269070 ������� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL.-�'ILE NO. FINAL ORDER BY ,f`. ,'A:�.. � ,��. f ��_.....�...- File No. ��� In the Matter of iista111a� 1t �1l.e Mftitc Mi�t tn �r�00ixd �oatt ' i�a� N�o�t �1 t4 tt�e �l�d�•�a�e �nat a! Ma�wi�t �oad � ._. , ._ ._ � under Administrative Order $"�� approved �;�' 1�'� ��� ^� � Ya1�tx d�. �se�lutl�as 3641 i�h t9„ t977 '' ` under Preliminary Order a��/�g approved /aT�� �� � ���� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all exper�ses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the C '1: Date MAY i 7 19T7 Yeas Nays ,�� Certi P s�d Cou il Secretary MAY 1 9 19TT1 t�ozza �j � Nunt In Favor Levine J Roedle� Against Sylv^ste� Mayor SeCesco � PUBUSHE� MAY 2 � 1��� --.... .�.�... ... . !J 1"Z t. ,� � �T L - c�� . .���N Y �'a ' -' J'S��/ Pink — Financ�DePt.. " , 1 , . NO: .;'. Gnary— Dapt. _ . ____. '--�, � � OFFI(3F. OP TH� MA R , /��, ` �� � � Date: 5� . . ADMINISTRATI VE ORDER .. .. �� �� : ���'� x . , .. l�� _ . ADMINIS�'RATIVE ORDER, � '`:° , �� In th� matter of #as�I23ag g pub2� orater mafa fa t.bas €a�i�ing �treet� _ , " �- „ - _ ,� . ; ��N� x � Leoaa}'d Cot:r� fram ZicKaf gbt Roar� toF-thd ct�-da-•sac� roest k Y � �, �.�'�. . _ of Mei�afght Rosd :,� '-�� � �,� t ¢y� .,.,. . . �.. ' � �' � �. . _.�. , � . . _ .' '. �AY V '.� ...,r y};.l ,y...,,�, . - �N %�,. �.: . , . .�. ' �s , �, . . -�;h ..�v ^ . . „ . ,: . . f;.Ba.,F t .� - - � The Depa�mecrt o� Ft�ca ta� hereby=dis�ct� tc� brlag Ltiis matt�r:��o�ce the �. ' ,,-„��: ' Co�cfl. fo� pubYtc hea�ing... . ,: , w . _ ��= ,: ���� . - ... � . � � j,.s`:��., - s �*,�h a� - . �. � `�xi . .� . .,:� �� ' � �� � .. � � �i9t'r � ' .r�,��.�•''?�-i � � > - _ . . .� '� . ..� � _.' �� ._.I--- ��^�'�'-..� ,�,�� a�'-t'�'fl„�,� . . �� � ��'�. `.� Y :. . � � � . � ,Zx�'r�.. „w'�i$w.. yrZ w�: . . ����1,�`''� . . . . . :4 }',. .e . . � . � � 4�:; 4 L ..:.�1. ' .. �.4 4 - � . . - . � . ... . . �� :..rTV�'� � 4 ,;��^.3�. . . . � .. -. � . 9� aA..: y, ,. .. . � .. . � .. � . . - � . ' . � � - ' . f.�w ) ,;„ 3„ _ � � . . � . . . � .... .... . . .. . � .. '.��' ' . . � � . . .' . � � � . � .. .. . � . �: . . .. ..-. . ; � � . -„2, r4� ' , . - ' •��-' . . �P . . ' . . . . . .��. . . - . . . . . � . . . . . . - � sz a. _ � . . .. . � � � . . '� ... � • � : , . : . m �,. . . . . _ .. . . , _ . . . . #�k"1��y�.. � .... . � . ��. . . . .. . . . . � . . . . � . . . .. ��� . . � . . . . . ,� . ?r . . � . . - t� . . . � . . ' . � _ r �. , . .. � . � " � . _ . . � . . �"v.� . � . . . � � . . . . � ' . . .. � _ s.. _ . � . .. . .. . . . � < . .. . . ......._ .. .. . ... . .�..�_-..-.�..-,.:-.-..w�-....�....:......� -.:.w..>.'...,,+..,�...., '�, �+�.�, - .. . . - . . _ � ... ..� .-� � z . , . . . . . . � �. . ' . - x=..1,c-, - - . . � �. . .., �° � .- :�, ' .�-a-` ��7 8 9 j�11 � . ^ .K! . , . . .. � J Y � �� . _ y S� �i !: �iM 4 . . . A� , . . n_�•.� �nLL w/� M .'. . . . �'\ ' ���� �_"3 + `"t "' . �� . . � �•.'Y . .•+� O 1� ...--�„� .i i��: ch, p �; �' �" �/F-�: �. � d' N s�,.� � _ _ _ :��ri _ � �A cF l � .. � :: � ==� ; . �: - - .:, . . ; : - 9�sZ61�?�W��'�' , . . - ��- ,__ -. _ .� ., APPROVED AS TO OR - � � "— - Assist City ttorney � artment ea Date • Administrative Assistant to Mayor • CITY OF ST. PAUL ►.)o,__261�1___ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �.'��� RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �ompaon I�:arch 29, 1977 COMMISSIONER -- DATE �ESC? V�D �ti'H��:�!�S� The Board o£ S.:±ter Cor��tssioners h�s recr.ived A petition for the instalZ�tion of a public water n:zin in Leoa<3rd Court fror.i t'cl:ni�ht P.o�d to 250 fe^t �-rest of t�icl:ni�Itt Ror.d; Fnd t�.'HUIt'?.A.S� The Saint Pau1 t•7ater Utility st�ff h�s reviecaed the pxo- posed improverr.ent and recos�nends tha installr,tion of a water r.isi_n �nd its appurtenances; such install�tion to extEnd from a proposed new t��.^.ter raain in RScKnight Road_� th�nce w�sterly in Leonard Court to 150 feet west of � t�cKnight Roadj end , �'HGR?4S� The Board of 'F:ater Cor.znission�rs has b�en granted pErmission to cannect to a proposed new water main in r:cl:night noad, said permission bein� gr4nted by the City of I�isplekood as owner of the progosed new water mainj and WE?3P.��.S, The total estir�ate� costs for the w�ter :�zin iu,prn�•enent� ir,clu�in� can�:truction, eii�ineerin�, inspection e.�id r_dr:inistrerion costs �.re �8��f75.0� �.nd the estim�.ted rat� ger zssess£ble foot �ete �, itied by the Valu�tion �.nc� t�s�ess„f•:nt En�ineer is �1l.30 per foot £or con�ercial property Pnd :'8.50 per foot for residential property; and the estim�.ted finsncing is �4�1I0.0� fro� a�s�ssr��nts �nd ;4�365.(10 fron Wr�ter IJtility aicl. h0;��, TH�R�:�'4R, B�.� IT R�;�LV�?�� Thrt th� Soarct of t;�ter Co��caissioners r��on:mends to the Honor�ble City Council of S�:int �'aul thst & pt�blic c,��ter natn be lnst£lled in �conard Court from T'c?;nisht Boad to the ccI-c'e-sac� the �rF�?e of s�id str^_it baing kithin li:rits pen�itted ty Section 252.17 of the S�int °sul Lsgisl�tive Cod�� �.nd thst the ir.stsllation ��ad pay.r.�nt t.lerefor� in c,-hole or in part by r�_�ns of a sF.scial �zs��ssr.�nt� be de.��ad a local irn- provesaent and be ordered and mAde iri accordance with thc provisfons of Chzpter I3 of the City Ch�rter. �� � Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays fiunt S�nds r; t� i+�.axch 29 19 $?7 Sylvester � �' — — : Tho�pson . " President Levine _ � � 5 0 �� / � ,= - In favor�—_ Opposed � ��. �,,� . "%� �_< :� Gene:•w_ .._��i-�.--�r 4�ss�_.s� �,^ �`. - •- _..� . ... . r........� BOARD (�F�����. G"�OMMISS� .�� '� �`,�i� � : ELMER•A.!°illSET �` 3� ' �.MEUWlSSEN ` 6sn�ro(Man�g�r rt^�,.=,�� { �-<s�.-,, � � ...;;� ,�. `� ' LEO D"" '� IN P �$1D '� Yloter D'rstributiort � f _ DR. PHILL�� �O� � � , $Of� Vi E`��P�� � , ' • � � � r �'��� �`��� `�.+� ��_r.�,„,�, .�� °��� G�Rfi��. , , j [ f t t ��}7,�,Mt��`._t. �,. �"js� � � , "u�:, :,� t.of Wo sr �Su I �sYaa . �wsra Ma�cger f,., +� t� ;�w-^ �:d -R s}l.�Fi`i! .� 1��i�t' .:.1��'�� Y Y � �.,t "ar�lE���'r . y � — ! � as;F, v �e � I : o-'�^:�+'�! � E �� �r ��'� ,.-uY 'e �,� � ,�0��. .. . . . � �. € ; �� - z�.�:� ;�' z � �,.. �'3w � �t j # � I�. . .;. �. O�.-. �'�� ��� �� �A► `i.s, o, /�. i . � � �w . .yp' .' y( ' / .: �^'f 34 �� M{SSESSI,P�Rl1��� �' .��, ���:� PUMPING < " ��,';. v«..r . . .�s:+w. .. .hi�.�<. :.a�, _ .,. . u3_:..M....,,,,x April 5, 1977 `������ Mr. Bernard J. Carlson Director of Finance & Management Serv3ces Roam 113 '.� City Hall s Attention: Mr. Paul Desch � Re: Proposed Water Main Installation in Leonard Court from McKnight Road to cul-de-sac � Dear Mr. Carlson: The Board of Water Commissioners has recommended the installation of a public water main in the above referenced street. Attached please find a copy of Board resolution 2641 and copies of the plan and petition for this improvement. It is requested that the Department of Finance bring this matter before the Council £or public hearing. If there are any questions concerning this project, please contaet Mr. Bernie Bullert or Mr. Allen Coulter of our Engineering Staff. , Very truly your .G,�•Z„�t,E�J `�, � a Elmer A. Auset General Manager AJC:dc ...:,� '�,._-�" "g';,. r ` + ?,y . �s�'.Y,� •.�S , t� !t ,,�. ti /, attachments ' '- � `'�'� . � � � �, t/��. �'' �J t�'°" �� _ � � � . > ���.'f`1 `:.t.�( ��4 �j� •,Y . . �V(�-�.. ���.jq. �� Y \,! - .�� F� • ` . � �"'`� r± ..:� !`:: �, r' 'a `.` :/'' , ..;._.._.�:-:� ._ ��� � � � ° � � � lc� � � � � � � �,,'��f.�,G.����� � � � � ��R s`-a ROOM N0. 216, CITY HALL - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA S5102 I + � ���.i • li �n i�0 � I '�� �� , . � � +--_.—. _--- - I `"� . 80 60-- ---8�— 80—__ � 8 I ..� ; I —----- --- '1 i 1 �� c � ( o'� iS07/ / .Q �� � I -- i . ; I ; , �^� 1 7 , ° � i� - � � ��I D O ' � 1 a�.� �i, � 97.f 90 , I —;� �'h '� .lo4.1Z� `fi� n;� ( �I � . -..�_ � o . ,, , J 0 3 ��:� � �� �' ' � � i �� 1'�=^� �° z '` � �� � . � -> s . . � o � �s8.o4 � �) �, + o �. ' � -��.'i`1 ' � �� � - oo . � � � EvnrARO c.r. ° l ' � I � • , �I�qS �a �8.04 � � ;� " . 5 � . tl, � 52� ' � ��0 �' � ' 7 b� ��� q 1.o S � I . .+ �{I � , �� t,� /bO p � N I � .~ f � ( �` " �- _ ° met ��i;�i��: aI � ��'• �'�` _ r' � s I -7—_____� _ - :- _�._, - i --_._._- - : .� � --•- -- _.. �. ��.. _ �_... ._ r_, ..._a 3 , � � -- -- - - ___,. __ _.. �` 160 1 90, � � �` 'y3' �d ��-_ ----��_.�-.. -�.�.� .�-,- �� y��. ,.r 1� I ' � � �I .�. I � ' �i � 0 � � : . `^ � 5 � 4 3 � 2 � � �>( �, - �,� ` � ( ` �I /�, �'"J osz I tl . � . .s�" � I?o � ( �'1 I . ' 'I ���s Zt �2 90 90 90 90 BS . 90 �� � ��. �� �\ .; i�1 � i� ! 4_ L A C � � � � � � 'I - - � ` �� � /YJO /OD � s� jY�y�SI.3L /00 /�� /00 f . I � �� . �. � i ' ,� � � N � 2 � 3 � 4 i5 `� " � I � - 1 �o o ,a p _ ��10 .�.19�4� �o v �y � . � �� _ . �3�..7_F �--- ��.:..�,,..--- i :_�z ���j3o) � [ 6 �0 /18 ' - • • � � -01364 I _ I ox O20 � a°� o � 0 7 I ( � N -� � c��`�O , S�o�' �I . ti C-ioo p� �I • � �//Or__� ' .yV � /00 (t I10 tl O� �'° _- �.". " � �' _ -o�a o�o 'S ( 0 6 ,�'=`L � � � � �D , :' n6o - �-� N .��� � Oio � � � i� ' ,. . • ' • � �'��'��`'�1 8�� Form 60 12-60 2M St. Paul, Minn.,_��.�1� � � � - 19� �/r U To the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St Paul: GENTI,EMEN: The undersigned, your petitioners respectfuliy represent; that they are the owners of property fronting on �- r�' '�� � il C- �� l� iL j . from t��l � l��i � G tF t' �: 1� . ___^ to and they respectfully petition your honorable body to cause water mains to be laid on said street (avenue) between the points herein above named, at your earliest convenience. Opposite our respective names we have given Lot, Block, Addition and number of feet front, and by an X have indicated the existence of improvements, and by the same sign promise to make house connections with said main as soon as practicable after said main is laid. ' And as in duty bound, your petitioners �vill ever pray. _ .__ . . _ _ ..___. . __����_w_�_.__.__.__._._...__ .. _._�._. . __ ,__._ __. i N A M E LOT �BLOCK � ADDITION � No.of Feet ' I mente ! Will take Front ` on Lots �'�ater .._. __ _ _. __. .. _. __._. _ __ . ___.�_�..�_, . n ---- - � - . ..__ _ _ _. __.. .� _ _ ..:� _ _ _. : ._._. . _ _. 1 , . - . , - �_ ` �i � �v��zc,. � �L G�rZL j•-�-��'� f � ���' '�(.<<��,�.� � �-c��, C :,.�_ `��g-(U! 1 j � c- c `(� � � , { { ; G � ( � � � : � i ; � � � , _ ' � ' � � - . ,w. � � �_����;;� # i � :t:#: `� . . �:� r � € xi - �". ; z � , , ;� ° �,�` a i � , �� x tA, r �{.�, � ��; �� � ���� �'��s� i �. �.. t � �. � �' , ��� '� "� f€ `� -� ir ��c+� a� `� * �