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. . _ � ����� . � CITY OF ST.PAUL COLJNCI�:"��LE NO. � �, F I N A L O R D E R BY ��f_,.. , , ��,,.,,,,,..�.,�,,,�--�.. In the Matter of x+�����k�u1C •�dNrsik �t th� !�►lit�ri� loaat#,cr�r,� �a�d dv Ml� O!�! MOZ'1[ t0 QIf��,M�i ���'V�lBt T:�- __ _ ----- z.� � - ___ . _ . . _.- - ..- _.� � . /' . r .rJ.r . . . . �,i,;�Y ' � � � � � �..0 , . ,1;;. . � ri . , - , , . . . .. , . . . � .. . . ,..r"z'y�•� ,�.�. �. . , � 'r,�i:. , . . Fiaatee lile �10. De�cription 5-10332 ALBBI�A�tLE ST., east side fra� W. Oran�e St. to north 45 feet abuttiag 12b4 A1bNSarle 5-10333 MARSNALL AVS., both sides fraa Irtiltoa St. to ChataMOrth St. S-10334 MARSHALL AVB.. both sidea fraa� Dale St. to Mackubin St. S•103�5 MAR3HALL AVB., both sides froA Victaria St. to I�tilton St. 3-10336 MAR�tALL AVE.� south aide frvm Joh� Iraland Blvd. to Farringtoa St. S•I0337 WEIITB BBAR AVS., sast side lros Bush Ava. to Ross Ave. and BUSH AVE.. north side froe Nhite B�ar Ave. to east 125 feet s";S•10338 �-,�6AI.IFOR�IIA AVE., aoe�th aide fraa 150 ft. east off Flandrau St. to eut 107 ft. S-1Q�39 RICS ST.. West side lroa� W. Cottage Ave. to W. Arlin�ton Ave. ;��1.Q340 FLAZIDRAIT S?., both sidts from Echo Ave. to 8. Rose Ave. 5-1��4� KHITB BBIlR AVE„ eut sid• froe� York Aws. to �i�s Ave. 3-1�342 BUSH AVE., both sid�s iros Ulhite Bear Ave, to VanDyka Ave. under Administrative Order ��� approved �'�� �'�� 1'9�7 ��,i��qq APR 1 4 1977 under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City of�cers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. �p�Y t a �9n. COUNCILMEN Adopted by t u il: Date Yeas Nays Butle� � Ce ' ied Passe y C ncil Secretary �Y � 2 1977 +�t�►r In Favor By Le��ine /� Ro?ciler �SL_Against Sylvester Mayor �Pdesco pUBCIS o MAY 21 1977 White - City Cle►k C I�Y Q�� ������� ����t.T�. s,�.�w�,�s ��-� a Pink -- financo Dcpt. Carfary-• UZpt. , . • O1•'7�lC;l: O1' TFi i's bfAYCyR ��^ NO: �, ._ � `t .?�_ E4F)1�ZINISTF`ATISJr 09ZllE�68899 � �. - � ;�Date: ;� ��% �� ` ����� ADAZINISTRATIVE ORDER, � � , Tl�aL tl�c [iire;ctor of ll�e Cepart!:��ent of ['�4l�iic 1;orks is h�rc;by autnorized and csirccfi�ci�• � to prepare pt::ns , obt�:tin survcys , pr���-�re c�sCir.��tes �,nc� inv.sti,�zt:; t��e necessity Co reconstruct;:side��atk at the fa11c�.�ring ic�c<:tior.s anc, �o a1l Uthc�r t:ork v:�hich is :: _.. ., n�.c�ssary �nd ineiciental to con:;>icte s�ic; ir�:r�ro��er::eilt. . C..�st s��E� af l�L�it�tr�RLE ST. fro:h F�1, t�r�n�?e St. to �orth ���' , abcitting i?�1, P,lbemarie. Catt� s i cl� of t�r-�r,sE�n�� �vc. fror;� iii 1 Lon St. to C,�ats�r�rth St. t�otili sicc u5f i1`�RSli;�LL A�rE. _ , ��.., Dalz 5�. to MacS:�:t3in St. Go�h sicle of fS/+�,51,;1i.L AV�. frc�� l�iccorin Sr., to t�iiton St. South sic;e c;i 11A,RSii�LL r`il'E. frcr� Jai�n lrelGnd �Slud. to Farrir�gt�:� St. Cas Y. s i u�s of i�'!!!TC iIt_11R r;�,_. f ro�,i ;sust� r1ve. to I:oss :,ve. and f��rt;� side of ,3(;Si! !��►L. fro�! t'hit� i'ear ;ave. ta cast i2;,' South siu� of f�. CALt�OR�•il1� ;;VE. fro:t� 1�0` cast af f'ia��drau St. to east 107' t-;est s i�c of R6 CC ST., fror:? 11. Go�tac;e f�vc. to id. f�r1 i ngton /�ve. 8oth s i ue of F'i.Iti�d�F;AU_ ST. fron f�cha i�vc. ta E. Rosc� Ave. Eas t s i c4v �f ;,Fi!TF" E�f:�R /�VE. f rom Yor,c i�•:�e. to S i Ms r'�ve. :3ot� s�d�� of GUSi� AVL. fr�r� W,�i tc Ee�i• /lve. ra .►anDy4:e Ave. Tit� Director of Finar�ce 4nd ;i��n�-�c;e�,�en� Serv;�:<�s ia hcrci��� uirecred to prepare a � pre) in,ir��ry orc�cr a�u schcclT�lc � P�,bi i c �t�e�rir�!�. "oPr�� a,� o,,a �e: D.)D REG � � � . RlW N>A�1 -.�.. . � f.KS JFh: kiGN ! DEF. ! J'�'"t7UI� O��F��y CLT � � � RlM � AJp �..� . ` lJL`j' vt�i, �.�1._�_. . �, . AP]'ROVED AS TO PORM %. � ��t � o�r� � � �_, %� P.S.C. . ?.N.R. � ( `` � �� `� ( , �I--.--.�---..� ;, , � �f,/;; � ,•�% � � � ;I Assislant Cirj�Attorney — -��-` � � Ucpar[ment Flead �. ;` f . i'i:t�TiC t�ork5 � ,�` �.- `�\ ` S i asn;�r.1 k � ' i �` �� � � � � ,� :� � � ��._.- ;;' 1)ate-- — --------------- — !\ �/_f�� ' �'�' ���1 i�;�r,�".� — —5��...- ,......_- 1-`�--'--.._.�_.�_ Adminisliative Assisl;�nt to Mayor � , + . . . i . CITY OF S�tNT PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLtC WORKS � � ���,�DANIEL J. DUNFORD �� DlRECTOR _ � � ....-:....-..___. - �,�.._-., � March 16, 1977 ` �� � , A11 Reconstruction : No Assessment ��� � �'1r. Roger Mattson . � Di rector of Fi nance . � and Management Services ,: '" �` Room 113 City Ha11 ' ATTENTfOPJ: Paul Desch � Dear Sir: 'lease prepare the Preliminary Qrder for the construction/rec4nstruction of tiie sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. � The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows: ��,-- -� $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wi de walk A � B Res i dentai • -�-=t-`��=�� $6.81 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. cr�3..,�, �-��„�,, $$. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. f � $2.00 per sq. ft. for inte ral curb and walk Residential E Commerical. �;",..�!'��7'� _ 9 . Rttached herewith are the following: • 1. Approved Administrative Order �-3436 3/14/77 —�, 2. Advisability E Uesirability fteport. • 3• Copy of plans for each order. � � Yours very truly, ����� � Nartley homas Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction �fT/gh � 234 City Half� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55'102 �� ; r � • . oist. rto. 1 �E.S. klbemarle St. - W. Orange St. to north 45' , abutting 1264 Albem����(�� � _ � i ' This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with 1 signer representing 100� of the assessable frontage and � . � ,.-� inspection of the walk. This r,alk is poured .concrete with asphalt patches, disintegrated and settled panels. The Engineering recommendatton is for approval of the erders. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. wa}k) � � CT iiJ RR • • Dist. F1o. 1 B.S. t•�arsfial 1 Avc. - t9i 1 ton St. to Chatsworth St. This order +��as initiated by the Director of Public Works as publ'ic necessity on the basis o� a petition through a block meeting:and inspection of tE�e walk. This �ualk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken ti1e, high joints, tripping nazards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing tile and asphalt patches. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT NJ RR T Dist. No. 1 B.S. Marshall Ave. - Dale S.t. to Mackubin St. This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 2 conplaint. and a pet± r.i,�n U�ith 7 signers r.epresenting 10� of the frantage. This �vaik is old ti le �•r; r , „ � '<,n ti le, hign joints , tripping hazards , water pockets, holes . � ..:,.: 4;,, ._ w ; :�ci�es. Ttie E-�i^>.: . �.ation is for approvai of the order. , ,:ad. Ramps , petition sent out o, request. . _. .... �:ic;th dc�signated on plat) CT °;J �tR .� t . o�st. ao. t ,B.S. tlarshall Ave. - Victoria St. to Milton St. ���n�� � .. ' This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis a petition through a block meeting and by passing over proposed work: through , -. Comr�un i ty Counci 1 #�3. . ' This walk is old tile with tree heaves , b roken tile, high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing tile, and asphalt patches. The En�ineering recommendation is for approval of the order. ����1 � (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR . � ' Dist. No. 1 South side Marshall Ave. - John Ireland Bivd, to Farrington St.�< This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as publ,lc necessity an the basis of inspection of the walk. � ! This walk is old tile with tree heaves, b roken tile, high joints , tripping hazards - and asphalt patches. • The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. ' (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR ' Dist. No. 1 E.S. 1.hi-�te Bea�.A�e. -. Bush Ave.� to .Ross Ave. -and� N.S. 8ush Ave. - White Bear to east 125' This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis a petition with 1 signer and inspection of the walk. � This walk is old tile with high joints , t�ipping hazards and cracked concrete paneis. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR . . ' Dist. No. 1 S.S. E. Cal i fornia Ave. - . 150' easE of Flandrau St. to east 107' ���� `" Th i s t�rder was i ni ti ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c 4farks as publ i c necess i ty on the basis of 1 complaint and a petition with 1 signer and inspection of the walk. � �. � This walk is poured concrete with high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets , high " • � longitudinal joints, offgrade, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled paneTs. The Engineering recommendation of for app�oval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) ������ f � CT �iJ RR . , . � � - • Dist.Plo. 1 � W.S. kice St. - W. Cottage Ave. to 41. A�lington Ave. - ` . S: 1 This order was ini tiated by the Di rector of Publ ic Works as publ ic necessi ty on the basis of a petition with 1 signer and inspection of the waik. � i This v�alk is old ti le wi th broken ti ie, high joints , tripping hazards, hotes in ti le, missing tile, offgrade, and asphalt patches. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to width designated on plat) CT HJ RR � � Dist. No. 1 6.5. Fiandrau St. - Echo Ave. to E. Rose Ave. • This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of 2 complaint and a petition with � signers and inspect�on of the walk. This walk is poureii �concrete with tree heaves, tripping hazards, water pockets , high longitudinal }oints, offgrade, asphalt patches , crackad concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panels. . The Engineering recom mendatiob is for approvat of the order. (Reduce f rom a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) - CT HJ RR � � Dist. No. 1 • . •E.S. tJn i te Bear Ave. - York Ave. to Si ms Ave. �� This order was initiated by the Director of Public blorks as public necessity on the besis of 1 complaint and inspection of the walk. � : This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, high joints, water pockets, scaled; tipped � and se�tled panels. . The Enc,ineering recornmendation is for approva) of the order. � � ,� ��i ��` � (Canstruct to width designated on plat) : CT HJ RR . � � �.� Di st. �10. T ' . . ,, . , . B.S. Bush Ave. - White Bear Ave. to VanDyke Ave. . • . , ,. This order was initiated by the Director of Pu�lic Works as public necessity on the basts of 1 complaint and a petition with 1 signer and tnspection.� of the walk. � This walk is poured concrete with high joints, tripping hazards, water pockets, asphalt patches, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped and settled panels. 7he Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.. � (Reduce from a 6 ft. �o a 5 ft. walk) � CT HJ RR r � - � , . � _ — i, _ �� ro , x T , tiY � . ,,. ;�� '�,� . _ � ,,` , ' �'niS �� ( r � ' +y '_, � ,��R�d� IL� ny" ' . � , - : ., .; � � � :. .�' ,� ; : . y, , -. , { , . , , _ . . � , .` I ' IR/►S �y � .,�,�4 .... _� ..._ . . . .. ��.���!� .. . . *' � .. . ' . * ..�.. 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AVE.> b;ao�'h s�d�`.�� D�kl� �tr to �b#,s S�. �� . y ,; , , . ; ., � �. � > .,� ,; u � ' ,.`��1Q�77 ��� MA�tS�i.�'� AVB.� �I�I���"� � ���COt�a St� t0 ���� St• e�. ��i� 5F�0��7' � -�� 4�8�� dC�t�l;���,f�! � �f�11 Zl��sil� �Z�w `t0 ��¢1�"'�',1'.,0� � . T t � ,si;� � �• �� .,.�,�� � ': �,' � � :,5��'�`7 s� � �'� ;�..�'.�11$�*.:a��►�t�e ;i���+p�.�sh ;�te+ t0 $� �e„ at�`- ' � '' � `�`� 4��� .���r r� ��e�•��r�,'����+►r'�ve,�:`�o.e���r C �t� ft.;: " t'x rr� y � . x �; , a ;c: . ,' <:. � �., ,� �� i� •.2S '�+. , ..: � .. � . .. � , 51�4�"=� � . �:. 8, �IkL�rQ�a��'E.,, s K,� �s'a� I� �ft. t� tt� Fl�p�`ic#e�. �. , f.. ., , U N. w �to sast �@�``ft. � . a ' a , . . .. . .. � � . . . .. � . ... :� .ryd� y �,�,���r ,��� �.. p .., ',. � .. �.: 'S��Q�7Z ��';' �r: ��►'$ '�'r11 f Nls�" ��{�A '��'bl� �jF;�t�� �Y�• COF �a'�i l�s'1!$t�A ��+� tR " 3 .,!. w} _ � ``-��)_��� �1.�f7�'��; �`,•. F�1� �S't'�t a �Ot�1 "slk�+d+� �C'fl�IR � A'�''� ��!.y$� $os�! �!�'� * �� a �5� 4 � � ,� . A'r`. . ,J .. e. .. 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