269056 WMITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII !��Q�s PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT hr BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 6446, Section IV, subsection c, the Council does hereby authorize and direct the Department of Finance and Management Services to honor the claim made by Audrey Bredahl, surviving spouse of Eugene E. Bredahl, and it shall pay over to Mrs. Audrey Bredahl the indebtedness owed by the City for work, labor, services and accumulated unused vacation as authorized by law. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Financ4 and Mana nt Services Hozza [n Favor � � � Hunt � Levine � _ Against B ��� 7 7 Roedler Sylvester �AY � 2 � Form ppro ed by Ci y At y Adopted Council: Date . Cert� ed Va by C unc' ecretaty B L Appro e by Nlayor: Da �g]7 Approved by Mayor for Subm'ssian to Councii gY By pue►.isHEO MAY 2 a 1977 . dM �,r�,s 3.2�11?� �t�x, : ' . ���j�6 .. . . , a "_ EXPLADTATIQI4 OF ADIRINTSTRA�IVE Q�ttS'E�,S �°""�� , RE84LUTIOI�IS, aNg "OA}�'INAAI`C� $� Date: �PR�L 3�:, i977 • - ` > . . . :- TO: MAYQR .GEORGE bATIMER \, FR a B�RD,J. CAR�f?l�, DT�C�OR 0� FIt�►AN�� ANt1► MANA�'� �V'T�'rS . ,, ,�, 4_.,. R�: '��;'��+� {��I .Q�''ALt�1'R�`�' B�A�,: - .�. , . . . . _ . , , _ . .. � . _ . ., , - , . _ _ .. ,� � -R��E� _ V�� a��� a •if' ' � ,y,4 _ �' �19�� ` ` t ,: �c��x a�4u� , � . _ �' = Authari�stion to release c,hecks to Mrs�. Aud��y Br�d�ehl ae s.urv#..v�t�g ` � - apquse �vr unpaid wages.: � : �. , , . , � � P01t�OS� AND RATZ�NA�E Ft3It :'THTB A'CTTOIQ: Pursuarit to State law and City' 8rdinance No'. 644�b, d��ased fii.'��'� { e�loyees u�pa�.d wages `an� severa�ce pay n�a3r be rele�ased �v ;�b+� ' surv�vi�+g spouse rutpon agproval by Cou�acil Reso�ution,. . _ a: �, . F AT�ArCHM�:NTS: ` � ,- � ; � . �: . . .. - ;; ; _ , ' , � ������ , , STATE OF MINNESOT�I ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAM5�Y ) Audrey Bredahl , being t'irst duly sworn , deposes and says that she is the surviving spousc of Eugene E. Bredahl � , late of the City of Saint Paul . , County o£ itamsey , State o C Minnesota, deccased. That said deceased was at and immediately previous to his death, which occurred oIl March 28, 1977 , a resi�lent of the State of Minnesota. That at the time of death of said deceased the City of Saint Paul was indebted to him in the amount of $_ $�,167,60 - for work, labor, and services performed �Cor accumulated but unused vacation or overtime , and $ i_167.60 is now due and owing; That no executor or administrator af: his estate has been appointed pursuant to Chapter 525 of Minriesota Statutes; That pursuant to laws of Minnesota ('or 1967 , Chapter 529 and Minnesota Statutes Annotated 181.58 and a11 other provisions and rules of law affiant makes claim against the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $ 1,167.6o and requests that the amount of $ 1,167.60 be paid over to her immediately and that the balance in said amount of $ NONE _ be paid to her as soon as authorized by law or court order. � `,`�i . � Subscr ibed and SwoTA t0 befor Surviving Spouse of ugene E, Bredahl me this � day of � ��/ , 197� • � 'Q��y"` :r-l'..'��. VIOLET E. LEliT otary tl 1C� amsey O. , inneso;ta ���;°:�,:� ���ary QaDRc.Ramsey Couret�bihvi. My commission expires ' .�'-.<..�t��. __,..,�-.,.,� AAY COMi+AiSS10N EXf'Ii�ES '' "'''� December 13, 1�978 � � � `�'�:�Y-'-aC.:••`�%''� - -----j - � ,�.a�A_.~ � � ������ RECEIPT AND COVENANT The undersigned, _ AudreY Bredahl , , surviving spouse of _EuQene Bredahl , a resident o� the State of Minne�sota, ,.r >: deceased, named as affiant in the foregoing affidavit, does hereby 39190 acknowledge the receipt of the City of St. Paul {check nos 40357 ) 365.56 in the amount of $ 802.04 , drawn payable to said � Audrey Bredahl , widow of Eugene Bredahl ''\ deceased, in ���jfu11 and final payment of the balance of the � claim stated in the affidavit in the amount af $� 1,167.60 � � '��, � Surviving Spouse of gene E. Bredahl STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ae COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this _�_S day of � _, 19�Z, before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared '����°" ���1 , � me known to be the person described �� in and who executed the foregoing instrumenC, and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed. � � VIOIET E. IENT „ ,� Nolery Pub�c.Rams Cou � � `�}�� � �,A+ff�m. 5 ��`" • MY COMMISSION pCPiRES � �'.;;;`=�ir= ,- December 13 1978 ' __��y� ' i s Notary Public, County, Minn. My conmiission expires