� 2d4 R35.2923.42�d9/001 UniversMAvenue OUT 457 587 110 � 285 R35.2923.42.00SOi001 UniversityAvenue OUT 442 528 � p7 2fi6 R35.2923.42.0051N01 UniversityAvenut OUT 4t3 � � � 267R35.292342.005?XA1 UniversM1yAwnue OUT `3d �� � 268 R35.297342.0053N01 UniversilyAvenut OUT �` � qq 219 269 R3529.23.42.00SCN01 Universil'/Avenue O�T 4 � c� 152 ]55 270 R35.2923.d2.0055/001 UnivershyAwnue WT 498 � � 277 R3529.2342.00SBiD01 VniversilyA�enue OUT � � � Ztd 272 R%29.2342.00571901 UniversityAvenue OUT �� � 7 � � 273 R352923.42.Ot9GR�01 VniversiryAvenue O�T �2 8T8 101 � 274 R3529.2342.0197I007 UniversM1yAvenue OUT � � 73 27d 275 R3629.2373.0786/ClJt UniveesityAVenue OUT `� 48 � 2]8 R382923.73.Oi6S901 UniverskyAvenue OUT 199 2<5 277 R�2971.t3At89N0t V�rversiLyA�enue OUT 4J8 � a28 1 � 278 R362923.13.0170I001 Un"rversM1yAvenue OUT 3�1 � � 279 R362923.73.0171A01 Un'rrersiryAvenu¢ OUT 5 � � � t0 280 R36.2923.t3017?N01 UniversilyAvmue OUT �� 28'1 R382923.53.01731061 UncrereRyAwnve OUT 780 270 l�% � 282 R36.2923.730t73.002 UnrversdyAvenue OUT 487 i.�8d fi7 2&3 R38.2923.73.0774/001 Un"rversiqAvenue OVT 7 179 122 51 284 R382923.t3.0175V01 UniversityAvenue OUT 5 5 0 2 285 R38.2923.t3.Ot761001 UnrveaRyAwr�ue OUT 857 711 (6'� 87 286 R3829.23.t30177/001 UniversilyAwnuc OUT 4�B 30d (174) » 2W R3829.23.130778R+01 UniversilyAVenue OUT 2,580 7,340 d,750 2878 288 R382923.130779NOt UniversilyAvenue OUT 2.7� B.� 8 •� 5 •� 3 209 R362923.130180A.''Oi UniversityAvenus OUT 2.459 5,30� 2.811 Y.On 290 R362923.73.078t/001 llnivers'M1yAvenus OUT 7.282 12.N3 d.961 �.�+ 297 R3629.23.730787Rqi UniversityAvenue OUT 677 W9 � � 292 R362923.130783iD01 UniversdYAvenus OUT &10 578 (� T� 293 R362923.73.0786�D01 UniveaM1yArenue OUT 838 89} 252 � 294 R3629.23.730785.P01 Univetz"M1yAvenua OUT 486 348 (13� 138 295 R36.2923.73078&901 UniversdyArenue OUT 289 408 719 1 � 296 R3G2923.t3.O187100t UoiversM1yAvenue OUT 444 B.500 6.056 2.Sd7 297 R3629.2373.078&901 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29 23 23 0101A01 338 R36292322.0107A01 339 R36 292323.07 W'C07 3d0 R38292323.6103�002 341 R3629.23230104A01 362 R38292323.OtOSU01 3d3 R3fi 29 23 23 Ut WN01 34d R38 29 23 23 0107A01 345 R3829.2323.07081V7 348 R382923.23.0109N01 3d7 R38.292323.0170rD01 348 R3629.23230117A01 349 R3629.2323.0174ND1 350 R3629.7323.011&001 351 R36 29.Y3.73.01171001 352 R36291323.011&001 353 R3G2973.23.@20NOt 354 R36.29Y323.0721A0/ 355 R36 29 23 23.02TIA701 356 R36 29 23 23.022�1 357 R36292323.022GC01 358 R38292323.072dV02 359 R3629.2323.@25r001 360 R382923230728A01 361 R38 29 23 23 0229�D01 362 R38 29.73 23.0230�001 363 R36292323.02311C01 364 R36292323.02372'Ot 365 R362923.23.0233�L01 3fi6 R3S292323.0234N01 367 R36292323.0237A01 368 R36292323.@dN001 389 R3629.73.23.0251A01 370 R362923.23.0251NO2 371 R36.2923.23.025��007 3]2 R36292323.0255907 3]3 R38.292323.0259A01 3]4 R36192323.0287A01 3]5 R36292323.0287/0D1 UnirersityA.enue UnrversdyAven�e UniversityMenue UniversilyAvmue Univetsiry Arenue UniversiryAvenue 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87,500 Sa.400 PB.600 7.649,30� 163.900 20i.200 13,300 71.300 178.8W d78,700 57,5W 52,000 83.800 86,800 z� CurteM 5,000 10,000 10,000 3,400 6,600 25.500 30.7(70 8.8W 19,500 BJ00 19,400 'et.CW 27.000 21.000 21.000 21.W0 5,000 18,000 t0,000 tO.OW 9.500 t9,400 19.3W t0,000 70,000 t0,000 70,000 8.700 5,700 5,700 z.+ov 6.500 S,d00 138.600 132,400 15,000 56.700 28.700 8.500 78.8W 14.000 3l,800 3,100 B,1W 70,9W 32,400 48.800 8,000 37.700 8.900 77.200 29.700 9.500 5,700 4,600 18,500 12.600 18,300 284.800 t5,2W 3�� 7.796.8W 38,d00 45.706 7ffi.900 43.700 43.700 44.50� 8z80� t74.700 5,100 10,000 70,000 10,000 ?,3.9C0 3]8 R3829232a.0080,0ot 3T7 R36.29232d.009]IW5 378 R38�2326.W96q01 379 R36.29.2324.0095q01 380 R3629.73.24.009SW1 381 R3629232a.W9BlW2 362 R3629232a.OP39q01 383 R3629232a.0700rDDt 384 R:.G2923.26.Of00NO2 385 R362971.24.OfOLD01 386 R362929.24.OlOfA02 %? R3"o 29.7J-24.0'.01!_C1 388 R36 29 2328 0103�W1 389 R3629Zd14010NW1 390 R36292324.OiQ5�V01 39t R3629.732d.0708100 392 R38.29.Z124.OtO7N0 3g3 {236.292324.OiWA02 3gq p362923.24.0708'001 395 p38242324.Ot09�LAi 396 ft36.2923 26.0116�901 397 R3fi29.2324.0110rW2 398 R38.292324.Ot71N01 399 R3829.73.24.920VW1 400 R3fi2923.2a.0iVSW 401 R382923.2a.0208iD01 402 R362975.24.0207A01 403 R38292324.0208�001 404 R38 39 2324.020Li001 405 R36 29 23 24 0216�W1 aoa aae zs za za at�iAOi 607 R38292324.021?A01 409 R382923.24.0213�007 409 R3fi 29 23 2d 0214V01 410 R38297328.0215100t at7 R36292324.027&D01 412 R382923.2<.0218�V02 413 R38292324.0219N01 414 R38292324.0727NU1 <15 R38.29232d.07201W2 416 R362923_24.022?NU1 417 R38292324.0277.W2 418 R%29232a.0728�CY11 419 R362923.2d.M28'002 420 R36 29 23 24 0727A01 421 R38292331.00OtI[A5 <22 R3829.23.31.000?A01 423 R36 39 23 31.00OA'001 424 R3829Y3.37.0009A02 425 R38 29 23 31.0016901 <26 R38 29 23 37.0070902 427 R36 v001 428 R362923.3i.0024A01 429 R3B2923.31.0025901 430 R362923.31.002@Q�01 931 R38292337.0027N07 432 R3829233t.OD28M5 a33 R3829.7331.010A'001 d3a R36292331.0116A01 435 k3829.23320003V01 438 R36 ]9 23 32 OOOAA07 437 R36292332.00GSN07 d38 R3629Y332.00C81001 439 R3G2973.32.WO1A01 440 R362923.32.0093'W1 441 R362973.32W96�001 442 R3629.7.3.32.W9b002 4d3 R362923.92.00AS'Wt 4dd R36.2923.520096001 445 R36. 446 ft3629.23.41.0007A01 447 R3629.73.41.00IXSq01 G48 R3629_73.41.000400t 649 R%29.2341.00OGN01 p$p {t362923,4t.0007NOt Uni+e +dy A+enue UniversilyA�enue UniwrsityMenue UniversdyA`ence UniversityA+mue UnrversityNenue UniversilyAvmue Uni�ersicyA.enue Universily A`enue UnnersM1yA+mue VnrversM1yA+mue Uni+eisdy A.enue Universrty Avenue UniversRy Avmue UniversM1ybenue University A�enue Uni�ersityA`enue UnrversityA.en�e UniversilyA�enue Unive�sityAwnue UniversrtyA�m�e UniversityAwnue University Avnfua UnrveisityAwnue UniversdyAwnue UniversdyAVenue UniversiryAwnue Un"rversdyAwnue UniversiLy Avenue unrreairyAvenue UnrversM1yAwnue UniversM1y Awnue 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t17 4,145 218 Y.92d 356 332 618 180 7:is 18t % � 89 4]9 209 705 ns 1.700 1,839 618 9.d0a I7.110 3,717 3,874 2082 1,735 8,588 383 404 23] 19i 452 oi-yay 327101 Base 31,�0 zsoo it.AW 7,9C0 0.S.W0 �ao 23.700 700 149.700 D.900 84.200 1TB.EW ;�9,700 99.000 78,300 40.9�0 &3.200 19.&10 273,20� 899.500 899.5� za.iao 187.500 38.700 �S,a00 78,fi00 �,� 8,100 7.700 728200' tB2,4C0 7H.000 72.000 198.900 dd.OW 780.700 1%.SOD 75,OOb 83.100 t84.800 t89.800 298.600 429.300 7.878.000 %7�4W 55.300 1.219.700 428.100 817.500 szsa�7ao Currert 24.00O 31.500 25.500 8,500 39.600 z3oo 65.600 6,290 50.000 8,500 18,7(10 2t.000 9.9W 75,000 48.000 24.000 5,800 t40.800 1�.000 t0,000 80.500 151.SW 49.500 88.900 247.300 243.300 a,soo 22.900 177,700 70,000 10,000 t0,000 10,000 5,000 26.200 t8.800 27.200 3T,&10 37,800 32.700 4,&10 188.300 t9,&10 9,800 19.800 217.500 271.500 744.900 772.BC0 /80.800 374,800 58.200 88.400 238.700 1Y3.400 27.000 22,ffi4,400 451 R3829.73.dt.OWNl001 452 R38292341.0009A01 453 R362923.41.OD13N01 454 R3629.73.d1.0014A01 455 R'Ja2923At.06t5�001 456 R362923.41.001&001 457 R382923.41.00171fA1 458 R3629.T3.4t.0018Rq1 459 R3629.73.41.0019A01 4ft7 R362923.d1.002dll01 481 R36292361.0020NO2 482 R382923.41.�021NOt 463 R382923.4t.00?TiWt 464 R3629.23.d1.0023N01 465 R362923.41.002dN01 466 R362923.41.002S�OC1 467 R362923.41.002BKY11 468 R36.1923.61.0027N01 469 R362923.4t.W50A0t 4]0 R38292341.0051A01 471 R3629.23.41.005?NOi A72 R36. d73 R362923.41.00ShcW1 4l4 R382923.d1.0O55�001 475 R3829.?3.41.0056901 A76 R36.29.23.41.WSBI002 477 R3629.23.420072XA1 478 R382923.620017�V02 4]9 R382923.42.001YV01 A80 R382923.42.00'fd1001 481 R361923.42.0O151C01 482 R36 29 23A2.00181001 483 R3819.73.420017I001 ae4 R36.292342001&VOt 485 R36.19.23.420079I001 486 R362923d2002fL001 4BT R382923.42CO20N62 488 R38.1923.42.0021N01 489 R362923.42.0021NO2 490 R36 29.23 d2.0033T01 b91 R3829.23420034N01 492 R3629.23.d2.072?IIXIt d93 R382923d2077.L001 494 R38.292342.Ot2CN01 495 R362923.42.0124NO2 498 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W.,B/CU7 32 522 490 4V R34.2922320IXi9A07 qg gdg � �7 R3a29713200a0l001 4d 557 523 4]0 R3C.2922320041/007 qp 587 523 d;0 R3a.292232.0047/001 36 587 531 d10 R3429Y2320043/001 3$ 5�7 531 4i0 R342922.32.0044/001 48 Bd8 800 53] R3429.2232.00dS�W1 32 437 399 35� R3a.2922320046/001 32 39'I 359 32a R34 29 7$ 32 0047/001 35 522 426 417 131.802 770.OW 6?.8.2i5 638.728 DISTRICT151 100.748 505.359 404.Bt3 418.Pd5 DISTRICT754 5]0 ta,319 ' 13,7<9 tiF'o7 DISTRICT 155 28.i62 231.751 202.7d9 191.E59 �ISTRICTIS'o 2.02d 19078 t7.054 1>815 TOTAL 737,802 7i.',,iA7 6:.3,2G5 Si.'�:25 8183iCG% RATE FOR AREA 0/51 7.367820 TPX INGftEMENT 0/51 5]2?`+9 RATEFORAREA0154 7.3EF830 7PXINCREMENT01:5 ta125 RATEFORAREA0156 7.3753�0 TAXINCREMCNT01:5 253.F72 RATEFORAREA0156 1.376350 TAXINCR"cMENT01;5 i'B� TPX INCR:AIENT TOTAL 67{J ORIGINAL Presented By Green Sheet # , � � I � � 1 2 3 4 q����Council File �1 # � Resolution # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date �� RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON TI-� AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TF� NEW HOUSING 5 AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 6 (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12); 7 TF� SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT 8 (TAX INCREMENT DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), 9 NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE) AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UTTIVERSITI�; l0 AND THE ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT AND TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authority") has 14 heretofore adopted Tax Increment Financing Plans for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development 15 Project (Tax Increment Financing District No. 12) and for the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Project 16 Tax Increment Financing Districts No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D and 9E 17 (Snelling and University). is 19 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the "City") has heretofore adopted a Tax Increment Financing Plan 2 0 for the Energy Pazk Development District (collectively with the Tax Increment Financing Plans referred to in 21 the preceding recital, the "TaY Increment Financing Plans") and has designated the Port Authority of the City 22 of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") as administrator of that district. 23 24 WHEREAS, the Authority, after consultation with representatives of the City and the Port Authority, 25 has detennined that it is necessary and desirable to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plans in certain 26 respects in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Secrions 469.174 to 469.179 (hereinafter 27 the "Taac Increment AcY'), and in accordance with the requirements ofthe Tas Increment Act has request the 28 City Council to hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments of the Taa� Increment Financing Plans. 29 3 0 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the 31 "City"), as follows: 32 33 1. Public Hearine. This City Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice 3 4 attached hereto as Exhibit A for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed amendments of T� 3 5 Increment Financing Plans for T� Increment Financing District No. 12 (New Housing and Blighted Lands) 36 No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D, 9E (Snelling and 1262268.2 �I--�2 � �=�3� 3 7 University) and the Energy Park Tax Increment District, all pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions 3 8 of the Taa[ Increment Act. O R I G I N A L 39 4 0 2. Notice of Aearing; Filin of Pro r�. The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a notice of the 41 hearing, in substautially the form attached hereto as E�chibit A, to be published at least 10 days prior but no 42 more than 30 days prior to the public heazing in a newspaper of general circulation as required by the Tax 4 3 Increment Act and to place a copy of the proposed amendments to the Tax Increment Financing Plans on file 44 in his office and to make such copies available for inspection by the public. 45 4 6 3. Consultation with Other Taxing Jurisdictions. The stafF of the HRA are hereby directed to mail a 4 7 notice of the public hearing to Ramsey County and Independent School District No. 625 informing those 4 8 taxing jurisdictions of the proposed amendment of the Tas Increment Financing Plans. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Adoption Certified by Council Secr V� Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: Foxm Approved by City�rney � By � � By' �/ Approved by Approved by Mayor: Date By: 1262268.2 2 By: Adopted by Council: Date ��y aoo \ � PED • ' _ - ��-�2� �� GREEN SHEET No 106967 ^� zooi ` y - '�'.� _ �.� 0 �.,,�..,,—� ❑ m.� �'�",�� � i aourra . owme . . ❑ �OOLm^�Q°� � ❑ �.Wr,.cm�eero � � MVORI�YYtfYlp � � TOTAt i Of SIGNATURE PAGES (CL]P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNANR� criaa �nuES� . Besolution calling for a pnhlic hearing on the amendment of Taa Increment financ4ng plan$ f the nev honsing and blighted lands development project(taa increment financing district no. the Saint Paul Neighborhood project (tas increment districts no.lA (scattered Ho. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Aos. 9D and'9E (Snelling and IIniversity); and the Energy Park Development tas increment district . . 1 Hn1MP��warwaladmdrtaeoN�auTOrMisdapeM�eN? _ PLANNING COMMI3310N YES Np _ GBCAMMRTEE � � 2HssWspanaMemewr6esn�oMY�9�.=,: - _ GVIL SERVICE COMMISSI.9N � �x `r:=i_� :? = -� "-::` ie : . �^� . XES . _ NO , _ - ., -- - - ' _ . . . _ - 1 Do�stlYipenaMrmD����tnam�YP�edbY�9emrentcRYemvbYee7 _ . VES NO •. - . — ___' _ . - . btlWpenaNArm�Wpehtl�xqM., -_. -. � , . ._. - . . . . ..... . . .. .. . .. . . � . � � , Has determined that it is necessary and desirable to amend the Tas increment Financing P � in certain respects in acwrdance vith the provisions of liinnesota Statutes, Sections 469.114 : �� to 469.179 (hereinafter the "Taa Zncrement Act°), and in accordance with=the requirements i of the Tag Increment Act request the City Council ta hold a public hearing on the propose " -a�endments o# the Taa Increment Pinaacing Plans. - - - - _- - � - `-....,.. - -.. -. -. ---- _ � , .. ._ _-... � . , .- .. �: _ . _ _ ,... � < __ �. _x. , _ 34DVANTAGESIFAPPROV� - - . � ��awvwY�wuwmrn,�nma�voi . . . - � _ '. . . .. , . . . , .. '� . _ . . . , . , _ ". � rovu. �rnour�r oF m�ws�c�t s NIA eost�u¢ ouooerEO �artaE a�q _-�.rES' � �' FuNCrc�caounce �clrvmwt�Ert , ., , - _ � _ . , ,--,:,,_' := �.NCUtiwFOrsx�n��owux+l - � - - - � ' :. -."-_ _ .. �,._. _. : - ��� _ "- - _ ._� � _���, , - � . ' . _ : _ - . �...,,. �_...z,_..�.�. _,:�r�......�..... - �._.�,.....__""___,._.. �._...._ � �...__ ._.�.__ .._ . .. ._ ,��...._...._ ._ _ ORIGINAL d!-�� a� CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE OF PUBIC HEARING AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TI� NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. 12); TE� SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE) AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND iJNIVERSITI� ; AND TI� ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT AND TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, beginning at appro�mately 5:30 p.m., at Saint Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to consider the proposal of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plans for (a) the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (Taa� Increment District No. 12), and (b) the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Tas Increment District No. lA (Scattered Site), Tax Increment Financing District No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 9D and 9E (Sneliing and University) and (c) the Energy Pazk Development and Tas Increment Financing District, all pursuant to and in confornuty with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1791. A copy of the documentation proposed to be considered at the hearing will be on file and available for public inspecrion at the office of the City Clerk in the Citizen Service Office at Room 170 City Aa11 at least ten days prior to the public hearing. A map showing the boundaries of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Area, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Area, the Energy Pazk Project Area, and the properry in the above mentioned Tas Increment Financing Districts is set forth below. All interested parties may appeaz at the April 25, 2001 public hearing and present their views orally or in writing. BY TFIE ORDER OF 'I`F� CITY COiJNCIL 1262268.1 1262268.2 /s/ Fred Owusu City Clerk council File # 01- y �� Resolution # Green Sheet # �� �. �� a+ RESOLUTION Presented By , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA `� 4 Referred To Committee: Date 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (SCATTERED SITE NO. lA, SPRUCE TREE/METZ NO. 83, AND SNELLING AND UNIVERSITY NO. 9D AND 9E); AND THE ENERGY PARK TAX INCREMENT DISTffiCT N0.12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul (the "City") has heretofore approved, at the request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"), a Redevelopment Plan (the "Housing Redevelopment Plan") far the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (the "Housing Project Area") in order to provide new housing, including housing for low and moderate income persons and families, on multiple separate, blighted sites; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has also, at the request of the Authority, heretofore approved a Redevelopment Plan ("Neighborhood Redevelopment Plan") for the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project (the "Redevelopment Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the City has heretofore established the Energy Park Development District (the "Energy Park Development District") to provide impetus for commercial development, to increase employment, to protect pedestrians from vehicle traffic and inclement weather, to provide Yhe necessary linkage between peripheral parking facilities and places of employment and shopping, to provide off-street parking to service the shoppers and employees of the Energy Pazk Development District, to provide open space relief within the Energy Park Development District, and to provide other facilities as are outlined in the development plan for the Development District; and WHEREAS, in connection therewith the City designated the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") as the administrator of the Energy Park Development District; and WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Energy Park Development District the City created the Energy Park Taac Increment Financing District (the 'Bnergy Pazk TIF Dishict") and adopted a Development Progam and Tas Incretnent Financing Plan thereof, and 12762912 o � -4 ��t 36 WHEREAS, in order to finance public redevelopment activities in the Housing Project Area and the 37 Redevelopment Project Area, the Authoriry, with the approval of the City (a) established within the Housing 38 Project Area T� Increment Financing District Nos. 12 and 27 (the "Housing TIF District"), (b) established 39 within the Redevelopment Project Area, Taac Increment Financing District No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 40 (Spnxce Tree/Metz) and No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University) (collectively, the 'Redevelopment TIF 41 Dishicts"), and (c) adopted Tas Increment Financing Plans for the respective taY increment financing dish 42 (collecrively, the "TIF Plans"); and 43 44 WHEREAS, the Authority desires to amend the TIF Plans to, among other things, (a) increase the 45 expenditures authorized by the TIF Plans for the Housing TIF District and the Redevelopment TIF Districts 46 in order to promote redevelopment and housing development in the Housing Proj ect Area and the 47 Redevelopment Project Area, (b) to increase the bonded indebtedness for the Housing TIF District and the 48 Redevelopment TIF Districts, (c) to delete certain pazcels from the Housing TIF District and Tas Increment 49 Financing Dishict No. lA (Scattered Site), (d) to authorize, to the extent pernutted by law, the expenditure of 50 tas increments on affordable housing throughout the City, and (e) to authorize, to the extent permitted by law, 51 the pooling tax increments from the Housing TIF District and Redevelopment TIF Districts to fund deficits in 52 other tas increment financing districts located in the City, all as set forth in a document presented to the City 53 Council on this date entitled "Amendment of Tas Increment Financing Plans" (the "Amendment"); and 54 55 WHEREAS, the City desires to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plan for the Energy Park TIF 56 District to delete certain parcels from the Energy Park District TIF District all as set forth in a document 57 presented to the City Council on this date entitled "Amendment of Tas Increment Financing Plan for the 58 Energy Park Development District" (the 'Bnergy Park Amendment"); and 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 WHEREAS, new private inveshnent that fully realizes the potential of the Redevelopment Project Area, Housing Project Area and Energy Pazk Development District and meets the City's goals and objectives is unlikely to occur unless fixrther public action is undertaken to prepare the Redevelopment Project Area and Housing Project Area, for redevelopment and guide its transformation; and WHEREAS, the Authority has provided an opportunity to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the School Board of Independent School District Number 625 to meet with the Authority and has presented them with copies of the Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Energy Pazk Amendment consists exclusively of the deletion of parcels from the Energy Park District, the current net tax capacity of the parcels so deleted equals ar exceeds the net taac capacity of those parcels in the Energy Pazk TIF District's original net taac capacity and, as a result, the City was not required to submit the proposed Energy Park Amendment to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners or the School Board of Independent School District No. 625; and WI-IEREAS, the relevant provisions of state law require that the governing body of the City approve any modification or amendment to the TIF Plans and the Energy Park TIF Plan following a public hearing thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the following further findings are hereby made: 1. Upon the evidence presented at the public hearing and upon the data and other information specifically stated in the Amendment, the Energy Park Amendment, and other information auailable to the Councilmembers, that the Energy Park TIF District and Redevelopment TIF Districts are "redevelopment 12762912 o � -v�y 85 districts" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 10, and the Housing TIF 86 District is a"housing districY' within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, subdivision 11. 87 The findings set forth in the prior resolurions of the City Councii approving the establishment of the Energy 88 Park TIF District, the Redevelopment TIF Districts and the Housing TIF District aze hereby ratified and 89 confirmed. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 2. That the land within the Redevelopment Project Area and Housing Project Area and the TIF Districts would not be made available for redevelopment or development, nor would the provision of new low and moderate income housing reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without the use of tax increment and the other public assistance sought and to be provided under the TIF Plans. 3. That the proposed development and redevelopment within the Housing Project Area and Neighborhood Project Area has not occurred nor wouid occur solely through private inveshnent within the reasonably foreseeable future without significant public financiai assistance, that usual sources of public revenue are not adequate or available to provide the required level of such public assistance and that, therefore, the use of t� increment financing as proposed in the TIF Plans, as amended by the Amendment is necessary to the accomplishment of the development and redevelopment of the Housing Project Area and Redevelopment Project Area, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and Housing Plan. 105 4. That the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment, respectively, will afford maximum 106 opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the community as a whole for the provision of new housing 107 development and other development or redevelopment of the Housing Project Area, the Redevelopment 108 Project Area and the Energy Park District by private enterprise. 109 110 5. That the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment conforms to the Saint Paul 111 Comprehensive Plan and the general plan for the development of the community as a whole. 112 113 RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment are hereby approved 114 as submitted and the Authority and the Port Authority, respectively, are directed to file copies of the 115 Amendment and the Energy Park Amendment with the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Ramsey 116 County Department of Taa�ation and Records Management. xequested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment � By: AppYOVed by FinanCial ServiCes ` By: l /� � J ' � 7'" � " ' "-��"' "� Adopted by Cossncil: Date A ��.>op� t.�cti(�-r�� Form Approved by Cvt� Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretar ,' -�' " / �' ( �F By: � By: i�X'�' Approved by Mayor: Date �/ Approved by May Submissipn�t : ouncil By: � r 0.�.Ki By: 72762912 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE IN['CIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 1OZ172, �, `� �� Plauniug & Economic Dev. April 17, 2001. CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: OVI77d1✓DA7'E II'IITTN./DnTE BOB GEURS 6-6653 � 2 pED DIl2EC1'OR :!! a cirr covivcu, . os�oM MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �YCTN 3_CITY ATTORNEY /. CITY CL 5 FAIANCIAL SERV/ G 1 B. GEURS 4�25��1 FNUMBER 6 MAYOR(ORASSTJ�� ROUTING Public Hearing ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS EOR SIGNA'1'URE) ncrcox xEQUES�n: City Council Resolution amending 5 T� Increment Districts after the required public hearing at City Council. Also attached is the public hearing that is being published. RECOI��QvIENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CON1'RACI'S M[IST AIVSWER THE FOI.LOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMIvIISSION 1. Has t6is person/fum ever worked under a wntract for this departmenY? CIB COMMI7"PEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMbIISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet INII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONII'P (Who, Whay When, W6ere, Why): State legislature has pending bill further restructuring the use of tax increments and future amendments to these five districts. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Redevelopment agencies will have more flexibility in undertaking plan objectives. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No future amendments to these TIF districts if the proposed law changes. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTTON: WST/REVEN[JE BUDGETED: FiJNDINGSOURCE: TTF AC'1'IVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Fund 148 K:VShazMPa]�PIJLVER�gee�IHbobg6.04.i].Ol wpd . 0�-4�-'1 AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOI3SING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12 and 2�, A1VD THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT5 NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE), AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UNIVERSIT� APPROVED BY THE" CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: APPROVED BY THE HOI7SING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: This document was drafted by: BRIGGS AND MORGAN (MNID) Professional Association 2200 West First National Bank Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 12610153 a► -�4�`� AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR THE NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12and 2�, AND THE SA1NT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE), AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UNIVERSITY) SECTION 1. BACKGROUND. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority") has heretofore established the New Housing and Blighted Land Development and Redevelopment Project (the "Housing Project") and the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Project (the "Neighborhood Project") and adopted Redevelopment Plans therefor (collectively the "Redevelopment Plans") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "Housing aud Redevelopment Authority Act"). Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 to 469.1791 (the "Taac Increment Act"), the Authority has heretofore established within the Housing Project, Tax Increment Financing District No. 12, and has established, within the Neighbarhood Project, T� Increment Financing Districts No. lA (Neighborhood Development Scattered Site), No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University). In order to finance certaiu public redevelopment costs within the Housing Project and Neighborhood Project areas the Authority bas adopted four sepazate Tax Increment Financing Plans for T� Increment Financing District Nos. 12 (New Housing and Blighted Lands Scattered Site), lA (Neighborhood Scattered Site), 83 (Spruce Tree) and 9D and 9C (University and Snelling) (collectively, the TaY Increment Financing Plans"). The Authority desires to amend the T� Increment Financing Plans in certain respects as more fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT This Amendment is primzrily to delete certain parcels from certain of the Tax Increment Financing Districts, to authorize additional e�:penditures, and to make certain other minor amendments to the TaY Increment Financing Plans. No new parcels are being added to the T� Increment Financing Districts by this Amendment. There is no negative fiscal or economic impact on the other taa�ing jurisdictions. The provisions of this Amendment are to supplement, not replace, the ea�isting provisions of the Tax Increment Financing Plans as they e�st prior to the adoption of this Amendment (the "Origmal T� Increment Financing Plans"). 1261015.3 ot - 4.�� SECT'ION 3. Section 3.1 Removal of Parcels from Tas Increment Financine Dastricts. A. The following pazcels listed on ExYubit A aze hereby deleted from TaY Increment Financing District No. 12 and 2J(New Housing and Blighted Lands 5cattered Site District). No pazcels aze being removed from the underlying Housing Project Area. B. All of the parcels in T� Increment Financing District No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) are hereby deleted, with the exception of the parcel or sites listed on E�ibit B which are hereby retained in Tas Increment Financing District No. lA. No parcels are being removed from the Neighborhood Project Area. C. No change to parcels with respect to TaY Increment Financing Districts No. 83 (Spruce Tree/Metz) and Tas Increment Financing Districts No. 9D and 9E (Snelling and University). Additional information on the T� Increment Financing Districts as amended by this Amendment, including maps, are attached as E�ibits C and D. Section 3.2 Bonded Indebtedness The Authority reserves the right to issue bonded indebtedness to finance any eapenditures authorized an the Tas Increment Financing Plans, as amended by this Amendment. T"he following amounts of Bonded Indebtedness are in addition to any amounts authorized in the Original T� Increment Pians: Ta�c Increment District No. lA -$2,470,000 The Bonded Indebtedness may be issued by the Authority or the City of 5aint Paul and may be issued as revenue bonds, general obligation bonds or notes. This provision does not obligate the Authority to incw debt. The Authority or the City will issue bonds only upon the detennination that such action is in the best interest of the Authority and the City. The Authority may also finance the activities to be undertaken pursuant to the Amendment through loans from funds of the Authority or will reimburse the developer on a"pay-as-you-go" basis for eligible activities paid for by the developer. Section 33 Authorized Ea�enditures. The Authority has deterinined that it may be necessary to provide assistance for certain costs of certain developments undertaken in the City. The Authority has studied the feasibility 1261015.3 o.-y�y for the development or redevelopment of property in and around the Housing Project, the Neighborhood Project, and in the case of certain affordable housing projects, in other areas of the City. To facilitate each development or redevelopment this Amendment authorizes the use of taY increment financing to pay for the cost of certain eligible expenses as set forth on the following pages: 3 12610153 NEIGHBORHOO� BUSINE55 DEVELOPMENT SCATTERED SrtE YtA REDEVELOPMENT �ISINICT Ori9inal TF Plan LantlBUiltlfn9 �qWSiGan T¢xaco Unisys Fsst Unne�sily Prom/jm Hiibest 5ee9P�sG�re Payne Ave (Redev Prq¢c((veal PM1alen Center (Redev PmleclArea) ONer (anY Redev Proi Nea) SubTOGI 5(te ImprovememslPreparoOOn Cosss Tevcv Unis}s East Universiry Unrv Dale Comersione Univ antl Riw Prom/im Hillttest Seeger5quare PayneAVe (RedevROjeqArea) NewYOrk Bingo 850,p00 N �'rn1c B" d5f1000 Phalen Center (Retlav Pro�ecllvea) Lekewood Phalen Comao� Other (Retlev Pro� Area) SubTOpl Wb1ic Improvemems Texam U�isys Eart University ProM3m H�ilcrest Sce9er5quare PayneAve (Re�ev PivjectAreaj Phalen Cenler(ReEev Pro�eci/veaj Other (Retlev P�oj Area) Sub-TOtal DebtServ:r.e P81 on Sec;ion �OB Loan-New YoB BmgO(Payne Avenuej New Debt P3 I JOOtl2 Contin9�++cy Texaw Unisys Eas� wivcs�ry PmM3m Hlllcrest Seeger5quare Payne Ave (Re9ev Prqed Area) Plulen Centor (Retlev Project Area) 00er (Reduv V:o� Area) Sub Totat qdmins9aGOn Costs T¢uw Unisys East Unive�sny ProM3m Hillcrest SeegerSquare PdyneAVe (RedevPro�eGArea) PhaVen Center (Redev Projeet Arca) OUier (Retlev Froj Area) Admimstraeor.Cos[s Administrdhon - Ramsey County Sub-TOfal TOTAL SOURCES Tax Incremenis Interest Eamin�.s New Debt 2001:2002 Gfants: Texam unisys East Onivers.:v Prort✓3m Hdkrest See9er5puzre PaY�eAVe (ReCev Pro�xtArea) HUtl SfC1i0n 103 P�alen Cen;er (Redev Pro�ect Area) Ldkewoatl R�Cevelapment #t Lakevrood fteJ¢v #2 St of MN Lanc Saie La� Sale Jer j s CNer (R¢tlev ProjlvBd) qppraveC eutlget CIIRREN7 0 0 0 0 0 0 41.]W 0 41,]9] 3.000.000 1Y1.00p 5.30D.000 286.595 600.000 3�9.999 150,000 100,000 259,890 390.000 356.000 2T5.000 1,300.000 2.104.618 2,905.000 ]6,528 9,062,000 8.543,430 1750.000 130.000 5�5,000 100.000 650.000 �so,000 GHANGES AMEN�ED FROM BUOGEf CURRENT 2.6�O.pDp 2.SH,]9] 3.955.000 0 0 ]8A90 1,495,538 6,084,462 2]3,000 13,000 294,000 14,000 3T,500 5],000 686.500 T13,000 38,000 88M1.00� 25,000 112.500 171,000 1,940,500 15,646,000 Original TIF Plan 15,646,000 0 836,58] 2�.p00 863.58] 9,52],104 Approvetl BuEget CURRENT 1,]93.234 349.]5� B CHANGES FROM ORIGWAL 5,580,000 2,4]0,000 1,300,000 650,000 zso.aoo 221,000 3]9.3a] R.O10 286,595 6'�0.06� 3]9.999 259,890 356.000 215.000 1.300.000 2,t�6.4t8 2,905,000 �6,528 8,543,430 Q 1,5]4,�28 4.084.462 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 836.58] 2].000 863,58] 'I],Sl],304 AMENDEO BUOGET ],3]3,234 3a9 ]50 2,4]0,000 t,3W.000 650.OW 250.000 221.000 3]9.34] 1],010 o�-�i� Miscellaneous Sources 284.203 284.203 T2nsfers: From SpNCe Tree 2.682,0]5 2.682,0]5 From Hammond 4]2.655 d92.655 From Speuce Tree 1.128.030 1,128,03� TOTAL i5,fi46,000 9,52],306 8,050,000 1].57�,306 ��� � ����e.duA���r�.�..(5�.�'3�G) or �.�e''�`JN..�r' .Q,ti, �� t1h�.�J.��..� �� o u� i�.s.]� ta�t�' �c� �st. ts o �.ys`l Name of District: SNELLING/UNIVERSITY # 9D & 9E Type of District: Redevelopment Certification Date: tifplan2 04l18/2001 Original Current Changes Amended SOURCES OF FUNDS Plan i TIF Plan �Apri125, 2001 i TIF Plan Name of District: NEW HOUSING & BLIGHTED LANDS #12 & 2J O ,� ��� Type of District: Redevelopmet tifplan2 04/18/2001 Certi£cation Date: 06/12/1981 , Original Current Amended __..---- -- -...._.. ... ; �.� _. _ ,.. - _ � _.� ... - o i -�ta.� � Adual Through 7999 i 7,113.407 1,056,267 3,975,000 677,500 421,369 733,369 I 13,976,906I 2,171.215 361,750 675,000 4,040,836 513,563 240,749 672,775 677,500 2,682,075 12,035,463� Nplan2 . 04/18/2001 Name of District: SPRUCE TREE/METZ BAKERY AREA # 83 Type of Distrid: REDEVELOPMENT o �-�i�t Section 3.4 Acquisition of Land. The Authority may acquire, by private negotiation or eminent domain, any land located within the Housing Project or the Neighborhood Project. This authorization is effective for all of the TaY Increment Financing Plans. Section 3.5 Impact on Other Taxine Jurisdictions. No additional property is being added to any of the Tas Increment Districts by this Amendment, since several parcels are being deleted from Tax Increment Financing District No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) and T� Increment Financing District No. 12 (Scattered Site Housing), there is no negative estimated fiscal and economic impact on the other taxing jurisdictions for those taY increment districts. Section 3.6 Pooline for Deficits in Saint Paul TaY Increment Districts. To the eatent pernritted by law the Authority reserves the right to use tas increments from all of the Tas Increment Financing Districts to pay debt service on taY increment bonds issued and sold before June 2, 1997, including but not limited to the general obligation bonds issued by the City of Saint Paul to finance public redevelopment activities in the Authority's Riverfront TaY Increment Financing District. To the extent necessary in order to effectuate such purpose, the authorized ea�penditures of t� increments set forth in the TaY Increment Financing Plan for the Riverfront Tax Increment Financing District are hereby incorporated herein by reference in each of the TaY Increment Financing Plans with the same force and effect as if fully set forth therein. Section 3.7 Earoenditures Outside District The Authority hereby elects to spend taY increments on activities located outside the Tax Increment Financing Districts and Project Areas as pernutted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1763, Subd. 2(d) provided that the eapenditures met the following requirements: (i) they aze used exclusively to assist housing that meets the requirements for a qualified low-income building as defined in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); (2) they do not exceed the qualified basis of housing as defined under 5ection 42(c) of the Code less the amount of any credit allowed under Section 42 of the Code; and 12610153 a �-�ay (3) they are used to (i) acquire and prepaze the site for housing, (ii) acquire, construct or rehabilitate the housing or (rii) make public improvements directly related to the housing. Section 3.8 Effect ofAmendments Except as herein amended and supplemented, the Original Tas Increment Financing Plans remain in full force and effect. 12610153 o �-�l�y .�: • List of Parcels to be deleted from TaY Increment Financing District No. 12 and 2J (New Housing and Blighted Lands Scattered Site District) Remove all parcels in Sites: #8 Nevada/Arkwright #11 RailroadIsland #22 Trout Brook Phase II See attached map E�ibit A-1 A-1 1261015.3 �-i .. L � � � � � L � � � � � �� A , = 6� �� � � � � � � � �I � �• � � � L -4_ '— N � � 0 s i� = C � � d � Z �. c� C � H � r � ' V / � o ►-y�`� n z�� .� 3 - S - V E y N � u � t C .. � y Z s 0. � � m V C \ Q L y S� O 7 K._i S t� F p E y S N 9 ✓ G t F v Q Z v � 5 4 _ O �C � � F F n T � O - a u> n o C m P No=E v. u F N t d � .a+ . � C F- L � � J -1Q �if � �� a�-�+ay �.� : : List of ParceLs and/or Sites to be retained in Tas Increment Financing District No. lA See Extu�bit B-1 for amap : 1261015.3 • � .. -.�. � 4 ` (s� �X�`� �� <i5� e���� a�-Ka� Scattered Site Z'IF Distnct � 2001 Ammendments ._ �ebr-as:y2S�t181 � Seeger Square Remove all parcels except the following: 28-29-22-32-0160 28-29-22-32-0161 28-29-22-33-0032 28-29-22-33-0033 28-29-22-33-0034 28-29-22-41-0195 28-29-22-41-0196 28-29-22-41-0198 Hillcrest Shopping Center Remove all parce(s except the following: 23-29-22-22-0044 �' 9 University Avenue Remove all parcels except the followin�: 36-29-23-41-0001 36-29-23-14-0120 36-29-23-14-0125 36-29-23-14-0124 36-29-23-41-0054 36-29-23-41-0013 36-24-23-41-0015 36-29-23-41-0017 36-29-23-41-0019 36-29-23-41-0020 36-29-23-41-0022 36-29-23-41-0021 36-29-23-41-0023 36-29-23-41=0024 36-29-23-41-0025 36-29-23-41-002fi 36-29-23-41-0027 36-29-23-41-0018 36-29-23-41-0014 471 Marion St. 505 Rice St. — < 181 University 145 University — /v �. , 1S2 University _ Unassigned 166 University « 154 University 152 University 144 University 475 Rice Unassigned 461 Rice 455 Rice t3nassigned I55 Aurora Unassigned Unassigned . — -� ' � .-� ; . __ .. i ' . � i ] • _ . .� ' .. ., _ , � �•- � . . ;. . .-�� � ���7�i:i _ . -. � - � - - -,� � =- • � � �+.^.il:�;'%:.`cic _ . - . . . . . �'.. . . . ' "_ ' ' L.. :ii:1 ' ' Rice Street Remove all parcels except the following: 25-29-23-41-0001 957 Rice St 25-29-23-41-0259 945 Rice St 25-29-23-44-0001 825 Rice St 30-29-22-32-0004 954 Rice St 30-29-22-32-0005 940 Rice St Unysis Remove alt parcels. 3M/Prom site Remove all parcels � �a�.�,y� Ct.w�in l�,¢.�.� � P Tw�.a.u, �� � � � 0 � -y�`� �� o, ��� _� Q � � -�..�.� U .� -� � G'� � � � .� � � � � � s � � � U � � O O � � O .Q � . � Z N M y� R MISSISSiSSiPPt f�IVE N � a z a � O � � N s � � = � �=� �- � � ��� � � U � � � O '� � 0.. � F- �ri c� ti � � � � � N N N �;,� � t� '" L a -.� � N > +�. � , � � C N ��� U � V � _ � � W �CVI'�d' � o�- y�y EXHIBTT C Maps for before and after pazcels(site removals: TIF District #12 & 2J #lA #83 (no change) #9D and 9E (no change) C-1 12610153 .. L H— � � _ � � � J m ' = N .� � ^ � � C � � � � � � � L • � � �S O � � � � � � Z � v C � � 0 � � � � �. G�j`Q"% � � � o►-yzy � z�� 3 � � E � £ a � o � s�o,<,E�� 8 _ g N 3 Y 4 O 0 9 '� � v P 9 i C a '� + F � v a�. 4 4 4 S F L �T � m W v. m N O K E°� LL t-- N � d a+ > � � ts. d '"" � �`\ l� �� - o,-y» _�. , Q � � -� .0 � -�.+ � � � � � � � � � .�-+ -F..r � U fI� � O 4 � L � � /� i V/ .� � �Nll'13NS � c� � J � Q Z Z Q � = a� ia — _ `� � c � ....� M � U � cn N O '� � a � �-- �ci co t` � _ ... � � i� � � � � � ^ O >+ N N � N � �"� � � � ����c � � ��� � V N U � � =��W r- N M d' y 1 RiVER MISStSSiSSiPP a -� a�, _�.� 3 M OE3 � .E-� C� .� L � � ■� � � � � N � � � i � � � � V � � i F— � ts � L � � � a� � L � .i--' �^` W U a� a� L L r Q� U 7 L Q � o�-ya�� ��r 3 • • � � . . � V .... L � � ■� � � � ^ ♦� ■� ii�/ W / ■� � V i� ■� � i.. v♦ - _ �_-_� �� ' -- _ �� , .° -, . SNELLING U w L .. � � C N � N v � x H .� .` > .� � a� c N C � �I L� 01-Hay EXFIIBIT D List of parcels before and after for TIF Districts lA and District 12 and 2J and estimated increment reduction after removal D-1 12610153 amro� eno c�rrc�e 3,700 5,000 50,2IXI 156,100 78.400 2TS,400 78.400 273,400 �a.soo �zs.soo 74.800 713,900 ... <:;y:;� ��,:495.2b0� �i: »�11d9,3C0 d06.4CU 2od.100 ze3.3oo sazsoo zzas.s3oo sazeao t4.500 t1.400 25.800 34.800 186.d00 253,800 t88.400 253,H00 188.400 253.600 95.700 25.200 154.2(10 235,t00 754.200 235.t00 73.800 70,400 es.000 io.aoo 27.240 7,400 37.600 7,400 4�.BW 19,&10 42.500 77.300 si.eao s.soo 701.300 39,800 7.000 1D,BOD 8.300 t2,8W 33.700 8.000 115.1 W 15.700 as.soo tt,9ao 83.400 t2.2�1� t89.000 �,t00 �a.aoo zt eoo 47.900 8.2U0 8.300 72,BW 34.4W 18,000 37.000 4.700 110.500 23.500 52.300 11.000 BS.B00 75.600 8,500 9,000 H.700 8.700 18,4W 18,�10 41.800 td.9W 772,800 4d.20� 18.700 4,400 152,900 37,500 37d,d00 787.100 z2eo.sao toe�.zoo 70d.8W 126.000 78.900 88.:t00 713.d00 74.BW 38.200 6d,800 1.728.500 382,300 972.2fA 429,400 479.000 195,900 t73,700 82,20� 30.500 31.600 885.500 2A0,400 49,700 70,500 49.700 100 49.70D t00 31.&70 Bi.600 28.306 54.600 789.800 81.900 38.800 .54.300 37.000 188.700 73.900 73.9D0 ti.200 i77.400 21,400 75,000 5,406 16,300 2 R1429 T323.0037/Wt 3 R70282324.00MN01 4 Rtd282324.00p4A02 5 R15262324.00OS'001 8 Ri52823.2d.000510@ 7 PJ1i08000.�0010341001 S P01919479fC0103dR'61 9 R142873.13.0003I001 10 R1428 T3.23.00281001 71 R14282323.002&SA2 12 R1d2823.23.W29/00� 13 R16.28.2323.0030�001 14 R1428.23.24.0007A01 15 Rt4282324.00D3A61 i6 R14 2823.24.0009NO2 17 R14.28.2326.0009NO3 t8 R1428.2924.0010A01 19 R272823.74.0071r901 2p R21.2623.i4.W27A02 21 R25.2923.14.W93A01 22 R252929.16.009C+W5 23 R252923.74.0095N01 2d R25.4923.7dOQ98(007 25 R25.�901 15 F2Z529T31a.009&001 n azs.zs n �a.o�erooi 28 R257923.47.00OV001 Y9 R2529.2314.00871001 3p R252923.<1.0088l001 31 R25 79 23 41.0090N01 32 R2529.23.41.W�JOI002 a3 azs2s.z3.atoosvoot 3q R3$ 29 2$ 41.0091J001 3S RIS 29 23 d1.0081NO2 3g R252973.4t.0�310D1 37 R252923 41.0132L)01 38 R252923.a1.01331001 39 R25 TJ 23.41.01391001 40 R25Z923.41.0139K�01 41 R25 29 23.41.01391002 42 R25 39 23 41 0140N01 43 R25 ]9 Z3 b1.014d0(Y2 44 R257923d10/41A01 45 R252923.41.01d1/001 48 R25M.23.d1.0147l002 47 R25292341.0231A01 48 R�529.23.47 0231/W2 49 R252923�41 0240N01 50 R2529_73-05.02dN002 51 R25 29 23 41.0259/001 52 R2529.23.41.OW1/W1 53 R25297'.4d.000�/001 $6 R2529.23.44.Op0YU01 55 R252923.4d.0004/00 58 R281922.32A154N01 57 R28.]972.32.Ot58R%Jt 58 R2829 Y1.32.O18NWi 59 R28297132.0761N01 80 R28 Bt R282922.320028N�1 82 R28292233.0027N01 83 R28 29 72.33.003?A%11 Bd R2629.YL.33.0033�C01 &5 R282922.33.003<tVOt gg Ft29.I922.41.0195N01 g7 RIS29.yL41.019G/Wt 5g R2929.21.61.0197A01 bg R29Y922.41.Oi98N01 70 R3029.22.320004/D01 7t R3029.22.32.00OS�ODt 72 R3029.22320043N�� 73 R3029.71320043/i7D2 T6 R3029.TL.32�044f�0 75 R30 2921 32 0044/D72 Nw�t yo r� po� � CW1uN-r S t't" � TIF DISTRIC7IA crosny Gosby �+osbY GosbY crrq Qosby Gmsby GrosbY �i Go�br Gosby Crosby C�wby CrosbY Crwby �M Unisys Vnisys Rico Rit's Riee �tt Rice Wce Rice Rice Riee Rice Rice Rice Rke Rice Rice Rice Rke Rice Rice Rice Rica Rice R�ct Rice Rica Rice Rica Riw Rice R�ce Riee Rtr,e Rice Rica Rice --- Fxe9et --- Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger Seeger :-- See9er --- --- Rice Rice Riee Rice Riee Riw OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT our �UT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT �UT our OUT OUT OVT OUT OUT QUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT 1,707 t,834 0 t.750 0 0 15,337 iZ318 8,732 0 an 4,908 0 0 3,251 3,743 0 7.768 450 328 378 974 7,UN t,23a 2,437 238 zez 794 7 988 asz 634 2,534 4d2 t �as 199 828 372 1,908 883 3t9 323 118 233 888 3,144 277 3,235 71 230 76,�7 u,i56 1,89d 3,856 7,299 3g 869 31 555 76,248 S,�b �,mn zi em 7,890 1,650 7,6'90 763 W9 2,� t,8d8 a,azv t,776 2,7�7 �w 5,30] 75,680 fi0.85d 17.458 �t.na � dt.G12 7.6li t6,94d iw.� t.183 24.793 62.386 0 65] B.S A 8.127 2,2&5 58] 451 SCO 1,200 7.5&� z,<, s,ses 387 435 801 1.973 �.esa 945 2.772 Su t.esa 307 1.238 28a 7p18 9C8 3fi0 � t52 7�0 )57 3,923 19d 3,18] 27 107 t 79,M2 3.t80 5,616 2.Sa3 8,071 3].ESd 128.570 85,3IC 2.795 �,ou s.ns 2.�] 78.3d7 BC.bO 22,]9d B,Bt1 1,312 8.�7 a.ne 2.009 2 2�5 +a� 570 g c�or� oi-yay -�� Page 1 of ja � 3.6C0 13,8� 60,954 15,7W � i�a 96 2'i,285 (a 70� 8,816 ios.�a 0 0 � 19.&93 Q3B8 0 [G � 90] 9,127 519 117 in 18M1 718 5� S03 �,tsa /29 753 8 5 2az 917 708 72 � 708 dtt h�l (d901 45 61 t+n � �87 71 ns �I (d8) g,g77 2582 ns.a�e� 3,12Q (1.31� �.702 789 97.015 57.088 (J,711) 37 nzs�n 707 16.697 6I,570 J.2Cri3 6,932 0 Q72) 6,851 $.951 235 (BS� (583) 570 z� 6.1 �.&� 6,&`b +z� 3] 16,3W zsee 6,5<1 .zsaz a6a 9,71] 21,M8 338 3.350 3,578 � Zu m 212 170 817 839 z+so 14C 170 314 773 �29 a�o t.W] pt 8d9 120 I85 703 556 336 141 12D � 782 797 1.537 78 1,249 8.27t �d.803 1,248 1.965 998 2351 1! 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UniversdyAwnue OUT 376 35l (18) 1A0 768 R3529.23.14.0191/001 UniversM1yAwnue OUT 277 7ffi ��� � 769 R352923.14.01511001 UnnersM1yAvenue �T 4 � � 770 R352923.14.01931001 UniveredyAvenue OUT d6 467 415 181 771 R352923.14.O79N001 UnirersilyAvenue OUT 336 496 780 79d 172 R35.2923.7<.0195I001 UniversdyAvenue OUl' t.387 2T26 7.337� 1.067 773 R3529.231d.0204/00t Unive6M1yAvenue OUT 0 . ilb R352973.74.0205N01 UniversilyAvenue O�T 0 " 775 R352923.740206N01 UnivereityAvenue OUT 970 1.278 176R352973.14.V2071fb5 UniveRRyAvenue OUY 2 .� 2 3.� �ayy t77 R352923.16.0207A02 UnrvereM1yAvenue OUT 0 2� �� 778 R3529.23.t4020PN01 UnrversilyAwnue OUT &52 �0� (14� 82 779 R%.29237402�i/001 UniversflyAv2nue OUT 384 t78 ]t2 180 R%.2923.74.021d001 UnrversM1yAven�e OUT A71 dt8 35 175 181 R35.2923.14.M71/001 UniversrtyAvanue OU7 4&9 598 109 � 7ffi R352923.74.0212W1 UniversilyAvenue OUT 281 536 255 210 183R35.2B23.1-0.02131001 UnrveisityAvenue �UT 38 38 0 t5 184 R35292314.0271/W7 UnrvereRyAvenue OUY 388 503 118 797 7B5 R352923.1<.0271/002 Unrve6iryAvenue OUT 2,329 3.883 1.`�`4 1,5Y1 t86 R3529.231d.0723t001 UniversdyAvenue Cl'T 2.BSd 3.160 ��) � 187 R%.292314.0227N01 UniversityAwnue OUT 804 932 t� � 188 R3529.2314.0227/002 Unrvers2yAvenue OUY 7.� Zt� � � 189 R3529231d.07281W1 Unrvet^+dyArenue OUT 3,295 8.593 9.� �.`� t90R35292354.0239NOt 11nHe¢ilyAve�we QUT 4.875 8.582 1.707� 25� 191 R%.2923.1402d0/Wt UniversdyAvenue OUT 192 R352923.160401/001 UniversMAmnuo OU7 2U.552 17.078 (J.474) 8,692 793 R35 29 23 14 0143N01 UnivereityAvenue OUT 4.723 2.BdY R. 01 /.03] 194 R35292374.024dIW1 UnivereiryAvenue OUY g� �Sz 195 R35MT!_41.0016t01 UniversM1yAvenue OU7 326 � 121 2� 796 R352923.41.0017A01 UniveesilyAvenue OUT <� � � . � 1W R3529.23.44.001&Wt UniverAyAvmue OUT `� � y�t 248 198 R%.292341.00t920t UniveSityAvmue OUY 412 � 774 �' 199 R35292341.W20201 UniversilyAvenue OUT 472 � 718 � 200R35M2341.0021N01 UniversityAwnue OUT 470 � �� 2t0 207 R%292341.0077N01 UniversityAvenue OUT � � g� 217 2(Y2 R35292341.0023/007 UnrversityAvenue OUT ' � � � 7 � 203 R35.2923.d1.002d1001 Un'rrersdyAvenue OU7 � 19� 204 R352923.6t.002SD�1 VniversilyAVanue OUT � � �� 372 205 R352923.41.002GN01 VniversilyAvenue OUT 1.015 � (� 206 R35292341.0027A01 UniversilyArenue OUT 7.073 1120 <� d'''S 207 R352923.47.003&001 UniversityAvenue OUT �7 �'` � � 208 R3529.23.47.0029/Ni UniversilyAvenue OUY �7 �` � � 209 R%�01 V�iversiryAvanua OUT �� �` � � 210 R352913.41.0037N01 UniversM1yAwnue OUT �� � � � 211 R352923.41A03NJ�i UniverSM1yAwnue OUT � " 212 R3529.23.47.W33�D01 VniversM1yAvmue OUT 5 .� 5. � Zt � 2t3 R352923a1.0034NOi UnivereityAvenue OUT � . 214 R3529.�d1.0037N01 UniversityAuenue OUT � _ 215 R35292341.003b001 Un�rsM1yAvenue OVT � " 216 R35292341.0039N01 Univei5ilyyAwnue OUT � " 217 R352923.41.0040/001 UniversM1yAwnue OUi � 2t8 R%.29234t.004tN01 UniversityAVenue OUT � � 61 � 219 R%.2923.41.00471C01 UniverSityAVenue OUT 543 7C0 �97 � 220 R35292341.00a31001 UniverSityAVenue OUT � " 221 R352923.41.W4di901 UnrveratyAVenue OUT 520 699 779 274 222 R352923.41.WCS901 Unrve�SrtyAVenue 01ST 656 68Q Z4 ?� 223R352923d7.00<N001 UniverSdyAvenue OUT � " 714 R352923.d1.00671007 Universi[yAvenue OUT � 225 R%237i.41.W4&VOI UnivetSM1yAvenue OUT `�� 5 � I �� � o�-y�y amro� ease 82,200 725,t00 774.800 46.700 t73.100 45.700 85.900 48.700 89.9C0 t5.300 4z800 58.100 50.200 50.800 48.300 38.700 38.t00 A8.200 44.W0 21.00o 27.000 723,7CA 47,OD0 44.W0 57,200 43.800 58,300 58.000 143.800 19.500 19.500 59,800 48,200 48,500 48.400 55.700 63,700 45.700 4d.200 34,400 u.eao 45.700 A9.600 A9.800 48.700 48.700 b6.2Iq 57.70� 54.300 19,900 47.800 31.100 5,200 78,000 p8.300 200 300 25,200 41.800 t07.900 N4,500 103.700 258.7AD 19.900 64.OW 18.800 40,500 8.500 18.500 46,800 207.t00 AB.OW 3+,soo Cum.�R t0,000 81,000 38J00 9,700 3],500 t�,40� 8,7Q] t9,400 78,400 20.4C0 27.500 8.000 t0,000 10,OOD 10.000 t0,000 8.000 8.000 10,000 8.000 6.500 79.400 t8,800 8,900 9,2(p 70,000 8,200 9.2(10 10.000 40.800 8,400 22.700 10,00� t0,000 H,200 t0,000 tO,OW 70,000 9.200 9.200 9.20U 70,OW 9.200 10,000 9.700 9.7IX1 10,000 10.40� t0,000 70.000 5,200 5,200 5,2IX1 5,200 7.500 3,200 72.900 3,8C0 300 8,500 4,400 18,000 60.600 26,90D 733.000 28,800 t0,0�0 26.I00 4.000 12.000 59.A06 4.000 51,000 4.100 t0,000 T1F DiSTRICT'IA Pa9e 4 ot 14 TIFDistriRPID Area OUT Ba NMCPG C rteMNMCPC GDturetlGPG %GOwrMCPC 726 R3529.23.41.0049AOt UnnersdyAvmue OUT 1.OZd 7p68 t2 t18 727 R35�b.41.01991001 Un"rversityAUmue OVT 8.753 8.<]5 27n 4,30t 228 R35.29?3.41020nN01 UniversdyA�enue OUT 4.dA3 �.836 3.39:! SAli 729 R35.29.73.41 02�8�001 Unrversiy'Avenue OUT 771 W] (��) � 230 R3529.73.47.0206T02 UniversM1YAvmue OVf 3.094 3.550 518 t.�t 231 R35-�23.6t.02081Wt UniversityAvmuE WT � 232 R35.292i.620001/001 UniversityA�enue OUT 548 396 115Z) t� 233 R%.2923.420001A@ Un'nersityAvenue OUT 1.387 4.4� 3,128 1761 234 R352923.42000?ADt Un"rversityAwnut OUT t.656 S.t82 1.528 1.2d7 235R35.29.73.420003AOt UncrcisiCfAvenue OUT 7.942 9.dd8 1.564 1,350 236 R3529.23.42.0004I001 UniversityAVmue OUT 3W 871 `� '"� 237 R3529.23.4200Qrv1701 UniversityAVmue OUT 428 432 4 169 238 R352923.62WORi001 UniversdyAvenue OVT �i �] � � 239R352923.b2000]1C0'1 UniueRityAvenu¢ DUi 502 591 89 232 240 R352913.42.0009iW1 UniversilyAvenue �T `� � � � 241 R35.2923.42.0009/NI Un'rversdyAvenue OUT � `'� � � 242 R3529.23.42W70r9D1 UniversdyAvenue OUT 387 313 O� 1 � 243 R%]9.23A20011A01 UnrrersilyAvmue OUT 381 d13 52 7 � 26d R%2923.62.0012q01 IlniversityAvmue OUT 762 8l9 117 � 265 R35.2823.420073N01 UniversRyAvenue OUT A46 528 82 p 248 R352923.42.�01bD01 UniveSilyA�enuB OUT � � (�) � 247 R35.2923.42001d002 UnrrersityAvenue OUT 0 � 2d8 R%2923.42.00151001 UniversiryAvenue OUT 7,989 4.773 1.806 1.870 2d9 R35.2923.42�18A07 UniversiryAwnue OUT `.� 4 � (t � 1 � 250 R35.29.23.42�0'A2�01 UniversdyAvenue OUT � `'� �� � 251 R35.2923<2.0021N01 UniveSityAvenue OUT 94d 1.058 t{2 <1d 252 R%192342.W27�001 Unrver'.+ryAvenue OUT 438 5� 131 717 253 R3529.7342�231001 UniversityAwnue OUT 820 E09 1&9 317 256 R%.292342.W24'901 UniversftyA�enuO OUT 824 7.OB9 165 427 255 R3529.23.d2.0041A01 UniversityAvznue OUT 3.d48 4.P3 1.32] 1.W0 258 R352913.d200d?/001 UniversRyAvenue OUT 883 310 (3M19) 125 257 R%2923.42004?NO2 UniversityAvenue OUT 0 452 0.52 177 250R352323.420043NOt UnrversilyAven�e OUT 7� �� � � 259 R352923-42.004d/001 UniveSM1yAvenue OUT � � �� � 2fi0 R352923.42�S�W1 UniveSityAvenue OUT 485 &'A 169 248 281 R352923.420048N01 UniversiryAvenue OUT 48d Sdt 57 212 282 R3579.D.d2.OW7A01 UnrversityAver�ue WT 557 �` � �� 263 R35.29.23.4200d8/001 UniversiryAvenue OUT 7.057 1.115 84 d3� 2d4 R35.2923.42�d9/001 UniversMAvenue OUT 457 587 110 � 285 R35.2923.42.00SOi001 UniversityAvenue OUT 442 528 � p7 2fi6 R35.2923.42.0051N01 UniversityAvenut OUT 4t3 � � � 267R35.292342.005?XA1 UniversM1yAwnue OUT `3d �� � 268 R35.297342.0053N01 UniversilyAvenut OUT �` � qq 219 269 R3529.23.42.00SCN01 Universil'/Avenue O�T 4 � c� 152 ]55 270 R35.2923.d2.0055/001 UnivershyAwnue WT 498 � � 277 R3529.2342.00SBiD01 VniversilyA�enue OUT � � � Ztd 272 R%29.2342.00571901 UniversityAvenue OUT �� � 7 � � 273 R352923.42.Ot9GR�01 VniversiryAvenue O�T �2 8T8 101 � 274 R3529.2342.0197I007 UniversM1yAvenue OUT � � 73 27d 275 R3629.2373.0786/ClJt UniveesityAVenue OUT `� 48 � 2]8 R382923.73.Oi6S901 UniverskyAvenue OUT 199 2<5 277 R�2971.t3At89N0t V�rversiLyA�enue OUT 4J8 � a28 1 � 278 R362923.13.0170I001 Un"rversM1yAvenue OUT 3�1 � � 279 R362923.73.0171A01 Un'rrersiryAvenu¢ OUT 5 � � � t0 280 R36.2923.t3017?N01 UniversilyAvmue OUT �� 28'1 R382923.53.01731061 UncrereRyAwnve OUT 780 270 l�% � 282 R36.2923.730t73.002 UnrversdyAvenue OUT 487 i.�8d fi7 2&3 R38.2923.73.0774/001 Un"rversiqAvenue OVT 7 179 122 51 284 R382923.t3.0175V01 UniversityAvenue OUT 5 5 0 2 285 R38.2923.t3.Ot761001 UnrveaRyAwr�ue OUT 857 711 (6'� 87 286 R3829.23.t30177/001 UniversilyAwnuc OUT 4�B 30d (174) » 2W R3829.23.130778R+01 UniversilyAVenue OUT 2,580 7,340 d,750 2878 288 R382923.130779NOt UniversilyAvenue OUT 2.7� B.� 8 •� 5 •� 3 209 R362923.130180A.''Oi UniversityAvenus OUT 2.459 5,30� 2.811 Y.On 290 R362923.73.078t/001 llnivers'M1yAvenus OUT 7.282 12.N3 d.961 �.�+ 297 R3629.23.730787Rqi UniversityAvenue OUT 677 W9 � � 292 R362923.130783iD01 UniversdYAvenus OUT &10 578 (� T� 293 R362923.73.0786�D01 UniveaM1yArenue OUT 838 89} 252 � 294 R3629.23.730785.P01 Univetz"M1yAvenua OUT 486 348 (13� 138 295 R36.2923.73078&901 UniversdyArenue OUT 289 408 719 1 � 296 R3G2923.t3.O187100t UoiversM1yAvenue OUT 444 B.500 6.056 2.Sd7 297 R3629.2373.078&901 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29 23 23 0101A01 338 R36292322.0107A01 339 R36 292323.07 W'C07 3d0 R38292323.6103�002 341 R3629.23230104A01 362 R38292323.OtOSU01 3d3 R3fi 29 23 23 Ut WN01 34d R38 29 23 23 0107A01 345 R3829.2323.07081V7 348 R382923.23.0109N01 3d7 R38.292323.0170rD01 348 R3629.23230117A01 349 R3629.2323.0174ND1 350 R3629.7323.011&001 351 R36 29.Y3.73.01171001 352 R36291323.011&001 353 R3G2973.23.@20NOt 354 R36.29Y323.0721A0/ 355 R36 29 23 23.02TIA701 356 R36 29 23 23.022�1 357 R36292323.022GC01 358 R38292323.072dV02 359 R3629.2323.@25r001 360 R382923230728A01 361 R38 29 23 23 0229�D01 362 R38 29.73 23.0230�001 363 R36292323.02311C01 364 R36292323.02372'Ot 365 R362923.23.0233�L01 3fi6 R3S292323.0234N01 367 R36292323.0237A01 368 R36292323.@dN001 389 R3629.73.23.0251A01 370 R362923.23.0251NO2 371 R36.2923.23.025��007 3]2 R36292323.0255907 3]3 R38.292323.0259A01 3]4 R36192323.0287A01 3]5 R36292323.0287/0D1 UnirersityA.enue UnrversdyAven�e UniversityMenue UniversilyAvmue Univetsiry Arenue UniversiryAvenue 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87,500 Sa.400 PB.600 7.649,30� 163.900 20i.200 13,300 71.300 178.8W d78,700 57,5W 52,000 83.800 86,800 z� CurteM 5,000 10,000 10,000 3,400 6,600 25.500 30.7(70 8.8W 19,500 BJ00 19,400 'et.CW 27.000 21.000 21.000 21.W0 5,000 18,000 t0,000 tO.OW 9.500 t9,400 19.3W t0,000 70,000 t0,000 70,000 8.700 5,700 5,700 z.+ov 6.500 S,d00 138.600 132,400 15,000 56.700 28.700 8.500 78.8W 14.000 3l,800 3,100 B,1W 70,9W 32,400 48.800 8,000 37.700 8.900 77.200 29.700 9.500 5,700 4,600 18,500 12.600 18,300 284.800 t5,2W 3�� 7.796.8W 38,d00 45.706 7ffi.900 43.700 43.700 44.50� 8z80� t74.700 5,100 10,000 70,000 10,000 ?,3.9C0 3]8 R3829232a.0080,0ot 3T7 R36.29232d.009]IW5 378 R38�2326.W96q01 379 R36.29.2324.0095q01 380 R3629.73.24.009SW1 381 R3629232a.W9BlW2 362 R3629232a.OP39q01 383 R3629232a.0700rDDt 384 R:.G2923.26.Of00NO2 385 R362971.24.OfOLD01 386 R362929.24.OlOfA02 %? R3"o 29.7J-24.0'.01!_C1 388 R36 29 2328 0103�W1 389 R3629Zd14010NW1 390 R36292324.OiQ5�V01 39t R3629.732d.0708100 392 R38.29.Z124.OtO7N0 3g3 {236.292324.OiWA02 3gq p362923.24.0708'001 395 p38242324.Ot09�LAi 396 ft36.2923 26.0116�901 397 R3fi29.2324.0110rW2 398 R38.292324.Ot71N01 399 R3829.73.24.920VW1 400 R3fi2923.2a.0iVSW 401 R382923.2a.0208iD01 402 R362975.24.0207A01 403 R38292324.0208�001 404 R38 39 2324.020Li001 405 R36 29 23 24 0216�W1 aoa aae zs za za at�iAOi 607 R38292324.021?A01 409 R382923.24.0213�007 409 R3fi 29 23 2d 0214V01 410 R38297328.0215100t at7 R36292324.027&D01 412 R382923.2<.0218�V02 413 R38292324.0219N01 414 R38292324.0727NU1 <15 R38.29232d.07201W2 416 R362923_24.022?NU1 417 R38292324.0277.W2 418 R%29232a.0728�CY11 419 R362923.2d.M28'002 420 R36 29 23 24 0727A01 421 R38292331.00OtI[A5 <22 R3829.23.31.000?A01 423 R36 39 23 31.00OA'001 424 R3829Y3.37.0009A02 425 R38 29 23 31.0016901 <26 R38 29 23 37.0070902 427 R36 v001 428 R362923.3i.0024A01 429 R3B2923.31.0025901 430 R362923.31.002@Q�01 931 R38292337.0027N07 432 R3829233t.OD28M5 a33 R3829.7331.010A'001 d3a R36292331.0116A01 435 k3829.23320003V01 438 R36 ]9 23 32 OOOAA07 437 R36292332.00GSN07 d38 R3629Y332.00C81001 439 R3G2973.32.WO1A01 440 R362923.32.0093'W1 441 R362973.32W96�001 442 R3629.7.3.32.W9b002 4d3 R362923.92.00AS'Wt 4dd R36.2923.520096001 445 R36. 446 ft3629.23.41.0007A01 447 R3629.73.41.00IXSq01 G48 R3629_73.41.000400t 649 R%29.2341.00OGN01 p$p {t362923,4t.0007NOt Uni+e +dy A+enue UniversilyA�enue UniwrsityMenue UniversdyA`ence UniversityA+mue UnrversityNenue UniversilyAvmue Uni�ersicyA.enue Universily A`enue UnnersM1yA+mue VnrversM1yA+mue Uni+eisdy A.enue Universrty Avenue UniversRy Avmue UniversM1ybenue University A�enue Uni�ersityA`enue UnrversityA.en�e UniversilyA�enue Unive�sityAwnue UniversrtyA�m�e UniversityAwnue University Avnfua UnrveisityAwnue UniversdyAwnue UniversdyAVenue UniversiryAwnue Un"rversdyAwnue UniversiLy Avenue unrreairyAvenue UnrversM1yAwnue UniversM1y Awnue 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t17 4,145 218 Y.92d 356 332 618 180 7:is 18t % � 89 4]9 209 705 ns 1.700 1,839 618 9.d0a I7.110 3,717 3,874 2082 1,735 8,588 383 404 23] 19i 452 oi-yay 327101 Base 31,�0 zsoo it.AW 7,9C0 0.S.W0 �ao 23.700 700 149.700 D.900 84.200 1TB.EW ;�9,700 99.000 78,300 40.9�0 &3.200 19.&10 273,20� 899.500 899.5� za.iao 187.500 38.700 �S,a00 78,fi00 �,� 8,100 7.700 728200' tB2,4C0 7H.000 72.000 198.900 dd.OW 780.700 1%.SOD 75,OOb 83.100 t84.800 t89.800 298.600 429.300 7.878.000 %7�4W 55.300 1.219.700 428.100 817.500 szsa�7ao Currert 24.00O 31.500 25.500 8,500 39.600 z3oo 65.600 6,290 50.000 8,500 18,7(10 2t.000 9.9W 75,000 48.000 24.000 5,800 t40.800 1�.000 t0,000 80.500 151.SW 49.500 88.900 247.300 243.300 a,soo 22.900 177,700 70,000 10,000 t0,000 10,000 5,000 26.200 t8.800 27.200 3T,&10 37,800 32.700 4,&10 188.300 t9,&10 9,800 19.800 217.500 271.500 744.900 772.BC0 /80.800 374,800 58.200 88.400 238.700 1Y3.400 27.000 22,ffi4,400 451 R3829.73.dt.OWNl001 452 R38292341.0009A01 453 R362923.41.OD13N01 454 R3629.73.d1.0014A01 455 R'Ja2923At.06t5�001 456 R362923.41.001&001 457 R382923.41.00171fA1 458 R3629.T3.4t.0018Rq1 459 R3629.73.41.0019A01 4ft7 R362923.d1.002dll01 481 R36292361.0020NO2 482 R382923.41.�021NOt 463 R382923.4t.00?TiWt 464 R3629.23.d1.0023N01 465 R362923.41.002dN01 466 R362923.41.002S�OC1 467 R362923.41.002BKY11 468 R36.1923.61.0027N01 469 R362923.4t.W50A0t 4]0 R38292341.0051A01 471 R3629.23.41.005?NOi A72 R36. d73 R362923.41.00ShcW1 4l4 R382923.d1.0O55�001 475 R3829.?3.41.0056901 A76 R36.29.23.41.WSBI002 477 R3629.23.420072XA1 478 R382923.620017�V02 4]9 R382923.42.001YV01 A80 R382923.42.00'fd1001 481 R361923.42.0O151C01 482 R36 29 23A2.00181001 483 R3819.73.420017I001 ae4 R36.292342001&VOt 485 R36.19.23.420079I001 486 R362923d2002fL001 4BT R382923.42CO20N62 488 R38.1923.42.0021N01 489 R362923.42.0021NO2 490 R36 29.23 d2.0033T01 b91 R3829.23420034N01 492 R3629.23.d2.072?IIXIt d93 R382923d2077.L001 494 R38.292342.Ot2CN01 495 R362923.42.0124NO2 498 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W.,B/CU7 32 522 490 4V R34.2922320IXi9A07 qg gdg � �7 R3a29713200a0l001 4d 557 523 4]0 R3C.2922320041/007 qp 587 523 d;0 R3a.292232.0047/001 36 587 531 d10 R3429Y2320043/001 3$ 5�7 531 4i0 R342922.32.0044/001 48 Bd8 800 53] R3429.2232.00dS�W1 32 437 399 35� R3a.2922320046/001 32 39'I 359 32a R34 29 7$ 32 0047/001 35 522 426 417 131.802 770.OW 6?.8.2i5 638.728 DISTRICT151 100.748 505.359 404.Bt3 418.Pd5 DISTRICT754 5]0 ta,319 ' 13,7<9 tiF'o7 DISTRICT 155 28.i62 231.751 202.7d9 191.E59 �ISTRICTIS'o 2.02d 19078 t7.054 1>815 TOTAL 737,802 7i.',,iA7 6:.3,2G5 Si.'�:25 8183iCG% RATE FOR AREA 0/51 7.367820 TPX INGftEMENT 0/51 5]2?`+9 RATEFORAREA0154 7.3EF830 7PXINCREMENT01:5 ta125 RATEFORAREA0156 7.3753�0 TAXINCREMCNT01:5 253.F72 RATEFORAREA0156 1.376350 TAXINCR"cMENT01;5 i'B� TPX INCR:AIENT TOTAL 67{J ORIGINAL Presented By Green Sheet # , � � I � � 1 2 3 4 q����Council File �1 # � Resolution # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date �� RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON TI-� AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TF� NEW HOUSING 5 AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 6 (TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 12); 7 TF� SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT 8 (TAX INCREMENT DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), 9 NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE) AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND UTTIVERSITI�; l0 AND THE ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT AND TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authority") has 14 heretofore adopted Tax Increment Financing Plans for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development 15 Project (Tax Increment Financing District No. 12) and for the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Project 16 Tax Increment Financing Districts No. lA (Scattered Site), No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D and 9E 17 (Snelling and University). is 19 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the "City") has heretofore adopted a Tax Increment Financing Plan 2 0 for the Energy Pazk Development District (collectively with the Tax Increment Financing Plans referred to in 21 the preceding recital, the "TaY Increment Financing Plans") and has designated the Port Authority of the City 22 of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") as administrator of that district. 23 24 WHEREAS, the Authority, after consultation with representatives of the City and the Port Authority, 25 has detennined that it is necessary and desirable to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plans in certain 26 respects in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Secrions 469.174 to 469.179 (hereinafter 27 the "Taac Increment AcY'), and in accordance with the requirements ofthe Tas Increment Act has request the 28 City Council to hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments of the Taa� Increment Financing Plans. 29 3 0 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the 31 "City"), as follows: 32 33 1. Public Hearine. This City Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice 3 4 attached hereto as Exhibit A for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the proposed amendments of T� 3 5 Increment Financing Plans for T� Increment Financing District No. 12 (New Housing and Blighted Lands) 36 No. lA (Saint Paul Neighborhood Scattered Site) No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Nos. 9D, 9E (Snelling and 1262268.2 �I--�2 � �=�3� 3 7 University) and the Energy Park Tax Increment District, all pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions 3 8 of the Taa[ Increment Act. O R I G I N A L 39 4 0 2. Notice of Aearing; Filin of Pro r�. The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a notice of the 41 hearing, in substautially the form attached hereto as E�chibit A, to be published at least 10 days prior but no 42 more than 30 days prior to the public heazing in a newspaper of general circulation as required by the Tax 4 3 Increment Act and to place a copy of the proposed amendments to the Tax Increment Financing Plans on file 44 in his office and to make such copies available for inspection by the public. 45 4 6 3. Consultation with Other Taxing Jurisdictions. The stafF of the HRA are hereby directed to mail a 4 7 notice of the public hearing to Ramsey County and Independent School District No. 625 informing those 4 8 taxing jurisdictions of the proposed amendment of the Tas Increment Financing Plans. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Adoption Certified by Council Secr V� Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: Foxm Approved by City�rney � By � � By' �/ Approved by Approved by Mayor: Date By: 1262268.2 2 By: Adopted by Council: Date ��y aoo \ � PED • ' _ - ��-�2� �� GREEN SHEET No 106967 ^� zooi ` y - '�'.� _ �.� 0 �.,,�..,,—� ❑ m.� �'�",�� � i aourra . owme . . ❑ �OOLm^�Q°� � ❑ �.Wr,.cm�eero � � MVORI�YYtfYlp � � TOTAt i Of SIGNATURE PAGES (CL]P ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNANR� criaa �nuES� . Besolution calling for a pnhlic hearing on the amendment of Taa Increment financ4ng plan$ f the nev honsing and blighted lands development project(taa increment financing district no. the Saint Paul Neighborhood project (tas increment districts no.lA (scattered Ho. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Aos. 9D and'9E (Snelling and IIniversity); and the Energy Park Development tas increment district . . 1 Hn1MP��warwaladmdrtaeoN�auTOrMisdapeM�eN? _ PLANNING COMMI3310N YES Np _ GBCAMMRTEE � � 2HssWspanaMemewr6esn�oMY�9�.=,: - _ GVIL SERVICE COMMISSI.9N � �x `r:=i_� :? = -� "-::` ie : . �^� . XES . _ NO , _ - ., -- - - ' _ . . . _ - 1 Do�stlYipenaMrmD����tnam�YP�edbY�9emrentcRYemvbYee7 _ . VES NO •. - . — ___' _ . - . btlWpenaNArm�Wpehtl�xqM., -_. -. � , . ._. - . . . . ..... . . .. .. . .. . . � . � � , Has determined that it is necessary and desirable to amend the Tas increment Financing P � in certain respects in acwrdance vith the provisions of liinnesota Statutes, Sections 469.114 : �� to 469.179 (hereinafter the "Taa Zncrement Act°), and in accordance with=the requirements i of the Tag Increment Act request the City Council ta hold a public hearing on the propose " -a�endments o# the Taa Increment Pinaacing Plans. - - - - _- - � - `-....,.. - -.. -. -. ---- _ � , .. ._ _-... � . , .- .. �: _ . _ _ ,... � < __ �. _x. , _ 34DVANTAGESIFAPPROV� - - . � ��awvwY�wuwmrn,�nma�voi . . . - � _ '. . . .. , . . . , .. '� . _ . . . , . , _ ". � rovu. �rnour�r oF m�ws�c�t s NIA eost�u¢ ouooerEO �artaE a�q _-�.rES' � �' FuNCrc�caounce �clrvmwt�Ert , ., , - _ � _ . , ,--,:,,_' := �.NCUtiwFOrsx�n��owux+l - � - - - � ' :. -."-_ _ .. �,._. _. : - ��� _ "- - _ ._� � _���, , - � . ' . _ : _ - . �...,,. �_...z,_..�.�. _,:�r�......�..... - �._.�,.....__""___,._.. �._...._ � �...__ ._.�.__ .._ . .. ._ ,��...._...._ ._ _ ORIGINAL d!-�� a� CITY OF SAINT PAUL NOTICE OF PUBIC HEARING AMENDMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TI� NEW HOUSING AND BLIGHTED LANDS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. 12); TE� SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NO. lA (SCATTERED SITE), NO. 83 (SPRUCE TREE) AND NOS. 9D AND 9E (SNELLING AND iJNIVERSITI� ; AND TI� ENERGY PARK DEVELOPMENT AND TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 25, 2001, beginning at appro�mately 5:30 p.m., at Saint Paul City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to consider the proposal of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to amend the Tas Increment Financing Plans for (a) the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project (Taa� Increment District No. 12), and (b) the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Tas Increment District No. lA (Scattered Site), Tax Increment Financing District No. 83 (Spruce Tree) and Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 9D and 9E (Sneliing and University) and (c) the Energy Pazk Development and Tas Increment Financing District, all pursuant to and in confornuty with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1791. A copy of the documentation proposed to be considered at the hearing will be on file and available for public inspecrion at the office of the City Clerk in the Citizen Service Office at Room 170 City Aa11 at least ten days prior to the public hearing. A map showing the boundaries of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project Area, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Area, the Energy Pazk Project Area, and the properry in the above mentioned Tas Increment Financing Districts is set forth below. All interested parties may appeaz at the April 25, 2001 public hearing and present their views orally or in writing. BY TFIE ORDER OF 'I`F� CITY COiJNCIL 1262268.1 1262268.2 /s/ Fred Owusu City Clerk