269076 WHITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC11 /�1,���`,�' �
� ' Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
consents to the appointment by the Mayor of the �ollowing named
persons to the Saint Paul Manpower Area Planning Council:
Burton Baker
3M Center
3M Company Building
St. Paul, Minnesota
Gordon Nohre, Metro Director
National Alliance of Businessmen
Suite 300, Osborn Building
St. Paul, Minnesota
Joanne Peterson
First Computer Corp.
332 Minnesota St.
St. Paul, Minnesota
*�Robert Stevenson, President
Metropolitan Porsche-Audi, Inc.
2780 N. Highway 61
St. Paul, Minnesota
Willia� RQberts, President
Employers Council
St. Paul Chamber of Commerce
Suite 300 Osborn Building
St. Paul , Minnesota
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza In Favor
Levine __ Against BY
Roedler "
Fotm Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council
. '
Pa�e 2. �;����
Tom �icCrindle, Business Representative
Operatin� E�gineers �967
ij45 Fremont Ave. ,
St. Paul , Minnesota
` Jack Adams, Vice Chairman
St. Paul Trades and Labor Council
j`?8 Portland Avenue
St. Paul , Minnesota
Harold Yates, Business Representati�re
Local �120 Teamsters Union
320 University Ave.
St. Paul , rlinnesota
rlaureen Ferrin, Business Representative
A.malgamated Clothing and Textiles Union
400 Nalpac Bldg.
3jj Sibley ' �
St. ,Paul , rlinnesota
David Varli'�Tess
Board of Directors
' R�msey Action Programs
j85 Earl St. , Apt. 5
St. Paul , riinnesota
�dayne Wittman
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
G:riggs riiclway Building
1821 University
St, Paul , Minnesota
Bob Park
Ramsey Cotinty �v'el�fare
160 E. Kellogg Boi_iletiard
St. Paul , rlirinesota
. ����''�
�a� �•
Joe Easley, bcecutiv� Offieer
Cc�unity Hous3.ng Gbrporation
290 Mettro Square
St. Paul, Minnesota
Charles Bradley
Personnel Department
T�1est Pablishing Co.
50 Wesst Kellogg Blvd.
St. P�n7., Minnesota
Frank Guanan, Director
Migrants in Action
1162 Selby Ave.
St. P�u]., Min��aota
Artley Skenar�dore, Execntive Dircctor
American Indiea Center
101 Payne Ave.
St. Psul, M3.n�e$ota
Robert Hiclaman
Inner City Youth League
84$ Selby Ave.
St. Paul, Mir�nescrtts
#Jo�e Tre�o, President
West Side Cit3zen� Orga�ti.zation
8�1 Dela�rare Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Kathleen McNlLtis
4fi4 Holly Ave.
3t. Paol, Minn�sota 55102
BLUE • ,- MAVOR File NO.
' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 4.
Lillian Thomas, Director
RAP Senior Congregate Dining Projects
630 Laurel Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Frank Schmidt
496 Charles Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 551�3
Councilman Robert P. Sylvester
Room 703 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� - Indicates Manpower Planning Cou.ncil Ghairman
�� - Indicates Manpower Planning Council Vice Chairman
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the prior resolution of this
Council, C. F. No. 265295, adopted April 10, 1975, be and the
same is hereby rescinded.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt �
Levine Against BY
'g�� Form A p v d by City At�orney
Adopted b ouncil: Date �Y � 7 i
Cert� ied Pas y Cou il Secretary f
Approv by 17ayor: D �Y t Appro by Mayor for Sub ' sio to�ouncil
PuB�iswE� MAY 2 8 1977
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Rose Mix o :;;,,.g --� a Albert B. Olsmn
�a oaxe•ieva•
City Clerk and �. !�=� s Council Recorder
Council Secretar�/ �� �c
�86 Citv Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102
Phone 298-l���1
r�.y s, 19�� MAY 6 i977
Councilman Robert Sylvester, Chairman
Rules and Policy Co�ittee
Room 719, City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Sir:
The Council referred to the Rules and Policy Committee for consideration
and recommendation a resolution approving and consenting to appointments
by the Mayor to the St. Paul Manpower Area Planning Council.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk �
cc: Mayor George Latimer
Page 3. ������
J e Easley, Executive Officer
Co unity Housing Corporation
290 etro Square
St, ul , Minnesota
Todd L ko
Associa 'on of Saint Paul Communities
333 Sible Ave.
St. Paul , innesota
Charles Bradle
Personnel Depar ient
West Publishing
50 West Kellogg B •d.
St. Paul , Minnesota
Frank Guzman, Directo
Migrants in Action
1162 Selby Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Artley Skenandore, Executl e Director
American Indian Center
101 Payne Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota
Robert Hickman
Inn e r City Youth League
848 Selby Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota
�Jose Trejo, President
West Side Citizens Organization
841 Delaware Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota
Kathleen McNellis
� 454 Holly Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 ,
II t 1, 1 �m- , .'�._��:',— . _..
WHITE - CITV CLERK C ` ' � �����
� J Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City ,of Saint Paul hereby
consents to the appointment by the Mayor of the following named
p�ersons to the Saint Paul Manpower Area Planning Council:
Burton Baker
3M Center
3M Company Building
St. Paul , Minnesota
Gordon Nohre, Metro Director �
National Alliance of Businessmen
Suite 300, Osborn Building
St. Paul , Minnesota
Joanne Peterson
First Computer Corp.
332 Minnesota St.
St. Paul , Minnesota
��Robert Stevenson, President
Metropolitan Porsche-Audi, Inc.
2780 N. Hightoay 61
St. Paul, Minnesota
William Roberts, President
Employers Council
St. Paul Chamber of Commerce
Suite 300 Osborn Building
St. Paul , Minnesota
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza [n Favor
Levine __ Against By —
S ylvester
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY -
Appro�ed by !Navor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By, _ _ BY
� •
Page 2.
Tom McCrindle, Business Representative
Operating Engineers #967
' 1345 Fremont Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota
Jack Adams, Vice Chairman
� St. Paul Trades and Labor Council
528 Portland Avenue
St. Paul , Minnesota
Harold Yates, Business Representative
Local #120 Teamsters Union
320 University Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota
Maureen Ferrin, Business Representative
Amalgamated Clothing and Textiles Union
400 Nalpac Bldg.
333 Sibley
St. Paul , Minriesota
David VanNess
Board of Directors
Ramsey Action Programs
385 Earl St. , Apt. 5
St. Paul , Minnesota
jaayne Wittman
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Griggs Midway Building
1821 University
St. Paul , Minnesota
Bob Park
Ramsey County Welfare
160 E. Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul , Minnesota
� Pag� 3� �
Joe Easley, Executive Officer
Community Housing Corporation ,
290 Metro Square
St. Paul, Minnesota
Todd Lefko
Association of Saint Paul Communities �
333 Sibley Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Charles Bradley
Personnel Department
West Publishing Co.
50 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Frank Guzman, _Director
Migrants in Action
1162 Selby Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Artley Skenandore, Executive Director
American Indian Center
101 Payne Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Robert Hickman
Inn e r City Youth League
848 Selby Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota
�Jose Trejo, President
West Side Citizens Organization
841 Delaware Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota
Kathleen McNellis
454 Iiolly Ave.
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
� Council Resolution .
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 4.
Lillian Thomas, Director
RAP Senior Congregate Dining Projects
630 Laurel Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Frank Schmidt
496 Charles Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 551�3
Councilman Robert P. Sylvester
Room 703 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� - Indicates Manpower Planning Council Chairman
�-� - Indicates Manpower Planning Council Vice Chairman
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the prior resolution of this
Council, C. F. No. 265295, adopted April 10, 1975, be and the
same is hereby rescinded.
COUNCIL.'NE(V Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
1-e��ne _ Against BY
Form A pr v d by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date c
Certified Passed by Council Secretary �
Appro��ed by Mavor: Date Appro by Mayor for Submj sion to Council
BY _ By ,�..�
� -
Staffing and Employee Resources
3M Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
Personal Data
Date of Birth: January 9, 1923
Place of Birth: St. Paul, Minnesota
Education: Macalester College.
BA Economics -- 1947
Home Address: 14719 Hudson Boulevard
Af ton, Minnesota
Office Address: 3M Center
Building 224-1W
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
3M Company �
1950-1953 Interviewer, �mployment Department
1953-1956 Technical Employment Manager
1956-1966 Technical, Office and Production Employment
1966-1975 Employment Manager
1975 to date Director, Staff ing and Employee Resources
Offices: Business, Professional and Civic Organi.zations
Member, St. Paul Mayor' s Manpower Planning Council
Charter Member, Washington County Human Services Board (Chairman
for three years)
Past Member, Executive Committee, St. Paul Urban Coalition
Past Chairman of the Board and Member, St. Paul Employers Council
for Equal Employment Opportunity
American Society for Engineering Education
Past Chairman of Relations with Industry Division
Past Chairman of Ethics Committee
Past Member, Engineers Council for Professional Development
(Date of Biography: December, 1975)
.4 ,
� March 22, 1977
NAME: Charles R. Bradley, Sr. MARITAL STATUS: Married -
2 Children
ADDRESS: 889 Laurel Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 E1�iPL0YMENT
STATUS: Affirmative Action
TELEPHONE: 226-6603 - Home Coordinator
228-2751 - Work
l. Saint Paul Rehabilitation Center Vice President
2. Saint Paul Manpower Planning Council Board Member
3. Summit University Task Force - St. Paul Board Member
Chamber of Commerce
1. People Land and Neighborhood, Plan Inc. - 2 years - Saint Paul, MN .
2. Model Neighborhood Planning Council - Ttaice elected - Saint Paul, MN
3. Ramsey Action Program Inc. - $ years - Saint Paul, MN
4. National Alliance of Businessmen - 4 years - Saint Paul, MN
5. Project Interaction - Exoffender, female - Saint Paul, MN
6. Saint Paul Area Council for the Employment of the Handicapped - Secretary -
Board Member
7. The Mayor's Advisory Committee on Handicapped Individuals - Board Member
8. Community Retreat Corporation - Exoffender Male - Board Member
9. Summit Hill Block Club - Chairman - Board Member
All people in St. Paul must have equal opportunity to have their needs in-
cluded in the overall planning for this city.
., .
Personal : Joseph L. Easley
Date of Birth - August 28, 1935
Age: 41
Residence: 441 Woodhill Drive
St . Paul , Minnesota 55113
Business : • Community Housing Corporation of Greater Saint
P aul
290 Metro Square Building
St . Paul , Minnesota 55101
612-222- 7481
� President - Chief Executive Officer
Marital Status : Married - Wife - Orstella
Children - legal guardian to I nephew, Henry
adopted daughter, Nonica
Education: 1953 Lackawanna High School , Lackawanna, N.Y.
1953 - 1958 Florida A �, M University and University
of Buffalo, Business Administration
Maj or
1969 - 1970 Housing Specialist Program
Washington, D. C.
1975 Housing A7anagement for the Elderly
National Center fo� Housing Manage-
ment , Inc.
•Pertinent course work in formal education indicated above includes :
Business Administxation; Accounting; Real Estate ; Management;
Planning; Urban Studies ; Development of Low and Moderate Income
Housing under Federal and State subsidized programs .
Employmerit Hi�hlights :
Presently: Communit Housing Corporation
(1972- ie xecutive �.; icer
(Developing rehabilitation projects for the
City of St . Paul - Multi f amily an d Single
1970 - 1972 � Joseph L. Easley � Associates , Ltd.
Buffalo , New York
(Development of Housin; - new construction
and rehabilitation)
1971 Lecturer - University of Buffalo - Law __
May 1971 Assiento Develo ment .Cor oration
May 1972 Bu a1o , New York
Treasurer - Chief Financial Officer
(Business Management : Office staff, 15
people, work force , 125 employees)
1969 - 1970 Niagara Frontier Housing Development Corp
Buf�alo, New Yor
Administrative Vice President
Developed housing p rojects with a staff of
7 people
Set up the Management Division of N.F.H. D. C.
Developed Community Relations
(Developed 800 units of housing)
1965 - 1969 Self- employed: Owned and operated a
successful business - Mom's Fish and Chicks ;
� Buffalo, New York
Employed 5 people
1962 - 1971 City of Buffalo - Fire Department
Present: Chairperson
Mayor's City-Wide Rehab Advisory Committee
for City of St. Paul
Ch a i rman
' National Association of Housing Specialists
Ramsey County Opportunities Industrialization
Board of Directors
�itizens League
J�•� r,, r .
Board of Directors
. Old Town Restoration
Metro.. Council HRA Advisory Committee
Board Member
State Mental Health Association
Y' s Mens Club
Minnesota DFL Party
� blember
Pilgrim Baptist Church
1�lember .
St. John's Masonic Lodge #16
St . Paul Urban League
Hadji Temple #61 (AEAONMS)
Past: Housing Consultant to New York
State Conference NAACP
President of Eastside YMCA
(Buffalo , New York)
Board of Managers
Executive Board Member
Boy Scouts of America
Erie County
Region II Representative of New York
State Conference NAACP
1962-64 President of Buffalo Branch NAACP
1964-65 lst V-�ce President - NYS Conference NAACP
1960-65 Vi�ce President - Buffalo Negro Scholar-
ship Foundation (Buffalo, N. Y. )
References : Mayor Stanley Makowski
Mayor of Buffalo,New York
Buffalo, New York 14201
Phone: 716-856-4200
Ms Hazel Dukes
Deputy Coordinator New York State
300 Edwards Street
Roslyn Heights , New York 11577
Home Ph: 516-621-6071
Office Ph: 212-221-5284
Mr. Richard C. Radman
Business Representative
St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly
411 Main Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55101
Office Ph: 224-9445
�' -�i
� l�
` iZESL�?iE
riaureen C. ��err�.n
425 La�3ore Koad, Apt 315 Born: August 24, 1951
Saint Paul, Minnesota 5511.7 Saint Paul, Mt3
Current - Amal.gamated Clothinb & Textile Workers Union (ACTWU)
As of Septembar l, 1976 as a representative and
coordinator of consumer boycott activities in Minnesota
directed at J. P. Stevens and Company.
Previous - Carpenters Union Local #87
February 1975 to September 1976
Hotel & Restaurant Local #556
Febru.ary 1973 to I�'ebruary Z975
Mn Dept of Education - Education Data Systems
October 197I to February 1973
Montgomery Wards - Customer Relations Dept
Au;ust 1971 to rebru.ary 1973
Whirlpool Corporation - Factory
June 1971 to July 197I
NIn Dept of Pub].ic Safety - Driver License Division
September 1970 to June 1971
WhirlpooZ Corporation - Factory
May 1970 fio September 1970
University of Minnesota - Dept of Industrial Psychology
September I969 to i�tay 1970
�fi Dept of Human Rights
June 1969 to Septembar 1969
J. C. Penney Company - Customer Relations Dept
June 1968 to June 1969
Sacred Heart Grade School - Saint Paul, N�I - 1956 to 1963
Hazel Park Junior fiigh - Saint Pau1, MN - 1963 to 1966 Graduated
Harding Senior High Schoal - Saint Paul, r9N - 1966 to 1969 Gra�.uated*
University o� N�I, CLA - Minneapolis N�i1 - 1969 to 1971 IncompZete**
* (Graduated as an honor student)
**(Have taken several extension courses since this time)
w �, ..
' -2-
Current - I am beginning my third term as an officer of the
St. Pau1 AFL-CI� Trades & Labor Assembly. By vir�ue
of my office I am a member of the Executive Board
and COPE Committee. I also chair the Assembly's
standing committee on "Fair E�nployment Practices (FEP)
and Human �2ights".
- Member of the 4th District DF7. sustaining fund and a
participant in the newly formed 'fLabor Advisory
Caucus" of the State DFL.
- The labor representative of the Nlayox�s Committee on
Youth Affairs.
Previous - I was an active member of Office & Professional
�nployees InternationaZ Union (0"EIU) Local #12 fram
March 1973 to September 1976. I served on Local 12's
Executive Board and chaired the Entertainment Committee,
'Special Commztteet for hiring a Business Representative
and the Negotiations Corr2mi�tee (regarding our business
representat�ves contracts) . I was alsa a membar o£ our
own unit negotiations committee. I represented Local 12
at the Trades & Labor Assembly as weZl as attended
several conventions on their beha].f.
- Delegate to the 4th District DFL Certtral Committee
from 1974 to 1976.
- The labor representative on the Civic Cente r Theatre
Project - Program Committee.
��� �� �,,� � . �' �� , ��.,-;`,
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�ode� C� �.i�s I. �, �! �. �ul ��r� � A�� CA� ��r
°Gry Feb. 28, 1977
� '� i� '
x Name: Robert P. Hickman
§_ _ - Residence: 863 Laurel Ave. St. Paul. MN. 55104
xr � �
j ��
f q_ � .
� � Age: 1-3-36
1 � .>Y
� �, , � .
� __ Marital Status: Married, five children.
S " x'
z a
�' '� � � High School Graduate - 1951
�,. �. 3
�-; ,� �_, Rassmussen Practical College - 1957 -58
� � � ry. University of Minn. - 4 months
" y � � 'i+ Brown Institute - 1970-71
� . � � .�� Video Broadcasting & Announcing, at Educational T.V. Corp.
c ',�� � :�"�: K. T.C. A. Channel-2 Trainning Pro�;ram - 1969
G :� x `�-�
� ... � � School of Business & Public Administration Howard Univ. 1971
� -{ � � ''�/ Inver Hills College for Film. In the cities, 1978
'�� r ,`;
� +a� American Film Institute, Hollywood, California. 1976-77
--g� � '�' Various Siminars & Workshops on Business & Coummunity Orga.nization.
� � t r=
E '� �
�.; ` ; �
�'ti^� _
w � :� Income Tax Preperpation Since - 19f�2-1977
�,r:�� � ��
��� � �
K '":.� �r-- EMPLOYMENT
� ,��� ,� Northwest Airlines - 1 yr.
_'� Mpls. General Hospital - 3 yrs.
� �. Executive Director Inner City Y o u t h L e ague - 9 yrs.
-- �
� -.�� f T Assorted Cornmunity Agency Work.
r_ _: ;, _. �, rained � Fire Dept. Applicants for taking written examination.
_ �
I ' ``�
J/ i�� 'F:
r _3 ��i". " . � .
� ��
� ��. �� SERVICE
F E�
t � = U. S. Air Force - 4 yrs. - 1952-56
k Jet engine specalist, fuel cell specia list, B-47 Bomhers.
�` ° � L v Honorable Discharge at ra.nk of Airn�an lst Class.
�, .
z� � £�
�� `" �f; 175 NORTH VICTORIA • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 e PHONE 222-2571
,;.:�. _
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�°-:=-� r Former Chairperson M. N. P. C. - 3 yrs.
K �- Board of Directors - H. E. L. P. Develo�ment Cor
�� - I p. (Chairperso n)
� ��`` _ 't " - Ben. E. Ma.ys Learning Center
� `� �� " " - Neiborhood Justice Center
� _ �-- Police Community Advisory Board
� �� " Board of Directors - Mutima Professioi�al Actors Group
� r ���' ,r.���
f ° � '' " " - Ebony Liquors Corp. (Chairperson)
p `�,{,�� " " - Unidale Corp.
� �}'�� ;� Member of Oversight Committee American Legion Post 60fi
� ���: = Board of Directors - St. Paul. Urban Coalition
� _..�� �-. Various other committee & Advisory Bc�ards. �
��,�-� .
� ;�-�,. �
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Todd Jeffer_y I,�fko
Civ:ic Acti�rit?es
Member-Metropolitan Council District Two
President-St. Paul Association of Communities
Chairm�n Mayor's Comm.i.ttee on Citizen Participation
V.�.ce-Ch�.irman Ma.yor's Downtown Transit Advisory Committee
Delegate to National Democratic Charter Con.vantion December,1974
Bush Fellow at Harvard University
President-St. Paza1 Beautiful Coordina.ting Committee
I�tinnesota Experimental Ci�y Authority ,
Board of Directors-Citizens Leagv.e
Citizer_s League Commi.ttees on I,ong Ra,nge Fiscal Planning,Rebuilding the
Central City and Restoring the Riverfront
Board �.f Directors-St. Paul Coalition for Better Schools
rIc`�;CA .
rla�cio��a.i iscia��.. �� �;��^}nrs Ameri.cans for Democratic Action
Former rlember-St. Paul Plar�ng Bo:�rd .
5t. P�,ul R�presentative-Metrogolitan Pl�ng Conmi.ssion
Me�ber-St. Pav1 Public Interest Cable �I�V Committee
Eoard of Direc�ors�Ramsey Residents for Reorganization
S-tate Govern.�ent Commi.ttee Cha.r. man-r2innesota Project on Fthnic Americans
Former member-State D�, Central Co�ttee
Member DF`L State Policy Advisory Comnittee
Nle�.ber-St. Pau� is a Museum Committee
Member.-IIrban Desi�n Advisory Committee of the St. Paul. Planning Board
Coach-Six Years-Highlan.d Little League
National Institu�e of Public Affairs
Citizens Task Force on Hi$hway Action Plan to Environmer_tal C�:ality Council
tilembe�Metropolitan Council Cable �P Advisory Cammittee
Board of Directors-Ramsey Action Programs
Member-St. Paul I,eag�te nf Women Voters
Spokesperson-Region,al P ar�n?ng Task Force of State Arts Board
Education .
Finished Coursework for Ph.D. i.n IIrban History at University of Minnesota
Has BA and MAP9. from University of Minn.esota
Studied Urban P],�nning at IIniversity of Mancrester,Eagland
Studied IIrban Policy at Ha.rvaxd University
�unitied 5ia-ces Depar�'tnent of Housing and �irban Develop�ent rellow(one of 95 in UoS)
Wall Street Journal Scholar(First Academically in Graduate S�:hool Class�
Article Northwest Architect-Planning and Citize� Participation
grticle- Common Ground-Citizen Participation in St. Paul
Research Assistant te Mayor Thosas R. Byrne
Research Assistant-School of Public Admini.stratian
Teaching Assistant-School of Public 9.dnini.stration
Teaching Assistan.t -Social Science Department
Instructor-General College-University of rLinnesota-Presen�ly teaching courses on
IIrban Problems,Intro to Social Science and Contemporary rLinnesota
Ha.ve also lectured at Metro State Community College on History of Fire Fighting and
St. Paul Police Classes on Metro Gov�x�ment and History of St. Paul
� Homeowner at 1528 Grantham with wife Libby(Teacher in Roseville Schools) and.dau�hte
. �' -• 4/7/77
Kathleen McPJellis
454 Holly Avenue
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
(612) 227-6079
Present Posi ti on
Interagency Coordinato r, Preschool Handicapped January 1975
Special Education, Minnesota Cepartrr�ent of Education to present
Past Experi ence
Di rector, Fami ly Day Care Training Project January 1973 -
University of Minnesata and Ramsey County January 1975
Education Di rector, Ramsey i�ead Start June 1971 - Jan. 1973
Teaching Associate - Communications , U of M Sept. 1969 - June 1971
Ac�ninistrative Assis tant, Dr. Robert L. Scott Sept. 1968 - June 19b9
Speech Department, U of M
Teaching Associate, Speech Dept. , U of M Sept. 1958 - June 1969
Community Activities
St. Paul Manpawer Advisory Committee 1975 - 1977
Minnesota HealthJEducation Interagency "
Advisory Corr�nittee Chai rperson
St. Paul Preschool Advisory Corr�mittee "
Minnesota Early Chil�hood Training Consortium - Co-chairman 1975-1976
Advisory Corrmittee, Center for Early Education , U of M 1974-1976
Wi 1 de r School-Age Advi so ry Corrmi ttee 1974
Elected to Model Cities Council , 1969-1971 }g�g..1971
- Chai rperson, Economi c Core
- Personnel Committee �
- Eval uati on Ccrrmi ttee
P.amsey Pction Programs - Citizens Com�nittee 1971
. •
300 Osborn Building
Saint Pau1, Mn. 55102
' Telephone: 222-5561 .
EDUCATION: Gradlaa.te - Moorhead State College
Moorhead, Minnesota
191+5 (political Science)
E��LOYMENT: Sa.int Paul National Allianc� of Businessmen (NAB)
300 Osborn Bldg. - Saint Paul, Mn. 55102
1976 _- 77 Current Position: Metro Director - NAB
Supervis� operation of organization composed of business, governm�nt,
labor, and education to develop jobs and on-the-job training for the
economically disadvantaged, Vietnam-era veterans, needy youth, and
NAB serves the City of Saint Paul plus 26 counties of the ea,stern
one-third of Minnesota.
1971 - 75 Mana�er of Man�ower Development - NAB
Supervised the recruitmsnt of NAB applicants for NAB job openings. . ,
dsveloped liaison between gnployment SQrvices, C.E.T.A. Prime Sponsors,
v�terans agencies, youth organizations, and other community groups.
Negotiated MA.-7 JOBS OJT Contracts for job training in the private
19�+5 - 71 Minnesota Department of Employment Services
1969 - 71 �ecutive Secretary of the T�innesota Cooperative Area ManpoTa�er
Plannin� S.ystem (CA.NIPS)
Developed a State manpower plan in coordination with federal, stats,
and area manpower services agencies.
1965 - 69 P�1a,na�er, Youth Op�ortunity Center - S-�. Pau1
Supervised staff of 35 job counselors and interviewers to counsel
and place disadvantaged youth in NYC, Job Corps, NID'I'�1 training
programs and business firms.
191+5 - 65 Veterans �nplo.yment Repressntatzve - and State Supervisor of Youth
In former job (VER) interviewed, counseled and. placed vsterans in
employment and training. In State Supervisor job (3 yrs.) developed
a statewide program of employment and related programs for youth
through 35 MDES offices.
� I ' Gordon H. Nohre - 2 -
�� �P.cJ�v' • .
M:ILTTARY 5ERVICE U.S. Army Air Corps -- 19�+3 - 1�+ PilotTs Training
COi�iTJNITY SERVICES Board msmber - Ramsey CountV Citizens Committee for Economic
OpportunitY - 1966 - 70
Served as a board member representing the public sector.
Appointed by Mayor Byr•ne.
� E_
, P � )
P �:,
�. .'-
Northwestem Bell
70 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Phone (612) 221-6150
February 28, 1g77
Mayor George Latimer
Office of the Mayor
City Hall ahd Court House
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Mayor Latimer;
Per your office request, i submit the following resume for use in recom-
mending to the City Council my appointment to the St. Paul Manpower Area
Planning Council .
Gerald D, Schuster
Residence: 213 Windsor Court, New Brighton, Minn.
Employer: Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
Employment Office, Bldg. C
70 West 4th Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Title: Assistant Personnel Supervisor/Employment
Primary area of responsibility:
Supervise the non-management employment for the northern part of our Minne-
sota Area organization. Geographically this encompasses St. Paul and points
west to Detroit Lakes and north to Grand Marais. This position has afforded
me the opportunity to become knowledgeable in personnel selection process
and Equa1 Employment laws.
Civic fnvolvement:
From 1�73 to 1g75, I served as chairman of the St. Paul Committee estab-
lished to study the Federat/State Department of Employment Services.
. ,
In January, 1977, I was elected as President of the Greater St. Paul
Employers ' Council .
In closing, again thank you for the opportunity to serve on this im-
portant council .
� �I-,�
I �
� �' ( �• ��i�Ll-�- �' ''
� � �rf�.�
Gerald D. Schuster
'' Artley r1. Slcenandore Date of Birth: January 29, 1976
213 West A,nnapolis Street Social Security: 722-12-4098
W. St. Paul, Minnesota 55118 Marital Status: Marraied (Bette)
Telephone: 612-776-£3592 (business) Children: Two/Jacque & Joe
612 227-4312 (home)
May 7 1976 - Present St. Paul American Indian Center, St. Paul, Minnesota: Executive
Director. Responsible for the overall operations of the Center.
and policies set forth by the Board. Responsible for program devel-
opment, Pr.ogram Management, evaluation and personnel management and
public relations for the St. Paul AIC.
Feb. 1975 - l�iay 6 1976 Supervisor, DayLabor Program CETA, riinneapolis Regional Native Amer-
ican Center. Immediate supervisor, Ken Litzau. A Manpower program
to develop temporary employment or furnish manpower for emergency
employer needs.
January 1975 ' Chief negotiator, Shawno County, Wisconsin, Novitiate Takeover.
Acting as negotiator between the occupiers and law enforcement in
order to arrive at a reasonable and orderly conclusion.
Jan. 1974 - Sept. 1974 Director, Courtroom Security for the AIM Trials. St. Paul, Mn. A
consultant service to the St. Paul Police Dept. as liaison to the
Indian community, City administration, Federal Court, and the AIM
� May 1974 AIM security Director, Special Police Services to Barron County.
Sheriff' s Dept. ancl the City of Cumberland, Wisc. In providing liai
son and mediation services for the national AIM convention and sens�
• tivity training for the community in understanding crowd and Indian
relationships prior to the convention.
June 1973 - Jan. 1974 Executive Director, St. Paul AIM (American Indian riovement) provided
administration for social service action agency for the Indian comm
unity of St. Paul and related programs.
1969 - June 1973 Executive Director, Minnesota Indian Affairs Commission, St. Paul.
Legislative and program development for all Minnesota Indians.
19G8 - 1969 Housing Specialist, Indian Community Action Project, Bemidji, Mn.
Bemidji State Coll.ege. Housing Program development and technical
assistance for ldi.sconsin, Aiinnesota and Michigan Indian tribes under
Housing and Urban development.
1966 - 1967 i Administrative Assistant, Housing Program Great Lakes InterTribal
Council, Bowler, tJisc. , serving all ten tribes in housing developmen
.and management technical assistance.
1964 - 1966 Executive Dir2ctor, Oneida, Wisc. Oneida Housing Authority. Project
development and administrator of project.
1963 - 1964 Chairman Oneida Housing Authority, Oneida Wisc. Program originator
and corporate development f�r project.
1960 - 1963 Self employed, private business as tavern owner and also as manager
of Used Car Sales, Green Bay, Wisc.
, �=Ar..<�ey Skenandore Resume'
Page 2
1957 - 1960 Sheriff, Brown County, Green Bay, Wisconsin serving two terms maximum
allowable at the time. Elected in 1956 and re-elected in 1958.
1954 - 1957 Deputy Sheriff, Brown County, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
1954 - 1953 Constable, Twon of fIobart, Brown County, jdisconsin.
1952 - 1950 U.S. Navy Reserve, recalled for Korean Conflict, Instrucotr.
1944 - 1948 U.S. Navy Regular, Enlisted served in both Atlantic and Pacific. � Total
service time 7 years, 10 months.
Educated in Public Schools in Brown County, Wisconsin. Graduated Nicolet High School, West
DePere, Wisc. Attended Green Bay Vocational School for tluto Mechnics, Typing, Automotive '
Radio Repair.
Attended Automotive Trade Schools f.or General Motors, employment. Attended University of
Ldisconsin Law Enf.orcement Institutes, Federal Bureau of Investigation Law Enforcement Inst .
and In-Service Training Institutes as Brown County Cheriff. Attended several training
InstiCutes on Administration and Program. Development at Bemidji, Mn. Attended Housing
Institutes on Management and Housing Policy Training by Housing and Urban Development on
Indian Housing Program.
. Specialization in housing was obtained while working as Executive Director- for th Oneida
Housing Authority in the initial development of tHe Tribal Housing Programs and later as
Housing Specialist for Bemidji State College Indian Community Action Project. Experience
�aas in the fields of initial development of the Housing Authority basic site development
and selection working with the Architect, Contractors, and serving as inspector for tne
Housing Authority during construction. Wliile serving as Administrative Assistant for
Housing for the Great Lakes InterT'ribal Council, my duties involved much the same except
that the entire states, 10 reservations were my responsibility to develop housing. I
served all capacities of administration for housing setting policy, initial occupancy,
rental determination, eligibility and rental collection, eviction, and rental qualification
as management. The basic experience led to the promotion of serving as Housing Specialist
in Bemidji and then serving Minnesota, W.i.sconsin, riichigan and Iowa. Duties were then to
render technical assistance to all Indi�-�n Housing Authorities in the four state region,
in basically all areas mentioned.
Basically al.l major positions such as County Sheriff, Executive Director positions, Indian
Affairs Commission, and Supervisor capacity are fields of Admi_nistration. It is felt that
this extensive experience qualifys me iaith particularly strong emphasis for the field of
Housing. • - .
National Housing Assistance Council, jJashington, D.C. Serving on the initial development
Boar.d of Incorporation, and later as Nomination COmmittee, Loan Committee, for an
organization dealing wittl developin� housing for the disadvantaged rural people, ftinding
front money for HUD Projects providing technical assistance on a national basis.
Executive Board, Vice-Chairman Governors InterState Indian COuncil Inc. Organization for
all Indian Affairs Commissions nat-ionally.
Alember, Minnesota Human Rights Board, Appointed for three year commission, membership by
Governor Anderson.
-2- '
�• ..
'�' Artley Skenandore Resume'
Page ttiree (3)
Piember, Citizens Advisory Board to the Dean College of Education, University of
riember, Executive Board and Board of Directors, St. Paul Urban Coalita.on.
Member, Executive Board and Board of DIrectors, Greater St.Paul United Fund.
Member, Legislative Committee, National Congress of American Indians.
, . /.
, �.
Re�pectfull.y submitte �,
% � .�''f/� �.:.:�/�;;
� L � �/L.�/ _ �l..•�, ��j ��r„'/ l�: f 7 -. __,.
. �/
, -3-
February 25, 1977
Lillian Parks Thomas, resident of Saint Paul, Minnesota for
49 years. ��7idowed and mother of six children.
Born in I`ansas, graduated fram high school and attended Junion
Special training, AZcPhail School of P�Iusic and Dramatics .
Employed by the University of Minnesota farm campus, tdorked
in Research in Forestry as an interviewer for employment. Also
Employment Director and Center Director.
Presently serving as Director of the Senior Nutrition Project,
funded through the Governor's Citizen Council on Aging and
administered by Ramsey Action Program.
Served on the Urban League Board. Past National President of
Urban League Guilds.
Past National President of Continental Societies, Inc. , an
organization for underpriviledged and disadvantaged youth.
Past Board member Y{,dCA.
Served on the Triple T Board at the University of l�linnesota.
Served -on the committee of "400", for th e Bethune Memorial.
Presently serving on the lst National Community Service Board.
Local President for the Cameo Social Club.
Loca1 President Continental Societies, Inc.
r4ember of St. Phillips Church.
,r .
\�„ -
David 0. Van Ne�s
' �85 Earl st., suite 5
St. Paul, rlinnesota 55106
Experience: '
1975 - �976 - Fmployment and Training Specialist �p�rox.. 2 �rs.
Assigned by the Masor's I�.anpower Pro�am to facilitate coordination betwee
the St. Pau1 Aserican Indian Center and the Career Guidance and Training Center,
to develop a co�rehensive I;anpower program for the Nat�ve American conrnunity
in St. Paul, monitor a CETA Title IZI sub-grant, develop an Affirmative
.�ction Prog�^� for the �'unerican In�ian Center, develop and W'-"ite proposals
to continue ftiinding, one-to-one and group counse2ing, initiate an On-the-job
Train�.ng Program, public relations with e�loyers and other agencies, write
job descriptions and other relatied personnel duties. Position under CETA -
Tl't�n TI�
1970 �- 1975 Self euroZoyed Sales and r,.3nagement Consultant j �rs.
• ' Devised s.nd supervised sales promotion projeets for clirect sales
firms and retail outlets in a five (5) state a�^ea. Taught sales techniques,
hired all staff,developed motivation and masketing plans, worked with the
fin�.ncial co�ini.ty, Chamber of Co�nerce, public relations with customsrs; �
ar.alyzed narket potenti�ls and eveloped new techniques to increase s21es
effectiveness and reduce sales costs; worked with owners of franchise
op�rations in starting their buszness, develop�d branch offices, �an wn.iforr.� �
sales training program.
• 1967 - 1970 Supervisor, Administrative Services 3 y?'�•
Theodore Ha�n Brewing Company
Supervised office services department for a large national brewery.
Developed a uniform system of processing owners for equipment, supplies, etc.
Set up a com�unications centier utilizir.g offset press, Xerox, Western Union,
co�puters, telephones and distribution teehniques. Ini�iated systems to
increase effectiveness and decre�se costs. Worked c1QSe with Public RsZations
Deoartment an.d Parchasing Depa�tment. Worked k-ith Personnel Department in
is�plenent�n_g rilotit�at�_on and trainir..g to retain and up--grade e�rnloyees.
Zg55 - 1g67 - General ?danager � yrs.
k'ood-Dale Ambulance Coacpar�y
Initiated Personnel Departlnent and a training system for enrplyees
to facil?tate co�rpany being licensed by the State of Ifiinnesota. Hanled
accounts, dispatching, public relations and set up new accou.nts. Set up
a preventative maintenance syatem for vehicles. Was instr�ental in
starting the firt Handi-Van service in thia area.
196�j - ig55. - Medical Ser�rice Specialist �! yr,y.
United States Air Force.
Trained as an emergency medic, did diac,�ozing and treat-nent oP
G.I. 's and dependents, kept records and ordered supplies.
Hono:able diacharge. �
� _ .
� ',�� Education:
19?+0 - 1955 - Sibley Elementarg School
St. Paul, Minn. Graduated
1955 - 1959 - Harding High School
St. Paul, Minnesota Graduated
1959 - 1g60 - Concordia College
St. Paul, Minnesota Theology - 'inco�plete
1962 - 1063 - United States A..�ned Forces Institti-te
�glish- Physiolo�y - incom�lete
1963 IIniversity of k'isconsin
Madison, Wisconsin • C�unuu.nity The�ter - incomvlete
1963 LTxiiversity ot' i�.asy'_�nd -
Correspondence :
Composition - Physiology - incomplete •
1968 - 1970 Aaerican N:anagement Association �
Management Techniques - eorrespondence
197�f - 1976 L'ureau of Better Business Practice '
Personnel I�Ianagenent - correspondence '
Z�;ember: Ramsey Action Program Board and Target Area Advisor� Counci].
1�innesota Affirmative Action Aesociation �
��yton' s Bluff St. Pau1 American Inclian Center
G or�•^�uni ty C ounc i 1 •
�nployment Counselars Association �
�i�t. 4 P l:�nning Apprenticeship Information Center
Federal Civil Service Minority Advisory Council
�om:�uni t;; �c^nt�:r Gues Member Niayor�s Manpower Planning Council
rurra_z S�rvi��s
m��r� :�orc� Orai. Review Bo�rd na.-nsey C�unty Civil Service
Oral Review Board S�ate of Minnesota Personnel Departnent
Past Nember: Sales Management CoIICnittee
Junior Aehievment of St. Paul
Advisor 2 �ears 3unior Achievement of St. Pau1
Minnesota Citizen's League for Legi.slative aetion
Boy Scouts
G�b Scouts
�neater of St. Paul
Stage Door T"neater
• American �aeater
Madison Theater Quild
Junior Achieveaent
Theapayice Club
s. . - '
� �-
, Paet Member (Contin�ed):
/ Future Teachers oP America
Ober Boy's Club Volunteer
Initiative � •
Ability to work with people
NA,L: Pev. Kneel,y t•'illiams
A��?�SS : . 1597 iV. t�?estern A_ve. �
St . Paul, ^•?inr.esota
BT�m� pL4CE : ��Torrilton, Arlcansas �
r�ARITAL STATJS : ':'?arried to Doroth�► Linds��j ?•l�llia.r:!s
Kansas Cit�r, hansas �
1dUriBER Or CnILDREid : 3 Sons of tne T�•rin Cities
1 Daua'r.ten, Atlan�a, Geor�;�:.a
�?ev. Kneely �rlilliams is nastor of the �Jeti•r Hope Baptist Churc}i of St.
Paul, ??znnesota. : He has bastored the church for 2�4 ,years . He received
his Seminarv Tneolo�v Trainin�: at tne Central Seminar;� of Kansas Cit.y,
r':is�ouri. He has also studied at Bethel Semin�r�r, S�, Paul. Rev. j•iil-
1��ms is ver�,� much active in reli�;ious, civic a_nd commun:itJ r:ork. He
was �rice-President of the St, Paul Area Counczl of Churches , Board �?er.:-
ber of the "?innesota State on Reli�:ion and Race. Eoard i�ember of t'IA
Develo�ment and Corpora�ion. Rev. jali11�2ms has also served several ,years
on the �overnor's Hur::an Ri�;��s Commissian, t�*as a member of the St. Paul
Hunan pig'�ts Co?nm.ission, and also Presiaent of r?id-�1:�erica 4rea I Pas-
tors . N_e is no�•r serving a�s the President of the tTinnesota State of
�Tational Bantist Churches Convention, �T;ce-President o� tne Interdenom-
ina��onal ^?inister Alliance of St . Paul, Second �Tice-President of the
"��inneso�a Council o£ C�urches and �rice President of the Sur�mit-Univers�ty
Cler��r Council. He fras a Board r�e^ber of �the St, Paul Urban Coalition,
Board ?��mber of T�ze Loft Teen Center, Board r�emoer of the Cler��r Dro�-
In Center 606. ??ev. Knee1�T ��lill� ar�s i.s a membe» of the IIAACP and has
served �s Board '�ember, also is a T.ember o�' t�� Urban League and serves
on �he validatin�- CoMr�ittee °or Ar�erican Ba�tist Funci for Renet��al.
= � ` ' ,. � l .� . .
� � , p�yne Hittman . , :
� � Paga 3 • . � . _
.Y :
4, � A � '�� ' �, .. . . .
Fie�ber of DFL of M�.nnesota - 1954 to pra�ent.
. Endorsed DFL cand�data for Minne9ota St��e Sena�e - 1970.
EZac�ted deJ.eg�te to th� AFL State Centra� Commi�tee - I972 to 1'�74.
� Chaired th$ Sub-Committee on Eraployment of th� Economic Task �
Forc� o� th� S�atc� pg�, Party. � -
Ch�irman 67B Legi$la��.va District Ward Caub Isaue� Conemittee- �,9�3 _
1874. � -
Member of NoTreinat�ana Committ�e -- 1968 �- 1970. .
Delegate to .St. Paul: City Convention - 1572 and I974 and �,976.
F].00r Leader, F,atim�r Subcaucus , Distr�ct 67B , City Conv�ntion, �,976.
Served on Platform Committee - 1972 - 1971F,. �
De�flgate67 Aistrict Conv�ntion �.974 E �976 . ;-
Chaired fihe PZatfarm Cor�mittee - 197�t, � � �
Elected Secretary of 67B Ward C2.ub - 197� �.�19�6. �
... . � _ .
� . . . ._ . M.� .,.� . � .
' • � - �
: _ .,, . :
- .�, .. . _ , .
._ ' . _ � . .. . s -
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_ _ , ,
. . . .
_ __ . _
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�.,x- .�-:K� ,. t �„ 4+� �-�?,a••,. -�.�.�. x_.
_ _ _. ._. . .---.._ ,
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�' , _ � _ __. _.._ _._-- -.
. . ,
. " . ' , � '�Yn: . � - . : . . �
. . - � .. . . •���IZ�27�75 . . . � . _ . .
NAME: Wayne FJittman . . � . . �
,; . � .
ADARESS: 1498 Fremont Avenue �
-_-_-----� ,
� St. Paul� M�nneeota .�s�oG �
AGE : 47 • .
St. Paul Currerit Address : 1958/76 - - �
Minneapolis, M.�nneaota - 1957/5$ � - � �
Hinckley, Minnesota = 295? ' • :
Mankato, Minnesata -- 1954/57 � �
Minneapolis, ki�nnesota - 1951/54 • ' ±'' �
U. S. Navy - 1948/51 . . :
Humh.aZdt, Iowa - 1923/48 � - . .
� y��-• • ..� . � . .. . � �...�� ' . . . . .1.;.
F'AMILY . : � . _ . ..
Married . ; � . � . -j � ... .
. iiife - Joan, 45 . Ch�,ldren: , ' • .. ,' -
Robart, �.9 , Jeanno, ].7; �Mary, 16;
� Uavid, �3 ; Susan, 10. � . ,
� - ;
� EAU�ATZON . . � : � . .: .. • .
_ _ _ .�f . . : . r- - . . ,_
High Schaol graduate `- Humboldt Publt� High �School - I948 - Huzabol`dti =
. IoNa. .. .
' B. S... Degres - Marikato State College - .1957. �: Major.• Educatiozs -
:. Social Stud�e� ;� Minors - .;Polit.iaal .6c�ence end N�alth
_ � ESee transcript}. `• , _
. M.A. - University of M�nna�o�a.' t3inn�agolis,� MinA��ota - '�971. -:
. Major: Couase3.in� Psychol.o�Y- 741nor: � P�ych�logy a�d .
Educarion�l Admin���ratAon and P:ub3.ic Adrainis�tratio�
: (S�s �traascript) . �
Seminara - Managemeri� anc3 Supervieion,a Time• l3anagement, Man�geraent .
� by Objec�ivas, Rehabilitat�on Matiagemen�t. •� -
Se�?Cuars - Unzver�ity o� �klahona and ?University of Wiacousin, �
: Hutnan Relations,. Supervision Workshop, Mankato S�ate Callege. � -
. , `�F .
WORK HISTORY .. - . . , � � . . . - . . _ ,
�-, _
. ,; . - • - .
:; -
Hospital Corpannan - U.S. Navy - 1J48/�953.. . ,
Public School Soaisl Studies substitu�e te3cher - J195,7 -
E.S. Employmx�nt Interviewex+ - 1958/195�9.. • . .
, . � ' . .
- • °; - - _ .
...r .
. « �
.. , i .
� `" .. _ ; � . .
, , , �,��� H.�yn� Wittman . . -•
PaIIe 2 .� i - '
• . � '.� i- . . .
. Social Security Disability £xaMiner -- 1959/J.962
Rehabilitation Counselor - Sta�e Serv�ces for the Blind - 1962/2968.
Rehabilitation Specialfst - State S�3rvices for the B�ind - 3968/].971.
Rehabilitation Ragzonal Supervisor - Divisiort. of Vacat�onal
Rehab�Zitation - 1.-��ia��1. - ��•�a�' �,.-•J- �
. �;-���`�.�-��...�.,�:.� � 1 y�i.� ��.�--�---
Mernber of MRA - 1959/].976, Ed�tor ok� MRA Spo�light 1.9SC}/19r� ,
Presid�nt, Admiriis�tra�ive and Supervisory Practf.ces Div�.eion4
1•fRA' 197fi. ' .
Member of Minneaota �'ederation 'of Tea.chars - 1964/29615 .
Pre�fdant of MPT Local 7.215 - 196�./1962. :
Me�nber AFSCME of Loc�al 597 - 1952/2g6g , '. � �'
�Secrs,atry of SfieHarde AFSC�iE #597 - 7.963f 1964. ' --
. President of AFSCME Local 597 =- �864/�968.:
� Dalegate -Co St. Paul Trades and Labor As3embly - �964f-.�9fi8 and
.. .�.. .. ].974f397�. ;,: . .... . ,
Delegater to Councf� 6 - 1964j1968 and 1974. �
Delegate to AFL-CIO Federatian Conventian - 1'964�I96T.
Board of Directors - Council �6 - I967��.968. � � �
M�mber AFSCME Local 1921 or 2829 - 1973f197�. �
Appointed to Committee on Political Educa�ia�, St. Paul Trades
- � Labor, 1976. .
- � Reforence Comcni-ttes of St. Pau2 Civi�l�;Sarvice D�parrr�ent - Z97�j1976.
Manpowar Arr,a P2anning Council Hembar, �- 1974.�
St. Pau2 Arat� Counail for F.mploynent Qf the HandicApped - 1971/�976 .
Chairman - SPACEN -. 197?.�I974. i •- i
Executive Secretary, D�vision of Voca�ional �Rehabilitation
- � Consumer Advisory Comm�.ttee, 197� 6 1978 . -
Chaired the AFL-CIO'l�C��t�n C�ti�eA Par�icipation, 1975 . ,
` � G�� r , .
COMMUNITY AC�IVITY ." : . . - . -
. . � _ ..
� • Mamb�r o� Sacred Heart Parish , 2963 �o pres'an�.
Trea�urer, Vic�-Preaid�nt, Psee=i$an� �ad Past-Prss3dent of Ha?y
I�am� SociQty - �,964 -. 196?. , . ,
Treasurer - Mom S Dad's Club - �971. � _ �
Membsr 4� Pari�h Cout�ci]. - 1992 to J.9�5 , reslected 19�76.
_ Vice-Chairm�n o� Parish Cou�eil. - 197�. - -
Chairman of Soc�.al Action Com�,ittee - ':1972 - 1976,
Membex+ of St. Vincen�C d�' Paul 5:ociety i� 1961 - 1970 . � -
Religious Education Cnmmitt�e ; 1966 �; 1957. �
Delegate to . Organization fo� Better St. PauZ - �973 -� 19?�.
Hember o� Dayton's B�.uff Commun��y Council - 7.957 - 1970 and I372 to 1
Vice President of DBCC - 1967 -- 19&8 . � � ,
Huraan Ne�ds Chairman. - DBCC -- 1968 -- 1964. �
MQr�ber of llayton's B].uff Multi-Service Cen�er Baaa�d - 1969 - 1973.
• Governing 3oard ot Merrick Communi�y Cent�r - �973 - 1975 ,
�'����-`�.�C"��-O � "� ,���,�,.z.�--e�;� �y��/�7� . �.
. ,
�._ .. .. � .'�':`. .._� ... �. . . 't . . .