269105 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUtiCll ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. RETRUN (:OPY TO VALUATI� BLTR�AUCouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHFl�,S, the City of Saint Paal, acting thraugh its 1�aluation �ngineer, has secared ar� agreement for the purahase oP that certain property deearibed as Pollc�w�a: Lot 13 and The south �i0 fe�t o� the west 30 feet of�the �outh 60 feet of Lot 14 and 15, B].ock l, Michels Subdi.vision of Blocic �+, Stinso�s Division. WHEREAB� the property �e�cribed herein is neceesary for the Dale Street Widening froffi Van Buren Avenue to Minnehaha Avern�e as app�oved by F'inal Order, C.F. 26800y� approved October 19� 1976, and the price at Which t� property m�y be purchaseci in the amount of $104�009� being a fair and. reasonable price �or the sub�eet property according to the appraiaal obtained by the City Valuation Pngitseer; and WI�IiLAS� the City Valua�tion �r►gineer ha� reco�ended the purchase of �aid property at the �tated price abave; nc�r, thsret'ose be it R�8C1LV�, tbat the Cauncil of the City of Saint Pau7. does hereby authorise the p�rcha�e of the abave described land� and be it FtJRTHER R�SOLV�D, tY�t tYie prvper City OPfic3.als are hereby autho�ized and directed to pe�y to I�rry and �rie Urbach, record fee vanere, tl�e sum oY $104,OEK,�. The conditi� oP said se�le are shehrn on the Me�morandum on Sale oP Real Estate dated April 27, 1977; �aid memorandum is atta�ed ltiereto and in�orporated herein as referencsd. 8aid sum to be paid f'rom PIlt Fund Cod;e 60000-711-200 (i•?835)s �O be reimbursed Pram 1�SA F�inds. The payment to be made upon the City being f'urnished evidea�e of good m�rketable title in the aforesaid vendor, and the total paymeat to be m�de upon tender by said party of apprapriate deeda conveying titie to said pa�operty to the City of Sairrt Paul. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler nee 8� t Servicea ��` �_ [n Favor Hunt �e�� Levine � __ Against B Roedier Sylvester Tedesco MAY � g � Form A ro ed y City Attorney Adopted by Cou Date � Certifie asse oun il Secretary BY � 8y Appr v d by (Vlavor. Dat AY 2`� �� Approve by Mayor for Su 's 3on to Council By BY PUBLISHED MAY 2 8 1977 � � _�,. �,�r N . - � . , - QM 4l i ����. 7� .. .. " �4!lV. : ��� � EXPLANATION 0�' A1�MINIST '.�'IV� Q_ ER�r RES LUTIC3NS, AND �RDZ CE _..� ,_�.. ,._.�..�.�.,�..,.`._�...,_,..... • ���� , Date: Il�y 3, lql7 T4: MAYf3R �EDRGE LATIMER � ,`r;�r,? �`6� FR: RaJr 8. Bredahl� J�., Maia�sat �al�atiou �ngiaedr (l�st. 5317) D�pa�tatut c�t �i e & Ngt. Sez. �' Dale 8treert Wideni� - 11ke Bnr�n to li[iinnela�lia Parael D - �trLe►ah 't10 1(. Hul� 8t�c�et � . ACTION REQDESTED: . Aaqniaitioel ct �e o�' three �eareela tor tbs sgb�eat l�o�sct. - �c�naition ot eale as r�oM�a an �►�aa�ed l[etea�andr� on �ale c�'-lteal Esp►te, , `,;j PtIRPOSE AND RATZaNALE FOR THIS ACTION: �thari��d by ?i�1. 0�cd�er, �onncil �ile �. �fi80E�, op�ps�vr�d Aotols�r 19, 19�• � Ae�vtisi�ic� ca� saf� �aresl in t�e aaoroint � $�1.04�t)09.E�0� tt� 1M- ti� !`r� P'� fi� Cad� FOA�c9-7]1-2�0 (L=7835), t►o be r�i�our�s� trc■� l�Bll !'�ds. � , ATTAC�MENTS: - � 1) Con�il aesol�ttiQa =e� apq�co�rsl 2) l!►p � 3) �aad�es� on Sale;_ o� Hsal &s�ste '��� w'9��+�r"�'�'��ti�E%k 3�y��k�e� ��Ofvr�'","i+s' a . _ r� �.. } rtrs�xm�*3'��rq� ., k � y �,� �, .td.ai.�'w?1�++4�L.',,..°a9'� . . . - �w� i�� F t��&' C^' �'e.� � t': .e .��:sP P .y: ^} iv-;1' 4 � . . :�... , `_.� • -t "- a -.�s�,'r G�.y'G .,x� f�tAl3 'a.. '2�m..�� ...,r ... � � 4., �d , :� .. .. . - � ' ': rFj � . � � . . .::. yi .. ....� �� . . �. �� .. . .f-��-w� x .+ .. .... ._;C. d �: "� r�.s�� . .r ..}.... .f�...' '�. .'.: a^' .,.' 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':��yL� . . o�= � • ,!—_� ; � � � [i,-�., p�,,c�.. ('l1 . • �- ,r � � ' � �L se.. .. 3 ��Q `� � �� �� ��j r`� � � ~ _ _ ; � . �'/�. SCy � 6n°'' :2rs•�� • t�+�• � �y, u�.,`.� a v� � �� 44 .3 �-r,.. . : , ='•�t:tv ��a t3c U�`-.:� � P2rcel ?�.ap data Prom "=`Z u���Uac���� , Public Worxs Sur,rey, � °'`'�f�'�s� ��`-� � Book 1589-A, Pages �7-Z9. i ` l - � V� , ' � � �V�. . , + �.����-�_�{ak:� L���1E. " � V �t�c , . ' .�'�"� �`•t�.!�i�.P.S=-��:� � \ 1 .�.-..�_ � �°�,, � { �� € . ! � ; - } , � . . � , ___� _ _ �._____.�__� __ .____- ----- f �._.. , :�.-� t;���,`f �1s��'r�1= vrtr�L' . 4�r�.����__.., ! ----�--�__._.�':..�n'� ct-T-��.'-��- ,,.._, ti ,.G W �, �''7 �- .� ti ,•__�_ V�11 �� 11�,,� �f t �' ,. �.*'�=i:�..._ .1 1�._.��ti_c .5��..E':.� � ' . . \/.�•��\ ly\1 p%.�a-i •^—•\-F_� T�- t�l�.'��:'�.��..��-i--�.'2'�� !; �„ � '_ = �.. '�� . jl.�-_;- { d'-- �'r _ _____ _.. .�._�� . ...... �: °�� r `�'`�� �� . . � � - ��-"}(o . C'�. ��J..._..._.,o._,. RY _ �1�`�,.��---�^ 1��y�o 4 . «�;.�_,...... -� .....,_._,..._._.._ _ ' , - De�,-a�rti:�ent o� Finance Zc t:arr3.�°�°:c: $°�i�a�." " - ' = ' � • , , � Div3.:,:i.on of As.�es;.�ents•7< V�l�.tiu�:, ' ' . , Room�� C��,�� ' - � . :� ��. t-�!•1�FtAZ+1��XM Ot� $�'►�; ���' itFA�. FSTA� � ..- _ 2, F1:rj�ose o� :.alo of Re:��. Z�:stu�t.c, -�,r, Ci�c� �__,_ �a-�e Street Wideni.n� - Van Buren Avernze ~�o Minnehaha Averiue ;�. I�cn L=•�n o� Re�l Estato _,._, 7�-0 Nortb. Da1.e Street � � ^ 3, L��a= D?�cri�ti�n: T,h� so�zth 60 f _PP 'F. n�, trP w�sf: �o PPt- of Lot 13 ' _u__.____�_anc3_the._south 60 feet of Lots 14 and l5, 81ock 1, � �Lichels Subdivision of Block �, S'�insons Divisiouo !,. i:a.:..e er.d Address of Seller - Harrv and Marie Urbach • 710 Nor�h Da]..e Street St. Pau._t, Minnesota 5510� �, F�r_oTr:?nded purchas� pr'Lc� , 10k�Op� - � 6, S�lIe3- t� •fltrt2tsh �&��`�9���� �.b$����� ����d�l�#.'�'a���/������/������'�/�!� � �1��/��l�h,����s'����1 , . � • . . . ?. S�].l.e� �o gi�e po�ssss3.on ts� City Ju7:.y 1, 1977 . . . a 8.� Se�'t�r t�-terzniaste s1i utili�ies such e.� water, g�s, e1e��3.c�.�cy, • . 'tPlephc�.�►e etco � � Yes • _ . ' .9.' Seller to gllocr access to premises to Ci�}r or its agents prior to d.�te � ' w` p�ssessia� for purposes of i�ple�enting actio� for �he CJ.�.S�O��..��.qzL pf, - , � � inprave�ents � Yes � 3�. �ter� �a � r�mcve3 z.n.d re+..a.iued by seller ��A � —..._.� - ... I1. If sellsr is to retaia bui�.diags for mo-ring N A 22. P�eats Seller to a rent co�aencin on the first da o� the second �onth a er e month in which closing occurs. Se11er to execute lease � - agreement providing for same. i " 13. t�ii��ellaneous Seller to pay taxes due and a able in 1 `77� � Cit to a taxes d e� and a able ' 8 � Seller to notify�I7ivision of Valuations �286 ,�,ity Ha11 �hone 29$-5�]..7, when date of vacatin� prem�i.ses is �mawn and seller to deliver keys to premises to said Division i.mmediateJ.y upon vacating the pre�i.ses. � t�d'i�: Ccna�tions l�sted above are not'binding'until. approved h� Citp Cou�ci?. Seller: • City: ' � . , Sign�d: � - c � i�-��-�iX Si�nad: ��� . (Ass ) Va].��tion EnL�.n�`er Dntc: Date: �,� +7T/y 7 7 � . / Signed: ��I�t�- �il�► - � _ Date: � C'