269072 ��Q�� ��
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FINAL ORDER � ,;, ,,`�,. �` f ,�
File No.
In the Matter of �'����� �;a�11r� at tY� �r►ll�ri►� 1eo�tiau a�ld
� ali ot4�r �eatic t�.,
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B. MA�AI�OLIA AYE., south side fror K`
B. 1�lAf.'lALU AYE., aorth oid• fror 1rr+�c�8tt�to�th��k $t. � `���
t�tat 120 t�, '
3-10345 E. pRAN�L �., avuth sid� fro� rRs
. � Dciluth St. to east 100 tt.
i �
5-10346 1►RAIi� ST.. botli sid�a fraa g� � 1� yqurrM��� �"
$. NAMTNORliB AVS., aouth eide lror Fradc at.t�a8inst�2 ! Aw. �
abutting 1116 8a�rehorne 0 ft.
5-10347 �
BAltL ST., eart side fran g,
BARL ST., wst side fro� s� ��la�nd Avt. to 8. Oraa,ge Av�. a�
r71and Ave. to E. �yacinth Ave.
5-10348 GBRANItAK AY,R., both aidea l�roo D�ltittt St. to lryr .
8-10349 � �t•
Dj1I.UTH ST•, �rsat side frOt Ee J��aaine Ave.< to E. Ge�rrniiui.Aw.
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The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon tnt��,� .�..r_. .
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and -
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and sha11 report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co . Date
�IAY 1 T 197Ti
Yeas Nays
gutle�i Cert' Passed Council Secretary J M � 9 19T71
��T� �In Favor
Levine � Against
Roedle� Mayor
Teaesco ��� �011F 2 � ��7.7
r,�ie - c�cv cio�k ,• r (�I'1'Y OF �A I I,7T ����.LT I. • � ` ��'
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� Date: �� � � �;�i�`.
7hat tne L'i rector of efie De}�art���ent of P�!bl i c `,Iorfcs is ��•reby autl�ori zecf and di rected
t0 prcparc pians � 05tc11il SUf'11C`�S � ri"C��I"t: CStlf+latCS ?TlG 1(iVCStIQF3CC �Fl@ necessity
to reconstruct si�et�aii: �t the folloi��ir.g loc�tio;�; ��d c'o al1 ottter �vork ��rhich is �
necessary an� ircidentai to coc-;ptete said ir,���-ovement.
South side of G. ;1l',G�JO1.lA f',VE. fror.� Uulutn St. to Franlc St. and :
+;orth siue of E. ti;�G��uLI/', /�UE. fra^i Frank St. t� the cast 120'
5outli sic:� of E. OR�;i:GC AVE. fro+.� Dul�th St. ta east 100'
"aot�� si ue of FRl1:ii; ST. �rorz E, ft��ryland Ave. to E. Or�nr,e l`,ve. and
Soutti side of E. HA'�i�filCRi:L F�VE. frori Frank St. to t�resi. ZU' , abutting 111G ti�.;vthorne.
Ea�t �i de of ���1RL ST. f rom E. 1-!ary 1 and t`{ve. to �. 0 ran�e /ove. and
llcs C 5 i d� of EARL S i. from �. ;taryl and tive. to E. :iyaci nth Ave.
Roth sic:c of G�tt�ltilUN ,'�VE. fror.i i}uluth St. to Frank SL'. "
:�es t s i c;e af UULUTii 5T. f ron E. Jessami ne Ave. to E. Gcran i un /`,��e.
Eas L s i c!� of CUGERT��! ST. f rom E. +�lary 1 and Ave. to �. l vy llve. .
West side of EDGERTUi! ST. fr"o�n E. t°iarylan�! Ave. Co 3rainerd Ave.
' The Ctii rector of Fi nance �+r1d I�iana�er��nt Servi ces i s hereby di rected. 2o pr-epare a
�prelininary order and sciiedule � public hearin�. _
)ri� cc• o�lg. cc�
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A11 Reconstruction
NO Assessment �
Feb. 24, 1977 � -
Hr. Roger Mattson \� �
Di rectQr of Fi nance
and Management Services �
Room 113 City Hall '
Dear Si r:
Piease prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of
the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Qrder.
The estimated cost for new construction not in CD areas �
or on main routes is as follows:
"""'G $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A S B Residential
• �J%�� �Per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. .
S E E .N�w f�',�►?'�' S
Attached herewith are the following:
1 . Approved Administrative Order D-3390 2/1$/77
2. Advisabi 1 i ty � Des i rabi 1 i ty Report.
3. Copy of plans for each order. Non-assessable
Yours very truly, '
,� /���a„�i :
Hartley Thomas
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction
234 City Hall, Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55102
� . - ' Dist. tJo. 1
S.S. E. �lagnolia Ave. - Duluth St. to Frani< St. and �}' � `�`�
id.S. E. Magnolia Ave. - Frank St. to the east 120' ` ��� u �
'f r':�:;
� Th i s orde r was i n i t i ated by t��e Di rector of Pub 1 i c l�lorks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This v��alk is poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards , asphalt patches ,
cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels.
The Enginneering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist. P�o. 1
S.S. E. Orange Ave. - Duluth St. to east 100'
This order was initiated by the Dire ctor of Public 1Jorks as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards , and
water pockets.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of ti�e order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
Dist. No. 1
B.S. Frank St. - E. Maryland Ave. to E. Orange Ave. and
S.S. E. !'awthvrne Ave. - Frank St. to west 20'? abutting 1116 E. Hawthorne.
This order was initiated by the Uirector of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete �aitfi tree heaves , tripping hazards , cracked concrete
panels , scaled and tipped panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
� Dist. No. l
E.S. Earl St. - E. Maryland �1ve. to E. Orange Ave. and �����:`�
W.S. Earl St. - E. 1�1aryland Ave. to E. tiyacinth Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, tripping hazards ,
asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels and 80' of old tile.
The Engineering recommendation ;s for approval of the order.
(construct to width designated on plat)
Dist: tJo. 1
Q.S. Gerani:um Ave. - Duluth St. to Frank St.
This order was initiated by the Uirector of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of 1 coinplaint and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints and tripping hazards.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Dist. No. 1
41. S. Duluth St. - E. Jessamine Ave. to E. Geranium Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of ti3e walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards,
water pockets , cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped �anels.
The Enginee.�i•ng recommendation is for appr`val of the order.
(construct to width designated on the plat)
' _ � ° ' ' '� Dist. Wo. 1
J E.S. Edgerton St. - E. Maryland Ave. to E. Ivy Ave. �����:�
This order was initiated by the Director of Pubtic LJorks as public necessity on the
basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poure�l .concrete with tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards ,
cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels and settled panel .
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated o►i Plat)
Dist P�o. 1
W.S. Edgerton St. - E. Maryland Ave. to Brainerd Ave.
Th i s orde r was i n i t i ated by tt�e Di rector of Pub 1 i c Works as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the
basis of inspection of the walk,.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , i�igh joints, tripping hazards, cracked •
concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels and settled panels.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks : Only Superficial '�Jork Done Nere Under Census Tract.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
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J � ' Summary of Enyineering Recommendation
Tuesday, Ptay .17, 1977
PRUJECT: RECOI�STRUCT SIDEWALK E. MAGtJOLIA AVE. , south side from Duluth St. to Frank St
. E. F1AGiJOLIA AVE. , north side from Frank St. to east I20'
I�JITIATIPiG ACTIOtJ : This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as
public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk.
EXISTIf�G COf�UITIOidS : This walk is poured concrete wi th tree heaves , tripping hazards ,
asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels. This is a repair
� job, about half the block is all right. ,
PROJECT: RECOtJSTRUCT SIDEWALK E. ORANGE AVE. , south side from Duluth St. to east 100'
II�ITIATIF�G ACTIOt�: Tf�is order was ini tiated by the Di rector of Publ ic Works as
public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk.
EXISTI�dG CUIdDITIOP�S: This walk is old tile with tree heaves , broke� tile and
, water pockets.
PROJECT: RECOP�STRUCT SIDEWALK FRANK ST. , both sides from E. Maryland to E. Orange and
E. HAWTIIORPJE AVE. , south side from Frank to west 20'
Change the order to read "FRANK ST. , both sides from E. Maryland to E. Hawthorne and
E. HAWTHORNE AVE. , south side from'Frank to west 20' ."
This order was one block too long.
INITIATIP�G ACTION: This orde r was initiated by the Director of Public Works as
, public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk.
EXISTI�JG COtdDITIOPJS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards,
cracked concrete panels, scaled and tipped panels. This is a repair job with some
panels left in place. ,
PROJECT: RECOVSTRUCT SIDEWALK EARL ST. , east side from E. Maryland Ave. to E. Orange Ave
and EARL ST. , west side from E. Maryland Ave. to E. Hyacinth
It�IITIATIPJG ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as
public necessitt on the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk.
' EXISTItJG COIJDITIOI�S: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile,
tripping hazards, asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels
and 80' of old tile.
ADVERSE EFFECTS: One tree removal on the long side of 1056 Orange, and one possible
tree removal on 12�+2 Earl .
• ► �
PROJE�T: RECONSTRUCT SIUE�JALK GERAPJIUII AVE. , both sides from Duluth St. to Frank St.
IIJITIATIIJG ACTIOi�: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as
public necessity on the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk.
EXISTIiJG CU��DITIOidS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints ,
and tripping hazards. This is a repair job with some panels left in place.
PROJECT: RECOtJSTRUCT SIDEWALK DULUTH ST. , west side from E. Jessamine Ave. to E.
Geranium Ave.
INITIATIWG ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Publtc Works as
public necessity on the basis of inspection of the walk.
EXISTIPJG CUfdDITIOt�S: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping
hazards, water pockets , cracked concrete panels, scaled and tipped panels. This
is a repair job with some panels left in place.
All 6 orders include the following;
PROPOSED IMPROVEPIENTS : Remove old walk and construct new walks. Black dirt and
seed will be placed along the new sidewalks.
FINAhICING: Public Improvement Aid Funds
RECOMMEIJDATION: The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the orders. ,
PROJECT: RECO(dSTRUCT SIDEWALY. EDGERTON ST. , east side from E. Maryland Ave. to E. Ivy Ave.
�ItJITIATII�G ACTIUtd: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on
the basis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk.
EXISTItJG COtJDITI0I�S: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints ,
Tripping hazards, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
RECOMF1Et�JDATION: The Engineering recommendation is for deletion;,of this order.
PROJECT: RECOiJSTRUCT SIDEIJALK EDFERTON ST. , west side from E. Maryland Ave. to Brainerd
IP�ITIATING ACTIOPJ: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on
the basis of inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITIOfJS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints ,
tripping hazards , cracked concrete panels, scaled and settled panels.
RECOMMENDATION: he Engineering recommendation• is for deletion of this order