269057 . WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUIIClI �������
ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution No. 266179, approved on October 9, 1975,
approved guidelines and steps for the establishment of the citizen participation process
to aid the City in the development of programs for the City and its neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, the Sumnit Hill Association has applied for recognition as the General
District Planning Council for District 16, and
WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the Surr�nit Hill Association
has complied with the City Council 's guidelines and steps and recommends that the
City Council recognize their organization and appropriate $7,615.00 to assist the
organization in implementing its work program; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on Wednesday, May 4, 1977,
for the purpose of considering the request of the organization, the Mayor's recorrnnendation,
and to hear from all interested persons.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve and recognize the Sumnit Hill Association as the General District Planning
Council for District 16 and does hereby approve and appropriate the following funds
and budget for the organization for the period May 15, 1977 through June 30, 1978, and
the Mayor's Uffice is authorized and directed to administer the �udget on beliaif"of
the organization in accordance with such procedures as may be established by the
Mayor's Office:
Communication $ 2,800.00
(Printing, Publicity, Stationery, Postage)
Salary for Staff $ 3,575.00
Office Supplies and Equipment $ 1,040.00
Continuing Education 200.00
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler �
Hozza [n Favor
Hunt � ' � '
� Levine B� -�"� -/ �`t'e�
� Against
'�Y � 2 � Form r ved by City Attorne
Adopte Council: ate ` �
C ified Pass ouncil y�
App v d by 17avor: L � � 9 �9TT_ Approv by yor for mis ' Coun '
By -BY
�UBUSNEO MAY 2 8 1977 ` �
. M�Y �+, 1977
7 P.M. �
Rose Mix, City C1erk
1. Hearing to consider recognition of the Summit Hill Association as the
General District Council for District 16.
Action Taken
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To: Council President Robert Sylvester
Members of the City Council
From: Mayor George Latimer��,
Date: April 22, 1977
Re: Recognition of the Summit Hill Association as the General
District Council for District 16
Attached is a report and recommendation of the Community Development
Office regarding recognition of the residents and organizations in �
the Summit Hill community as the District 16 Planning Council .
This report should prove useful in the Council hearing on Wednesday,
May 4, 1977. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. William
Patton at 298-5586.
GL/kk �
� cc: Mr. Richard Broeker
Mr. A1 O1 son;� � �
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: To: Mayor George Latimer • • ��
From: Mr. William Q. Patton, Community Development Coordinator�� `� �'
Date: April 22, 1977
Re: Recognition of the Summit Hill Association as the General
District Planning Council for District 16
Background , �
The Summit Hill Association is representative of area residents, the Grand
Avenue Business Association and the Linwood Booster Club. The Association �
began working toward implementation of the 10-step Council recognition
process in the summer of 1976. The Summit Hill Association has been
organized and incorporated in :the State of Minnesota since 1967.
Three public meetings were held between July and December of 1976 where
by-laws were adopted, as amerided, by area residents. Membership is open to
all District 16 residents, the Grand Avenue Business Association and the
Linwood Booster Club.
Work Program . . .
The Summit Hill Association, as indicated on the attached Work Program, will ,
pursue short-term planning activities (i .e. , Community Development Year's
4 and 5) and long-term planning activities (i .e. , General District Planning).
The Summit Hill Associa�tion will also work toward commercial improvements in �
the area and will concern itself with identified needs and interests, �
including education, recreation and open space, public safety, land use
and environment, employment, transportation, and tree removal and
refore�stati on.
. �� _
. � -2-
6 -y Laws
Three public hearings were held in the District on .July 28, September 22,
and December 8, 1976 for purposes of amending the by-laws as originally
written in 1967. The Board and general membership was expanded in an
effort to be more representative of the neighborhood. Also, boundaries
were changed to reflect those of the City's District 16 boundary, as
adopted in July of 1975. The public meetings were publicized through the
Grand 'Gazette and Highland Villager, flyers were distributed to every
residence, and news releases in the Saint Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press
were also published.
� Budget . � .
The ati:ached budget request is in the amount of $7,615.00 for purposes of
carrying out citizen participation activities in District 16. :
The Office of Community Development recommends this budget be approved.
The Office of Community Development is satisfied that the Summit Hill
Association, as proposed in the attached documents, meets the intent and
purposes of Council File. No. 266179, establishing a process for citizen
participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul ,
Therefore, we recommend that the Summit Hill Association, as proposed, be
recognized as the District Council for the Summit Hill neighborhood.
WQP/klk " �
� ,
In 1967 homeowners in the Hill district banded together to form the Summit
Hill Association. The purpose of the organization was to maintain this
center-City neighborhood as a healthy place to live. In the years that
followed, neighbors worked together in committees to communicate with
the City on specific problems. Through the development of the block-worker
system, residents were kept informed about neighborhood matters and membership
in the association grew. Gradually, the membership base was broadened by
including renters and representatives of businesses in the area.
� .
Over the last year, the Summit Hi11 Association has held three public hearings
as� part of the ten-step process` to gain recognition as the District 16
planning council . Resadents and businesses were notified by flyer through the •
block workers or a delivery system prior to each hearing. Articles appeared
in the Grand Gazette and the Highland Villager. The notice of the last two
hearings also appeared in the Dispatch and Pioneer Press.
The first hearing was held July 28, 1976 at St. Paul 's Church of Christ. Both
the planning and recognition processes were explained to the citizens; and
after some discussion, the community approved the association's beginning the
process of recognition. Between the first and second public hearings, the
Grand Avenue Business Association (GABA) and the Linwood Boosters were consulted
and both organizations gave their approval .
At the second hearing September 22, 1976 at Linwood School , .the association
reported back to the community its plan for broadening citizen representation.
� The discussion that night focused on how large the board of the Summit Hill
Association should be to provide the maximum representation. The community
settled on enlarging the 13-member board to 21 members, including one :
representative each from GABA and the Linwood Boosters.
On December 8, 1976, the third public hearing was held at Linwood School . At
this meeting, the proposed changes in the articles were presented and approved
by those present. The boundaries of the neighborhood were changed t�o conform
to the City's district lines. After some discussion, the community decided :
= to expand the board _to 21 members before seeking recognition. The purpose here
was to give more people a chance to design� the election process.
Consequently at the February 10, 1977 board meeting, the association filled
the six vacancies by asking people already involved in general ,district planning
to serve until the May election. A planning steering committee was set up
' composed of board and non-board members to oversee the general . district
planning process. The planning steering committee then established task forces
to study specific areas. As an indication of their support, GABA and the
Linwood Boosters both designated a member to serve on the board to represent
their interests. At that meeting, a process committee was also set up composed
of board and non-board members.
� �
The process committee reported back its recommendations for a representative
election at the March 12, 1977 board meeting. Their guidelines called for
setting up a search committee composed of board and non-board members. They
recommended the search committee actively seek a diversity of cancidates;
recommended widespread advertising by flyer, articles in local publications,
and personal contact for candicates and for participation in the election
May 4.
- � The board adopted the following policy that night:
It is the policy of the Summit Hill Association that its board of
directors be as diverse and representative as possible. While •
fulfilling the need to have qualified persons willing to make
the commitments necessary to serve, the members of the board should
be representative of different age groups, different areas throughout
the neighborhood,• renters as well as homeowners, business interests,
different racial , social , and economic groups, different sexes,
different interests and points of view.
The Summit Hill Association has met the criteria in the ten-step process,
and, therefore, asks that the City recognize it as the District 16 Planning
Council . In doing so, the association also seeks better coordination with
the other neighborhood organizations, GABA and the Linwood Boosters, so that
our community may serve all our needs better.. The expansion of the board
brings the major interests of the Summit Hill district together for the first
time in one body. ,
The neighborhood needs the planning council to coordinate programs, acquire
Community Block Grants, and more importantly, to complete the development of
a general district plan. For ten years, the Summit Hill Association, with
the help of the Grand Avenue businesses, has demonstrated its concern and
ability to deal with the problems of an urban neighborhood. Designation as
: the planning council is an important step to the Association. It brings
citizens of Summit Hill one step closer to determining themselves the future
of their neighborhood.
1 . General data Collection by task forces for general
district plan 3/77-9/77
2. Tabulation and formulation of general district
plan 9/77-11/77
3. Possible ITA's 4/77-6/78 .
A. Commercial ITA on Grand Avenue
B. Summit (St. Albans t o Lawton)
C. South of Linwood
4. CD Year IV Proposals, Review and Hearings 4/77-9/77
5. CD Year V Proposals, Review and Hearings 4/78-9/78
6. Continuous Task Forces: Implementation of Recommendations
of General District Plan 4/77-6/78
A. Education
B. Recreation and Open Space �
C. Public Safety
D. Grand Avenue
E. Land Use and Environment �
F:. Employment/Income �
G. Transportation
�. Tree Removal and Reforestation �
May 15, 1977-June 30, 1978 �
(13 2 months)
Month Annual
Corr�nunications � '
Printing 6 notices $ 600.00
Del�ivery of 6 notices 450.00
Postage � 100.00
, Special Projects 250.00
. Printing, Distribution of district plan 1 ,400.00
$2,800.00 ,
Salaries �
Clerical approx. 15 hrs./month 75.00 900.00
Community organizer a-time (hours and wages on a
monthly basis, to be negotiated between the
Association and staff person) 2,675.00
, $3,575.00
Typewriter and stand : 400.00
Miscellaneous office equipment 100.00
� $500.00 �
Office Supplies � .
- Letterhead, envelopes, second sheets, binders, �
ledgers, and other miscellaneous , $300.00
' Petty cash 20.00 240.00
Continuing Education
Conferences, workshops, city-wide participation , $200.00
. 1'OTAL $7,615.00
The following policies and procedures were adopted by the
Board of Directors on March 10, 1977 . They are not included in
the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws , but are supplementary
� l. Policy on membership of Board of Directors :
It is the policy of the Association that its Board ,
of Directors be as diverse and' representative as possible .
While fulfilling the need to have qualified persons
willing to make the commitments necessary to serve on the
Board, the mernbers of the Board should be representative
of different age groups , different areas throughout
the neighborhood, renters a5 well as homeotaners, business .
interests , different racial, social and economic groups ,
different sexes , different interests and points of view, �
etc .
2 . Procedure for electing members for the board:
a. The Search Committee should, if possible , find
more persons than there are positions available .
The exact number will depend on the ntzmber of
interested persons and the committee ' s view of
their �ualifications . •
b. �lection should be by written ballot prepared in
advance of the annual meeting, which should con-
� tain a blank for "other" n_ominees (either write-in
votes or persons nominated from the floor at the
meeting) . Ballots will be cast and counted at the
annual meeting.
c . Voters should be provided with brief written infor-
mation on each nominee . If there are nominations
from the floor, the same kind of biographical infor-
mation should be provided by the nominee .
3. Procedure for finding persons to run for board
positions :
a. The Search Committee should "advertise" for interested
persons whom the committee thinks would be qualified.
b . Methods .of informing the public include the Grand
Gazette, Highland Villager, daily nei�;spapers, door-to- :
door flyers, contact with Linwood Booster Club and
GABA, and �contact with task forces and committees .
c . The Search Committee and Planning Steering Committee
should distribute a door-to-door flyer as soon as
possible, soli�citing persons interested not only
in board positions but in the task forces and committees
which wou�d have been established. A paid distribution �
of flyers �would be appropriate and might be reimbursed
by the City.
, -2-
. OF
Section •l . The name of this corporation shall be Summit-
Hill Association.
Section 2 . The purposes of this corporation shall be charitable
and educational so as to unite, .in common cause, residents of and
organizations serving the area described hereafter in a continuing
effort to promote harmonious env'ironment conditions and favorable
community relat 'ionships therein and to undertake such charitable and
educational actions and services as may, by its membership , be de-
termined to be desireable to serve these purposes . Within these
purposes it is intended that this corporation shall attempt to
educate the comriunity as to the necessity for maintaining community
pride in matters of common interest for the preservation of a de-
sirable livable .neighborhood. By way of examples of carrying out
� these purposes , the corporation shall. initiate and participate in
such actions .as may be determined to be desirable to enable residents
� to preserve and .maintain good residential housing, live in a
healthful environment, provide recreational facilities , a,nd pro-
tect the neighborhood from crime . No part of the activities of
. the corporation shall be based upon the race , religion, c�olor or
national origin of any person affected thereby . �
The area above referred to in the City of Saint Paul , Ramsey
County, Minn�sota, is that lying�within the lines aescribed ;as
follows : Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of
Summit Avenue and Ramsey Street in said city ; thence �vest along
the centerline of Summit Avenue to its intersection with the north
right-of-taay line of the so-called Short Line Railroad tracks ; ,
thence southeast along said right-bf-way line to its intersection
with the centerline of •South Victoria Street ; thence nortn along
the centerline of ,South Victoria Street to a point at which it
intersects the centerline of Pleasant Avenue; thence northeast
along Pleasant Avenue to its intersection �ith Ramsey Street ; thence
northwest along Ramsey .Street to the point. of beginning and there
Section 3. No substantial part of the activities of the cor-
poration shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otheri�;ise
atternpting to influence legislation and the corporation shall not
participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or dis-
tribution of statements ) any political campaign on behalf of any �
candidate for public office . Notwithstanding any: other provision
of these articles , the corporation shall not carry on any other
activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a .corPoration
exempt from federal income ta� under Section 5o1(c) (.3) of the - .
Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision '
of any future United States Internal Revenue Lativ) or (b) by a �
corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section
170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding
provision of .any future United States Internal Revenue La:ti*. ) �
� ,
Section 4 . The location of said corporation shall be in the
City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County , i�innesota, and its registered
address �hall be 697 Goodrich Avenue , in said City .
Section l . The following persons shall be members of the cor- �
poration: (a) all persons age 16 and over residing within the
area described in section 2, Article I; (b) all persons owning
real proper�y within the area described in section 2, Article I;
and (c) a representative of each business located «ithin the
area described in section 2, Article I.
Section 2 . Membership shall be non-transferable either by
operation of law or otherwise and any member who shall cease to
meet the eligibility requirements for membership shall automatically
cease to be a member.
Section 3. The Board of Directors is hereby vested with the
authority to, f�om time to time, solicit and accept voluntary
contributions from the members or others .
The corporation shall not have any capital stock. '
Section l . The officers of the corporation shall be a
President, �a Vice-President , a. Secretary and a Treasurer and such
_ _3_ '
additional officers as the Board of Directors may from time to .
time determine . Such officers shall be elected by t�e Board of
Directors at a meeting to be held immediately following the
ann•ual meeting of the members and the four (4) principal officers
designated herein shall be elected from among the members of said
Board. �
Section 2 . The management of this corporat�on and the . con-
duct of its affairs shall be under the exclusive control of the
Board of Directors consisting of twenty-one (21) persons , with
nineteen (19) to be elected from among the members , one to be
appointed annually by the Grand Avenue Business Association, and
one to be appointed annually by the Linwood Booster Club . Each
Board member elected by the members shall serve two (2) years
from the date of election and until his successor is elected.
Persons elected by the members shall serve staggered two-year
terms., with nine to be elected one year and ten the next, and
shall be elected at the annual meeting of the members by a majority _
vote of all members present at said meeting. The annual meeting
of the corporation shall be held on the first Wednesday of May �
� of each year at a time and place to be fix_ed by the Board of
Directors .
� Section 3. PZembers of the first Board of Directors , here-
inafter specified by name, shall serve for one (1) or' t�vo (2)
years as specified after each name . Thereafter, commencing with
the annual meeting ofYthe members in 1g67, persons shall be
: -4- .
elected to the Board to fill the vacancies created by terms �ahich
then expire.
Section 4 . The Board of Directors shall have power:
(a) to adopt and from time to time to amend the By-Laws
of the corporation.
(b) to fill vacancies in its bwn membership .
(c) to elect officers and fill vacancies in any office
occasioned by death, resignation, removal or any
- other cause .
(d) to exercise all of the powers of this corporation.
The names and address o�' the members of the Board of
Directors of this corporation, to serve from the date hereof
until the first or second annual meeting as the case may be
�. depending upon whether the director is to serve for one (1) or
two (2 ) years , are as follows :
L.� Thomas Austin 721 Fairmount Ave . , St . Paul, Minn. (1)
John B. Baird 892 Fairmount Ave . , St . Paul, Minn . (2)
Bartlett Baker 702 Goodrich Ave . , St. Paul, Minn. (1)
Georgia DeCoster 31 Benhill Road, St . Paul, Minn. (2)
John W. Greenman 1074 Linwood St . , St , Paul, r�Iinn. (2)
. Ralph Klosterman 644 Goodrich Ave. , St . Paul, Minn . (1)
� Fred A. Kueppers ,YJr. 697 Goodrich Ave . , St . ' Paul, Minn. (1)
_5_ ,
David Lilly 715 Goodrich Ave . , St . Paul, Minn . (2)
Robert R. Martin 513 Grand Ave. , St . Paul, Minn. (1}
Leo F. Slattery 671 Fairmount Ave . , St . Paul, Minn. (2 )
Orley R. Taylor 226 So. Grotto, St. Paul , Minn. (2)
No assessment shall be levied against the members of this cor-
poration nor shall any member be liable in any manner for any debt
or obligation of the corporation. The corporation shall be supported
by voluntary contributions on the part of its members or others .
Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors
shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the
liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the
corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such.
manner, or to such organization or organizations arganized and
operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or �
sci�<<'i.ific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt or-
ganization or organizations under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal.
Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future
United State�s Internal Revenue Law) , as the Board of Directors shall
determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed
of by the Distric�t Court of the county in �shich the p.rincipal office
of the corporation is then located, exclusively. for such purposes
or to such organization or organizations as said : Court shall de- '
termine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such
purposes .
The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual.
' These articles may be amended by the affirmative vote of a
majority of the members present at any annual meetir�g or any special
meeting called for that purpose.
' The names and post office addresses of each of the incorporators �
are as follows : �
L. Thomas Austin 721 Fairmount Ave . , St . Paul , Minn.
u�orgia DeCoster 31 Benhill Road, St . Paul, Minn.
John W. Greenman 1074 Linwood St . , St . Paul , Minn.
Ral�h Klosterman 644 Goodrich Ave. , St . Paul, Minn.
Fred A. Kueppers , Jr. :697 Goodrich Ave . , St .` Paul, T�-1inn. .
� David Lilly 715 Goodrich Ave . , St .. Paul, I�tinn.
Robert R. Martin 513 Grand Ave . , St . Paul, Minn .
Leo F. Slattery 671 Fairmount Aue . , St . Paul , Minn.
Orley R. Taylor 226 So. , Grotto, St . Paul, Minn.
_7_ _ "
Section l. l. �
This Corporation shall have one class of inembers , tiahich shall
consist of those persons �defined in the Articles of Incor-
� poration. The Secretary shall maintain a roster of persons
making contributions to the Corporation. ,
Meetings of T�Iembers
Section 2. 1 .
ANNUAL MEETIPIG OF P�IEPRBERS. An annual meeting of the members
of the Corporation shall be held in . the City of Saint Paul,
State of Minnesota, on the first Wedr,esday in the month of
May in each year, commencing with the year 1967 .
Section 2. 2 �
SPECIAL I�fEETIPIGS OF MEMBERS . Special meetings o.f the members .
of this Corporation may be called at any time by the President ,
a Vice President , or �any five (5) Directors . .
Section 2. 3. �
i�10TICE. Written notice of each meeting of inembers , stating
the time and place thereof, and in the case of a special
� meeting its purpose , shall be given not less than five nor
more than thirty ( 30) days in advance thereof to the members .
Section 2 . 4 .
QUORUM. A quorum for any meeting of the members shall be
fifty (50) members . The members present at a meeting at
which less than a quorum is present may adjourn the meeting
to a future time .
Section .2. 5. �
VOTING. Each member personally present at any meeting of
� the members shall be entitled to cast one (l�) vote . There
shall be no voting by mail or by proxy nor shall there be
any cumulative voting.
Board of Directors
� Section 3. 1.
NUMBER. The number of directors shall be ttiventy-one (21) ,
subject to change from time to time by the vote of a majority
of the members present at a duly constituted meeting of the
members, provided that no board member whose term has not
expired shall be compelled to leave the board by reason of
a proposed reduction in the number of board members .
Section 3. 2
ELECTION. Directors shall be elected by the members annually .
At the annual meeting of the members in May, 1967 , five (5)
directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years . Annually
thereafter directors shall be elected for a two (2) year
term. No person vaho shall have served as a director for �four
(4) consecutive years from and after the annual meeting of
. , .
members in May, 1967, shall be eligible for re-election
until after the lapse of one (1) year.
Section 3 - 3•
FIRST BOARD OF DIRECTORS . The first Board of Directors of
this Corporation shall consist of the directors named in
the Articles of Incorporation and the period from the da�e
of filing of said Articles until the �.nnual meeting of
memb�rs in May, 1967, shall be deemed to be "one year'� for
the purpose of establishing the dates of a term.
Section 3 . 4 .
VACANCIES . Any vacancy in the office of a director may be
filled by the Board of Directors at any meeting of the
directors . Any directors so elected shall serve for the
unexpired term of the director tahose office became vacant ..
Section 3•5 • �
QUORUM. A quorum for meetings of the Board of Directors
shaTi �e a majority of the directors .
� Section 3. 6.
ANNUAL MEETING. Immediately following the annual meeting
� � of the members, or at such other time as the Board of
D; .�•r,:�ors shall fix, the Board of Directors shall meet and
e�ect from their number the officers of the Corporation.
The officers shall be a Presi�dent, one or more Vice Presi-
dents , a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such other officers
as may be designated by the Board of Directors . The term
of office of each officer shall �be uritil the next annual
_3_ ,
meeting of the Board .of Directors and until his successor
has been duly elected and has qualified. If any office
. . becomes vacant during the year, the Board of Directors
may fill t�e vacancy for the unexpired term.
Section 3. 7. ,
REGULAR P�lEETINGS . The regular meetings of the Board of
Directors shall' be__held at least four (4) times per year :
at such time and place as may be designated by the Board
of Directors .
Section 3. 8. -
- SPECIAL MEETINGS . Special meetings of the Board of Directors
may be calle'd at any time by the President, a Vice President ,
�r. by any three (3) directors whenever such meetings may be
deemed necessary or desirable.
Section 3 • 9•
' NOTICE. A written notice of each regular meeting of the
Board of Directors , �stating the time and place thereof, shall
be given not less than five (5) days in advance thereof to
each director. A w'ritten notice of each special meeting of
the Board of Directors, stating the time and place thereof,
. shall be given not less than two (2) days in advance thereof
to each member of the Board of Directors . All notices shall
be deemed to have been given when deposited in �the mails .
-4- •
' ' � ARTICLE I`T.
D�aties of Oi�icers
Section �4. 1.
PRESIDENT. The President shall� have a�l authority usually
incident to the office of President and shall have general
authority over the affairs of the Corporation, its officers ,
� agents , and employees . He shall preside at aZl meetings
of the members and of the directors .
Section 4. 2 . �
VICE PRESIDENTS. In the absence of the � President, a Vice
President whom he shall designate shall serve in his place .
The Vice Presidents shall have such additional duties as
may be assigned to them by the President or the Board of
Directors . -
Section 4 . 3. �
SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be �ept the
. minutes of all meetings of the members and- directors and
� committees of the directors; he shall attend to iche giving
� and serving of all notices of the Corporation; he shall keep
and have charge of such other books and papers of the Gor-
poration as the directors may direct; and in general he shall
perform all duties incident to the of�:ice of Secretary , sub=
. ject to the cpntrol of the Board of Directors .
' Section �4 . � .
� TREASURER. The Treasurer shall cause accurate accounts to
be kept of aTl monies of the Corporation, causing same to
be deposited in the name of and to the credit of the Cor-
� poration in s:uch bank or banks as shall be designatecl from
� . •
time to time by the Board of Directors . He shall have
charge of all books , records , papers , and accounts of the
- Corporation, except such as are in the charge of the
Secre�ary, and shall render to the Board, whenever required,
an accurate account of all his transactions as Treasurer
. and of the financial condition o�' the Corporation. He shall .
perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time
to time by the Board of Directors .
Section 5. 1.
STANDING COMMITTEES . Committees may be established by
resolution of the Board of Directors from time to time . The
membership and chairman of each committee shall be appointed
by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors .
Each �committee shall consist of one member of the Board of
Directors and such additional association members as the
President, shall deem appropriate . Such committees shall be _
� advisory to the Board of Directors and the President .
� � Section� 5. 2 .
SEARCH COMMITTEE. At least sixty (60} days in advance of the
annual meeting the President shall appoint a Search Committee,
consisting of not less than five (5) persons , who shall be
responsible for presenting a list of candidates for all of
those positions on the Board of Directors which v�ill expire
, as of the date of the annual meeting.
• " y
Section 5 • 3•
SPECIAL COMNZITTEES . Special committees to deal with problems
of short duration may from time to time be appointed by
the President .
Fisca� Year
Section 6 . 1.
, FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year and
contributions received from individuals shall be applied to
the year in which they are received.
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�&Y 3, 1977
Rose Mix, City Clerk
3$6 City HA11
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Rose:
Please be notified tha,t I have calZed a special meeting of the
City Council for Wednesday, May �+, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. at Linwood School.,
1023 Oseeola, to consider recognition of an official group to represent
Citizen Partieipation Distriet 16 (Summit Hill).
Counc President
We, the undersigned Councilmen, do hereby waive written notice
requirements for a special meeting of the City Cauncil on Wednesday, May �+,
1977, at 7:00 P.M., at Linwood School, 1023 Osceola� for reasons stated
, �
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CrEOHC;E LATI?SER � � �I..i :`�� I � '„�'7' �
. � 1{jtiy Hun#
To: Council President Robert Sylvester
Members of the City Council
From: Mayor George Latimer�L,,_
Date: April 22, 1977
Re: Recognition of the Summit Hill Association as the General
District Council for District 16
Attached is a report and recommendation of the Community Development
Office regarding recognition of the residents and organizations in �
the Summit Hill community as the District 16 .Planning Council .
This report should prove useful in the Council hearing on �Wednesday,
May 4, 1977. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. William
Patton at 298-5586.
GL/kk �
cc: Mr. Richard Broeker.
Mr. A1 Olson � �
i�.`? �
(; I '1'l" O1' �.1I \'1' ]�_11 ' I.
"" "F¢"e'�e O1'1'1(�I: O1' "1'll l: �1.�1'OIt
�P, �
Gr:or{cr L�TiriEa
To: Mayor George Latimer • %J��
. . ,j �� ���
From: Mr. Will�am Q. Patton, Community Development Coordinator�` =� "�"" '
Date: April 22, 1977
Re: Recognition of the Summit Hill Association as the General
District Planning Council for District 16
Background �
The Summit Hill Association is representative of area residents, the Grand
Avenue Business Association and the Linwood Booster Club. The Association
began working toward implementation of the 10-step Council recognition
process in the summer of 1976. The Siammit Hill Association has been �
organized: and incorporated in the State of Minnesota since 1967.
Three public meetings were held between July and December of 1976 where
by-laws were adopted, as amended, by area residents. Membership is open to
all District 16 residents, the Grand Avenue Business Association and the
Linwood Booster Club.
� Work Program .
The 5ummit Hill Association, as indicated on the attached Work :Program, will
pursue sh�rt-term planning activities (i .e. , Community Development Year's
4 and 5) and long-term planning activities (i .e. , General District Planning) .
The Summi�t Hill Association will also work toward commercial improvements in
the area and will concern itself with identified needs and interests,
including education, recreation and open space, public safety, land use
and environment, employment, transportation, and tree removal and
B -y Laws
Three public hearings were held in the District on July 28, September 22,
and December 8, 1976 for purposes of amending the by-laws as originally
written in 1967. The Board and general membership was expanded in an
effort to be more representative of the neighborhood. Also, boundaries
were changed to reflect those of the City's District 16 boundary, as
adopted in July of 1975. The public meetings were publicized through the
Grand Gazette and Highland Villager, flyers were distributed to every - '
residence, and news releases in the Saint Paul Dispatch and Pioneer Press
were also published.
The attached budget request is in the amount of $7,615.00 for purposes of
carrying out citizen participation activities in District 16,
The Office of Community Development recommends this budget be approved.
The Office of Community Development is satisfied that the Summit Hill
Association, as proposed in the attached documents, meets the intent and
purposes of Council File No. 266179, establishing a process for citizen
participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul .
Therefore, we recommend that the Summit Hill Association, as proposed, be
recognized as the District Council for the Summit Hill neighborhood.
WQP/klk "
In 1967 homeowners in the Hill district banded together to form the Summit
Hill Association. The purpose of the organization was to maintain this
center-City neighborhood as a healthy place to live. In the years that
followed, neighbors worked together in committees to communicate with
the City on specific problems. Through the development of the block-worker
system, residents were kept informed about neighborhood matters and membership
in the association grew. Gradually, the membership base was broadened by
includ•ing renters and representatives of businesses in the area.
Over the last year, ,the Summit. Hill Association has held three public hearings
. �as part of tlie ten-step process`'to gain recognition as the District 16
planning council . Residents and businesses were notified by flyer through the .
block workers or a delivery system prior to each hearing. Articles appeared
in the Grand Gazette and the Highland Villager. The notice of the last two
hearings also appeared in the Dispatch and Pioneer Press. .
The first hearing was held July 28, 1976 at St. Paul ' s Church of Christ. Both
the planning and recognition processes were explained to the citizens; and
after some discussion, the community approved the association's beginning the
process of recognition. Between the first and second public hearings, the
Grand Avenue Business Association (GABA) and the Linwood Boosters were consulted
and both organizations gave their approval .
At the second hearing September 22, 1976 at Linwood School , the association
reported back to the community its plan for broadening citizen representation.
� The discussion that night focused on how large the board of the Summit Hill
Association should be to provide the maximum representation. The community
settled on enlarging the 13-member board to 21 members, including one :
representative each from GABA and the Linwood Boosters.
On December 8, 1976, the third public hearing was held at Linwood School . At
this meeting, the proposed changes in the articles were presented and approved
by those present. The boundaries of the neighborhood were changed to conform
to the City's district lines. After some discussion, the community decided
to expand the board to 21 members before seeking recognition. The purpose here
was to give more people a chance to desi�gn the election process,
Consequent�y at the February 10, 1977 board meeting, the association filled
the six vacancies by asking people already involved in gener.al district planning
to serve until the May election. A planning steering committee was set up
� composed of board and non-board members to oversee the general district
. planning process. The planning steeri.ng committee then established task forces
to study specific areas. As an indication of their support, GABA and the
. Linwood Boosters both designated a member to serve on the board to represent
their interests. At that meeting, a process committe,e was also set up composed
of board and non-board members.
The process committee reported back its recommendations for a representative
election at the March 12, 1977 board meeting. Their guidelines called for
setting up a search committee composed of �board and non-board members. They
recommended the search committee actively seek a diversity of cancidates;
recommended widespread advertising by flyer, articles in local publications,
and personal contact for candicates and for participation in the election
May 4.
� � The board adopted the following policy that night:
It is the policy of the Summit Hill Association that its board of
directors be as diverse and representative as possible. Whil�e
fulfilling the need to have qualified persons willing to make
the commitments necessary to serve, the members of the .board should
be representative of different age groups, diff.erent areas throughout
the neighborhood, renters as well as homeowners, business interests, :
different racial , social , and economic groups, different sexes,
different interests and points of view.
The Summit Hill Association has met the criteria in the ten-step process,
and, therefore, asks that the City recognaze it as the District 16 Planning
Council . In doing so, the association also seeks better coordination with
the other neighborhood organizations, GABA and the Linwood Boosters, so that
our community may serve all our needs better. The expansion of the board
brings the major interests of the Summit Hill district together for the first
time in one body.
The neighborhood needs the planning council to coordinate programs, acquire
Community Block Grants, and more importantly, to complete the development of
a general district plan. For ten years, the Summit Hil�l Association, with
the help of the Grand Avenue businesses, has demonstrated its concern and
ability to deal with the problems of an urban neighborhood. Designation as
: the planning council is an important step to the Association. It brings
citizens of Summit .Hill one step closer to determining themselves the future
of their neighborhood.
1 . General data �ollection by task forces for general
district plan 3/77-9/77
2. Tabulation and formulation of general district
plan 9/77-11/77
3. Possible, ITA's 4/77-6/78
A. Commercial ITA on Grand Avenue
B. Summit (St. Albans t o Lawton),
C. South of Linwood
4. CD Year IV Proposals, Review and Hearings 4/77-9/77
5. CD Year V Proposals, Review and Hearings 4/78-9/78
6. �ontinuous Task Forces: Implementation of Recommendations
of General District Plan . 4/77-6/78
A. Education
B. Recreation and Open Space
C. Public Safety � :
D. Grand Avenue
E. Land Use and Environment � .
, F. Employment/Income �
G, Transportation
� H. Tree Removal and Reforestation .
� .
May 15, 1977-June 30, 1978
(13 2 months)
� Month Annual
Communications �
Printing 6 notices $ 600.00
�elivery of 6 notices 450.00
Postage 100.00
, Special Projects 250.00
Printing, Distribution of district plan 1 ,400.00
$2,80�0.00 ,
Clerical approx. 15 hrs./month 75.00 900.00
Community organizer ;-time (hours and wages on a
monthly basis, to be negotiated between the
Association and staff person) 2,675.00
. $3,575.00
Typewriter and stand : 400.00
Miscellaneous office equipment 100.00
� $500.00
Office Supplies • .
Letterhead, envelopes, second sheets, binders, �
ledgers, and other miscellaneous , $300.00
Petty cash . 20.00 240.00
Continuing Education
Conferences, workshops, city-wide participation , $200.00=
. � TOTAL $7,615.00
The following policies and procedures Urere adopted by the
Board of Directors on March 10, 1977. They are not included in
the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws , but are supplementary
l. Policy on membership of Board of Directors :
It is the policy of the Association that its Board ,
of Directors be as diverse and representative as possible .
While fulfilling the need to have qualified persons
willing to make the commitments necessary to serve on the
Board, the mernbers of the Board should be representative
of different age groups , different areas throughout
the neighborhood, renters as w�ell as homeowners, business .
interests , different racial, social and economic groups ,
different sexes , different interests and points of view, �
etc .
2 . Procedure for electing members for the board:
a. The Search Committee should, if possible, find
more persons than there are positions available .
. The exact . nuinber will depend on the number of
interested persons and the committee ' s view of
their qualifications . �
b . Election should be by written ballot prepared in
advance of .the annual meeting, which should con-
� tain a blank for "other" nominees (either write-in
votes or persons nominated from the floor at the
meeting) . Ballots will be cast and counted at the
annual meeting.
c . Voters should be provided with brief written infor-
mation on each nominee . If there are nominations
from the floor, the same kind of biographical infor-
mation should be provided by the nominee . �
3 . Procedure for finding persons to run for board
positions :
a. The Search Committee should "adver�ise" for interested
persons iahom the committee thinks :vould be qualified.
b. Methods of informing the public include the Grand
Gazette, Highland Villager, daily net�rspapers, door-to- :
door flyers , contact with Linwood Booster Club and
GABA, and contact with task forces and committees .
c . The Search Committee and Planning Steering Committee
should distribute a door-to-door flyer as soon as
. possible, soliciting persons interested not only
in board positions but in the task iorces and committees
which would have been established . A paid distribution �
of flyers would be appropriate and might be reimbursed
by the. City.
� -2-
� OF
Section - l .• The name of this corporation shall be Summit-.
Hill Association.
Section 2. The purposes of this corporation shall be charitable
and educational so as to unite, in common cause, residents of and
organizations serving the area described hereafter in a continuing
effort to promote harmonious environment conditions and favorable
community relationships therein and to undertake such charitable and
educational actions and services as may, by its membership , be de-
termined to be desireable to serve these purposes . Within these
purposes it is intended that this corporation shall attempt to
educate the comriunity as to the necessity for maintaining communit�
pride in matters of common interest for the preservation of a de-
sirable livable neighborhood. By .way of examples of carrying out
these purposes , the: corporation shall initiate and participate in
such actions as. may be determined to be desirable to enable residents
� to preserve and maintain good residential housing, live in a
healthful environment, provide recrieational facilities , and pro-
tect the neighborhood from crime . No part of the activities of
. the corporation shall be based upon the race, religion, color or
national origin of any person affected thereby . �
The area above referred to in the City of Saint Paul , Ramsey
County, P7innesota, is that lying within the lines described as
follows : Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of
Summit Avenue and Ramsey Street in said city; thence tivest along
the centerline of Summit Avenue to its intersection with the north
right-of-way line of the so-called Short Line Railroad tracks; .
thence southeast along said right-of-way line to its intersection
with the centerline of South Victoria Street ; thence. north along
the centerline of South Victoria Street to a point at which it
intersects the centerline of Pleasant Avenue; thence northeast
along Pleasant Avenue to its intersection with Ramsey Street ; thence
northvrest along Ramsey Street to the point. of beginning and there
Section 3. No substantial part of the activities of the cor-
poration shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherF;ise
attempting to influence legislation and the corporation shall not
participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or dis-
tribution of statements ) any political campaign on behalf of any �
candidate f or public office. Notwithstandin� a�y other provision
of these articles , the corporation shall not carry on any other
activities not permitted to be� carried on (a) by ,a corporation
exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the .
Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision '
of any future United States Internal Revenue Latv) or (b ) by a �
corporation, contributions to which are �deductible under Section
170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the correspondino
provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law. ) . �
-2- �
Section 4 . The location of said corporation shall be in the
City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, P�innesota, and its registered
address shall be 697 Goodrich Avenue , in said City.
Section l. The following persons shall be members of the cor-
poration: (a) all persons age 16 and over residing within the •
area described in section 2, Article I; (b). all persons owning
real property within the area described in section 2, Article I;
and (c) a representative of each business located c�ithin the
area described in section 2, Article I .
Section 2 . Membership shall be non-transferable either by
operation of law .or otherwise and any member who shall cease to
meet the eligibility requirements for membership shall automaticall�
cease to be a member.
Section 3. The Board of Directors is hereby vested with the
authority to, from time 'to time, solicit and accept voluntary
contributions from the members or others .
The corporatio� shall not have any capi�al stock. '
: Section l . The officers of the corporation shall be a
Pr�sident, a Vice-President , a Secretary and a Treasurer and such
_3_ ,
additional officers as the Board of Directors may from time to
time determine . Such officers shall be elected by the Board of
Directors at a meeting to be held immediately following the
annual meeting of the members and the four (�) principal officers
designated herein shall be elected from among the members of said
� Board.
Section 2. The management of this corporation and the con-
duct of its affairs shall be under the exclusive control of the
Board of Directors consisting of twenty-one (21) persons , with
nineteen E19) to be elected from among the members , one to be
appointed annually by the Grand Avenue Business Association, and
one to be appointed annually by the Linwood Booster Club . Each
Board member elected by �he members shall serve two (2) years
from the date of election and until his successor is elected.
Persons elected by the members shall serve staggered two-year
terms ,� with nine to be elected one year and ten the next, and
shal.l be elected at the annual meeting of the members by a majority .
vote of all members present at said meeting. The annual meeting
of the corporation shall be held on the first Wednesday of May �
�1 each year at a time and place to be fixed by the Board of
Directors .
Section 3• P7embers of the first Board of Directors , here-
� inafter specified by name, shall serve for one (1) or t�ao� (2)
years .as specified after each name . Thereafter, commencing with
the annual meeting of the� members in 1967 , persons shall be
-4- �
elected to the Board to fill the vacancies created by terms �ahich
then expire.
Section 4 . The Board of Directors shall have power:
(a) to adopt and from time to time to amend the By-Laws
of the corporation.
(b) to fill vacancies in its own membership .
(c) to elect officers and fill vacancies in any office
occasioned by death, resignation, removal or any
- other cause .
(d) to exercise all of the powers of this corporation.
The names and address of the members of the Board of
Directors of this corporation, to serve from the: date hereof
until the first or secand annual meeting as the case may be
�degending upon whether the director is to serve for one (1) or
two (2) years , are as follows :
L. Thomas Austin 721 Fairmount Ave . , St . Paul, P�finn. (1)
__ John B. Baird 892 Fairmount Ave . , St .' Paul, Minn . (2)
Bartlett Baker 702 Goodrich Ave . , St. Paul, Minn. (1)
�Georgia DeCoster 31 Benhill Road, St . Paul, Minn. (2)
John W. Greenman 107�4 Linwood St . , St . Paui , T�linn. (2)
.Ralph Klosterman 6�44 Goodrich Ave. , St . Paul, Minn . (1)
�Fred A. Kueppers , Jr. 697 Goodrich Ave . , St . Paul , Minn. (1)
_5_ .
David Lilly 715 Goodrich Ave . , St . Paul, Minn . (2)
Robert R. Martin 513 Grand Ave. , St . Paul, Minn. (1)
Leo F. Slattery 671 Fairmount Ave . , St . Paul, Minn. (2)
Orley R. Taylor 226 So. Grotto, St . Paul, Minn. (2)
No assessment shall be levied against the members of this cor-
poration nor shall any member be liable in any manner for any debt
or obligation of the_ corporation. The corporation shall be supported
by voluntary contrib:utions on the part of its members or others .
Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors
shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the
liabilities . of the corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the
corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such
manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and
operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or �
scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt or=
ganization or organizations under Section 501(c)�(3) of the Internal �
Revenue' Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision . of any future
United States Internal Revenue Law) , as the Board of Directors shall
determine. Any such assets not so disposed of � shall be disposed
of by the District Court. of the county in ��hich the principal office
of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes
or to such organization or organizations as said Court shall de- '
termine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such
purposes .
The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual:
�These articles may be amended by the affirmative vote of a
majority of the members present at any annual meeting or any special
meeting called for that purpose.
' The names and post office addresses of each of the incorporators . �
are as follows :
L. Thomas Austin 721 Fairmount Ave . , St . Paul, Minn.
Georgia DeCoster 31 Benhill Road, St . Paul, Minn.
John W. Greenman 1074 Linwood St . , St . Paul , Minn.
Ralph Klosterman 644 Goodrich Ave. , St . Paul, P�inn.
Fred A. Kueppers , Jr. 697 Goodrich Ave . , St . Paul, T-1inn. .
David Lilly 715 Goodrich Ave . , St .. Paul, Minn. �
Robert R. Martin 513 Grand Ave . , St . Paul, Minn .
Leo F. Slattery 671 Fairmount Ave. , St . Paul , Minn.
Orley R. Tay.lor 226 So. Grotto, St . Paul, Minn.
. _7_ .
Section l. l. �
This Corporation shall have one class of inembers , which shall
consist of those persons defined in the Articles of Incor-
� poration. The Secretary shall maintain a. roster of persons
making contributions to the Corporation. �
Meetings of T�Iembers
Section 2. 1 .
ANNUAL MEETIPIG OF I�IETZBERS . An annual meeting of the members
of the Corporation shall be held in the City of Saint Paul,
� State of Minnesota, on the first Wedr�esday in the month of
May in each year, commencing with the year 1967 .
Section 2. 2 .
SPECIAL T�fEETINGS OF MEMBERS . Special meetings of the members .
of this Corporation may be called at any time by the President ,
a Vice President , or any� five (5) Directors . . .
Section 2 . 3 . �
i�10TICE. Written notice of each meeting of inembers , stating
the time and place thereof, and in the case of a special
� meeting its purpose, shall be giveri not less than five nor
more than thirty ( 30) days in advance thereof to the members .
Section 2 . U .
QUORUM. A quorum for any meeting of the members shall be
: fifty (50) members. The members present at a meeting at
which less than a quorum is present may adjourn the meeting
to a future time .
Section 2. 5. . ,
VOTING. Each member personally present at any meeting of
• the members shall be entitled to cast one� (1) vote . There
shall be no voting by mail or by proxy nor shall there be
any cumulative voting.
Board of Directors
� . . Section 3. 1.
NUP�IBER. The number of directors shall be t�venty-one (21) ,
subject to change from time to time by the vote of a majority
of the members present at a duly constituted meeting of the
members, provided that no board member tiahose term has not
expired shall be compelled to leave the board by reason of
a proposed reduction in the number of board members .
Section 3. 2
ELECTION. Directors shall be elected by the members annually .
At the annual meeting of the members in May, 1g67 , five (5)
directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years . Annually
thereafter directors shall be elected for a two (2) year .
term. No person v�ho shall have served as a director for four
(4} consecutive years from and after the annual meeting of
_ -2- .
members in May, 1967, shall be eligible for re-election
until after the lapse of one (1) year.
Secti��n 3• 3-
FIRST BOARD OF DIRECTORS . The first Board of Directors of
this Corporation shall consist of the directors named in
the Articles of Incorporation and the period from the date
of filing of said Articles until the annual meeting of
m�mbers in May, 1967, shall be deemed to be "one year" for
the purpose of establishing the dates of a term.
Section 3. 4 . .
VACANCIES . Any vacancy in the office of a director may be
filled by the Board of Directors at any meeting of the
� directors . Any directors so elected shall serve for the
unexpired term of the director w�ose office became vacant .
Section 3• 5• '
QUORUM. A quorum for meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be a majority of the directors .
Section 3. 6 .
ANNUAL MEETING. Immediately following the annual meeting
of the members, or at such other time as the Board of �
Directors shall fix, the Board of Directors shall meet and
elect from their number the officers of the Corporation.
The officers shall be a President , one or more Vice Presi- �
dents , a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such other officers
as may be designated by the Board of Directors . The term
of office of each officer shall be until the next annual
_3_ ,
meet�::g of the Board .of Directors and until his successor
� has ���n duly elected and has qualified. If any office .
. . . becomes vacant during the year, the Board of Directors
may fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
Section 3. 7. �
REGULAR P�IEETINGS. The regular meetings of the Board of
Directors . shall be _held at least four (4} times per year :
at such time and place as may be designated by the .Board
of Directors .
Section 3. 8. -
SPECIAL MEETINGS . Special mee�ings of the Board of Directors
may be called at any time by the President , a Vice President ,
or by any three (3) directors whenever such meetings may be
deemed necessary or desirable.
Section 3• 9•
NOTICE. A written notice of each regular meeting of the
� Board of Directors, stating the time and place thereof, shall
be given not less than five (5) days in advance thereof to
� each director. A� written notice of each special meeting of
, the Board of Directors, stating the time and place thereof,
. shall be given not less than two (2) days in advance thereof
� to each member of the Board of Directors . All notices shall
be deemed to have been given when deposited in the mails .
� -4- .
Duties of Oi�icers
Section 4. 1.
PRESIDENT. The President shall have all authority usually
incident to the office of President and shall have general
authority over the affairs of the Corporation, its officers ,
� agents , and employees . He shall preside at all meetings
of the members and of the directors .
Section 4 . 2 . �
VICE PRESIDENTS . In the absence of the President, a Vice
President whom he shall designate shall serve in his place .
The Vice Presidents shall have such additional duties� as
may be assigned to them by the President or the Board of
Directors . -
Section 4 . 3. �
SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept the
minutes of all meetings of the members and directors and
committees of the d.irectors ; he shall attend to the giving
� and serving of all notices of the Corporation; he shall keep
and have charge of such other books and papers of the Gor-
poration as the directors may direct; and in general he shall
perform all duties incident to the of'ice of Secretary , sub- �
. ject to the control of the Board of Directors .
Sectioc� 4. 4 .
� TREASURER. The Treasurer shall cause accurate accounts to
be kept of all monies of the Corporation, causing same to
be deposited in the name of and to the credit of the Cor-
� poration in such bank or banks as shall be .designated from
time to time by the Board of Directors . He shall have
charge of all books, records, papers , and accounts of the
Corporation, except such as are in the charge of the
Secretary, and shall render to the Board, whenever required,
an accurate account of all his .transactions as Treasurzr
and of the financial condition of the Corporation. He shall
perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time
to time by the Board of Directors .•
Section 5. 1.
STANDING COMMITTEES . Committees may be established by
resolution of the Board of Directors from time to time . The
membership and chairman of each committee shall be appointed '
by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors .
Each committee� shall consist of one rr:ember ot' the Board of
Directors and such additional association members as the
President shall deem anpropriate . Such committees shall be _
� advisory to the Board of Directors and the President .
Section 5 . 2 . � .
SEARCH COMMITTEE. At least sixty (60} days in advance of the
annual meeting the President shall appoint a Search Committee,
consisti;ng of not less than five (5) persons , who shall be
responsible for. presenting a list of candidates for all of
. those positions on the Board of Directors which will expire
. as of the date of �the annual meeting.
-6- '
. � :
Section 5 • 3•
SPECIAL COMNTITTEES . Special committees to deal with problems
of short duration may from time to time be appointed by
the President .
Fiscal Y�ar
Section 6. 1.
, FISCAL YEAR. The f�iscal year shall be the- calendar year and`
contributions received from individuals shall be applied to
the year in which they are received.
-7-- :
f �
�iTE�vriO.u: : District 16- Summit Hill Planning necognition Problems
�3y Jaime Becker
1. Seven holdovers from the Summit Hill Association noard of Directors who
were elected in 1�76 are to be placed on District 16 Planning Council
without facing election. Other plannin� districts surveyed do not have
privileged holdovers.
2, vewspaper statements made during 19?6 stated that three public hearings would be
held. ihe alleged third public hearin� was advertised in the Summit Hill
column of the December 1976 urand lazette as the semi annual meeting of the
Summit Hill Association. ihe article did say ��Please come and share ideas
wuth us" but idi did not indicate that said meeting n�1d on December 8, 1976 was
the third public hearing.
3. A person is obligated to join Summit Hill Assocation and run for its �oard of
Directors if one wishes to be a district planner.
4. .Jotice in ::arch 3U rii�hland dillager and April Jrand �azette did not
state the cut off date for filinb.
5. :�otice in same issues did not state that ballots would be printed in advance
listing candidates who knew of filino deadline,
Ei. a red flyer was circulated which did state cut off date was April 22. HowQVer
the flyer
a. was not delivered to some apartment units
b. was not circulated until less than seven days prior to filing deadline.
7. Stories in uazette and Villager did not state length of term to be decided
by election.
8. I'he search committee failed t� ask any handicapped persons if they wished to
see�c election. �roup now has protection when federally-funded projects are involved.
9. 'Phe �u.mmit Hill Association is a private, non-profit organization
with social and activist interests which do not necessarily reflect the
interests of District 16. Unless one were interested in ice cream socials,
house tours, and luminaria on Christmas Eve or shared the group's stand on Byerly's
i 35 and restoration, one would not be strongly motivated to join the association.
lU. 'I'he pro- home�wner bias of the Summit Hill Association compromises
its ability to be representative of a district in which�ic��cx�c at least 45'� of
the residents are rentors. Fi�ure�is taken from l�'able TII of Socio-
Economic Characteristics section of i?istrict 16 Kehabilitation Plan.
until recent�y, re�b�s were not allowed to join the Summit Hill Assocation.
Few rent�rs are listed on the printed prei.�ared r�allot.
11. Pa�e Une ",�otice of Public :•:eeting" in the :;ay Grand uazette states that
the new 5HA board '�will be empowered to act as llistrict 16 Planning Council."
Ihis statement is incorrect because SHA board "will be empowered to act" only
after the public hearing on -":ay 4 and official vote of the City Council.
TWO DISTRICf 16 PRE. �oun�,� at �ts ��p�a� SEMI-ANl�TU1�L �r��TI�r1G
LIMINARY DBAFT P�O- meeting May 4. 7:30 �.n�..
POSALS TO BE PRESEN- at Linwoad School. The �GENDA � �
TED APRIL l3. Search Committee is now in
the process of finding
Two task forces involved in candidates interested in The agenda for the semi- R1P 35E and the Part Nursery
the preparation of the �nning for the twenty-one ,annuai membership meeting rnntraversy. The candidates�
District 16 Comprehensive member board. of the Summit Hill Association efected will be aunounced
Plan, Trees and Recreatiori May 4 at Linwood School will before the meeting adjourns.
and Opea Space, will seek 7�e Planning Council will include a city council meeting, .
approval of their prelim- make decisions that affect the election of twelve board The following candidates are
inary proposals at the April the long-range future of the members, and several reports seeking election: Abbie Daw-
board meeting of the neighborhood as well as the qn neighborhoud concerns. kins, 768 Goodrich; Jerry
District 16 Summit-Hill current problems. The Goiz, 654 FairmoUnt; Steve
Planning Council. Resi- Search Comraittee seeks President Robert Sylvester Markowitz, 788 Goodrich;
dents are urged to attend candidates as representa- W��� co�vene a short rnuncil Linda Zelm, 99a Gootirich; -
the meeting and voice their tive of the area'� diversity meeting at 7 p.m. for the Tom Blood. ?52 Grand; Jim
opinions on the preliminaty as is possible. purpose of formally recogniz- Orput, 950 Fairmounf; Henty
drafts. The meeting is ing the Summit Hili Associa- Rhame, 1067 Goodrich; Dave
Wednesday, April 13, 7:30 A candidate must either be tion as the District 16 Planning Ettel, 910 Linwood; Cynthia
at the University Club. a resident of the area, own Council. The Association has Ware, 824 Fairmount; Don
property in the disttict, or Worked the past nine months, Schwartz. 587 Grand; Judy
be a reptesentative of a holding three public hearings, Bigelow, 530 Grand Hill; Val
DISTRICT 16 EI.ECTION neighborhood business. In- changing by-laws and the size Cohn, 829 Lincoln; Gary
terested people may call of the board, in order to meet Peltier, 995 St. Clair; Karl
Twelve people will be Norita Larson (225-1920) or the city's requirements for a Norberg, 1072 Fairmount;
elected to the District 16 �n.y peterson (225-881'n. planning council. Anne Bach, 20 S. Lexington;
Summit Hili Planning Barbara Holmes, 881 Fair-
_� . Following the council meet- mount; DeAnn Nelsoa, 1118
ing, Summit Hill residents will Summit; David Clemans, 829
�i��, � G�.- elect twelve board members Goodrich; stnd Bitl C1app, 677
from 25 candidates. �Voters Fairmount.
will have biographical sket-
ches of the candidates and are Current board members seek-
NOTICE QF �UBLIC Urged to elect a broad ing election are Hiil Madden,
representation from the 868 Fairmount; Peg Gadient,
neighborhood. 205 5. Chatswarth; At�nold
�EI EI ���� Steffes. 791 Lineoln; Bob
Reports on dutch elm disease Casseiman, 794 Lincoln; Ted
All Summit Hill residents and business g�ogle are and tree replacement will be Lentz, 692 Summit; and
urged to attend the semi-annual meeting of the Summit , given foliowing the eiection, in Normal �innegan, S70 Lin-
Hill Association at Linwood School May 4 at 7:00 p.m. . ��tion to status reports on wood.
At this meeting, 12 new members will be elected to the
Summit Hill Board of Directors. This election takes on � Anyone who lives in the
added significance since the new buard will be ' Summit Heif district, owns
impowered to act as the District 16 Planning CounciL ��� �`�� propeKy in the neighborhood,
Recommendationsof the board will affect the quality of � ,,l,� ;i tU or represents an area busir�ess
life and future of the Summit Hill neighborhood. � is eligible to vote. Summit Hill
��- " '� E�` �`` is bounded by Summit Avenue
For the past two months a search committee has been on the North, the Short Line
seeking candidates to fill these important positions on on the West, the railroad
the SH Board. Candidates named thus far represent tracks on the South, and
those who have attended the public hearings, those Pleasant Avenue on the East.
who have worked on planning committees and those
who responded to public announcements in flyers, the Linaood School will open at
Gru►ld Guzette and the Nighland Villager. 6:30 p.m. May 4 for registra-
tion. The candidates will be
Anyone else who wishes to place his/her name in aaailable before the meeting
nomination for the board may do so at the meetin� May to meet the voters. Anyone
4' wishing to place his/her name
on th�ballot may do so that
� ''�� � night.