269137 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 �.����� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• _ uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recom�endation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charterof the City of Saint Paul, the amount of $5,000 appropriated in the 1977 Budget is certified for transfer as follows: From; General Government Accounts Miscellaneous Contingent Reserve General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $�� To: Operation and Maintenance Mayor's Administration 00100-219-000 Fees - Other $� To provide funding for the Project Coordinator of the Committee on Youth Affairs. Approved: Approved: ��1�-77 ' � Director � B get Director Finance and Management Services COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __�__ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesc MAY 2�6 19� Form Appro ed by City torn Adopte y Council: Date , C ified Pa: by C .� Secretary BY g�. Appr ve by Mayor: Date 7 Appr d by Mayor for Subm� ion C�auncil � By BY �PUBLISHED ,JUN 4 1g7� �� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL , . � OFFICE OF THE.GITY COU'NCIL ���.��� ..s��':�. � 17�>x::Oii?+'� . -e r,e,��n�•'; Date ; May 23, 1977 COMMITTEE REP� ORT TO : Soint Pout City Counci[ FROM � C011'it�1l'��@@ 0n FIrdANCE, `MANA�ET1EfdT A1VD PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , c�oirman, makes the foltawing . report on C.F. � Ordinance � Resolution �] Other � T �T�'E � Resai ution transferring �p�;000 'fwom Gen�ral� Government Accoants to Operati'an��rrd�-Mai�►rte-�am�ce�,; �Mayor,s Ndministration to provide funding for the Project " Coordinator of the Committee on Youth Affairs. The Committee today recommended approval of the above resolution. � CTTY HAI.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �a J CG I�r�� o F S A I N T 1'.�t-1, $:�gsee�� ���� ��-�s •�s��aar,.eew O F 1''1(i 7: O I' T fI 7: �I_11'O I� �,r'l:1..' a .' � s�n��o�: GEORGE LATIMER MAY°R May 18, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council Members: Attached is a resolution which would transfer $5, 000 from the contingent reserve general account to the Mayor' s administration C account. The purpose of this transfer is to provide half of the yearly budget for a Committee on Youth Affairs. By agreement, a matching $5, 000 is to be provided through the Greater Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce. Most members of the Council know of the work of the Committee on Youth Affairs. I personally consider it to be a valuable forum for the raising of issues by young people, and for working on youth problems in our city. I consider it a wise expenditure of funds, and I seek your concurrence. Mark Vaught of my staff will be happy to provide any background you desire on this budget transfer. Sincerely, GEO E LATIMER Mayor GL/lm attachment cc: Dave Youngdale Chamber of Commerce �O