269042 WH17E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY .OF SAINT PAUL Council ('� CANARV - DEPARTMENT _`j 1,!� � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �•�'��•'�� � � -, Resolution Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has assumed the powers and responsibilities of the City' s Board of Health pursuant to authority contained in the Community Health Servicea Act, Laws of Minnesota for i976, Chapter 9; and WHEREASt said Act, in section 3 thereof (Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 145.9131 , provides for the appointment of a local community health services advisory committee to advise, consult with, or make recommendations to the board of health on matters relating to the development, maintenance, funding and evaluation of community health services; and � WHEREAS, this Council has requested and received from the Ma,yor his recommendations for appointments to said committee, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that there is hereby established a Community Health Advisory Committee for the City of Saint Paul , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the initial membership of said committee shall consist of the following persons, who are appointed for the terms indicated opposite their respective names: Government Officials Ardyce K. Carlson, 1511 N. Hazelwood - Two-year term John M. Catlin, i893 Berkeley One-year term Providers Nancy Burrus, g61 St. Anthony Ave. Two-year term Wallace A. D. Brudvig, 2250 Edgebrook Ave. Two-year term Marjana Frances Callery, 1'7'73 Wellesley Two-year Term COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Rcedier Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY $y Approved by fVlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK r� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL Council �s��L�2 � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ` _ � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. Marg�ret Peterson Doren, 1195 Burns Ave. Two-year term Robert S. Flom, 815 Linwood Ave. One-year term James R. Little, 2022 Summit Ave. One-year term Margaret M. Ludden, 1443 Stan�ord Ave. One-year term Consumers Ma,ry Pay Arrington Two-year term Donald B. White, 915 Ashland Ave. Two-year term Jose P. Gamez, 190 W. Isabel St. Two-year term Maria Girsch, 459 Portland Ave. One-year term Peggy A. Foster, 259 E. Curtice One-year term Philip L. Kaercher, 1525 E. Ivy One-year term COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Butler y�r In Favor F� O . Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester 19� Tedesco �y�,� � � Form p ed by City Attorney Adopte Council: Date ` � ified Y y Council Secret,ary B;� Appro by A�lavor: Da e Approv by Mayor for Subi ' si �to Counci By BY �E� MAY 21 1977 7 � ' �/ . . ������ � � ��}.. ^��..,�� . . . . �� \.:�� ' ' + • � � � (�1•r�- 01 5.� 1 �r 1 _� t� 1. '�i �l ;��� � ' . �i',ii�'F ca - � �� O1'P1(i): OI' 7'II): �I.1YOli � �=�ss•�r.rw•::i �-�. ,,� :�.i_,:. - - ;n.: � GE:ORGE I.�TI?tER *fay ox AjJY'11 21� 1.977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council Members: In line with your request of some time ago, I am submitting, in the attached Council Resolution for your consideration, the names of 15 individuals to � serve on the Community Health Advisory Committee. Subsequent to the Council' s request to my office to present it with up to 15 nominees for the committee, we underwent a process of wide dissemination of information, soliciting persons who desired to be considered for membership. There was extensive screening of the large number of applicants, and we feel that the nominees we present to you represent a � broad cross section of both providers and consumers of health care services in Saint Paul. Of the 15 nominees submitted to you by resolution, 2 are government officials, 7 are providers of health care, and 6 are consumers. From within the provider group, we have attempted to present a group of people who represent a cross section of the medical profession. In the consumer group, we have attempted to provide a cross section of our community--geographically, ethnically, and on the basis of sex. I think this is an extremely strong list of nominees, and I urge your early action on it. . Sincerel ►, I' ^ GEO GE LATII�SER GL/lm Mayor attachment cc: Jim O'Leary Thomas Kelley ���