269082 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ��t � BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � F1eci1N0, � ,� � �� '�" ,�.t R� �� � Council Resolution VALUATTON BUREAU Presented y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAB, the City of Saint Paul h�s conveyed its iritereat in the Workhouse Farm property to the Cvunty oP Ramsey with the restriction� that the pe�rcels be used solely f'or detention and correction purposes or open spaee recreation and park purposes; and WF�R�P►3, a certaia an�ll paxeel oP Workhause Farm praperty �8 been separated f'rom the m�in tract beca.use of roaci�aay develapment; and W�IiEAS, the City ot' Saint Paul ha.s been requested to relea�e �aid restrietions on the sub�ect parcels; no�r, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Attorney is authorized and directed to prepe�re a Quit' C].aim Deed releasing said reatrictions to the Caunty of Ramsey at no canpensation, on the tract of land legally described as foLlaw�e: Part of the Rorthwest 1�4 of the Northeast 1�4 of Section 12, Township 28, Range 22 lying SoutYureaterly of 1Qe�r Lower Af'ton Roa.d and ],yin� North�errly and North- wester],y oF Londin Lane; and be it f'urther ~ RESOZVID, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute said Quit Claim Deed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Fina,nee & M�.nag nt Services {,�,za [n Favor r w Hunt / �� Levine I/ __ Against Sy Direetor Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted b ouncil: Date �Y � 7 �9� Form Approve City ttorney C ified P y Cou .il tary � BY �� � A � 9 �977 Approv d or Subm ion uncil Appr v d by iVlayor. D e By BY PuBUSHE� MAY 2 8 1977 � � oM ai: i2/i��s << , � r : Rev, : s/s/ � `� EXPLANATION OF .ADMINISTR�,TIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTI4NS, AND 0�2DINANCES ����j�� .. .�.._� ,. . ...� �f �-t'r . ; . # Date: April 28, 1977 � TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER J � FR: J. Wi�. Donovaa, tigln�ation Sragiaeer (Fast. 531?) Dep�. Finaace � l�nagea�nt Serv3�c�e g�; Triangul.ar tract of Workh�nse Far,► p�operty deedad to Raauaey Cot�ty by the Cit�? o�' Ssint Paul. } # ACTION REQUESTED: ; ... � � � , '' Li!'t certain re�trictica�s on the sub�ect deed. � p � � � 4 � � f A 9 � � PL�RFpSE AND RATTONALE FOR THIB ACTIONs y , The �ub�ect pa,rcel ia g tr3angular tra,ct abutti�ag an ar� as indiea�ed�oat the a tached plaa. The pe�scel �raa c�ce ps.rt of a l,�.rg�r tract oP ia�, a.�q,nired !or th�e �To I'a�ret loc�ted �o the aorth aad aerQSS Lawer Ai'�oa �vdd,, xhich xa,s ae�erated t"rad th� . sain traat 8ue to �tl� al�eat of S,e�r APton Road. T�e LaaA Coa��issic�n� of ey C�aaty ia ia reeei�pt of a request fYa� the City ot' i�pi�rood to nse e► pcirtion o the sub�ec� p�rc�l in ;cc�anecti4n Nith a Fire ��#,atio�n a�, Traiaing Area, to ba const cted for ita Yolunteer �ire Depa�rt�at. Ia vie� oi the t�ct, thi� is a re�at parc , and it xaal,d be td the ac�vantage of all pe�rtie$ canceraed if t�e iestrictioas tme parcra.a �re r�lease8. The txe��ts were orig3a�ily deed�d to Reasey Ccran�y th � the atipsla�ion t2�ereof that the aeco�]. party (Re�a�aey Cc�ntg) agree to a.�ause , ob].igat3c�as; on the'p�iaciple a�d 3�ntere�t dae oa the first �rty's (Cit� of St. ro�].) crat�tandin� Detentibna a�8, Correetions Fa,cility Bonds. ATTACHMENTS: . � � l) Conncil Resolution � 2) Letter Prtwt Iaad Co�nnission�r to Nnyor � ; 3) Area, A�p � i $ 5 { � � . � � � � � � . .. , . � . � . . . . � . . . . . ' ' ,��'�►�;�� AAril l�� 19?? The Honarable G�o�•:;e Latine:� � Ma,yor, City oP Saint ?a,ul Roac*� 347, city '�all � St. �a,ul, P�Ii nn. . 55102 . RE: Prooerty loca*ed at Lc�.�er ��'ton Baad and Iron4in Ian� Dear Mayor; Rar,ssey Caur.t,y '�as rece�ve�i Et t'�-3q11�St �?Mo�s thp Ci*� o� I,a�lAwoa�3 ttt�-ou�h its atto-�;:?Y, Dor.al? I,. Lais, �a�� a por'�ior. �f tha ab��,+� .�A�ct°.:nn� pr�*�erty t� b° usQ� in cor.nection �1th a Fire Station and Traininn Ares to be constrtrete� for f�s Ycilun�eer F� �•� J�oar�c::�nt. . Th.� Zarr.s?y C«ant;r I,and C�mrnit�e:� mpt in s�ssion �n 1��ri 1 l�, 'iG77, and d!r�cted rr,°- to wrtt' t� your o:'ft;� ir �r��?^ �o o�tgin s Cit,y CGUn�il Resol+s*ion which � Hculd rz�.�A3? C°'."tair: 3e^� M^strictior.s *�18.ce�3 on thi� arorq�-t�/ by the City oP St. ?aul when it was conveyn-i to Rar:sey' Countv. The� follo�ir..;, ir. �arta is ±a,k�n Prc+�? ths trar;s.er 3a,te3 June 4, 1973, betWeen th� City of 5�. ?aul an3 'Ra�s�y County: "...such real estate ar.d facilities be used solely for detentior�s an1 corrections purposes or o��r.-snac� recreatian sn3 �a�^k �uM-�oses,; and in consideration tr�rePor the Second Pa�ty a.�re�s to assu�:e the � obli�;at?ons on the pr_ncipal and inte^est due on �he Fi:st ?arty•s � outsta,ndin�a Letentioa aad Correct;or�s Fae�l3ty 3ands; and..." The a.rea that :�ia�l�wood ig :equestin;� is not conti�-uous with tac lar;3er port�on oP th� Workhouse pro,�erty. It lies so�th oP I,ondin Lane, is -b acres more or less in siz2, and ha,s aaprox:.�a.tely y36,000 of essessments R-�?sin8t it. Air. La,is has in�ica+ec3 that he �rould be sai}�in� to rneet with City ofYic:als in or�3er to preaer.t ths �ro�iect so they c�ay i'�Zly understand it and asY ar.y questions that they �y have. I ho� this nrelimir.ary inforr.�a,tion will assist you in makin�3 a clete�m�gation as to thi.s request. IP I can be op any f'u•,-ther �el�, please fe�l Pr�s ta call me at 2�?8-53�7. Yrnxrs rezy trul.g, �. Anthony J. �eiter � . Land Co�.a�.ission�r � AJR/�ee � . � Attach.: Sketch ± ; , f r � .��� _.�..._..... ... ................... . ............ ...... . ;► , f , � , . � • �o , � • • ��� • � � � � ,� t'��' �A��y� . .. I ' � . � ' (; ..�'s � ,` ` . . � '' � . . � F . ' ' . `AO� . . . .. . . � . . � . . � �4i • • � O ' . . . � �� ��\ � . . 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