269135 N�HITE - C�TV CLERK •Fl:;��.� P�NK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council r��iJ�. �° CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. BLUE - MAVOR ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of the foilowing named persons to the Mayor' s Advisory Committee on the Handicapped, each to serve for two-year terms: Jaime Beck�r Antoinette Lippert 838 Lineoln Avenue 16g North Cretin Ave. Susan K. Benjamin Juliette Silvers Moore 2100 Bloomington Avenue South 1276 Wilson Ave. Minneapolis Mary 0'Hara Gregory K. Bohrer 825 Seal Street 1475 Lone Oak Road Eagan Mary Ellen Radman 640 West Orange Judith L. Oakes 1821 Franklin Ave. S.E. Vern A. Schultz Minneapolis 360 Colbourne St. Elizabeth aantwell Jesse A. Taliaferro 2034 Selby Avenue 876 Selby Avenue Richard L. Ducharme Charles Van Heuveln 2849 Centerville Road 63 Douglas Street Timothy J. Hannasch Wayne Wittman 577 So. Warwick St. 1498 Fremont Neil Jensen Rosemary Young 2014 Cohansey Boulevard '739 North Victoria Roseville W. 0. Klaenhammer COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butier ' Hozza � In Favor Hunt d Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by uncil: Date MAY 2�6 �9� Form pr d by City Al�orney � Certif' Passe b ounci Secretary . A rov by 1Vlayor. Date Y 31 'I9T� Appr d by Mayor for Submi i t ouncil By BY PUBLISHED ,JUN 4 1977 February 34, 1977 ���� •,3� �`�iss Jaima Becker 833 Lincoln St Paul Minn 55105 22z 67a3 Candidate for reapp�i,ntment to St. PauJ., r,ayor's Advisory Co:ranittee for Handicapped Persons Disability : celebral pa�Isy Original charter member of committee Chair of Residentia�, Eare Facilities sub-co�ittee of i�tayor�s Advisory Co:r,�ittee Past Associate Chair, 4th District DFL, 1975-76 Repres�nted handicapped persons on affirm�tive Action CorL�lission of state DrL� lgjs_7( Board member� i�ational Young Democrats Affirmative Action Com.�ni.ssion ::err.be�, DFL Feminists Caucus, three years - ��.e�bar, i�ational Organiz�tion for �rlomen (:�0��7) , two and a half years Held various DrL p�rty offices for past ten years. Resume 2100 Bloomington Ave. So. Susan K. Benjamin Mpls., MN 55404 (612} 646-2591, Office (612) 871-7950, Home EXPERIENCE ��- `�p�� 5/76- present Support Services Director, Saint Paul Goodwii{ industries Pian, coordinate, and direct all activities in agency support functions: public retations, fund raising,and central office. Creaie agency communications of all types. Budget,hire,fire, prioritize and evaluate work. Serve on top management decision-making and program planning body. Responsible ta chief executive officer. 6/73- 5/76 Director of Resources, Saint Paul Goodwill Industries Pubtic Relations: Created public service announcements, photographed events and individuals, created and edited newsletter,arranged special events,researched agency image,gave speeches __ . _ . . _ and tours. Fund Raising: Researched artd authored grant proposats, designed annual reporu, wrote direct-mail appeal. 12/72-6/73 Assistant Director of Resources, Saint Paul Goodwill Industries Began new publications for contributors, tour groups, and employees. Solicited materiat donations from local busirtesses. 12/71 - 11/72 Assistant,Advertising/Publie Relation's Department, H.B_ Fuller Co., St. Paul Authored articles for employee news magazine, wrote advertising copy for cold shot direct- mail campaign. EDUCATION Currently Enrolled in Master of Arts program, Sehool of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota. 12/71 Bachelor of Arts with honor, Communications Arts, Michigan State University COMMUNITY • Member, Public Relatio�s Society ot America Member, Women in Communication, Inc. State Central Committee, D- F- L Party Chairperson, Saint Paul Mayor's Advisory Committee on Handicapped People . _ REFERENCES John R. Metz Professor Willard Thompson Mayor George Latimer Executive Director Department of Journalism & Mayor's Office St. Paul Goodwill Industries Mass Communication City Hatl and Court House 2543 Como Ave_ & Hwy. 280 University of Minnesota 15 Wesc Kellogg St. Paut, MN 55108 Mpls., MN 55405 St. Paul, MN 55102 (612) 646-2591 (6121 373-3160 Journalism (612) 298-4323 (612) 373-2925 Summer Session r, ' . �31D'i� �c��,l1 -�� �,. �,.. i� ��. � � � � �' � �`� � F, _ � �, '"� �,,... � � � � '� . � :�y' , - . 216 So. Wabasha Street • St. Paui, Minnesota (55107) • Phone (612} 22q-7662 o�F���s February 16, I977 M�rvin Adams � President Yliliiam fermenich Dear S lr� Vice Presider,t Peter Morarto I am presently employed and still am by The St. Secretary Paul Society For The Blind in St. Paul, as Directar 3ohn Wisniewski T�eas,,,er of Rehabilitation Services. I co�n�nced work here BOARO OF OIRECTORS in Noveznber of 1974 and have been a member of The Marvin Adams St. Paul Area Council On Employment Of The Handi— Dl:rs. James Brown Mrs.Janice Coleman CaT�1�ed siDCe Jac�uary Of 1975. Ti11S informatzon 1S �Ars. Benjamin �urand t'C Warren Efert William Fermenicb nOt contained in my resume c'1S 1� ].S CIOt Llp �p date. Mrs.Jerome Franke Earl kobtrs Charias Johnson Curtiss Johnson Edward Johnson 7erry Katzung Mrs. piane Lemke - Peter Moreno Eugena Richards Mrs.James Richards Donaid Sel'eck � c� � Mrs.John Sweeney JS�e 1y,� K/� Staniay Thiele � ' Jahn Wisniewsi:i j , �, � ' C. Stanley Potter Gregorq . Bohrer Advisar Steven A. Fischer Executive Director AOV�SORY BOARO Robert Adam P.4iss Ruih 6owman Wood Foster Stanley Goodman . �drs. Earl Hcover � - Mrs. James Y,eiley Ro�,art McMertemy Samuel Morgan Bert puinn • A Uniied Woy Agenry • I` . . . . -r•,`h"^"„��"�r-` . ' .. � . . .+r.�;_�� _ ,:� � • Synops.i� of ���a - . _ --. - .� . : �,... Greg�s�► �C. Bahres� H� T�1�Fh�na �52-59�X �. . . � � . � . JO� O�.TECTIVE � � A Jgb ir► �hich I h.zvs tha op�rtuz�.ty to za�e$t and work with a11 tgpaa af : P�P3-� and �ill pr���en� a chm.11�nga to � �� as t� h�a-� u�ilizs r�y s�cills, � F�PIlJ� . Sept, 71 t9 paraa�� Self ernpl�yasi, Bohrsr �' 1�'T, Sar�ico Inc, � � J3nit�ri.�al Contracto�. Pra�id�n�. Gro��iz� $77,�s4� yY'. Ju]� 7t to Au,g,71 . ALinnea�ta Vil�.ngs. Tria}. perioc3 as a pla�ar. . � Ju� b7 t� �ug.71 Minn�pali� Aeh.�}�ilit.��ion Centar Ira�. pipl�., }Li�nr+.s��,a i YACational Ccn�ns�l��' Sss�i�l �J�r?s�r� Izdu�trial Gs�- �z�r�in.at;,r, -� � Sept,65 t� Ju7� 67 St. Cloud Childr�ns Hs�xe. St. Cl�ul� �nn���ta . � � - Cottag�s aup�rvjl..��r. � Dac, 63 ts S�p�, b[y St. Paul Foundry and Manu�ac�uring C�,� St, Paul� �. - . Laborar, ovarhaad cr►na operat�r. July 63 t,� D�c, 63 St. Paul �uranc�a Ca�r�a.��►. S�. F�ul, �• - S�vs� r��x ar�d �s�►�n�ar. _ . - : � � : � : � EDUC�lTI0A1 ' 1955 t� 1959 ' Cretin High 5che»l St, P�ul, ?�iin��rs�t�: Ac.�d�ua,ia 1979 ta 19b0 S�. d�hns� Univ�xai�y� C�11sga�ill�D ALinne�,�.�a � _ i960 t� 19b3 xtl3.tary: drrs� S�curity �genc�: �ativ� Dut3 19bJ+ t� 1S�7 St. Jot�=a Uni�arsi.�y� C�ll�,�s�..11�s ���ta, G�du.at�d, , Saci,�1. Sci�nc�a. (P��c�l��� Gor�s) , 7� t� i9S9 U�.�rerait� ot �iiz�ra���t�: Gradus►ta S�1�a�1: 9 Cradits, F'�.�50�. - - � � � B�rn: S�ptember 29, 19k1, S-�. Paul� ��s�ta I � i AP�"�t'3riC�: ����1�+ 5� �3� ��5 ��e �'; • F . � r �, � .. . . � . � . . ���T+ �CaYi'�.•� �iarried: � 19£�: h'i�a a ragl.aterad zn��a, � Da�u�h�er� 7 gra,� k yra., Ona Ssn 3 �r�.. . Fin,anca�: G��d ord�r. - Militax�: . Campl�ted b ye� H�r�r�bly in 19b5. 3 �a�.�� a�ti�,3 y�ar�+ ra$a�,, . _ Habbies: Sporta� Co,�►ching' 2�uais� �a►riin,g, . � . �" . , � A rsore detailed explaination eP w�ork hf.ataryr �+i�1.1. ba provid�ad 3.P y�u d�esiro. BoLh personal �nd credit r�,ferencas a� �� ��31.aisls, . , . � . . , .,� . . � j ,� � � . _ - - . G;a^���,�r �� k�o���r - - � 1�7'3 � €�+3c Rs�� , . . _ �. ���a� �3321. � � � T��a��, 43�-39�1 � ; ; , ; i - - � . � . � 1 Requ.n�: Elizaaeth Cantwell �` �/'`� 2034 Se1by Ave. " .. St. Paul, Minn. 551.04 ' 612-646-0205 �erience Intern, St_ Paul Goodwill Industzies, 197b: studying sheltered wozkshop Iaws, operation, and coordination with goveznrnent bodies, Developed recreatian proposal; evaluated c�ient and e.;lployee records to note statistical comparisons. Activity Director, Parkway Manor h'ursiny Ho�e, 1975: plan, direct, and coordinate activity program mzeting geriatic resides�t needs. Coordinator of Volunteer Services, Gillette ChiZdren's Hospztal, 1971-1964: Plan, direct and coordinate recreation programs for hospitalized patiesits, ages I day to 21 years. Established vo2unteer goals and standards; recruited, placed and trained ali volunteers. Znaugurated out-patient recreation; purchased supplies and maintained recreationai inventvey; compiled. Compiled statistical reports; mai.ntained donor correspondence. Fducation � � BA., Rehabi2itatzon, Counseling and Therapautic Recreation, � Metropolitan State University, 1976: credits in counseling; fami2iar with Gestalt therapy, bahavior modification, Transactional Analysis, bcistentiatism, and Adlerian. Caurses in group dyna�mics, creative problem solving, women's r_oles in today's_society. Credits in communication through TV appearances, speeches to local , groups, and tours of rehabilitatxon facilities. Organization manage�ent credits for handicapped ski pragram. A.A., Therapeutic Recreation, University of Minnesota, 1971: , Craits, dramatics, adaptive sports, music, and social actx.vities. Volunteer coo�dznating �education: Co�nity t-fanagement of Volunteer Fducation, University of Mznrs� 1974-75; � Administration of Volunteers, Ameri.can Hospital Association, 1973; . The Court-Assigned VoZunteer, Hennepin County WeZfare DeparYsaent Probatian �ffice, 1972. � Spinal cord injury workshvp, Sis�er Kenny institute, 1971. General Knowle8ge of Crafts, inc2uding woocl working, metal ►aork, �aeaving, � ceramics, paintinq, liquid plastic, sewing, knitting, and stained glass, Learning to play recorder; can play gizitar. , . __ . . _ .._ _.. _.._. . _._. _..:,. _� _.,,._ _ __ _ �.: .� . '� 'r a '- ^2� . Co��nity bcperience Minriesota Handicappzd Skier, 1969-197- Coordinated special instruction and eqvi�xnent for handi.capped persons, fund raising, printing a brochure. Speaking to organizations for th� purpose of informing the public of the existing program, Architecturai Barriers; 1972. Printing a gnide book for the purpose of listing facilities readily accessable to the physically handicapped persons, JLinior Achievesnent, 1962-1969. Advisor at Gillette Hospita2, working with high school children. Teaching them the methods of the business world. We started a small company, sold stock, manufactured a product and marketed it. Honors and Achievements: Advisor of the Year, Juriior Achieve�rent; 1968. Leland C. Douglas . St. Paul Area Council for Exnpl.oyrnent of Handicapped. Outstanding achievement in working with the handicapped; 1974 . � References: . _ Ms. Helen Rupp 2088 Fry St., St. Pau2, Minnesota 55105 Insurance Bro;cer_and Salesman Mrs. L. Rogers Schroeder 217?. Carroll Ave., St. Paul, Minnesata 55104 . Fozr�er volunteer Coordinator (retired) Mrs. Ruth Rosengren 2181 Burs St. , St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 E�cec:utive Secretary - Departn�nt of Agriculture � � ��" .�.P:� . February 22, 1977 RESUP4E Richard L. Ducharme 2849 Centerville Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55Z17 Occupation: � Don Brings Co. , Partner � Handicap: Paraplegic Aae: 33 Married CURRENT CIVIC INVOLVEMENTSc l. St. Paul Mayor's Handicapped Advisory Committee -- � 1975 to present 2. St. Paul Area Council for Employment of- Handicapped-- Co-Chair I974 to present 3. Hurian Vectors, Inc. , Director - I976 to present 4. St. John's Credit Union - Vice President - 1969 to present PAST CNIC INVOLVEMENTS: 1. "Wheeling St. Paul" Chairman - 1974-1975 2. St. Paul Area Council for the employment of the Handicapped Awards Banauet - Co-Chair for 1975 and 1976 3. GiIlette Children' s Hospital - Volunteer Counciling 1972-1975 4. Minnesota Council on the- Handicapped �- Various projects 1975 to present . 5. Shoreview Lions' Club - Director 1970-1973 6. St. Paul Jaycees - 1967 -1970 P��Z;�OiI��L ?�SL�:� f or ::=2;�ort s :i visory C or;�rnitt�� cY� Hand icar�pec� Xeople Ti.:�othv J. �-:annasch 577 So: Tar:�ick 5treet �t . Paul, :::inr�. 55I.16 � e: 21 ��andicup: Cor�r�er.ital sever� asthr�a�ic , reduced in stature due to daily need for Cartisone since ?airih. Education: Cfficer �raduate frora St . Thom3s :,:ili�ar�T neaderay , :.enc3ota Hei�hts, `wrinn. 1974. Currently Junior at Uriivexsity of �;iinnesota, main carspus. i:�a�or in Psycholo�y, �ajor in�eres� in . couns�lin� of handicapped iersons. �ctivi�ies: -Vice president , unicorn Club., (handicarped group) • at Uni�rersity of ;:tinneso�a. -Volunteer, cor�munications disorders, clinic for ��utters, U, of ;:I. - --�:_ichael I1o�rling Scnool for handicapped Cnildren, volunteer in 1975 su��ner staff. -i�.iinnesota Public Interest Research Grou P (i�IP.G� . � Board member in 1974. Chosen to spea?: befor� �oard of Re��nt s on board *s behalf. --eoffr�an Union P�o�ram CounciT, curr�n�Ely chairperson Qi personnel ne�rsZ����r, p.r. , and ad�t. , U of i.i. --;Sernber I976 Gov. *s eonferen�e on Physical.Iy handzcapped . --���L 63r� 3�istxic� , dele�ate and con�ention r�eMber. --Sponsored at Universi.ty b� State of �:�znn. �iv. of Voc$tional Rehabilit�tion. --��pointed by i::a3�or Cohen to ::iayor's �dvisory Com��- ittee on Ii�ndica.��ped in i,�a�- 1976. Currently ser�rin� o_z re�idential car� facility- cor:�:�i-tt�e. ---°i�mber, St . T�or�as `gc�dern5r �.lu�ni C3�u':�. --Ora.e:�t�Lion of �_andica�ped �:etiv Studentss U. of i.�. volur��e�r 1975. February 23, 1977 Resume of W. 0. Klaenhzcnmer For thirty yea�rs I was an employee of 3:•i in the factory division, prior to m;,r cli.szbility bscomina inca�citzted. I zm an expsrimental p�tient at the (Tniversity oi Minnesotz Hospitzls. riy dis�bility is quite rare. It is known as Sub�cute Cor�bined S;mdrome. presentl,y residing in a g�raplegic conc�ition although clisease is progressive. I w�nt to be re�ppointed.. As an originaZ charter member, I feel I bring a ne�r perspective to the committee, th�t being th�t�c I have become handiczpped later in life, b�,ng in rqy mi.ddl.e 50s. I h�.ve gone from a fuLly able bocli.ed person to a semi, invalid status. "I feel th�t this qu�lifies me for my Handicapped Learners Permit �nd have spant th� Iast tGO yezrs learning the pitfalls of being handicapped.0 Frarx4c�,y I ha�e p��icip�ted little in the sub committees of the group because I feel I am still Iearni,ng, But I hope we can have greater public relea.tions soon. A1so, I am znterested in a transpoz�ati.on voucher system. 5incerely ' V� ' �- /�1,��4�►i��'°r'�'s"v� W. 0. Klaenhairi.�cer 75� hoitih tiiilton St Paul �,inn . RES131�tE �,_ Ivame; (Mrs.) Antoinette Lippert 169 North Cretin Avenue St. Paul, riinnesota 55104 � 644 -- 1255 Education: • Marquette University PH.B. (1947) riilwaukee, Wisconsin Major: English � Minors: Sociology, Education, Philosophy College of St. Thomas M.A. (1966) - English ' Graduate School, Dept. of Education St: Paul, Minnesota - Previous Teacher (Secondary Schools) - Board of Education, Chicago, Employment Illinois 1947 - 48 Experience: Executive Director - Resideatial Services Foundation, St_ paul, Minnesota 1971-72 Developrnental Disabilities Regional Planner - Metropolitan Health BoardfMetropolitan Council, St. paul, Minnes�ta 1972 to present Fast Volunteer Experience: 1. Christ Chi1d Schoo7. for Except.ional Children - Parents Club (President, 1958) 2, I.ake Owasso Children's Home - Yarents Club (President, 1968-7I 3. St. Paul Association for Retarded Children - Board of Directors, lst Vice President; President 4. Minnesota Association for Retarded Children - Committee on Residential Services - Chairperson, Board of Directars, lst Vice President 5. riember of Licensing Advisory Board for Mental Retarda�ion , Facilities to Co�-nmissioner of Public Welfare 6. Member of East-;ietropolitan rtental Retardation Planning Committee . 7. Member of East-Metro Licensing Review Team for DPW tJork Yrojects: A. Developed: 1. "Guide for Development of Parents Groups in State Institutions" 2. "Study on Parentst Rights and Responsibilities in Planning and Decision-T;aking for Retarded • Family Members in Residential Facilities" (In conjunction with staf£ of Tlinnesota Department of Public Welfare) B. Workshops - State Conventions of t•Sinnesota Association for P,etarded Children: 1971: "Citizen �dvocacy" �Jorkshop, Chairperson "Developing Effective Governroent Affairs Co�r;►ittee", Chairperson 1973: "Residential Facilities" Workshop, Chairperson 1975: "Resi.dential Facilities:' [.'orkshop, Chairperson . - ,. �`� �`` �' RESUME . '.� ,'�''� .� Ms . Jul i ette Si 1 vers hloore ;�°l,��_��� 1��;:R��GQ�R��S# 12 7 6 '�l�i 1 s on r'1ve . . �.���t�x��� ��p�t• ,�3 01 �i.`exa�rcg�x��i���3� St . Paul, �'_Pd �5105 _ R�}�ABTLI7ATIQ�Y C011NSEIOR Telephone: Nom� �C�xg+�S�gX 778-0063 EDUCATION• • 2%73-Present hianhattan Center for Adyanced h'ADER� PSYCNOANALYSiS Psychoanalytic Studi�s 17 41�st lOth Street _ New York, New York I0011 9/68-6/70 New Yor�C University M.A. REFlASILITATION CflU;�SELi�lG New York, N�w York . 9/63-1/64 City College of N�r► York (M.A. PROGRA,'� - HISTOR'� hiAJOR} N�w York, PI�w York 9/59-6/53 � Brooklyn Coilege B.A. MAJOR: CLASSICS Brooklyn, N2w York MINOR: HTSTQRY, PSYCtiOLOGY � AND SOCIOLOGY INTERYSHIPS- 9/b9-5/70 Federation of th� Nandicapped RENABILITATION COU�lSELOR IMTERN High School Nomgbound Program Individual and group COWT1SQIiRJ; 2]1 b1�st 14ti� Street t�aching re:nediation s6cills s�ch � N?w York, P�e►� York 1Q011 , as reading and math; writing . evaluation reports; ieading : field trips. 1/69-6/59 Federation Em�loyment and VOCATIO�II COUNSELOR Il�TERN Guidance Service Contacting err� oyers; ana yzing 215 Park Avenue South , jobs; counseling clients in ' l�er� York, l�ea� Yorlc 1(�03 � place�nent readin�ss. {�d� a p]acement in conjunctian with the course-Employment Leads for the � Handicapped) EMPLOY�I�;�T: 9I77-6/74 , N.Y. State D��t. of Labor Eh1PL0YhlENT COt1NSELOR , Division of P�ar�po��r Services Counseling young adutts to reach Youth Q�por�uni�y Center vocationai decisions and readiness 330 West 34th Street for training and/ar placerr�nt; Nea� Yor�ic, Ple� Yark 100ni coaching for job interviews; developing emp�oyer contacts; . . providing job leads to aQplicants; folloHing up after p]ace�r►�n�. � , -� -� . `,,;� . � .. � ' r� `�_ . , Jl1LIETTE SILVERS h�QORE ' REHABILITATION COUNSEIOR EMP�OYM�NT (continued) 11/70-9/7i ' City of New Yark CASE WORKER D�partment of Social SQrvices Screening potential foster Bureau of Child W�Ifare parents--i .e. personality, motive. 2 Lafayette Street living arrang�,nents, financial Mew York, t�1ew York stabi 1 i ty, e�c. 4/6b-9/58 Industrial Home for the Blind COMMUNITY REHABIl.ITATIQ�! TEACHER 57 Wi7loughby Street Teaching activities of daily living Btrouklyn, N�w York 112Q1 and corranunication skills to newly- � blinded adults on an individual . basis in their homes; writing . evaluation and progress repvrts; contacting other agencies, social worker$ and counselors; supervising oth�r teachers, > 9/64-6/6�5 - N�e� York Supre�ne Court 7RANSCRIBING TYPTST � Probation D�Qartmen� 100 Centre Street � New York, New York . _ ' PROFESSIONAL h1EMBERSHFPS: � . National Rehabilitation Association � National Rehabi�itation Counseling Association PERSO�lAL DATA: Birthdat�: ' March l , 1942 Marital Status: Married ' Health: Excel]ent Social Securi�y Number: 082-34-7516 P.EFEREP�CES: Wil.l bz furnished on request. i , � �' . � - ' " ��' COURSES . ����,�, � . NEW YOR#C UiVIVERSITY 3 Principal Problems of Vocational Rehabilitation 6 M�dical and Psychological Aspects of Rehabilitati.on 3 Yocational Evaluation 3 Occupations I (Occupational Information and Classification) 3 Use and Irrterpre�ation of Tests in Vocational Rehabilitation . 3 Sheltered �#orkshop Orientation 3 Vocational Rehabilitation Techniques 3 Employment Leads for th� Nandicappzd 3 Vocational Rehabilitation of the Emotionally Qisturbed � 6 Clinical Practice tSupervised Internship) 6 Counseling Laboratory 3 Vocational Rehabilitatian of the Socia]]y Disabled � 3 Educational Psychology hiANHATTAN CENTER FQR ADVANCED PSYCHORNALYTIC STUDIES Basic Psyehoanalytic 7heory � :� _ Maturation in Psychoanalysis T �: - . � �,.;.-_-` _ Family Treatment Concepts in Modern Psychaanaly$is `� ! Drugs : The Modern Psychoanalytic T�2ory of Treatment and SupPrvision JllLIETTE SILVERS h;00RE � � � � � � _ _ _._. _ . _ __ ._. _ _ . . _ � ___ � 1 . . , . , ��svr� JUDITFi L. OAICES , home Aa�ress Office • :- ;,;�,� . . . . ,R... !y�` 1821 Franklin Ave:�ue S.E. Park Square Court � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 400 Sibley Street Telephone: 378-9690 St. Paul, Minnesota 55141 Telephone: 227-0804 � � ' Birthdate: January 9, 1945 � . Employment History . .-�� � Frivatz prac�ice - L�ar_uary, 1974 to present. During this tir,ie we have practiced as Lansing and Oakes, Lansing, Oakes and Caperton, Oakes and Gaull and Oakes � and Miller. The practice �ias continued pretty much in- • tact through tne �ersonnel and name changes. � Assistant Attorney General, State of Minnesota, July, 1972 to January, 1974. . Special Assistant Attorney Genera, July, 1969 to Ju�,y, 1972. I was initzally hired by Attorney General Douglas Head and was promotecl to Assistant Attorney General by Attorney General Warren Spannaus. During my employment� I served as legal counsel to the Mirinesota ' Department of Public Welfare. My duties incl.uded litigation, drafting regulations and legislation as well as serving as general - counsel to the Department on internal matters , in- cluding na�ters relating to public assistance, state hospita�s arid committments , an3 various licer_sing _ functions of the Department. Additional Employment � , Instructor, Wi1li,am Mitchell College of Law, January, 1974 to ' present. I have taught courses in Welfare Law, Sex-Based ; Discriinination and Family Law. _ 1 _ �-- -- ! . '_ •r" , � ...,'-'� ' Lecturer, Continuing �ducation for Women, University of ` Minnesota, September, 1974 to 1976. I have taught six week courses on Civil Service - " Laws and Women and tlie Law, and given individual � lectures on topics oi concern to women. ° "'�;A:�, Substitute Referee, Ramsey County, Juvenile Court, Sum.�ner, 1975. I served as a vacation replacement for one of ' � the referees. Arbitrator, January, 1975 to present. 2 am on the panel of arbitrators maintained by both the Bureau of Mediation Services and the - Public �mpl.oyraent �abor Relations Boarc�. Be- cau_a of rty ��overnmental background. I `ve put ; emphasis on public employment disputes. Hearings Officer for Minnesota Departnlent of fIealth,. June, 1975 to January l, 1976. _ I served as hearinys officer, hearing nursing home lieensing violations until the •Legislature created a statewicle aclr,►inistrative hearing office that took � over the hearings I had been conducting. Education University of Minnesota Law School - J.D. - 1969 fiamline University - B.A. - 1966 Other Activities � . President, Minnesota Women Lawyers , July, 1974 to June, 1976. Chair, Appointments Conli-nittee, June, 1976 to present. Urban Vice-President, Board of Direc-tors , I,egal Assistance of Minnesota, Inc. , 1972 to present. . Member at large, Minnesota Mental �iealth Association, Board of Directors , Ju1y, 1975 to present. � ; Board Member, Freeport ti�7est, Inc. , community care fa�ility �, ' for delinquent boys , November, 1975 to present. � :;� Chairperson, Judicial Commitments Committee, Minnesota E3ar � Association, 1973 to 1974. �: �' :�iember, Minnesota and Hennepin County Bar Associations and �'' various committees. ,� :� ��' Regional Representative, �erican Association of Public Welfar_e Attorneys , 1973. a�:.. �:7 :n ` � _ � j '�er...__ . . � � � � . . ._. .. . � � - - ��t9 p�� �.:J BIOGRAPHICI�L SHEET Name: PRary O'Hara Address: 825 Seal Street #300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114 Telephone: 646-7005 Residence 33$-5845 Work For the past 22 years, has been Director of Handica ea Housing Services. BasicaZly, has been buyinq houses using Community Development Funds, removing architectural barriers and reselling them to farnilies with handicapped members. The pro�ect will be starting in Saint Paul in May of 1977. Also a member of the Access Minnesota Task Force of the State Council for the Handicanped. The Task Force is an accessible state for all�of Minnesota citizens. Also wrote the proposal presently funded with CD. mone s to hire two architectural barrie y A'iayor who is offering matching fundsntolbuilding owners. � February 1977 j: ?�%-- r. �` �"�—. s `,�� .- R.LsSUt�1L•' 6lary Ellen Radman 64o ti��. Orange � St. Paul, Pdinn. 55117 : Phone : 488-3572 � � � • EDUCATION : � Central High School EIr1PL0Yt�lENT BACKGRQUND: . Prior to 1958: Nakashian In�eriorss Secretary-bookkeeper • � Northwestern� Amusement Co. : Secretar.y. bookkz�p�r. booking agen� Webb Publishings Time keeper � City Clerk's office - EZection Bureaus General Cl�rical Police Dept.-Records Didision: SecretariaZ Po].ice interrogation � ; 1958 -- Campaign Secretaxy to Joseph E. Karth � 1g�9 -- 19?�4: Executive Secretary, Congressman Joseph E. Karth l�qy executive dutiea consisted of° handl5.ng constituent problems pertaining to military, Social Security. Civil Service, immigrati.on, federal housi.ng, Small _ Business, and welfare. I acknow�edged requests for legislative ma�Cerzals� kept records; and generally : � ac�ed as liaison bet�een the 4th Distric� and �9aahing- - ton offzces. - While in thzs position I initiaZly set up a consti.tu�nts file show�ng individuals who caucused each year. re- . cording caucus dates, indicating; full names, wife's name if married, address, legislata.ve district. ward, precinct, and occupation. I kept the file current during �my 16 _ years of employment. . During these years I supervisPd t4vo canvases which were done in th� 4th District �vhich comprised Ramsey and Washington Counties. I typed and supervised the typing of plates for this canvas at the 5tate DFL offi.ce. and for several years kept the canvas current .by making , address changes resulting from mailings done by the Congresszonal office. - I a],so init�.ated the addition of legisla�a.ve distra.ct arid 2IP cvde in�ormation in the Election Bureau•s Precinct Guide fincier, and adding to the Guide similar � � - , information for streets in the ruraZ Ramsey areas. (continued) , f 3 � . .--____.�-___,___�.._.�.�wvi.v.� _ � . . . . .. _ :.Jin'��� �?i ab.l.':.. .., ; �� . � . . . . . . � _ . . 1[ � F ' . . . � . . L y,�' �-' v` � . . . � .. �� _ . . : . . . . _ 'i�..• . . .. . . . y. P.rSUi-iE: Mary Ellen Radman (continued) • � � ,,, ��� I also set up the forr�at used by the State DFL office for the current Precinet Caucus recording sh�ets. Retired from the Congressional office in June, 1974, � because of disability. � : PRESEP3T: , � { Member: P3innesota State Council For The Handicapped ( G..�.�� I n � �� Executive Board t�tember � Awards Chairperson Secretary to Executive Board and Cauncil Secretary: Se::ate 64 Dr^L Club - - � , ' :�; _ __ _ . � '� .':; _ <;3 � �> � ,,�._ :� ,=_�`�� ':::x � ��� ����� ���� ������ ������� . ;; � �: SPECIAL EDUCATION f' 360 COLBORNE STREET SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �: Januaxy 12, 1977 I� E P�1 O R A TJ D U �I: To: Rnb Chal�rs _ ' F'rc�n: Uexn A. SChultz� �I� _ Re: Tnfozmati.onal �:ere is a dossier on me. I am curre,ntly the suoervisor of S�ecial Education'�locational Sesvices & Physically Z� Pmqrams in the St. Paul Schools. r�y off�.cz is located at 360 Colborne, School �i.strati.on Building. I � actively affiliated with the St, Paul Association of Retarded Children, the National R�bilitation Association, the St. Paul Area Co�~icil ort F�tt- playrc�it of the Handicapped, and other relat�d organizations. -;::: RESUP+iE JFSSE C . T�ILIAF�RRO ����_� Home Address: �3usiness �ddress: 876 Selby Jesse' s Candy and Tobacco St. Paul, l,:innesota 390 N. Robert Stre�t Zg�_768� s-c. Paul, i��ir�nesota 292-7og2 Eaucation September, '1.969 - St. Paul �.du1t Education Program; received high school diploma equivalent. January, 1961-August, 1q63 - l��inneso�a Braille and Sign� Saving School--Piano Tuning and Repair Other �.ctivities ° T:iember of Vending Stand Association of P�iinnesota Pa:ember of District 6 Planning Council P�iember oz Board of Dzrectors, Ramsey County Occupa-tion.al Industrial- ization Center, Inc. 1972-75 - T•:`?ember of St. Pa.ul Division of Vocational Rehabili�tation Consumar Advisory Committee ., � � c ..,�.' RESrJ;�i��. �.�1�^..��CLS �'Q:"1 Ti:LiSC�T'i �.,�-•-���_^: I`�`T �7� �_j�'+j B_.. �.sC_,.L.. � 63 ��t���au s�a cc^3:�';•?o�o Gc���:•u� Fa?sf s�. ��..'►, f�n:�0 55?c? t.�;-��-�.a? s-L��t�:�: s-t:,�3.c . L'-:'ai..C�.1Z�vL Ol F:�C�P_3.0 �=''�.�'i ��?�.1 �.�.C��L'J� �il S'v e �J.a.� �.jJ� Ar��r �i��ov��in� rmJ ccr_d?�?cn c" Ce�cbra's rn?s9, m;l �r'ren�s ��:�r��d �.i1�3..i E^3ic:� LO 1i'��'� O'.1� j3�� 5:�.^i Ll?�1����C ?Il J`t,�� li��J C:.`� ''i.r!::;�l��:v?C iLla Ci��.�?C3o E��n 3n ��� s^313. �c:r:i o" j•;:L7.'���, �h��c �;c.�n'� te� �^r.f °ac��i��es ava'_CL'�?e �'cr p���?c ���u}i Ge�cb�a:� P��;,y e t:^.�n I �.a� ����u�� r;�.d-e c.� s3 x, �� F:� s c�c•��n�..^.c' �o �J F:��:e��s bJ �?�� ��h�3? �c�i���e�v��a.c� e', �?_;3.��� 'L�a'�', s b� p�c.".CZ iFll L�n �??S[',�i,U"i,?c� �'i,^.��Ll.^.� l��?,^,;j �'e�ii ��?�v �.L;�.� ��'`'c�^..'G�ri�. 1 A i"� P;"'a!> ��f'i. 7 �.s. .I.• /?.y. - FUi t, �.r.::.� 1,"n _�. ?'C-�r.�?f S;�?S'_'1 �, ['i'iC� u'?�;j CC11Z�i C�'J TC:' �_^,o s�� �C:` £: jJ�i^ -�c�. o? ����� ��_�y ��c�:l. �� r�vc a �c.��?��y c�� cu'� �o ��� �:��-� �n e�c�c:: 1C3" �.� i;rJ S.'',.,c^i'G SC'•^�J?e �,': ''i,��� .�.`?L^� 'v�'W'39 L'� �?�'�C=1c''.S �''sj(G U.^._^._? CC�S�.1��'.jP_� �''��'i f 'r �'� �`� ',`, �_''�," Q�J�" C� �G� F�. O P �� P OltZ' c...r,..__ C_..C�.,.i £.`�`.'...�• C. �.:.i3-�_ t"':.1.�.v�re �,^, -., -,{; ..-...�, 1�,-1 '- � f F.�=e:��� br3.�; �� c�:;:� �o S�� Pau1 a�� �m,� �� �;e� �� s.r:�� Ci?_�c:.�� S���c NDS�`!'"..'�1 e � C:1�^��i� t,i�.��C��C �.Ll c.T��'121.�'!".� �-'n �•��� S'i�?.^,+'�? � £�i�.^.::v i�� TiC�:`; 6C'v�I1 iri�il�a?3v �'J_�i�c �ri G-3i7���C �_ k"�3 G������:1 O� CT3 �ti'��l Su"!� baC?: �O �?3�,'i.. T�> �:u��?i?3 G`�L�� C�U"i,C'?�� £2??:i ���aCCS� E�iC2"C.' � C?�3 �3���: r^��� 3_i. k'�S rece-�..�n��e3 �o n;� Fs�c��� �lz�� z;b^ c��o�?�e? :�.� L-?rc.�.My Se'���'? ;n S-�, Fau?� Tn ��� S�si ng o� �_�;5, s�,� ��,-c.? �o S�:!A Pzu� ci��w e ?: ;;�a^�c� Z.�rl:�� F.�3y SC'?O`J� 1T1 �Gf'� I'���.e �:r1:�].^ T t�^, L`''.. Z,��.T'_°�^;�V� � I'C�.C�1'C:� G�C�::?'1�:CC_^...��Z-9 FijJ'�3�^.�� ��.r?3 r'.��s-i e�? �}?3�°'.�..?J�f� �?G'.�.?� �'�C� E3Y��C`��',? 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'�� �c:?-� Lc�� go�.n� �V V�l� �^:C �lT��V l'.1 U �'I��?T n'�� �!i yl .1.�� �. �s >, ! D__e ��r o� t?�� �:1C �.0 ee1 �o ��:c� � se.� C�.�� ��n;.�;C�' �.^.3� �iT�� Lly, �G� �f:."..'',.^. i,�i� �37:r f.'�Jt�.�;j 5;�.^_'� L."�`,:�. V,-3 C��Li�lnrl ZT�.�� �.�� Oi i 1G'�C�. Li�.`2 ���:lt''.Ctl i.�J (�Q :+_L1'�Qo 1111.5 �'O'.:�? C.ni'1S?.:��CC� Ci' L�."'f.°.`�;�f'� ��n I;ya�� �r_3 CLy`±c:, T'r��:�, `��,.,� ��,�;c o�" u� c?�c�c��d i� �o •�n�o ��� er;.� o�' A cc���;;-?r_�e G•�•?;;?� u'r� k��'�z� o� f��� �iv3�?.ca e� v e���sc_�1 F���b��-�����'_c� C7!:�. u3�.'. r1v� S�3 Yi�'.av L'.}J�.0 �O CC�u7P�.23 Cl�� E1tzC�'.`��Ce1 ��..vv��1 �''..��v=�?u�'.'.`_1 S��':C�� Oi �'ti3:���:30 �11 7_T1S'�,LiC�C� C_^.-,,3 Otiv �'J i,'ti'.' �'.'�(: G:�C cl �,CCt: "i.0 £;:`'3 U`vt�Z' CiU1.' Zi�^,"Ii ET1i,F! tl,.^�o �U:'?.t?v LL t::?a7^';ji.:.ii ��Z'3C:�p L� COt.:."u.^.� CC1^�].uAi.CC�. O:1� �.CCCL?':1i,';2='c7i G'."_�� r.l.4;�� U'T:C�. ���3� .r'!�?�.'� £.1:!CZ F1y:.'�7��e jir�l..^':. 'v:� C?C3 4:_:�S C�O Ci1.�'t' .cii��i���{.�::;� ..`ZL i:CW�� �:„r� V�1�� ��i'n �ii�-i--� �' !-' ^i .t -� �t *^,�1- _ �., �_...� 40 �r:. �aC o c.. u t..�u_� i;�� 'r:a�� ���� c�:ec'�ed. .� {" � r '.V��.:' � � . Tn ��i���J:-� ci �97�, �,: eti����1 oii� dc''�'� ^o: �a�-?r_�a,� �'� ��� �;;-:c ..�..��� C�.4 � �-i� �'� ? �c�<: ��_'\T�TC^"' '"� A� � �:� .�:.o P�ti.�3> > llccc��:�.,._r_� �: ..., nU:� c;,-r..^:� �_ � o��,� •v. ...� n T r �.,� rr`N.� .� �� �•^tprn � 4 . -� �*` J . �� i �,y rr,�,...lf' �_ d ca i F� �z, c_� �. �; c. �.--�� c� �: ;4��cL:,; �a:: F� ��:::s, •-�- -��-T�in ' '-1 1 '-n�"'.'�' '.'" ,^.: E��_i_e..�_.-,,, t_���•�_..;r �� LW��!���, Ca�J ti v�cca, �`a;,�°o?-�3� �r,1 I:;����,� !-t_��. l�� Fi:�� i,:_� k?�'?� o;? 1���:t �r`�o h�?.�r:I ��t u� €��v;��.�1 b;;f �,,�-�Z , -; �: � c o ti P� �=-•��r,, c ec-� _,,,,� y �,� �. �, „ �,�.t -, , � t?'1C ii__� � i:��.T'S �!1� 8�_ O.s ��')� c-�.�.ce C�t1�T�`�.,:1:,� Z;C ST.^.]..°C ��J�C �O O��"?il tJ?L1lC!?�� OLL�^ bu���r_c�s o ��'v' ��?� ���^.G�:Z<�, "i.��'i.^.y ���: �'._1..ZiC LC �J�`'.���Z_�_ �'C� 7;�7.:'C'_L�'.l DUZ, .�i1'±S ?i1J0�VCS t;�'� p��P?C �:'�.'O L�:'C sr�1°:;����c50J" .L'�1'�P_?Tl� �'C��:1 '�:?1:C:��1 01?:^ �_0��� �1?v�l uCLCO�`�ie j';L �'�•JC �?.�O tiU1�� 0.:�� �'�`3:i C3�C=?�t,�C v0 c^.v.^.�� EY.�. c?ie���. C'�l?L� n�u�vi'cies and in�c,es�s: E���ng ?nvo�v�� �n �?r� r. �t:�n, �:�T����.~s��nd�n3 C���^b��. �::�.�y" �n . �J�2 t3��.1 �O��v Olay �`'t,0 �'CU.YJ� L`�r].L�. ���i,i n� L:'•J�.IRe. 'u�;3 CC�rI`:�7.fl':e I e3 v� U�s Je cn -��� E�;d o�° Zr_��T�����e� �a: :�..�.:3 T'CCt �r.,�._��Pz.�.�rt?s� Q� v��n-��3�:io:� �c�.� u.� oi bc�h d��':��ed F�on1e a;�3 ncz-d.�.�'��a:±e t g����e tiror_��?n� te�����r t� s�� ���� e�e�y c?.:?��5"�e1 �;�ys�� is eizcorc?e3 ��� rF���s a�d pr��.�?e��s o� cu:: sc�:s c�y, � �?s� 4� a B�rd r��ner or �r� P`.��jG?''s Ad��i s�ry� C���r�e� o�x 4hs Y��^3i ca���c., t'. . ;..r°' " . � r- �- I?ESi�u? 'h.:i? tT�i ; � �l _,�_j�,.i,.y., �I �;7� �_j��'�j G e:; i i�uv.,_n B_�. � c:,�� , P•� . E)j Ii�t?,y_''_=?� S�`t,e CC�'_G:S.i;'?C:1; CC_:L'b�'t�� F.Z�;,'y St. Pa.;"!, Yi�.n:�d 55?G? t'�s���-`�,a?_ 5;����3; 53��3.c . G:adu:�� oi I:�c�r_�c A�-�s �Iw�� Sc'�c�2 j_L S��o �ul� ���5 A�'��r d3.��ov��in� r.� ecnd�vion c" Ce�ebi3l r�'�vy, s;l ��.;er:�s s��^��c� �s��-.y� ��a�c� �o f-��� o�a; �r'��� z:-as rzti�i?_a.1��e �n ��� i•��y c�° ��?�,1�Li�1C =Lla C���si,3 E.':r. �O'�Tl j t2 'G�1°° �?'��.�. �C:�TI� Oi �'�:�..1.lii��;'� ��"iF';C t:.^..:':1�� �co �r.J z£;C�.��.u�?CS a�rai�'�?e :E'c, p���2c s���?� Ce,e��-�� F���fo ��,�� T E:�� ��,:�u� '�'�.ee e.;� ��, - �.t ��s ���c-��n�.�� �3 �J g:�-:c:�;;:s b;� �h� �eh_oo� ec?����'±����:,_;.cz e� �?_i llc�� '�,�.'S � b� P�C�tl '�I7 L�?1 '?l:�c",�'i.U"i,3.C=1 �',.^.�:�tl.^3 "1,��'_�;J �CZi. ut?�v !.t;�:, ?'C"�..?.��r'�. I'u�:�r��w�, '���=.: ?'��3:I.;j �us�s� r�,:�� �`+�;� cc�i"t�. c?o =c~ �^e l�.^.�r-- u � '±CC� O" �`i,�r,.'�� t�''..r'..�'f £:�'�^..^.r� "i3O r�ii�^. £3 '`a.��`L'�.^..;' C�'� Cil� ''i3O ''i.l�_^. }:•.^.-'� ±Tl C�iC,E.'= iG`3" �� i3O G�"� SCi�C��.o A':. �•h� �uL� �'�.��� � i�^�C'!�S ?^.�C� p:�1 c�z��i?�ir_3 Cl.tr i�^..�f�;j �''CCJ`i,�i £:'t?l^.?z':; C^='C�^.'1� �:.:.�.u�/e Q'J:' C�O^."i,C�, I'CCO.:=":r.�'.^.�� ''i,�u T_iJ jJ3:eil.'',3 ii3.i�.uv �3 C��J:'T.1 ''i3O S''i,� �at�.�. �:?ri ''i,� �.`'J ��^� L^3 :'.ri'�i3O �?�_�G'"v�i,^, a�.)�c,�vG' HO5�3':.��p T C:1�^:'ei1 Gi7.�.G'��?:G'.�.D c.�'1_T1U?t'y c� ?-�53 S',-33_^.�+^ T Si.^,;1''t, %�l',: i?C':` 6C'vG'II � 3 i i �.•.�n �_ � '3�y,:1.,;..�. OII R_.CZ ���..i'1 �__� b C;a �O �I3�7 e m��z��*so i��_:i_e n G__ ? ��... �-a., r,. '-^� r y�,r ��n� � �3' T:�3t:?ZI� i��L`�l C.V'L1�Ci'^3 L�T3��-,.t;�3CC.°'iv -�" r' -�-*-� -�.+i n-..-. E,.SC_G T Cc.:_.. �.,...�_� Y)..,_....� �:;. L�S T'vCC.�"3:'_r'^�1 '- s �-> >.,� �.�. �. `t3� C'�;-�•��.�n 1 j.j1 '�^ t, -� � � �o Rl F .�c��,� �_��, ... L�rc: �y Sc�e��.. in S-;,e �ll�e .�L� �',L� S?].L"^i I'�..�i Oi �-��5 y F;� �'_�v CC� "i.� S'.�.� �U� �7i.'1.^..i C �. f;'i,�t�'i.Ctl Li ra�° F:�337 ►SC'_?O`J� 3.I1 �G�`i3 �'i1�.�o j:r1�a.0 1 �u,:� Au L3.r_d^;�V� � Z'C�C?.ZC:� C�CZi:1���C_^�?9 cg�ac�, �n3 r'ays?e�? �3��r-u�ye �?e:?.x� =�c� ap�c3a:? e3�a���s e�;�3,e�.�� �� t� C�``t,C3' _'C;--�'��'��rii EiCC.'CL'..i���T?� CCUi�^>,^.S ��l �1:i-u3 £'iC}?00�e � �a�1i:.3��_d ��� tr�^'^�n�c A~�s fI���� uc'�col ?_n ?;�$o F:"�cr �.d�- i.�0�� � ST33 3 �.?v�?^ lL'::,�..1...?'C Ci YT��.�''., � i':Il"i,��3 "i3O �'',� ?�"i.0 o t. S,^S ll.�4'��� �At�i.�.sLrniL.r.'3 �� �?�q �je?�� c� Acco�.=�U3��, �E�c�us�� o� r-�� p'_-sy�ic�� dt;.��3.3.��;r, . 3v 4:.`�..S ��`..t�3"'c.i12� Oi O'`'..-�'?�i.i �c`��S S.'3�� c�.^� I1Tj.`'.��r� F;i�^..'-,r'�.: � k'OL?.CZ �� L.��C tfl �'�:�,.I1C��C i��?� f,.'CCOIl.^i�"c,�•^_v �?i C^�.f�lli�'3 0 �i'�'.-'..''.'??� uk'� �IE�'�'6 C'_' Z.C�a i�T'Ci?j� �.97�. I r��'�?J C�°�Cia�� CirJ �':^:1 CSi c^.?l�ti?�P_3 C�CCC?L �'J ''t�'.'.�:C EC�� C`_=L'C�,t.?'Ji..�`�L10E COU3'Sv3 ��'!�''�U��1 �',ti'3 t,iZ1i"vc^.?'�"��J Oi t�t�t=lZ?�.:�^vi,.�, e i��S� CG�..:."SCu �,-.^.�C ;fl i�til_^. �wCa �i QCCO'.Si�'�??�. JC� P'�?c� o.i Zg7?� i ��c^^� -?nti o�v-e;3 ��_�h a �ou� �� �I?� LT:23��C� CE+'C-� b;�a? p�z,�A�y �ic-�-�v��J Ce�4c� o� C���-���^ ��o Fuu?. �� �c�..� b��a g 7 d � .. a_.n,, to ��� P�C t:�o c'�;;rs a :;•��I�.a �_� Di_�e���r o� t�:� �:?C ��c�1 �o i�^v� � so.-. C'�n.� Ti.^�i1.Cs L'_���`'t, �i?�;.� il:, fOi i,�_��.^. i:�70 C.��S Cv��i� L.'�..^..�; L'1"i,:? Y�:, C'..vCiCL�� ZT�a'G �z i.3 Oi i 1C�C� �:� �J'_':1��C1 'i0 �,O �_�1"uOv 1t1:LS �;`i'O'�7 CO�S?:��CC�. Cf �;f�c��'� �'�n I'�;,�a�, �r_d C�r'±c:, T'�:�;:�o s�,.,� �h��� o� u� c?�cac'��:� �o �0 3n�a t�� er�� U`� �CC'JJXl''.,?Y!�e �'!'.'�..i..�'+.. V''�� �.1.^.'.�J O� �f:.^. �i�?Vi:"i�.C=1 Ox �'C.^.�.^.v:iC:_3.L F:�t'��:il-i''i.::v:?C:1 L'?'.,� J`c,''.=� T�.'�v� �?� �i.�.:iC L:'J?f.' 't`,O CO_?'v��%Z3 G� C'�1i,�^v�"'.`,i Oz1 ���.^vv j� �'._^.�='l:�a.^..:1 Sc.���� o.� B�s�i.����o A;i �_r.si,-�t:���G� c�:�� ou� �� �}.�� �'.��L' c�ce � �,��'. �o �.� �`v'V= �iL�..^' Z:�.�.�'�� �T:Li,n Uvo �.L3P_� L3 �.;i� i:�i �7'? :1 �� L+/�i•�-^-�cnr- �a .-�n .� �] J �.� � C� a 1-.� V J...) 4l!___l�v'LC�.l ° I�C t� :�"•i �-, �-- � -�-� r'• oi; ct__L�i.3 G._..� �.�.o, �nc� `_�=.,�� 1a1�� �na Fay;,•o�'�e j�r��� s;r c�c� ti;�� c'o c�w.� ����c'�e:; �� hc��� c�1 �}.��r. t_^.1�� ��:�� �o ��� L`:1C c�:c� a �:��lc i� 'r��-� '�'��� C _�c''ed. ��_� y•• .� . . . . . . � .� ) � ' +. . . . i y` . . � . �/ � . � ' ^ � • . PROFESSIOPiAL RESUME . '--.Y;. � � � � . . . . - •1 ��,�//�V � � . NAME: Wayne Wittraan ; : `� ADDRESS : 1498 Fremonfi Avanue , � St . Paul� �iinne�sot� .�sio6 - . , AGE: 47 R�SIDENCE _ . St. Pau2 Current Address : 1958/7S � Minneapo2is, Minnesota - 1957/5$ � -_ � Hinckley, �iinnesota - 1957 � ` . Mankato, Minnesota - 1954/57 ' � - Minneapolis, Mianeso�a - 1951l54 � . � U. S. Navy - 1948/51 . • • - - . � ' ' Humb.oldt, IoWa - I929/48 _ . , �. _. , f A t3I LY "`: ` -•; . .. �_.. _ ^ ` , . . : .. : . _i ' . � � . M$�.'ri�d . . � . . . . � -�t ' r.. '� � . . � . � .. � Hife - Joan, 45 . Ch�xdreni Robert, '19 ; Jeanne, l7; �tdary, 16; . - David, 13 ; Susan, �0. � � . _ . EAUCATION . . � :_,.'. • • _ ' .:.. . , -. . . - . _ • '.'s. • ' High Schaol gz+aduate - Humboldt Pt�blic H3gh �Schoo2 - �948 - Humboldt, �' . � Xorora. .. . ' B.S.:: Degree - Marikato S�ate College - ,295?. . Najor: Educa�ioz� - ; � ;; � Socia�. Stud�es ;' ri3nors -;:Politiaal 5cience and Heal�h - '. = (See transcript� . �� '� � - . M.A. ' - Univerrsity of M�nnsao�a.. Minnsapolie�,� t3ina�saota - ��.97.�. . . Major: � Counse3ing Peychol.ogy. 73inox: - Payah�slogy aad Educational Admin�stration and Public A$miafetr�tion • (S+ae traascript) . > - Seminara - Managemen# and Supervision,� Tima Mana�emont; Man�gara�nt � by Objectiv�s, Rshabilitativn Mariagemextt. - � '� _ Se��aars - University oF Oklahoma and ;University og Hi$cansia, � Human Relations",- Supervision Workshop, tianku�o S-tate College. ..�y .. . . . � ' : .. . • . �. .. � • .. . ..., WORK HISTORY - , _ � , - . _ t.� . - _ ; . + - �- . . Haspital Corpsman - U. S. Navy - �.948/�y95�. - - Public S�hool Soaial Studies subatitu�Cg te,ach�r - 1957 f;.S. Employm�nt In�terv�ewer - 195$1Z9�9.. , � , ' # - • . _ , °,::, - : _ _ : � i � . j . .. �1 r i..� . �. . ' . . . ..., - - ; �. . . . ' . , ' Hayna FTittman . � � . Pa$e 2 . ` -; ' � - ..,,:.�:. . , . .'�, . . . � . - . � HORK HISTORY (Cont) " . _ _ F . . Social Security Disability Exam.�ner - 1959/1962 Rehabilitation Counss2or - State Services for the Blind - 1.962/1968. RQhabilitation Specia].iet - State S.3rvices for the Blind - 1958/].972. Rehabilitation Regional Supervisor - Divis�on of Vocational Rehabi�litation - 15����'1. - �-�aw' �,«..�_. " /v 1�t`'�..�F.;�.��.'�.�. ;� 1�7/:� s�- WORK RELATED ACTT�VITY ���� Member of MRA - 1959/�,976, Editor oP MRA Spotli.ght 1960/1961.. ' President, Admiuis�trativs� and Sup�rvisory Practices Diviaion, rIRA, 1976. .. - Mewber of Minneso�ta �'ederation of Teachars - 1960/1965. President of MFT Local 1215 - 1962/196Z. - Member AFSCME of Loc��1 597 - 1962/1968 . � ' �Secre,�try of Stewards AFSCME #597 - 1963/1964. � � " President of A£SCME Loca1. 597 � 1954/1968': � Del.egate fio St. Paul Trades and Labor 'AssembZy -- 1964f19S8 and ....�. . 1.974,�-197�• ;,; � '� _ Delegate to Couacij 6 - 1964J1968 and 1974. . � � Delegate to AFL-CIO Fed�ration Convention - 1964�1g67. Board of Directors - Council 6 -' 19S?��968 . � . Me�nber AFSCME Local 1922 or 2829 - ].973/197�., Appointed to CoMmittes on Political Edueation, St. Paul Trac3es � � Labor, 1978. . .Reference Comrsittec� o� St. Pau� C�vi2`:Ssrvice Dr�partr:ient - 19�4/1976. � Maapo�rar A�aa Planaing Council Piember. ,- 19?k.' -. St. Paul Ar�a Council for Enploy�gnt �pf the Handicapp�d - 197]./1976, ChFZirma� - SPACEH --. 1,972J'E�974. i . Execu�ive Sacre�ary, D�,vision of Voca�ional Rehabilitation � • � Consumer Advi�ory Committee , 197� b 1976. Chaired �he AFL-CIO"�Committec� on Citi�en Parfiicipation, 1975 . ' : 7'�-� �.���.�,� , ' . . CO`3MUNITY ACTIVITY . : ' : . . : � .._ . ; ! � Member o� Sacred Heart Par�.sh --` 1961 �a pres,ent. - � Treaeurer, Vice-Prssidant, Pr�a�.iden� and Pa�t-Presid�nt of Hal.y � Nama SociQty - z964 -, 1967. � Treasurer - Mom 6 Dad's Club - 1971.� ;� . � � Mem2iar o� Parish Council - 1972 to 19�5 , r�elec4ed 19:78. � . Vice-Chairman o� Pax�ish Council - 197�#. - - - Chairman of Social Act�ori Cor.imit�ke� - j1977 - �.976.' Hsmber of St. Vincent de Paul S,ociety ,-» 196I - 19�0. ` � Religious Educat�.an Committee ; J.966 ,; 1g6�. � � ' DelogatQ to . Organization �or Better St. Paul - 19�3 - 19?�. Hembsr of Dayton's Bluff ComMUnity Cout�ci2 - �967 - ],$70 and I972 to 1� Vic� Presidsnt of DBCC - 7.967 •- �968. '- � Hur�an ?leeds Chairman - DBCC - 1968 - 1969. � � - 23emb�r of llayton 's B�.uf� Mulfii-Ssrvice Cen-�sr Board -. �ggg _ 1973. • Governing Board o� Merrick Communi�y Cesntar - Z97� - �g�g . '���i��'``"�-`�� �^��zri��,�o���r�,-..e..,�� �~�--����(r ; - � �:_ � � Nayne Wittr�an . Page 3 • > . � � , - .. . - :� POLITICAL zNVOLVEI�ENT . � Ms�nber of DFL of M�nnegota - 1954 to pre��ent. Endorsed DFL candida�Co for Aiinnesota State 5enate - 1970. EJ.ectad delegate to the AFL StatB C�ntral Comnittee - �9?2 to 1'�74. � Chaired the Sub-Committee on EMployment of tho Econom�c Taxk Force of the State DFT. Party. � - , Chairraan 67B I,egislative District Nard Club zssuea CommitteA- 1.g73 -- I9�4. . Membsr of Nomiaations Committee - 1�368 _ ].g70 . Delega�e to St. Paul' City Convention - 15;2 and 29�4 and �.976. Fl,00r Leader, Lati�er Subcaucus , Distr$ct 67B , Ci�y Canvontion, 3.976. . Served on Platform Committee - 1972 - 1g7�c, - Delegate67 Distric�t Convention 1974 6 1976. ; _ Chaired the Platform Commit�ee - 1g7�. Elected Secretary of .678 Ward Club - 1974 �,�1976. - . •-•-.� � . „ . . . . ._., .:,� _ . . » ,: . � : , .. ,, ' . . : ; .,- , _ - . � . .� . . . , � . . , . . . . . : ,. .. . , _ . � , : , � � � . :'_:SL':iF F'Oi? i�1.�1YOR'S ADVZSORY C�:.r,tIT��E 0:�� TIIE i4i'vDICAP:ED Rose:na ry 1'oung ` 7'-i� nlorth VzCtozie �:. St. I'au�, i�i�e. 55104 ., � ; �.^^ _ -- �;r -�_l--f'i�U� i .;- F3�.:sin�ss : ��8-?2Y1 . -. . � ',v�!� '.i� . . ��`"l;it-�CJ�_1.�) . � .'.;�. F�c�zv� �e�d?rs:iip rale in Service Club for f:andzca�pzci for 30 yFars. .fave h�l.d rost local ar.d state eleefed offices and served on r�ost co:e.na.ttees of thi_s consuner operated cl��t� throughcut these years and �►nd presen±. Y��ard o�: Dirc�ctors of St. Paul United CerebraZ Palsy - zP�rox. 6 years Divzsi.on o� Vocational I2ehabi?-itation l�dvisory COLZitZI.L��E-: ^' � years :�linnesota P.ehabzlitation Associata.on Legis7.ativ� Co�:�ztt��s - na:�y ye�rs Governor's Con�iit�ee oi: Emplo,�:�ent of �iandicapped D�legate to FI�ndi--Artion ?iz��n2sota Council far Iiandica���ed - Pla�nzng ta5lc -f.-c�rcc for Z��72, ].':�7�= an�i 1975 Governor's Conferences on fIandzcapp��i pE�sons I.ot�bying Zt state Ie�isl.at�i:ce pertaininc� to sta�tu�s a��EZCtzng the l:ife styl e of tt�e handicapped of ;�iinnesota. Ct:�:�r voluntee� zdvocacy co-�;nitt�es a:�d tas?c forces o.Ter �he years--- do not k�e� r^cozds of c?ates, etc. . CuYren�ly e.�pl.oyed as sales �ssociate for Spr.ing Co.�pany, F;�altors; £orri��r7�� �^nloyed as I't .rsonnel. Re;,zesentative for 1%� yeazs for r..a�;or �.-._ rn�c.i:inc� ccn._�any. • t� � ' €,� 5' t-"Y, / � � c / •l' L/ f `- - ��'...�'�.--C''7�)2-C�./S � L�-�'G-'✓C- \._. `i� � _ 'v , '{'����c . .� _ GI iY or Snr.�T P��t-r. D °�°�s��B�° O F 1''I Ci 1: O]' T I I f: �I.1 YO 12 R� �j ����Q�eaeer s s����o: MAY 2 41977 cou�vei� PR�s►a��vT G�.oxcE LATiMEa May 17 , 1977 H�6��T� �YLVE�TER MAYOR Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Colincil Members: Earlier this year the terms �or the members of the Mayor' s Handicapped Advisory Council expired. In the attached resolution I am submitting for your consideration, the names of 18 individuals for appointment to two-year terms on the Committee. The group represents a cross section of those active in the provision of services for our handicapped citizens and members from among the handicapped communi ty. I urge your early action on these nominations so that the work of this important committee might continue. Sincerely, 1 GEO LATIMER Mayo GL/lm cc: Robbie Chalmers t O � � � . - ` -, - - _ _ �� �, - lst _ "� /�� _ 2nd p2.� ; 3rd _ lp / 7 Adopted 6 .�,� Yeas Nays b/•2,� � BUTLER �/�"� _ �'�� ��4� �s , HUNT G� t �t''�'v._r 6�,2�'� � LEVINE � ROEDLER � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) 1 �