269176 WHIYE� - CITY GL�'RK � ���.3��..�� �.��;: -- F���AN�E C� I TY O�' SA I NT PA LT L � CFNARV-- DF�PARTME."JT - COIIIICl� �._��7�}� BLUE - MAVOR File �NO.. Co cil Resolut P.eser.ted �3 Referred To � Commit e: D � Out of Committee By � WHEREAS, Rcy Wilkins is one of the finest products of the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, he has devoted his life to the eause of freedom, equality, and justice for all; and WHEREAS, his decades of fruitful Ieadership of th� National Associati,on for the Advancement of Colored People effectuated profound and la.sting changes in our country; and wHEREAS, he successfully led an organization which, within the last tw� decades, has helped our country move closer to the ideal proclaimed by our forefathers two centuries ago "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, li.berty and the pursuit of happiness" ; and WHEREAS, he is a gentle advocate of peaceful, social changes who has inspired the justice-loving people of America an� throughout the world; and WIiEREAS, the City of Saint Paul proudly acknowledges his out- standing contributions to the promotion and protection of human and civil rights; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Sa int Paul City Council and Mayor deelare Roy Wilk ins an Honor Citizen of Saint Paul. - COUNCILNIEN �'eas Nays Requested by Department of: Eutler Hozca In Favor Hunt Levine �__ Against BY Roedler S ylvester � ' Tedesco 2� �977 Adopted by Council: Date �UN Form A ov d by City Attorney � � � C�c.��t�'L 4'L!� Cer ed Ya ed b}• CounGil Se etary — � h�� / � .�. � A�pr �e q 11avor. Da ���L� �97T __ Approv b� hlayor for Submiss'c�n t Council L.- g3Y _ -- BY Pi1SLiSHED �UN Z �, 1977