01-422S �a�'JS \ �Tv�\ 2- - ������ a��� RESOLUTION CITY OP SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Ref¢ned To: Council File # � \ - � a �. Green Sheet# 704319 Committee Date: t z 3 a s 6 ] s a to tt ti t3 t4 �s 16 7] 18 19 zo zt 22 23 � 25 28 zv 28 xs 30 31 32 33 � 35 36 3] 38 3B ao at az 43 � as 46 4] � 69 m 51 5T 53 u 55 56 s� 58 Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, On December'13, 2000 the City Council approved the 2001 6udgets of the general fund and special funds; and WHEREAS, the City Council placed several spending items in General Govemment AccountsSpec�ed Contingency; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, accoMing to City Charter, Sec. 10.07.3, may request release of Specified Contingency funds by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance wiN Section 10.07.1 of the city charter, certifies that there are availa6le for appropriation $240,000 in general fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.� and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the foilowing changes to the 2007 butlget: Fund Activity Object Description � �� >� � Use of Fund Balance 007 • 00000 - � �� �� Release funtls from cont"naencv Generel Govemment Accounts 001 - 09061 • 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 • Fire and Safety Services 001 - 05121 Parks and Recreation 001 - 03195 Piare Funds'n Deoartment Budoets Fire and Safety Services 00'I - 05721 - Parks and Recreation 001 - 01377 - 001 - 07377 - 001 - 01370 - 001 01370 001 - 03195 - Police 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 0410� - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - Citizen Service Office 001 - 00256 - 9830 Funding for the Science Museum East Building 0548 Full funding of swom police wmplement 0548 Police offi�er premiums 0548 Capital City Classic Cars Under the Stars 0548 Seniorrecreationprogramming 0548 HousingCodeEnforcement-Inspections 0548 Fire G2nts Manager 0548 0558 Stump Removal Progrem Fire Grants Manager-transferto specialfund CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 5,857,799 240,000 277,728 (277,728) 85,3'17 (85,317) 30,000 (30,000) 55,000 (55,000) 100,000 (100,000) zs,os� �zs,osn 25,000 (25,000) 0 0'121 Addt'I rec leader hours for senior programs 29,8'19 0219 Atltlt9 funding for ADA incWSion activities 1,500 012� Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncerL empis. 1,076,704 0219 Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 6,000 0545 Ciry match for USDA urban forestry g2nt 0 0111 0161 �439 0111 0161 0439 0141 0167 0439 299 Full funtling for sworn complement - salaries Full funding for sworn complement - neg inc Full funding For swarn comptement • fringes Police officer premiums - sa�ary Police officer premiums - negotiated increase Police officer premiums -fdnges Classic Cars - Overtime Classic Cars - negotiated increase Classic Cars - fringes Housing Code Enforcement - Inspections 22,352,018 1,306,998 6,325,173 above above abwe 1,039,561 above above 23,067 20,000 10,000 10,000 75,000 25,000 207,966 72,124 57,638 71,869 1,976 11,472 25,271 695 4,034 31,100 100,000 6.097,799 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,067 49,819 11,500 1,086,704 21,000 25,000 below bBlOw 6emw 22,631,853 belax below 1,064,832 1,321,793 6,398.317 131,100 � � _ '-1a RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Council File # GreenSheet# 104319 Referred 70; Committee Dafe: se 60 st Technotogy antl Management Services cz 001 - 09780 - 0279 Funding forthe Science Museum Eas[ Building 96,OD0 240,000 63 sa GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 240,000 85 66 8] 68 ea NOW, THEREFORE, BE R RESOlVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopfs zo the revisions to the 2001 budget �� ]2 sy: Approu ey: Page 7 of 2 336,000 Requested by bepartment of: F�cecutive AtlminisVation - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval ReGert�p�en ed by Director f f � sy: V..� Form Ap yed y City Attorney: By: Approved by May�r for Submissjon to Council: �a:wxnnemeumen�a,xesown�aonsrECCxro.wuq By: Adopted 6y Council: Date �-p p � Adoption Certi£ed by Council Secretary: DEPARTMENT/OFFIC&CO[RJCII. DATE IMTfA7ED O � — �'�a'� Executive Administration oaizvo� GREEN SHEET NO. 104319 CONTACLPERSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENT'DII2ECIOR ❑4 CiTYCOUNCII. Peter Hames 266-8800 � � crrv wrro� � � crrr cc�uc �� MUSf BE ON COUNCII, AGFNDA BY (DA1'� «m�ea ❑7 BUDGET DIltECLOR � FA7. & MGS. SIINICES DIlL._ 03/28/01 � MwYOx �ox assrsrarrr� Os �FC _ n��'�me„4 c�«m,. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIYON REQUESTID Approval of a budget amendmenf to release funds from the Gen'I Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency ¢F.COt.uma�niiw`S:npaa.e(w)mesjcx(x) P%1tSOMALSERVICECONTRACI'SMUSTANSWERI'HEFOLLOWINGQUES710NS: (Eaplain all yes answers on separate shee[ and atfach to green sLeek) rurm`mcco�wwsvow _avu.sEav�¢coeuwsttota 1.Hasthisperson/fvmeverwrnkedwderaco¢hactfortltisdeparlwent? � �',p,nnEE YFS NO _p_gr� _ 2. Has Utis persodfssm ever beev a city employee? msrwcrcounr YES NO SUPPoRTS WIQIXCWNdL OBI6CIIVE? 3. Does tltis persod5mpossess a skill not nocmally possessedby any cu'rent city eroployee? YES NO INiTL1iIVEPROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTUNIIY (Who, V✓ha4 �eq Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. , ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: No significant disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. DISADVANCAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: Funding set aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council would not be available. TOTAL AMOTJNT OF'I'RANSACIYON C0.ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES N�' General Fund $240,000 Special Funds $0 ncrivrrrrvumsEx Various TOTAL $240,000 ruxnmc souxcE General Fund - Fund Balance PrepareEEytM1eOfficeofFinanc�alServices (G:4SW1REDIBUDGETt2TVR2000100YREN0.WN6) Council Flle # Q � �- � O+p� Green Sheei # 709379 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: a� Referred To: Committee Date: � Page 7 of 2 z 3 WHEREAS, On Deoember 13, Z000 the City Councii approved the 2IXI7 budgets of the gerreral tund and special funds; and a 5 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council placetl several spending items in Generei Govemment Acwunts$pecified Contingency; antl 6 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to Ciry Chartey Sec. 70.07.3, may request release of Specifietl Contingencyfunds by reso tioo; and g '. s WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for app priation $240,000 in general io fund monies in excess of thou estimated in the 2007 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 and 70.07. of ihe Ciry Charter, ii recommends the following changes to the 2001 butlget: rz rs ra CURRENT is Funtl Ac[ivity Object Description BUDGEf 16 17 GENERALFUND-FINANCING 18 ie Uu of Funtl Balance zo 001 - 00000 - 9830 Funding for the Science Museum E Buiiding 5,857,799 zi zz GENERALFUND-SPENDING 23 za Releasefundsfromcontinaencv u Generel Governmeni Accounts zs 001 - 09061 - 0548 Full funding of sworn lice complement 277,728 z� 001 • 09061 - 0548 Police officer premiu s 85,317 za 001 - 09067 - 0548 Capital City Classic ars Under the Stars 30,000 zs 007 - 09061 - 0549 Senior recreation rogremming 55,000 30 si Fire and Safety Services sz 001 • 05121 - 0548 Fire Grants anager 23,067 ss Parks antl Recreation sa 007 - 03195 • 0.548 Stump R oval Program 25,000 35 ss Place Funtls in �nartment B daets 9] Fire and Safety Services l aa 001 - 05121 - 0558 Fi Grents Manager • trensfer to special tund 0 ss Pa�ks antl Recreation ao 001 - 01377 - 0121 Addt'I rec leader hours for senior programs 29,819 ai 007 - 07377 - 0279 AtltlYl funtling for ADA inclusion activities 1,500 az 007 - 01370 - 0721 Bi�qntl checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 7,076,704 aa 001 01370 0219 Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 6,000 aa 001 • 03195 - 0545 CiTy match for USDA urban forestry grent 0 u Police as 001 - 04100 - 0 1 FullfundingforswomcOmplement-salaries 22,352,018 a� 001 - 04100 - 161 Full funtling for sworn complement - neg inc 7,306,998 ae 001 • 04100 - 0439 Fullfuntlingforswornrqmplement-fringes 6,325,773 as 007 - 04100 - 0711 Police officer premiums • salary aeove so 001 - 04100 0761 Police officer premiums • negotiated inc2ase atove s� 001 - 04700 0939 Policeofficerpremiums-fringes awve sz 001 - 04100 - 0141 ClassicCars-Overtime 1,039,567 ss 001 - 04100 - 0161 Classic Cars - negoNatetl increase above 5a 001 - 04100 - 0439 Classic Cars-fringes atove 55 56 5� 58 59 60 AMENDED CHANGES BUDGEf 240,000 6,097,799 �zn,ns> o (85,31n 0 (30,000) 0 �u,aao� o (23,067) 0 (25,000) 0 23,067 23,067 20,000 49,879 7Q000 11,500 10,000 T,086,704 15,000 21,000 25,000 25,000 207,966 12,124 57,638 71,869 1,976 71,472 25,271 fi� 4,034 be�ow be�ow be�mv 22,637,853 be�ow below 7,064,832 7,321,793 6,398,317 CouncilRle 7! ��—. �� � areen Sficet # 104319 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refertetl To: Committee Date: st \ Page 2 of 2 62 i sa Technology antl Management Services sa 001 - 09180 - 0279 Funding forthe Science Museum East Building 96,000 240,,000 336,000 65 � cs GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE -�240,000 6] 68 69 ]0 �i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cily Council approves the amentled budgets as intlicated above, anq atlopts re the revisions to the 2001 butlget / �a l4 Yeas Adoptetl by Council: Date Adoption Certifietl by Council ey: Approvetl by Mayor; Date B�/. pbsent Requested by Departmeni of: F�cecutive Administration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval Recommendetl by Director of Financial Services: BY� !I!f✓�/ � _ _r__� -_-'�� Form Ap ov d b ity Attorney. BY� �t.H/ 1 � �I \ � for BY: PrypeAtl by pa IXM1ka a( FeM415xukea Executive Administration )NTACf PERSON & PHONE o�zvo� I GREEN SH o �-yaa- Peter Hames 26G8800 USI BE ON COUNCQ, AGINDA BY (DA1E) 03/28/Ol # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ DEPART��N1'DII2ECIOR a (RTYC�TJN�. ❑2 C71'YA71Y1RNEY `/ ❑ CITYCfERK_ ❑1 BUDGEf DII2ECLOR � FIN. & MGt. SERVICFS DIR_ ❑3 MAYOR (OR ASSISLAN'q ❑5 (1FS - Accou�g Se�tion _ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from the Gen9 Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency c�PLam au res adswers ua separate s6eee ana anach to geen sfieea> �wccoAawssior� _rnm.sEavicecona�sssia+ 1.Hasrhisperson/firm _cmconman� _ Y5S NO _riSrnFr _ 2. Has Ihis puson/fum evu been a city empipyee? _nvmucrcouar _ YES NO .VePoarSwwCx eAUetCaOeieCnve? 3. Dces ihis pusou/fum possess a skill not nolmally posuwed by any emrent city employee? YES NO INR7A"I'[VE PROBI,EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNYfY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Confingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. IFAPPROVED: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. IFAPPROVED: No significanY disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. IFNOTAPPAOVED: Funding sef aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council would not be avaitable. COSf/REVF.N[JEBi1DGETED(CiRCLEONE) YES General Fund $240,000 Special Funtls $0 aczrvriyNCm�Ex TOTAL $240,000 General Fund - Fund Balance S �a�'JS \ �Tv�\ 2- - ������ a��� RESOLUTION CITY OP SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Ref¢ned To: Council File # � \ - � a �. Green Sheet# 704319 Committee Date: t z 3 a s 6 ] s a to tt ti t3 t4 �s 16 7] 18 19 zo zt 22 23 � 25 28 zv 28 xs 30 31 32 33 � 35 36 3] 38 3B ao at az 43 � as 46 4] � 69 m 51 5T 53 u 55 56 s� 58 Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, On December'13, 2000 the City Council approved the 2001 6udgets of the general fund and special funds; and WHEREAS, the City Council placed several spending items in General Govemment AccountsSpec�ed Contingency; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, accoMing to City Charter, Sec. 10.07.3, may request release of Specified Contingency funds by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance wiN Section 10.07.1 of the city charter, certifies that there are availa6le for appropriation $240,000 in general fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.� and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the foilowing changes to the 2007 butlget: Fund Activity Object Description � �� >� � Use of Fund Balance 007 • 00000 - � �� �� Release funtls from cont"naencv Generel Govemment Accounts 001 - 09061 • 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 • Fire and Safety Services 001 - 05121 Parks and Recreation 001 - 03195 Piare Funds'n Deoartment Budoets Fire and Safety Services 00'I - 05721 - Parks and Recreation 001 - 01377 - 001 - 07377 - 001 - 01370 - 001 01370 001 - 03195 - Police 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 0410� - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - Citizen Service Office 001 - 00256 - 9830 Funding for the Science Museum East Building 0548 Full funding of swom police wmplement 0548 Police offi�er premiums 0548 Capital City Classic Cars Under the Stars 0548 Seniorrecreationprogramming 0548 HousingCodeEnforcement-Inspections 0548 Fire G2nts Manager 0548 0558 Stump Removal Progrem Fire Grants Manager-transferto specialfund CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 5,857,799 240,000 277,728 (277,728) 85,3'17 (85,317) 30,000 (30,000) 55,000 (55,000) 100,000 (100,000) zs,os� �zs,osn 25,000 (25,000) 0 0'121 Addt'I rec leader hours for senior programs 29,8'19 0219 Atltlt9 funding for ADA incWSion activities 1,500 012� Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncerL empis. 1,076,704 0219 Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 6,000 0545 Ciry match for USDA urban forestry g2nt 0 0111 0161 �439 0111 0161 0439 0141 0167 0439 299 Full funtling for sworn complement - salaries Full funding for sworn complement - neg inc Full funding For swarn comptement • fringes Police officer premiums - sa�ary Police officer premiums - negotiated increase Police officer premiums -fdnges Classic Cars - Overtime Classic Cars - negotiated increase Classic Cars - fringes Housing Code Enforcement - Inspections 22,352,018 1,306,998 6,325,173 above above abwe 1,039,561 above above 23,067 20,000 10,000 10,000 75,000 25,000 207,966 72,124 57,638 71,869 1,976 11,472 25,271 695 4,034 31,100 100,000 6.097,799 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,067 49,819 11,500 1,086,704 21,000 25,000 below bBlOw 6emw 22,631,853 belax below 1,064,832 1,321,793 6,398.317 131,100 � � _ '-1a RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Council File # GreenSheet# 104319 Referred 70; Committee Dafe: se 60 st Technotogy antl Management Services cz 001 - 09780 - 0279 Funding forthe Science Museum Eas[ Building 96,OD0 240,000 63 sa GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 240,000 85 66 8] 68 ea NOW, THEREFORE, BE R RESOlVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopfs zo the revisions to the 2001 budget �� ]2 sy: Approu ey: Page 7 of 2 336,000 Requested by bepartment of: F�cecutive AtlminisVation - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval ReGert�p�en ed by Director f f � sy: V..� Form Ap yed y City Attorney: By: Approved by May�r for Submissjon to Council: �a:wxnnemeumen�a,xesown�aonsrECCxro.wuq By: Adopted 6y Council: Date �-p p � Adoption Certi£ed by Council Secretary: DEPARTMENT/OFFIC&CO[RJCII. DATE IMTfA7ED O � — �'�a'� Executive Administration oaizvo� GREEN SHEET NO. 104319 CONTACLPERSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENT'DII2ECIOR ❑4 CiTYCOUNCII. Peter Hames 266-8800 � � crrv wrro� � � crrr cc�uc �� MUSf BE ON COUNCII, AGFNDA BY (DA1'� «m�ea ❑7 BUDGET DIltECLOR � FA7. & MGS. SIINICES DIlL._ 03/28/01 � MwYOx �ox assrsrarrr� Os �FC _ n��'�me„4 c�«m,. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIYON REQUESTID Approval of a budget amendmenf to release funds from the Gen'I Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency ¢F.COt.uma�niiw`S:npaa.e(w)mesjcx(x) P%1tSOMALSERVICECONTRACI'SMUSTANSWERI'HEFOLLOWINGQUES710NS: (Eaplain all yes answers on separate shee[ and atfach to green sLeek) rurm`mcco�wwsvow _avu.sEav�¢coeuwsttota 1.Hasthisperson/fvmeverwrnkedwderaco¢hactfortltisdeparlwent? � �',p,nnEE YFS NO _p_gr� _ 2. Has Utis persodfssm ever beev a city employee? msrwcrcounr YES NO SUPPoRTS WIQIXCWNdL OBI6CIIVE? 3. Does tltis persod5mpossess a skill not nocmally possessedby any cu'rent city eroployee? YES NO INiTL1iIVEPROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTUNIIY (Who, V✓ha4 �eq Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. , ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: No significant disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. DISADVANCAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: Funding set aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council would not be available. TOTAL AMOTJNT OF'I'RANSACIYON C0.ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES N�' General Fund $240,000 Special Funds $0 ncrivrrrrvumsEx Various TOTAL $240,000 ruxnmc souxcE General Fund - Fund Balance PrepareEEytM1eOfficeofFinanc�alServices (G:4SW1REDIBUDGETt2TVR2000100YREN0.WN6) Council Flle # Q � �- � O+p� Green Sheei # 709379 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: a� Referred To: Committee Date: � Page 7 of 2 z 3 WHEREAS, On Deoember 13, Z000 the City Councii approved the 2IXI7 budgets of the gerreral tund and special funds; and a 5 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council placetl several spending items in Generei Govemment Acwunts$pecified Contingency; antl 6 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to Ciry Chartey Sec. 70.07.3, may request release of Specifietl Contingencyfunds by reso tioo; and g '. s WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for app priation $240,000 in general io fund monies in excess of thou estimated in the 2007 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 and 70.07. of ihe Ciry Charter, ii recommends the following changes to the 2001 butlget: rz rs ra CURRENT is Funtl Ac[ivity Object Description BUDGEf 16 17 GENERALFUND-FINANCING 18 ie Uu of Funtl Balance zo 001 - 00000 - 9830 Funding for the Science Museum E Buiiding 5,857,799 zi zz GENERALFUND-SPENDING 23 za Releasefundsfromcontinaencv u Generel Governmeni Accounts zs 001 - 09061 - 0548 Full funding of sworn lice complement 277,728 z� 001 • 09061 - 0548 Police officer premiu s 85,317 za 001 - 09067 - 0548 Capital City Classic ars Under the Stars 30,000 zs 007 - 09061 - 0549 Senior recreation rogremming 55,000 30 si Fire and Safety Services sz 001 • 05121 - 0548 Fire Grants anager 23,067 ss Parks antl Recreation sa 007 - 03195 • 0.548 Stump R oval Program 25,000 35 ss Place Funtls in �nartment B daets 9] Fire and Safety Services l aa 001 - 05121 - 0558 Fi Grents Manager • trensfer to special tund 0 ss Pa�ks antl Recreation ao 001 - 01377 - 0121 Addt'I rec leader hours for senior programs 29,819 ai 007 - 07377 - 0279 AtltlYl funtling for ADA inclusion activities 1,500 az 007 - 01370 - 0721 Bi�qntl checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 7,076,704 aa 001 01370 0219 Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 6,000 aa 001 • 03195 - 0545 CiTy match for USDA urban forestry grent 0 u Police as 001 - 04100 - 0 1 FullfundingforswomcOmplement-salaries 22,352,018 a� 001 - 04100 - 161 Full funtling for sworn complement - neg inc 7,306,998 ae 001 • 04100 - 0439 Fullfuntlingforswornrqmplement-fringes 6,325,773 as 007 - 04100 - 0711 Police officer premiums • salary aeove so 001 - 04100 0761 Police officer premiums • negotiated inc2ase atove s� 001 - 04700 0939 Policeofficerpremiums-fringes awve sz 001 - 04100 - 0141 ClassicCars-Overtime 1,039,567 ss 001 - 04100 - 0161 Classic Cars - negoNatetl increase above 5a 001 - 04100 - 0439 Classic Cars-fringes atove 55 56 5� 58 59 60 AMENDED CHANGES BUDGEf 240,000 6,097,799 �zn,ns> o (85,31n 0 (30,000) 0 �u,aao� o (23,067) 0 (25,000) 0 23,067 23,067 20,000 49,879 7Q000 11,500 10,000 T,086,704 15,000 21,000 25,000 25,000 207,966 12,124 57,638 71,869 1,976 71,472 25,271 fi� 4,034 be�ow be�ow be�mv 22,637,853 be�ow below 7,064,832 7,321,793 6,398,317 CouncilRle 7! ��—. �� � areen Sficet # 104319 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refertetl To: Committee Date: st \ Page 2 of 2 62 i sa Technology antl Management Services sa 001 - 09180 - 0279 Funding forthe Science Museum East Building 96,000 240,,000 336,000 65 � cs GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE -�240,000 6] 68 69 ]0 �i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cily Council approves the amentled budgets as intlicated above, anq atlopts re the revisions to the 2001 butlget / �a l4 Yeas Adoptetl by Council: Date Adoption Certifietl by Council ey: Approvetl by Mayor; Date B�/. pbsent Requested by Departmeni of: F�cecutive Administration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval Recommendetl by Director of Financial Services: BY� !I!f✓�/ � _ _r__� -_-'�� Form Ap ov d b ity Attorney. BY� �t.H/ 1 � �I \ � for BY: PrypeAtl by pa IXM1ka a( FeM415xukea Executive Administration )NTACf PERSON & PHONE o�zvo� I GREEN SH o �-yaa- Peter Hames 26G8800 USI BE ON COUNCQ, AGINDA BY (DA1E) 03/28/Ol # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ DEPART��N1'DII2ECIOR a (RTYC�TJN�. ❑2 C71'YA71Y1RNEY `/ ❑ CITYCfERK_ ❑1 BUDGEf DII2ECLOR � FIN. & MGt. SERVICFS DIR_ ❑3 MAYOR (OR ASSISLAN'q ❑5 (1FS - Accou�g Se�tion _ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from the Gen9 Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency c�PLam au res adswers ua separate s6eee ana anach to geen sfieea> �wccoAawssior� _rnm.sEavicecona�sssia+ 1.Hasrhisperson/firm _cmconman� _ Y5S NO _riSrnFr _ 2. Has Ihis puson/fum evu been a city empipyee? _nvmucrcouar _ YES NO .VePoarSwwCx eAUetCaOeieCnve? 3. Dces ihis pusou/fum possess a skill not nolmally posuwed by any emrent city employee? YES NO INR7A"I'[VE PROBI,EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNYfY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Confingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. IFAPPROVED: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. IFAPPROVED: No significanY disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. IFNOTAPPAOVED: Funding sef aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council would not be avaitable. COSf/REVF.N[JEBi1DGETED(CiRCLEONE) YES General Fund $240,000 Special Funtls $0 aczrvriyNCm�Ex TOTAL $240,000 General Fund - Fund Balance S �a�'JS \ �Tv�\ 2- - ������ a��� RESOLUTION CITY OP SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Ref¢ned To: Council File # � \ - � a �. Green Sheet# 704319 Committee Date: t z 3 a s 6 ] s a to tt ti t3 t4 �s 16 7] 18 19 zo zt 22 23 � 25 28 zv 28 xs 30 31 32 33 � 35 36 3] 38 3B ao at az 43 � as 46 4] � 69 m 51 5T 53 u 55 56 s� 58 Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, On December'13, 2000 the City Council approved the 2001 6udgets of the general fund and special funds; and WHEREAS, the City Council placed several spending items in General Govemment AccountsSpec�ed Contingency; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, accoMing to City Charter, Sec. 10.07.3, may request release of Specified Contingency funds by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance wiN Section 10.07.1 of the city charter, certifies that there are availa6le for appropriation $240,000 in general fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.� and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the foilowing changes to the 2007 butlget: Fund Activity Object Description � �� >� � Use of Fund Balance 007 • 00000 - � �� �� Release funtls from cont"naencv Generel Govemment Accounts 001 - 09061 • 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 � 001 - 09061 • Fire and Safety Services 001 - 05121 Parks and Recreation 001 - 03195 Piare Funds'n Deoartment Budoets Fire and Safety Services 00'I - 05721 - Parks and Recreation 001 - 01377 - 001 - 07377 - 001 - 01370 - 001 01370 001 - 03195 - Police 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 0410� - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - 001 - 04100 - Citizen Service Office 001 - 00256 - 9830 Funding for the Science Museum East Building 0548 Full funding of swom police wmplement 0548 Police offi�er premiums 0548 Capital City Classic Cars Under the Stars 0548 Seniorrecreationprogramming 0548 HousingCodeEnforcement-Inspections 0548 Fire G2nts Manager 0548 0558 Stump Removal Progrem Fire Grants Manager-transferto specialfund CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 5,857,799 240,000 277,728 (277,728) 85,3'17 (85,317) 30,000 (30,000) 55,000 (55,000) 100,000 (100,000) zs,os� �zs,osn 25,000 (25,000) 0 0'121 Addt'I rec leader hours for senior programs 29,8'19 0219 Atltlt9 funding for ADA incWSion activities 1,500 012� Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncerL empis. 1,076,704 0219 Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 6,000 0545 Ciry match for USDA urban forestry g2nt 0 0111 0161 �439 0111 0161 0439 0141 0167 0439 299 Full funtling for sworn complement - salaries Full funding for sworn complement - neg inc Full funding For swarn comptement • fringes Police officer premiums - sa�ary Police officer premiums - negotiated increase Police officer premiums -fdnges Classic Cars - Overtime Classic Cars - negotiated increase Classic Cars - fringes Housing Code Enforcement - Inspections 22,352,018 1,306,998 6,325,173 above above abwe 1,039,561 above above 23,067 20,000 10,000 10,000 75,000 25,000 207,966 72,124 57,638 71,869 1,976 11,472 25,271 695 4,034 31,100 100,000 6.097,799 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,067 49,819 11,500 1,086,704 21,000 25,000 below bBlOw 6emw 22,631,853 belax below 1,064,832 1,321,793 6,398.317 131,100 � � _ '-1a RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Council File # GreenSheet# 104319 Referred 70; Committee Dafe: se 60 st Technotogy antl Management Services cz 001 - 09780 - 0279 Funding forthe Science Museum Eas[ Building 96,OD0 240,000 63 sa GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 240,000 85 66 8] 68 ea NOW, THEREFORE, BE R RESOlVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopfs zo the revisions to the 2001 budget �� ]2 sy: Approu ey: Page 7 of 2 336,000 Requested by bepartment of: F�cecutive AtlminisVation - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval ReGert�p�en ed by Director f f � sy: V..� Form Ap yed y City Attorney: By: Approved by May�r for Submissjon to Council: �a:wxnnemeumen�a,xesown�aonsrECCxro.wuq By: Adopted 6y Council: Date �-p p � Adoption Certi£ed by Council Secretary: DEPARTMENT/OFFIC&CO[RJCII. DATE IMTfA7ED O � — �'�a'� Executive Administration oaizvo� GREEN SHEET NO. 104319 CONTACLPERSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENT'DII2ECIOR ❑4 CiTYCOUNCII. Peter Hames 266-8800 � � crrv wrro� � � crrr cc�uc �� MUSf BE ON COUNCII, AGFNDA BY (DA1'� «m�ea ❑7 BUDGET DIltECLOR � FA7. & MGS. SIINICES DIlL._ 03/28/01 � MwYOx �ox assrsrarrr� Os �FC _ n��'�me„4 c�«m,. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIYON REQUESTID Approval of a budget amendmenf to release funds from the Gen'I Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency ¢F.COt.uma�niiw`S:npaa.e(w)mesjcx(x) P%1tSOMALSERVICECONTRACI'SMUSTANSWERI'HEFOLLOWINGQUES710NS: (Eaplain all yes answers on separate shee[ and atfach to green sLeek) rurm`mcco�wwsvow _avu.sEav�¢coeuwsttota 1.Hasthisperson/fvmeverwrnkedwderaco¢hactfortltisdeparlwent? � �',p,nnEE YFS NO _p_gr� _ 2. Has Utis persodfssm ever beev a city employee? msrwcrcounr YES NO SUPPoRTS WIQIXCWNdL OBI6CIIVE? 3. Does tltis persod5mpossess a skill not nocmally possessedby any cu'rent city eroployee? YES NO INiTL1iIVEPROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTUNIIY (Who, V✓ha4 �eq Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. , ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: No significant disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. DISADVANCAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: Funding set aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council would not be available. TOTAL AMOTJNT OF'I'RANSACIYON C0.ST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIl2CLE ONE) YES N�' General Fund $240,000 Special Funds $0 ncrivrrrrvumsEx Various TOTAL $240,000 ruxnmc souxcE General Fund - Fund Balance PrepareEEytM1eOfficeofFinanc�alServices (G:4SW1REDIBUDGETt2TVR2000100YREN0.WN6) Council Flle # Q � �- � O+p� Green Sheei # 709379 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: a� Referred To: Committee Date: � Page 7 of 2 z 3 WHEREAS, On Deoember 13, Z000 the City Councii approved the 2IXI7 budgets of the gerreral tund and special funds; and a 5 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council placetl several spending items in Generei Govemment Acwunts$pecified Contingency; antl 6 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to Ciry Chartey Sec. 70.07.3, may request release of Specifietl Contingencyfunds by reso tioo; and g '. s WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for app priation $240,000 in general io fund monies in excess of thou estimated in the 2007 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 and 70.07. of ihe Ciry Charter, ii recommends the following changes to the 2001 butlget: rz rs ra CURRENT is Funtl Ac[ivity Object Description BUDGEf 16 17 GENERALFUND-FINANCING 18 ie Uu of Funtl Balance zo 001 - 00000 - 9830 Funding for the Science Museum E Buiiding 5,857,799 zi zz GENERALFUND-SPENDING 23 za Releasefundsfromcontinaencv u Generel Governmeni Accounts zs 001 - 09061 - 0548 Full funding of sworn lice complement 277,728 z� 001 • 09061 - 0548 Police officer premiu s 85,317 za 001 - 09067 - 0548 Capital City Classic ars Under the Stars 30,000 zs 007 - 09061 - 0549 Senior recreation rogremming 55,000 30 si Fire and Safety Services sz 001 • 05121 - 0548 Fire Grants anager 23,067 ss Parks antl Recreation sa 007 - 03195 • 0.548 Stump R oval Program 25,000 35 ss Place Funtls in �nartment B daets 9] Fire and Safety Services l aa 001 - 05121 - 0558 Fi Grents Manager • trensfer to special tund 0 ss Pa�ks antl Recreation ao 001 - 01377 - 0121 Addt'I rec leader hours for senior programs 29,819 ai 007 - 07377 - 0279 AtltlYl funtling for ADA inclusion activities 1,500 az 007 - 01370 - 0721 Bi�qntl checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 7,076,704 aa 001 01370 0219 Bkgnd checks for volunteers, uncert. empls. 6,000 aa 001 • 03195 - 0545 CiTy match for USDA urban forestry grent 0 u Police as 001 - 04100 - 0 1 FullfundingforswomcOmplement-salaries 22,352,018 a� 001 - 04100 - 161 Full funtling for sworn complement - neg inc 7,306,998 ae 001 • 04100 - 0439 Fullfuntlingforswornrqmplement-fringes 6,325,773 as 007 - 04100 - 0711 Police officer premiums • salary aeove so 001 - 04100 0761 Police officer premiums • negotiated inc2ase atove s� 001 - 04700 0939 Policeofficerpremiums-fringes awve sz 001 - 04100 - 0141 ClassicCars-Overtime 1,039,567 ss 001 - 04100 - 0161 Classic Cars - negoNatetl increase above 5a 001 - 04100 - 0439 Classic Cars-fringes atove 55 56 5� 58 59 60 AMENDED CHANGES BUDGEf 240,000 6,097,799 �zn,ns> o (85,31n 0 (30,000) 0 �u,aao� o (23,067) 0 (25,000) 0 23,067 23,067 20,000 49,879 7Q000 11,500 10,000 T,086,704 15,000 21,000 25,000 25,000 207,966 12,124 57,638 71,869 1,976 71,472 25,271 fi� 4,034 be�ow be�ow be�mv 22,637,853 be�ow below 7,064,832 7,321,793 6,398,317 CouncilRle 7! ��—. �� � areen Sficet # 104319 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Refertetl To: Committee Date: st \ Page 2 of 2 62 i sa Technology antl Management Services sa 001 - 09180 - 0279 Funding forthe Science Museum East Building 96,000 240,,000 336,000 65 � cs GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE -�240,000 6] 68 69 ]0 �i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cily Council approves the amentled budgets as intlicated above, anq atlopts re the revisions to the 2001 butlget / �a l4 Yeas Adoptetl by Council: Date Adoption Certifietl by Council ey: Approvetl by Mayor; Date B�/. pbsent Requested by Departmeni of: F�cecutive Administration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval Recommendetl by Director of Financial Services: BY� !I!f✓�/ � _ _r__� -_-'�� Form Ap ov d b ity Attorney. BY� �t.H/ 1 � �I \ � for BY: PrypeAtl by pa IXM1ka a( FeM415xukea Executive Administration )NTACf PERSON & PHONE o�zvo� I GREEN SH o �-yaa- Peter Hames 26G8800 USI BE ON COUNCQ, AGINDA BY (DA1E) 03/28/Ol # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ DEPART��N1'DII2ECIOR a (RTYC�TJN�. ❑2 C71'YA71Y1RNEY `/ ❑ CITYCfERK_ ❑1 BUDGEf DII2ECLOR � FIN. & MGt. SERVICFS DIR_ ❑3 MAYOR (OR ASSISLAN'q ❑5 (1FS - Accou�g Se�tion _ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from the Gen9 Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency c�PLam au res adswers ua separate s6eee ana anach to geen sfieea> �wccoAawssior� _rnm.sEavicecona�sssia+ 1.Hasrhisperson/firm _cmconman� _ Y5S NO _riSrnFr _ 2. Has Ihis puson/fum evu been a city empipyee? _nvmucrcouar _ YES NO .VePoarSwwCx eAUetCaOeieCnve? 3. Dces ihis pusou/fum possess a skill not nolmally posuwed by any emrent city employee? YES NO INR7A"I'[VE PROBI,EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNYfY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): When the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Confingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. IFAPPROVED: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. IFAPPROVED: No significanY disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. IFNOTAPPAOVED: Funding sef aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council would not be avaitable. COSf/REVF.N[JEBi1DGETED(CiRCLEONE) YES General Fund $240,000 Special Funtls $0 aczrvriyNCm�Ex TOTAL $240,000 General Fund - Fund Balance