269075 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 •�4 "- PINK - FINANCE � � "��� 8���Y- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��♦ • �7 . Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. I�O�/ � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ord.inance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "A.n ordinance fixing the duties ancl responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes, of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That O�dinance No. 7607, approved Februarg 13, 1 g35, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking , out the current specifications for the classes of MANPOWER PLANNER I, MANPOWER PLANNER II, and MANPOWER PLANNER III, and by substituting in li�_u thereof the following new specifications for the classes of MANPOW ER PLANNER I MANP OW ER P LANN ER II � MANPOW ER PLANNER III _1_ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor — Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by Gity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ���.�� . ��c���� Title of class: MANPOWER PLANNER I DESCRIPTION OF WORK ' General Statement of Duties: Performs entry level professional manpower planning for the Saint Paul Manpower Planning Area; and performs re- lated duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate supervision of a higher level manpower planner. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Assists in coordinating manpower programs. Assists in the gathering of manpower data by such categories as geographic and economic distribution, employment and population. Assists in the preparation of labor market forecast s for job opportunities and manpower availability including special studies for target populations. Assists in the inventory of all public and private manpower service agencies operating in the Manpower Area Planning jurisdiction and to assist in the coordination and evaluation of these agencies. Assists in the development and drafting of the annual comprehensive Manpower Area Plan. Assists in maintaining communication with federal and state manpower agencies, private industry, schools and universities, labor groups and client groups. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to prepare reports. Some knowledge of statistical practices and procedures. Some know�ledge of the principles of manpower management. Working knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and procedures of gathering, assembling and utilizing research data. Working ability to establish and maintain working relationships with other agencies and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation. -2- WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII ,� BLUE'�� MAVORTMENT . GITY OF SAINT�, PAUL File NO. �„��, �'•- - � � . Ordindnce Ordinance N�. 1`+��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. -5- COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � PERSO EL ICE Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY Roedler Sylvester � , Ted '�UN 2- �;�77 For pproved by ney Adopt y Council: Date c C tified Pas y Counc' Secretary Approv d by Mayor: e � UN 19T/ Appro d by Mayor for Su is op�to Cou cil gy B PuausHEO ,1UN 1 l 1977 . , �,. � � � , � CM����� etach this.memoraridum frorr� the �lvi O1�`"ei�975 � � Do not d ��Rev. : 9I8/?6 `ordinance so that this inforr�nAtian W►�1 be c'tvCou cil. , . �, av����1��Ivlv�O�` �MINiSTRATIVE ORDERS, � .� ,: �_ � . � . RESaLUTIQN�� AND dRDI�TANCES ' , � _ ,v ��. � Date: April 20, 19?? ��C �j'���7 , . AQR��� . . _ . �►�-� ' TO: MAYOR GEQRGE I:�ATIMER � ` F'R: Per gorui�l Office ; R�: Ordiaance fmr aubrr�ission to City`Council. �G�'ION REC�U.ESTEDt � ,I recomanr�ead yo�r approval a►nd subrni;ssion of thia Ordinarsce to the Ci�y Co�n.cil. ; � r , . . • . � � i PURPQSE A1�D RATIONALE FOR THI3.ACTION: This ordiaan�e t�eplac�e the specificatioas for Maapower Planser'I, Manpower'Pl er-i� a.rad_Maapower�Planaer III with specifications writtea ia the new farmat. The revi d " ' minirnum q�alificati;ons do ap �nclude the phrase �''No su � i oa.: or etca�an".an m�+� �� Maapawer�Planaer I�s with �our qEare� experiEa�e-eligible for:Ma�power'Plsaaer . Th+� are no changes in titlea or gxades. "`� . � . . .. . . � � . ;�K AT7ACHMENTS: . Ordinance a.nd copy for City Clerk. � ,�. , ����� � ����� Title of class: MANPOW ER FLANNER II DESCRIPTION OF WORK , General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional man- power planning for the Saint Paul Manpower Planning Area; and per- forms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a higher level manpower planner. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all. positions in this class. Coordinates the operation of manpower programs. Prepares reports and recommendations. Gathers manpower data in the Manpower Area Planning jurisdiction by such categories as geographic and economic distribution, employment and population. Prepares labor market forecasts for job opportunities and manpower availability including special studies for target populations. Makes inventories of public and private manpower service agencies operating in the Manpower Area Planning jurisdiction and assists in the coordination and evaluation of these agencies. Provides technical assistance to the Manpower Area Planning Council, its Task Forces and public and private manpower service agencies within the Manpower Area Planning jurisdiction. Drafts portions of, and supplies information related to, the comprehensive Manpower Area Plan based upon analysis of data gathered. Assists in preparing, modifying and administering the budget whicn funds the Plan. Maintains communication with federal and state manpower agencies, private industry, schools and universities, labor groups and client groups. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to prepare reports. Working knowledge of statistical practices and procedures. Working knowledge of the principles of manpower management. Considerable knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and procedures of gathering, assembling and utilizing research data. Considerable ability to establish and maintain working relationships with other agencies and the general public. MINIMUM QUAL,IFICATIONS College graduation and two y>ears' experience as a Manpower Planner I ar equiva�ent. -3- � ����� t . ���"� Title of class: MANPOW ER PLANNER III DESCRIPTION OF WORK , General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional work in developing and supervising plans and programs related to man- power resources in the Saint Paul Manpower Planning Area; and per- forms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general administrative and tech- nical supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within a unit close technical and administrative supervision directly over lower level manpower planning workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. ' Monitors and evaluates manpower programs to determine if established policy, objectives, and strategy are met. Assists in negotiating and modifying manpower contracts. Collects statistical information related to the Saint Paul manpower and economic growth area reflecting the origin, growth, structure and demographic characteristics of the area using manpower program guide line s. Analyzes records of present and past manpower operation, trends and costs, estimated and realized revenues, administrative commitments, and obligations incurred. Puts data andinformation into forms usable for input for other staff, citizen and advisory planning groups and manpower operating agencies. Develops and drafts the annual comprehensive Manpower Area Plan. Diagnoses problems and offers alternative. strategies. Writes comprehensive narrative type proposals and project descriptions for manpower needs. Compiles and analyzes data to facilitate the evaluation of ongoing city manpower activities. Directs lower level manpower planners in coordinating and modifying manpower programs. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to determine and solve problems oi a complex nature. Working ability to plan, organize and supervise work. Considerable ability to prepare reports. Considerable knowledge of statistical practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and pro- cedures of gathering, assemUling and utilizing research data. Considerable ability to establish and maintain working relationships with other agencies and the general public. Thorough knowledge of the principles of manpower management. MINIMUM QU ALIFICATIONS College graduation and two years' experience as a Manpovver Planner iI or equivalent; or college graduation and four years' experience as a :�Sun- power Planner I or equivalent. -=�- � � i _� lst � `/ 2nd � l C�� 3rd � /� Adopted � a� � Nays Yeas BUTLER j . i HOZZA HUNT ������ � , , LEVINE , I ,� � � ROEDLER ' � TEDESCO I 4 pRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) i