269004 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT 26�� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By v Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, S�ctt�n Z40 of th� St. Pawl L�gislatiw Cods awthoris�s th• Dir�ctor c►f Public Works to appoint a bsrd of Hxa�in�rs for Lic�ns�d Hous� Drain Contractors, and MHEREAS, said �pointaynts are to ba aiads by ths first of M�y �ach year. BE IT THEREFOR� R�SOLVEO, that the Qtrector of Pubitc 1�lo�ks har�by �mco�a�ds sad the City Cc�pcil concurrs t� th� follor+i�� �pc>intaNr�ts to th� Board of Examiners of L�c�sed I�wse Draic� Contractors, b�ginning M�y 1, 1977: Assistant Director of Public liorks and Ct�tef Engin�er Full Tiais Asslstant City Engtrher Oivtaio� of Ossign s Englnsering Full Tia� Public Mlorks Sow�r Dsstgn Engi�r full Ti�s Ho�se �rain Insp�ctor Fwll Tfa� Mr. A1 Mebst�r TM�ee-Ye�r Tena lir. Johc� E. Carison Twc�-Year Tirm Mr. C. O�r league One-Year Tsra� COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays sutlec '�' Publ ic Mlorks - S�t' Desi� Hozza � [n Favor Hunt � _ Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester _ Tedesco " �� 3 �977 Form Approve by 'ty Atto Adopted by Council: Date Ce ified 1'as by Co cretary $Y � � l �� Ap d by Mayor: Date ��Y 6 19 Appro by yor for S bmis �ontaCouncil ! gy By PUBLISHED MAY 1 4 �g77 . � t � oM o�: Yz/�.9�s. � � � Rev. : 9/8/7� . � ` E�:PLANATION OF ADMI�?ISTRc�TIVE ORL`ERS, � RESOLU`.�10i1S , ANp ORD�NANCES ` Date: A'r'i l 21, 1977 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: ��twMnt of lwblis Works, S�er 8�si�a Wn�w xE: R�soidtiM ApMinetrp M�rs t� so+ird mf Exawl�rs for Li��wd Mws� � 6raiw Cmntraeet�rs. ACTIDN REQUESTED: A�orrat of � atta�i� R�ssol�ti�. PURPOSE �ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: ; S+�ction t� of tb� �t. Paal L�islatiw C� prwid�s that tb� 01r�ctK . �f !�l te Morks wrkr ap�oi�twMts t� ehis Yo�ra �ith a�rrwal of tb� City ; Cwac i i Yy t� f 1 rst of M�y �i� �. Sw.�e� �rs an tie �� �s i�stMl ; writb tbr� of t�h� to b� 1 ta�aad �rtract�rs sctiwir �n�w i� this _ IwsiMSS. ATTACHbiENTS: R�soi�tloa