269146 _ ����.�� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCI-L"FILE NO. F I N A L O R D E R �' ,, �;"��.� ,,�`�-_,,,,....�'"'�',-� By � . . � ; In the Matter of ��t#� �l�M�l�i�f � t� �01� I�LiO� �IIA1 dA a11 �lin[' tlrlk �s ZIN � i�la�r�l�wt .:.- �_...__. .�.,�.�.; �.. . ,. , . ,�� ��e�.yy,, � .� � � . '..� . YC y 4�R�5 .`��,�r .f .. : i°�-. t ' .. ' • � ' . _'� ' � �i - y4�CkV`'bti��'�;�.� � . �����'�.�...�M2.;.�W.�.. . . . . .!j� � . . ���� 8-10343 Ff11RBE8 A9Bs, both sidea frao Do�►�lu St. t� Gartiald St. 5-10364 WIL1CIZi ST.. rrast side fro� Gc�odricb Ave.(vac) to Forbes Avs. 5-10365 VAIiCI� ST.. •aat sid� frow lalace Ave. to south 45+ !t. ab�stti� 750 Palxce Ave. �-10366 PAi.ACB A1T8., scwth sid� frva Arbor St. to sast 125+ ft. i�acl�iag ZQ �t. allnr, abuttit� 408 Arbor St, 5-10367 SMI'T� AYE., both �id�a fraa C11lf St. ar bi�h 3ridge ta W. 7th St. 5-10368 OORMAN AV15., ae�tt sid� !`ror Stev�s Ave. to Geaxge Ave. . 8-10369 WI�1I�IAA ST.� aorth sid� �roo C'barltoa St. to C►hio St. 5-10370 WIIiOUA 3T., svaCb aide frc� Ohio St. to east 130+ ft. abt�tti�ag 814 Ohio St, 8-10371 8IDtiB1t ST.. �otxh slde fro� Waa�ca St. to (�►arlton St. i � � .. . _ ,. �_, ... * w... WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. MAY 31 �sn COUNCILMEN Adopted b ouncil: Date Yeas Nays Butlefl rtified Pa d ncil Secretary JUN 2; 1977 Hozza Hunt In Favor y Levine J Ro��d le[ Against Mayor �y�vester, -:t�desco �g77 PUBLISHED JUN 1 � � ' . v T r: R . . 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' • � �f �C{,i± � -. � � i � �'}� _F �` �jR�'Y �� ' ' ' . . „ � J�� � '1 � . . � . , .. � � J , .� � ,�., �� �� li' .1 �, � ' � �� . .� , ��1 . �.i. ,� y t'. `� �. Y '� t '4 � . _ � ��y . r � 's�j� �r x„��; ' , �. � � " ��3 R tv �. � i ih s�•.r 4 ��6�i . � p v' G,,�� 't � r ;x z .��.� , � . � ' o ! ��� , ` � � ' � � d j Ts s4�"�N� 'A �\ � ', 1 F.S.L MY�`� . ,r . t . � ���' e '�. ,z_��. ..lx,��... ., .., t' .r .... . ... _. � _ .. , . . ,e, . . ,..,.r . . .. e,..a ., _ .. .. �. �;... ...�...�.�. .. -<�G., i�us.Ra��r., wn�t. - � �tv'Clerk ` C I T Y O F S A I NT ��A U L �G�9��� ��,Z-� Pin ' Finance Dept. C ry— Dept: U1•'FI(iF. OF TFIF MAYOR � '' , •' � �l I J ' 1 � . No: �J _" - � ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER . � ��,��`P��� Date: �-� ��-'� ��_ � _ '` ! I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ' _ • � Th�t t�ie Di rector of the Lep�rtment of ?ubl ic Works is hereby �uthorized and di recied to pr�pare plans, obtain surveys, przpare estir,�ates and investigate the necessity . to reconstruct sidevlalk at th�: folla.ving locations and do all oti�er r�ork which is . necessary and inci�ent�l to complete said irr�prove�^Knt. • , � • Both side of Fa�:iCS AVE. fror� Douglas St. to Garfield St. � ' 41es L s i de of �1i Lf;i`r� ST. f rom Gaodri c{� t�ve. (vac.) to Fo�bes Ave. 7'..S'° East side of VA*!CE ST. from Palace Ave. to south �t5'+, a5utting �Patace Ave. South sfde of PALACE AV�. fcom Arbar St. to east 12�'+ ipctuding 20' alley, _ abutting �SOo �lrbor. ~ c�oth side of Sf�fiTri r{VE, frorn Cliff St. or Y,i�h aridge to k'. 7th SL. " rles t s 1 de of GJ EtMrlt� AVE. f rom S te vens �ve. to Geo�ge Ave. tlorth slde of WIi�OtdA ST, fram Chariion St. to Ohio St. South side of �I1c����A Si'. fron Ohio St. to East 134`±, abutttng $14 Ohio St. :�torth s I de of S i DilEY S7. f ror� !�'aseca S t. to Char1 ton S t. P.artk� side o� CLIZAf3ETfi ST. from Gorman Ave. to Hunboldt Ave. The Di rector of Fi nance and P1�nag�r.aent Servi ces js he�eby di rected to prepare a p�elirainary o�da�- and scheduie a public hearing. ca ortg. ccs pJD REG , . .. . , . . . . � � RLW WAH _ 6KS �F� RGP UEE , , . , .. . . APPROVED AS TO FORI�i �FS ��T ✓ � .� AJC I � � � .. . �, . . . TJF YHP � - � /I �' ' 7 E OEN l,K_ /, / ! , i� �' . , Assistant City Attorney p,S.C. k•H•k• i �I�1 j C ��OI'SCS ;�epartment Head � S 1 SICLJ�3�-�5 • � . � � . ' "�;"/� ;�/',,� f ���;��'.� Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor , , � � �69��8 :. _ . . ������ . CITY OF SAIN7 RAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WC)RKS � � DANIEL J. DUNEORD DIRECTOR . . � � . • . ♦Y.' . r . . � � . � . � .. � . �' � � . . � � . . � . r...�.-�-. � . .. . . . - " ALl RECONSTRUCTiON. , � , March 7, 1977 NO ASSESSMENT. ' � :1r. Roger Mattson . . �� �7i rector of Finance . and Management Se�vices k � €�oom 113 City Mal1 � ATTENT I ON: Pau 1 Des ch : � '' �ear Si r: � Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attaChed Administrative Order. � The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows: �� $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residentat `'���`' °,"" $6.81 pe ,r ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. S Comm. Co-�-�" ;8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comm. .,�,��� $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential � Commerical . Attachetl herewith are the following: • . . 1. Approved Administrative Order D_3415 3,2.7J � 2. Advisability � Desirability Report. 3• Copy of plans for each order. (Not applicabte) Yours very truly, Hartley Th as • V Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction HT/gh : 234 City Hatl, Sa:int Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �- „� �;. ,�� � _ _ _..._._.__._...__._.._.___._.. . __._ __. _ __._«.�.�._. _ _T_...__..,_...�_-_______..�--�---... --Y-- ---__ E--� , Dist. . _ �- ����',�� ���� B.S. Forbes Ave. - Douglas St. to Garfield St. � `� f O �j 6 �j This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, water pockets , missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegra�ed, cracked / concrete panels and settled panels. ;• ✓ The Engineering recomme*.ndation is for approvat of the order. (Constr.uct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR Dist. Na. 1 W.S. Wilkin St. - Goodrich (vacated) to Forbes Ave. : � 6 ,3 6 Y This orde r was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on th basis of inspection of the walk. The watk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, ,/ water pockets, holes in tile, offgrade, and asphalt patches. The Engineering recommendation is far approvai of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walkt CT HJ RR _ Dist. No. 1 �s� E.S. Vance St. - Palace Ave. to so. 45'+ abutting �fi Palace Ave. � 4 3 G � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as pubiic necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. This walk is poured concrete with tripping hazards, water pockets , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on piat) CT HJ � RR �": . i ; �:; .. „ _ . v�s�. No. l � 0 � 66 � ' S.S. Palace Ave. - Arbor St. to east 125'+ including 20' ailey, abutting 408 Arbor This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of inspectian of the walk. c�c��Q� �G U This walk is old ti le wi th broken ti le, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, / holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade and asphalt patches. n. d ,��ir����, The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) ;� CT HJ RR ; Dist._ Nn. 1 B.S. Smith Ave. - Ciiff St. or High Bridge to W. 7th St. � Q 3 � � This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of. inspection of the walk. � This walk is old tile°poured concrete with tree heaves, b roken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets , holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped paneis, walk is very dangerous. ✓ The engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk.) CT HJ RR Dist. No. I . W.S. Gorman Ave. - Stevens Ave. to George Ave. �� 3 6 8 . This order was initiated by the Oirector af Public Works as puhlic necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk. The walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, � missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. Remarks: By Garfield School (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR _ y .------ _. , . �� ' - Dist. No. i � ' N.S. Winona St. - Chariton St. to�Ohio St. � Q 3 6 9 ' � This order was initiated by the Director of Public l�orks as pubiic necessit on the . basis of inspection of the walk. 2�C���p, C�Y� This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints, tripping hazarda, � ' � water pockets, missing tile, high longitudinal joints, offgrade. ,�:�,�'�,�� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of thecrder. : CT HJ RR ._.:_ _... . . __ .__�,..�.�_. . . :_ '�.__ _ ._ ::... _ . .. _ .. ::,. �.a._._._..�..,.n._.._,�. .�__.�a��.�...�_��<: � ._ _�...... � : - . _ __ .._ ___ , _ _ __ __ :__�-=---- - _ Disx. fJo. 1 �• S.S. Winona St. - Ohio St. to East 130'+, abutting 814 Ohio St. � a 3 �� This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity an the basis of � inspection of the walk. This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tiie, high longitudinal joints, and offgrade. ✓ � The Engineering recommendation �,s for approval of the order. Remarks: Check alley for grade at construction. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR .. , . . Dist. No.� .�,�� � • � �-� ,��� � . , N.S. Sidney St. - Waseca St. to Chariton St. �O 3 � / This order was initiated by the Director af Public Works as public necessit on the basis of inspection of the walk. ���� 48 This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, � water pockets, holes in tile, high longitudinal joints and offgrade. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. :, (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) � CT HJ RR , Qist. No. 1 ��� N.S. Elizabeth St. - Gorman Ave. to Humbotdt Ave. �� ,3 � Z � , This order was initiated by the Director of Public 6lorks as public necessity on the basis cf i�spection of the walk. � This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade and asphalt patches. v The Engineering recommendation is for approvai of the order. Remarks: Humboldt H.S. acroos the street. (Reduce from a 6 ft. Lo a 5 ft. Walk) CT HJ RR . �� :,.�" �� � '�� - �: _� , :�': ��� t,� j � �L� 5 � -:�:Y`.'n"�.; - . . ... � •�� � ;, � � � _ 5p X 4.� r �t kF. : A P;�y