269154 WHITE - CITV CLERK � COIlIICll ����� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� °�� 'l Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date N�AB, the Iadependent 3ehool District �625 has declared the Tilden 8chool 31te and the Upper Atton Schvol fite as atu�plus �o their needs, aad purauant to preeent policy th� Sehoal Mstrict h�s ot'fered the said sites to the City of St. Panl for ao ec�otp�eatien, and �AB, the City of 8t. Pau]. wishes to acquire and develap aaid s3tes for r�creational purposes; th�efore �e it R�'SOLVSD, that the City of 5t. Paul. accep� the Quit Claiad Deeds tra�m the Indepen8ent 3chool Diatrict �625 oa� the Tilden 9chool 3ite and the Upper Afton Schocal Site, said sites lega�lly d,�scri�ed as foLlaws: A11 of Lota 1 thtnt6, the �ast � of Lot 7 and all aP Lots 29 � 35 inclusive, Block 6, also all oi the va�ated pnxblic a11ey �oining sa9.d lata all being in Bl.ock 6, I,ake Park A�in, That psrt o� Lot 6, Anditor's 3ubdivision Ro. 55, �sey Ccunty, bgmnesota, c'Lescribed as foliow$: Caamencing at the l�ort2n�terl.y carner of Lc>t 12 of sa3d Auditcr's Subdivision Ao. 55; theace North p° 13' i�est ca� a line para.'l.�.el to th� �ast line of said Lot 6 a distauce of 2i65.�62 fee� to a point xhich ig 510.� feet Haath of the Xorth line of satd Lst 63 thence I�orth ?0° 05' Wes� e� dtstance of 298.89 �'eet to a point whieh is �08.91 t'eet South of the sai.d l�orth line of said �,ot 6; thence due Scuth alcng the ea�at liae o� the prorperty describ�d in Boc� 1085 Deeds, page 41, a distance o! 39�.06 feet to a poiat on the northerly line oP �lpper A�taai Road as opened; thence ac�theasterly alon�'.:�th� northerly liae of said Upper A�`ton A�ad aa� s cvrve to the right ha.v3.ng a raditts eP 6t)6.7 feet and a l�ng ehord' bearing sauth 49° b2' east a distance of 109.30 feet to the pcint of tangency of aaid rurve; thence scuth 4�° 3�' asat along�the northerly li.ae ot t��rper Afton Road a distaa�ee cf �2.16 feet; thenei nor�h 31° 15' ee�t parallel to - the nortlnresterly line of the afore�omentioned Lot 12 a d3r3�ce of 211.31 feet; thence eouth 48° 45' east a dietance of 70.00 teet to poiat of beginning, according to the pla.t thereof on fYle at�d of reeord in the oPfl.ce of the Register oP DeeBs in and for Ramaey Cc�aty, �.nnaaota,. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays RequesGed by Department of: Butler � �j Hozza [n Favor Hunt � W� Levine _ Against Roedler 2'eC Ol" Sylvester Tedesco 3 1 19n �Y Form Approved y City Attorney Adopted ouncil: Date C ified Pa y Counci retarry BY Approv by Mayor: ate � �V� z �977 Approve y Mayor for Su is�ion to Co�ncil By BY PUBLISHED ,JUN �. � �977 < •: ... : : �' L�� ����.4E� , . � . . . � ' �u��3�',.it �'."'�'F 6�s :�YR � . . . � . . � � � . �4T 3� � :} . .. .�. �� .. , ` ���-�;. �,�,::k''.,� ;`;° . ~' ; '; _ CITY OF SAlNT :PAUL � # � j �� , . - . f '� `��? 7�} . ,,"DEPARTMENT OF COMM.UNtTY SfRVICfS : . . . . . .. � }t...'� �� � ' / . � . . - . . . . y,�� �;'T . � . . . . .. . . . . ,bbw:vewc+iRv'..:... . . . . . . . . . . � : . � DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATtQN 298-4126 _ � � ; �;`'j April 27: .1977 �G '�/��. 1 � ; _ , �, ,. .,t x- � �� Y°'�, � _ ��� ,.,; E , art � ' - ,��;, �r .��}�, - .- Mr. J. W�l t i am ;�Donova�n � - _ . . . . . , . .. Ya'luations_ Engineer � Di:vision of Assessments and Yaluatiar�s � Rm 286 City Ha11 _ , . . Re: Surplus �School Sites : Upper Afton School ' Site � `Tilden School Site Dear Mr. Qonovan: . - I am writing in , respons�e to your letter of Apri1 21 , wherein .you � ` state that yoet:�are in possessian of quit claim deeds for the above - named school sites. The Division of Parks and Recreation has requested these sites to be � transferred ta the City for recreational use, and pending official action of both the City Council .:-aand School Board on the �Sur 1us_ Pro erties Joint Polic , I would recommend that the forma eptance proce ure e n t ate . :�We have esttmated the cost� of demolition of Tilden Schoo] ta be ;: $35,000 �and we are .searching for funds to accomplish this . The $11 ,504 esttmate is several years old and is no longer correct. Please call me if I can provide any `additionaT infarmatian . Si ely, ; � . . Robe�^t P. Pi ram � J MW:de � .. cc : John �!i rka . Jerry Pri11 Lloyd Burkholder � � 545 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' u ��ji� �t�benture, .h7ar�e this...................�th...............__day of••........_...._April................._, .ts......7..7....., betu,een ................................................Independent_School District_.T1o...625..._............. .�.�a ......... . ,� ,,,�`�;��� ... school district a�'�iX#�under Ehe laws of the State of_................Id7.nx).e.S.R.t,m...............................party of th.e�itrst purt, and _............................................_................._..�l.ty...s�.�..rS.fl,�.IJ,�i...P�kta..._..........................................................................................._•••............................. c�corporution untler the lau�s of the State of..............._......M..?:�??lesot3 ........._..........-•--•..........._............._............_........••••-............................... party of the sccond part, � �tittteg�et'h. Th.at the eaid pa.rtr� of the first part, in consicl.eration of the sum, nf �...................:...........4�t?e..Dollar._and...Qther_.Val.uable....�ons.�deration-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-_DOLI,.�4ItS, _._._............ � to �t in ha�ad paid b,y the said partz� nf the secon.d part, tTte receipt whercof ia hereby cuknowled4cd, dces hereby Grant, Bar�ain, Quitelaim., and C,onvey unto tTu said party of tke seeond part, its succeseors and assi.�%ns, Forever, all tha traot..5.......or parcel....S-...o f Zand Zyin� and being in th.e County of................E�mS.�y......_..._.........__...._.................._and State of Minnesotm, descr6bed aa follozva, to-uit: J A11 of Lots 1 thru b, the East z of Lot 7 and all of Lots 2g thru 35 inclusive, B1ock 6, also all of the vacated public alley adjoining said lots a7.7. being in Block 6, Lake Park Addn. ` State Deed Tax: Exempt �:o�abe anb to�oIb tt�e�ame, Together with aLL tTu h.ereditamenta and appurten¢noes there- u�cto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, ita auccessors and assisna Forever. �n�e�tirnonp��jereof. Th.e said first party has caused theae prtaents to be execuEe�t in its corporate name by its...........Chair,.._.__. Treasurer � anrl its..............._.Glexls..........----.....__and ita corporate scal. to be hereunto affi.�ed tloe day and �ear first aboae written. , _.___..._.._..............._........_.._.......... ..._._....._.................. C_/s-�/................. Sy......4.sS�--:ti.-�.-..�..�.w-,��----... ... _. ....�l�--........ . tx ........:.:.._..........._Chair....----...................x� . 1 . .............................. .... . ... ....................:.................... _._.. . ��iu���'.- .L � Ita.................._......................��a�77xex....................................... , - $Y ���7'oii,e —`ivt,��/� �'�' 7� Its Clerk ��jj� :21��Z1E'�I��u��� .hfade tlLis..._....-•••......9th.......-•---...._.da�T/of..................April.................._, 19...TT_..., .......:................Independent.School.District No..62 between ....... ......... 5 ...................................................................._...... � school district �'��i�'���. .� � a�.dc�t zc�rcler the laivs of the,St¢te of....................M..�eSO:� ,p¢r o the rst" art and ..................••••....._. tl! f � � I� , ._.._._•_....................._............:............':.C�:t.Y....of_,Saint,.�:!�.....�.........--•--- • ............................................................................................................ ' m corporation under the la:as of th.e State of.._.._.......Minnesota . ...._......_.........__......_...•••••••••._. .................................._. .......... party of the accond part, - �Itttifg�CtlJ, Tliat the said pa.rtt/ of t)ee farst pard, in eonsiaT.eration of the sum of .._..................................................................................._On.e...Da].�.�x...�1ad...f�t}ae�....V.�l?k'11��,�...�4�:S..id eration...._DOLI,.�1ItS. ' to it in ha�ul paid by the said party of the second. pa.rt, the receipt whcreof ia h.ereby acknotutedgcd, does hercby Grant, Bargain; Qui,tclaim, and C,orzvey unto the said party of the second pctrt, ita auccessors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...s..__or parcel_..5......of land Zying and being in the County of••..._......•--._......R�IlS�y................................_....._and State of Min,nesota, de8cribed as follozas, to-utit: That part of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 55, Ramsey County, Mi:u�esota, described as follcyws: Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 12 of said Auditor's Sub- division No. 55; thence North 0° 13' West on a line parallel to the East line of said Lot 6 a disttznce of ' 265.62 feet to a point which is 510.72 feet South of the North ]ine of said Lot 6; thence North 70° 05' West a distance of 298.89 feet to a poi.nt which is �+08.91 feet South of the said North line of said Lot 6, thence due ` South alang the east line of the property described in Book 1085 Deeds, page 41, a distance of 394.06 feet to a point on the northerly line of Upper Afton Road as opened; thence southeasterly along the nartherly line of said Upper Afton Road on a curve to the right having a , radius of 606.7 feet and a long chord bearing south �+9° � 42' east a distance of 109.30 feet to the point of tangency ' of said curve; thence south �+4° 32' east along the northerly line of Upper Afton Road a distance of 52.16 feet; thence � north 31� 15' east paraLlel to the northwesterly ]a.ne of the &forementioned Zot 12 a distance of 211.31 feet; thence south �8° 45' east a distance of 70.00 feet to point of be°nn;ng, according to the plat thereof on file and of . . record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for � Ramtsey County, Minnesota. . ,_ . , �. ' , , : :.. State Deed Tax: E�empt '�o�abe ana to�oib t'fje�ame, Together with ¢lL the hereditamenta and ¢ppurtena.ncea there- , unto beldngi,ng or in anywise c�ppertainin�s, to the said party of the seeond part, its suecessors and cusiyns Forever. � , i �In�e�timonp��fjersof, Th,e said first party ha,s caused these presents to be execu,tcd in,it,s corporate name by its._..._..��r...........: '. 2'.K'easureY' �'�cznd its.............._Clerk--•.......•-•-....••••....and ite corporate scal• to be laereunto affixed the day and �ear f�rst above writtan. � ; ......_.___.._.......__.__._..................... ....._..._..................._........... ......-•----......_ ; ! By.................. ...:..............._..���-..... .; I��._....... .Chair................................?�'e&8� 1 _._. . - --................... . ... ..................... ............................... ; ..... Ita............:....._............_..2'reasvrer...........-------._....................... � By -:�'AG ,,� ; � i I�s Clerk ` ! i E � . �M �1: I.�2/19'75 � . �tiv. : 9�8/7S ;. , EXPLANATZON OF ADMINISTRATIVE �Ri�? RS r . � RESOI+IIT aN6, 1�,N� RD NALQ � �����/��I�I���� ���qil�Yl��l�. . . . . , � ...� � � � • . • '� . , . ' . . . . 'ti�� . � . . Dats: � g� l� TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � ' V� ; FR: J. 111Zlias DoBO�ran►, Talmstion b Ass�as�e�a:t �giseer, I�. ot lJ.asame:e i li�t; 8uhr3.cti, lll�. 13�-q : RE: Scke>o7. Sites -declared anr�l�es by th� Iad�ckrat Schmol � �listri.ct jN62�. � . �'jp�rer Ai''�� �c.l�awl Site . �,'ild�m ta�ool 83te � : . - � . . i � . � . �3. � . ��.. . AcTiox �QU�s�a: . , � A�a�ris�r tiu aeerp�Esnce or �it Clai.wt•�eeds tras the Iadap�dt+e�t < Sah�l. �Sttiat �o. 625 to t.1�e Citf at ��. Psul. ' ; , t � � ; P ; : . , , , � . PURPQSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � Th� �i�T's acc�ct Maa�ld i�pl.seat the de�relap�eat of ths . snb��ct parc�ls !or rscrse►tic�.7. ns�a. � • . � . . - . . . . a . . . . . � . � . . . . . . ' . . . . F , . .. . ATTACBMENTSs t 1. Cmmecil �solattion �. L�ter !`roa Ha�►ert Pis�at $/27/'T'� � 3. Co�p7 ot H�Mre , 4 k. lt�ea I�sps :. ; . . . , .. . . _ . . . ... . � . . f � . .. r-.,-._..-_�.__.___ _.._ --- ._.._�. __ . _ __ - . - _ . . _ _ - - -- - = . - � .• - _ _ ._ - >>.� o:'.:: r – -i O�• . . i_ .._ - _ _ _ ' _ r'i . �^ 4: � � � i.i�� .. i ..„ _i - �-J .. � I ., i .. I 'i - i ^'?`• i .: r'.r''.. j ; . .. � � + . ; Y ` _ ' ' -- - -� � � � I I � � � � � t � ' � � � 1 I I � � � � r , 1 - ts � _ LR_°. �� ' --- � -- '--.�. � �___ ' __.._ _T____._. �—� __ -T--- ------�–�"�r____--, `�'��� � � ; . �Z �. I , ._ � , ,�_��� J ii �__ I ( � ' ' __/3 _ I � '; � �-- ,,� � 4 I I i � h . 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WHITE - CITV CLERK � ('�,���:� � C NARY - DEP RCTMENT � CO�lI1C11 FY t � BLUE - MAVOR GIT SAINT PAITL File NO. � � ~ ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the matter of hazardous buildings being that two story dwelling in the City of Saint Paul known and described as 654 Fuller Avenue and situated on those premises legally described as Lot 9, Block 10, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. l, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 268988, approved May 6, 1977, a public hearing was scheduled for 10:00 A.M. on May 12, 1977, before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing pertaining to the condition of the structure located at 654 Fuller Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, upon facts presented at said hearing consisting of photo- graphs, inspection reports and the recommendation of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement it is found and determined by the City Council that according to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds, the last record owner of the above described property is Lottie L. Neal, 626 Concordia Ave. , St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104; and the Board of Water Commissioners, City of Saint Paul, is a lien holder against the property; and that it is further determined that the above described building constitutes a hazardous building within the definition of Minnesota Statutes Section 463.15 for the following reasons: a. The subject property has been boarded up by the owner since September l5, 1975. b. This building because of age, deterioration, lack of proper maintenance and vandalism is deemed beyond feasible rehabilitation and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against Bv Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY