269062 WH17E - CITV CLERK � COlu1CI1. - ��/�� � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � � � BLUE -MAYOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, the Rice Street roadway between Arlington Avenue and Larpenteur Avenue is in extremely poor condition with obviaus soil problems resulting in extremeiy irregular cross-sections and grades. and; ' Whereas, Rice Street north of Larpenteur Avenue and south of Arlington Avenue have besn rehabilitated in the last couple of y�ars, and; Whereas, Rice Street is designated Trunk Highway No. 49 and the Minnesot Department of Transportation has agreed to reconstruct this raadway if the City of St. Paul w�uld participate In a portion of the cost of the curb lane. The total estimatad construction is $176,000.00 and the City's estimated cost is $44,000.00. Design and construction would be acco�lished by the Minnesot Department of Transportation, and3 Whereas, said construction pro�ject has b�n approved by the Mi�nesota Department of Tran�portation and identiffed in its records as State Project 6213-32. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of St. Paul requests the Minnesota Department of Transportation to proceed with the des�gn of plans and specifications for the reconstruction of Rice Street from Arlington Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, and , BE� IT FURTHER RES LVED� that we do hereby appropriate from our Mu�ictpa State Aid funds the sum� of �44,OOQ.00 to apply toward the construction of sa d project and request the Cam�issioner of Transportation to approve this authori�ation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Publ ic Works - Traffic Bureau (RHR) ,� �n Favor Hunt - Levine Against BY Rcedler Sylvester -'�' MAY 1 2 1977 Form Approved y 'ty Attor ey Adopted b uncil: Date Cer � ied Pas d ouncil S ry / BY By � � 9 1977 ppp d y Mayor foc Subm" 'on o Council Ap ro d by iNayor: Dat By BY PUBLISHED NIAY 2 8 1977 OM �1: I2j+�,��:, ;_,� , Rev. : R./8/76 -" � EXPLANATION OF AUl`RINISTR.ATIVE OR�ERS,� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINr�NCES Date: Apr i l 18, 1977 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATTMER FRs p�ald D. Tufte, Pu�l ic Works Traffic Enginsering � �' Rice Street Reconstruation , . ACTIQN REQUESTED: Approval of Rasolutton. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS :ACTION: The attached rmsolution requssts the Minnesota Dspsrtment of Tr�spc�rtation to prepara plans and spsciffcstions for th� reca��tructton of Rice Strest batween Ariingt�n Avenue sad Larpentaur Avenue. The rules and regulattams for State Aid payments r�quirs that we securs approv�i of the Ca�missioner of Transportation to exp�nd Stats Aid funds on Trunk Highways. This also is includsd in thta resolution. ATTACFi2dENTS: Ra�so t ut ion � Rt�t:D�T:cad