269144 WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1ecilNO. ��4� �/� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR �� +.`Z � � - ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has approved upon the recommendation of the Mayor the allocation of $2,500,000 in Corr�nunity Development Block Grant Year II and III funds to finance the acquisition, relocation, demolition and site improvement of Block 27 (Grant's Block); and WHEREAS, the City Council reaffirmed its desire to have the Renewal Division (HRA) of the Department of Planning and Economic Development proceed with the acquisition and clearance of Block 27 by its resolution dated September 30, 1976, Council File No. 267921 ; and WHEREAS, Oxford Properties U.S. Ltd. has outlined to the City a proposal to redevelop the northerly portion of Block A and all of Block 27; and WHEREAS, the total amount required to complete the acquisition and clearance of Block 27, as proposed by Oxford Properties Ltd. , is as follows: Acquisition $2,759,279 Relocation 65,000 Demolition 176,000 Site Costs, Contingency 200,000 TOTAL $3,200,279 and WHEREAS, the agreement between the City and the federal government under the Community Development Block Grant Program permits the City to reallocate land disposition proceeds; and COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary gY sy Approved by INayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - C�TV CLERK 1 p� � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 � BLUE - MAYOR Flle NO. ������� � � - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- WHEREAS, staff of the Renewal Division has estimated that land disposition proceeds will total $708,000 which is sufficient to cover the difference between the $2,500,000 already allocated and the $3,200,279 needed to complete the project; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the reco�nendation of the Mayor and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board of Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the utilization of all land disposition proceeds received from the sale of Block 27 (estimated to be $708,000) to cover the additional costs of acquisition, relocation, demolition, and site preparation that are over and above the $2,500,000 already allocated by the City Council to the Block 27 project, said additional amount being identified above; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mayor George Latimer is hereby authorized and directed to make the appropriate changes in the City's Community Development Block Grant Year III Budget that may be required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development as a result of this action. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Community Development Hozza In Favor Hunt � �� Levine _ Against SY ' Roedler Sylvester Tedesco MAY 31 1977 Form Approved b Cit Attorn Adopted ouncil• Date C ified Pa by Coun . , ret y BY L � Appro by Mavor: Date � �UN 2, js77 Appro d b Mayor for Submis ' uncil By — BY PUBt�SHE� JUN 1 1 1977 � . , � 6 � l ��3 : � I. ��' (�1 -i-�- c�1� S:�1 �•r 1'.�i� i, •f�eeimsiie O 1'l'l(�]': n 1' 7'I1 1: �I.�YO 12 ` !m\�6��8 �6 __ ����'' C�EOHGF. LATIMEA MAYOR May 27, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Members of the City Council Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear President Sylvester and Members: HUD has approved our Community Development Year III Application. However, the program approved by HUD differs from our original application in two ways. First, HUD did not approve two projects: the Edgecumbe Park Development ($185,000) proposed for part of the Park Nursery site and the Langford Park Building ($22,000) completion project. Secondly, HUD reduced the amount of money they are requiring the City to pay toward the outstanding NDP loan from $1 ,835 million to $1 ,118,496 million. The net result of these two actions has increased the amount of unprogrammed funds in the CD III budget by $923,604. We ali snould recognize the fine job done by staff of the Renewal Division to generate land sales during the past twelve months. Their efforts are directly responsible for the $700,000 "savings" we were able to negotiate with HUD officials. Over the past 18 months, the amount of the NDP Loan has been reduced from $5.6 million to approximately $1 .1 million. The two Nr�ojects not approved are the direct result of new interpretations of the Community Development Act being applied by HUD to all activities. In our opinion, HUD' s actions are arbitrary in that they are applying new criteria, or making "new rules right in the middle of the ball game." Staff from the Community Development Division has worked to obtain approval of many projects that were originally questioned by HUD. However, we were unable to persuade HUD to approve the Langford and Edgecumbe Park projects. It was the recommendation of the Community Development staff that we accept HUD's determination f.or the time being, because any further efforts would have "held up" the approval of our entire application. Now that approval for the program has been obtained, we intend to pursue the eligibility determinations further with HUD, Congress, and the Carter Administration. The preceding information is provided as background for my recommendation of approval of the attached contract between HUD and the City for the CD Year III Program. I will be transmitting my recommendations on the use of the additional unprogrammed funds under a separate cover so that you can approve �O w _2_ the HUD contract quickly and avoid any delay in initiating CD Year III on June 1 , 1977. This procedure will enable you to take the time necessary to thoroughly review my recommended reallocations. If you have any questions, or desire further explanation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, � 1 � ��41�� � � GEORG ATIMER Mayor GL/kk cc: Mr. Allan Block Mr. Richard Broeker Mr. John Connelly Mr. Gerald Isaacs Mr. William Patton Mr. Donald Spaid Early Notification System �MlMT Ow o�'� (��� ~�� DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT • � ;*UUI. *o AREA OFFICE rr 'IUIII ° 6400 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH �'o��A��+c MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 REGION V 300 South Wacicer Drlve Chlcago,Illinols 60606 2 0 MAY 197T �N REPLY REFER TO: 5.6:CM Honorable George Latimer Mayor of St. Paul 347 City Hall - St. Paul, Minnesota .�{�� Dear Mayor Latimer: Subject: Third Year Community Development Block Grant Application Application Number B-77 MC-27-0006 St. Paul, Minnesota I am pleased to inform you that this office has reviewed and approved the sub- 3ect application in the amount of $18,835,000. The program year will commence June 1, 1977. In arriving at this approval, we determined that all program activities requested by you were eligible for funding with the exception of the below activities: . Edgcumbe Park development Langford Park completion Our letter dated May 12, 1977 spelled out our position on the above activities. The requested funds ($207,000) associated with these activities have been ap- plied to line number 17, Contingencies and/or Unspecified Local Option Activi- ties of your approved Community Development Budget. Funds allocated for the following activities are exempt from enviro�ental review procedures and costs may be incurred from the date of this letter: Program operation and support services Citizen participation (Funding for recognized district organiza- tions, city staff and related expenses) Since you have already completed the envirorlmental assessment process for the below activities, enclosed you will find Form 7015.16, Notice of Removal of Grant Conditions. Costs incurred for these activities as of the date of this letter are eligible for reimbursement. Diseased tree removal Citywide tree plantings Rehab Loan Program (owner-occupied) 2. � Reha.b Grant Program (owner-occupied) Model Cities Demonstration Grant for single family housing Rehab loans (non-owner occupied) Removal of hazardous vacant buildings House recycling � Rehab loans (commercial structures) Hallie Q. Brown Senior Citizens Program - operating Model Cities Health Clinic Willows Senior Citizens Program - operating Marshall-Webster playground acquisition/housemoving Downtown skyways Acquisition in Year III ITA's ' Acquisition of Block 27 (Grant's Block) � Wilder-Thomas Dale Senior Citizens - operating Rodent Control ' City Housing Information Office � � ; Please note that rehabilitation assistance to owners of private property is eligible only in those census tracts where other physical activities shown on the Community ' Development Program are underway. The following activities are still conditioned pending certification that other fed- ; eral funds have been sought and are not available: � Wilder-Thomas Dale Senior Citizens - operating Rodent control City Housing Information Office • Summit University Crime Prevention Program To satisfy this condition, HUD Form 7015.14 (copies enclosed) must be completed and � submitted to this office. No costs or obligations may be incurred for these activities i until this condition has been satisfied. Costs and obligations incurred for these ' activities prior to the satisfaction of this condition will �ot be eligible for � reimbursement. Funds for the following activities are conditionally approved pending comple- tion of enviro�ental review and certification procedures: Stevens ITA - public improvements Lexington-Hamline Year III ITA public 3.mprovements Winter Street ITA - additional acquisition Urban Homestea.ding Handicapped housing services rehab project Summit-University Crime Prevention project North End multi-service center construction Mounds Park recreation building i.mprovements � 3. ���'9��� Wilder Thomas�Dale �enior Citizens - operating � ""`�' Rodent control City Housing Information Office Downtown accessability for the handicapped Merriam Park Community Center building addition '. South St. Anthony Park playground completion ; Orchard Playground acquisition and development Wilder Playground acquisition and development Baker Community and Recreation Center construction Irvine Park public improvements/Leech MC Boal ITA public improvements Hague and Laurel Street improvements Unspecified local option activities � No costs or obligations may be incurred for the above mentioned activities until ; the enviro�ental review and certification procedures are completed and the activities are released by this office. Costs and obligations for conditionally • : approved activities prior to such release will not be eligible for reimbursement. � If funds allocated to "contingencies and/or unspecified local options" are pro- grammed for new or diff erent activities, the environmental review and certifi- cation procedures must be completed and activities released from envirorimental conditions, prior to incurring any costs or obligations. If funds allocated to "contingencies and/or unspecified local options" are pro- ' grammed for activities already relea.sed from environmental conditions without altering the nature or scope of.the activities, no further environmental review is necessary. While our approval of your application includes an approval of your Housing Assistance Plan, you should be aware that no commitment of Section 8 funds is ' intended or implied. Proposals for assisted housing under Section 8 must, of course, be consistent with your approved HAP. During our review of your application, we noted that the administrative costs of implementing your Cammunitq Development Program appeared to be high, par- ticularly for those projects that are partially funded by other sources. We must advise you that the costs of administering activities undertaken with non-Community Development funds are not eligible for Block Grant assistance unless the costs incurred are directly related to Housing Assistance Plan goals, objectives or performa.nce standards or the Section 312 Rehabilitation Program. Your agency should ensure that your Community Development related administra- tive costs represents a fair and equitable share of your total administrative expenses incurred for all your programs and adhere closely to Federal Manage- ment Circular 74-4. With the above comments in mind, administrative costs charged.to your Community Development Program will be sub3ect to close scrutiny by this office in our future monitoring visits to your agency. r 4. � In your Housing Assistance Plan, you state that subsidy will be limited to 20% of the total units in any pro�ect. If you do, at a future date, plan on raising this percentage, it will be necessary that you first contact this office before pursuing such a course of action since an increase in assisted units could have an adverse impact on already approved/constructed assisted pro�ects. � � Since your application indicated that $1,118,496 will be used for the payment of deficits in the land proceeds of your NDP, this amount has not been included , in the City's Letter of Credit. HUD will make a payment on your behalf in the amount of $1,118,496 to reduce the outstanding loan on your NDP. A "revised � budget and program are enclosed reflecting these changes. ' In order to protect the federal financial interest in St. Paul's NDP, it will � be necessary that the balance of the NDP Loan remaining at the time of your ; fourth year application submission be reflected in your application (Line F-2 of your Community Development Budget). As you know, your Community Development Program has contained former Model Cities � activities. Since you have now reached five years of funding for your Model Cities Program as calculated pursuant to 570.103(c) (2)(iii) of the Block Grant regulations, such activities will no longer be eligible for funding by virtue ; of being previous Model Cities activities. Each activity will be sub3ect to the eligibility criteria spelled out in 570.200 of the regulations. We have enclosed an original and two copies of the documents necessary for the acceptance and execution of the contract. Please execute and return the original and• one copy to our office. Upon receipt of the contract, your Letter of Credit will be increased to a total of $54,964,504. i ' My staff and I look forward to the continued successful implementation of your � Community Development Block Grant Program. � Sincerely, �Q.�LIL�.�.t, �^W�,,.� Thomas T. Feeney Area Director Enclosures , . , . , . � E U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBA�1 DE'M'E[.OPMENT � • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT aROGRAM '�:..?���,�'' FUNDING At'PROVAL UNDER tITLE I OF T�IE I�JOUSING AND COMM,UNITY � "" DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 (Publlc L�tiw 93-383) 1. NAME OF APPLICANT 2. APPLICATION/ORANT NO. City of St. Paul 8-77-M�27—��7 !. APPLICANT'S ADDRE59(Incldds Stteet, Clty, County, Stals and Z/p Cods) 1. OATE OF AP�LICATION 15 West Kellogg Blvd. 1-24-77 St. Paul� MinnesOta 55102 s. OATH OF NUD R�CEI t OP APPLIGAT ON Ramsey County - . 3-14-77 6: . [� Original Funding Approval p Amendment.Amendment No. A) section references below are to the Housin and Communi Develo m n Ac f 1974 unless otherwise indicated. 7. GATEGORY OF GOMMUNITY �EVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR 7HIS RUNDING ACTfON (Chsck onJf one) . . . . ; . ' a.LXj Metropolitan Entitlement(Sec.106) �� � � , b.p Metropolitart Uiscretionary(Sec. 106) � . � � �1� Minneapolis—St. Paul � . ,SMSA,State of Minnesota , (SMSA NameJ _. . c.p Non�Jlettopolitan Entitlement(Sec.106) � d.p Non-Metropotitan Discretionary(Sec. 106) - e.p Secretary's Uiscretionary(Sec.10� ,, , , ,� , f.p Urgent Needs Fund(Sec. 103(b)) 8. AMOUNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS APPROVED a..Amount of CDBG Funds Currently Reserved for this Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s lg,g35,�� b. Amount of COBG Funds Now Being Approved for this App(ieant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . i lg�g35��� c. Amount ofi Reservation to be Cancelled(Line Sa minus 6b�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z HUD ACCOUNTING USE ONL�Y BATCH TAG Y A REG ARE DOCUMENTN FiROJEGT NUMBER — 5 1 5 3 1 7 6 7 0 8 2 � • a �z . ta 14 10 �t! . 29 ao as CATEGOFi AMOUNTI EFFECTNEDATE F AMOUNT2 SCHEDULENO. ae xt �6 60 6� 60 01 E6 70 74 79 9. D�STRIBUTION OF APPROVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT a. G�ant Amount Budgeted by Locatity for Repayrment of Urban Renewal Loans . .. . . . . • • • • • •• • • • • • S 1•�-g�496 b. Grant Amount Reserved for Guarantee of Loans for Acquisition of Propetty(Sec.ld8(b))'. . . . . . . . . _ . S c. Grant Amount Deducted by HUD to Settle Outstanding Urban Renewal Loans (Sec. 112(a)(1)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s d. Sum of lines 9a,9b,and 9c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 1 118 6 e. Amount of Approved CDBG Available for Disbu�sement(Line 8b minus 9d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . S 17,71 ,5�4 1 HUD-7082(3-76) •� � � • 1 , 7 INSTRUCT ION S BLOCK N0. 1. Enter the Applicant's name as shown in Item 4 of Form HUD-7015, Application for Federal Assistance. 2. Enter the number shown in Item 2 of Form HbD-y'015. 3. Enter the Applicant's complete address as `shown in Item 4 of Form HUD-7015. 4. Enter ,the date of application or emendatory' shown in Item 15 of Form � HUD-7015. . _ . . ! 5. �nter the month� day end year thaC the applicfltion or. eneendatory wes . received, provided that it was judged to be camplete, and the 75 day period. was' started in aceordartce with 24 C�R 5�0.306. If the gpplicatioh wgs incomplete, enCer the date that the additiorls which made it complete were received. Complete only when 7a or 7c is checked. 6. Check the appropriate box. Check "Origina� Ft�nding Approval" for the. first funding approv�l form executed under the grant number shown in B1ock No. 2. Check "Amendment" for subsequent funding approval forms executed under the same grant number. Number ameedmentg under tYle same grent number consecu- . tively, starting with "1." ' � 7, Check the appropriate. box. If box 7b is checked, comp�ete line 7b(1). 8., The amounts entefed itt�-this block shall perta�n only to funds approprfated for CD Blork Grants. �'hey shall not include amounts pertaining to surplus urban. renewal funds, which ere handled separately in B1oCk No. 10. a. Enter the amount of CDBG funds currently 'reserved for this Applicant ' under the grant number shawn in �lock Na. 2. If amendment, enter the , amount of CDBG funds which have been reserved since tfie completion o� the � previous'�Funding, Approval form, ' " - ' b. Enter the amount of CDBG funds now beit�g approved for this Appl,ic'ant, � If emendment� enter only the increase (+) or decrease (-) in.the �mount of CDBG fund8 approved for use by this Applicant under the grant number shown in Bldek No. 2. c, •'Subtract the emount on line $b from the amount on line 8a and enter the difference on this line. 9. The amounts entered in this block shall pertain only to the distribution of the grant amount approved on line 8b. a. Enter the amount voluntarily .budgeted by the locality for repaymeat of urban renewal loans. (Obtain this figure from supporting schedule for line 11 of Form HUD-7015.5, Community Development Budget. ) Attach schedule indicsting the following for ea�h lpan: Project Number: AmounC of CDBG funds budgeted for loan reyayanent: 8 b. Enter the amount showr� on line 4 of Item F of approved Form HUD-7015.6, Application for Community Development Loan GuArantee`; if' applicabTe. c. Enter the amount deducted by HUD pursuant to 24 CFR 57U.802 to be used for repayment of urban renewal loans. Attach schedule, indicating the following for each loan: Project Number : Amount of CDBG funds to be applied to loa� r�payment: $ d. Add the amounts on lines 9a, 9b, and 9c and enter the sum on this line. e. Subtract the amount on line 9d from the emnunt on line 8b and enter the difference on this line. This is the amount of CDBG funds made available by this Funding Approval form for disbursement through the grant payment system (e.g. , letter of credit). HUD-7082(376) 10. AMOUNT OF SURPLUS URBAN RENEWAL FUNDS APPROVED AND BALANCE I�VAIIABLE (S•c. 1l?(b)) � a. Amount of Surplus U.R. Funds Reserved fa this Applicant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ b. Amount of Surplus U.R. Funds Now Being Approved , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � � � � � � � � � s c. Balance of Su►plus U.R. Funds Available fa Future Use(Line l0a minus lOb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t , HUD ACCOUNtING Ub� ONLY 9ATCH TAC � Y A RE .V�A pq, P.FiOJECT NUMBER — S 153 176 7082 t • 9 • u ta t� te ts xa 80 ae GTEAORY AMOUNT 1 F$7N/E p� F AMOUNT 2 SCHEDULE NO. b� ,� 40 60 64 e0 61 O8 70 74 7D 1 L RECIPlENTS OF APPROVED GRANt AMOUNTS IDENTIFICATI�N,OF RECIPIEN75 ApP�OV�O'CONIMUNITY AppROVED SURPLUS DEVELOPMENT URBAN R�NEWAL FUNDS BLOCK GRAN7 c,� �zs (al a. Applicant Identified in BIocKNn. l = 18,835,000 � � S - b. Name and Address of Recipient Other Than Applicant (IncJuds Strsst, Clty, Covity,St�te and ZIp Cods) Z s �• : � ro�l s ig,g35,�o t . 12. AMOUNT OF LOAN GUARANTEE NOW BEING APPROVED(Sea 108(6)) � 13. RECIPIENT OF LOAN GUARANTEE (Chsck only one) a. p Applicant Identified in Block No. 1 b. p Recipient Other Than Applicant(Ns�e and Add.ess� 2 Hua�oes��-�a) . _ . ' . . .r - _� 10. Complete only if surplus grant funds remained after the financial settlement of urban renew�l and/or NDP project(s), and those funds have been reassigned to this �,pplicant, Reference: 24 CFR 570.80�. , a. Enter the amount of surplus U.R. funds reserved for this :Applicant. Verify this amount .with the Regional Accounting Division. On the first Funding � Approval form in which this bloc k 3's completed; enter the total amount of surplus U.R, funda reserved for this Applicant vie Form HUD-718. On . subsequent Funding Approval fbrms, whether origi�al br. ataendm�nt, enter the balance of surplus U.R. �ft�nds ewailable for future use, as shown on' line lOc of the previous Funding Approval form, plus any additional amount o£ surplus U.k. funds reserved for this Applicent via Form(s) HUb-718.' b. EnCer, the emount of sutplus U;Ft+ fund� new being approved tor use by this lypplicant. This amount will be disbursed through the grant paymeat syetem being used for CDBG funds (e.g. , letter bf �redit). If a letter of credit is being used t� disburse CDBG funds, the same letter of credit w�ll be used to. disburscs surplus U.R. funds. c. Subtraet the meount on lin$ lOb f rom t�te amount on_line l0a and �nter t�ie � di�ference on this_ line. � 11. e. Column (2). �nter the amount of CDBG funds now being approved for '�use by the Applicant identified in Block No. 1 Columt� (3). Ent�er the amount of eurplus U.R. funds now being 8pproved #or use by the AppTicant identi�ied in Block No., 1. b. Complete only when Chere is e legal incapa�ity on the part of the Applicant identified in B1ock No. 1, cor►curred in by HUD, to contract for�all of the approved grant assistance. Referenc�: 2k CFR. 570.500. � Column (ly. � Enter the name �and complete address (Street, City, County, State. and Zip Code) of the recipient, other than the Applicant� of approved�grant funda. . Any grant, recipient fdenti.fied .in tttis block must execute the grant egreement, authorized,by . • thie �'unding�App�ovel,' as a �party t�ereto. : � � " • Column (2j. Enter the amount of CDBG fund� now being approved for�use.by � � the reCipient other than the Applicant. Column (3). Enter. the amount of surplus U.R. funds now being approved for use by the recip�ent other than the Applicant. c. Complete only .when line llb i� completed. Column (2). Enter *_he sum of lines lla(2) ,and llb(2). The totaZ must equal, the emount shown on line 8b,. � Column (3). Enter the sum of lines lle(3) and llb(3). �he total must equal the amount shown on line lOb. 12. Enter the amount .shown on line 6 of Item F of apprpved HUD-7015.6, Appl,icatiou for Community Development Loan Guarantee, if applicable. 13. Check the appropriate box. Check 13b only -when there is a legal incapacity on the part of the Applicant identified in Block No. 1, concurred in by HUD, to contract for the approved ,loan guarante� assistance. Reference: 24 CFR 570.7D0, 8nter the name and complete address (Street, City, County, � State and Zip Code) of the loan guarantee recipi�nt. Any loan guarantee recipient identified in this block must execute th� grant agreement, authorized by this Funding Approval, as a party thereto. 14-20. Complete applicable sections. Acceptance Provisions. Transmit to the recipient either the Acceptance Provisions (for a single rec�pient) opr tt�e Aiternate Acceptance Provisions (for multiple recipients), ae applicable. HUD•708Z(3-76) '�'.• - ' , , , �"'� 3 14. Waiver of Certaih Application RequiremenCs for Section 106 Grants � T'he application requirements of Sec. 104(a)(i), (2) and (3) are 1 waived pursuant tb 5ec. 104(b)(3), except as indicated below: 15. Determination Regarding Particularly Urgent Needs to be Met by Proposed , Activities ❑ �iIJD hae determined that the actiVit�es des�ribed in the application 1 as supporting community development �eeds having a particul8r urgeney, as specifically describpd in the application, are designed to meet such needs: - 16. Environmental Review Actions (a) � � Tlie Applicant lacks legal ca��acity to essume environmental 1 ie8poc�sibilities- under Sec, 104(h). HUD has prepared' and cit'eulated & fin81 Environmentt►1 Ympact Stetement on the 8pplication. {b) � TGe Appli�ant has l�gal capgcity to assume environmentel � 2 responsibilities under Sec. 104(h) and has submitted requests for release of funds and certifications approved by HUD under . Sec. 104(h)(2) for all projects except those listed under Item 17(a) hereof and the following exempt activities; � Administration� (Program Operation and S�a.pport Services, � C'itizen Participation) 17. Conditional Approvals on Use of Funds The obltgation or utlli�aCion of funds, for the activities,ghown below, except for the reasoneble administratiye costs related to the planning and execution of the projects listed in �ubsection. (a), is prohibited without the further express written aulthorization of HUD. (e) Projects requiring HUD environmentai approval under Sec. 104(h)(2)t , See Attachment HUD-7082(3�76) , ?� 4 (b) Set. 105(g)($) pubiic serviCes .detet�mfned n�ces�ery or �ppropr38te for which other Federal assistance may be available: Summit University Crime Prevention Program Wilder/Thomas-Dale Senior Citizens (Program Operating Funds) Rodent Control . City Housing Information Office (c) Sec. I05(a)(2) flood or drainage facilit�es for which other Federal assistance may be available: (d) Any activities within the preceding cete�ories which will be utider- taken as a result of program amendments, or as unspecified local _ option activities. (e) Activities affected by failure to comply with applicable HUA regulations or law: (The specific regulation or law with respect to each ectivity listed, and the co�rective actions reqnired to remove the conditional approval, are �.ited as Specisl Conditions in Item 20. ) • � I �I I � PROJECTS - Diseased Tree Removal -��,����� City-Wide Tree Plantings-Boulevards and Parks • .:,; Rehab Loan Program-Owner Occupied Rehab Grant Program-Owner Occupied Stevens ITA Public Improvements , Lexington-Hamline Year II ITA Public Improvements Winter St. ITA Additional Acquisition , Urban Homesteading Skyway Extensions for powntorv� Handicapped Housing Services Rehab Project Demo Grant Program Suaanit University Crime Prevention Project North End Multi Service Center Construction Acquisition of Substandard Structures in Five CD-Year III ITAs Rehab of Non-Owner Occupied Residential Structures-Loan Program Removal of Hazardous and Vacant Buildings Commercial Rehab ; Block 27 Site Assembly Mounds Park Recreation Building Improvements Hallie Q. Brown Senior Citizens-Operating ' Model Cities Health Clinic-Operating Wilder/Thomas-Dale Senior Citizens-Operating Willows Senior Citizens Program-Operating , Rodent Control , City Housing Information Office � Downtown Accessability for the Handicapped , Merriam Park Community Center Building-Addition South St. Anthony Park Playground Completion Orchard Playground Acquisition and Development � Wilder Playground Acquisition and Development ' Baker Community and Recreation Center Construction Irvine Park Public Improvements/Leech McBoal ITA Public Improvements Marshall-Webster Acquisition and House Moving Hague and Laurel Street Improvements Unspecified Local Option 5 18. Ineligible Activities Reducing Sectidn lU6 �rant Entitlement ❑ Application for funding of the following proposed activities, 1 determined by HUD to be ineligible und�r Title I of the Act, is disapproved and the Applicant's Sec. 106 grant entitlement has be�n reduced in the amount shown below: Proposed Activ�ty Amount Tbt al,: 19. Grant ot Loan Guarantee Recipient Other than Applicant � The grant and/or loan guaran'tee approved for any recipient other 1 than the Applicant, as shown in Ite�us ll.b. and/or 13.b. , is for the following projects or activitiess Name of.Recipient Project or Activity Amount 20. Special Conditions and Modifications of GranC Agreement ❑ Check if_ continued on extra sheet �nd attach. The funding approval indicated above for uti�ization of the assistance prov,ided thereunder in accordance with the approved application, subject to the require- ments of Title I af the Housing and Communixy Development Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-383) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development' s rules and regulatione, and the execution of a Grant Agi�eem�nt in accordance therewith, is hereby authorized for the program year beginning on June 1, 1977 Date: 2 O MAY 191T Secr t�t of Housing d Urban Development ay: , ' � (Signature) Area Director (Title) Date Applicant notified that funding has been authorized: 2 6 �RAY 197j HUD-7082(376) . . _ � ,.'�,• � ti . .. . . .'.l � . � � . . ��t�� , . . 6 ..,'��;° � �►cc�raac� PROUisioNS � � The Grant A�reement, authori�ed by the bepartm�nt of Houaing and Urbar� DevelopinenC on under the Funding Approval for -i application/grant no. , is hereby BcCppCecl .', by the Applicant as Grantee under the Agreement and the; Grantee agrees to , comply with the terms and conditibna of the Agreement, applicable law, regulations and aLl requirements of HUD, now ar hereafter in effect, pertain- ` ing to the assistance provided. (Name of Applicant/Grantee) . sy: tSigneture of Atsthorized Official) � , , Title: . Aate: . . . HUD-7082(3-761