269039 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUIICII 2690`39 � PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve a consent to the applications made by and on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the abatement and cancellation of taxes and special assessments levied against certain property as more particularly described in the applications to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxa.tion, County Nos. 91881� 91882, and 91891, the special assessments and taxes� being payable in the year 1976, and �he City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation. � I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler �� [n Favor Id�i� /�"J Levine � _ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tede Ado y Council: Date MAY � 0 197? Form Approved C� Att ey fied Pa ed o ecrelary BY By, Approv Mayor: te MAY � 2 �977 Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By BY PuB�►sH� MAY 21 191T r ' REPf3RT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY AbatementNo. 9�"v91' Assessment District: `�t. Paul ,JA n• 3,-� 19 7 7 Legal Description: H• M. Ranneys Subd• Of' PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water ! Bl�i• 1.1 S t ins ons D1 V• Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed Frop�ri;y Coded As: 08 62200 140 Ol 026 023 - ' , _ , Address of Property: 551.�. Thomas $Ve. • , Applicant: RObe x''� T. Simon f or: x, x, a. MailingAddress: 55 �;, Fifth St.� 5j101 Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ insurance$ Assessedasfollows: 1975 ApPlication f'Ox' Exemption School U UNITS p P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED District A YEAR USED CoCe Perceni C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value Ownetl b25 U 75 � 2970 88oU z177o Nx o 708 � ; ; Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�p Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent � District A EAR USED Cotle C RESID one Use Own Use Lantl Bldg/Other Total Class % Value Owned ', 625 U 75 onl� F c 2970 8800 1177o Ex �o �.708 � � i i � Reportoflnvestigation: APPa-1Caf1"t acquired propertiy on Au�ust 19, 1975 by conde_mnation and was entitled to exempt classification on 1/t�/75 by statute. i ...___� �` ;) � / �/ ��; , �X. RKP Appr. RKP Steno �j l i_ i:�.% �.. /t:� � �.. � Authorized Signature �ORM (lPT 1641 ^�►�'-'= � r , I�PORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. C�l�U� St . Pau1 ��eb. ll.�.., Assessment District: 19 77 Legai Description: �'hZCe �111C� jT'V1I1�S �C1C't• �>Z}i� • PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water 26 �ihru 4�� ZLU `I�rll''U j� Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed ProperL;� Cocied As : 05 6Z}_000 100 36 060 018 ---- Address of Property: �.`j Irvine ��T'lf Applicant: i�O�JeY'� 1. S�.mon f'OT': � H. R. A. Mailing Address: 55 �;. F'11 i:h, u�G. ; 551ot ApplicanYs Market Value: . Land$ Imp. $ "Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: , 197K 1!ppl_�.ca�;i on for ��xemn ��_o:n School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A YEAR USED Code C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value Owned ' 625 U 75 C J 160U 17�;00 18�U0 H 2� 3000 i � t�0 2760 625 U 76 c J 16oU 17300 lE9oo x 2 2Ko � E 0 2 60 � � I Assessor's Recommendation: . School U UNITS p P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES � ASSESSED percent Oistrict A EAR USED Code C RE51D one Use Own Use l.and Bltlg/Other Total Class % Value Ownetl , 625 U ��: F C 160G ]. 00 18 00 iX L 0 60 � 7 � ; Repbrtofinvestigation: A�p'i.canz acc�uired. proper•ty �/1��/75 throuf;h con.demnation,make exempt for 1975 �: 1976. � :rTAr. ' T ' / � Ex. Appr. Ti2 u $teno �1 �C' .3i— L. �_(„l- /� 1 A thorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 ^�'-'= . 91�81 kEPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY ,�batement 1vo. Assessment District: St. Paul Jan. 31.� 19 7? LegalDescription: SUbC�. of Blks 28 SG 29 1T1 Stinson PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water � BY'OWTl and R ams ey's AC�C�.1 t 1 Ori Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed Propert;� Coded As : 05 72600 660 28 069 075 -- I „Address of Property: �.66 James Ave. Applicant: ROU6T'� T. Simon for: . H. R. A. MailingAddress: 55 �. Fifth St. � 55101. Applicant's Market Value: � Land$ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance$ Assessedasfollows: 1c�75 App11C8t1Oi1 f'OT' Exemp�ion Sthool A YEAR USEp �/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED percent District C RESID Code ane Use Own Use Land Bitl9/Other Total Class % Value �`Nned 62 U C A 0 6 0 ; ; Assessor's Recommendation: . School A EAR US D �/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District C RE510 Cotle one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value �Wnetl 625 u 75 onl F c 770 69 0 00 , �;x o 080 _ Reportoitnvestigation: APPlic�nt acqui_red proper�y throubh condemnation 8/19/75 and- was entitled to exempt classification on 1/2/75. �.� / '� ,�' , F f �` �,"l' �/��.:� Ex. �P Appr. �y Steno b1- �.. �- �G .�: <:�` _ ��C L-'�-- Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 ^�'-'= - " " � . � ,. , ' . - ""G6� -dl .. .�� �,E�Ei�#ED . cnrm AUD 229 ,p� 121977 � � � � APPLICATION FOR REL.IEF—General Fora�����•�'�°- ifoT' (If r�duetioo rpuNt�d ucNd� :�00 oak��ppGutio�ie Mylieab,ot6�� i� doPliab) T�tA�Bwed�f Ab�t�e�n�w C�unts 9ev���/Cowb A�itM�f R�w�Cw�. u�te t��Cossirl�a�r ef T�a�tio��f t\�Stst�d MbwN� 5TATE OF ,MINNE301°A� � County of Ramae� • as. Asaessment Diatrict Saint Paul Rnhart T, $imnn t18lAQ dnly SWOlA ' deposesand saysthathe}t3��t is �hief of Real Estate of the Housing and Redevelop- � ment Authority of the Citv of Saint Paul, Minnesota , apd thst said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under Chavter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on August 19, 1975, the AuthoritY acquired title to the following described real property l�cated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State- of Mi.nnesota, to-wit: Lot 66. Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinson, Brown, and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, excepting therefrom that part deeded __ to the City of St. Paul in Book 1559 of Deeds, Page 541, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register af Deeds in and for Ramsey Count�„ for redevelopment as part of the West Seventh Community Development Program District 9� that the Authority acquired title to said property on August 19, 1975, by a petition in Condemnation filed with the Clerk of District Court on said date; that between August 19, 1975 and the present, the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 2Z2.68, Subdivisions (1� and (2). �h17[fOC[ aAPlicsntprsysthst a11 real s are ax _c and assessmenrs assessed levied and accrued a�ainst the aforesaid vroperty aayable in the year 1976 be fully abated. HOUSING OF THE CITY OF SAINT AUL MINNESOTA. - - ,' _ � �T ,- -� �. - Robert T. Simon, C se o Rea st���ljcaDt Subscribed and aworn to before me thia 6th _da ,o j Janu A. D. 19�� . , .,��, �.,. ��.�.��f,�'R /o _�� Y; �.��;a ,� '�' + ^ � _ �i(�i _a✓�' 'c";�� �;•1.-^ ,if. � _ •- . _ �,�c �G . . � �- �?::� �; :: ,y.; ` � " , •�'' r� rii 1� �l''3 ,r K' "L w "1rYV�'�7'rrvtir; l`i'�Y'���i��� ��'` �(�Y�l�S'�%Y�%1�°'1 v"'V . �� , -�c . , „ � CEBTIFICATE AND RECOMMENDATION BY COUI�ITY BOAftD AND COUNTY AUDITOR � I,the undersigned,County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify thRt a canful e�cami��at[on into the sllegatfons and statements aet forth in tha withfn application has'been made by the Board oi AbRtement or County Board of �aid Countq and by myself and that from ia{d ezamination we are convinced and verily believe that �aid allegations and statemen4 are true r I further certity that, at a meeting duly held � , �8 , eaid Board of Abatement or County Board, by o}iicial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of Its proceedinge as a pnblic ' record, showing the namee oi the tazpayera and other peraons concerned and the amounte involved, made the lollowing rec�mmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: That the aaeeeaed value ot aaid property be reduced to and fixed at ; I hezeby certjty that the result of the adoption oi aaid recommendation will be aa followa: . Amonnt oi nduction ot aseeese�i vaiue ; _ , being per cent oi eaid asseaied �slae; s...... ....... .....................Ta:et ` aroount oi rednction ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pen., Int. d Co•�� , �.......................... .........TOTAL ' � Witness my hand and otiicisl uai th,• � LO�i9�ENNA - T�I����������- County Auditor. , (SEAL) By — Deputy County Auditor. : O • ^ 4 4 G 4 V•U ~ e : "' �4 q �. • ��u � : A . ; •p 'O • Y �A� • � � f. : � H Y � w • �'+ "� �4 • ' y '"'/ •4 04 8� � u � O : U O` '� q b,� a � • 4 � u w My• ►, ` � s � q V � ~ •p ^�he� R Y.�.Y � ' � �A •: .c7: /++ � : F :Q r r vy L r ►�O C O u S y� y� � �+ A u � O� R�� q � a�O�« : � G V'�A ►� : O O t •S:S � A.q V �U V 4 » ►. • � �'G O Q � Ya �< ,"o' � , �° uUp + �� � '� : e o.° a9 ;a Y O • � •= u O •� Z �"" a : � . A p A G ,,,,v o � .y . " • � � � 0 o w _ � ' O Y O v A �C " p . •� p • �p� V . � ~Z 78 : V Dyp �.s Or�ua' : U I o . �� i� : � � �td r � 'wp r 'au'�'� dy ' : E-� - r: a M Y 7 A r �• � � Y Q Y �� : �A � � �a,� H;� � "� A . . °",� u ° . �y � a �+.� ` o E:g�� 9 %� � : Q � ; o.� " �'� : t°I. =' �p ° � � �O ` � � �� � p �d u .Qi� � � � A p � pA � � Y 7'S1 � �' p w M �'O � ` w w w �`� � ��a � �i9 � �' <'" a ' � '"' ' � _ B� AU i, ., ° �,� a" "P ° ° 8''4R ,', ' in � g . in �.�p�oU H..°.� ao ' vl � .s . . . • Ftgi33« • \' �+�•-�;C� �I � I �� . ".�''� h O �. w � $� . . . ' O : ' �' : : � � : W c ^ �u7 �n � . . •� P.sJp�i � ••�+ .0 A « � 4 A M �j 1� ` ^ �� 7yi �7 r,�• •� T � � � � '� A ` � � I � 1 : • , A V6_. %` fV �� � E y �. � O �7y A Q � I . � }� � �TL � � ,�-I : � �- v o '� � ~ .vM � � t . �/� r 4 �"' `J�`0 � � � ;O' _ � � � O a 0 ° Q A � y I , .. 6! W y� m ►..G �p q y � V F � : � � � � e � Q � � '� � _�� � � (�j � 0 i • W a o �� � � � � I .. p d � '� •�. � �� � S'e ^ .+ : .. �r� � Z � d C�• . r y � � � _ , ^ M . � � . ( ,� . • � •� • — I�,y � � � ~ � � O � w W �i A o� � � � ' + �y N � A '� e A A V : " � < "d +� OI � � � ` � - � ; < � °; o ° M .�i � : d � ., � ., � e '� s . . . . " ^ Z .� a � �e ,o : dl S � � .� ; ? ,,.� . ; w 2L € 3 � � : � ' t 2 Yl ° — . :°_ ° o 'S � W u ^ � � u � � � fi � L' U C� . .a ' � O . ° ' � Vl `o � ; .°, w c u 4 p" < a pf, i ' •m � . . , ' � ' � � @ : 8 ' i O : PG ; � ; e : ` . ��� , � • • — � - � � • J '� • " . . � � �. ' . . � . .r1� ��:J (�" '�y�� . �- i/ . • � ����,��M ��•m AUD 229 ���,�2 �n�� J � � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF General ForMi'���, �ca � (If r�duetioe rpu«t�d �seNd� i300 mak�.ppGcado�is trioli�at�,otb�rwi�� ie doalic�t�) T��h• de��d•f Ab�ae•n�w Cwnt�BevJ��Couwt�A�ItN�f R��w�Cw�t�1. , �nd te t��Cossirl�e�r�(7�sNie��f tb Sul�d Mb�ob STATE OF MINNE30'�A� ` County of Ramse� � as. Assessment Diatrict Saint Paul . Robert T. Simon beiag dnly sworn deposes and says that he���sY�t is Chief of Real Estate of the HousinQ and Redevelop- m�nt Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota sDd that . said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing „ndP.- .haRter 487 Laws of 1947, as amended; that on August 19, 1975, the Authority acquired title to the following described real property located in the City of �aint Paul, Countv of Ramsey,- S�ate of Minnesota, to-wit: Northwesterly 50° of Lots 9 & 10, Block 36, Rich & Irvine's Addition, except the Southwesterly 10' of Lot 9, according to __ the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Re�ister of Deeds within and for said County. �i�- 6 yc��> _ io� -�6 .-�--- for redevelopment as part of the West Seventh Coc�nunity Development Program District 4., that the Authoritv acquired title to said property on August 19, 1975, by a petition in condemnation filed with the Clerk of District Court on said date; that between Aug.ust 19, 1975 and the present. the Authoritv has held said property in the public use� exemnt from a11 taxes and assessments, Fursuant to Minnesota Statutes,� Section 272.68, Subdivisions (1) and (2). • �hl'ttfOCt aAPlicant praya that all real estate ta�ces and assessments assessed levied and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1976 be fully abated. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . _ ESOTA ,..�_ '- Robert T. Simon, Ch ef of Real Es a��licaDt Subacribed and sworn to before me thia 6th _d�y of .Tanuar A. D. 19�� —�/�Y.�(�'C/'�..iir� .-� ?!/,t`•h.�..1i,i,4 F'.���� , ..� �.�,.r�cAlA91d1d1� L / e . " ..r, , ����- � f - � �5�ii�<i iLi�J , � �: � , • .'y".Sn. � . ��: ,. . ?',-ti F" ��. „ :6 .....�' .,. ; � :,. CS _ "' -. x r11��G�w�v�r�lti'��r.•r r Y��,r,�:,��Y:�'�'i�f���i'3^v�'1� , - � � + CERTIFICATE AND RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOAIiD AND COUNTY AUDITOR` ' � I,the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certity that a careful ezami�iation into the � allegatfoni and atatementa aet forth in the within application haa'been made by the Board o!Ab�►tement or County Board ► of said County and by myneli and that irom said examination we are convinced and verily believe that �aid a1leQatione and st;tement� are true I further certify that, at a meeting duly hel� , �S _, esid Board of Abatement or County Board, by ofticial action upon motion dnly adopted and entered upon the minutes oi its proceedinge as a pnblic � reeord, ihowing the namee of the taxpayera and other persons concerned and the amonnte involved, made the following rec�mmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: That the aaaeased value of aaid property be reduced to and fixed at ; ' I henby certify that the result of the adoption of eaid recommendation will be as tollows: � Amonnt of reduction of aasesseii value ; _ , being per cent oi said asae�aed �aine; �...... .............................T.:e. � amount ot reduction ;....................................Yen., Int. �Co�t• s.......................... .........TOTA L Witness my hind and olficisl �eal thiR --�. ��EN�� . • 'FyQA��.�;�K� Y, County Auditor. , �..,. �,�;.'-�-= -.�,��.��.: (SEAL) By — , , Deputy County Audttor. ,� .. ., - — �o�v ., : � y I� : h : o�bw � o,vq$ . � : � : a gYi � � ' �;, � •V 4 � : 7 O� � � 4'O � p ' O O� � q �,a � � : Aa ^p,Y • � y' .�"'� V 00 e M F?,'C � S : V V 'V �' y : L p-r _ 1 � IL� ,� Q o ' r � N �,^ � + 1A � Q�C1 � � tQ O �.G ' F' i►.v� � �'�x � � ~ •i A � �� • ~y� Q M �j L r �O C O,g v y. e ; V � �+ /y Y ; p . : p a O a y i : O . q� V A ►� O � �� . `' C '°Q� oV U�;° n 'je 'a ; ' a•co8 � � t w.�.l � •`� 4 U Q b 4 • � O � ` p r0 ' � A Y O � N M� � u' II � .� Z 4� w i ' � • A»A a ,�,'O � v •� ~•y . r A r ZO ° " � , o Y OU� o'O � ° �� o . a ^�� '� �„ °,° e .o� g-' r ' u� � I a � �'O � � Yi i B ; V °- �i.� o �'�''�' � : U °- E~„� i� .; : V w � � Y Y » <�' H•G° e � ; � ° � � ; Q�� �a��a� A c 7 :�°a � Q���� ' H � � `� � • O a' S � Q � 7 � O � ►. ri u ��q ' � � q uA ^ O ErR'�.�. N uv . p v r p,�A „ ^ G S v° L � � �� M,� ° b u i�u � � ° A O .°. oA o° 00 _ a Y �'Va� 4 �i p �, � O'CJ � �i • ~'�+ 4. f� 8� } � p o M. `i� Q� • p �'� � ... d,; e�. w p �A � u ��� w 8. y aeey�R • y `�.'J� . N �S�oU HO� IIo ' vi � � . . . . HcS33� • ' � �:� %�w �� �\. �i-� I I ~ f'$ 0 � ��� ^ � O • r W M t r � . � �� i � � "" M � ^� " /+ � , . . . • ��._\1 O ��� �y : .'O • W C ►• ►� � d < Vl �� �+'^ Iy C��� :�O � O � �' L1 F r\ w �^ � :< � � � g ,E � i o rl ,4 I . ... �.w � y M C N H i� a � ��4� �j � N � N .4 �� ►. S Z x / � � 1�.� 4 Iol tC o a ,°� a .: a I i� �; �``� 6 o p�° � ., .� Q < _ �tl: '� C ' ir � � s ' : '' .r � H 0 � `o ' � � p � � o� w � � � � eme �I . • �' V F �,; C 0 � � e � q � :ae w �� < _ � � I . � v o; 0 � + W , '� e � \. o a W d a: 'm 4 '� � �o �e �� ;, � > �� . . r; ,�i� •� � z � q A � . � '� . 'g < �� � �' � � � „ •" � 9 ,'� '�1' � � °a °' ��* � ;� � c-�` �.M; � ~ ° �' � � '- ^ � a - � � < � -F�: YM 0 � p, ` r ' � '7 t � � V � O Cl �: ^ .J � � C . pt S ' x � � •� � N: � � . . • � . a Q � p: � � � ' R 8 i7 ° � '? � o � 'L � O '. u W ■ � �O u . � O :O � C� G! . . , • u � o a c � e a Q 6 : �' ;a, N `o � e < a p; m � � . . •� : '� : = � e : e ; , o : a : °° : e : e . r , _ �,.- . _ -P � . � • ;7 �._.4� �� - r��d _ � , �F�EI�iE�1 ; ����m �� 229 JAN 121977 � � � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Fo�ir���a�ct.��y�, /foT' (lf r�duetion rpuMt�d �zcNd� :�00 ak��ppGeatio�ie trfPlkat�.oth�rwi�� is daylic�b) T�tA•dw.d�(Ab�t���n!er Cw�h�BevJ��Cowt�A�it�r�f R��w�Cwwts, �nJ t�t!�Cos�irbs���f Taa�lio��(t►�3{�t�d Mi��«�b � STATE OF MINNE301°A. County of Ramse� , ss. Asaessment Diatrict Saint Paul � Robert T. Simon being duly sworn � deposesand saysthathe�� is Chief of Real Estate of the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota ,and thst said_Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing unrler Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on March 24, 1975, the Authority �uired_ title to the followinQ described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State �of Minnesota, to-wit: Lot 14, Block 1, H. M. Ranney's Sub. Div. Block 11, Stinson's Division to St. Paul, Mi.nn. according to the recorded plat thereof. £p�sedevelopment as part of the Thomas/Dale-�Capitol Community Development Program I]istrict 7. that the Authority acquired title to said property on March 24, 1975, h�a�etir;�„ in r.ondemnation filed with the Clerk oE District Court on said date; that between March 24, 1975 and the present, the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.68, Subdi.visions (,1) and (2). _ �hcrtfOCeapplicantpraysthat all _real estate taxes and assessments assessed levied � and accrued aQainst the aforesaid nropertv payable in the year 1976 by fully abated. . — , HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY . _ CI Y F AINT PAU % MINNESOTA /y� � / -� /� / � .a..�s--.. ..-. ADDlicant Robert T. Simon, Chief of Real Estate Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th _day of Januar 77 , � A. D. 19— ��1�1tI.�%�.�:.'.. •.D.I;I 1 1 a�) • • �3,.�.'�`.\!I•..M1.l.@!t,kA*t'� �/ / ,�/�/J � '.1�.1•)i., ,[. 6'�L��� �.I�[lF�'-�i� � ��°.". . � ., ' . ..��=r• _—. ` J .+ _ r..,�. �L �[�� ',;; _ , �.._� �: • •. �c;�it �. � : , . .. � ' �ti.YP'Jr1r'�YY�1�+/�t�rr'tr�Y it1{YYY�4�(�l��1�7{ l i • � ' y � � ._ .s y' � . \1�. 1 � ' : � : � . � : � I a • y „ � , � � 9 O ^ ' � n i b' � � n � � n n4 c Y td � � o a ° °� �V � B � :7 C. - € 6 D ,� O. � 11 � � :O V � � C B n ^ n '� i� '`�' � o n� X rA c, ry � G �� r 0 � :� C 8 � O `� 'e i v �. o � � n'i :c+' � 4: ; � � o � �i „' ^ o G o- � � �• . f � � � �• . y � G • � �. Y °, °� rslv � � � ;� `p (,/� � `�# a N °o ' "" -° C °�' � '� � .'L' � •• ��� . I�� � � ' �. 9.a o � w' A � � A � p � �� C 9 E: 7'� ^� 8 � � ' o > A �� M G� ^�..� o a. ,`r �s t�'. '� � � A '� R�. . � I� � n � a . � $ � 0 0 Q � � �1�� I x ' e hr " " ° p ° � 9 "j � �7 � : � � � � � � �`' ,. z d , . � : Z O V .�. M. M p � yi � i1 � . 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