269121 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � COUIICII ����'"""� PINK -�FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. RETURi�T COPY T4 VALUATIOA �1 COUncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, THE Council of the City of Saint Paul by Resolution C.F. 17806, approved August 17, 1923, did vacate a portion of North Warwick Avenue and portion of public alley in Block 10� Summit Avenue Addition, said vacation reserving to the City of Saint Paul and other public in- strumentalities the public utility easements contained therein and thereor�; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has been requested to waive said retained easements, except for the existing gas and electric distribution facilities easement maintained by Northern States Power Company within the vacated street and alley, and the affected City departments, Northern States Power Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have filed written certificates of intended non-use of reserved rights and easements which certificates are on file in the office of the City Clerk; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pur- suant to Section 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, does h ereby waive retained easements contained in Resolution C.F. 17806, approved August 17, 1923, in the following described portions of public street and public alley, subject however, to the continued reservation of utility easement rights on behalf of Northern States Power Company to maintain their existing gas and electric dis- tribution facilities and the portions of street and alley described as follows: Aiorth Warwick Avenue, lying between Summit Avenue and Portland Avenue, and all that part of the East-West alley in Block 10, Summit Avenue Addition to the City of Saint Paul, COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays � Butler F3.natiCe & 1�Ilagement Sez'vice8 Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ Against By D�@�or Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved y C' y Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date App ved by ayor fot Su i ion tb Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �����..������, CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. i � " Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. lying between North Warwick Avenue and the southerly extension of the east line of Lot 16 of said Block 10 and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the above mentioned waiver of sa.id easements is for the City of Saint Paul and for those persons for whom the City has reserved easements in said vacated public street and public alley for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of publ�.c instrumentality except as expressly provided for abo�e. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Fiaan fl�na 3ervices Hozza —� [n Favor Hunt e�� Levine ✓ _ Against B Roedler Sylvester Tede Adopte y Council: Date MAY 2,4 19� Form Approved b City ttorn C tified Pa C n � tary� BY ��'e-� _ Y �9�T App o ed by Mayo for Sub iss on Council Appr v by i4layor. D e By BY PUBLISHED ,J�N 4 1977 ' -'"��-'�-�.� THE HONOREIBLE MAYQFt AND t�MBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CEHTIF'ICA`CE OF CITY OF SAII'dT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their ui;ility easement rights in the follawing described realty: � North ���aro;ick Avemze lyin� between Summit Avenue � and Portland I�vemze. All thdt part of the E-�.st-1�Jest alley in Block 10, Summit Avenue Addztion to the City oI' St. Paul lyin� be�;�teen Pdarth Y-7ar�•�ick Avenue and the Southerly ex-�ensi�n of the E?st line of Lotl6, said i3lock 10. Dated � �-9 • Director of ic orks City of Saini� aul General Mar.ager, Water Department City of Saint Paul Northern States Po��er Company gy (SEAL) Northwes�ern Bell Telephone Company gy (SEAL) � �, F. , °`F��E`�;�.�_� ' ' TI� HONORABLE ?�4AYOR AND biE3iIIERS OF T}iE COUNCIL OF T�'!E CERTIF'ICATE OF CITY 0�' SAINl' P�lUL INPENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement .rights in the followin� described r�alty: � PTorth j�l�rwick Avenue l;�in� bett•reetz Summit Avenue and �or.tland Avemae. All that p._�rt of the F�st-jdest al1_ey in Block 10, Surunit Avenue Addi�;ion to the City of' St. Paul lyin� between �,TOrth 6Tart��?rk Avenue and the So�ztherl_y er.tension of the East line of Lotlb, said B�ock ?.0. bat�� , 19 _ Director of Public t�lorks City of Saint Paul General Manager, r Depa tment City oi Saint Paul Northern States Power Corapar�y ny (SEAL) Northwestern Bell Telephone Co�rpany By (SEA�,) . � � Q � , � �� "� �a� T}� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEI�BERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follawing described realty: * � North Warwick Avenue lying between Summit Avenue �nd Portland Avenue. Al1 that part of the East-West alley in Block 10, Su�n.it Avenue Addition to the City of St. Paul lying between North War�aick Averiue and the Southerly extension of the East line of Lot16, said Block 10. �provided Northern States Power Company is allowed to maintain their existing gas and electric distribution facilities in the above-described realty. DBted %1`� G't..1 C�1 :�3 � 19 �� Director of Public Works City of Saint Paul General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Pau1 Northern States Power Company g (SEAL) Northwestern Bell Telephone Company gy (SEAL) . �•.- ;�����'`� � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � On th.is �3-r'� day of �� � 1 9 �7 , b e f o r e m e, a t pub ic 'thin and for said County, personally appeared �v �• to me personally l nown, b ng bx me d u 3.y e�,r o�z n, d i d s a y t h a t he is the ��%� � of NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a corporation, nam d in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was eiqned and sealed in behalf of said r o at'on y authority of its Board of Directors and said � acknowledged said instrument to e the free act and deed of• said corporation. � ,����c,`l�.=ry.(to�-,.v Notary Public, RamseX �cunty, Minn. N,n-,,� ���C.. ';=,ON �,•�ur,ty,Minrti, My comnais��r expire�„ My C'-�.- � , STATE DF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On th is ____,�, day o f � 19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the of NORTHWESTERN HELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said acknowledged said inatrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey Coanty, Minn. My commission expires 2 "� � � n� , �d • � � ���'�-��� 2'HE HONORABT,� MAYOR APlD MP�,'P�iBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIF'ICA`CE OF CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL IN'I'ENDF.D NON-USE The undersign2d hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise thej.r utility easement rights in th� following described realty; � Tdorth Wari-.zck Avenue lyir.� between Surr�r;it Avenue and P�r�land r�venue. All that nart af tl•ie East-i�Jest al1e�� in Block 10, Sur�,m�.t Avenue Ac�dition t� the City ef St. Paul lyir� �et�•reen �,orth L;art�r�.cK Avenue «r_d the S�.�t�':.`�er3.�r �.�ten�ior ef i;Y?e E�st 1_:r_�.: cA' i,ot��, said Block 10. Ds.ted , Z9 � Director af �'ublic WorYs City of Saint Pau1 Gen�ral Manager, Water Department Cit�� �f S�int Pau1 Idorthern Sta�es Fower Coz�pany gy (SEAL) Narthwestern Bell Telephone Company gyr , (SEAL) � acl`�1`t s upervls��� � Engl�neerl�ng . , .• ' ' � • , ���� � . :.� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On th.is „�„_ day of • 19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared to me personally known, who, beinq b�t me duly e�+ro�n, did say that he is the of NORTHERN STAT�S POWER COMPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoinq instrument, and that the sesl affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instr�ent was signed and seaied in behalf of said corporation by suthority of its Board of Directors and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expir�s_ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPiN ) On this � aaY of ����� —� 19�_, before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared,_G._S Cetty . _ to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the �ac i l i ti es Supervi�sor � Eng 1^g,�f NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COI�PANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was siqned and sealed in be2zalf of said corporation by authority of ite Board of Directors and said G. S. Getty acknawledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. . �AAA�A�,nya�^N��n!S�n_p n,a,.�!:^,!�I,.�1/A�A�2/n�?C •-�,� JE�i3T 1�.H��.?TZ?�iPuN � j���`'Y NOT.i^�YPiJBLi.0 M�:1:ui�0�..�� Hennepin County, Minn. � ' H:TrJ:.�IN COuNTY � Notary Public, "' My Commission EzPuea Feb.8,1983� X���Y•Iv'rJr'+'�vrvrv✓�r"1V�Ig�avvw'x My commission expiree 1983 2 � I � _ __ _ _ oo I� � �I ! � �� � :, �� ,�, . :. � � . N a tikv v � 7 �� N j°^;'� � I � � tu �V !v� � `v '� � U� p�^,�v Q1�„� c . ._ � , �--- .____�---.---_._�;�;�, ; �o � �� , �,�, �7 �1 .i ` i n . , , W � ' i^ � , � �l. . � .,.. 1--'-_1-J —'—.- .-„-_ I--�- - � �i.��` • • �cn�.s .� _-_q��___ �_ ._ (..._ , I --.....-�-------- .t' ir�zo�ze�C g /'--- E �'� �^1-y t1 � � ' --�s---- O✓�./��f.�.iv �� nca/�d M ' I A o �—� � i o • --�_�°� ---- -- --�.. � � I, ., _, , -._..._..------ ,e ;� ryI � �� � I 1�O ! I !��; I �� , I� , � U � � N ;� , , ; N , .^ � � ; °':N v i � co � o ° �� ;ti w ti �.N�,v, � � rv .r ti .�. 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' 1': � v • :!� : � � y� � ' �-._ � � .. , � ----° ..... �-•-- --- " , _" `. .. -� . �,'--;i. ..i^� ,I , � � N . � � �. N , .� ..,-.� �- -� - � --- . ' -°--- � -- �.__ � r---- � -------, � ..I �i � � : , �. � N ` : ; � e � .i � � ti : ,� � , N � . ., O N , -�' � � - 1--� �---_....___—._.____� i � ; , -----._________ - -- ------- � y I . , . � � �- i � -----�+ , , ; . �.., �. . w /� �� ; �� .� '. -- - G, - -�- ��{� i � � .� -- ---' �_ _ �..___'_ I . ,_ ____......_____ a....�j'._,��___�____. • _J�j ...: • � n. i : � � 1 or� o l: l2Jl� s . Re�. : 9/�/9 EXPI�ANATION QP' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLIITIONS, AN� RDZNANCES �......,�..�..._.... � � . '���,=,.,' . Dat�: �y 12, 1977 s � . � � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � �� � ' FR: Rcy E. Bs�ed�►ht� J�.� Assistarrt' Yal�tiau Engineer (Est. 531?) Dep�t. �'ir�ance & � �g+e�stt S�rvi.ces , RE: � IItility Bsaeoae�ts in the vacated �treet and all�y aa indic�ted c� the att�e2�d � p�1,an.amd le�e�].ly described �►s toll<�r�: l�os-th i�rr3.ck�Av�nue, lyia6 bet��en Stmit 14�emu a� Pa�rtL�►»»� Av�eqsme, and all tbat pest ot'tbe Es�t iTest a]1� in �1ock 10� $m�3,t A�e � A�Ldition to the City ot' 3ai�t Pe►ul, lying betxeen Xarth ��ck Avyem�tm and tl�e svntherly extea�ian of the �aat line o! Lcrt 16 0! said Block 10. . ACTION REQUESTED: � Appro�ra�:� tJ�e s�soluticn �►ex�1d �iv� tbie atility -.essasleat ia�the s+�b�rt . stre�t aad a�,1�y Yl�ich r►e�re arigir�lly �e►oated ia 1923� p� C.F. 17806. PURP05E AND RATIOI�tA1.E F�R TSIS ACTYON: i �Siv�er oi th� IItility Base�nt� xovld release re�ttrietians on t,bee aaxb�ect �tre . and slley in order to i'�cilite►te lirr�ncing. � � � � t � � � � � , ATT�I�I3MENTS: � � , 1) Covncil Resolntion , � 2) Bsaeient Ksivera 3) Area li�P l } �