01-408CounCil File # �1��0 g Resolution # 2 0 6 7 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 zi 22 Presented By Referred To MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTAORTZING APPLICATION FOR THE TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City") as a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentive Program as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application far funds under the Ta�c Base Revitalization Account; and WFIEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (`HRA") has identified the RS Eden housing project for the Troutbrook Site as a clean-up project within the City that meets the Tas Base Revitaliza#ion Account's purpose and criteria; and WHEREAS, the City and HRA have the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHERL'AS, the CiTy certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the contract agreements; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of the Deparlment of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to apply to the Metropolitan Council for funding on behalf of City for the RS Bden Troutbrook Site housing proposal and to execute such agreements as are necessary to nnpiement the project on behalf of the applicant. Requested by Department oE: Plannin & Ewnomic Develo ment By: Farm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � �` � r`�s� � , 2�.�� $Y� ��— s �� n �� Approved by Mayor� to Council Approved by Mayor: Date G ���L� v"" i l "�✓ Hy BY� � K:\Shazed\SanchezT\TroutbrookDTEDContamGrntRes Green sheet # l\��8 3 Adopted by Council: Date }-�� �,S �p p ` —�—�- DEPARTMENT/OFF(CE/COIIM1'CIL: PED COhTACTPERSON & PHONB: Tom Sanchez \RiSC BE O\ CQLJ\CIL AGENDA BF (DATE) 4�25�01 T01'AL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE IYITIATED GREEN SHEET 4/16/Ol INITIAL/DATE � 7 DEPARTMENC DIR. � ASSIGY ? CITY A770RNEY �-- �T.Ig�g FINANCIAC.SERVDIR. FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ROUI'ING � COMMISSION ORDER ALL No.:111083 p�,yaff INITI�IL/D�TE 4 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK FMANCIALSERV/ACCTG CIVIL SERVSCE ncriox aEQu�sren: City Council resolution supporting an application to the Tas Base Revitalization Account for the remediation of soil at the site. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING CO[vSMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERV[CE COMMISS(ON �A_ SmffApproves PERSONAL SEAViCE CONIRACTS bNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIO�S: 1. Has chis personlficm ever worked under a cuntract for this depazanent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city emptoyee? Yes No 3. Does thi5 person/firm po5se5s a skill no[ notmally possessed by any cuaent city employee' Yes No Explain all yu answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATLYG PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why)� RS Eden, a human services organization, has submitted a proposal to the HRA for development of 26 very low income new construction rental housing units, including support services, for families that aze recovering froin chemicat abuse issues. They have received Minnesota Housing Finance Agency funding. Their project is consistent with adopted city plans. Grant funds for soil conection/ clean-up are available through the State DTED and Met Council. This resolution of support is required for access to the Met Council funds. These funds aze competitive. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED. A very low income rental housing project is developed. DiSADVAt�TAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES [F NOT APPROVED' Access to subsidy funds is missed and project may not go forward. TOTAL AnIOUYT OF TRANSACTIO\': S FUNDING SOUACE: COS7'/REVENUEBliDGETED: ACl'IV 1TY NUMBER: FIVANCL4L IFPORhfATIO\: (EXPLAI\) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENl' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri125, 2001 To: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Coleman Fr: Re: Councilmember Harris Councilmember Lantry Councilmember Reiter c� -�+►or Brian Sweeney, Direc[or �,�� Si,E��rrlo83 25 West Faurth Street Telephorte; 65I-266-665� SaintPaut,MN55702 Facsimite:651-228-3261 Brian Sweeney�.1�\�� � Q Request for City Council Approvai of a Resolution Authorizing An Application For Tax Base Revitalization Account Purpose Staff is requesting the City Council adopt a resolution, required by the Metropolitan Council, supporting an application to the Metropolitan Council for hazazdous waste clean-up funds to assist in the remediation of contaminants on the Troutbrook site. (A companion application will be submitted to the Department of Trade and Economic Development "DTED".) Successful receipt of funds and remediation of the site will a11ow RS Eden to develop 26 units of rental housing for very 1ow income families. Background The T3RA acquired the Troutbrook Site in the 1980's, the remaining undeveloped parcels are approximately 3 acres in size. The first phase of the site was developed as an ownership townhouse project. The second phase of housing was not developed. This area also includes a pond that is owned by the Water Utility. The HRA granted tentative developer status to RS Eden in the later part of 2000 far their development of a supportive housing proposal for 26 units of rental housing for very low income housing. RS Eden is a merger of the Reenhy Services Incorporated (incorporated in 1976) and the Eden Programs (incorporated in 1971). Both groups have provided either correction related services or support programs for persons recovering from chemical abuse. Their service population has been very low income or homeless persons. They have been involved in projects K:\SHARED\SANCHEZ71RSEdenCityCouncil mem o�-yoY located throughout the metropolitan azea. The project will have onsite servlces. RS Eden will contract for support services with the Wilder Foundation. Each building wi11 be secure with 24 hour coverage. RS Eden will also contract with the Wilder Foundation to provide management services. The Wilder Foundation has been in existence since 1906 and has owned and operated hundreds of housang units and provided a variety of human service programs as well as community building support assistance. The Troutbrook site has soil that is unstable and contaminated for building and requires conection. Subsurface assessment activities completed on the site identified various demolition materials and a layer of fly ash. To meet residential standards, the impacted soil wi11 have to be removed from the site. RS Eden is in the process of prepazing a Remedial Action Plan for the Minnesota Poliution Control Agency that will meet the restoration requirements for a residential community. The estunated cost for the remediation of the site is $450,000, the application to the DTED and the Metropolitan Council will, if approved, cover 75% of the costs. The balance of the costs will be sought through other sources. The deadline for application for funding assistance is May 1, 2001. In order to apply for the funding assistance the HRA must endorse the grant applications. If the application is approved by the Metropolitan Council (and companion applica6on approved by DTED) RS Eden wili complete its financing package and then complete its proposal to the HRA for the sale of the Troutbrook site. Construction of housing units could begin by fall of 2001. The award of grant funds will not be known until June and funding is anticipated by August. A delay in the application of grant funds will postpone development of the site for at least another year and effect the overall financing of the project Recommendation A resolution is attached for the City Council consideration. Attachments Resolution Authorizing Application to the Metropolitan Council `s Tax Base Revitalization Account. Sponsored by: Commissioner Reiter Prepared By: Thomas Sanchez, West Team cc: Mayor Coleman Susan Kimberly K:\SHARED\SANCAEZEZIIRS£denCityCou�cil.mem CounCil File # �1��0 g Resolution # 2 0 6 7 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 zi 22 Presented By Referred To MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTAORTZING APPLICATION FOR THE TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City") as a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentive Program as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application far funds under the Ta�c Base Revitalization Account; and WFIEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (`HRA") has identified the RS Eden housing project for the Troutbrook Site as a clean-up project within the City that meets the Tas Base Revitaliza#ion Account's purpose and criteria; and WHEREAS, the City and HRA have the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHERL'AS, the CiTy certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the contract agreements; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of the Deparlment of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to apply to the Metropolitan Council for funding on behalf of City for the RS Bden Troutbrook Site housing proposal and to execute such agreements as are necessary to nnpiement the project on behalf of the applicant. Requested by Department oE: Plannin & Ewnomic Develo ment By: Farm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � �` � r`�s� � , 2�.�� $Y� ��— s �� n �� Approved by Mayor� to Council Approved by Mayor: Date G ���L� v"" i l "�✓ Hy BY� � K:\Shazed\SanchezT\TroutbrookDTEDContamGrntRes Green sheet # l\��8 3 Adopted by Council: Date }-�� �,S �p p ` —�—�- DEPARTMENT/OFF(CE/COIIM1'CIL: PED COhTACTPERSON & PHONB: Tom Sanchez \RiSC BE O\ CQLJ\CIL AGENDA BF (DATE) 4�25�01 T01'AL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE IYITIATED GREEN SHEET 4/16/Ol INITIAL/DATE � 7 DEPARTMENC DIR. � ASSIGY ? CITY A770RNEY �-- �T.Ig�g FINANCIAC.SERVDIR. FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ROUI'ING � COMMISSION ORDER ALL No.:111083 p�,yaff INITI�IL/D�TE 4 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK FMANCIALSERV/ACCTG CIVIL SERVSCE ncriox aEQu�sren: City Council resolution supporting an application to the Tas Base Revitalization Account for the remediation of soil at the site. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING CO[vSMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERV[CE COMMISS(ON �A_ SmffApproves PERSONAL SEAViCE CONIRACTS bNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIO�S: 1. Has chis personlficm ever worked under a cuntract for this depazanent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city emptoyee? Yes No 3. Does thi5 person/firm po5se5s a skill no[ notmally possessed by any cuaent city employee' Yes No Explain all yu answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATLYG PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why)� RS Eden, a human services organization, has submitted a proposal to the HRA for development of 26 very low income new construction rental housing units, including support services, for families that aze recovering froin chemicat abuse issues. They have received Minnesota Housing Finance Agency funding. Their project is consistent with adopted city plans. Grant funds for soil conection/ clean-up are available through the State DTED and Met Council. This resolution of support is required for access to the Met Council funds. These funds aze competitive. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED. A very low income rental housing project is developed. DiSADVAt�TAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES [F NOT APPROVED' Access to subsidy funds is missed and project may not go forward. TOTAL AnIOUYT OF TRANSACTIO\': S FUNDING SOUACE: COS7'/REVENUEBliDGETED: ACl'IV 1TY NUMBER: FIVANCL4L IFPORhfATIO\: (EXPLAI\) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENl' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri125, 2001 To: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Coleman Fr: Re: Councilmember Harris Councilmember Lantry Councilmember Reiter c� -�+►or Brian Sweeney, Direc[or �,�� Si,E��rrlo83 25 West Faurth Street Telephorte; 65I-266-665� SaintPaut,MN55702 Facsimite:651-228-3261 Brian Sweeney�.1�\�� � Q Request for City Council Approvai of a Resolution Authorizing An Application For Tax Base Revitalization Account Purpose Staff is requesting the City Council adopt a resolution, required by the Metropolitan Council, supporting an application to the Metropolitan Council for hazazdous waste clean-up funds to assist in the remediation of contaminants on the Troutbrook site. (A companion application will be submitted to the Department of Trade and Economic Development "DTED".) Successful receipt of funds and remediation of the site will a11ow RS Eden to develop 26 units of rental housing for very 1ow income families. Background The T3RA acquired the Troutbrook Site in the 1980's, the remaining undeveloped parcels are approximately 3 acres in size. The first phase of the site was developed as an ownership townhouse project. The second phase of housing was not developed. This area also includes a pond that is owned by the Water Utility. The HRA granted tentative developer status to RS Eden in the later part of 2000 far their development of a supportive housing proposal for 26 units of rental housing for very low income housing. RS Eden is a merger of the Reenhy Services Incorporated (incorporated in 1976) and the Eden Programs (incorporated in 1971). Both groups have provided either correction related services or support programs for persons recovering from chemical abuse. Their service population has been very low income or homeless persons. They have been involved in projects K:\SHARED\SANCHEZ71RSEdenCityCouncil mem o�-yoY located throughout the metropolitan azea. The project will have onsite servlces. RS Eden will contract for support services with the Wilder Foundation. Each building wi11 be secure with 24 hour coverage. RS Eden will also contract with the Wilder Foundation to provide management services. The Wilder Foundation has been in existence since 1906 and has owned and operated hundreds of housang units and provided a variety of human service programs as well as community building support assistance. The Troutbrook site has soil that is unstable and contaminated for building and requires conection. Subsurface assessment activities completed on the site identified various demolition materials and a layer of fly ash. To meet residential standards, the impacted soil wi11 have to be removed from the site. RS Eden is in the process of prepazing a Remedial Action Plan for the Minnesota Poliution Control Agency that will meet the restoration requirements for a residential community. The estunated cost for the remediation of the site is $450,000, the application to the DTED and the Metropolitan Council will, if approved, cover 75% of the costs. The balance of the costs will be sought through other sources. The deadline for application for funding assistance is May 1, 2001. In order to apply for the funding assistance the HRA must endorse the grant applications. If the application is approved by the Metropolitan Council (and companion applica6on approved by DTED) RS Eden wili complete its financing package and then complete its proposal to the HRA for the sale of the Troutbrook site. Construction of housing units could begin by fall of 2001. The award of grant funds will not be known until June and funding is anticipated by August. A delay in the application of grant funds will postpone development of the site for at least another year and effect the overall financing of the project Recommendation A resolution is attached for the City Council consideration. Attachments Resolution Authorizing Application to the Metropolitan Council `s Tax Base Revitalization Account. Sponsored by: Commissioner Reiter Prepared By: Thomas Sanchez, West Team cc: Mayor Coleman Susan Kimberly K:\SHARED\SANCAEZEZIIRS£denCityCou�cil.mem CounCil File # �1��0 g Resolution # 2 0 6 7 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 19 20 zi 22 Presented By Referred To MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTAORTZING APPLICATION FOR THE TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City") as a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentive Program as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application far funds under the Ta�c Base Revitalization Account; and WFIEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul (`HRA") has identified the RS Eden housing project for the Troutbrook Site as a clean-up project within the City that meets the Tas Base Revitaliza#ion Account's purpose and criteria; and WHEREAS, the City and HRA have the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHERL'AS, the CiTy certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the contract agreements; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of the Deparlment of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to apply to the Metropolitan Council for funding on behalf of City for the RS Bden Troutbrook Site housing proposal and to execute such agreements as are necessary to nnpiement the project on behalf of the applicant. Requested by Department oE: Plannin & Ewnomic Develo ment By: Farm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � � �` � r`�s� � , 2�.�� $Y� ��— s �� n �� Approved by Mayor� to Council Approved by Mayor: Date G ���L� v"" i l "�✓ Hy BY� � K:\Shazed\SanchezT\TroutbrookDTEDContamGrntRes Green sheet # l\��8 3 Adopted by Council: Date }-�� �,S �p p ` —�—�- DEPARTMENT/OFF(CE/COIIM1'CIL: PED COhTACTPERSON & PHONB: Tom Sanchez \RiSC BE O\ CQLJ\CIL AGENDA BF (DATE) 4�25�01 T01'AL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE IYITIATED GREEN SHEET 4/16/Ol INITIAL/DATE � 7 DEPARTMENC DIR. � ASSIGY ? CITY A770RNEY �-- �T.Ig�g FINANCIAC.SERVDIR. FOR 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ROUI'ING � COMMISSION ORDER ALL No.:111083 p�,yaff INITI�IL/D�TE 4 CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK FMANCIALSERV/ACCTG CIVIL SERVSCE ncriox aEQu�sren: City Council resolution supporting an application to the Tas Base Revitalization Account for the remediation of soil at the site. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING CO[vSMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERV[CE COMMISS(ON �A_ SmffApproves PERSONAL SEAViCE CONIRACTS bNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIO�S: 1. Has chis personlficm ever worked under a cuntract for this depazanent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city emptoyee? Yes No 3. Does thi5 person/firm po5se5s a skill no[ notmally possessed by any cuaent city employee' Yes No Explain all yu answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATLYG PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUIVITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why)� RS Eden, a human services organization, has submitted a proposal to the HRA for development of 26 very low income new construction rental housing units, including support services, for families that aze recovering froin chemicat abuse issues. They have received Minnesota Housing Finance Agency funding. Their project is consistent with adopted city plans. Grant funds for soil conection/ clean-up are available through the State DTED and Met Council. This resolution of support is required for access to the Met Council funds. These funds aze competitive. ADVAN'I'AGES IF APPROVED. A very low income rental housing project is developed. DiSADVAt�TAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES [F NOT APPROVED' Access to subsidy funds is missed and project may not go forward. TOTAL AnIOUYT OF TRANSACTIO\': S FUNDING SOUACE: COS7'/REVENUEBliDGETED: ACl'IV 1TY NUMBER: FIVANCL4L IFPORhfATIO\: (EXPLAI\) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENl' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Apri125, 2001 To: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Coleman Fr: Re: Councilmember Harris Councilmember Lantry Councilmember Reiter c� -�+►or Brian Sweeney, Direc[or �,�� Si,E��rrlo83 25 West Faurth Street Telephorte; 65I-266-665� SaintPaut,MN55702 Facsimite:651-228-3261 Brian Sweeney�.1�\�� � Q Request for City Council Approvai of a Resolution Authorizing An Application For Tax Base Revitalization Account Purpose Staff is requesting the City Council adopt a resolution, required by the Metropolitan Council, supporting an application to the Metropolitan Council for hazazdous waste clean-up funds to assist in the remediation of contaminants on the Troutbrook site. (A companion application will be submitted to the Department of Trade and Economic Development "DTED".) Successful receipt of funds and remediation of the site will a11ow RS Eden to develop 26 units of rental housing for very 1ow income families. Background The T3RA acquired the Troutbrook Site in the 1980's, the remaining undeveloped parcels are approximately 3 acres in size. The first phase of the site was developed as an ownership townhouse project. The second phase of housing was not developed. This area also includes a pond that is owned by the Water Utility. The HRA granted tentative developer status to RS Eden in the later part of 2000 far their development of a supportive housing proposal for 26 units of rental housing for very low income housing. RS Eden is a merger of the Reenhy Services Incorporated (incorporated in 1976) and the Eden Programs (incorporated in 1971). Both groups have provided either correction related services or support programs for persons recovering from chemical abuse. Their service population has been very low income or homeless persons. They have been involved in projects K:\SHARED\SANCHEZ71RSEdenCityCouncil mem o�-yoY located throughout the metropolitan azea. The project will have onsite servlces. RS Eden will contract for support services with the Wilder Foundation. Each building wi11 be secure with 24 hour coverage. RS Eden will also contract with the Wilder Foundation to provide management services. The Wilder Foundation has been in existence since 1906 and has owned and operated hundreds of housang units and provided a variety of human service programs as well as community building support assistance. The Troutbrook site has soil that is unstable and contaminated for building and requires conection. Subsurface assessment activities completed on the site identified various demolition materials and a layer of fly ash. To meet residential standards, the impacted soil wi11 have to be removed from the site. RS Eden is in the process of prepazing a Remedial Action Plan for the Minnesota Poliution Control Agency that will meet the restoration requirements for a residential community. The estunated cost for the remediation of the site is $450,000, the application to the DTED and the Metropolitan Council will, if approved, cover 75% of the costs. The balance of the costs will be sought through other sources. The deadline for application for funding assistance is May 1, 2001. In order to apply for the funding assistance the HRA must endorse the grant applications. If the application is approved by the Metropolitan Council (and companion applica6on approved by DTED) RS Eden wili complete its financing package and then complete its proposal to the HRA for the sale of the Troutbrook site. Construction of housing units could begin by fall of 2001. The award of grant funds will not be known until June and funding is anticipated by August. A delay in the application of grant funds will postpone development of the site for at least another year and effect the overall financing of the project Recommendation A resolution is attached for the City Council consideration. Attachments Resolution Authorizing Application to the Metropolitan Council `s Tax Base Revitalization Account. Sponsored by: Commissioner Reiter Prepared By: Thomas Sanchez, West Team cc: Mayor Coleman Susan Kimberly K:\SHARED\SANCAEZEZIIRS£denCityCou�cil.mem