269110 I
WHITE - C�TV CLE �O�nCll 2.69110�
� u Resolution
Presented By
Referred Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED That the Council approves a grant
application made in the name of the City of Saint Paul to
the Economic Development Administration, U. S. Department
of Commerce, for technical assistance monies for planning `
and economic development; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and the proper
City officials are hereby authorized to make such grant
application and to execute all necessary contracts on behalf
of the City of Saint Paul with the Economic Development
Administration, U. S. Department of Co�nerce in the adminis-
tration of said grant.
Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of:
Butler �O [n Favor
Hunt U
Levine _ Against BY
Tedesc �f�1
Adopt j Council: Date Mplr � � �91� Form Ap oved by City Att ney
B �
C�ified Yas y Co .il retary Y
�'` sy �
�►Y 2'3 197 ' Approv Mayor for Subm si ' to Council
Appr v by Mayor: Dat
�US�eSHEO MAY 2 8 1977 .
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G��oxc;E LarJ•ir-:fz May 18 , 1977
�t_�ti-o F�
TO: Council President Robert Sylvester
and Honorable Members of the City Council
FROM: Mayor George Latimer �
SUBJECT: Attached resolution
Attached is a copy of a Council Resolution that
appears on the Council Agenda for Thursday, May 19, 1977.
I urge your prompt approval of the resolution.
The EDA has been tolerant of delays up to this point, but
now is anxious to proceed with review of the application.
I want to stress that the city carries no fiscal
obligations by virtue of the grant. I have requested an
annual budget of $172, 667 for the Economic Development
Division of the Department of Planning and Economic
Development. We are requesting $138, 247 annually for
three to four years from EDA in order that the Division
be more adequately funded to carry out its objective of
developing a formal economic development program to
revitalize the city' s economy. The federal monies cover
all anticipated costs of technical assistance, including
clerical and support services.
I am available to answer any questions you may
Thank you for your consideration and prompt action.
�lpproval Es;ir�s G-3!?_.'i� O�IH Approval No.29-k021$
�EDERAL ASSISTANCE 2• APPIi- a. Number 3. State a. Sh[ Numbe�
cant's appii ca-
l. Type of '.�' Preap[�licacion cati'on b. ll�'ceyr. mo. dsy' identiFier 6. n1te � ,�ay
oction �Applicacion 1) 7�] 4 2�] (SAI) Assigned 1���
(mark appro- . - . ���
b�x) L-_; ti��<iEicanon of incenc(Opt.) Leave 8tank
� Report of Federal Action
4. Legal applicant�recipient ,,. Federal employer ldentificotion no.
a. Applicanc name - Clty Of Saint Paul
b. Orgnnizacion Unic� Of f 1C2 Of the Mayor 6. a• Number
e. Screec!P.o n�4 • 347 Clty Hall Program 1 �' � 3 � � 3
��Q d. Ciry • Sd1rit Paul e• County : Ramsey b. "I'itic ECOT10Il'ilC
� f. sta�e Mi_nnesota s• LIt� code: Develo m
' 55102 Federal p ent: Technica
; h. c�>n«�� person Richard Broeker 612-298-4323 cet����� ssistance
� (�Y'ame& hone no.) �
; w 7. Tifle and description of applicant's project 8. Type of opplicant/recipient
� A-State H_Communiey Actiun Agency
U ��ECOYIQITLIC Development TecYuzical Assist�nce fOY' B-Inrerstate I-Higl�er Educational lnsc.
w GSubstate Disa. J.Indian Tribe
� Saint Paul° A project to dSS1St 1I7 �'lE esta'r�lish� p_Counry K-Ocher(specity) �
z ment of a formal econani.c developzr�nt program to E-c<<v
a revit.�lize �12 Clt �S @COI10 F-School District
V y �� G-Special Purpose �
J Distcict (Enter appropriate letter) �
Q 9. Type of assistance EC Cd
. A-I3asic grant D-Insurance �S1StaP1C2
z B-Suppl.grant E-Othe[(Specify):
p GLoan (Enter appropriate letfer(s) I_��_;
f. 10. Area af project impact (Name o(cieies, countrias, 11. Estimated number 12. Type of apptecation
v srates, etc.) of persons A-New C-Revision E_Augmencucion
W benefiting
ES-Renewal D-Continuation A
Saint Paul, Minnesota City population (Enter opproprate letter)
300 ��� 15: Type of Change (For 12C or 12E)
13. PROPOSED FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: A-Increase dollars F_p�her (s�ec;ty)
o. Federal s 13$�2t�7.00 0. Applicant b. Projeet g-Decrease dollars N�A
G[ncrcase duration
b. Applicant 1'72,667'�� 4th 4th D-Decrease duration
c. State _ .00 16. Project $tart Dote 17. Project Duration E-Cancellation
d. Local _ ,pp �- mo. �jay ��onchs (Enrer a - -l'- r �
19 7� --�-- -, -36- PPropriate letfer(s) LJ��._.�
e. �ther _ .00 �8. Yr. mo. day 19• Existing ederal identi ication num er
Estimated date to be
f. Total 3 3Z0 914•00 submitted to Fed. Agency 1977 5 15 N/A
20. Federol Agency to receive request (Name, City, State, ZIP Code) 21, Remarks added (See Sec.IV)
Economic Development Administration, Chicago, Illinois X.l Y�� C�No
z o, To the best of my knowledge and belief, �
p 22• b. If required by 0�1L3 Circular A-J5 this lpplication was (�;o Response
daca in ehis preapplicacion/applicacion submitted, pursuant co instrccuons [herein, [o appro- P,esponse Attached
QThe are aue and correcc, che documenc has priace clearinghouses and all respooses are attached:
� qPP��� been duly authorized by the goveming �„(See remarks -Sec. IV i(more than 3 c(earinghouses) �
LL �a�� body of ehe applicant and the applicane Metropolitan COUI1C11 �-' �
F- wi(1 comply with the atcached assur �z� [� []
Wcertifies: ances if the assistance is approved. �3� [_] �
V23, a. 1�}'ped name and citle b. Signamre c. Date signed
- Certlfying
Ci represen- C�eOrge Latimer Yt. mo. day
� tor��e Mayor 197� 5 15
24. Agency name 25. Yr. mo. day
z Application r
o received 19
--------..__ -- ---------- - -
F- 26. Orgonizational unit - 27, Administrative office 28. Federal opplicotion ID
Z29. Address 30. Federal grant ID
c� -
a 31. Action taken 32. FUNDING 33. Action Year month day 34. Storting Yr. mo. day
J (��'a• Awarded a. Federal 5 ,00 date 1) date 1)
°' `-"b� De�n e�dd/ b. Applicant .00 35, Contaet for odditionoi information 36. Ending Y'r. mo. day
w ___��� Returned C. J,;��e .�� (Name and te/ephone number) dpte lc)
� for Amend-
mene d' I'"�1� •�� 37. Remarks added (See Sec.
[d. Uzferred e. Other ,pp Iv)
�� Yes (_�]No
O --�e. lC'icF.d:awn {. Total S .�0 .
� --
u 38, o. In taking above accion, any cummer,cs received Erom cleariag- b. Federal Agenry A-95 Official
"' i'ederal Agency hcuses were considered. If agency response is due under provi- (Neme and telephone no,) �
A-9S Aetion sions of Yart 1 ,O\IE3 Circulat A-)5, it has heen or is being made. {
1 SF-424 (10-75� USGOMbt-DC 18327_P76 �.
_ .. ... , . _ . _ . . ., _ . ,. .:.: ,�,:r
�PProval Ex�irzs G-3�?-'!; 0ti1B Approval I�'o. 27-R0218
FEDERAL A5SISTANCE 2• Appli- a. Number 3. State a. SAI Number
canT's aPPtica- �
1. Type of - ' Preapplication catilon b. Dateyr, mo. ��;}' identifier b• ��ate y--��
oetion xX�pplication lc) 77 4 2�] (SAI) Assigned 1� �,
(:nv:k:�npru- -
box) _ ,:\o[ihcation of intent(Opt. ) Leava 61ank
� Report of E�ederal Action
4. Legal applicant�recipient .:. Federal employet idenfification no.
a. App!icunc name • Clty Of Saint Paul
b. Or�;ar.izscion Unic� Of f 1C2 of the Mayor 6. o• �'umber
c. Strc�t%P.o boX � 347 Clt�7 Ha�.l Progrom 1 1 � I � �
� a d. Cicy- - Saint PdUl e• ���n�v : Ramsey b. "ricle EC0110Ii11C
r- f. s�a�� • M�_nnesota e• 7►Y �oae: �F`°m Develo m
55102 Federal p ent: Technica
o h. Contact person Richard Broeker 612-298-4323 c8�at�g� ssistance
.� (!4'ame& �hoae no.)
jW 3. Title and description of applicant's project 8. TyPe of applicant/recipient
p. A-State H-Communicy Action Agency
�r ��ECOIIOITLIC Development Technical Assistance for B-Interstate I.Higher Educacional Inst.
�� GSubstate Discr. J�Indian Tribe
� Saint Paul A project to aSS1St ]11 �12 2Std}JZ1Sl1- p_Councy K-Ocher(Specily)
= ment of a forn�al econc�nic develo�t►ent program to E-c<<y
u` revitalize �"le C1t�7�S @COAOICI,�7. F-School District
J G-Special pucpose
Dis[rict � �Enter opproptiata !et[er) �
°- 9. Type of assistance CC Cd
a A-Basic gcant D-Insurance �S15tclI1CG
T B-Suppl.grant E-Ocher(Specity): r
o GLoan (Enter appropriate (etter(s) I_�L_�
� 10. Area of project impact (rvame of cieie_v, countria., 11. Estimated number 12. Type oF application
u states, etc.) of persons A-New C-xevision E_Augmencation
u' benefiting
B-Renewal D-Continuation A
Saint Paul, Minnesota City population (Enter approprata /etter)
300 000 15: Type of Chonge (For 12C or 12E)
a. Federal t 138,247•�0 a. Applicant b. Projeet B-Decrease dollars N/A
b. App(ican� 172,667•�� 4th C-Increase duration
4th D-Decrease duration
c. State _ .00 16. Project $tort Date 17, Project Duration E-Cancellation
d. I.ocal _ ,00 19 �'r. mo, da
7 �_ y - ��otlthS 36=4 �F.nter appropriete letter(s) L_;�L__i
e. �cher _ .00 �8. Yr, mo. day 19• Existeng edera i enti icotion num er
Estimated date to 6e
f. Total 3 310 914-�� submitted to Fed. Agency 1)77 5 15 N�A
20. Federal Agency to receive request {Name, Ciry, State, ZIP Code) 21. Remarks added (See Sac.IV)
Economic Development Administration, Chicago, Illinois � Yes [�:�o
z o. To the best oE my knowledge and betief, � �
p 22. 6. IE required by O�1H Circular A-J5 this application was No Response
data in this preapplication/application submitted� pursuant to instt¢cttons therein� to appro- Response Attached
QThe are tcue and cocrece, che document has priate cleartnghouses and all responses are attached:
U qPP��_ been duty authorized by the governing („(See remarks -Sec. !V if more th»n 3 clearinghovses) � O
LL �a�t body of the applicanc and the applicane Metropolitan COL1riCl�.
F will comply wich the attached assuo- t2� � [_i
Wcertifies: ancrs if the assiseance is approved. �3� [� �
u23, a, �ryped name and title Signature �� , c. I�ate signed
' Certifying �`
�i represen- G20YC.j2 Latimer �-%� �_ Yr. rao. day
� F
� rat'�e NIayor " ;°�-'�,tt � � g-;�_`--�. 1977 5 15
24. Agency name � � 25. Yr, mo. day
z Applicotion
o _ received 19
F- 26. Organizational unit 27, Administrative office 28. Federal applicotion ID
v 29. Address 30. Federal grant ID
a 31. Action taken 32, FUNDING 33. Action Year month da}• 34. S�orting X�. mo. day
Q f�a• Awarded a. Fe.ieral S ,00 date 1) date 1)
� `Jb� De�nieda/ 6. ApPlicant .00 35, Contaet for additionai information 36, E�ding Yr. mo. day
W �c. Recurned C. 5�,��� n� (Name and tefephorte number) dpte 1)
�- for Amend-
ment d• Local .00 37. Remarks added (Sre Sec.
= IV)
Z i"-'d. Deferred e. Ocher •�� 1'es
Q [:1 e. `8'ichdrawn f. Total $ .00 L� �\'o
w38. a. In taking above action, any commencs received from clearing- b. Federol Agency A-95 OFfieial
`" Federal Ag�ency houses were conside:ed. If agency response is due under provi- (Neme and telephorte no.)
A-95 Action sions of Part 1 ,O\1B Ci:cular A-95, it has been or is being made.
. 1 SF-424 (fOJ5) USCOMM-OC td327-p76
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O[1 X Sa�
•papinoid �palr.dr�nue io `�utpuad
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•p� wai�
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•g aua3�
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NOIlt1WaO�NI lt/1�0liddt7 1�3P0�ld
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PART 11 the plan. Give the location where the approved plan is available
fur e�amination and state whether this project is in conformance
Negative ansa•ers w7ll not require an eaplanation unless the with the plan.
Federal agency requests more information at a later date. �tem 6 — Show the population residing or working on the
Provide supplementary data for all "Yes"answers in the space Federal installation who will benefit from this project.
provided in accordance with the following instructions:
item 1 — Provide the name of the governing body establishing Item 7 — Show the percentage of the project work ihat will bc
the riorit� s�stem and the conducted on federally-owned or leased (and. Give the name of
p ) y priority ratino assigned to this the Federal installation and its location.
Item 2 — Provide ihe name of the agency or board which issued Item 8 —Describe briefly the possible beneficial and harmful
the dearance and attach ihe documentation of status or impact on the environment of the proposed project. If an
approvaL adverse environmental impact is antici�ated,explain what action
Item 3 — Attach thc clearinghousc comments f�r the application �+'�ll be taken to minimize the impact. Federal agencies will pro-
in accordance u�ith the instructions coniained in Office of ��de separate instructions if additional data is needed.
Management and Bud,et Circalar No. A-95. If comments were
sumitted Previously ��th a preapplication,do not submit them �te^'�9—State the number of individuals,families,businesses,or
again but an�• additional comments received from the clearing- farms this project will displace. Federal agencies will provide
house should be sumitted with this application, separate instructions if additional data is needed.
hem 4 — Furnish the name of the approving agency and the Item 10 — Show the Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog
approval date. number,the pro�am name,the type of assistance,the status and
the amount of each project where there is related previous,
ltem 5 — Show whether the approved comprehensive plan is pending or anticipated assistance. Use additional sheets, if
State,local or regional, or if none of these,explain the scope of needed.
FORM ED-357A 12-76) USCOMM-DC 18327-P76
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PART I I I only if the Federal�rantur agency instructions provide for this.Other-
wise, leave these columns biank. I?nter in columns (e) and (fl the
amounts of funds needed for the upcomin� period.The amount(s) in
General Instructions Column(g)should be the sum of amounts in Columns(s)and(�.
For stepplementaf grants und changes to existing grants, do not u�
This form is desi�ned so thai application can be made fot funds from Colurruis (c)and(d). Enter in Column(e) the arnount of the increase or
one or more grant programs. In preparino the 6udget, adhere to any decrease of Federal funds and enter in Colutnn (� the amount of the
existing Federal granror agency guidelines which prescribe how and increase or decrease of non-Fzderal funds.In Column(g)enter the new
whether bud�eted amounts should be separately shown for different total budgeted amount (Federat and non-Eederal) which includes the
functions or activities within the program.For some programs,grant or total previous authorized budgeted amounts plus or minus,as appropri-
agencies may require budaets to be separately shuwn by function or ate, the amounts shown in Columns (e) and (�. The amount(s) in
activity. For othar prograrns,grantor agencies may not require a break- Column (g) should not equal the sum of amounts in Calumns(e)and(�.
down by function or activity. Section A, B, C, and D should include
budget estimates for the whole project except when applyino for ,
assistance �vhich requires Federal authorization in annual or other Line 5—Show the totals for ail columns used. •
fundin� period increments. [n the latter case, Section A, B, C, and D
should provide the budget for the first budget period (usually a year)
and Section E should present the need for Federal assistance in the
subsequent hud�et periods. All app6cations should contain a break- Section S.Budget Categories
down by the objec[class categories shown in Lines a-k of Section B.
In the column headin�s (1) through (4),�enter the tities of the same
pro�rams, functions, and activities shown on Lines 1�, Column (a),
Section A.Budget Summary Section A.1�Vhen additional sheets were prepared for Section A,prQVide
Lines 1-4,Columns(a)and(b). sirnilaz column headings on each sheet. For each program, function ur
activity, fill in the total requirements for funds (both Federal and
For applications pertaining to a single Federal grant program non-Federal)by object class categories.
(Federal Domestic Assistance Cataloo number) and not requiring a
functional or activity breakdown,enter on Line 1 under Column(a)the Lines 6a•h—Show the estimated amount for each direct wst budget
catalog program titte and the catalog number in Column(b). (object class) category for each column with program, function or
For applications pertaining to a single program requiring budget activity heading.
amounts by multiple functions or activities, enter the name of each
activity or function on each line in Column (a),and enter the cataloe Line 6a—In addition to amount shown in the budget, show annual
number in Column (b). For applications pertaining to multipie pro- salary rates for key personneL
grams where r�one of the programs require a breakdown by function or
activity, enter the catalo�pro�ram title on each line in Column(a)and Line 6i—Show the totals of Lines 6a to 6h in each column.
the respective catalog number on each Gne in Column(b).
For applications pertainino to�nultiple programs where one or more Line 6j—Show the amount of indirect rnst. Refer to Federal Ntanage- �`'
pro�rams re��uve a breakdown by function or activity, prepaze a ment Circular 74-4.
separate sheet for each program requirin� the breakdown. Additional
sheets should be used when one form does not provide adequate space Line 6k—Enter the total uf amounts on Line 6i and 6j.For all applica-
for all breakdown of data required. However, when more than one tions for new grants and crontinnation grants the total amount in
sheet is used, the first page should provide the summary totals by column (5), Line 6k, should be the same as the total amount shown in
programs. Section A,Column (g), Line 5.For supplemental grants and chan,es to
grants, the total amuunt of the increase or decrease as shown in
Columns (1)-(4), Line 6k shoutd be the same as the sum of the amounts
Lines 1-4,Columns(c)through(g1. in Section A, Columns (e) and (� on Line 5. When additional sheeCs
were prepared, the last two sentences apply oniy to the first page with
For new applicatiorts, leave Columns(c)and(d)blank. For each line summary totals.
entry in Columns (a) and (b), enter in Columns (e), (�, and (g) the
uppropriate amounts of funds needed to support the project for the Line 7—Enter the estimated amount of income, if any,expected to be
f'vst funding period(usualty a year). generated from this project. Do nut add or subtract this amount from
For continuing grant progmm applications, submit these forms the total project amount. Show under the pro�ram narrative statement
before the end of each fundin� period as required by the grantor the nature and source of income. The estimated amount of program
a�ency. Enter in Columns (c) and(d) the estimated amounts oF funds income may be considered by the Federal grantor aoency in deter- �
which will remain unobligated at the end of the grant funding period mining the total amount of the erant.
FORM ED-397A (2-76) $ USCOMM-DC 18327-P7g �
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PART Iil Line 14—Enter the amount of cash from all other sources needed Uy
(continued) quarter during the first year.
Section C.Source of NomFederal Resources Line t5—Enter the totals of amounts on Lines 13 and 14.
Line 8-11—Enter amounis of non-Federal resources that will be used on
the grant if in-kind contributions are included,provide a brief explana- Section E.Budget Estimates of Federai Funds Needed for
tion on a separate sheet. In accordance with Attachment F, Federal Balance of the Project
Management Circular 74-7, describe the basis for the
value attributed to in-kind contributions claimed in columns (b) and Lines 16-19—Enter in Column (a) the same grant prosram titles shown
(d). The value of consumable and nonconsumable items should be their in Column (a), Section A. A breakdown by function or activity is not ,
estimated current fair market value.The estimated value of nonconsum- necessary. For new applications and continuing grant applicatiohs,
able items should be given only for the period of time for which they enter in the proper columns amounts of Federal funds which will be
are needed for this grant. needed to complete the program or project over the succeeding funding
periods (usually in years). This Section need not be completed for •
Column (a!—Enter the program titles identical to Column (a), amendments, changes,or supplements to funds for the current year of
Section A.A breakdown by function or activity is not necessary. existing grants.
Column (b1—Enter the amount of cash and in-kind contributions to If more than four lines arc needed to list the program titles submit
be made by tl�e applicant as shown in Section A.(See also Attachment additional schedules as necessary.
rr F� Federal Management Circular 74-7.
Column Icl—Enter the State contribution if the applicant is not a Line 20—Enter the total for each of the Columns(b}(e).When addi-
` State or State agency. Applicants which are a State or State agencies tional schedules are.prepared for this Section,annotate accordingly and
should leave this column blank. show the overall totals on this line.
Column(dl—Enter the amouni of cash and in-kind contributions to
be made from all other sourc;es. Section F—Other Budget I�formation.
Column(e1—Enter totals of Columns(b),(c),and(d). Line 27—Use this space to explain amounts for individual d'uect object
cost categories that may appear to be out of the ordinary or to explain
Line 12—Enter the total for each of Columns(b)-(e). The amoimt in the details as required by the Federal grantor agency.
� _ Column (e) should be equal to the amount on Line 5, Column (�,
Section A. Li�e 22—Enter the type of indirect rate (provisional, predetermined,
finat or fixed) that will be in effect during the funding period, the
estimated amount of the base to which the rate is applied,and the totsl
Section D.Forecasted Ca'sh Needs indirect eapense.
Line 13—Enier the amount of cash needed by quarter from ihe grantor Line 23—Provide any other explanations required herein or any other
agency during the first year. comments deemed necessary.
{ . .
USCON,M-DC 18327-P76
FORM ED-357.> 12-761 1�
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A. Narrative
B. Budget Specifics
Submitted to: Economic Development Administration
May l, 1977
"Economic Development Technical
Assistance for Saint Paul"
A project to assist in the
establishment of a formal
economic development program
to revitalize the city' s
A. Problem to be Solved. Saint Paul is a built or mature city.
The city has and is feeling the universal pinch of urban
problems -- a leveling off of growth, a rising demand and
need for public services, and an increasing allocation of
time and resources to rehabilitate and redevelop an aging
physical plant.
Since 1976 the City' s total market value of real property has
increased by l.l% annually. In the suburbs, annual growth
rates average approximately 10$. While much of the suburban
growth can be attributed to new housing developments, several
suburbs have experienced commercial and industrial expansion.
Much of the expansion, particular�y in the industrial sector,
can be traced to total or partial industrial relocation from
Saint Paul.
Despite the differential rates of growth and development between
Saint Paul and its suburbs, Saint Paul is exhibiting signs of
economic revitalization. The City has recently been awarded a
federal grant for a downtown people mover, which should aid
downtown development. In addition, Ramsey County which includes
S�int Paul, has qualified as an economic development area. To
achieve EDA designation, the City and Ramsey County are working
together to develop the Overall Economic Development Plan (OEDP) .
Industrial development is continuing through the efforts of
the Saint Paul Port Authority; and the City annually invests
$23. 0 million for capital improvements, neighborhood revitalization,
and commercial and industrial development. The annual capital
program is funded by local general obligat�on bonds and federal
funds. It is envisioned that these resources will leverage
additional public and private cap�tal.
To actualize the leverage potential, the City of Saint Paul must
possess the institutional capability to formulate and refine
development strategy, analyze development proposals, and provide
technical assistance to commercial and industrial developers.
The necessary institutional capability is being developed with
the organization of the new Department of Planning and Economic
Development. The new department was established by the Mayor
and City Council in January 1977 , and is currently becoming
operational (Chart I) . However, to achieve its mission and
objectives the department generally and the Economic Development
Division specifically, will require staff expertise that the City
does not currently possess. The technical assistance grant will
aid the City in developing the staff capability so that the City
can assist in Saint Paul' s economic revitalization.
B. Project Objectives. The Department of Planning and Economic
Development is a consolidation of the City' s Housing and
_ Redevelopment Authority, Office of City Planning, and Community
Development Office. The mission of the department is as follows:
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Page 2
1) To assist the Mayor and City Council to expand the vision
of the City and to plan for the future of the City.
2) To provide an efficient and orderly process by which the
City changes over the years; and, thereby, encourage growth
and development to the maximum benefit of the City, its
neighborhoods, its residents, and the metropolitan region.
In pursuit of this mission, the department will:
3) Recommend plans and policie� to the Mayor and City Council
which will help provide a rational direction for the
development process.
4) Support and provide for active participation of citizens and
neighborhood groups in planning for neighborhoods and in the
development of goals, policies, and plans for the City, while
also maintaining involvement of staff responsible for program
5) Manage and coordinate community development functions and
evaluate program results to ensure effective realization of
neighborhood and City objectives, the most immediate solution
to problems and the most efficient use of available
resources; and
6) Identify and develop means for private sector/pub�ic sector
cooperation and involvement addressing all available
opportunities for the effective fulfillment of development
The statement is presented to show the overall scope of the
$5.0 million department. To achieve its mission the department
will include four divisions: Cornmunity Development, Planning,
Renewal, and Economic Development. As one department, _it is
expected that the City can better develop strateg� and program
projects that will increase commercial and industrial
opportunities, as well as continue the City' s neighborhood
revitalization program. For example, development proposals
will be evaluated for their environmental impact by the
department' s Planning Division. The latter-mentioned division
through the City' s participation in the Community Development
Program, has developed a comprehensive environmental clearance
The department' s estimated 1978 budget of $5.0 million will be
funded from local and federal sources. A copy of the departmental
budget is attached. The Economic Development Division will be
funded with existing funds and the technical assistance grant.
Page 3
The objective of the Economic Development Division is the
retention of the City' s existing economic base, the stimulation
of the City' s existing economic base and the stimulation of
the City' s commercial, industrial and housing sectors.
To accomplish this objective, the division will have the
following general tasks :
1) The encouragement of appropriate development on land
throughout the City.
2) The identification and evaluation of a11 City assets
including land, physical facilities, programs and people.
3) The identification of all public and private policies and
programs which affect the City' s potential economic growth
and vitality.
4) The initiatian of a variety of policies and programs which
will benefit the City' s commercial, industrial and housing
5) The provision of technical assistance to developers,
businesses, and individuals who desire to either retain
a Saint Paul location or locate their facilities in the
6) The coordination and assistance to all organizations engaged
in promoting the economic growth of the City.
The general tasks of the division can be illustrated by several
specific projects that will be part of the division' s initial
work scope.
1) HELP Development Corporation/Uni-Dale Shopping Center. HELP
(Help Encourage Local Progress) is a non-profit economic
development corporation which is incorporated under the
non-profit statute of the State of Minnesota and under the
"502" guidelines of the Small Business Administration.
HELP' s geographic area of concentration is the Summit-
University (S-U) neighborhood. The S-U neighborhood recorded
a 1970 population of 20,000 . Of the neighborhood' s total
population, minorities comprise approximately 40� of the
population. The neighborhood has the highest concentration
of minority population in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.
A review of the area' s socio-economic indicators shows that
the neighborhood is beset with such inner-city problems as
poor housing, high unemployment and low household incomes.
However, federal redevelopment programs and private investment
have caused an immigration of upper-middle income families
into the area. The in-miigrants are either moving into new
homes or rehabilitated structures.
Page 4
Being aware of the needs and changes occurring within
the neighborhoods, HELP was formed in 1971 to encourage
development within the neighborhood. HELP is governed
by a nine-member board of directors who are elected by
the corporation' s gemeral membership. Currently, 350
residents and businessmen are HELP members. The board
is served by a six-member staff which is headed by an
executive director.
The corporation was originally funded with riodel Cities
funds and is presently receiving a Community Development
grant from the City of Saint Paul. This grant is used to
support the administrative staff. In addition, the City
of Saint Paul has committed $500,000 of Community
Development funds as equity capital for the shopping
center. As evidenced by these financial commitments and
statt assistance, the City of Saint Paul is involved in
developing the shopping center.
The center will be a joint venture between HELP and
Kraus-Anderson, a local developer. Financing of the
project should be finalized by summer of 1977, and
construction should begin soon thereafter. The center
will provide space for several local and nationally-
franchised firms such as a super market, drug store, and
hardware store. In addition, HELP is seeking to assist
new businesses to locate in the center. When completed,
the center will achieve HELP' s objective to encourage
expanded business and employment opportunities.
The Economic Development Division will contract with or
provide staff to HELP so that th2 shopping center can
be implemented. The staff responsible for this task will
be responsible for the center' s final planning and
programming. The task includes, but is not limited to,
the recruiting of tenants, negotiating of leases, assisting
potential new businesses, and the continued formation of
economic development strategies for the Summit-University
neighborhood. It is envisioned that the experience gained
from this task can be transferred by the City to other
neighborhoods with similar programs.
2. Policy Initiatives to Stimulate Development - Public/Private
Venture Capital Fund. A general task of the division will
be the initiation of policies and programs which will
benefit the City' s commercial, industrial and housing
sectors. The public-private venture capital is an example
of a specific project related to this task. For the past
six months, the City of Saint Paul has been working closely
with a number of local foundations and corporations to
Page 5
establish a Venture Capital Corporation to assist in the
economic development of the downtown core area. The
Venture Capital Corporation would be established as a
501 (c) (3) Public Charity, wherein one-third or more of
support would come frorn governmental sources and/or direct
and indirect public donations.
The Venture Capital Corporation would engage in such
activities as assisting in improving the downtown area by
rehabilitation or removal of deteriorated buildings, the
joint governmental/private ventures relating to new buildings,
the rehabilitation of houses for sale or lease to low-income
persons on a non-profit basis, the promotion or construction
of new housing, the promotion of racial integration, and
assisting in arranging for financing regarding housing.
As now defined, the purpose of the Saint Paul Venture
Capital Corporation is as follows:
"To serve the public purpose by promoting the social
welfare of persons resident or located in the City of
Saint Paul, by all. appropriate means, through the
promotion and encouragement of commercial, industrial
and housing development in order to increase commerce,
reverse outward migration of the population, broaden the
tax base, enhance cultural and educational opportunities
through the infusion of venture capital provided by public
and private organizations, all without regard to
discrimination because of race, color, creed, religion,
national origin, sex, marital status, status with respect
to public assistance or disability. "
The projected first-year operations budget has been
established at about $137 ,000 with one-third of the
operations funding coming directly from public sources.
The remainder of the budget would come from local
corporations and private foundations.
The Venture Capital Corporation intends, over a three-year
period, to establish a venture investment fund of
approximately $5 . 0 million to be invested in accordance
with the above-stated purpose.
A major promise underlying the discussions to date is that
the City (i.e. the newly-created Department of Planning and
Economic Development) will undertake the development of a
long-range economic development strategy, dependent upon a
wide range of economic development tools, which can be used
as an overall guide for the investment policy of the Venture
Capital Corporation.
Page 6
Regular meetings over the past several months have been
hosted by the Wilder Foundation of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
The Mayor has been directly involved in the negotiations,
and it is the City' s intention to build sufficient
economic development capacity in order to be an effective
member of the proposed public-private partnership. The
group meeting on the Venture Capital Corporation formatian
is currently in the process of drafting Articles of
Incorporation and By-Zaws.
3. Identification and Application of Techniques to Stimulate
Economic Development. The new department will be responsible
for the development and refinement of the City' s overall
economic development strategy. However, the Economic
Development Division will be responsible for formulating
and applying available, and/or new development techniques.
Such techniques include but are not limited to industrial
revenue bonds, tax increment financing, development districts,
EDA Title I and IX programs, HUD Community Development Block
Grants, and proposed new federal initiatives like the EDA-HUD
development fund. Currently the City does not have the
capability to utilize these tools to the fullest extent
possible. A task of the division will be to develop this
needed capability.
To achieve these general and specific tasks, the Economic
Development Division will be organized in six major areas.
These areas include the three line responsibilities of
commercial development, industrial development, and housing
development, and the support responsibilities of research
and finance. Chart II, attached, illustrates the areas of
responsibility and their relationship to the City' s overall
economic development effort. Chart III, attached, illustrates
the relationship between each of the six areas of responsibilities.
A brief explanation of the six areas of responsibility follows:
Finance : Staff involved in the financial area of responsibility
will have a thorough knowledge of both public and private
financial tools. In recent years the public sector has become
greatly involved in the econamic development process and as a
result has created numerous financial tools to facilitate
development. Attendant with the traditional sources of
financing through the private sector, the City of Saint Paul
now has available numerous financial sources to be used for
economic development. Examples of these financial tools
a. Community Development funds
b. I�innesota Housing Finance Agency
c. Tax Levy
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Page 7
d. Small Business Administration
e. Economic Development Administration
f. Tax Increment Districts
g. Conventional Mortgages
h. Private Investors
i. Insurance Companies
The primary responsibility of this work area will be to
evaluate each project and determine which of the available
financial tools are most adaptable to ensure success. A
second major responsibility is to have a knowledge of all
available funding programs, either public or private.
Research: Staff involved in the research working area will
be o-oriented rather than sirnply collectors of data.
For example, this working area will have the responsibility
of identifying and evaluating all of the City' s assets and
recommending strategies to efficiently utilize the City' s
assets. The research working area will also determine the
cost benefit of specific development proposals, develop
economic indicators of urban change, and monitor the local
and national economic trends and how they will affeet the
City immediately and in the Tong run.
Industrial Development: An industrial development effort
entails the retention and the attraction of industrial
employers to the City of Saint Paul. The industrial
development effort presently conducted by the Saint Paul
Port Authority deals primarily with larger industries and is
almost entirely directed toward real estate they own. The
Division of Economic Development staff working in the
industrial development area will emphasize assistance to
smaller industrial firms located anywhere in the city.
Small businesses require technical assistance and direction
toward agencies such as the Small Business Administration
which will assist them in their expansion plans.
Commercial Development: Staff working within this area will
direct their attention toward the location of new and expanded
shopping facilities, office building and other cor,lmercial
establishments. Many new commercial establishments will be
located in Saint Paul in the coming years and the commercial
development working area will handle any location problems
and, tnrough technical assistance, offer urban renewal
properties for development, redevelopment opportunities and
instigation of programs to encourage new commercial
Page 8
Housing Development: Staff working within this area of
responsibility will be oriented to the reuse and
development of new housing throughout the City at either
the scale of the individual lot or major project. Zn
recent years the City of Saint Paul has failed to develop
an adequate supply and range of housing for its citizens
and in many cases this has been the cause of many social
and economic problems. Staff of the Division of Economic
Development will emphasize the recycling of the City' s
present housing stock and the construction of new housing.
C. Budget. Since 1975 the City of Saint Paul has contracted for
economic development services from the Saint Paul Housing and
Redevelopment Authority (HRA) . For the first five months of
1977 these services were provided by the HR.A at an annual cost
of $111,842. The 1977 HRA economic development budget was:
Full Time Equivalent Position Salary
0.10 �xecutive Director $ 3 ,972
0. 50 Chief of Economic Development 15, 000
0.15 Renewal Director 4,452
0. 10 Deputy Renewal Director 2,637
0.25 Program Manager 5,924
0.50 Economic Development Planner $,691
0. 20 ED/Project Administrator 4,660
0.50 Secretary 3,832
0.25 Planner I 3,306
0.10 Chief of Planning 2,725
0.15 Planner II 3,011
0. 05 Planner I 598
0.10 Chief of Design 2,315
0. 25 Principal Designer II 5,758
0. 25 Designer III 4,230
0.10 Graphics Designer 1,404
0. 05 Designer II 575
TOTAL Salaries 73 ,090
Fringes 12,425
Indirect Cost 12,827
(15 0)
Travel 2, 500
Other Expenses 1,000
Information 10 ,000
TOTAL $ 13,500
Page 9
A review of the above budget indicates that the contract did not
assign full-time responsibility to any staff person. Also
absent from the staffing pattern are persons experienced in
commercial and industrial development. Being aware of these
deficiencies, a budget for the Economic Development Division
which will have fu11-time staff is presented. The following
annual (12 month) budget, effective June l, 1977, is proposed
in the newly created Department of Planning and Economic Development.
Position City EDA-TA
Division Administrator $ 30,000 $ -0-
Principal Planner 23,685 -0-
Fiscal Officer -0- 20,000
Economic Research Manager 18 ,202 -0-
Economic Planner 20,177 14 ,800
Commercial Development Specialist 30,000* 20, 000
Industrial Development Specialist -0- 20 ,000
Housing Development Specialist -0- 20,000
Senior Stenographer -0- 10 ,450
Clerk-Stenographer 8 ,381 -0-
Salary Total $130,445 $105,250
Fringe Benefits (16.183�) 21,110 17, 032
Cost of Living (6.0�) 7,827 6,315
Personnel Total $159,382 $128 ,597
Support Services
Travel 3,000 3,000
Space Costs 4,200 2,300
Furniture and Equipment 2,000 2 ,000
Telephones 3,000 1,500
Supplies 1,085 850
Printing -0- -0-
Support Total $ 13,285 $ 9,650
Personnel 159,382 128 ,597
Support 13,285 9 ,650
TOTAL $172, 667 $138,247
: *Under Contract
Page 10
Although the City of Saint Paul has not been previously
involved with EDA, it has participated in HUD renewal and
redevelopment programs. Since 1970 the City of Saint Paul
has received over $100 . 0 million in HUD funds to develop and
redevelop residential neighborhoods and the contract business
district. Included in the redevelopment programs are land
acquisitions for commercial and industrial expansion. In
addition to the HUD programs, the City. through its Port Authority,
has generated $103,500, 000 in industrial and commercial investment
during 1976.
Attached are the new position descriptions related to the
establishment of the Department of Planning and Economic
Lastly, a copy of the 1977 summary budget for the Department
of Planning and Economic Development is attached. The above
designated applicant' s (City' s) contribution is taken specifically
from these figures. The summary budget sheets only cover the
last seven months of 1977 , since the new department will only
begin operating as a singularly budgeted unit as of June l, 1977 .
* � �
y1 y
Title of class:
General 5tatement of Duties: Performs responsible administrative �vork �
in directing and reviewing the projects and operations of the Division
of Economic Development �vithin the Department of Planning and
Economic Development; and to perform related �uork as assigned.
Supervision Received; ti'Vorks tmder the guidance and direction of the
department head.
Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general admi.nis-
trative and technical supervision directly and through subordinate
supervisors over all personnel within the division.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Promotes opportunities for the establishment of new industrial and
commercial facilities or fhe expansion of such existing facilitzes
within the City.
, Provides technical assistance to new or existing industries or commercial
establishments in the areas of finance, land acquisition, site location,
public services, or other types of assistance needed for economic
development purposes.
Provides assistance in the marketing of industrial revenue bonds by the
Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul for new or existino industries
or commercial establishments engaged in economic development projects.
Reviews and comments on all bonding proposals sent by the Port Authority
to the Council for approval.
Conducts public and informa�ional programs to promote the City for
residential, business and industrial expansion and development.
Assists in a liaison capacity bet�veen the private sector and municipal
government agencies to expedite and facilitate private development
Monitors all phases of the development of new Port Authority projects
to ensure that City plans and policies are followed.
Assists in the initiation and completion of development district and ta.x
increment financing district activities.
Enters into contractual agreements with the Port Authority for the pro-
vi.sion of staff services to the City to assist in City development projects.
Renders reports to the City Council and other appropriate bodies concern-
ing the status of economic development activities in the City.
Considerable knowledge in the area of finance, real estate, land acquisition,
disposition, and marketing, or related areas.
Considerable knowledge in the area of residential, industrial and commercial
prope rty development.
Marked ability to analyze information and to direct economic development
planning operations. �
- 4 -
� �
Marked ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and
private representatives.
Marked ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals
and groups.
Marked ability to plan, organize and delegate work. _
Working knowledge of administrative and managerial principles.
in a related field
College graduation�and five years' experience in a responsible supervisory
administrative position which would provide laiowledge in economic
development or related areas.
- 5 -
::t•� _ __.
, � ,
General Statement of Duties : Ferfor�s responsible work in the i�dustrial
development grojects of the Division of Economic Development within the
Departr�en+ of Planning and Economic Development; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and direction of the Division
Supervision Exercised: None.
The listed examples may not ir.clude all duties perforn:ed by all positions in
this class.
Reviews opportunities for the establishment of new industriai facilities
or the expar.sion of such existing facilities within the City.
Provides technical assistance to new or existing industries or industrisl
establis:iments in the areas of finance, Iand acquisition, site locatior.,
public services, or other types of assistance needed for industrial
development purposes.
Provides assistar.ce in the marketing of industrial re�renue bonds by the
Port Authority of the City of Saint PauZ for new or existing industries.
Reviews and commer.ts on industrial development bonding proposals sent by tne
Port Authority to the Council for approval. �
Conducts public and inforraational programs to promote the City for industrial
expansion and development.
Assists in a lisison capacity between the private sectar and m�.�nicigal
�overnment ager.cies to expedite and facilitate private development projects.
Considerable knowledge in the area of finance, real estate, land acquisition,
disposition, and marketing, or related areas.
Considerable knowledge in the �rea of residential, indus�rial and co�ercial
property development.
Working ability te analyze infor^.�ation and to process industrial develop�er.t
Working ability to deal tactf�zlly and effectively with the public a�d pri�ra�e
Working ability tc co�unicate clearly an� effectiveiy kiti-. indi��iduals ar.d .
groups. )
College gr�duaticn in a related fiel.d and four yeers ' experience in a positicn
ti.hich :�ould �rovide kro:�le3�e ir ir.dustrial deve�opWent cr related areas.
Ii��li.>���+�. Dr,�JE„(��:��:;T .`'iF�:CIt�LISi
L:sc�tzrTZOr� oF 7�o�Y
General Statement of Duties : Ferfor�s responsible w,,rk in relation to the
Housir_b Developr�en� project� of the Division of Econor;ic Development
within t�e Department of Flan.�ing and Economic DeveloFmer_t; and to per°orrr.
related wory as assigned.
Supervision Received: Wo.rks u.nder the guidance and dzrection of the divisie::
Supervisior. Exercised: P�Tone.
Tre listed examplPs may not inclu3e a1Z duties performea b;� all positions in
this class.
Pro:notes opportunities for the establishr�ent of new housing or the expansior.
of such existing facilities within the City.
Provides technical assistance in planning housing develop�ent projects
involving new and existing facilities.
To review and evaluate City's housin� needs.
Assists in preparing housir.g deve3opnent banding proposals.
Conducts public and informational progr�s to promote the City for
housing expansion and developbent.
Assists ir. a lisison capacity bet;�een the grivate sectar and municipal
government agencies to expedite and facilitate priva�e developmert
Working knowledge in the area of finaace, real estate, land acquisition,
disposition, and marketing, or related areas. '
Considerable kr.owledge in the area of housing developMent.
f:arked ability to analyze inforca tion an3 to direct h�using �evelopnent
glanning operations.
2•:arked ability to deal tactfuZly and effectively with the public and
private representatives.
.*•:arked ability to communicate �learly and effectively L4�t�': individuaZs
and groups.
2iI�II:dUM QUIi?,IFIi ATIC'4:� :
Co2lege graduation in a rela�ed field at;d four yesrs' experience in a
responsible position whicr_ wn�ald prov�dP ?cnowledge ir. housinb develop-
:�ent or related sreas. �
. �
General Statement of Duties: Pcrforras responsible work in the Commerical
Develap�ent projects of the Division of Economic Develop�cent within the
Department of Planning and Eco7o:�ic Development; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Supervision Received: Works under the guidance and direction of the division
Supervision Exercised: None.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this c2ass.
Evaluates opportunities for the establishment of nesa comrcercial facilities
ar the expansion of such existing facilities within the City.
Provides technical assistance to new or existing comr�ercial establishments
in the areas of finance, land acquisition, site location, public services,
or other t;rpes of assistance needed for economic development purposes.
Evaluates co�ercial developnent bonding proposals sent by the Port Authority
to the Council for approval.
Conducts public and inforr.iatior.al programs to promote the City for co!nmercial
expar�sion and development. �
Assists in nonitoring all pY:ases of co�ercial development projects of the Port
Authority to ensure that Cit;; plans and policies are follo+red.
Considsrable knowledge in the aTea o:' cor�:mercial property develop�ent.
2�iarked abi?ity to analyze infor�ation and to direct commercial development
planning operatior,s.
Wor'r.ir.� ability to deal tac}fully and e°fe.^tively wi±h the public and
private repr�sentat�ves.
Working ability � co�;mi:nica*.,e clearly and effectively with ir.di•,riduals �nd
.1•11iYT11'llii� QLitiL�1�IL.e111�1:..5
CoZ?ege �raduaticn in a related :`ield a:.d four years' exp°Y'1P7.^° in a
posi�iar. which would �ro•,r;de k:nowledge in eo�erczal deve�o�ent c�
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,�: The Recipient or Other Party acknowledgea that it has received and zead the
,.t _
: ;..' Department and EDA regulations, and that it is aware that if there appears to
be a fsilure or threatened failure to comply with this part, and if the
noncompliance or threatened noncompliance cannot be corrected by informal
�.: means, compliance with this part may be effected by the suspension or
termination of or refusal to grant or to continue Federal financial assist-
ance or by any other means authorized by law.
Total number of present employees 3,820
` This assurance is made and accepted this 27th day of April
� , 19 77 , for Saint Paul
' Recipient or Other Party
� ��;;��.
gy George Latimer 347 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55106
� , (Type Name) (Address)
Mayor 612-298-4323
(Title) � (Telephone Number)
�µ� /� ��
F/.e� �p/;}� �5" �:';,w•
4�:. ♦ %,�:��.(�` � .�¢: 1 J . ��
� �
�" (Signature)
-.�... \�� � .
""M I, Rose Mix � � co..��,,,a,� �
;:: Tc��f-�--6A��6�8��6A-6�.ga�.�$E���i--e�c�-s-t��rg--E�-�i�-t-�-o€-t-k��-�ws--of-t9.re
-St-�t-e=-o-€- ;�-8s-
Authorized State Official
vf--itt�--�-tater-�f ; 'o-r- as �lerk
Authorized Official
of the �;,;a;��-o-r municipality of Saint Paul in the State of Minnesota,
�, do hereby certify that the foregoing officer who executed this assurance
° � has full authority to bind the Recipient or Other Party. In witness whereof
I set my h$nd and affix the corporate, state, or municipal seal thie -�'-. '
X d ay of �;,'�� y ' -;� _, 19 �.
� �
�%` �-y-7 +
�� _.� /� , .�.-,
(Secretary or other fficial)
FORM ED-503 15-751 VSCOMM-DC 59522-P75
�.�.- , _ _ . ._ . _ �. , ., , ; . ., �„
OMB No. 41-R2406; Appcoval Expires August 31, 1979
(See Explanatory Statement on back of form)
To be Executed by Business Development Loan Applicants and by Employers w�ho are Substancial Beneficiaries of
Public Works Facilities under Title I and II of the Public Works and Economic Development Acc of 1965, as amended.
• A proiect to assist in the establishment of a formal economic development proqram
to revitalize the city's economy.
City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota
The undersigned recognizing the purpose of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 as described
on the reverse side of this form, represents to the Economic Developmenc Administration the intention to give pre-
ferential consideration for employment, wherever possible, to the long-term unemployed and underemployed residing
in the project area, in connection with the above identified project and the undertaking assisted thereby, and that
the data submitted herein is correct.
MONTH Q 4 DAY 2 I �I YEAR 7 �]
City of Saint Paul
PROJECT NO. X-13 �_�
• (�
. `��-.:.L,: � �.
^-zs Mayor
sraTE 347 City Hall 55102
A-31 CITY G25 ZIP C-60
Saint Paul
AR A 612
Minnesota ,,_,�
EXTEN. 298
Ramsey No. 4323 ` '
i } , .. .. ,. , : _ _ . .�,r :rk
� ,;:�.
"'� � ti'.,..�'E:`w,- . ..d �^ ;.i-•s�_.,. �,�..,a.�, . '.�' :..�,.''r,_ �?�....._�_ .y,_2;.'`.',.. .. _ _. ..x 'SL,. .�'"{�'' _ 1n�..:�1.�,,°�; a s€��
,,.._ , , _ ��'
:.y _ ...�., --. ."_"_ ' " _'• ". . .,�-.. .._ .. .. . ._ ,.. . .
*For the pvrpose of this form, the following are considered minority persons:
Negro,�Spanish-Ameriean, Oriental, Amerrcan Indian, Eskimo, Aleut.
(Estimate) .
(25) (29) (33) (37} (41) {45) (49) (53) (57) (611 (651 I69) APPROXI-
E- ''
Officiqls and
65 13 78 3 2 5
334 100 434 10 7 17
307 128 435 11 5 16
Soles Workers
0 � � � � 0
Office ond
93 662 755 2 35 37
498 0 498 13 0 13
(Semi-Ski I led}
0 0 0 0 0 0 e,
L o borers
681 66 747 56 1 57
Service Workers
and Others 787 g6 873 57 8 65 `.
2765 1055 3820 152 58 210
�-25 a Y ES � N O
� OTH ER (Specify) ��CETA��
r o�.. n r.-. �e v. a>w� .—_ �� —_..._.__�."_� __. . . ,.
� ..,.CO..,...ca+:� �..•. ...R '
Y ,.
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. t'^a .�+'qy�'ay'ts. 6 �:1 . . ..t�- d,�;r 'r� l "'8 %'c �.k".s � c �., yx "�-.
.� d #a .y� . '.�x' �'.:�s '.} . a „d �. - y+ �`"'s,€ `?K .�: r - �'�.�`'f 3�v` �" .;� -�gi .
..�" t,� "'` - ,e�� s'�`.�'�`fY��- .t r�,''f a-��� �y^u�i.A�: _ �`, y,t'�e;� '�,t' �,"``^�� .�'�„���.�i '' �'"q'q ,.k�# �' "�°."urr i� ; �rs ']', •�' �i
. . _ �� .�Y �-`� � �'�+�"�� - �,y,
1. hlinority group identification: The term Spanish-sur Office and clerical - Includes all clerical-type work tegard-
named Ametican means those of Latin American, Mexican, less of level of diEficulty, where the activities are predortr
Puerto Rican or Spanish origin. Eliciting information as inantly nonmanual though some manual work not direcdy in-
to the racial or e[hnic idenuty of an employee by direct volved with altering or ttanspotting the products is includ-
inquiry is not encouraged. An employee may be included ed. Includeds: bookkeepers, cashiers, collectors (bills and
in the minority group to which he or she appears to be- accounts), messengers and office boys, office machine
long, or is regarded in the community as belonging. operatots, shipping and teceiving ctecks, stenogcaphers,
typists and secretaries, telegraph and telephone operators,
• 2. Antidiscrimination laws of a number of States and local- and kindred wockers.
ities prohibit an employer from ga[hering pceem(loymnen[ in-
formauon regarding the race, creed, color, or national origin Craftsmen (skilled) - Manual wotkers oE relatively high skill `�
of an applicant. However, enforcement authorities in all level having a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the �
° such States and localities have advised that their laws do processes involved in their work. Exercise considerable
not preclude employers from gathering such information independenc judgement and usually receive an extensive
subsequent to employment for the purpose of Government period of training. Includes: the buiiding trades, hourly
surveys. paid formen and leadmen who are not members of manage-
3, ment, mechanics and cepairmen, skilled machining oc.:upa-
If reprocluced copies of this form are submitted, the size tions, compositors and typesetters, electricians, engravers,
should not be matenally changed in reproduction. Reports job setters (metaI}, motion picture projectioniscs, pattern
may be submitted as data processing printouts, pro•rided the and model makers, stationary engineers, tailors and [ail-
same information is given in the same sequence as i[ oresses, and kindred workers.
appeazs in this form.
Operatives (semi-skilled) - Workers who operate machines
or processing equipmenc or perform other factoty type duties
of intecmedia[e skill fevel which can be mastered in a few
weeks and require only limited training. Includes: appren-.
tices (auto mechanics, bricklayers, carpenters, electricians,
machinists, mechanics, plumbers, building trades, meta�-
working trades, printing trades, etc.), operatives, attendants
(auto service and parking), blasters, chauffeurs, deliver}�
men and routemen, dressmakers and seamstresses (except
factory), dyers, furnacemen, heaters (metal), Inundry and dry
cleaning operatives, milliners, mine operatives and laborers,
Description of Job Cotegories mo[orr;en, oilers and greasers (except auto}, painters (ex-
cep[ construction and maintenance), photo�aphic process
Officials and managers - Occupations requiring administra- workers, stationary firemen, truck and tractor drivers, weav-
tive personnel who set broad policies, exercise overall re- ers (textite), welders, and flamecutters, and kindred workets. -
sponsibility fot execution of these policies, and direct in-
dividual departments or special phases of a firm's opera- Laborers (unskilled) - Workers in manual occupations which
tions. Includes: officials, executives, middle managemen[, genetally require no special ttaining. Perform elementary
plant managers, department managets and superintendents, duties that may be leazned in a few days and require the
salaried foremen who are members of management, purchas- application of little or no independent judgment. Includes:
ing agents and buyers, and kindred workers. garage laborers, car washets and greasers, gardeners (ex-
cept farm) and grounds-keepers, longshoremen and stev� �
Professional - Occupations requiring either college gradua- dores, lumbermen, raftsmen and woodchoppers, laborers per :��
tion or experience of such kind and amount as to provide a forming lifting, digging, mixing, loading, and pullin� opera-
comparable background. Includes: accountants and auditors, tions, and kindred workers.
airplane pilots and navigators, architects, artists, chemists,
designers, dietitians, editors, engineers, lawyets, librarians, Service workers - Workers in both protective and ❑on-pro-
mathematicians, natural scientists, personnel and labor re- tective service occupations. Includes: attendants (hos-
Lacions workers, physical scientists, physicians, social pitaIs and other institutions, professional and personal '
sciencists, �eachers and kindred workers. service), barbers, charwomen and cleaners, cooks (except
household), countec and fountain workers, elevator opera- ,
Technicians - Occupations requiring a combination of basic tors, firemen and fire protection, guacds, watchmen and
scientific knowledge and manual skill which can be ob- doorkeepers, stewards, janiiors, policemen and detectives,
tained through about two years of post high school educa- porters, aaiters and waittesses,and kindred workers.
tion, such as is offeted in many technical institutes and
junior colleges, or through equivalent on-the-job training. Apprentiees - Persons employed in a progtam including wotk
Includes: draftsmen, engineering aids, junior engineers, training and telated ins�uction to learn a trade or craft
mathematical aids, nurses, photographers, radio operators, which is traditionally considered an apprenticeship, regard-
scientific assistants, surveyors, technical illustrators, less of whether the program is registered with a Federal or
technicians (medical, dental, electronic, physical sciences) State agency.
and kindted wotkers.
On-the-job t�ainees - Includes persons engaged in foimal
Soles - pccupations engaging wholly or primarily in direct trainin� for craftsmen when not trained undet apptentice pto-
selling. Includes: advertising agents and salesmen, in- grams--opeca€ive, laborer and service occupations, or per-
surance agents and brokers, teal estate agents and brokers, sons engaged in Eormal training for ofEicial, managerial,
stock and bond salesmen, demonstrators, salesmen and proEessionaf, technicaI, sales, office and clerical occupa-
sales clerks, and kindred workers. tions.
� �-;�:
FORM ED-6t2 (REV. 9•76) USCOMM-DC 18758-P76 .��y�
�,. �;,: .s- . . . �
.i'..,�_ , 3 . � # ..syt .:...a.�... °. • '� �^.-r a<?. ,..�i. ._ .,:�_ �Efi�_�..�'..,�{.._t. p.. . ?5:} .. #".iy"•o:� l.�a�o: ._ yG.'�r..i_.�...'s.:. ,.. ..: a «.... . , .N�a,7��
a �;_ .,. .- .... _ _ �,,. _. , ..�,
.,.:: , _ ...v: , <
All programs and benefits under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended,
including loans, grants, technical assistance, and traioing wi11 be administered with strict adherence to
the policy of providing jobs whetever possible for the unemployed and underemployed tesiding in the
designated areas elegible for F.DA assistance.
Sec. 2, the Declaration of Purpose of the Public Works and Fconomic Development Act, states
that the Federal Govemment, in cooperation with the States, should help areas and regions of sub-
stantial and persistent unemployment and underemployment ro take effective steps in pIan�ing and
financing their pubiic works and eco��omic development.
Title I, Sec. 101(a)(1)(A) of the Act provides that EDA can assist when, "The �roject for which
financial assistance is sought will directly or indirectly (i) tend to improve the opportunities, in
the area where such project is or will be located, for the successful establishment or expansion of
- industrial or commercial plants or facilities, (ii) otherwise assist in the creation of additional long-
term employment opportunities for such area, or(iii) primarily benefit the long-term unemployed and
membets of low-income families or otherwise substantially futther the objec[ives of the Economic ��
Opportunity Act of 1964". "
It is the policy of EDA to give the highest consideration to those projects which will provide jobs
for the unempl�yed and underemployed tesiding in the project area.
Employers benefiting fran EDA-assisted projects must assure EDA that they will wherever possible
give preferential consideration for employment to the unemployed and underemployed residing in the
designated area in which the project is located.
It may not always be possible to fill existing job vacancies from the tanks of the unemployed. In
ordet to operate their businesses successfully, employers may seek qualified and skilled workers i
through their own established methods. However, consideratio❑ must be given to the unemployed �
labot force which qualifies the disttessed area for EDA designation and thus enables such atea to �
apply for Federal Loans and/or grants under this Act. i
There exist established local, State, and Fedecal agencies and progta�rts to assist employers in �
hiring and training qualified employees. The State Employmene Services, State, and local voca-
tional schools, and Federally assisted skill centets are specifically c6arged with collecting and �
recotding pertinent data and available job skills and will assist i❑ evaluating and preparing the
unemployed to fili job vacancies.
Employers who are beneficiazies of F.DA-assisted projects, when preparing their present and future
employment plans and programs, should discuss such plans and progtams with the appropriate agencies � '
cited above before offering employment to workers residing outside the designated area. �
In order to ensure that maximum feasible employment oppottunities ate made available to the un- ��
employed residing in the project area, EDA requires applicants fot public facility loans and/or
grants to submit executed Form F.D-612 and to obtain and submit to the government, together with
the application, propetly executed Forms ED-612 from all employers who are cited as beneficiar- ;
ies of EDA-assisted projects.
EDA also requires each Business Development Loan applicant to submit to the Govemment, to-
gether with the application for Financial assistance, a properly executed Form ED-G12.
Under the regulations of the Department of Commerce impiementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
(1964) and Section 112 of EDA's Act, recipients of F.DA business loans assistance(including their
lessees, users, and operators), and substantial beneficiazies of public works assiscance are required
to take affirmative action to e�sure that applicants are employed, and ernployees are treated during
' employment without regatd to their tace, color, national oriRin, or sex_ Substantial beneficiaries of
public works assistance are defined as those industrial and commercial enterp:ises or public entities
which (1) are cited in the application and(a)provide all or part of the justification of the project or
' (b) will, as a direct result of EDA's assistance, creace or save te❑ (10)or more jobs, or(2) although
not cited in the application, in the opinion of the Assistant Secretary,.provide all or part of the
justification of the project.
Although all public works grant and loan,recipients and substantial beneficiaries ate covered by
Title VI, those substantiai beneficiaries who as a result of the project will construct a new
facility at which they intend to employ 50 ot more employees, or intend to expand the work force
at che presenc facility by adding 50 or more employees are required to submit an affirmative action
program. Further, each applicant for business loan assistance that employs or intends to employ �'
SO or more persons at the proposed EDA-assisted facility shall submit, as part of the application . ��'
for such assistance, a written affirmacive accion pro�ram. = "?�%
A propetly executed Form ED-612 wi11 be considered an essential part of the AEfirmative Action =�:'
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The Recipient or Other Party acknowledges that it has received and read the
Department and EBA regulations, and that it is aware that if there appears to
be a failure or threatened failure to comply with this part, and if the
noncompliance or threatened noncompliance cannot be correeted by informal
� means, compliance with this part may be effected by the suspension or
: terminetion of or refusal to grant or to continue Federal financial assiat-
�'`� ance or by any other means autharized by law.
Total number of present employees 3,820
�� This assurance is made and accepted this 27th day of April
, 19 77 , for Saint Paul
Recipient or Other Party
;,,� By George Latimer 347 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55106
� (Type Name) (Address)
Mayor Q 2-298-4323
(Tit�) �' , (Telephone Number)
s , �?'"�°� ,. �'''�' �,,.� ��
�` (Si.gna ture)
I, Rose Mix �.a.�p�,�� �
-S-t-a-t�-o-€- ;�rr--e�s-
Authorized State Official
'�'�'��'e"��'f ; -o-r- as �lerk
Authorized Officiai
of the ���y--er municipality of Saint Paul in the State of Minnesota,
do hereby certify that the foregoing officer who executed this assurance
has full authority to bind the Recipient ox Other Party. In witness whereof
I set my h.�nd and affix the eorporate, state, or municipal seal this -�
day of .�; �,�;l' , 19 � ..�.
� �
/� � �
.,-�� � 7.� �jt,. �
'(Secretary or other fficial)
FORM ED-503 (5-751 - USCOMM-DC 59522-P75
"Economic Development Technical
Name of Pro'ecc: Assistance for Saint Paul" � 11.303
1 Pro ecc Number.
Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
(City, county, steta)
The UNDERSIGNED Certifies that:
(a) it is either(1)an applicanc for financial assistance from the Economic Development Administration,
(2) a bidder for a consuuction, service or supply contract co be entered into Sy the recipient of EDA
assistance for the purpose of accomp�ishing the project noted above, or (3) a bidder for a subconcract
under che latter contracc;
(b) as such, those facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision ��hich will be utilized in the
accomplishment of the project noced above are not listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's
(EPA)�List of Violating Facilities, pursuant to Section 15.20 of 40 CFR, Part 15; and
(c) it wili notify the Economic Development Administration, if the UNDERSIGNED is an applicant, or
notify the recipient of the EDA financial assistance, if the UNDERSIGNED is a 6idder, of the receipt
of any communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federai Activities indicating chat a
facility to be utilized in the project is under consideration for listing on the EPA List of Violating
cilities. n .
� '�, �. MAYOR 4/27/77
Signatwe end Title of pplicent's/
Contractor's/•vbcontrector'a Authwized Rapresentativa• Date
for City of Saint Paul
App(}cent/Corttractor/Subcontractor� �
I� Rose Mix � as City Clerk af
Saint Paul do hereby cenify thac che foregoing officer who executed the
Applicent's/Contrector's/Subcontrector's Name'�
certification has full authocity to bind that entity. In witness wher�of I set my hand and affix the (corporate,
state, county, or municipal)* seal this,,� ,� day of - _ f , , 19��
�� ` -'Z'-�'"� - 1,. r / i l 'i��� I
Nama and T1tie ot IndiVid 1 '�,
' S E A L
NOTE: The above acknowledgement must be execuced by a'different corporate officer than the person who i
signed above for the entity. NOWEVER, if such entity represents a single owner, or a proprietor-
ship, or a partnership, then the acknowledgement need not be executed. �
USCOMM-DC 18006-P76 �I
��ar�.' _ ,_
..:__ �_.�.._.�..___,_. .�_______ ._ —_—___ � - . .. .