269055 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � . Ji��■.�l� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll �� �- ���"� �v CANARY - OEPARTMEN.T � G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L File NO. BLUE�- - MAVOR � � ' C uncil Resolution Page � of 2 e Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budqet Com�nittee, that the 1977 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Re-appropriate $68,136.54 in 1977 CIB monies: Arlington-Arkwright Park Building Site Development 68,136.54 North-Dale Recreation Center 68,136.54 Re-appropriate $5,263.46 in 1977 CIB monies: Swede Hollow Land Acquisition 5,263.46 Case and Duluth Rec. Center Gym Addition and 5ite Work 5,263.46 Re-appropriate a total of $29,100.00 in 1977 CIB monies: Arlington-Arkwright Park Bldg. & Site Development 23,363.46 Swede Hollow Land Acquisition 5,736.54 Prosperity Heights Rec. Center Gym Addition 29,100.00 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing NORTH-DAI,E RECREATION CENTER 1974 CIB (93074-022) 13,000.00 -0- 13,000.00 1976 CIB (93076-004) 117,000.00 -0- 117,000.00 1977 CIB . 60,000.00 + 68,136.54 128,136.54 190,000.00 + 68,136.54 258,136.54 CASE AND DULUTH RECREATION CENTER GYM ADDITION 1974 CIB (93074-023) 24,000.00 -0- _ 24,000.00 1976 CIB (93076-006) 216,000.00 -0- 216,000.00 1977 CIB 52,000.00 + 5,263.46 57,263.46 - . 292,000.00 + 5,263.46 297,263.46 -- - �_....._ .. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY — Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by y torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Appr v by Mayor or Su ssi to Co�tncil By By � WHITE - CITV CLERK ��(�'.�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICil J�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF �SAINT PAUL � �File NO. BLUE� - MAYOR ' Council Resolution Page Z of 2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Current Financing Change Amended Financing PROSPERITY HEIGHTS RECREATION CENTER GYM ADDTTION 1974 CIB (93074-014) 18,800.00 -0- 18,800.00 1976 CIB (93076-007) 169,200.00 -0- 169,200.00 1977 CIB 46,700.00 + 29,100.00 75,800.00 234,700.00 + 29,100.00 263,800.00 Approved as to funding: Approved: 4-/-3�.77 • '(,�a �Di�rector, pt. of Finance and Management C ty Budget Director �� Services COUNC;ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Community Services, Div. of Parks & Rec. klozza In Favor � Hunt �q, Thomas J. Kelley, Director Levine V __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester �edesco MaY � 2 �971 Form Approved by ity ttorne Adopted b uncil: Date Cert d Pas by Council Secreta� BY B y� v � Appr e by ,Vlayor. te � _�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUB�ISHEO MAY 2 8 1977 i . e $ �� - � C�T Y pA ,,.� r .�� � . . A' . - �`w � t } .. '� �S � yj -� � .� ' °� �:.> `� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL o T :, ,.. , o,>��>c .. - , ,� — s `{ � .� e'� �� _.f , � �•• DEPARTMENT OF C�MMUNiTY SERVICES �,� , �� -'�'. � `-? THOMAS J. KELLEY i�p � a � ` ,•,, . �.� '��a� DIRECi'OR '�.s' �,� _ ,�, , ':-- -:�'`,; h9arch 22 , 1g77 --_._ __ t41r. Richard Schroeder Mr. Ot�o Hummer Buclget Director Chairman , C . I . B . Committee Room 3b5 1887 Saunders Avenue Building St . Paul , Minnesota 55116 Gentlemen : This let�er is a request to complete the funding necessary for the follo��firrg projects : �'Q75-004 North Dale Gumnasium 93C76-Q06 Case & Duluth Gymnasium �3076-CC7 Prosperity Heights Gymnasium Each of these projects involves the addition af a gymnasium to an existing recreation building , plus related remodeling of the ���stirig buildings . I have attached a brief project history 41I11CI7 ex�l�ins the project ' s evalutian and documents the need for th7s rEquest , which is as follows : A. To direct all presently available f�snds to the buildinc�s ' construction ; Availabie Funds (1976 and 1977 C . I . � . ) P�orth Dale 176 ,863 . 45 Case & Culu�h 268 ,000. 00 Prosperity 215 ,900 . 00 70TAL AVAILA6LE FUfdDS : $660 ,763 .46 545 City Ha(I, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4431 �� . h - ' • ' r MAR�H 22 , 1977 PAGE 2 a . To supplement the presently availab] e funds Nrith transfers from ttivo other 1977 C . I . B . projects ; Supplemental Funds Swede No11ow �lcquisition 11 ,000 . 00 Arlington-Arktivright Development 91 ,500. 00 TOTAL SUPPLEP�EP�TAL FUPJDS : 102 ,500. 00 TOTAL BUILDING PROJECT FUNDING : 763 ,263 .46 The plans and specificatians for the gymnasiur� additions will be completed in 6 to 8 weeks , and will be bid for summer construction . The necessary sitework is planned for the spring of 1978 , and �ill be included in the 1978 C . I . B . program. �Je are confident that the proposed transfers �rill not adversely the Swede Hollo��1 and Arlington-Arkwright projects because LCMR and LAl�1COh grant funds have been approved for these projects . Based upon the above , plus the attach�ed project history , a�e hereby rec;uest permission to appear before the C . I .B . Cammittee to formally request approval . S:i ncerel,y, �- �,, `/,` �j7 , ,�,,t -� A�C°=,� f.i;i '� y�' `�\ 6'�;� _�/,II/__��j�! � � �,� � �it :.. � /T, � . �.r • Thomas f J . Kel l ey �� �, ;-;, -:: �:r�•:�1�:;' `�ir,�^i�:'t� J P14J .d e � / �,,,�f�'�tfi'--�..�`'' .C���u�''��� (•���'`" ► Attach . l cc : Robert P . Piram Gerald Prill John t��irka � � � � r � ` ..� � . ° , ClTY OF SAIN PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNtTY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION DESIGN SECTION 298-4782 hiarch 21 , 1977 FILE h1EPi0RANDUM SUBJECT : Project History : Gymnasium Additions Project : North Dale Recreation Center Case & Duluth Recreation Center Prosperity Heights Recreation Center ----------------------------------------- ------------�------------------ A. Gymnasiu►n additions and related sitewark were funded in the 1976 C . I . B . program. Cost estimates for the Y�ork were prepared in 1975, using the most current cost figures for similar con- struction . B . Due to inflation and delayed receipt of the 1976 C. I . B . funds , an additional amount aras sought for each project , and was approved .in the 1977 C. I . B . C . The t�lcGuire-Courteau-Lucke Architectural firm was hired to provide complete architectural services for the project. D. During the aforementianed time period , the City Planning office completed preparat�on of a master plan for Parks and Recreation . Community Services was an integral part of the planning process , meeting many times with planning staff and the Pub17c Syster�s Comrrittee . Concurrent �rith this process , the program for the gymnasium additions was altered to more closely reflect the rnaster plan , resulting in an increase of approximately 1000 square feet in the size of each addition . This is the primary reason for the present need to revise the project budget . E. At the request of the Qivision of Parks and Recreation , hicGuire- Courteau-Lucke conducted a study of the existing buildings ' energy consumption . The existing buildings are not insulated and it is necessary and desirea�le to bring them into Energy Code compliance , preferably at the time the new constructian is taking place . It was determined that re-roofing the present buildings , thereby adding substantial insulation value , ►�ould be the most valuable and reasonable method . 53Z City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551�2 r � r s � . . � � /' " .�' ���arch 21 , 1977 Page 2 The design for the additions proposes tsav�ng�effortseonPthe� ally below grade . Combined with the energy- . existing buildings , the total structure will exceed the Energy Code requirements and vrill be very efficient . Present cost estimates are based upon the revised program and the need to re-roof the existing buildings . Estimates are : �245 ,000. 00 per building (4 ,085 sq. ft . per building @ �60 ,00/s9 • ft . ) _ $735 ,OOQ. 00 Three buildings @ $245 ,000 . Zg ,000. 00 F� le d Lighting (Case & Duluth only) 763 ,000.00 660 ,763 . 46 Funds Available `�102 ,236 . 54 Funds Needed F. Cammunity meetings have beema�el�ddt�oig�scus�Veryheffortlis, being program as ti��ell as the sche made to utilize existing building areas to th�� r fullest extent and to make the additions function aaith the exis�ougsbhavelapproved as a single unit . In each casereementawmth1Parks and Recreation the proposed plan and are in a9 even though the efforts tWi��°notnbeeconstpuctedtunti1n1g78 • s� tework G . The Department' s request to al � •Br�sent fUnaan9 �19��rand 1977 Department hopes to util � ze p lement this funding �, I , g , ) for building construct�on and to supp by transferring funds from two 1i�e�onp�rkwr�ight7Development�J�c�s , Swede Hollow Acquisition and Ar 9 These projects vrill not be aff�ap�d be�ca�h�mPa►"Thisnresultsain�n has obtained LCr�R and t_AWCQtd g a budget of $763 ,z63 . 46 for the buildings . $660 ,763 .46 1976 , 77 C . I . B . . 102 ,500 . 00 Supplement 763 ,263 .46 TOTAL H . 7he site development �riork for each site , previously included in the building budget > wi11 beC��o�u�n�the spripgPoft1978 .s This C. I . B . request , a�ith constru will not affeet the gymnasium additions project because much af the sitework cannot be done until the buildings are complete . ��� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL , , . �j� OF�ICE 4F THE.GITY COUNGIL =,�.�:: .�.,Y,,,. , 2� �� — „:.,..a�:;� 9�� �i,y��. _ Dote : May 9, 1977 COMMITTEE REPORT TO : Saint Paul City Councit FROM � Committee Of1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , chaifman, makes ff�e foltowing . report on C.F. �] Occtinance � Resolution �] Other . :. 'r �'rLE ' Resolution transferring $102,000 for three � Recreation Center Bym Additions. The Committee today recommended approval of the above resolution. r CTfY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PALTI:, MINNFSUTA 55102 .��./''a J � .� . . ;��.�� �ilrl��� C�r� ���3I�1T�' �A�T�+"� ��` f . `� , o�,F�cr o�a� -rHL czTY coQ�c�r. �,.. �' �___�i� :f � ' . ' ��' 1 °' ����°"�� �=�; �_ , ,Y_.; � �- �, . �'z:� `�`/ D a t e : - ' May 9, 1977 MEI��BERS�� �� � � �� ��� � �� � � � � � Rosalie Bufler Chairmon ������� ' ����� ` ����� �� � � � Ruby Hunt �t Robert Syivester ��������� �°��,������'�� ��i�i�ii� MEETiNG DA�E � Thursday, May 12, 1977 , TIME ' 9:00 a.m. PLACE � Room 707 City Hall /� � � !� � � _ , l . Further discussion of procedure for consideratior� of Sixth Department Budget as submitted by Mayor Latimer. Tentative approval of staffing pattern will be considered. cc: Council Members Richard Broeker Mayor Latimer William Patton Ci ty Attor� Allan alock , City Clerk• Jerry Isaacs Richard Schroeder Chamber of Commerce Bernard Carlson League of Women Voters , Donald Spaid DFL 4th District James Bellus 4th District Republican Committee : John Cannelly Nancy Anderson . Press For f��ther information caft : 298-4475 _ -.,,.,.,�Commitfee of ttte whofe June through • '" - October , . . . ,. . . _ T '.' . . . , ..' ,.. . '.�. : . � . �.. .�...� , .� .. .. . �:, ... :.. ,� , � 4�M ,�= 22��.9T�3 � . , ' Rev. z 9/8/76 � . • �RPLANATIa'N OF ADMINISTRATIVE O1�DERS, i RESOLUTIONS, AN� ORLIINAIIIICES � .� � � ����� . '.'�,3�@: April 12.� 19�7 _ , � ' " ' , : � .: �o: rs�,�o� cEORC� �2rr�z �. � 'FR: • Greqory N� Blees � _ .. �, : ; � .' ,' ;:�; North-�bale Rec. Genter Gymnasium Addition . ; ` ; . '. Case a�� I7�'Iuth ReC; Ceriter�G�asiuxn Addit�ion ProsF�r.i�y A�iqh�s Re,c,., Cen,t�r Gym Adc�ition , ,. , , p _ , , _ , . . � - ; � i ; . � . � :�1CT20N REQi3ESTED: . � i : .'Rea�ropria�e a't�t,�,l. of $1�2�ss00 in 197'�. Capital Imgzovement �Band moni�s to�prdvid� �3: iQnal ' , , , , const�uction �iutdi�g ,�Q�'� �e gym additiori groj eats r , . . , $�8,1�6 �4 €�om Ar?.ingto� A�kwrkght S.i�e Deve�.opmen�t'to No�th Dale Ree. C�nt�er,; Gyt� Add��ion. `' $. 5,263,�46 f�om Sw�cie �Ho13.c�w'Acqu3.si��.ar�. to Cas�.�trid Duiutl# Rec. Gente�. Gym Adda.tior� 523.363.4f f�om:� Arli�,gton; Arkwri:ght Site D�vslbpmen�, and: . $`..5.736 5�� ��om Sw��1�e �Ha�1av�."Aequisition to P�asgeaCity Heigh�s: Red. 'Cent�r Gym Addit��.o - . . ,. : _ ; . ; , . . „ , , , . - _ , . ,... , _ , -`�'�RP�)S� A1�7: A1�TION�LL' FQR TH2S AC'�I(?�z .. � The _three t�rm,.projects ;are.scliedu].ed for cor�struc�ian in Jun�;, 1977. ":The .archi:tect'.�est �e.' �. €o� canstrtk�tic�n eosts is higher' than the amdur�ts ari,ginally budgeted in Qcto�ier,,` 19�7.5. " 'ke reasons for �Sigher costs �are mairily; The -si2e of tY�e gyms 'a�e being c�esigned to meet 'th� standards s�t irt the, Parks and Recreattion Master Plan. �hi:s ;is an i.ncrea�e `c�f 1.,0�0 sqt�a.e feet of cons�ruc�a:on pex qym. In keepir�g.-w#:th the �exa..energy code, the rciQ£s af �e tti�'re existi.ng `s�ructures will b�. recanstructed t� in�lude insulatfon ta save: energy. ,This = ` remodeling cast wa�.not p�eviously estimated_far budget_purposes.. •`; ,: ' . The amounts propqsed to be trainsf�rred to fund these addi.tional costs. are��xcess appro- �, pri�.tions .as the Ci.ty has r.ec-eived grants fcir the Sw�de Hollow and' Arl.ington,Arkw�ight' p�cojeets. � • . ���� ,; � . � The request has been a,Fproved by the Budqet Dir�ctor,� the D�.re�tor of: F�.naace antl .Manaqe t :Services; and tlie �ity Attomey. . r� . . `. The CIB Committee recam�uuended approval at their Ma��h 2'9, 1977, meeting. �' , . � :: uncil Resolt��kiori - 2 pag�s • � Co�nunity..Se�vices: March; 22, '1977 request .-: 4 pages � , �