269132 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK � - FINASICE GIT F SAINT PAUL � ����� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ! : BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. ncil Resolution . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Boaxd of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shawn by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated April 12, 1977, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 4/12/77 19-77-B 110 N. St. Albans Thomas M. Mooney (proposed rehabilita- tion project) BOARD ACTION: Granted deferment of payment of fees required under Vacant Building Registration Ordin�'nce until Januar� 1, 1978-. � Property Description: Holcombe ' s Addition. Part of Lot 14 Swly. of a line running from S.E. corner of Lot 14 to N.E. corner of Lot 15 and all of Lot 15, Block 9. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler _� �n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine � _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tede � Form Ap ed by City Attorney Adopt y Council: Date — �— � ertified Ya s y Coun .� ,ec tary � By � � sy Appr v by Mayor: D _ �� 2'� �9�: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pUBLiSHED JUN 4 1977 -1-'L - 4/I2/77 - Dleeting \o. 12� �v U I d ''T' � > � .' Cassette Tape �ro. 140 /� l"7 �D , . _ � � ���9.���',� 19- 7 7-B 110 N. S t. Alb ans - Thomas hT. J�Soaney SUBJE CT: Requ�st S�laiver of St. Paul Legislative Code proviszon perta�ning ta - fees charged u.nder the Vacant Building Registra-tion orclinance, because rehabilitation is about to be undertaken and paym�nt of fees will cause financial hardship. APPEARA��'CE: Thomas bi. I�iooney , PRQCEEDINGS: - Chairman Wozniak stated that the basis fa� �xanting a wa�_1•er af th� vacant building fee was financial hardship. He questioned ��hether Mr. b•fooney qual.ified for such a waiver, considering the plan to rehabilitat the building and make con�lominiums and �ng them as a source of income . Mr. Mooney said payment of the fees was required of him as o� October, 1976 , but he had not paid them and had been fined $10. He c3id not . anti �ipate completion of the pYOject until early 1978, at which time he hoped to begin recovering on his investment. He sai� he ti��as warking � with limited funding on the project and the fees would c�ause financ�al �i-ob . � lems . He distributed a brochure illustrating the projeGt. _ I�ir. Heider questioned the fairness of the ordinance which penalized an oi�ner even while he ivas rehabilitating a building. _ Frank Staffenson commented that Dir. 1�Iooney seemed to be making progress on the projeet and there had been little troubl.e in connect�oi� with th�- building. His only quest.ion had, been on �he progress made toward financing the project and this appeared to be near resoliition. l�ir. Tieso asked how long it would be before the maj or work was started, and ;�ir. r.ioon�y said he ti�ras proceeding ��ith the marketing at this sta�e , with the pros.pect of comple-ring that phase ti�it}zin four nionths . The reconstruction could begin at that �ime . Each tznit 1�Tas bein� marketed for less than $40 , 000 . �Ir. Glassr�an felt this could not be considered a hardshin case , reminding the Eoard that HR.A had been denied in their appeal , as had been other appellants . . _ •Y18� �. St. Albar.s -15- 4/12J77 - Ateeting \o. I23 � ' Casset�e Tape No. PROCEEDINGS : ���'�_��� Chairman ���o�niah said that the fact so~�eone claims he 's going to remodel a building could r.ot be considered proper grounds for .,raiving the fees . He thought tn� appeal should be denied. �ir. `�iooney asked if the Board ilould consider de£erring payment af the fees . He Quoted from the Vacant Building ordinance, ". . . ��raitire or defer, upon recommendation of the Board." He said he �,rould like defer- ment until January, 1978. Chairman lti'ozniak asked Mr. Staffenson if deferment could be handled administratively, and Mr. Staffenson said it could. BOARD ACTIOti: Air. Tieso moved that payment of the vacant building regis�.ration fees b� deferred until January, 1978, at which time the amount owed must be paid in full, dating back to October, 1976. Chairman Hlozniak aske d ta amen d the motion to add tIiat a letter be directed to Frank Staffenson in his official capacity stating th.at responsibility for collecting the fee shall remain �;ith. him personally. hlr. E�eider seconded. MOTJO:� C.4RRIED A:�ID SO ORDERED. • THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - -- -- - ---- --- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -- --- ---------- -------- ----- -------- -- 4/12/77 - �ieeting No. 12$ " , Cassette Tape No . 140 -� � �1I:'vUTES OF THE rIEETI�IG ST. P�UL BOARD OF APPEALS � RE�,rIEi�r Tuesda}', April 12 , I977 City Council Committee Room 7Q7 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 �.m. � 1�1E�•IBERS PRESENT: D. Donald tt�ozniak, Cfi..airman Arthux I�i. Tieso - Estv�r Br�dle� Peake Ronald Glassman David Heider hfF1��IBER AB.SENT: James Voigt AGE_V'CIES PR�SE:�T: Department of Community Services - Division of of Fiousing and Building Code Enforcement. Frank Staffenson, Sunervisor, Hausing Code Tnspectian Gary Eichele, Hous�.ng Code Inspector St. Paul Fire Preventian Bureatz: Dan Norrgran, Assis.tant Fire Marshal Jim Tucke� OTHERS PRESENT: Robert J. Foley, Appellant Belle bliller, Anpellant Rabbi Solomon Miller, Appellant C. A. Lindeke, Aptiellant Joseph Stein, Appellan� �dward Ee D'Heilly, Appellant Anton A. �Iicklander, Appellan�. Karen Hoyle, Appellant � Robert Hayle, Appellan�G Eldon Morrison, Architect . . Niels Fruh.stuck, Appellant Thomas M. Mooney, ApnelZant .. STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness, SecretaryT Appeals Board The meeting was called to order at 1: 40 p,m. The minutes of tfie meeting of I��arch 8, 1977, were anproved as mailed out to tfie Board members . - Chairr,an ��'ozniak reported that a reolacement had not yet been made to fill the Board membership vacancy created by Norma Sommerdorf' s resig- naticn .