269177 W ITE - CITY GIERK � � F�!lZ�� �� . Council ,�'.��r P K - FINANCE GITY OF� SAINT PAUL � CA� �ARV - DEPAR NT File NO. BLU._ - MAV � � Co cil Resolution ; Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, for several years the City as well as the Civic Cazter Authority has recognized the need to complete the development of the Civic Center b� replacing the rapidly deteriorating Theatre and expanding the inadequate exhibition space; and Wf�REAS, in January, 1975, a Theatre Committee was appointed to research and plan for replacing the existing Th.�atre; and Wf�REAS, on April 24, 1975, the City Council unanimously passed a resolution supporting the Civic Center' Authority' s recommendation that a ne� Theatre should be constructed and recognizing that the cost of financing the new Theatre should be borne by the private and public sectors; and WHEREAS, extensive research defining the proposed Theatre' s program and design concept has been completed, and a result of that research is that the Civic Center Authority recognized the need to proceed with programming and planning for the Exhibition Hall and tc� coordinate its development w�.th a proposed Theatre; and WHEREAS, initial programming for the Exhibitior� Hall has been completed and the total project cost for the Theatre and Exhibition Hall has been estimated at $41 millifln; and WHEREAS, the research havin��been reviewed, the Civic Center Authority adopted the follc�wing recommendations: COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler • S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by IVlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �;���� ��/� < � +.r a� A ! 2. 1. That the Civic Center Authority should proceed with the Theatre & Exhibition Hall Project. 2. That funding for the Theatre should come from the private sector and from the public sector, specifically focusing on metro- politan, county and local sources, and that funding for the Exhibition Hall should come entirely from the public sector, specifica�l�Z focus- ing on federal, state and metropolitan sources and, if possible, actual c onstruction of the Theatre and Exhibition Hall should be as one building project rather than as two projects, but if two proj- ects are necessary, priorities will be determined at that time. 3. That the design plan which should be followed is that knawn as Scheme B, which faces the Theatre toward Rice Park and which orients the Exhibition Hall in a north-south direction; it being acknowledged that Scheme B proposes the best trafficking and circula- tion patterns and centralizes the services, and is the most aesthet- ically acceptable plan because it faces the Theatre, rather than the Exhibition Hall, toward Rice Park. 4. That a concerted effort should be made to obtain federal Ec�nomic Development funds and the balance of the public funds should come from bonds on the state, metropolitan and/or county tax base, but no further bonded indebtedness should be placed on the City of Saint Paul. 5. That the Theatre and/or Exhibition Hall Project construction should not begin until the funds are committed; and WHEREAS, the Civic Center Authority, on February 23, 1977, pre- sented the Project plans to the Ramsey County House and Senate Legislative Delegation, the Ramsey County Board of Commiasioners and other interested parties for their information, advice and counsel; and WHEREAS, theCivic Center Authority on March 24, 1977, appointed a Theatre and Exhibition Hall Steering Committee consisting of rep- resentatives from the various interested and affected parties; now, therefore, be it WHITE �- CITV CLERK ���.�,�� PINK - FINANCE COUnCII �� `�a� � CANqRV - DEPARTMEN T G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � � Bl_UE � MAYOR File NO. y Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. RESOLVED, That the Cit� Council of the City of Saint Paul approves in concept the planning done for the Civic Center complex to date; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council requests the Civic Center Authority, through its Theatre and Exhibition Hall Steering " Committee, to share its plans and seek approval from the Saint Paul Planning Commission, the Metropolitan Council and any other and all bodies that may have an interest in this proposed complex; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council requests that the Saint Paul Port Authority consider the possibility of participating in the front end funding for those portions of the complex that may be eligible and feasible for possible revenue bonding; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Civic Center Author.ity, working with appropriate City personnel, may apply for an EDA Technical Assistance grant for an Economic Impact Assessment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza '' [n Favor Hunt � Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Sylveste T �� 1977 � �(f(t) Z; Form pprove C' rn Ado d by Council: Date � ertified Pas y Council Secretar}1 BY Approv IVlayor: Date �U� � t977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY QuB�isN�o JUN 1 l 1977